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Alberto C. Agra and Sarah Lou Yimal Arrlola Atcrco Law School
Febn ary f5,


Part 1. Dqfinitlon+ t hfircdons. ald Cbssificat'rom .l

Uianlng oloffice 1., "Ofic6' rnay bs defined as a pcition

r empbyed in anothe.'s

d trEtion by vituo ot which a person is

or appointed during Jtr. 2d 664.

affiairs, eiBler by being appointed, ths pleasurs of the appctinting pom or for a ft(ed term @A Atn.


Meanlng o, publc orfcs a. lt ,efss to the.igtrt auttorily, and drfy crealed arNd oorilend by bw, by which for a given period, eittrc ft(d by lar d enering at the pl@$ro ol tno appoir ing po er,

an individual b irn ested wilh sorno poiton o, tie sovaeign tunct'lons of th6 govetnrnent, to be exercbed by him no. l,le bend of fie pblic MrcHEM, A Iraadse d, ttE Lqfl d Ptt* Offt@s srt tr@s, W. 1-2 fl854; see Apafii v.
g6srt ot Npe6d6',127

*RA Al


b. h is a charge,
C, Ptrposa and


g@e,nme'rfr (lv/,tdE,ll &

ff ernplqmed coflfered by appointment or election by ffiy v. Mitcdl, N U.S. 514, 70 L Ed. W, 46 S. Ct. 172).



or il&Xc O6cae h is created to effect ll erd for which govE nment h8 ben instihrted, which is ths common good, and nd ,or prdt, horDr, a pri\.de of any person, famity, or class of persoatsA public office is a public trust creatd in the ard for th bnefit of th6 popl6-



2. E

olfice b a pl&lb trust' Flolders are rgard6d as p.rblb seryants. The powrs ddlegBtod to them ars held in tt.lst for tns people and re to b6 ocrcieed in behdf o, fis governflrent (r aI citizens. tloldsrs are subiEf b highest standards d @untabfity and Strvice.

Pubfc orfcs Ir not a prcperlL '1. Holdor arD sl{ri*t b rsrnoEl d s.Bperlsbn accordng b h\xa. .Propriotary daim io puub dB b pr6drrdd. b. fhwever, tle offis b not io bo dr*rd (lro p.oceso of bw by th abol fon of the offrce before expidim of term or by his rernoval,/slspnsbn according to law or by the passage of a statute fmitirg or rGdrrcing hb corDensation. c. An officer has no property ruhts in $e books and papers pertaining to his office.



Holders are without any veted

rir in any publb otfice. E(cept consdMirnd offices whicfi provide f6 spdat immunity on salary and tenurc, m one can be sai, b have arry vested ri,lt to an ffice or its sahry, let alone an abeolrto ,igm to iL (Sarqgrnhng Bayan o, San AndrBs, Catand.lans v.
Court of Appeals, 284 SCRA ZzO (1SBD


Holdefs right in nature of privlege editfd to p.otection

R.viewer olt t w on Publc Ofhcl.s A, C ASr., Atrnco Lrw School


An officd rnay be corBirrGd Flloperty withh the Fotectbn of due process in conttoyersk5 retaling to tne qrestton as lo which ot tvyo peGons is enfi ed thereto,
as well as concerns about one's consfihnirnal


to scurity of ienure.



Holde/s 4ltlt lo perso.lal cleim. Public ffice b persooal to ihe irrclrrnber or appohtse. As such, it b mt property which passes to hb heis upon deth.

lr"ti ot ! -' th" peace, was orderd by the Secretary of Justice to vacats the pGt when he I S, -' -,--"-" becamo 65 years dd as pr Act No 3107- Tho said law amerded Seclion 2ff1 of the Administrative I i gEvqrrswrsrwqrPq i CoAe Uy stating $at "iustbes of th6 to srye until tlEy reach the age of 65". N, the auxiliary justice, acned as iustics of the peaoa S fled fa $p waranto.
S should not step down as pr Act No. 3107. Tho Ac.t dd rd arErd the Administ'ative Code which I providss that 'a jusiice o, ths pee halriog lhe ,.pisiits legal quafficatbns sha[ hold office during I good betravia unlcss his office b h,vfrrlyabf$reo c nrerged hlo tho iubftbn o, some ofier ! irsti""s'. A statrrte operates o*y pcpeitiue*y unless otrerwt's provid;d by the o(press terms of the statute or by necessary impli:ation.


! I

t I


I fne


,igt t to an omc6 is not ves'ted txrt such is clear in which the purpcG is stated-


shall be taken avyay only when the tenns of lh6 law

a. b. c.

hrbilc office ls noi a cort act h creates m coriraafrral rhbn bet$reen tho holder and th publb. tt qists by virtue ot sorne law exprssly or imdi.rdly creating it tt ge{rclrally entitled ttp hotlr to compensatix ror pe.ifira.Es d his public duti:s. Howerrr, sahry is a msE incired ard tdms m prt ct ttle cffce. lt is mt a ncassary critedon for detendr*ng tE mtE of tp pc*tim A- rd y- DF*,l.o, gl SC&A 48 e004; *rarta y. WigalDap1 21 2 *RA 24 @0.



Olfi@ ard PlSIc OonEaci



d the prlios and

subject to

A public offc's object is to A contract imposes obligations carry out go\rernmental and only upon those who entered it.

so\rere(F functions


ln a public office, therc is ln a contact, thre ar6 tenng

defining and limiting the righB

H. h&llc Offce ard

PUbIG Employmerf


Reviewe. on tev, on Public Olficcrs

Alb.rto C Aar., Atcrco taw S.hool


Rrbltc EmDlovrneni Publlc OtfcG There is a delegation of some No such delegation of sovereiln ot trs sar6reign functions of functions to public e.nploymnt. goremfllent lo a public offca.
Every public otfice may be an Every public ernployment is not an offics. emolo\rment A public office ts oated by Public employrnr lacks such law with ddies in,oMng tho elements of a public office.


of some portion of

the sovereion Dower.


Essental clerEnts ot a publc officer

a. b. c.

h is deated by ths Coaulihrlio.l or by lallv or by some body power to crato ths offc6 hG ben ddgdec
]t must b inv*tod wilh an authority to sercbe some porton the Stat6 to be o(orcitod iot prrblb 'utelst

agency to whic+t tha soveteign Poi e, ot

d $.

lts powers and functions aro ddned by the ConstiMbn, or tsy hYY, or through legislative adhofit)G
The duties pertaining to a puub orfice are pstsmed i dependet ly, wilioul conm ot a superlrr poirer other than law, unless they ale those ot an irfeaior d subordinate o,fEcer, created or auttrqizd by tho legidature and Placed by il utds fle general conbol of a superir officer or boqr; and

e, lt is continuing

liq N.W.2d 2@,

and ponnansnl in natBe ard nd occasirnal or inte,mittent (Sraro v-


Creatbn o, pub6c offico

a b.

GEaly, a pub[c otrce

a'nhorily cortrsrd by iL
By the

is craled by so.rE @nstihjtbml oa slatJtory govision or by

of CoogrB ol ils legl{d'wo functio.t. E(cFn for $cfi ffics ct8ted by th6 Constihrtbn, the legtslalhrs dspdtm{tt has lhe ptinla y <iscrsdon lo ffimins whGfis addtlctrd puHb ofioes shafi be ctate4 d wl|Glfiet filess drtio3 shall be attached to and beconE ex officb dulies of xisting c,ffces, By the Presuent in so far as buraus, agencirq or ofnces in the executlw department tle oordinuing adtprity to leo.ganizo tho administrative stuctur6 of $s Omco il fi6 ftsidert @rtbd ng Kev ittg HIB v. ht oE, W SCRA
are concerned, in the o(etciso of




Modficaddr or &oldo.t ot frbtc


.1. The powe, to create an offico induds the povyer lo modiry or abolish iq es po\rrr well as the lo fix the nunbr of pcitbns attd the salails ard etnoluments of th holders thrcof ard prorile funds fur tle offices oeated.

Rvie\rer on L:w oli Put ic





At rEo t s SclEol


Offics created by Congress a. Unless pJohbited by rhe Corstitution, Congress may conbol, ,nodify, consolidate, ot abotsh put ic otfic ctatod by it when\ret such corrsa may seem necessary, expecfient, a @nduchre to the publi: goodOtf,ces crred by the corEriMbn



Constihnioml offces mry be modified or abolshed by U|6 peopl through a corBtihjtlonal prorbim, atd $rch ofEces ale beyond ths pot * cf the lgislature to alter ol discontinue. HoYrever, tlre rrerc mentinn of an orfica in the Constitution does not necessarily endow the offce with cotstihrtbnal status which prevents its abolition by Congress (8A Ant. Jw. 2d 68748).

2. 3.

Exercftro of soyereign po*lE ad fulrcfions 1. Ons of the most impotfar ctitetb of pubflc dfice 'Puuic offica' impli)s an adhority lo oxe.cbe som6 portion of the soverebn power or lho State in rBking, exe.rning, a apPlyins &o hl,t. Anhority conEred by bur a- The authority to o(etciso sorne porlim d tha soYErdgn power B bstowed by law. UnlB lhe pour.s conftrrd ds d lhb mtre, $s podtio.l b rFt a Public office. Edont ot autho.ity not rnatsial h is th6 duties o, an incumbent's offce wh'lch maks him a public officer and not the extent of his adhodty. 4- Besumption of reguhrity of oftc$l acis Public dfcets enjoy the p.sumPfion of regularity in lh exercbs of thek functions, and cott'rirxrng pfoot to lhe and tho presumption may be o\redhrown only be contrary. Flotrrever, the prcswnption does not aPply wtln an official's acts are not within tie dutis specified by lavv, particubrly when hb acts propdy pertain or bebrE to another entity, agency, or publb offtchl lReJreq ..f. v. *tsaio,596 SCBA 31









P, * AtlgWl


publc ofico. or not, 'ts.lhe i I fne nnst imporiant characnetistic h detetmhing whehs a-poeiEon.b a govsnlrst, Le xocdire, I i Oolegaim to an indhrilEl d some of ttle sorddgn tlncibtE d lhs qerdxd pt&fic. fa lho bsnfit d lha I legislative o. iuddal ftrnc{ans io be ! I petitiqr*, tal,|, was appdnted as tho Cllaipsson of tlle Nafiord CmBinlrl Coilnbsbn (NCC) I ! createo mder E(artivo ffier ib. 12& TtB l'lCC b ffid to undetdre $a ptePCafiotu ior fhe t I cdbration ol Ule Philipdne lnd.DndetE8. Such occa$n b saH lo be a vetrile in sfEwcasing I ThB Con$itnion. XIV ot Ue 1987 urder Articb Filipino hedtage ard idenw, whiJr is nrandated I ! ttCC, ttrerefure, perfsms an execlniye funclion in irPle.nentirg th supr6me law of the land. The I i inescapable conc'lusion is iirat 'N@ is a public office and ptitionet, as its Chair, is a public officer.' I I I not rcehre a salary is of no monrent becausa comprsation is a mera I i fna tne petitioner ! incident of pubnc ofice. As l.lCC ctlak, petitbnet b occupying .n honordy offco as distinguished I from a lucrative offrco albeit it 'rs sttl a public otrce. 'Nfiher 'B the fact thal the N@ was I charact6r'zed by E.O. No. 1 28 as an '+h@ bodlf mafs sai, cqrnfssbn bss of a puuic ofice" I







Retriewer on Law on Public Officcr3

At n o Lv,School

th governmerd 10 ! | 'as an invesunenl in an indivilual ol sorne podbn o, lhe sovereigt tunctions d plitbner be exercised him pubfic by for the bnefrt public of tha makes orE a office.' Serana, as ! : the studsfit rgent of the puub Univsstty ot th Philipdnes-txilnan b deeflred a otfice. because a ! i petusal of ths exisiing charter of UP wouH show that the B@rd of Regfib, whee petitbner is a i i



It IIlg fact that Serana does mt receive any salary


rn6mbe., exchEiyely exercises the porrers cl adninisffiioo




compensation is not a essential etement of publb


as a

studei regeflt is o, no lnomert



, Go ys. Sandlganbqad eL d. (AR l{o. ! ! : i

'r7ru, B



i i I |

Th fact that pef bns, Go, is not a puub officer would not autodEtbally eldude him fom the application of Secfon 3(g) of BA 3019 or Th6 Ar i crafi Larr. Sec{ioo 3(g) perElzos pubtic officrs who ernsr into a tansaction h bohatt d th6 gorerlrneoL whi<$ b marilesilly anC groesV disa<nrantagous to t le hter, ol rxtlcther $rcfi puub fficrg padted or will prorit thereby. To say otherwise could do virence wfrh the owed policy of th sai, law to '.epress certain acts of public officrs and private persors.' 'Private persons, when acting in corspiracy with pr.rblb oficers, mry be indided and if found guitty be held lhble for the pertinent dfenses under Sec{irn 3 d RA 3019.'

a-------I Ja[,ic' vs. s,ndlgaflrDyar\ eL aL (cJ,,-

I by hw with some portion ot the so\rerBign functkrns of the government and t ! is therefore a Public ofhcer. She b the represeriaiivo of the private secbr in the Natimal Book I cratei by BA m47. IXe pimary purpose I ! Develop.nent B@rd (NBDq, whf$ !s a smrtcy age.rcy -Uoofi of ths said hw b o ensuE itle dei,bpnert puUmsfrhg-iltdustry of ire and ure NBDS ii bsLed I ! -- to superv,se the irpfeI iat orn . I ! tslf*rStl to the AntFcrat Leq pdirbns b a pubtb otfice sitoe s,lo was appointeO Uy Ue i to tho Govming Bodd d t|e NBB- TIE fact tlat sh wa not r@Mng a salary !l ! i lesidnt i I inconsaquenthl bcauso l,'dor flle AnIFM tiU .tro natrc d orl6s +pollnmfit, and wirether I ! fhe cornpensafion olre ,EEives to,n $o gp\ mmsi b ont norniml b inmafsiel because fhe I I psson so eec'teO d appdnred B sil conOOemO a prUt om&.. i

ltPetitioner was invested

u7w-zr, ,1 s&,eflr0D.r zxp)



! ttre frnformance of public functiors in tie goE nmnt. Duiqg her tenui, sle took pat in the I ! I r*'.r-.*^ ,....^ ;:^ ^--,:- -.,^ffi;;; !

*rgxr* h',hil; ;

py*y *^rrf:e y^a*$. r,lll irkffis il i;##;iltr#E ;h ;#:

M. Tenun and d|raton

Existence of definite tenrre b lnrlatsizda. Th6 duratbn ol teour rEd not be io. a txd pe.ird, hn rry be at ths pleasure ol ths app<inting power (AA tu t Jt . 2d 670). Continuance of oftce holder is immaterial. a- Tho duties attached to the pcitlon cor inu6 although the otncer holder may change.


Reltewe. on L.w on Public AlbrtoC Atra, Areico w


a. f

Pernnnence ol otfice is imrnaterk . the olhea de lents ar pr$t, it makes no ditfererEa whet ler ther can b but one ac1 or a sdbg of rcts fo be done - whc0ler the offica qrires as soon as the ono aci b don, or b to ba hld for yeaE s dnino good bohavbr.


Mring o orfct/prnfc of6ccrlenpfoyce/p$fc


'1. 'Officef is on6 who holds a pubtc olfce- Under tie Adninislrative Code of -1987, it refrs to a person whose dn'rs inrcho tlp e)<ercise of discrtion in the performance of
the functions of the govemrner .


