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LESSON PLAN Sharing a Story in the Early Years

ACU Student name: Carlos Alvarez Cruz Storybook Reference: Parkes, B (1997). Who is in the Shed?. McGraw-hill education. Berkshire, England. Time: 40 minutes approximately School: Saint Ambroses School Proposed Year: Level 2

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lesson students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to: 1. Understand that different types of texts have identifiable text structures and language features that help the text serve its purpose (ACELA1463 / ACARA). Identifying the topic and type of a text through its visual presentation, for example cover design, packaging, title/subtitle and images (book presentation). 2. Understand the use of vocabulary about familiar and new topics and experiment with and begin to make conscious choices of vocabulary to suit audience and purpose ( ACELA1470 / ACARA). Interpreting new terminology drawing on prior knowledge, analogies and connections with known words (word wall). 3. Use comprehension strategies to build literal and inferred meaning and begin to analyse texts by drawing on growing knowledge of context, language and visual features and print and multimodal text structures (ACELY1670). Making connections between information in print and images; building on and using prior knowledge and vocabulary; making valid inferences using information in a text and students own prior knowledge; predicting, asking and answering questions as they read, and summarising and reviewing meaning (reading comprehension). 4. Demonstrate listening and understanding by recounting events or processes in appropriate sequence (COMPRENHENTION LS2 V / QSA / Drama/role-play)

RESOURCES: Australian Curriculum assessment and reporting Authority (ACARA). Fundation to year 10 Curriculum. Retrieved May, 18, 2013, from ACARA Wed site: 3&layout=4 Lori Oczkus, (2009). Interactive thinking Aloud Lessons. Editorial Scholastic. Broadway, New York, NY. Old Mcdonal have a farm (Lyrics). Singing babies. Retieved May, 18, 2013. from website: Old Mcdonal have a farm (Song). Retrieved May, 18, 2013. from website: youtube Qeensland Studies Authority documents (QSA). Years P-2 Literacy indicatorsComprenhending texts trough listening; composing texts throught speaking . Retieved May, 18, 2013. from website:

Management behavior: Before to star the lesson inform children that courtesy and good manners should be demonstrated during the lesson. Use a reward system to congratulated children for good participation an good behavior. LESSON Who is in the Shed? INTRODUCTION (3): To engage childrens attention play the song old Macdonald (245) to activate their prior-knowledge about animals in a farm and their characteristic sound. Ask children to dance or clap during the song. Then tell children that you are going to read a book. Ask questions like: Could you guess what is the book about? Could you say what type of book is?

PRIOR TO READING THE TEXT Step 1 Book introduction (5): Present the book and the Autor; Ask children to make predictions from the title and the cover to identify the topic. Question time: What do you think from the title? What animals can you find in a farm? Did you know what sounds they do? Step 2 (5): Make conections to prior knowledge to a personal experiences and feelings using the title and the pictures in the cover to help them to make those conections and to identify what type of text we are reading. (Picture book) Question time: Colud you imagen what the story is about? Have you ever seen any of the animals present in the picture by real? Where have you seen those animals? Step 3 (2): Play different animal sounds and ask children if they can identify those sounds. Write down the word in the board and add then to the wordwall in alphabetical order. Howling Growling / snarl Roaring Wolf lion tiger

Ask children to made the noise that the following animals do: Sheep = baa cow = mood mare/horse = neigh Pig = grount

hen = clucke

DURING READING Step 1: First reading(3): Read the book aloud until page 16 by asking children to close their eyes and image that they are in a farm and everything that they hear are happening by real. Meanwhile you reading aloud use good entonation and voice level; have studetns read with scared, anxious, and exited voices to reflect the characters feelings about not knowing whois in the shed . Step 2: Second reading (7): Children participate by joing in repetitive parts by repetieng after you. Ask children to identify rhyming words during the reading (phonemic awareness p. 2-3-4-6). Whos in the shed? Howling Growing Roaring Clawing Whos in the shed? What did she see? Rhyme words night - fright led shed peep - sheep now - cow There - mare Then - hen

big - pig

Step 3 (5): Before to finish the book ask children to draw the animal that they believe is in the shed (p.16). Ask the children draw play Bear sound to give an exicting enviromnet

AFTER READING: Once you have finished with the reading activity conduct a comprehension task based in literal, inferential and evaluative questions to assess the level of a children's comprehension skill. Literal questions: Do you Know which sound do the following animal(s) hen/pig/sheep/cow? Sheep = baa / cow = mood / mare/horse = neigh / hen = clucke / Pig = grount How many animals are in the farm? Five plus the bear Inferential questions: why any of the animals coldnt see inside the shed ? What were the sounds that the animal did inside the shed? Peep hole / hide inside the shed Why the bear was hide inside the shed? General answers are possible Who left the bear in the shed? General answers are possible Lesson conclusion: Allow the students to look around the clasroon for fun extension activities which includes some games for children with disabiliites. Song animated; good repetating name animals and sounds animal vocabulkary (328) Set of animal books library (picture books, narrative books, multimodal books etc.) Get them from the library. Animal Quiz animal (identify and spell)


Puzzles Printed animal drowings Play with ipods animal sound application (special needs applications)

Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. And on his farm he had some chicks, E-I-E-I-O. With a chick, chick here, And a chick, chick there, Here a chick, there a chick, Everywhere a chick, chick, Old MacDonald had a farm, E-I-E-I-O. 2. Duck - quack 3. Turkey - gobble 4. Pig - oink, oink 5. Cow - moo, moo 6. Cat -meow, meow 7. Mule - Heehaw 8. Dog - bow wow 9. Turtle - nerp, nerp

Nambre:__________________ Grado ___________ Date:_______ Color the anmals in a farm.

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