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Stage 1 Handwriting Program-Term 2 Outcome: -WS1.

12 Produces text using letters on consistent size and slope in NSW Foundation Style Indicators: Uses correct pencil grip and maintains correct body position Forms most letters of the alphabet correctly and appropriately Tries to write clearly in straight lines, from left to right, using letters to uniform size, shape, slope and spacing Uses lower and upper case letters of consistent size and formation in NSW Foundation Style Writes letters in proportion to each other Uses finger movements to control the pencil while sliding forearm across the page

Organisation Students have one handwriting lesson per week. Lessons will be modeled on the whiteboard. During the lesson the teacher will move around the room to provide immediate feedback about pencil grip, posture, letter shape and progress. Students are constantly reminded in every lesson that neatness of work is a Stage 1 requirement.

During Handwriting lessons there will be an emphasis on: -Spatial awareness -Correct posture -Correct pencil grip -Correct spacing -Fluency and legibility -Bookwork and overall presentation

Handwriting rules include: -No rubbing out, a small cross is put on the page to indicate a mistake. -No talking, concentration must be put into each letter. -Students must write only once they have seen the letter or word modeled from the board.





Blends ar

Blends ea


Blends tr

Blends dr

ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar ar AR AR AR AR AR AR AR garden, starry, pardon, card Extension Activity: Students list any words that begin with ar. ea ea ea ea ea ea ea ea EA EA EA EA EA EA reach, each, eat, easy Extension Activity: Students list any words that begin with ea. tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr tr TR TR TR TR TR TR TR train, tremendous, trick, train Extension Activity: Students list any words that begin with tr. dr dr dr dr dr dr dr dr dr DR DR DR DR DR DR DR drain, dragon, dribble, drop

Blends fl


Blends ch


Blends ab


Blends sh

Extension Activity: Students list any words that begin with dr. fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl fl FL FL FL FL FL FL FL FL flip, flame, flake, fling Extension Activity: Students list any words that begin with fl. ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch ch CH CH CH CH CH CH CH choose, chain, chest, chair Extension Activity: Students list any words that begin with ch. ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab ab AB AB AB AB AB AB AB grab, lab, dabble, fabulous Extension Activity: Students list any words that contain the ab blend. sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh SH SH SH SH SH SH


Blends sl

SH shop, shine, shook, ship Extension Activity: Students list any words that begin with sh. sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl sl SL SL SL SL SL SL SL SL sleep, slide, slip, slime Extension Activity: Students list any words that begin with sl.

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