'Publb officer' b such an offis as is required by hw to be elected or appointed, who s tiu girr$ to him by taw, ard who exercis irnctions conceming ihe public, assigned to him by law (8A At1. Jw.2tl 670). Undr th Bevised Penal Code, any person who iakss part in trp psiqmarce ot puHlc functions or prhrms public ddica ir derned a publb ofEcer- The BPC definition, therefut eliminatas th standard dislinclbn betwcen 'ffic.' ard 'ernpbyes'.
has a desbnation


"Emplo),ee' irElde3 any p.sdr in t le sewb6 divbions, subdivisbtB, oa iEturnd



govr n6nt or any of its agencles,

o. Officer and employee dsdngt.llJ'rcd 1. ln the law o, public oftcer a The defniuon of priblic ofrcer is imbud wilh greator impdtance, dignity, and
an o(edrtive, legbhtivq or iudual

independonce of his pcttbn. ln additbn, a publb officef rnst be irn ested by law with a portion ol the so\rereq]nv of the Sfate ard authodzed to exercise functons of



Underthe Revised Penal Code

Any pe.son who lakes part in O6 prfo.mance o, pubfc func{ions or perbnrB public duties b deand a pubtc oficer-

by ltro &neu of l$t6nal Rerren8, I I panfner, Azarcon, bGrno popertirs'witr the orslo(lm O strc*t ar obfuation to preseve the ! ! ! salIlo and not allow any perso.t io,6 it ri$orn the au$ratty ot tlB BIB- This'desutato.r, ! did nd rnad ft'n a 'p.,OO" ff wittrin the plrvir* o, the B6,bd penat Cod. !tt*r"r*, !, Petitiareds agodfitrefif iB rs'the, b,y poDuk dection nd by 6ect tro,vbbn d hv, nor by i competent authority. Ttrcre is m provt*n h lhe Natbnal lntemal Rarenuo Code that constitutes private i the .indivqual alpdnred by tle BIR as @ositary, a Pt,Uic offcer. Furthr, nowher6 iB it providod in Article m. o, iE BPC Ulat a pivale indivirual fallirg ttreein as administator or depositary of funds or pioperty attachd or s6bed by pubtic aufhority, is to be deemed a public

ItBy stSnins tho rceiX b. Ulo trrd( dBtuctydy (itreht

,Aar@r,w. *ndgcn!4,dr,.ceL @SGB^



I since petitioner is not a public offcer brn a prnab indiv uat, th6 sard(Fnbayan has no jurisdicfnn I j rrvr., him. Azarcon cannot bo chcgtsd o, ,rEhrssatron of prblb funds, abedf an alegstion tha h ! !
is a co-ericinal,



dc"s-y rring



w'rur a



oificer. --_--_-_-_J

Reliewe. or


on Puuic Orfio"7t

Albrt c.


At eo tr*School


Meaning o, pubftc dfidal -1. "RJblic Officlrl' is detned as an orficer ot the Got en rent itselr, as distinguished from the offcars and fitpbyss ot insfiurs alitiB d tle gorernrEr H(n sver, the term puuic ffidal b dd'rEily syttocytnot sly usd with puuic oflics'

O. Classincdolt of pralc dtrc.c/Fs[c offcets


As to natur ol functiorB



Civ[ Offic{) - @vss arry kind d Public office, whether a(ecutive' legishtive' or judichl, but o(chrdng m itary ofllces. Military oftqD - inchdes all orfices in the atmed ,orces which solely irwolve military

As to creation


constiMirosl offiG.(o - one geated by the constiMbn Stahrbry otrc(r) - ono cteated by statuts ard ovt whk*l Congtss has full control'


As to tne

a. Legbbiln e dfic{o - ooo charged uith functiorE invElving .naitty the enactment of lauB. b. Execdiv otr@f - one chaQd wilh tuItctiorls irwolving tminly the execution or adminisHion of larvs, c. Judicial oftqo - one chatged with funaions connecled vrith tho adiudication o{
actual justbiable coatrorenibs and fhe irnerp.etatim of la! rsAs to the branch of govtnmenl sened

depdtnert d gorernrEnt to whbh it belcrs



b. '

- irEhdes any dfrcs in the naibnal d cefitral go\rernrnent as distinguishal tom local gorernmedb. Local officqd - irEhJdes atry ofnce in tlle political subdivisions of the PhiliPPines such es auionoflrcu rgixrs, ptovincee, chias, municipalitioq berangays, and othr foms of local g|rrernrnent.
Natbnal officqn any ofics (dtEr than corts of iustic) whose offcers aro cfiargpd with trnctbns lfi6t arB mt sEictv Ju(f,cbl tut rcquiro the exdci36 ot dbcrlbo c iudgoE rt. Ministerial dc4, - irElrdes any otrc8 whe fficers t dratgEd wfth the duty to o(6cute rna'rffiB laurt [y issud by thei supe.ior.
Lucra[vo office{i Honora4r ctfhc{r)

As to wtlsttler o(erdsa of discrdion b rCrid

a- Ouasl.jdbbl ffice0, - inc{rd6


Ai to co.npensalio0



- any ofEcs to whict} sal4y, cornpetEatbn a - no compensation 'rs attacied.

fes ars aitached.

Part 2 ElioibiElv and Oualtrcalions


ln General

1.Meanhgoil@ a. 'Eligibility" - state d


EqIiHmy fo a pL rlc offco b ot a contiruing natuB ard ln st exist bolh at the comrnencrEnt and. dning the ooeupancy ot an o,fi(E (Aga,a v. furElto, ,03 SCRA

$Elily of bsing legafy fitled


io be chGan.

w on Public Offic.'' Alberto C, ABr., AtBno Lrw Sdlool R.riewc, on


"Eligbb' - nre:tns being legaly ftted or qualifed to hoH an office. Under the Adminisffiive Cod6 d 1987, it rete,s to ono who obtains a passing grade in a civil sdvice em (Exenive mr ib. 292, BoDlt V, Titb t, SuDliUe A, ClB.pter 1,
Socfion 5(8),'





lack of qLElificalbns ,equied W bw


holding public


disquafified to be elecled appointed to iL

may ,nean legally a oltsuise disqualifed to hold an office; to an oflicq dx$raEfied to hold an offic6 if elected or

a. b. a.

Meanfrg of Chraffrcaton
lt may ref, to the endo\MnerA or accomplshrnenl that tits ona for orfice; or lt may refer to th6 ac;l which a person is lally rcquird to do befor entedng upon thg perforrEnc of his drti6s-


d rlgttlo

Not a natlral


lt qists only because of som hu, oenessty or impliedly crting or confening







Not a constitutbrral ,tght 1. h ls not a constildbnal rigllt bd a polilical fivibge tttat depends upon tho favor of tha people ard subrect to reasomble aordit'roris for the public good, lawful, and nondiscriminato.y terms laid down by bw.

a. b.

Power of Gong:ass
ln general

b pr"scr6e quah'ficadon3


Congress h3s fhe power to p.esoibe such qualiEcations which must have a ratioml basis with the drtiea d the positbn in questbn, and not inconsistent


with coristihjfronal provisiqE. Where off6 B deateO UV CsE[ess 1. Congess is ernpowerd to spciry'qJamcafbns and theso arB nd oontrary io th6 Whs ofic6 in crBsted by tho Const'hjton



as long as


The con$funional crilerh ars edLE*vs ard Congr6ss has no pour to rEquire ditbtst guafficaliolB br coats0'hrtiind dcss oft. ItEn thcs qt.ElifiGatk ns EU in rno CoB$thtio.f t {a tho CorHlurton erp.dy c impli.dly gives the


Whsn CualificatinR p.Bcr$d by the CorEtilrtio.t 1. Congress may prscrbo caEin qraffcslioB untsss pmhbitod.




appears that

lhis ls

, rgn*io y. Bana&" Jr. (r'it

dosignated as nle nber d the Sanggunhng Pangfungsod to rphce lgnacio who chims I I that Banat b not qualified becauss rho ldtg b nd an officer, much' tsq i member of the I I ! tktipunang Panglunsod as rcquid under the tocal Goverrunent C.orle.

l!Banate was


* Irg,,70



dd not net nl qlalificatioG rquired by lax. A,r umualifrert I person cannot b appointd to pclitirl, 6ren in an acting capcity. i



Reviewer on

trw on

Alhrto C Aar.,

Pub$c Offi..6 At n o Lw Scllool

PowGr o, Congre3i b presctDe dHtEEficalions h lhe abeonce o, corBtiMi al inhbnbn, Congtss nray Prssibo ditxlratfii:ations' ln addtidr, Co.tgss cannot rsrno\re a dBqualificatbn lhat th6 Constihfion has attadred to tho pcrtioo.



Blbaa @PhiLAT IIWI)

! Vargas questions the People Cout's Act ta'hich (1) cnsqualifed iustices who held office under the ! ptritippine Executirr Cornmbsbn dning lr|e Japanese rgime fiom adiudhfirq ln cass where ths rna* tre rr-'; ano (4 iro,ioeo tat th F"esidern mav-designate iudges to ! temporarity selre in rhe Supern Court when the numbr ot iusti-s who left dos not consli6s a

;;;r'J ;[-#;-

I I quorum.

is iepugmrn to the CorEfihfron. n added grourids lbr dsqualifieation of a Supretne Coutt i iustice. lt Oiquaffi6d a m61q1ly of rh6 merbe.s of the 51.p.rn Court ln additlm' the lernporaty i Lmoa*tion ci tre Suprem6 Cort not allowd as the Supremo Corrrt b a petmannt irsttrtbn as

i fne nct


t-i;;d"d;n,;c;-[,;u.". t'v''* "'



Construction ol l?-suicda|s on efidbility a- Presumpiion in favor of digibility 1. A sfong publb potiry exists in favd ot eligibility- Hence, the right to Public office should be sirlcdy oonstnpd against ineligbility. ilowever, statlJtes declaring quafifications arc to receive libral @nsruction dG not mean that colds couk give an unreasonable cons,tuctbn to uphold tho right to hold


Basis of

1. A sbor

presmptbn pubfic polcy oris;ls in favtr ot eligbilily to publb offico. A constihrtional proyisbn, u'h.s tl kuag atxt cootqt anou s*Duld b consaued as to presen e fhis d[iulity as ambiguitles are lo be tsolved in favc
o, eligiHfty to office.


Rule of libcral


eorlsfuctbn Tft6 rigm b FrUb cffce shoJd be

stiily consln od againd hfigbility. wtle statrrs doctufitg qtlatftcauollg ars to rcahr libsal co(Etncuoat I do6 atot mean thd couts shouH give unrEsonabl6 oorsfirc'tirn in order io t.Phold tre rill of one to hold ffica


Tim ot pGsesdon

a. b.


Where time spcified by CorElihrtbn or law


The canddate ,mst possess the necessary qualifications at th time specified by ConstiMion or law. Whre CorBtihdion or hw b sitent 1. The cowts nEy take ,cqlse to soole olhr lrEns to detsmins spec{flcations such as thruigh txtld amlFis of tte lernu usod in the qualificstioos. Whn $aliicaton must altyrys odst




to publb orfice b ot a co.rtiruing rrrlrr6 and must axist at ths d tlE term ard during ul occupancy of ur dfice ($Uiila v. Ger@ ,o3$e{ W0!r810.

8evle.rer on t-.w on Pubfic Offfccn Alberto C. Agr., At ro tawschool

The gualifcatiorB paescribed for elecliye olfice cannot be erased by the ebcnoraie abrE Tho wi[ oI ttte people as exFssed throljgh the ballrt cannot curs the vbe o, irefigiiHlty espdally it thy mistakenly benc\,ed that the canddete ms qusl'ifed (Fivaldo v. Commission on Eleclions, 174 SCRA 2,15 fiesE) It has boen hek , hovever, that Sctio.l 39 ot the Lrcal Go{re.nrneflt @de on aQualifcatbns ot Ebc:tirrs Offchls' dos rDt speciEy any parlicular datg or time when tho canddate flIJst pGsess citzenship, unl G that fo. tsirorEe (which must consE d at least'l yeads resirencs imrnedately precding the day of
election) and age (at least 23 yeaB of ags on electbn day).



Bemovd ot di8$raffcatoB drring term Courts ha\,e nd agreed m lhe effect of rE noval ot disqualificatio.r after the commen@meni ard duiu the term o, ofiice. Some couds hots that such removal vElidates lho titlo of tb ircunbent Ofir cowts taks tle aoflfary vbw dependirE on the nahro of the disqffiion, ,nod6 of rrnoving il,lims of rernoval, etc.


Cas'EfrcdE Y. Yop



il. 8rg ngAD

-"'* '-"*


I ! eteaea Uayor Vap chimed ttat Castafieda was estopped tom questbning his eligibility (Mayor Yao I ! aio not meet ttre minimum age rc$liremer when he was proehimed) because Castafteda failed to '" I oo it uetore or ourlng ttre


I Caslafleda is not estoppd A can<fder's eligibifity b always suuec-t to que.stion- Undr the I I applicabl law at the tims d tle case was decide4 the riot of an elecliYe municipal oflice can be I I contested only after proclanEton. Good faith dos nd c1ra a canddats's ineligibility, atthough it I I might b a good dfenss in a crimiral prccraion. I I I i----r--Particub Quafificatooa atd Dl!.trEilcatiolt.

'1. Qu frcatorB uqreftl


ruqnhed ot pl5f,c offcers

Citizenship 1. AlierB dr i.dlglbb to pobfic otrc8, unlss rha privr'bgE b exbrdod to thm by

Aoe 1, The age limit ior certah offces may, by corlstfunixlal or statuto.y provtsion, be placed beyond tfi a96 of maiority.
Right of SufFage 1 OnV electors or lroters are eligible for public officg.




Srtahjte rnay rEqrir that a cardidats ,6 kdion or appointnent to an ofric of a politi:al subdytrion or urll b a residefit or inhatritant thereof.


'Fesidenc6' and 'Domicib' bolh mean an intentirn to reside h a ltxsd placo and petsonal prsence in that placa, coupled with cord,c{ idbative d lhat

Reviwer on


on hrtr$c Ornc.'s

Albcrto C Atr., Atchco L.w Sdlool

e. t

Educalion 1. Somo statutes prescribe educatirnal qualifcatir.ts peasons possssrrE paoressbnal aitaiflnenrs"
Abflity to read and

ts 6rtah

offces requiring

1. Ihs qralifcation mry be lawtully


prohibitbn against it espcialv where dtnis of th6 pciitioo in queslion.

made since tle b no constitutioml it has a reaxnabb reldbmhip to the


Political afflkrtion 1. The CottstitlJtion and odsting laws sometimes rcquio rpmbe.shD in a political party or goup as a condilion lor eligibility to ce.tain (Consritution, Article W, Secto/, 17, 18; Gonenmatt We, sffton 45@)).




Civ[ ssvice



pc*lims in the career servbe b reguired trder tl Civil Srv'tcs Law to fi|n6s to perfam the duti6 attached b tte positiois @t Aecnge /\fa. N7, sgf.,ion 1W). and

Qualifcalbns in an appropriata sxarn ,or appoidrnont lo first ard s@nd level

a. Religbus befiefs or orinio.E cannot be rnade a test of pofitical ruht and privilege. b. No religious test shall b. ,eguired tur the e)(ercis of civil s polili:al rights
(Cons{finion, Articb tl,, Sr,rioD 5).

Bellgrous quaEfcationa proHbited.


