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Unanimous World of Blues

“The Generation Gap”

Chapter #1


A Culture is a composite of the enduring behaviors, ideas and attitude and

traditions shared by a large group of people and transmitted from one
generation to next.

Attitude is a hypothetical construct that represents individuals like or dislike

for an item. All are positive, negative or neutral views of an “attitude object”
that is a person behavior or event. People can also be “Ambivalent” towards
a target possess a positive and negative bias towards the attitude in

Every generation has its middle class majority and norms which are decided
by those eras’ standards of behaviors and thoughts. Every group receives a
name whether it is a club or organization plants, animals, or people.

No matter what it is it will receives a level so label so that it can be referred

easily. The values of past generation have been very self centered. Young
generation believes in equal rights for all strong connections with family and
friends. Young generation is so materialistic that the older generation sees
them as “Floozies with credit cards.”

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Unanimous World of Blues
“The Generation Gap”

The youth today are definitely not giving respect and regards to the aged
generation for reasons that ours circumstantial and particularly of fast moves
forwards of the world which is more drifting towards materialism and less in
spirituality. There is no dynamic, truthful and leadership that can inspire
these frustrated, visionless, jobless, desperate youths who are surely on a
cross road.

Generally, no elders will think that for children. The good qualities are
inherited from the elders. It’s true that world is changing and new ideas are
emerging. This cannot frighten anyone. However, it creates some anxiety
among elders who treasures high values which they
have inherited. It’s also a fact that elders feel insecure as they are offended
that children may not take care of them during old age. This can be
ascertained from the fact many old age homes are functioning in our country.
The present day youngsters will also become older on day which should be
kept in mind. One should lead only an interesting by also a meaningful life.

Any individual when young is hot blooded. The young have agitated mind.
In such a condition they cannot take right decisions and pass the blame on
the elders for their failures. If one has been honest in life, the most observed
discipline and have good chapter. One fails to understand how and why
respecting older is going to cause defensive and aggressive teaching among
the youth. As long as one depends on elder, due respect must be given.

The youth must realize when they have the right to fight for their
individuality that also the duty to answer society collectively.

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Unanimous World of Blues
“The Generation Gap”

There is no doubt that the young generation is getting more and more
aggressive, frustrated, ignorant and intolerant day by day. Various reasons
can be attributed to this phenomenon. First of all, in a highly competitive
world, survival of the fittest syndrome is working now. The norms that are
being set to measure the standard of fitness itself are questionable courtesy.
The reservation policy that has virtually divided and distributed every bond
that kept our society as one in olden days.

Those who care and value their parents must be highlighted in the society so
that they become an example to others also. For if persons respects and take
care of their parents they will surely do some in the society.

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Unanimous World of Blues
“The Generation Gap”

Chapter #2


A generation gap is a popular term used to describe big differences between

people of a younger generation and their elders. This can be defined as
occurring “when older and younger people do not understand each other
because of their different experiences, opinions, habits and behavior.”[1] The
term first came into prominence in Western countries during the 1960s, and
described the cultural differences between the Baby Boomers and their
parents. Although some generational differences have existed throughout
history, during this era differences between the two generations grew
significantly in comparison to previous times, particularly with respect to
such matters as musical tastes, fashion, drug use,culture and politics. This
may have been magnified by the unprecedented size of the young Baby
Boomer generation, which gave it unprecedented power, influence, and
willingness to rebel against societal norms. (http//

According to Meera

“The generation gap is the constant struggle of the parents to prevent their
kids from doing things that their own experiences and wisdom tell them is
going to harm their kids. The kids on the other hand try constantly to prove
to the parents that they are equipped to take control of their lives. Neither is
wrong – they are both right in their own premise. The parents blinded by
their love for the kids would rather have their own experiences replace the
experiences of their kids. Whereas, the kids are convinced that their

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“The Generation Gap”

decisions are right and are based on current situations that the parents may
not necessarily be aware of.” (Chaudary.M, 1999)

According to Ahsan Kiani

“Inevitably age-versus-youth conflict between authority and rebellion,

between experience and naivety, between limits and exuberance, between
responsibility and freedom, is too simplistic. There are certain biological
determinants which ensure that, when we are young, we have more physical
energy; and psychologically we may have less containment and less rigidity
when it comes to expressing ourselves, because the ego has not yet become
“set” in its habit patterns and defences. Repeated confrontations with
worldly limits may also sometimes, although not always, play their part in
making us less inclined to take risks when we are older. The archetypal
polarity of the senex and the puer aeternus reflects this inherent life process.
But beyond these very general factors, the picture is more complicated than
it might seem. Not only individuals may break the mould, but also entire
generation groups. The face of the senex may reveal itself in the young, the
face of the pure in the old.” (Kiani.A, 2000)

