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Second Year M.B.A.

(Semester IV) Mid Term Examination, April 2013 Business Ethics

Date: 8th April 2013

Time: 3 Hours Total Marks: 70 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Instructions: 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions Carry Equal marks.
Q-1 Good Business Ethics promotes good business. Explain Significance of business ethics in 21st century scenario. the

Q-2 Describe an advertisement in the media that you believe is unethical. Explain your argument. Q-3 Describe specifically how the September 11 attack and its aftermath have or have not affected your beliefs, values, behaviors, and ethics. Q-4 What is an ethical dilemma? When does it arise in an organization? Q-5 Finance would be impossible without ethics, comment on this statements. Q-6 Briefly explains five fundamental ethical principles that can be used in ethical reasoning. Q-7 Write short notes on (any two): Rights Justice Environment Ethics

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