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Portland Oregon Judgment Prophecies

Given through Brian Charles

`Itll all be submerged underwater. --Portland, Oregon, Cascades, Coast Range
`Let Me deal with it. --the marijuana smokers
`Someday itll erupt, killing many thousands more. --Mt. Hood
`Someday itll erupt, and others along the chain. Someday that mountain will erupt,
along with all the other ones along the chain. --Mt. Hood, other Oregon volcanoes
`Someday itll all revert to war. --life in the USA
`Ill destroy all the mountains. --of America
`Boards will be a thing of the past. --lumber
`Crushed in an instant. Pioneer Place Mall, Portland
`Someday it will fall. --Standard insurance tower, Portland
`Someday itll be blasted out of place. --The Dalles Dam
`Its all gonna be gone. --Portland, OR
`This place will stand obsolete. --Portland Intl. Airport
`Someday itll be gone. Itll all be underwater. Someday itll all be plunged under the
ocean. Portland, Oregon coast
`Theyre prophesying their own death. --skull clothing fad
`See how the people have forsaken Me? Few will survive. My wrath is great! --market
sales on Sunday in downtown Portland
`Pretty girls will be a thing of the past. Theyll be all covered with scabs.
`Im gonna judge because of that. --elitism in the world
`Ill judge because of that. --women and everybody wanting to be a `leader, nobody
willing to take the subservient position
`You know, My people dont accept Me. My church wont serve Me. They wont obey
Me. My Church rejects me. Theyll be destroyed for that!
`Im gonna judge em as sure as day. --prophets, Christian leaders, Christians
`You know Im gonna destroy My people.
`Most people have no qualms about disobeying Me.
`My people dont want to obey Me. All they want is to feel joy.
`Why dont My people obey me? Ill destroy the world because of that. --covetousness
`Be with them in their judgment. Be with them in their time of calamity. Ill save some.

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