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ORDER IN WHICH TO ATTACK CHORALES! 1. Decide what key the 4-part harmony is in. 2.

Do a chord chart for this key. 3. Decide on the cadence for the end of each phrase and choose a suitable cadence approach chord (e.g. Ic or II7b) 4. Sketch in a bass line for all of the chords you have written in and check for consecutives. Make sure the bass line is a nice shape (singable) and make it move in contrary motion to the melody as much as possible. 5. Choose chords from chords I (can be I, Ib or Ic), II, IV and V in root and first inversion. Chord VI in root position only. 6. Doubling: Root position chords: Double the root. First inversion chords: Double the root or the fifth, NEVER the 7th! Second inversion chords: Only use Ic. Double the bass note (the 5th). 7. BE AWARE OF THE LEADING NOTE at all times & deal with it properly. It needs to rise to the tonic OR in the second to last chord, it can fall to the fifth degree of the scale (in the alto or tenor parts). 8. Check AGAIN for consecutives between all parts. 9. Play through what you have (optional) & see if it sounds OK. 10. Add decoration (passing notes) in appropriate places (BUT NEVER BETWEEN THE LEADING NOTE AND THE 5TH DEGREE OF THE SCALE IN THE LAST 2 CHORDS OF THE PIECE!!) 11. Add a Tierce de Picardie (at the end) if the piece is in a minor key. 12. Play the piece through again (optional) and check check check!!

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