Power ol Congress to inposs proprty qlaEficatioos Vielv that law constitdirnal '1. LegisHuro has th6 power to impose popedy qualifcations upon offico holders, unloss inhib,ited by the con$ihnion. Thb view holds that certain public o,fficers rnay be requid to be rcxsirefit poperty mners withod violating due p{ocGss
and equal p.oteciirn laws.




that hw uncoosltbrtiglal thd p.oprty ownqsfiip rcq,i,rsn B ag#t due procss and oqud p.otsc$on gNrrantoe8 e3 tleas b m ratioad connecton Odween qualificatbns br pbfc afiais and ounoslrip of rd property,
This vi6lr holds


Ths Suprrn6 Court dedarcd as uncoilslihrtir.tal a'taw rguiing all carffites for public offces to post a $nety bond guiyatent to lhe ono year salary or emoluments ,or the pGitbn for yyhidt lhy are canddates Ahqren v. Bo,r1 15


7 (1s6s)).

Oualttrcations prBscribod by





Presiderfi and Yrce-PE-ide.rf

certah fficsrs

person may be dected prsUoril


reoiste.d \,oter, abb to ,Ead and wib, at lst tdty years of ago on rhe day d tho olctrh, ano a rosident ol the Philippins ior at lasl ten rrears imnrediatety peceoiry srar enctbn., (c.;msi.aaion,

Reviewer on on Public OIffccrs Albcrto C AAr., Atenco w School




fVo person stratt bo a Senator unless he b a natutaFbo.n citizett dtha Philipfins, and, on the day of ttl eleclion, is at least fiitty-hr yeaIs ot ag6, abb to read and writs, a tegistered votet, and resir6nt of the Philippine lbr not less lhan lwo yeats immedatet ptecoding fhe day of th electbn.' (Corrsr'tuDo/r, ffie w, sc,io,t S)


Membe6 of


House of Bepreser atives


nepresenaiwsunlss heBa natural-bom citizen of

the electbn, b at least tvre.tty-five yeals o, ago, able to read and write, and, a)(cept tis pattyjbt tepreGot ariveq a registeGd \rote. in tho dist ict in which h shall be elec,ted, ard a ra$dent fhgeof br a period of .Et less than ono yed ,rilneddy pccding th day the Philippines, and, on the dry
ot the dection.' (e,r,stn ao.r,





Members of the Supreme Court and b\.ver colleghta court

'No person shall be appointd Member of the Suprern Coutt d any bx, collegiab court unlss hs is a naturaFbom citizen of tho Ptftiptins- A Member ot the Slprerne Coud must be at least forty years of age, and must have bn tor fneen lrears or mor a judge of a lrrer court or engagod in the practice of law in the Philippines,' Cat stunorr, Mie Wil, Sfiidr T(1)).


"A member of tte iudi:iary must be a petson c, plowl competenca, integdty, probiry and indepenclenca- (Consrinnion, Artije Vlll, Sction 7FD.

Chairman and


riissbners oftho Civil


'Th civil service shall b adnin&nEsd by

and two Commissioners who sfrdl be natral-bom dlizsns of

$e PhIpgh6 anq d the Ums ot thr appdntnenq at kast $Lty-lhre FrB d ags, with proven capadty h puttic adninisbation, and mr.Bt not haE been canddais ioa arU 6ledn s pcrlion kl lhe elc-tbru imnedbbly peceding their aPfii[tutlrtL' (Codianidr, Arffi D@, sf,r,/,, (UL



Chairmn and Co[missbne.s of the Cornmis$o.l on ElecibrB

compGed of a Chairrdr ard six Co.nmisConeas who lhe frme of thei appdnUnenl at least thirtyfive yess ot agp, holdss ol a cdleg3 degro, and ,nr.g rEt harre bsr cand&tes for any elec'tive position in ths imoEdately p.lcadng doctidr$ fb*va, a maility threof, hcluding tho Chairman, shall b mrnbers o, the Philippilo Bar wtlo haw ben erEEgd in tho practico of law fot ThrB shall b a Comrnissbn on
shall b6 nahraFborn dti:Ens o, the

PhlbtirE and d



w on Pub$c

Albcrlo c. Aara




Chainnan and Oonmlx*)ncrs ol the Co.nmbsi.rn

dl Audt

composeO U a Ctraiman and tso Cornmbsiones, who shall shall be a Co.nmission on be nalral-born citi@ns of ttE Philippins an4 at ths lime of ffx* appofutlxnettt ai last ttiliy-five years of age, certified publi: acoountants with tlot less than tan years of auditing oxprince' or members of tho PhilipFine Bar who have been engEged in the Practi:e d law ior at last ten years, and must not havs been candidates fur arry elecli\re pGitiorB in the eleclilns imtnediately p(eceding their appointrnent. Ai no timo shall all Mernbers of the Commbsbn belong to the same pro essbn.' (Constiuion, Mble IX-D, Secliot l(t)l


Chairrlan ard Msnbers

tho Oormissbn on llu,IBn Bbhts

'ltre Conrrrfs-sion sha! bo compoeod of a G',Iiman ard ,orr tlernbds who must bo natuElFbotn citizens of the Philipfinos and a ttBidity o, urnom sttal bo mefitls d the Bar. The ttm o, ofiico and othet qualifications and drsabf ies of ths lrembers of lhe Commbsbn shall bo Eovided by law." (Constmico, Attide Xilt, Wiot lfz)).


Ombudsman and hb depdtes

ard at ths tim6 Ombudgnan and his depufis sha[ b ndrralborn citizens d the thef appointment, at leasl forty years ots, d rcognized poOity ano nOepenaence, and mmbrs of the Philippins Bar, and must not hav been canddaies lor any eledtve offce h tho immeliatdy Fceding dec{ions. The Ombudsrran must halre Ior tefl years o nqB been a iudgE or ongagd in the practice of la\r, in the Ph' ippina.' tconsfiuruf Arhre )o, Sechn 8r.


OudficatolE prcccr$cd tf


lor cerdr


Scrcieies oI Depafire,rts

Sdetaris shall be cilzens od the Plilipphs and nct less O|dt ttstty-frre yods of Admid*ative Codp d 1 !r87, MX lV, C@* 1 O, W*n tts).



Presiding Juslice and Associate JusricB


ColIt d Appab

in the ConstiMbn

"'[he Presiding Justice ard Associlrb Just'E6 shafl tlav6 lr}. sane qlafficatons as thGe fa JrJsti:B of tho Srprqno Court' (Batas Parrtarsa qg. lA, S@tiott 7).

Reviews on bw oo Public Otfice6 Albeno C At7a, Atcnco brr School


Judges of lhe Regfonal Trbl Courts

practica ot law in the Philipfrirles rqt*irlg adrlssidr to the practbe of hw as an indispensable

requisite.' (Batas FarrrDerBa gg. 129., sf,ion 15I

'No p.sons shall be appoirted Begional TrH Courl judge unless he is a natural-bom citizen of the Philippinos, at least ftirty-fivs yoaB o, agE! ard, ,a at led ten )rears, has ben engagd in the


Judg6 of the Meropolilan Tdal Courts, Municipal Trial Couts, and

Circuit Trial Couns


Municipal Trial Court, or

Munioipal Circuit Trial Cotrt unless he b a rEtu"aFbom citizen of lhe Philppines, at leas.t 30 years of age, and, for at least f\,e )rea,:s, Iras bori ongaod ln the prdbo d in li6 Ph ipping d has held a public ofllcs in rh6 Philiptin63 lquhnrg drnlrsirn to rho praclice of law as an indispensable ,equisite.' (Batas ParnDarEa ENt lN,


Wn 6l

Electirre local orficial


sangguniang panlalawigan, sangguniang panhrngsod, tr sangguniang bayan, the disfi, vvher6 he intends to bo electe4 a Tesk ent tierein tor at least one (1) yar immediately preceding the day of the dection; and able to read and write
Filipino or any

'An elective local oftrcial must ba a cilizen of the Philippines; a rBgistered votet in the barangay, munbipafity, city or provinca q, in the casa ol a member of the


local language or clialect



sangguniang panlalawi(pn, or nEls, vi:&nEyo. or mrnber d ths sarEguniarE pnlurEsod of highly urbanized cr:tl= rll. st d le6t be lwer*y-l,|ree eq years of age on ebcfim day


the po-*lidr of governor, vic6{ot rna or member of the

3, 4. 5. 6.

Candidrtos ,or tho podtbn of rlayar d vir-mayor of indepndont cornponerd cilies, component cltis, o nmi$ditbs mrst be d l6t two$ty-one e1) ),6ars of age on elctfu,Il Gy. Candidats r0r the podfron cl' mdr6er cf tlr6 sangguniang panhingsod or sanggunhng bayan rusi be at least eirl*een (18) yeds of agB on election day. Candidates for the position of punong barangay or mernber of the sangguniang barangay must be at least eighteen (1 8) years d ag on eleclion day.

hr the sangguniang kabataan mllst be at teast fifteen (15) years of ag, but not mor6 than tsrnty-orE (21) )'6ars of age m elecfron day." (Local Go\rernrst Code (R-A" No- 716q, Sctim 3E))

lvbmbe's o,


Aoard of Elec{ion lnspec-tors

"No person shatl be app<ified Chalrrsr, rnnrbtr, a subliirte rnernbe, ol ttle Berd of Electbn unless he b of oood ,ns'd charete. and a rooistered voter d


L.u on hrblic


C. ABr.,

At {.o bw Sctbol

p,rni"f,-"Uf" UV -nin1

;16dion offergo. He rxrst be able toa "ny (Omnibus Eleclbn Code, Secton 165)

rrie ttiin six mornhs d

any elec*,n ofietrse (r of any other clime imprlnnncnt, or if thete b aTendhg infsmation ?qainst

to speak

ad wite


tr the local dhlocl.'

.t*.-q91'1aoo trP.
.tiri,mhii,,lrrar rr::lli::i.
-., , J, ,.






Natural+om ,lO \ars

PhilippkEs, at



least 2


,m vars
1 !,ar



PhiIFinB, at Fcddq

Disirid, at



B6irdrt volr




F.dtd wii.

B..d rtd wrils



'15 yo'r o. nErc, irdgp o. dEa06d h Pre{ic. oa hw h lhe Phihpltt* Poa$o ol Pltn/sl cofiDeforEo, htcgd,ty,



hdeoendoc6 +

36 )l.ar3

Chairmdr +

C.l.n NEfural-bo.n


Corn Ndurel-boan 35 yars

36 year8










CoIoCp dq6

CPA not


B|'rT rniF ily, adieE fdo*lg fD erDerigoca o, in CltEi, btryu! h htrFra p.&e. a, bu lo. prefba d bt, to. * Ld loy.e l0 Fer 15 t}rl. eI ItE

tO y6rs



mu.i b.


tur at

taw}t6hp.e led 10 !rs!

6nd indpadsEa


Cadld.t6lo. ry.aocdt po.fron h Tdm ot dh I|d oti.lac{oo Flo.dhC lh* q.dit b be p.ovt d by btr

Deparuncnr CitizcrEhip

Prtddllg Jrrrhc end



rfc, xorc,



Citizsr ot


NArd A


Nalural born
35 y66ra ot






Philiooins 25 va3 ol aoe




-o. 15 yecs { Fld.tE b*




h the

d FactclE PhfrEiB


ass r0 )uEs htdg6


$. a

3) vEers ol aoa At l6t 5 y!

It dg. p.addrg b!r, h lh.


Gor, &



fa.f. t Ybto. hmb.r



ol lldnb.. d ra.nS- d S.ttrrqri.rE

Puod|o &rrrgay

Revielve. on trw or! Public Om.lri Att erlo C AB.a, Ai.r'co w School

:|ffiFjf,li$ffitrffiffi.-qrl. CltLL ,-1r ,{i!1F#fl8&{{&1!:5ii'l

i,iiii''ifriiidli-i6 "[ GmE

":'1 '''

ESiiitffi f, 'r ".ttffi ffiif, itr:',i iaeitlilkt*..r1*ffi&& ilirl.r,..,


izcl oa


Cl&a d ttg Cfitsr o,

RooHqrd Votor


Ciliz.t d
18 ye.aB


Cl&an d lho
R6obi,rd Vofei


.Ed Vote. 23 yals

Roobterd Voter
18 !,6rs

Resistdd Vote.


Ar basr 15


ffil ryfl;fl
a a.

ard wrile Boad {rd write Read ard rYrite Resd erd wdi6 o. any FIFirlo o. a,ly Efpho o. any Flfpino o. arly tocal larEoeB q locd brguagp or loc6l languagp oa local languagE ot


Rad ard tYrito Fimpho o. any locd hrEiJagp o.



dlalct ro hold p.rutB o,trcs

Causs of disqJalfrcalbn to hold puub offic '1. Mefital or plrysi, incaplty Law requites a puuic officer to be in pcsssion

a. b. a.

his tnental facultbs.

Blin*ress may not necessariy disqualify a person frotn public offE6 if he posssses lt6 olher quafifrcatirns impced by hur.


Misconduct or crina

Pssons convicted

disqualified fiorn holding publb offce.


crimes inyolvirlg moral turpitude are usualv

b. Th r{ording d rhs

apdi.:able constitrrtbnd a statutory pEvisiiorB detrmlnes whdrs $e indigbility to hold offca because of a crimo resuiB frcm Ilsrg coam*]sbn or gtses only afrer pace{rjtbo ard conviction.


viohbn of a m;n'riml ordirance to qualify as a 'crirne' must imrolve at lst a c.tain degr$ of eyt ddng lnrnord conduci, ccnptim, malice, or want of princirh .eoabtt rged to fho rq.lilE rFots o, the public



lmpeachrElt Persom sublc't io impeachrnent

1. Prsidnt 2- Mce-Preddent


limiEd to rsnoval fiom orfica and t|a Bepltfc of the Philipf,ines bd the convi:bd pgson shall stfll bo sublect !o proseqnbn, tial aod Funishmern Mrfng fo hx- (ConstiMion, Articlo X, Section 3(f).
dlsqualification to hold any offrce under

3. 4. 5.

Members of the Sup.eme Colfi Mernbe.s of Consttjfbnal Commission

Ombudgnan Judgrnent in inpeachrnent cases

l-rL-E-'*-fi ffi i'r&-SFfi

on Public Olfic..t Albrto C. ABr., A6neo Lau Sdlool


nari.rycr ofl


berae h can face pcecutim br fhe criminal ofbnses ! coruicteo il Ue imp@hrnent Oetore tte tteO o( lhe sail corutitutird proviion provirfes for ttvo I Omce lhe Ombudsrnarl hsleed, I judgrrEni h impachrst b firibd mly to rcrmval from offd ed dsqiralific8tbn tom ! things: frst, ! holding any oihr offb6 in lh6 govemmort ard second, th paiy co.lyired mry stil b6 held Sabl6 i uncler i fosecution ard punislrnern ffi(Ing to hr. i i

!-siii".-t{A-AEt-xi-J'il-r?e7-cilGEt-i*-E*--,f;'A-,E-rfi poccodings

-ffi &-"T;fi 'E;'-b.1!

I resignatim. The impeacfiment corrt b now functrs offcio- ll b urreasonable to dernand that I ! petitioner should frst be impeached beforE criminal cases rnay be filed agaist him because the I l, lame wolrH result to a perpeiual bd tofli prGecutbn.

tt ! Further, tho impeachment ploceefig8 havs beco.rE rnoot ard acadernb due to potuoner's I

Bemoval or suspoarsirn


Rernoval lhorn otfce bals the removed otrcer torn beino dctod q appdnted to fil rhe vacancy h. the unexfri]ed tsm but it does not dsqualify him to take so,rE oahe. offco d be dcted or appoifibd io a new torm of

tom offce

lhe sanre


ab. c.

