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General Piano Lesson Task Outline

1) Check written work (this can be done as the initial warm-ups are being performed), or review theory flashcards. 2) Hear: for the sole purpose of determining whether or not a selection should be passed, or continued for further attention later in the lesson. Warm-up exercises/pieces Reading/study pieces Solo/performance pieces carried over from previous lesson -extension or enhancement applications (i.e. transposition, improvising, etc.) should only be done when the above selections have been passed. 3) Do off bench activity. 4) Assign related theory activity. 5) Depending upon how much additional attention will need to be given each of the non-passed selections, preparation and readiness work* on new material can be started on any of the following as able: New warm-up exercise/piece New study/reading piece(s) New performance selection(s) *readiness work may include additional off bench rhythm, ear training, and/or creative activities. 6) Return to the initial pieces that were not passed for additional work or re-teaching. 7) If any music is to be recorded or reviewed for an upcoming performance event (festival, recital, etc.), it should be done only after hearing every part of the prior assignment. If time runs out, these items will get top priority hearing the following week.

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