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Recommendations in Hg hygiene

Endanus Harijanto

1. Store Hg in unbreakable, tightly sealed containers 2. Confine and facilitate the recovery of spilled Mg or amalgam 3. Clean up any spilled Hg immediately 4. Use tightly closed capsules during amalgamation 5. Use a no-touch technique for handling the amalgam

6. Salvage all amalgam scrap and store it under water that contains sodium thiosulfate 7. Work in well-ventilated spaces 8. Avoid carpeting dental office 9. Eliminate the use of Hg-containing solutions 10. Avoid heating Hg or amalgam

11. Use water spray and suction when grinding dental amalgam 12. Use conventional dental amalgam condensing procedures 13. Perform yearly Hg checks 14. Check Hg vapor levels periodically 15. Alert all personnel who handle Hg of the potential hazard of Hg vapor and the necessity for observing good Hg and amalgam hygiene practice

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