Previous tenure

d dfice

President - is absoHely disqralilied for any re-lectit l regiatdlo$ of th length of his selb. A perso.r who succeeded as Pr6k ern b disqualifid for re-lection if he has srved br rnore tilan 4 years. (ConsuMbn, Article Vll, Sect'ron 4) Chairman and Commissionrs ol $e Civil Sen iae Commission, Commission on Bectionst and Commission on Audit - arc appointod by th6 President without rappc{nbre.t. Ombudsman and hls Oepdies - are not quatrfied to run for any offics in the alection immediatry succeeding their csation torn ofnce.

Consocutive tems a. Vroe.Prasi<tent - shall nd ssvs tq mo.G lhan 2 successivB tems. Voluntary r.rurEiatbn of lte ffice shall not be oordde.ed an intsrruption of the ssv'Eo ftr lho firi trm ,or whi$ ho wd obct6d. (Oonsfiiufbn, Ariire Vll, Sc,tion .t) b. Senatff - shall rpt swe ta muB than 3 co.EJtive tsrns (Constitutim, Articb vl, scrioI}{) c. Msnb-s of lhe tbrso ot Bep.ssoilahrs - sHl not sve ,or rnq than 3


consesriivo tems. (Constitutk n, Anid Vl, Saclbo A Electiw omcials (,(cept brangay ofncds) - stlail nof ser\re consecutive terns (Con$ihnion, Anicb X Section 8)


rnore than 3

a. b.

HoldirE mor6 than one offics No conslitulional rigm to holdng incompatiue omces.
A pe.son wio acccpls ard q.lalifis ior a s*o.d and incompatible officB is deemd to vacate, a, by imdi:atim, fo re.$gn tom fh first offic.


Beldbnship wilh lhe appoirnhg porE

"The spouso atrd rc*atives Uy consanguirity or ffirity wi0rin lhe fdr$ dvil degr of th President shall not dudno hb tenurs. b aDodnfed as ,nfibe,s of ihe Con*ihjtbnd ot
Revicw.r on w on Publk Ofi..R ASra, AE'rro l..w Sdrool




orfics, lrcludirB gpvsnrrE t-ownd (Constitrrtion, A,ticl Vll, Secrbn 10

Office o, the Qmhr<Emrq

as Secretari8, Undersecretaries, chairrEn or heads o, bureaus of

controlled cqptratbns and




AppdnrnenB should be based solev m and fihess, minfluenced by any personal or flial consideratbn.
Bestriction is not apdicable lo: 1. MembeE ot ,'amily who cont'acted matriage with an)rono in position


2. Persons employed in a cor idential capacity 3, Tsachers 4. Ptrysickms 5, Mrnbrs of ths Atmed Forces of th Philippins



crealed or ths

enbtlrne. s o, which

have been incrased

Senators and rnembers d the lbuse of Rep.sntafves *e protibited fiom being appointed to arry ofiice which may haw been created d lhe ernohrneflts throf increased during lhe tedn for which lhey were elected. (Const lnbn, Artiiio Vl, Sedbn f 3)


"Emofument' does nd refer to the fted salaay abne brn includos such fees and compensalims whidr tle incrirrbent b entitled to recive by law.

10. Being an eleclive ofic&rl

ofFrce or position <trxing hlr

"No electi\re official shal be elgbb fa or tenu.' (Consdl*io.t, Alficb D(-8, Sciirn A

e hohibltion seel(s to mininize the 'spolls systam' b. Tho dis(tr.lalification 6xir{s oily drring th tenua in offica (rE sus tim of
of the elective offdal.


Electi\r dfcie must forfeit his seat if he decides to accept appointment in anothe. publb offce or po-itbn ddng his term.

. Having been a candidate ror any electhrc


"No candidate who fEs b6t in any el*lion, shal within ono y6a, &r sucfi elction, be app<inted to any ofrice in the Gorrnment a any Ooyernrnefit-ohrned or contsdled @rpor.ations or In any of itg subsidiaries.' (Constitutbn, Articb X-8, Sec{bn 6)

Rcvicwer on Law on Public Offi..r3 Alb.rto C Asr., Ate;o bw S.hool

Memb.s ol th6 CMI Srvice Cofimissbn, Cornm'tssion on Ebctbns, ard Corn nissbn on Arrdit ato abo p.ohibiied by fhc Constibxirn io bccorne candidates td any dcfivo poifion in lhe decliqls lmmdiatdy plEeding th6n appointmnt (ConstiMirn, Artire X-8, Sectbn 1(1); A'ticle fiC,



Artble X-D, Secdo.r 1(10

12. Under the L.ocal Go\icr neflt Code The follolrving se disqualified fiom running for any dective local position: Those ssntencod by finat irdgrnent lot an offuise inrroMng moral



turrihde or for an ofiense punbhable by



more of to

2. 3.

imp.isonrnnt, within 2 yeaB aRer sewirE sertence; a tsult of an admhistrative caso; Thcse rcrno\red frorn office Those convicled by fml judgme.t tur virding fh6 oath of allegiancs

4. Thoso wi$ d.ral olizemhip; 5. Fugitivo to.n irslbs h crirlinal d nonfolti:al cass het or abroad; 6. PernaJE rt rsiffi h a tqagn counay a t|oeo s'ho hat e acquked
the rigtt to rsirs ab.oad and contitue lo a\rail of lho sarne right after

the RepuHk;


tho eftsctivity d this Code; and lnsane or GbEmirided.

With respect io th appointnent of ebcrivo ard appoanlive local officials and

candidates wtlo lct in an electbn, the Code providE fhat they cannot, within 1 )rear after such election, be appdnted io any offce in tho gorernmea or govqntnent{wnd or cofltolled corpordions or ln any d its sub6idEis (e)cept lcing canddates in barangay electiom).

"(a) No elctive or app<irnive local official sha[ bc eligible capacity io any public otrce or podDbn dring hb tsr[r6.


appdntment or desigrEtion in arry


Unl6ss otheMis allorlvd by hyy a by the prtrEry fr.ncfbru of hb pociffrn, no elctlve or appointive local otrlcbl shaI hold any other ofice a ernph/ment h fh. golrrnmont tr any subdiyisbn, agE tcy


the'd, fudn&rg gorfiftont-ownod or -conlrolled cdpCetlons



(b) Bcept ,o. kxrttg canddaf lIl brangEy elc{irls, m canddab who lost h any elctbn stE[, within on6 (1) year anEi $ch l*firIL be appoimed b any c'trc6 h lh6 gpt fiirrst or any govrnment-ownd or -cor rolled corpaa$ons or in any d tt|eir srrbsidhbs." (Bepubl'rc Act No.
7160, Section 94)

Part 3. Acqilrition o( Rkfit or Trtl to Officc


ln Gelleral


ilodas of coflrmenclng otficfd dBltorB Tho sehctoar of perEoG ior puuic o{nce can mly be obiained in the rnanner

Reviwer on

prescribed by th6 Constitdirn 1, Elction

by law' gEnerdly through either:

Appoir mern



trw on Public ofhc7s 4r., Atc,co t w Sdlool



Meaning ol "AppointnenP h is th6 ac't ol dedgnatbfl by tho execdive dfis, board, d body to whom lhat power hB bec.r ddogat4 ol tho hd\rilual who b io xerc&6 tlg porrers and functbns of a {iven ofics (versG b+rng elcted in otrco by popuhr vots). {Bororno v. Marbrc, 4l Plfl. & l1g21l
h is equivalent to flling a vacanry in an olfice. (Conds v. Nario.El Tobacco Corp., 15


scBA 118 (1961)

c. ll

is the nominatbn or dxlignatbn of an indivirual to an otnc.. (Botrotno v.

Mariano, 41 Phil. 322 (1921)

Wherc apgointing p cr rrtides a. lnherotly bbnos to the peopb 1 . The selocfidl of persoau 6r puub offce

b primarlly a p.qogBt E d the pople bn ftcy cannd alwa)ls be caled upon to 4t toIlnedatdy wten fhe selectio.t le necessary. Tlus, it can b6 sail thd ttE potnr of the peoph to sel*t has been confored by t lgn b lho CdtslitiiOn o. hws.


Entusted to designated elected ard appcir ed pubEc offEirls

The appointment ot puub officlrb is generaly belorEs to lh !(ec:lniw depertrnem, but appointrnenb rnay abo be made by tho Co.B[es o. the cou]ts to ths odent that it is ircidert to the dischaQB of lhoi ,Espctiye funclions. (Governrnnt v. Springr, 50 Phil. 259 (1924 The powr to appoim canils wih it tho porve, (r r|rKr\re (x discipline. (A$rino, Jr. v. De Casro, 321 SCRA 95 flgq} BagaEtlng v. He.rra, 65 SCRA ,134 (1975); tacson v. RorEro, 84 Phil. 74O 0S49)


ApDohBtq pflGr gp.E af,, Icg dcd e an accutirc ftmcton a Whs6 power qrcised by execulir,o dopdtflEnt 1. Th6 potE d appoirtrE rt b irEixtcalt an exsitiys func.$on. Urder th6 prilxiple ot seporatbn d poueE, the eretbo of a publb 6ee Is a hgElatiw ftrEfbn; fna appointmont of pssoiB to ffico b an qdrti,. functioat; srd the lglrhtur rnay coorer t is appdnling pourer dt tio Presilefit or anoths publb offcr or bodd wittdn the o(E tt'rs depertmerlt


Whers pow6r o(rcised by otter



Appdntments to offce by on6 deparfnfft do

upon the function

rpt hvolrre an encroachment

any othea branch.


Power to appoffi dbcretiomry Powerof cou s to,svbry appointnpnt


Unlss gravely abuseq the cor'ts will not rsview fh appdnimofit or reppointneri of a puub otrcer. ]t cannot b sublect tc a write of rnandamus
to cornpd the exercise of




The appointing po*s has t l progarivo to solci, @rding to his jud9m6nt, petsons whom he lhir*s is best qrElified amdlg ttFso who havo th6 ncessary and dUibliti.=, prorided, hore\rer, thaf be oGrcised in good faith and not in a malicbus, harsh, oppaessiye, vimfcti\re or wanton manner or

Revi.\r.r on L.w on Publk Offic.r3 Albcrb C. &.., Arinco lrw School

oljt of malii.e or srite. (Pamanlasan ng Lungsod rE Maynila v. lntermedhle AppelHs @rrt, 140 SCRA 22 (198q


Power ot the Civil Service Comnissaon to rsoke appdntmefit 1. Thp Cornri**doo has no 4rtldity to rwoko an appoifitrrE rt oal the gound ihat

another person protestant.

arnhority to dic{ fhe

rnors ryalilted fol a partk-dar positidf rEith* does it have appointns[ of a subctihrle d ile choic6 or a $ccessful


The Commission has the pol ef to recall or re\roke an appdntment initially appro\red if such appointrnent is vdd from the binning du6 to fraud on the part of the appoirtee or because it vyas issued in vbhbn of bw. (Debulgado v. Ovil Service Cormissio[ 236 SC8A 184 0gg4)


t I I I The Philippine' legislahn lEs no poiyer to e,Ect h s whi$ ere.ssv or impli.:dly diminish the I I ! authority corfend by fhe AA ol Congrss on lho Chif Excrnive. I I







A person nexi-in-rank, cornpetent and qualifed to hold tla pciiion, is e ifbd to a
occutTing in any competitive or dassifid posfrirn h lhe go\reanrnent. lr ltEre are 2 or rnore persons under equal circumstances, seniodty mlst be girren rrefernce.


238a vi6,}3"

JC questioned tho appoint rEni of PC rrEmbers oI tl6 Board of medcal Eraminers since his nam6 was not irduded in fha Ist fi|ads by Uro F:xajlrl,g Councl of the Phitippine tUoaicd A3sociation pnsuant io Sefion 13 d Bepb[cA.t ]b.
Tho appdntment of

! I

ol th6 SrFine Cout hal Uree because it mold constitut6 a roduction and irnpeirrlent o, fhe appdnling pot'ur rr8led in lie prcsident by the Cortsftrfbrl. lrorcovar, irrlusion in the list is not one ot th requirE rE tts in Sec{irl i The fitst vietv bdlr\r63 Ulat Section 14

rc w6 vali bn$e meo$ss

b urEtslib,lirftd

i i

I !


R.lviswer on



rry be absohtc or conduo.El Absolute - whqs lhe ctr*te o( lhe appoinfing autllority is @nclushrs if ii falb upon an eligibb psso.t- No further consent s approval b necasary.

rv on Poblt.



Agr:, AEnco bw School


a app.wal by sorne other otfcer or body' such as the Commbsbn on App<*rEnsrt* b tre@ty to ompleto iha appdntmentConditirxral

where assent

7. Resffion! olt the poucf fo aegoht a. Gnraly t. persom to be appoinbd to a pl&[c offce
qualifcai'tons and be

should possess the rcquired

sd*ted sobty

Yrith a Yiew to the




Under the ConstiMion


Appoinflnefits by the ate sJbject degree

to the bllrwing


provisionsl a. "The spor.s and ,eHives by consanguinity of affnity wit

in the fcErth civil

Membts ol the Const'h,timat Commissions' or th Offico of tho qnbudsmarL d c Sctt bs, Unde'rsMies, dlaimn or heads of brsaus o, officos, idudng go\retnmoflt'owned ot conr,olled corpora$ons and rhek s.Didiaris' (CorEtltnbn, A,tbb Vll, Sectbn 13)


the Pre.idsnt shall not, dun'ng his tenure b appointed as


-Two mdrur9 inrEdirtely betore tho nod pieside.ttial elec{ions uP to tho of hb te.rL a Presk ert or Acting Prresireflt shall not make appointrnents, except temporary appdntments to executive positions when


continued vacanci:s lhetein will prejudice frublic service or endangEr public safety." (Consfi dixr, Artcle Vlt, Sec'tbn 15)

cd. e.

aPpdnfilent of othr officrs lower in rank in th6 Presfrent alone, in the courL or in ihe heads of dePartrnonts, agencles, cornmissions or boatds.' (Co.tsttMion, Articb VU' Sciion 1 6)
"The @ngrss,


Oy law, vest th

'The Suprm CoUIt stlal lrave th ro owing porE s: x x x Appoint all officials ard snplol|es d ffte iidii:iry in accodance with the Civil Seruice kw.' (Constihrtbn, At*ie vxl, Sedion 5{6)

'The Mentrs ol ttre Supgne Cout and iudg d lffi colrt shall be appdnted by tno Pnsirent from a hst d at lest trco nonlnoes fpatd
by u|e Jrdldal

Itd h Cdmc{l tu 6r.y vetlcy. Sucfi appoiflttnenB nd no conftmalio[ For the bxer cou]ts, fts P,8siront shal issuo ths aPpointmenB wit$n ninoty dalrs tom lhe subnission of tts lilt"
(Corrtitntion, Artlcfa Vlll, Secfion 9)

f. me Constitutional Commissbns

shal aPpoint fheir ofEcitb and emPlo],88s (Constitutbn, Micle X-A Sctbn 4) with hw." in accordance

The Membes of tho Civil Srvbe Commis-sion, Commission on Elections, and Commissbn on Audit shall be appdr ed 'without rcaPpohtrnont x x L Appoinhent to any vacarEy shafl be only for the uno(fri]ed tetm of tho p.dec-esss. ln m case shall arry M6mber bo appohEd or des'lgnated in a

tmporary or actirg cap*ity.' (constitution, Artkb Micle X-C, Sec'fian 1e): Atiide lx-D, Secrim 1(2),

x-8, scton 1eI

h- "tb candn

ate who has lost in any elec'tioo shat, within orle year afier such electio{t, bo appoi ed to any otfice in the govenvnett or arry gp\rernmnt-

neviewe. on taw on PuUk Omccrs Alberto C. Asa, ArerEo lrw 5.rrool



or co.*rolled co.poratbns or in any of their

Artiie X-8, Secrion


i. i.