“It is common for certain differences in viewpoint and opinion between

parents and children to be brought about by age and the different
environments in which each generation has grown up. The younger
generation may not have the same experiences and feelings their parents
have. Therefore, understanding and empathizing with parents is essential to
understanding and resolving the conflicts. Communication is essential and

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“The Generation Gap”

promotes understanding between generations so they can become aware of

the nature and source of their cultural difficulties.” (Azimi.A, 1998)

According Rohit Shahakar

“when older and younger people do not understand each other because of
their different experiences, opinions, habits and behavior”. So ultimately
what comes out is a series of clashes running haywire all across the world.”

“This gap started widening more & more & finally in 1990s, there was
another big hit. The introduction of Mobile phones & pagers, TV games,
Computers, etc. caused a drastic change in the lifestyle of people. The rise in
economy led to more n more buyers of automobiles, gizmos. There began
enormous spending on fast food restaurants, entertainment (movies, malls)
and other media. Today, as we can see, the youth is totally dependent on
these technologies. The elders however prefer the older ways of working.
Though any of them have adapted to the new winds, there are many who
still sail their own way. The elders detest the modern ways of partying, youth
getting addicted to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc. The youth, on the other
hand, are fed up with the regular criticism of the elders. The youth prefer the
fast & happening life, whereas the elders prefer the good old hard-working
& stable life.” (Shahakar. R, 2008)

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“The Generation Gap”

(2.2) Problem Statement

There is a generation gap between young and their elders. This survey is on
the attitude of young towards their elders.

(2.3) Hypothesis
Young people have negative attitude towards their elder.

Null hypothesis: Young people have positive attitude towards their


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“The Generation Gap”

Chapter #3
Operational definitions
Men and women of 40-60 years are considered as elders, for this particular
Boys and girls of age between 15-27 are considered as the representative of
young generation for the survey.
Positive attitude
In this survey the term positive attitude reflects the love and care of elders
towards their youngsters and, respect and obedience of young ones towards
their elders.
Negative attitude
Here the negative attitude will reflect rigidity and strict behavior of elder.
However the ill mannered, overconfident behavior and sense of rejection
towards elders will be taken as negative attitude of the youngsters.

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“The Generation Gap”

Chapter # 4


Sampling Technique:

The sample is selected through convenient sampling technique. The

information is collected from members of the population who are

conveniently available to provide it. This is provided the basic information

quickly and efficiently.

Research Tools: Sample Size

Sample size for this research consists of 25 users, to have a better

representation of the population.

Data collection

Research tool:

Quantitative data in the form of questionnaire is used, which is making filled

from public of Rawalpindi. The questionnaire is closed ended and the

scheme was followed as strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree and

strongly disagree.

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“The Generation Gap”

Chapter# 5



Total no of ( ) responses 17/25*100=68%
Total no of ( ) responses 8/25*100=32%



Total no of ( ) responses 19/25*100=76%

Total no of ( ) responses 6/25*100=24%

After tabulation and calculation of data, overall results show a positive

attitude with the percentage of 72%. Our null hypothesis that “attitude of

young generation towards elders is positive”. So the results of our study

significantly shows that the young girls have more positive attitude towards

their elders and it is obvious from the percentage of their responses that is

76%, whereas young buys also show positive attitude but a little less as

compare with the girls and their percentage is 68%.

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“The Generation Gap”

The Idea behind the elders strict behavior is to benefit young generation?
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender

Young generation gets physical, social, psychological and economical

protection from their elders?
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender

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Unanimous World of Blues
“The Generation Gap”

Elders always promote and inculcate their cultural values, trends in the
young generations?
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender

Elders are a source of identity and belongingness for their young generation?
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender

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“The Generation Gap”
Elders are role model for their young generation?
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender

Young generation respect younger opinion?

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender

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“The Generation Gap”

Young generation give refrence to elders experience over their observation?

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender

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“The Generation Gap”

Appreciation given by older generation to the young generation can help in

building up their confidence?
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender

Elders not only help young ones but also try to solve their problems?
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender

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Unanimous World of Blues
“The Generation Gap”

Sharing ideas with the older generation help them to understand present
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender

Young generation thinks that they are more intelligent than their elders?
Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender

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“The Generation Gap”

Some times young's behavior not respectfull to their elders?

