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ADE LESSON PLAN FORM Name: Imani Shanklin Roberts Class Adventures in Art Age 8 Lesson Components Content/sub

ject -Creating a threeDimensional Animal Construction Materials/Techn ology - Pre-cut Cardboard circles for Mounting - Strips of Newspaper - Paper Mache - Thin Cardboard Sheets - Visual Resources with pictures of various animals - Masking Tape - Scissors - Wet wipes - Smocks - Paper Bags - Whole Newspaper - Cups to hold mache paste -Pencils - Staplers - Gloves - Paper towels Techniques/Sk ills - Understanding concepts of construction and becoming familiar with 3D mediums - Observational drawingthrough observing the profile of the animal and drawing what they see from a visual resource Elements/Princi ples (including Post-Modern Principles) -ConstructionThe style or method used in the building of something (students will construct a 3D animal head) -RepresentinStudents will make 3D constructions of animals they will create from observation Date November 2,2011

NY State Visual Arts Standard(s): Indicate by number the specific standards addressed in this lesson: Goals: What will students know and understand about elements and principles (post-modern principles too), artistic practices or materials? (Big understandings)

2 Students will understand how create three-dimensional constructions by developing crafting skills using cardboard, tape, newspaper, and paper bags. Students will know how to create paper mache replicas of the animal they choose to represent. Student will stretch and explore elements of construction through application in making these animal sculptures with limited guided instruction. Learning Objectives: What will students be able to do as a result of this lesson? (Use verbs such as: create, describe, use, or select.) Students will be able to create three- dimensional objects using the materials: cardboard, newspaper, Paper Mache, and tape. Students will be able to model objects after things that they have observed using their learned observational skills. Students will be able to use paper mache, newspaper, and tape as a construction medium. Preparation Before Class: What preparation is required? Collect several visual resources that show a variety of animals Organize the classroom in groups of two so that students will be able to complete the construction through working together and exercising teamwork. (Students will be able to choose their pairs so that they will have an initial level of comfort with their partner and can both decide on one animal to create without huge conflict) Place a roll of tape, strips of newspaper, mache paste in a cup, pencils, two sheets of thin cardboard at every desk. Place visual resources on the Jungle Table Play noises jungle noises

Lesson Development/Time line: How will the lesson unfold, step by step? 10:00-10:25: Motivation & Project example Discussion 1. Motivation What visuals will I show? What will I say to get the students excited as I introduce the lesson? (Describe dialogue, key questions, slides, reproductions, other visuals, music, costumes, etc., you will use) Introducing the lesson: Today we will be creating 3 Dimensional constructions of some of our favorite animals!! What are your favorite animals? What are the important features of those elements? - Students will be brought over to the Jungle table where I will present images of animals and ask, What are some distinctive

3 physical features in this animal that makes it different from other animals? Then after discussing a few other animals and their distinctive traits I will steer the conversation toward process. 2. Instruction/demonstration and work time: What specific instructions will the students need to follow? What will I need to demonstrate? How do you think we could make 3D sculptures of these animals (using what materials)? Students will envision how to create a 3D profile of the animal they choose - Students will go back to their groups after discussion of the possibility of materials and I will present them with the actual materials they will use during this project. I will explain using my project example the steps and ask students along the way> what do you think my next step was? Until the completion of my project is discussed in its methodical manner. a. Draw & cut-out contour of animal on one thin sheets of Cardboard b. Lay the contour shaped cardboard out on the other sheet of cardboard and outline and cut the contour out c. Decide which side of animal will be mounted on heavier cardboard sheets and staple the other end of your animal together d. Place newspaper in paper bag to create a volume affect to the animal and mount the animal contour on the heavier cardboard using tape e. Once secure on the cardboard and fully stuffed, start paper mache-ing and let dry 10:25-10:35 Students will Draw Contour of Animals - (Walking around I will ask each group) What distinct features of your animal will you need to draw to represent this animal? 10:35-11:45 Students will work independently while I walk around asking: - So, whats the next step after that? - How will you make the cutout look like a 3D animal? 11:45-11:55 Reflection and Critique while Sculptures Dry 3. Reflection and critique: What will I do or say to help the students reflect upon the lesson? - What did we do today? - What were some distinctive features that the animal you made has which differentiates it from other animals?

4 What were some problems you encountered while making the sculpture? What was the easiest part of the project and what was the hardest part? - What would you want to do after the Sculpture has dried? 11:55-12:00 Clean-Up and Dismissal 4. Clean-Up Routine - Put all materials in their place of origin - Clean the surface of the desk you were working at free of paper mache and newspaper scraps - When there is scrap cardboard put it in a designated area (I will specify) -

Notes to Self: Adaptations for Special Needs Students and English Language Learners: (if necessary)

Literacy and vocabulary components: What new language am I introducing? (Define the terms here as you will for your students.) Construction- The style or method used in the building of something Profile- an outline, esp. one representing or bounding the shape or form of something Additional related activities: What is my plan for those who finish early? - To help clean up> Because this project is tedious and very time consuming I dont believe any one particular group will be completed even given the extended work hours and team work but in the case that there is completion those members will be asked to help clean. Related Lesson(s) for the Future: - Complete and paint the surface of the sculpture - Creating a large environment for our animal constructions Assessment: How will I determine if my goals and learning objectives have been met? (Describe the method of assessment you will use, i.e. self or peer assessment, teacher guided critique, rubric, portfolio, journal)

5 Imagine the lesson made by the age group you are writing for. Describe what an exemplary example would look like, an average example and a below average example? Exemplary example- Shows understanding and Excellency in understanding the construction process. Student used all given materials that were required. Student made effort towards representation and showing distinct physical traits of animals. Average example- Student showed general understanding of construction and made an attempt to make distinctive features of the animal. Student completed the project with minor used most of the material required. Below Average Example- Student did not complete assignment and show no understanding of construction or contour elements.

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