"Tlo otficbb and rnployees of the Office of the Ombudsman, otlEr than rhe Dp.nis, stlal b appdned by the o.nbudsrmn acco.ding io ih6 Civil Servio Law.' (CorEtitutbn, Artbte X, Section 6)
'The Cnbrdsman and h's Deprnbs shall bs appoimed by the presideflt and frorn a list d threo nornines ior e\rery vacancy thereafter. Such appoinEEnts shal require no confirmatbn. All vacarrcies shall be filld within threo montls aner they occllr-" (Consfnution, Articb X, Section 9)
from a list ot at

lst six mminees preparcd by the Judicial and Bar Ccxincil,


Under e)dsthg laws


Besfictiofls on tho power to appd,t are noImally lolnd in the povisions fte qja!fiaatlons ard dsqEtifcdbns to a BrHb o,ffica Unlss prohiutd by the Constilrnioa Congrss may add qualifcalioru or to U6 provkted in the CorBtitutbn but rnay not srtpdsdo


When appohfitettt dGGmcd corr"leb a. l,lot subisct to coflfmafuo 1. When tha pows of ap0dntmnt is absohno, the tdrml irirence ol appc$ntmeflt . 0.e., th comrissim) flry issue at orEe.


Subject to



confrnatim the coofrmatbn

ot some othr


corvnission can b6 lisued only when confrmatbn b obtaind.

cf body is

requied, the



1. Appdntnrts to

by the CMI Sewice Cornmissino

posirkxE in the CMI Seryice must be submitl8d to lh Cornrnbsiyrs ilor approvat The atiatt n ot tle CSC rrerdy aesue the eligit lity o, th6 appohteo and b actualy not nocssary to cornplete Ura



1. Appdnfiqgdce.,s
Appointmot to a

appohtrstt pouye ol,s tho ffice b trminaE t h aI cass wtEe by law the dfice. b not rru,able b, hin. Tho rbm ro the cilffce b h the appdirtee.


ateady fi[6d cannot be ]rEds.


Accp,tanco o, agpohtltGot prlcodc. acceptance bV fhe appoin!.e and dbtnct fi,om ir a. Not necessary to cornplcdbn d valirity o, appdntnefi



completo whffier it is accepted or refilsed.

When the appoinling offcer acts within his auttprity, th6 appoirtrnent is


Necessary to possesslion of omcs



responsitiny o, an ffica (Magana v. AU<fitror-Gareral 107 phil. 9doi1g6o)

b not necessary to give valHity to an appointmeflt hn it is to enabb the appointe to hde full peessim, efl!ryment, and

tO Fomt ot acceptaco
iewr or Lw on Public Otfcers Albcrto C. Arr.. At n o Lw schoot


a. b.

Express bond-

may be done \rerbaliy, in u,riring, by taking the mfh o, orfice, or posling of

lmplkld - wlreq witrod fumd acceptance, lhe appdntee ersciss or performs the duiies and functi.JaB d eri offca.


Oulgaton ol eLcted or appolnted indhtidual to accGpt o,rfc. Generaly not 3ubj*t b cornpubbn


A person may notbe compelled to accept a public ofnce.



Governnrent may call upon the people to deiend lhe State and, in the lumllrnert illgeof, all dtizens may be rcquircd, under conditbns provided by law, to ,endr p.soml military or cMl seryico.' (ConsiMion, &tich ll,
Section 4) "The p.ime duty o, th6 Gorrernmert b to se.\re and protect tJ}6 people. The


Ths psnalty d aresto mayor or a fhe nci uceeling 1,0q) p6B, or Mtl, shall bo imposd upon any peBon who, hding b6en ebcred by poptilar 6lct'ron to a publb cffice, shal rduso withod leg6l rbfit o to bo sworn in or to dischargo lho dulies of sak offca.' (Be\rised Penal Code, A'ticle 234)
Mal6 ir$labftants of a certain age mry bo rsguiEd io assist in peserving ihe peac6 and ode, of the community. 0J.S. v. Pompya, 3 l Phil. 245 (1 91 5)


Obligation in the natwe d a social duty Evety petson wtp 6.[ers imo civil society must have a social duty to shar6 ln lhe pruic burders by aocepting and perfdming lhe dnios ot public offices to which he .nay be laerftdty c*tGerl.


12 Nece$dty of writh appoftrEftt


Vrew that


appoinffi shorrld be evidenced by a lE.ithg The apPointm(lt muS ba aironced in a ivay tlrd th6 pub[c may knotx when and in what ananllrt d,ty has boen perloflrEd becaBs appolntmert to offic atrects tha pr"rblc and td rnorrry priyato rlgtrts


Contrary yiow

1. The dgtt d $ appdnbe ro be hductod &pnds upon th6 fact of app<intmeit, and not on l{s abiity to estabfi$r tle lbct cf appo&rtnflt by
prodrclioo d lhe srltren appdntmorn wicro $e bw doos not polrk o a specific manner in whidl lh6 appoiniment shal be ma<te.

V,,eda ectaw w renra hralta I vet

I t'''-'-" t'by the nar President to ttre same pcilion I I.,^^^^,^,^ _^ * ,-,._-. t yerrrra --. qlly veneciat r oallt and conlqtltl rarxJrt t.[tl rlor ti[ inrpry llr[rryr pft,r fi a ad a[I ltllettm appointnent. appolt[IrElI. onrr rAiaUre ]l,ralJn ne ltrB I !

! n,as acling crEirnan o, MWASC in 1S61 by the PrBsirsr Prsirsr . He, hour6rrf, sal, I I that he uras appointed ad interiq and look hb oalh of otrce e3 $cn. The Commission on ! ! Appointnrents conhrmed tha appdouE tL tss then e y'oa, affr, Feralta was appoimed ad intcim I
r,rrt nll

!t Vonecia rEs appdnted Venecia appointed


6o2Irffilr) l,,s,caA.Ezl,*tD

i Td"T?

! on lhe maner is that Vnecb was appdnted o,rv as ac{ing ChainEn, ard ttis could nol I

Reviwcr on



ggBEr-qr$gglgp:gll SessmlFii 74

[.u or Public Otfrcers

At ncot r{ School

Albrto C Arr..

!-66,^se-ttEirras-#6ro non#atbn ; recess- ot appol-,rt-m.nt. tt ms-lrrrmuent ! p.ow ftta he was irdeed appdnted ad interim, and the bettet rule requires

upon v-ercc-ar1-!

;;orlriil ;d

,"no"r-tffiio p,rub ofics indulritabh.


ot wrmen !


13, Felocaoo.r


fDal ard co.nplelo Genral rub is that onc6 appoinfnert to an ofnco b Inade and comdst6, it is not suuect to reconsireration or rarocatbn, e)(cept if tho officr is remo'vable at the will of the appoifiing polyer.



Where appointes has assurned



The mornent an appor'rfie assirflnes a pGitbn in the civil service under a completed and approved appointrE rt, he acqries a legal, not merety an eguitabl rbhl, whi$ b protected by stmrb and rh6 CortstiMbn and can only be ,E\rolGd or removd fol cal.Ee and with previorE nolice and lEering.


1- As ldrg as lho appoinfe pMcs lhe mioirllim

potBtanf rn66 quarfied than appo


rEquird qualificatiofis, he

cannd be iefiroved even if proteslant b rroa q.talified than fne ftst appdntseAphoilttments by fhe PrcrSent 1. Powe, otappohtnnt ofthe M "The President shall nominate and, with

lh corlsflt of the Cormissbn on AppoififipnB, appoint the heads of ihe execulive dep{unents, arnbassadoG, other public ministers and cor|suls, or fficers ct the amed lbrced from the tank of coloflel or naval captain and othq officers whGe appointrne.ils ar6 vesled in him in this Constitution. He shal atso appoirt oths ofnce]s of tlle Gov.nmfit whose appointrnents are ml ottE wise prwired by taw, and thce whom h ,nay be authorized by law to appcint The CorE[ess rnay, by lau rcst tE appdntment of other dficers brver Ir rank in the PreBilent alone, h U|e conts, h the hads of deperunents, agsrJ63, omn*ssirnq a boards
The Presileril shall hars thg

pors lo rnake appdnt rErfis during the rccess of the Congess, wtEth6 rroh.rntry a compukffy, hn sudr appdntrEnts shall be Gffc-tiv mly urtf dheFproral by tho Co.rmI$bn on Appolntnnts d untl tho ttDd adjounmeot of lho ConSFss.' (Oonfinhrt A,licle W Socfroo 10
Four g:oupe



o,oflick s whomthe P,gdda'tt b srnidiDdioappoirt t1@ds of o(eorflve deparirrE tt3, amb6r&xs, cff|e puub min'Etrs and corEub, officgs of the arned fdces torn the rank of colonel or naval captain, regular membss of th6 JBC, SC and iudges, Chairman and Cornmissioners of tha COMELEC ard Commission on Audit, Members or lh6 regbnal consuttativo
AII other officets wtrose app<intnenB ara not othenflise proridd by law.


3. 4,

Ttlose who.n lh6 Piosidsrt may b6 artho.izod by hw io appoinl

OtiE officeB burer in rank whce appointnEnE $e Coogress, by la.r,

the PrEskiefit alone.

rrsts in

neview.r on lrw on Public Otfi.lrt Albc(o C ABra, At n 6 LawSchool

Confrrrofion o, appoilrtncfllr b, Cdnmlt$on ott ApDohunentg a Onty the otficers in the first grorrp abo\re tequis llle c.nsefit d confi.matbn of th Conmiss'lon on Appdnfnents. Capress cannot, by bw, rsqjire confirmstbn of app<intments ol ottnr fficee.


tle ,ne{nbts d tho SC, judgs of th brrer co.rts incilding the SandigBnbqyan, the Tano@|an atld hb deplnhs iorn a fst made by lho Judicial and Bar Corncit Thse do not rc(trlie confrnatirn of ths Co.nmission on Appdntments. Same rula appliB if the Vpe'Presr:dent b appointed to a cabinet
Th6 President appdnts



Ttle Adminisfative Code abo vsts

Chainnan and memblE d th Cornmission on Human Rights, which is likewise not subirt to corfinnatbn of Ule Commissbn dl ApPointments. (Adminbt'ativs Code, eoof V, Ctrag*er 13, Titl6 ll, Sr.6fi0e A Sction 4; Eadista v. Sat nga' 172 SCRA
160 (19&eD

h lhe President

ttle porvet to appoint ihe

Appofrnenta by o0ror olllc* a. A'tbb Vll, Sectbn 1 6 of tho Canslihrton wsts h tho oout3, hoads of d@arullents, age.Eies, @mme*ioats' 6 boardsltF pot ' b appoint ffisB loura in rank in tllei r6pective offce& 't-ower in rank' re{ers to dtceas stbordinaie to lfioso enurnerated offrcas upon whom $e polfif of appdntsnert ry be vested.


Kinds ot Pr6ide.rtia!

mado yrhil Congress is h sesskx.

2. b.

'1. Ttpsa appcintmenB

TfEse arc actually me. no.nlnat'bns Commission on Appointnfi ts


aro subic-t to confrmation by th

Ad interim
Those mada while Congrss B not in sessbn or is in recess.


Pnnanefit 1. Thoso which subsist unlil lawfr{y tsminated

Teflrporary or Acliu 1. Those rtri$ hst unlil a pomstent appointsrEnt ie rEde.


whl*r ae rc$id b bo subrittd !o lto


Cornmission on

App<intnents are eithe rgdat or ad 3nd 8r pafiianett in nature.

Ad lnterim appointments a. These aro appointnents made by the PrBsilent whib Congess is in recess, thus, the Commisrio.r on Appoir*mefits may only ddibrate upo.l sljch aPPdntments when Congress goes into sssim.


Tho President is usualv aided by the Commissbn on ApptinErents' adrice when it


to appointments ln the c8o ot ad intdin appoittncnts, howaner, the

Pr{si.rert ac.ts aldlo and the qrstem cf cficl and babnces vital to our system of gee.nmert is not in phce.


Ad inlerim appointnEnB, howwer, ato nocessary drc to

tle exislenca.of situatiom presenl by an impording obstn ctbn or I'rgpncy causd where thete is a clear and

Reviewer on L.w on Pubf,c Offic.rj A,berto c Agra, Atc;co bri sct ool

paratysis of
is mada

tle furlctbns

assignd lo orfice to be filled if no irmediate appoirtrned


An ad interim appclinknent is pennanent in nature arxC not a mer tsrnporary oI acling appoinfnerf even it it b sl6l,ct to co.frrnalion by lio Commbsion on Appdnt nentg llowerrc., it may be rcalled d revoled by the Prresirent before

! Eosales v. Ye,*o (15 not released to

*RA 76 Itg6,I)
The Civit Service Corrnisdon iniormed him thaf his appoir ment had been

R was appointed ad interim Chairrnan of Ule B@rd od Exarnine.s, btlt his appdntnent papers were


recalled and th6 President instad appointed Y as ac{hg Chaiman.

'rnvatld, ilegd and &es not subsist Siirce hb app<intnent was , Th6 ad interim app<intnent of R is I never relassd, lt E irEmplds afit $or wa h fact ard h iafl m d inEin appoi mr* that I I could b6 validy tansntttd to snd acied upon by the Crcrhmassion on Appoinlrsts" I I

Trnporary or a.nirg aDCoffirE rlt a. Genera[y, fh6 povvea to appoinf vdd h ths Pre.tder ixrudes Bnporay or acting appcrinfirefits, unless cAtsuise fut irod by law- @b ing y. Pabualan, 14 SCRA 274 (1e6q)


Sinco acting appointments ar te.npo.ary; they cannor be valiry codrmed by fho Commlssbn on AppEintnents becalse cofififlmlbn presuppos a valid nominat'pn of ad intsim app<fntment. (Valencia v. Peralta, I SCBA 6S2 (1963) A pe.son appoinbd in an ac{ing capadty lEs m perso.rality to bing a guo lvana'Ito aclion against lhe perrranent appointc lo lhe pG irn as ho b not ert lsd to lho office. (Sevina v- Court of Appaq Ap SCRA 637 (1W[ Ries d CouG BrJe 66,
Section 6)




A pdson appoirtod ln an acilE capdty has no fr(d tonrB of ffic6 and hb appointmeat cao be Emiraied d nE pl6ro of lhe appdilirg pourer. Howe\rr, srh appohtrIHlts cannd bo usad b cicrrrIn glt the sedrity d tenue principls in th6 Crnstihrtlo.r aId Ch,l Ssrde Lil. (Chril S6,ioe Comrn!*)n v. tlerangina, 513 SCBA 6ag PmD; Grytao v- Chrl Servi:o Cormisebn,210 SCRA 1gl flW) An unqualifid person camot bo appoinbd eyen in an actiu capacrty. (lgnacb v.
Banate, Jr., 153 SCBA 546 (1984)



d new or addirld dulils upolr an dfcer to be perbrmed by him in a specbl ,mnner while performing lr! functbns o, his
Designatbn E merBly the impGilibn
pennanont offioe.

b. h presuppGes

Ulat lh oficer b aledy in ssvi:e by vitle of an 6arfi8t appdntrnflt- h is rwocable and ternpasy in dBracler ard does not confer
socurity o, tenure.

neviewcr on Lw on Putltc OtR.e.' Albcrb C. AAr., At eco trw S.hool


h does not eniitl lho dfce, &s'lgrEted to addtirnal bnfts or tha right to cbim salary attachd lo Ule pcsifioIl. Neith, can the Commbsbn on APpointments validi, act upotl il, I ilse b no appdnttnent lsued. (Dirnaarhl v. Commission on Audit, 291 SC8A 322 (1S8)


Seps h thG appdlthg proc3..




lhe eldrrsi\re p..ogahre ot fhe Presidert and CorBress nry onv limit suctl prerogativs in cass wtleG concrflEoce of lhe Commission on ApPointnents i3 neeOeO anO whete legishute is vesled with the po'ver to prescdbe the gGl qualifications to a given-apPoirltive orfica (l,lanalang v- Quitoriano' 94 Phil' lt


crgted th6 Er$.airry arxl Appggl Contol and lnsPeclion Boad (EACIB)' on i Section Z ot w6cn provb6 tne coflpct6on & Oe Aoad- The valifty of lh. Acl Yvas attckodcan Presk'enl llls who spciry carrd or[c6, i creae grourd rrry wliil. Co.trcas ttat ! ttre anrvrirn thetein. thcrin I appoint

Bepubtic Act No. 3137

! section 2 ot Bepubtb Act iro- gigT dos not deprh,e rhe Prask enr ol hirB power to apPoint whrs arc neoessuy, a,td omcA6s occt py ar,1h.. posilbn h atr ex-oficio capacity, the aPt!,rr],,rsDE no appointments t rrv ! i President is not dpdved d hb const't- spl p.ltre, to l}Eko appoinhnts eveo it Congrss i prescribes which offciab shouH o6.Py lhe sai, x-ofido podlib{E"


Confinnaton 1. The polrss



ttrrough th Cormbaioar on eppointments sirce it is a

rqlocf certain apPointnnts bdongg fo Congress dl&* on iho exscutive


A confinnatirn cannot bo loo.lsudd dlt rho Ptset ern has b6n ndilied of th confirnatbn and has cornplsted fho aPPointrE tt by issliqg a dnmlssiofl

lhe appdnto6 osl




of tl6 cofffitg body pIovi'e ior



tssuance of comnissbar

1. 2.

