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Michaela Capello Tech Writing Rochelle Gregory March 24, 2013 Annotated Bibliography: Friend of the Family Proposal

Anderson, Carl M., et al. "Reduced Visual Cortex Gray Matter Volume and Thickness in Young Adults Who Witnessed Domestic Violence during Childhood.." PLos ONE. 7.12 (2012): 1-12. Web. 24 Mar. 2013. The article reviews a study of people who were exposed to and witnessed domestic violence during childhood. The implications of the witnessed events result in reduced development of the visual cortex gray matter volume and thickness. The article reviews the negative effects of domestic violence on children and their development into adults as well as the effects of the reduced gray matter. Bradbury-Jones C, Taylor J. "Establishing a domestic abuse care pathway: guidance for practice." Nursing Standard. 27.27 (2012): 42-47. Web. 24 Mar. 2013 Bradbury-Jones explains the importance of training medical personnel, especially nurses, to know the signs and symptoms of domestic violence and how to inquire and respond empathetically. She also provides statistics and how-to boxes for protocol and guidelines for training. Although most data is collected from the UK, it appears applicable to conditions in the U.S.

Linos, Natalia, et al. "Influence of Community Social Norms on Spousal Violence: A Population-Based Multilevel Study of Nigerian Women." American Journal of Public Health. 103.1 (2013): 148-155. Print. Linos et al report the results of a survey done in Nigeria about domestic violence. Linos et al also report correlations between the societal perceptions and political views to the frequency of domestic and sexual abuse of women. The article provides statistics gathered from the study, and offers to end spousal abuse through changing social norms. Nguyen, Tuyen, and Susan Larsen. "Prevalence of Children Witnessing Parental Violence." Review of European Studies. 4.1 (2012): 148-154. Web. 24 Mar. 2013. The article provides statistics of children who have witnessed domestic violence between parents and the effect it has upon their mental health. The article covers the information collected in a survey of DFW, Texas. Rubio, Julie Hanlon. "Family Ethics: Beyond Sex and Controversy." Theological Studies. 74.1 (2013): 138-161. Web. 24 Mar. 2013. The article seeks to explore marriage and co-habilitation through the perspectives of Christianity and Catholicism. Domestic violence is discussed in a section, but the views from Christians are clearly stated, and it mentions that most help for domestic violence is found in feminist secular groups. Surendra, K., and A.G. Kahn. "Domestic Violence: Can It Be a Social Problem." Golden Research Thoughts. 2.6 (2012): 1-5. Web. 24 Mar. 2013.

Surendra seeks to explore the social implications of a child raised in a domestic violence situation and what it can mean for his/her future. The article suggests the impacts of society upon the situation and the ramifications from the situation to society. Walther, David. "Duty to Report Abuse." : American Journal of Family Law. 26.4 (2013): 201-203. Web. 24 Mar. 2013. Walther discusses and states the laws concerning the report of abuse in domestic situations. The importance for this article will be to demonstrate the political stance on domestic abuse, and influences how society may respond. Vieth, Victor, et al. "Child Abuse and the Church: A Call for Prevention, Treatment, and Training. Images." Journal of 325. Web. 24 Mar. 2013. The article calls attention to the lack of quality child abuse protection programs and makes suggestions of how to reform them. The article also mentions the abuse of children in the Church and calls to rectify that as well. Psychology and Theology. 40.4 (2012): 323-

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