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Anna Barth and Roman Zinnes Periods 2 and 3 11/4/2012 Resolutions A. 1.

Resolved, each state shall have an equal number of representatives rather than a greater or smaller number according to population. Argument: If the larger states were to have more representatives, small states would be crippled. The larger states would rule over the small ones as the British did the colonies; all bills passed would favor large states and small states would be left ignored and despondent. States like Delaware, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, my homeland, cant afford that. Equal representation puts all states on equal footing, allowing for fair bills that will satisfy the needs of all our people. 2. Resolved, election of representatives to Congress shall be a state legislative vote (Republic). Argument: Resolved, election of representatives to Congress shall be a state legislative vote (Republic). Argument: Similar to the shared beliefs of Jefferson and Mason, the election of representatives to Congress shall be a state legislative vote because states with a large slave population wont have a more biased vote, compared to when election of representatives is population-based, since slaves are included and are counted as the majority of a states population. This would even out the outcomes of election between small and largely populated states. In addition, population-based election would be too difficult to sort when the votes are done manually. This causes a high chance in unreliably accurate outcomes, upsetting many people. B. 1. Resolved, Congress shall have limited power, but still have the responsibilities of making currency, providing for a national army, provide for public services, make laws (but not be able to pass them). Argument: While Congress shall have some power, it does not deserve many, or else our country could easily turn into the tyrannical dictatorship we just escaped. Because the congress has the power to receive taxes, it should be responsible for providing all thirteen states a national army. Also, they need to make laws, while the states vote for or against them. Currency shall also be printed and distributed by Congress, because overall inflation will occur when all the states print out their own money. This will prevent a struggle in the lifestyle of many citizens whose money has lost face value, and/or dont have the correct currency of other states. These are also all the ideas strongly favored by Jefferson and Mason and the followers of their group. B. 2. Resolved, the states shall hold the power to control their own slave trade, to regulate the trade within their borders, and to tax as desired.

Anna Barth and Roman Zinnes Periods 2 and 3 11/4/2012 Argument: Individual states know what is best for their own unique economies. We should be able to tax and trade as needed for own economic situations. Allowing the national government to tyrannically constrict trade and tax for the entire nation would create laws which favor only some states, ignoring other states with different needs. Having grown up in Connecticut and now living in Georgia, I know different states have radically different needs. Allowing states to control their own economies lets all people flourish. C. 1. Resolved, there shall be multiple people in charge of the executive office, including a president and senators. Argument: Letting only one person rule the executive office would give too much power to that one ruler. The government would become imbalanced and corrupt, not unlike the tyrannical British crown. Allowing for multiple people to take charge leads to a fairer office, as the people can balance each others opinions. In this way, we can meet our nations goal of being fair to the people.

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