'Conrmk*on' b tle wltlan authofly tom a coarpe sou given to lhg oficea I hb wanat loa lhe GD(dtiso ol |tto powds atd dtils ol the ofics' ltls the written etrirnco d lhe appdntment
When a petson b eleclsd io offic6, h's riglrt as esfaUlshed as a ]esult of the ' election and dos not @erd upon tho issuancs o, a comtdssion' lssuarEo of pan of a oommission to I elec'ied ofl6er b rs[y a rdnistedal act and not a


C. Appoitlnrcrna h $. Cl|t


The Ch,il Sctt


- all brancrrs, sLlb.hrbbtu, inslrumntambs and agefick,s of th6 gor-nn*rrt incMing GOCCs with original crlaner- This co'st thc adminisbative


Sctt lcc

w on Public Offic..3 Alb.rto C. Aer., A6nco t w S<rlool

Reviewer on

personnl o, the enlir goremmer qrsterD bofh mtional and local, including the


PurpG6 - to oriabl ttE ,ralional ard local gorernnBnt a'd all iis instrumentalitis ard aqpncies to render fir effch.t ssvices to th plrbfic by enabling ihem to obtain efficivrt public savants lle Chd S'lrica sFtcm sed(s to establish a m6til
s),stern of fitness and rfiderE, as the basb of appointments,

Classlficatons o, pdtbns h tre Gh,l Servbe a. Career Swics '1. Characledstics d career scwho: a. Entrance 'rs based on ,nerit and fitlss whi$ is detetmined by competili\E e)minatbn-s or are based on highly technical qElificationg



d tenue

2. a. b.

Opporiunity io.


ncemed !o f*glrr ca]eer podlins

Carer servbe hctudes; Open carer pciuolls lor approprhro eminalion;


reqriing Fior qjalification in an

Gbsed carcer pq*tixrs which arc sciefititc 6 higldy tectrnk=l in natu. Thes inchrde faqrlty and acadsrnb sffi oa stab collegEs and universites, and sciefliifc ard ischnical positims ir sciafitific tr tseatch instihrtiong
which shall establish and ,naintain thei own , srstem


Pqsitions in l}le Ca.eer Eccutive Serrri- 0.e., Undersecrstary, Assislant Secretary, Bureau Direlor, As$stant Buoau Dic*o., Chie, of Department Se rice, and other o,trcers of equivabnt rank as rlay be identifed by th Career E(ecutiw S6n ics Board ard appointed by lhe Pred@;
Career officers o0ler than ttEse in tlo CarE E)ecrrthre Savice who arc app<rnted by the Pr's*nt 0.e., Fordgn Sewbo Oficss in the Departmont of Forign Affiatsh
Conwnissioned fficaas and erdiEGd rnen


d $o

Aflned Forces

f. g. b.


psfoaming gorrcrn'IE ttal career se ri:eg; and

gorrd[rstr-onned ard contsoled dporsdons wftdh{ 6 p.oprilry funcliorB u,to do not tall under mt].

Permanenl, wheher skile4 serni-skiB4 or mskilled-

Characterislics ol nor!aeer servica: a. Enfance on bas6 dlei tlan $ce of

tle u$al

lest o[ nErit ard ftness


Tfiurs whict b linibd io a psiod specified by h , a cdnnlnous with that of fhe appointhg anhoriiy or sutrject lo hb plBrrs or limited to the duration of a prli:Ltu p.rircl


t{on-cars se.vbe irdudes[

Reviewcr on Law on Public

A8ri, AterEo L.w S6ool

a. Ebclhre offcbb and $cf personal d confident'Bl s.tafb b. Deparfrnern hed ard ottrs ofncsrs ot cabinet rark and their staffs c. Chairnsn arld mernbcs of commissions and boards with fixed tertrB of
ofnce ard fheir stafis

d. Corradrd prsonnd

[.a., whee eqCoymefit in tho gorretnmnt is in accordane with a speci: cdfiact to undedak6 a specific work or iob requi.irE special or technical skilb not a\railable in the emdo,ying agsrEy, within a specific p.iod ard shall not exceed l year, and perbrms with mininnrm dircctbn and sopervision)
Sectlcns 5 and 6; Frecutiv Order No,

. f.
Ctasccc of

Emergency and seasonal peEonnel (Prc.identbl Decree No. 807 (1975), 29, Book V, Ttle l, Sctons 7 and 9)

ernploFc (enptoyrgn is nor p.manent hrt occasbnal, unp.frbb, spordc arld bif in natuo) (Chua v. Civil Sowice
CorxniBsir.l, AtO SCAA 66 tl$trzn


po*tom in tr ctGcr lan ic6 Ttre maior levetg cil pcitio0s in th career se.vica appointment
examirdirns; 1. Clerical, fades, crafr+ and cusbdd seryb positbns



Professional, techni:al, and scbntific pcit'tons


Carcer Exedniv6 Setrrbo (orfchb of fhis lard have no sgcurily of tslure and rnay be removed arrtirne unless they hara s6c1rd an digibility ftom th6 Carcer Executivo Sewbe Board (CESBI ad hare been issud tl CarEr Execlnfue Servrbe Omcer (CESO) rank by th6 Preddent upon ,mmrnendation of the



BquirnElts of compstli'rs


EnFance fo the

2. 3.


pawiolJs quafficstfxB to

ffi tu,o bvotB are trcngh dnpsfiive examinatbns. to tle fild lad b pleobed b, $o CESB ard do6 nof roqukB
li6 lowc


For proflEtbn to a

hidl6 posr'tbt h one or more ,hbd occups$onel grcupst no a(aminatbn b rquid wiuin tlo sarne lev6l- llotrot sr, th canctdato for

mlst ha\r6 prwid.rsly passed th6 oGmination tor th6 l^rel.

(Prasiiderifid Decrea l.lo. 8O7 (1970, Sectio{r 7; Exednit/e Order No, 292, Book V, Irtle I, Sction 8)

Coosiihilltonalcla!3ificaUst a. Compstitrvo - Thosa wlEss appcintrents ds rnade according to merit and frtness as detemind by corpfilivs examinatixrs.


Non-competitfue -.Those whe appointrrnf do not take lnto account ,neiit and ftness as determined by cornpffive orniEtims. Theso include poCtbns which

are pdiqsrmhir, plinaily confidentbl, or highly iechnirl (Constitution, &tire X-8, Sectbn 2A)



ncviewe. on La* on Publtc Orffccn Albrto C. Agr., At{rEo bw School



Ireten ririalion ol rnerit and ftsr6$ by competitive eramimliorE Go*afy, the sdeclion ot any appoir ea to any goremmed potilbn shaS be rnade orry according io and fitness lo be determined, as la as praclicable, by compotitive examhAkrns io p.fdm duties and assum the repof:tsibility ot tho poctition, wiUrout rcgarO lo any ot Er consideration such as serq cdor, social satus, rdigixf or polilf:d affilialiorl


standard of gradng and mLBt

ln order to be compatitive, lhe o@minatbn must be gi\ren under an objecti\re corblm to rneasures and standards.


Denominating an e)mination as cornpetitive does not tnake it competitive. Tho ermination must be comptitive in sub6tance, nol merely in form.

Oral examinatirm mry be deeflEd cornptiliye wlt tests proftssiond skil a necassdy.


manual or


E(cmpdon rlo.n rub o, noltscdlrp.{iEvc pociEo.B

Tfpwh policfdete.nhiEt p'irEity confidgtlid atd hilly technk=l Pciibns are exemd ftom compsnn e 4arflatons and stil enFy fhe operarim of tte p.lncipl6: 'no officer or ernployee h tho Civil Ssvbe shal bG reflored or $spendd except
for cause provided by hvr'/'.


yvtetiEa an admidsHhr por'Eon b p.intatiy co.fd$tiil, polirydemining. or highv technical b ths nffr d tre frnctbns attaded to ttle pd*tion.
Poliry deiermining positim

c. d.




or any of

']s \iBsied w h fne powr of lcmuHltg polbies for lhe gorernment agncies, subdvisbm or instumenh$ties-

Primarily corfident!{


lts occupat alir!,s npao t ran tle ddirsy confid6n6 in hb aditudo of itle appdnting potrvs hn bss f.irnadly $cfi dce intintaey whi$ insr6 lhaodom of intercotns withorn filbdrassnglt d lredom tom misgfoing of betrayal of personal tust on EfidGr ial rEttcrs ot tle Sfab. More than o.dinary confrdenca b rcguird



A pc*tion nray be @nslde.d pimat{y oonfidsttial whgl the fteddent, upon recommndauo.r d tlo Ch,l Servba Cormlssbner, has declard it to b6. (Sabza v. frarhay, ,3 SCAA ,5 (1976))
prirnariv cormdntial.

3. lt b the natuts o, lhe pos bn whi$ finally detemines whether a position b 4.

Ptimarily confdefltial appdntec is ,Dt suhiect lo remyal at the pleastre of lh6 appoitfiing adhodty- lnsted, ierminatk n ol sucfi al appointes's official rolaton can be .iustfid on ulo grolmd .f lB of confidnce, which imotvos no remorel bd me.dy the sreiratbn d tho te]m oI office- (tlernardez v. Villegas, 14 SCRA s44 (1965)


Highly-technical posil'ron - ns occ-upant b requLed to posss shlts or ttaining in tho suprorno or supeabr dgr,

w on Public Officers Alberb C. AEre, Atdr.o taw School Rviewer on



Oualtfcatoo srandards h the Civil Servba Ttr6a arE the minimum ,equirernefits d a dass ol poGitbn in terms of education, rraining, oxporiencs, ciyil swbe oft$bi[ty, physk]al fitness, arld othet qualit'res requitEd hr succsfil prb.rrurEo. The dege of qualificatk .rs is determined by lho appdnling adhority on lhe bd*s ol qllalfcafon standads td th6 partbuler


t s6 d qudiHbn stan@ds


As basis


civil sewica exarninatbB for positbns in the cater seflico


As guides in the appcintmenl and oiher personnel actions in the adiudical'ton ot protested appointments

3. ln determining taining needs 4, As aU in the inspec,tbn and ardl of tha agpncies'

(Prs$defllial Decree l,lo. 8O7, Seclbn 20)

prsonnd $rork pograrrs


EglablishnE , afihisfraftn and fllinisla tc. of qralifcafiro standerds 1- The <lepartmert o, agency, wilh tho assislsre ard approwl of lhe civil servic Coflxnbsbn ard in consuhation with tle Wagp ard Pqsirion Ctrassifbarbn Office, is respoarsibls fq tha estabfshrnrlt adninisHion and maintenance of qualifi catbn stardad.sApproral



qualificalbn stardads

AppDval of lh6 Civil Seryice Commi*ion is rcquired by law because it is the go\rernrnerd's ceotral prsonnd ee.tcy e{fi.Biod wilh lho enhrcernent ol laws rlative io tho slection, prortofron, and c[sciplirg of ciy servants.


Ofistting of deficiencies

1. Wh6n noess:ny, educdiln, DgsierEe or t'aining BBy b6 usd intcdEngeably b ffiet dddgld6, qceB ttE rEquid efgbfrty. Th decieion ss lo whn the onffir.F glyo riso lo naty !o iotorchango
odrcdion with experinco or Ehing discrstion of the appdrning authoE -

ard vi:evgsa rcsts upon tho sound





4gohtnent h lfio 6i r..ulc.



whi$ b is$ed to e pdlon t rho rne.rB al ttE re(!.iiEmoa$s fta lho pGition irElrdrlg tho appropriils dgefif, prcrtod.
and hb appointment
lasts until hwfully terminated.

2- A psmanent appcfntss is entiltod to security of tenl'e


Temporary or acling 'l One whbh iB issred to a peGon who rle'ts al tha reguiemfits br iis position to which h is bing appointed Uls approp.bte dvil sdyr efigibility.



appoinfEnt shall nd eNced 12 mo. hs ard he rray be redacd sooner it a quaffied civil servbe e[g'bb bcco.IE ayaibbb. A iemporay appdntnent does rpt become pe.rnoneat iust bcauso lh app<intee is albwed to conlinue
His in it


a numbe, ca yeaIs

Rariewcr on Lew on hrblic OIficers AlberrD C. Ag.i, AtsIldo taw Sdool



lnatanc ol temporrt appohfmcfit

Where the appoirnee dos ,rot possss civil servba eligibility.

Where the appcirtee tlas civl sryice elisibfity bln ditbnl appropriate lo the pcilixr ftr wii$ ho was appointed.

tom that which is


Where the appointrrErt b made by lhe Prg.ndeflt to fill an executi\re dfice duing the abcence o. incapacily of lho irEumber[ Whers the appdr ee has not passd any civil servi:a examinalionWhere the new appcint nent is still sut ject to a conditbn and complianc has not been mad yet (i.e., subject io lhs corEent and apEoval of the municipal council (pursuant to Republic Act l,lo. 1561, Seclion 1)

e. f.

Whse a rEw ircurnbs tEs ben appdtttsd to lil tho pcitbn of a rgular dknissed Thers is no rracancy in this cas6 and tne sgdly dsrdssGd rnplqre i9 eof d to be reinstaled to his
employee who has beon ilgafiy $sp.xred or



Where a pe.son is daElmted as an officer h cfiarg Where the




at th pleasrre

ths appointing porrrer

10. Separation ot te.ilpaary ctrpbyees a. A temporary appointrnent can be terminated or witfdra\an at the pleasure of the appointing pot rer, withod notics of hedirlg, or at a rpment's choice, and

regadless ot the grounds

6 r@ons. It|o appoinfee can b transfered


reassigned without vioHkE tre ConstiMional p{urbion on security of tenur6.


