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The Administration of Multiculturalism and Diversity in Higher Education Course Objectives and Activities Week 5: February 12, 2012

Objectives 1. Develop a sense of self-awareness and understanding of privilege, prejudice and racism. 2. Gain a better understanding of how people experience discrimination or prejudice and how these experiences affect their multicultural identities 3. Identify the multiple stages of Identity Development and practice engaging in conversation related to self-identity 4. Provide a visual representation of individuals social class/privilege status and the reality of a privilege hierarchy. What is happening in the world this week? Class Discussion

Making Privilege Happen Avoidance, Exclusion, Rejection Johnson gives us nine points to consider when reflect on how we make privilege happen. What are some of those points? 1. Whether we look at people when we talk 2. Whether we smile at people when they come into the room (What are you doing here?) 3. Do we listen and respond or drift away (Depending on whos talking?) 4. Whether we acknowledge that diversity exists and make room for it? 5. Do we acknowledge peoples presence? 6. Do we avoid someone going down the street? 7. Whether we invite people to our home or out to socialize 8. Do we say hello to people when they move into the neighborhood What are some other ways we might make privilege happen that are not listed here? - Write on board/Class Discussion

Discussion Activity - List at least five ways you have engaged in an action that asserted your privilege in the past two weeks and explain your reasoning for these actions. Share in small groups of three or four. Please be respectful of others and utilize this discussion as a learning opportunity. Post Discussion Activity Questions - What did you learn from this activity? - What are ways that we can work to avoid acting in ways that may make others feel excluded? Privilege, Prejudice and Racism in the Media: Meme Activity - Pass out handout (Numbered 1-10) - Please circle if you find the meme offensive. - Please list your initial thoughts about the meme. - This is a silent activity. Please save comments for class discussion. - Class discussion - Discuss Privilege Competency Activity The activity provides a visual representation of individuals social class status and the reality of a social class hierarchy.

Activity Directions Line up in a straight line and then take either a step forward or backward regarding their personal privilege/social class experiences. Activity Questions

If your parents went to college, take one step forward. If there were more than 50 books in your house when you grew up, take one step forward. If you ever had to skip a meal or were hungry because there was not enough money to buy food when you were growing up, take one step back. If you were brought to art galleries, plays, or museums by your parents or guardians, take one step forward. If one of your parents was unemployed or laid off, not by choice, take one step back. If prior to age 18, you took a vacation out of the country, take one step forward. If one of your parents did not complete high school, take one step back.

If you or your family owns your own house, take one step forward. If you were ever offered a good job because of your association with a friend or family member, take one step forward. If you ever inherited money or property, take one step forward. If public transportation was a requirement and not a choice, take one step back. If you graduated from college, take one step forward. If you ever paid back a loan to a bank or lender, take one step forward. If you received scholarship in college, take one step forward. If you have or do own a summer home or second house, take one step forward If you have worked at a fast food restaurant, take one step backward. If you have a trust fund or own stocks and bonds, take one step forward If you shared a bedroom as a child, take one step backward. If you have shopped with food stamps, take a step backward. If you or someone in your family is enrolled at a private elementary or secondary school, take a step forward. If your social class membership was ever the target of a joke, take one step back

Post Activity Discussion Look at where you are located in regards to where you started. Are you above or below the starting line? How does your position make you feel? Are you surprised about where you are located? Were there any statements you found more difficult to answer? Easier? Did you ever not answer truthfully on any of the statements? If comfortable, which one(s)? Why did you not answer truthfully? Do you think this activity is an accurate representation of social class privilege? Those of you towards the front, do you consider yourself privileged? Why or why not? Those of you toward the back, do you believe you belong in the underprivileged group? Those in the middle, how does it feel to be the middle class? How did the activity make you feel? Did you learn anything surprising about any of your peers? Why were you surprised? How was this activity helpful?

Multicultural Identities Self-Awareness Activity - Pass out activity handout - Write your name in the middle circle - In the satellite circles, list a dimension of your identity that you consider to be the most important to you. - Fill in the sentence at the bottom of the page I am _____________ but not ____________ Ask students to pair up with someone they do not know very well and discuss the following: -

Share Descriptors and why you chose them

Share a story about a time you were especially proud to identify with one of the descriptors you used above. Share a story about a time it was especially painful to be identified with one of your identifiers or descriptors. Share your response to the sentence and explain.

Post Activity Discussion Would anyone like to share a dimension they used to describe themselves? Explain. Would anyone like to share a story of a time when you were proud to identify with one of the descriptors? Or when it was painful? As we reflect on our answers to these questions

Multiracial Individuals While watching the video reflect on the following items: The Bill of Rights for Racially Mixed People (Chapter 9 pg. 194) Wijeyesinghes proposed 8-Factor Model of Multiracial Identity (Chapter 9 pg. 203) Discussion: Does anyone in this room identify as biracial or multiracial? Why is it important for us to understand factors that influence choice of racial identity in student affairs? What can we do to support multiracial students?

Skin Deep Video and Discussion What stands out for you most right now about the film? Whom did you most identify with in the film? Whom did you have the most difficulty relating to? Why? What feelings did the film bring up for you, and why? Where did you see people change over the weekend covered in the film? Who changed and in what ways? What does this film (or discussion) make you want to do? What is a next step you feel ready to take for ending racism, within your sphere of influence? What will you need to meet that goal?

Race Video

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