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Basic Shell Script Commands # Create Directory mkdir <dirname> # Remove Directory rmdir <dirname> #remove folder with

files rm -r -f <dirname> # Change Directory cd <newpath> # Create new file vi <newfile.ext> #insert data into file vi <openfilename.ext> esc i <make changes> #Save file esc :wq enter # exit without saving changes esc :q! enter # open existing file vi <existingfilename.ext> #remove file rm <filename.ext> # copy file with same name cp <sourcedir>/<sourcefilename.ext> <destinationdir> # copy file with new name cp <sourcedir>/<sourcefilename.ext> <destinationdir>/<newfilename.ext> # Move file with same name mv <sourcedir>/<sourcefilename.ext> <destinationdir> # move file with data appended to filename in the front mv <sourcedir>/<sourcefilename.ext> <destinationdir>/`date+%H%M%d%m%y`<filename. ext> #print line echo your text here to print #print date echo `date`

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