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender

Young generation is over-confident and ill-mannered?

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender

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Unanimous World of Blues
“The Generation Gap”

Young generation consider elder's ideas out-dated?

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender

Unreasonable strictness and restiction of elders is a cause of gap between

two generation?
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender

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“The Generation Gap”

Lack of respect of the elders is due to the wrong brought up of young

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender

Elders want to impose their unaccomplished wishes on youngs?

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender

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“The Generation Gap”

Young generations thinks that elders are less competent and capable?
Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender

Young generation have a broad vision than their elders?

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender

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“The Generation Gap”

Young generation take elsders as a burden and not their responsibility?

Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Disagree


Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female

Gender Gender Gender Gender Gender

Chapter # 6


Our ancient culture teaches us to respect parents, teachers and guest.

Respecting elders cannot affect the individuality. An individual is a part of

society. Moreover media plays a big role in influencing the youth.

Knowledge, talent, interest, intellect, is all aspects. One can be

knowledgeable and talented in particular field or subject. However decision

making is something different. One has to apply his/her intellect to take the

right action at right time. Therefore, the act of decision making is gained by

experience alone.

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Unanimous World of Blues
“The Generation Gap”

The young and elder have different point of view and perception towards

life. In several matters they are at loggerheads with one another. The young

may become impetuous and show great hurry in doing things. They cannot

brook any delay. To quote Shakespeare,

“Youth is hot and old age is weak and cold”

The people of older age are God fearing and they attach great importance to

moral and spiritual values, but the younger generation does not show any

great interest in them.

The people of older generation are orthodox and superstitious. They are

ready to spend any amount of the religious believes that are dear to them.

The youth do not approve this.

The youth want to enjoy life full. They do not like to lead a life of simplicity

and austerity, but this is not the case with the elder generation. More often

than not, the youth want to follow the Epicurean philosophy. They are

interested in mundane life.

The elders have now begun to realize the feelings of younger and they are

now willing to accept their view. They now think that they should also move

with the time and not remain like a stick-in-the mud.

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“The Generation Gap”






We are students of MBA-1 (Regular). For the fulfillment of course we have

to do a project. So we are doing a survey on the attitude of young toward

their elders. The information which you will provide will not be disclosed in

any case and it will not be made public. Kindly give us the right information.



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“The Generation Gap”


GENDER: _________________



INSTRUCTIONS: Please attempt all the items whether you are agree disagree or
undecided. You are requested to select only one option for each question and
answer all items.
1. The idea behind the elder’s strict behavior is to benefit younger generation?
1) Strongly Agree

2) Agree

3) Undecided

4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

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Unanimous World of Blues
“The Generation Gap”
2. Young generation gets physical, social, psychological and economical
protection for their elders?
1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

3. Elders always promote and inculcate their cultural values, trends in the young
1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

4. Elders are source of identity and belongingness for their young

1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

5. Elders are role model for their young generation?

1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree

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“The Generation Gap”
5) Disagree

6. Young generation respect elder’s opinion?

1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

7. Young generation gives preference to elders over their observation?

1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

8. Apperception given by older generation to the young ones can help in

building up their confidence?

1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

9. Elders not only help young ones but also try to solve their problems?
1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree

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Unanimous World of Blues
“The Generation Gap”
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

10. Sharing ideas with the older generation help them to understand present
1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

11. Young generation thinks that they are more intelligent than their elders?
1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

12. Sometimes young’s behavior is not respectful to their elders?

1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

13. Young generation is over confident and ill mannered?

1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree

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Unanimous World of Blues
“The Generation Gap”
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

14. Young generation thinks elders ideas outdated?

1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

15. Unreasonable strictness and restriction of elders is a cause of gap

between two generation?
1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

16. Lack of respect of elders is due to the wrong brought up of young

1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

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“The Generation Gap”
17. Elders want to impose their unaccomplished ideas on yong generation?
1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

18. Young generation thinks that elders are less competent and capable?
1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

19. Young generation have broad vision than their elders?

1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree
20. Young generation take elders as a burden and not their responsibility?
Strongly Agree
1) Strongly Agree
2) Agree
3) Undecided
4) Strongly Disagree
5) Disagree

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“The Generation Gap”

Page 30

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