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Environmental Pollution

Air Pollutin
Air is fundamental necessity for the our survival. Air is combination of molecules from different gases
1% 21% Nitrogen Oxygen Other 78%

Common Air Pollutants

Carbon Monoxide CO Sulfur Dioxide SO2 Ozone O3 Lead Pb

How we can lower air pollution

Transportation Conserve energy Stop smoking

Water Pollution

Water Pollution Sources

There can be direct and indirect sources. Direct include effluent outfalls from factories, refineries, waste treatment plants etc. Indirectinclude contaminants that enter the water supply from soils/groundwater systems and from the atmosphere via rain water.

Water Pollution Effects

Lack of drinking water Death of many plant and animal species Acid rains that cause deforestation and other ecological catastrophies Deseases are contained in polluted water

How we can lower water pollution

Enforce Existing Laws Stop Nutrient and Pesticide Pollution Drive Less Use Green Household and Personal Care Products Use Less Plastic and Dont Litter

The End

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