The Constilution rEndates, ]purevs, lhat ternpc"ary emplo:/es in the golrsnfllem shall be giveri s.rfi protEfir| as may bo prorrk ed b, h!fl. Tl*t aitrE b probct te{nporary appdnB tom hdsimirdo ds.nissab and to rEke sure thd thol soparation or rcphcdndrt b nEde dlly fr justifiablo causas.

11. Ouarflcatoo


gEnral nfe, q.Efficaton in an Tproprisfe qarirlelion appolntnErt to first ard s@rd levd poi$qB h lrt caraar serybe.


49n9dab curdadon


reguird ,ot




Whete thrE b an digblo ayaibbl, no pcrso.r wtlo is not an digible tor tho position nray ba appointed even in a lernpcary capacity io arry vacat position in the carer se.vbe, o(cept wtren the immediate fi[ing ot the vacancf is urgertly rcqrid in ths puHb hterst o. whn lh6 vacancy is not permanent.

epdntlEot rt rur@ilXes

in the

aEerEe d efgbbs


Appoinnnent io a pocrtion ,equfing bwer e$gbnity

1. A

ptson with civil ssybe efigt lity aoquid by srcce&snrly passing an 6)(amirEtbn shal bo qralfied t6 a pGitro.r ]qllhg a ldrr efigibility if ho posses the o0ler rc.pirEnts fa appdntsnent to $rcfi pcitbn.


lssuarrce / revocaik n ol csttficafe


d digibryfy The Civil Sewico Comnislio.r's pol sto issr6 a cerlifcate ot eligibility caris with it tha po$rer to ,e\rol(e the certifcate toa t dng null and void, and tnay do so


on Lrw on Pubfic


Alberto C Arra,

At io taw

motu p,optb winhoxn no{ics and hesing to the examineo concerned, applying the rule or res irsa ,oq./dor. l,lo evidentitry heding is reguird if the cas6 simply involve a recheddng ol the mminatbn papers.



lpP,ual I rd

ot apgobtrcntr


ClyL SGn lcG Corardisdoo

AppointmenB reqrid to bo approved 1. Genral n 6[ Th Cnd Ssrdoo Cormix$on musl epprov all appointmenE, whethsr d'Etral or p.ormtio.rd, to pd*dons in lhe dvil servbe and disapprove thos whe.s the appointees do nd poeass fho app.opdate digibility or required gualifications.


Exception: Pred&ntial apXrintnrents, membe.s Philippines, polbe forces, frercq and iail gmrds

ol the Armed Forces ot the


Bigm of appoinlee lo a he irg h cas6 of dinapfoval 1. Where th6 Clvil Sdlrbo Cormis!*nt dsapp.orrB an appointrEfit, the appdnlee ned not bo previds*y tEdd {*roo tle *tirn does nd invotue the imposition of an adminEtrati\rs pnalty-


The appdntee is dven the opporttrtity to be hedd by f ing a motion for reconsidration of the dsapproraL
The Civil Sewbe Comniqsion may rccall, on its own hiHiv6, the aroneous inithl approral o, an app<intmert ard rview lhe same anewshall tak eftct imrnediaHy upotl iss.|e by th appointing authority if the appdntee as$me.! his dnies immediatety and shell remain effective until dlsapp.orrd by the Civil Sewi:e Co.nmisskxl




1. An appointmed

appointmerit until disapproval


An appointmrt to the civil scwice nl.rst bo subrrtted b fh6 Ciyil Ssvba Commissbn for approval wilhin 30 d4|8 tom issuanc. by rhe appomhg authoft/ty to dtfinine whitr. the appdnbe b $afified to hot tie pos.uon and wh,thd ttE nJs in tho procsss of appdntnnt were follolved. lf not submittod and abseot lh6 Evtrabb cediEcaton a approval tho appdrnment is inefrectiyo and lhe appokmrnt @t slit b6 rccaled r withdrawn by lhe



Ciitrbn to be ompbyd 1. Whgths or nd the app<Arce

the required appro\rd (|lralificatirng lo an .ffica b used by the Civil Servb Commiss'bn as lto sole criterbn wtEn it acls on appcintments.



approprialo civit

ss\rb. ilgibllity o.


Exteflt of Commission's authodty

'1. The Civil Service Commisdon's authortrty b Esticted to rwiewing th appointneflE and approving and dltapproyilg tE n basd on tho rquimeBts
of the civil senrice Law.


The Civil Service Cornrission does not have fhe po\,ver lo 1mk6 the appointnrt itsdf or lo *ect the appdfiting arnhdity to crlango the empbyinent statE d an rndoye (e.9. tom temporey to permanem). (Province of Canuines Str v. Cotrrt d nppels, 2a6 SCm 281 (1 9950

na,iewcr on lrw on Pubric Officers C, A8.., AEnco trw Schoot


The Civil Servica Corvnissbn has no authodty to ,e\rotc an aPPointment on the groond fhal a.dher b ,nore $ralifid, but if ray otdet reinstatemer ot an ilegaly dernotsd o. dbnissed e,npbyee. (Gayeo v. CMI SIvico Commission, 201 SCRA 183 Cabagnot v. Chr Sett ico Cornnissim, 223 SCRA 59





1. Rrrpee to de{em$ns
service oligibility.


wtlethe tll6 appointee pcsesses tho rquisite civil


when the appointee b qalified, ard all olhe. tqiTements have been satisfied, tho Civil Se.yice Comtnis.sim hs no cfioieo hn to attesi the appdntment Once this tuncrion irB dscharge4 the Cornmissim's participation in iho appoinlme.t prGs ceas6.

g. .

Kooping o, recor6 of aE appdotnstts 'l The CMI Ssvbe Ooflr.r*srim 'B rc$I,d

a[ offcqs ard grlplo,yG h fie civl sdrri:a

kcop e rcord

all appointments


Becall o, appdntmc0t


The Civil Swb Conmbsbn b authdtsed to rEll an appointtnent initblty appro\re4 hrt only when snch appointnert and appro\ral are ptoven to be in disregard of th6 appficdlc prwir*xrs of ttp Civil Ss\rics Lrw and rguhions.



fa rEl

(Ornnbus lrnplerrE



ot the


Adminbtrative Code, Bule Vl, Sc'tion 20I 1. Non-conrplianca with fhs procedrrs Rornotion Phn;

/ criterb

provided in the agenq/s Medt

2. Failure to pass th.ongh tho agenq/s Sebc.tlon / ProfiDlbn B@rd; 3. Violati.rn of lll al$ng cofdiye bqaining {rcrnfit bcf{resn manageinent



pro.notioG or




xirring dvil sdvbe

bq nd6 a.d rguHi{x}s-

13. Appoffinent



tlrulgh c.ifilcato0 appohtrBt thrcqgh ce.fificafill lo a pciudl h fio 6rt svic6 b issud io a person who has ben *lefrd torn a Ist o, qualilied,ts cstfied by th6 Ovil

Servica Cormissbn fiorn an appmpriate rrgEilsr ot efigDle's ard who m6ts all other requirrnsnB of lhe poeilion.



All snch prsons rrust undergo a Grnonth pobatbnary priod and thorough
chatacter investbaton in order lo acguie permnent cMl swice status.

D. Vacancy


Meanhg ot ya@tc, a. TIle E b vacancy wlEn an offco b ernily sd wi$rod a legBlly qlalified lrcumb6l appointed d deded no it wilh a lawful 4rn b e,(e.cise ils powers and prform iis

Re{iewer on

Exastence ot


vacarc, lEt esrenftal


lrw on,Public Olffc.ri Albcrto C Atr., At n ot w School


An orfce may be vacant when it is occut*d by one who by ,nere ust.rpr, a by 0.16 who is hold fg orer.

b not a de ,ure ofticer, as

& Affito a. tlo person


non-yacant poEldon

may b6 appohtcd !o an offco whlcfi b not yet vacant- Oherurise, such appdnrrbnt b n ll ard w*, ab iritio. Where a rgub, erplryee b ilogafy dsrdssed, transfened or demoted, his position does not become vacant



Classiltcation ot Ecanc,tt

When an offico


created ard no one has ben appointed to it



ConstrEti\re - When th incumbent has no legEl rilht or claim to continuo in offEe and can be lally replaced by anothe. tmcibnary.
Accidental - When lhe itnrnbanl havhg ded, eigned, no ono in esse clisclla ging tho dru ol lhe offce.


been rBmo\rod, ihers is

Absohd - \ruhen th torm ot an irrc1mbe'It haviE qpird and the latt6r not having held ovcr, no successd b in being who b legsly t[.laffied to assume th6 offic.



Ca.rrcr otyacaocy Deadr, permnenf dinulty, rsrrDvd fum officq a rcsigndbn of th6 indrmbnt it illegalty $spended or disr use4 the otfice is not \,acarL Resignation or remryal
must be valid so that fhe


may be dedard vacant.

Abardoornefi, expiration ol tenrl convbton o, a cdrn6, impeachrnent, conviction, acceptancs o, incompatibb omce, cralbn d a n,t offcs, reaching the age limit, and recal, or by failus d pe.sons chosen lor offic lo accept or qualify for th

mfrg ot andchdEd yacaochn

Generalty appolttrnant


A prospclive amoartnfit to


Uy a pelsofl or body as fhon when it arlleq 6 tegat appdnrmeflt



an antcapdd


in publb offir:e, rnade

in the appointee.

coaEfifuto4 b onDowrd to till th vacancy

ard r,sB t:fb to fie



WhdB appdnirnont b tako frct afrc 'elatbn ot appoi,tirg poflr 1. App<inting powr cannot loGstai t 16 dgfrt and p.qogaf'r d theh succesorg by app<iming sJccels io tho ofnco3 6ls)iing ard after iE power to appcrnt

ilsef has o(fiircd.

Qualifyim to Office 1. Oualiffcatbn (as at aco to at otfrcc a. The person appoinied or eleclsd to a puHb offica is u$lalv rquird by hw, bebre entering upon the perfdrmnce d hb dlni6s, to do some act by which ho shall signiry his acceptance ot tho offce and hb urdoataking to exeeute tre trust confided in him. Tlis genera[y 6(xist3 in taking ot an oath, q giynrg an c,ffidal bond.


Eftect ot fafrr to qrEBty Fallure or neglect lo quaffy at all wouH b deemed evirenca ot a rBfusal o, the offics. tlowe\rer, e lalue a neglcl to quafrfy within a pedod prescribed, it aflerwads supplied, would not be demed a reiection of the oflice.


B.vi6wr on taw on h,blic Otncen C, Atr., AtciEo L.w SclEol




A petson appoined

]rry bo resErded

an offcs who ra s to qualify does not become an otrtcer de as an fficr ds hcto.

3, (Hr of o [c. ror punfic dticar! ead oflDbycqt a. 'Oath' b an outurxd pldg whdeby one lolIrlaly caltg upon God lo witstss to the
tuth of s'tlat
he says or to the fact that he siocerV intonds to do what h6



Under the Constihnion

"Btot they enter on the executbn of the, ofEce, the Presirent, Mce-Presk
President shall take the bllowing oath or afrmation:

ent or th


'l do solemnly sflea, (or affm) that I wil faithtully and corEdeotkxsv tulfill my ddi6s as Presidnt (or Vie.Presidem a Acling Prcsident) of th6 Philiff)ans, presewe and defend its Constitution, execute ils lavB, do justice io every man, ad corffi?te lo Erysdf to ttto sen 'lc6 of tho Natbn. So help me God.' (Co.l3tih,ti,l, Arrbb Vll, Secfion 5)

'Before they eriter on ths o(eculioo of

President shall lake th to&rwing


fhei ofice, the PrEsiron!

Vtco-President, or the Acting

or afrmatb.E

'l do solernn[ swear (or afftm) rhat I wil faihtulty ard cdscientbu*y fulfif rry duties as Prsident (or yrce-Ptesident a Acting Presileflt) ol th6 PhilipptuEs, prescwe ard defsfld its ConsiliMion, execute its lawE, do justice to arery man, and correcrate to rysef to tl|e srvice of tha Nation. So help me God.' (ConstihnioG Artbb \fl, Sectim q

'All publlc c'fBcers ard ernplqEos shal tafte an oatt ConstiMoo.' (Constluttoo, Artfre X-8, Scttrn 4)

atftrrEfon fo upEd and debnd


'All m.nbss o, tle arrEd furc6 stlat tek6 an ConstiMirn.' (Co.Etitrtioo, ArtiJo n l, Secton 5(1))

c ffiion

to uphold and doierd thb


Under the Adminislrative Cod of 1987

"All public o,fficss and erlrpbyees d tie grxemlrEnt indudng etery,nember of the armod,orcs shall, beforB enterlng Won the dsclEg ot hb ddhs, take an @th a afrfination to uphold and de'end lh6 con$inr$m; lllat he w0l br true traith and areghce ro ic obey the hws, l61 ord6.s and decrses prorulgdod by drt corEtitrrtsd aufhditiE; l,lat he w uls$ dd taithtuly d'lsctla gE b tho b6st of hb .tillty tle dnios of th6 offce a pqlitiOn upon h,hi$ ho b abod b entr; ard thd ho voluntarily assumes tho obrg8tioo irnpooed by hb oath d office, withorit mntal rBssvdion oi purposo Of evasion. Cofri,s oa tha oath stEX b6 depGited with tlo Civil S.vics Commbsion and ths Natbml &chives"' d 1987 Order tlo- 2921- Book l- Ct|adr 1 37
Revic\der on l..w on hrblic Offfccrs Alb.rto C A6r., Atln o 1r, Sd|ool


Undea the Local

GovernrE Code

"All electirrc and appoirtive local offt&ts ard arpfcyeas shall, upon assrmsirn to office, subscrib6 to an oath or afrmatbn cf ofic6 in tha p.escrfred fo.m. The oalh or aftrmatbn of offico shall bo filed with the offca of the local chid execulive concerned. A copy of the Gth or affirmation d offEe of all elec{hr arld appdntive locd officb}s arld elnployees sha[ b preseryed in fh irdivirual personnel r6cor& filed under the custody of th personnel crnce, dlvirio{r, $ section c,f t}l6 leal govemnrent unit @ncerned' (RepuHtc Act no. 7-160, Srection 92)

tle6!.rity of oa$ of dtic. Gn*al ruh: Oatfi of ofioe b a qratrying


require.nent la a publb office but it b not ,rdbpoBBabb. tt is rnerd, hcireflt to tre orrce and oonsnilutgs Do part of ih offc6

b, 5.




takiqg b riandatory br the Presidefit, VicPresident, or the Acting

Of[cet! aut lorlzed to admhistcr oath

Officr's with genral authority to administer oath:

1. Notaries public 2. Msnb.s of the iudiciary 3. Clsl(s of colrt a. Socretary of fther Hollsa of the Congrsss 5. Sscretaries of d6partments ' 6. Bureau diroctoG 7. Regisfars of deedg . 8. Provixial 9- Liqnomrt gorenors
10. City nEyors 1 1 . Any other officer in tho




Phil$in whce appcintsnfft

i3 vsted in

th6 Pr.iderlt

b. Hts

may abo b6 adninfsEred by arloft. ofEce. whose ddies, as defined by law

or regulatidt, require presentatron to him of any statemert under oath-


PrD[c orffcers a]rd eriployuc. re4&ed to give bonds Accorrntable public offcers - Tho6 u'ho arc entrusted with the collectbn and alstody of public rBney. Publb mhisterial ofEcers

b. 7.

TtDce who6 eciior}s



q/rts ard

inierest o,


l{ature ol



lt is h the nah{e of an indemnity bond rather than penal or {orfeiture bond.

neviewe. on lrw oo Publc Alberto C, Atr., AEn ot ws.hool



lt b an oblpd'nn

blding the surelies io make good lhe office/s defauh-

c. d

h cteales a ptimary cofitract

d ouigation bt$rei the iniurd

party and the officer

ad suety.
lt b


a colHeral socuity

br the PctlomaiEe of the offc.'s drty.

llecasdu ol gEvhg o,tficlal bonds


Reguirernent a mer lncirent of olfico 1. The fumbhing of a bond is a mere incidefil of dfce. Although the bond and oath requirements arB rpt abgolute ctftetbn to dislirEu'sh an offic' ii may be considercd with othets in dete.mining lhe c-haracter ot the po-silbn in qution'
Where time prescribed within


1. h is ttla statde that

whirt to gh/e bdtd fixs tie $trl6 lhe bord should be given atier ths appoinfYtflt- Ths , io giv8 $e bqld dos d ipso iacto wsk as a ldleiturs to ttle office, but it cofitinues I a gromd ior $chapdy wtEn tre givirg ot tte botd witldn the time Howet er, the rule does prEcribe b expressy mado a cfidifioo pccdent to fhs tigm to fhe ofib-



De Facto Officcts 1. Tha d facto doc{rtE lt is the ptincipl whbh holds that a Person who, by th proPet adltority' is adnittd

srom into ofEce is deerEd fo be firhtnrfy in sucfi otfEe until by iudidal declaratbn in a propr paoceding, ho is ousted ihe.,hom, or his admission thersto




Basls and reason not fhe


atiss tom lhe iear of ctaoe lhat would tBult fom multiple and repctitlils suits challenging c\rery *fbn lat(dl b, G|,ay dnci tl wilose claim to offce could bo opIl to qledb.t, and seoks b pmtect Uo puub by in$dng the ordsly turrtirniE d the gplrsntnfit desfile leclIlt)al debcts in ttb to orfce.





a. b,

tacio ortcc ddtrcd o'le who has fha lputalio.l oI beilg the good dficar in tho pdrt of latr
One wtler




'.o b and yet is not a



lo submit to ot invoke his action, supposing him to be the officer he assumed to be; or

fi dni,s ol tp a known appcinnnent r elea{on, hn r,der $(:ll c*Euntstsrlcs of repdatim o. acquiesosnco as wJ cahllited to hdt cs Poople, withon iniury,

2. 3.

knorn and vali! aPpdntnett or eleclion, txrt where the offcer has failed to conform to sotne pacdettt rcquirernent or oondition, such as to take an oath, give a bond, or fis likq or
Under color of a

cds of a known elctbn a appoint w*, because the off6r was not eligible, or becanse lht? wc a want o, pon e. in l,16 deciing or appointing body, or by reasotl of soIIE dfect d ineguhtity in ils oxrcisB, such indigibiw' want ol porE, or dcfect trdng unklown to ttE puuic otrceq

Rviewer on t on tub6c o,ffcc.s Alberto c. ABr., At 'rEo w Sdlool


d an election or appoirnment by or purstlant to a public, unconstitutkmal law, berore ihe sarn6 is adiudgsd as srch. (Luna v. Bodriguez, 37 Phir. 180 (1917)
Under color defned

De jur otficGr

OrE who has lh hxfid ,igtf fo $e dfice h aI !spGcB, bd who has oither been ousted ftom it, or who has rper actually tal(.n pcsessilo ol iL

a. b. c.

Roquhemefits to bccorne oficcr do iu] He must po*sess the legnl qualificalions for the office in question;
He must be lawfully cfDsen to such office; and

H6 must have qualified himsdf to perfam the duties o, sljcfi ofiice accoding to the rrodo prescfibed by the Cdlslitrtbn or law.

Otficer do jur alrd otffc6f d. tacto

Bsts on ,ioht Has lawful right to title to the office

R6sts on reoutat'lofl

Cannot be remo\rad in a direct p.oceedng

Has the possoslScn and periorrns th6 ddies urder colo. ol rigm s &thority $rithouf being tEhnk:allv aralifEd in dl Dohts ol law io act May be ousted in a <lact proceding agEinst

There can be no dficer, eitrlef de jue or de racto, wi|ers ihene is no ofFtce to fll. Whils there can ba no de facto office, whelB there b no d6 jrnB offcs, there may be a do Iacto office. in a d6 in trrce. (Govarrmert cf ttla Philipfine lslands v. Spdnger, 50 Phil. 2a9 flg7t Tlfanda y. Sandganbq/a4 249 SCRA 042 (19OSD
One who takes possslion ot tn6 otfice and



tbrrper or ffiuder d6fud

o, rigtn or authdity, eiUE

etrd a




to act

not an

ffichlly withod color fu at all for arry


ecquktscod irL as whn ha d inuod b ef in fr ror such a long tirrE as to giv6 fue to the prearmptim tlat he has been dtry appolntod o. dected.

t surpr may an of[cr de facno

if frb ann@n !o tho otrca b

Offrcer de rasto and usurper dsongubhed

Has a c.Jor of


or title to the offc6

Has neither lawful


nor color of right

titl6 to

Tho plbIc does not know hb lack of tiue or He $nply assunEs to *i as an dfcer where authodty to exercise hir functb.B Itte prrblc XrEws or digm to know lhat he is
Can be rernord in a direct proceeCng againsf
Can be ousted al any


in any proceeding

Rdicw.. on on ?uuic Omc.6 Albcrto C Agr., AtGn o L.y Sdlool

are lralid insofar as the tighls

lhe public and

i Eaae

I I After lEvirp qralifd ard extrded an ad hrerin appointrner by rho Prsitoot as Acting vlce- ! byqs'Bed by t,tayor, Balie ierrcmeo ure aroes and funaioos d ttre o'ffica HbappointrEni-was 'fibnned Barte iha a new ! I the National Assernbty. Srrbssqreittv, tle E(ecutive Secrelary denied City Treasurer designation was undea considerdion, fur tYh-ldl reason the rcspon&nt
v. 77

Di*roso (17




payment of Barte's salary.

I fne Supreme Court ruled that Barte has no right to continue in ofice and teceiye h'E salary because i ! nis aa interlm appointnErt cased or expired upon lhe adorrrrnent of ths session ol the National i Vicas i ass"mOty. Worci, ne was inlornreO by th Exdni* Secrsraty that t*t dsigna .libn and l:tirp | a nerv I that tlp of i uayor ciaseO upon ad'rotnmsnt of the rguE sessbn
A puub

fie capcily b &r on belralf of tl're I rn&corcifraffn i ooign"tLrn r,au "tin me exerri'g ot sovereiintv b vsted has 6 ba criEen h the manner and lorm I i gor;mrte6r in 1r6tofl1 ! ;ild.dU i;*. ot'h*r,b; tre-r-,rd ue a iain usuper of oflidd ltu,EdorB ! t_





Double occwansy ot a lhqla dfics a. f thera is only on olli.te. p.ot,ired by law, ther eannol bo an ofncer de jure and an officer de facto in po6ssdoar c, the same dfica al tlp sano line- l'leither can thro be 2 officers de facto in PGsssbn of an offica tur $fiicrr only one incumbem is provided by law. Whre 2 are acting simultaneously as de tacb offcers in 1 office' the owner who appears to har a btter legal title will alone be rEcognized-


where the officet de jura is


fie oftrcsr de facto, the

ars uniled and no olhr psson can ba an cffcer de

ffio b illat office-


ti[e and Possession

10. EornGt s ol d. facro offGcrsllp a TlEr must ba a deir ofllca 1. An appointnent or ebclbn of one


b an ffica that has no legal exirtenca gives cd6 of exiBErr to tF cfie a cob of althqity !o lie prson so
h the blorlng ins anc8E Whss pdso.ts axrBrlo b d I itE rtents oa otrca whbh havB betl abolish6d or urldor authoiU of sHuE x'hi$ hars been ,p6alec
Where thre is no hrv or ddnance erren attempting to create an oflics; Where lhe de iuro officor vvtrom the prrported de facto ofncer teplaces did thets was no de jure orfce not rs'En in the ,mnnet rcquired by law, so

appdfited or el&ted.


Th6 ru16 has beon appld


c. d.


to b6 filld; or
Whea stahrrory


the ctErbn of the fficB ha\re not beon

compliod Thets must be a



of tigm or gen6ral acquiescenc by lhe public

R.viewer on law on Pub$c




Asr., Ateieo t2w Scrlool


The color ol right may consist in an

dslbn ot appdr

rnent, or in holdirE over

afte. lhe expiratbn of one's term, or

right by

srch fficer lor qrci a hngth ol lirrE as !o raise tho presumption ol cobrable

upiesce.Ee by lhe public in th acis ot

dslion or appointrrE ttactrd

phy(rical pocsesdon or lh6


Tt|erB must b


ffica h good ,aith st b in gpod iaittt udcr color of right or title, and accompanied by the faittrful (scise of the funcitio.B ol $o otrlce and discharge of duties. Mere possess$m makes the posessd an ir rud6r or usurpr whoss
Physical pGsessim rn

acts in the oflice are wholly vcrd 11. lnstancos o, de tacto otficers a. A law)rer who was insfuded by tho AciirB Provincial Goyernor to fle an inrormation for homicile, wtEre the latter had no autho.fty trder the hw to dosignate him as assista|rt fiscal; neilher was sai, hurys arthdizod lo 4t as sucfi by ttle Departrnont o, Justica, rn assrnirlg lhat tho appohtnent wG ir6guhr, yet colJld be consid6.d a do facto fficer. (Peopb v. FerlcsA 8l Pht 398 fl948D


A p.son who

h8 ben p.ocbind obciad b puuic omce and assums it on the basb of the retwns and poctaflEfion lhough Her o|lsled as th6 rEsult ot an eleclion comest, is al least a de facto ofFcer prbr to ousier ard enti od to retain the omdurnents receirred dwing that time. (Bodi;rez v. Tan, 91 Phil. 724 n 952D

One whose appointnrt to a @.npctitivs pGitbn w6 not approvd by the Commtssbner ot Ov[ Service under the perfinent ruls on iho maBr may be corsideted as de facto officer and cortsqjerdy, h ntay be remo\red from ofiice
evon without cause. (Favb v- Rupisan, 17

SCfA 190 n968D

d. A public offichl or employee who assrrmed ofice Urder an incomplete appointrnent is rnordy a d faclo officer io. tho drralion d hb oc.upancy ot ttle orfice ior the reson tllat ho as$med offico undoa coloa d a l(no n Tpdr rrE t whi:h 'E void bry rsason of some d*cl or hegu*arity in ils odrtence (Corpuz v. Court d Apprls,
285 SCRA 23


hltl\ dodgrBid lhe \fco-Mayo. b act h hb dace, tre.r fhe Hs d6ignaEd th6 fut rfllkiog ooutEilc who, ,tot being etso [t good h6[h, in tum, ttes{mted fhe Uid ranldng co,mcilor io act as nrays, whn und6r tle {aw lin in rorce, sLEh dsignafFn stloN,s bo made by Ut proyincial Govfirof wil'l Ule oorBer d the Rovinc&{ Boer4 sli[ tra Acffng Mayor wes acting
Whr Ulg mryor, because ot p@r under

oda d

titl6 nor color of right to an offce. his acts arc official acts of a de faclo officer, and, lhersfofe, valid and binding- All the requbites d de facto officersfrip are present in this cass, i.e-, an o,ffice ard actual physbal possessim d ttre offic-e, under color ol titls or autho.ity. (Codilla v. Martinez, 1 1 0 Phf. 24 F 9601)
A judge who, in good Iaith, cofitinu8 to act and b r@gnized by cornrnon enor afts fie abolitioo of his cout b deerred de tacto judga of a cdlrt whlch succedg to ihe jurisdictbn of tiat pre:ldod ovs by hklt and tha ludgmot pronomced by a judge de faclo who tr gene.alry aocefled and rccognized as iudge by common enor of the coflxnmity, b yalid and tirding. (J.S. v. Abalos, 2 phit 73 tlgogD

authority, as distirEuished trom a r.6lrpr who '6 one who has neither

nviewer on w on Public Alberto C A6.a, AtEr*, L.s School



A iudge who cotttinued to xercise hb chnies afte. hb apP(inlrnetn was disaPprded

by Ulc Cornmissbn on AppdnlrrEnts ac@rting lo a nen spaper tepod bln beiore riceivirg ffieial nofificatbn regE tIrB fh reieclirn d hb appcintrnern b a de laclo iudge, atd all his offcbl actirls as sucfi iudge ate vam on all legal points and {ot all

cases as if he rvere a deiut. (BegBla


Judge o, CFl, 77 Phil. 684 F946D

12 Otfc cr6Ed undct


Mew that occupant not even fficet ds facio 1. WherB an office does nd legEly xist, tho pretendsd officr is merdy a usurper whose acts arc null and vok .






Contrary vieu, 1. Fd the sake d public policy, rhe incumbed wi[ b recognized as an offEer da facto until the urEonstiMionality o, ths act h3s been judicially dsletmined. o, da facb offiott fficers ftBtrEehres

f3. Legd atlbcts ol actt


As rogat& tns


Apalty sring o. derBtding Hs own rt$ as a public officet must sho, thst hs is an of6cr do iurs atd it ls ,lot suffcSot to show flat he b merdy a do ,acto orfEer bcauso the *ts d tho (b nacb fficct, as fa, I himself b oncgned,
ar6 \roid.


As regards the priblic and thkd prso.B Acts ot a de facio otfcer d yati, until hb litb to dfice b adiudgEd insrfficbnt. Tile officr's aljthdity may not bo colateraly attaclcd a iDqrited inro as it thre is no diffetnce bett reen a de jt'e and a de fuo offcer.


1/t Proceedings to t y rlglri or tid6 ot a de fac'to ornccr a. ln order lo questbn the rigfit of a de lacto of[cer, a direc:t proeeeding of quo $raranto must bo brougtt Hb t'do ard Ule va[dty of hb acls cannot bc coflattr Iy $rstionod in p.oceedings b wl*$ he tr not a patty or not instituted to determine
their validty.

b. te

lt ,nay bo insthtt6d ody by the pdson cbnrnng !o be entitcd to lh6 office a b!, the Bepuuic as rBp.sdtd by the Sofcitor Gslral or by th6 BStc piosectnor.
Goarsal rull A da facto ffics edtnot rnai ah an o&er emobrnsnts attactrcd to ths offce.

ffgm to GUnpenlaioo d a ortcat

*lixt b tovs

the satsry



Fr(cptio.r: lf one beconres a do facto ffic. withod bad faith and tenders sorvice, he may reco\rer the compensaiion povlOeO OV hu, tor rhe period he tendered the service, or retain lhe emolumerit received duing that lirna


E(ceplion to the exceFtbn: The rule tllat a ds facto office, b entiild to recsive the sahry for swices actualv rcndered does nd appty whe. the officer was not appointsd btjt mqely de.$gna!ed. Desiynton does not entail payrrErf of additional bendts or gram Lpo.r fhs person so ds.ignalsd the tllht fo chim lho salaty auached to the pcifron. @fnaadal v. Commissian ofi Ardil, 291 SCRA 322

0ssq) '!A LiabiEties ot

n.vicvrer o. L.jx on Publc Offt..r3 A,bcrto C Agr., At ;'co t w S.hool

a dG facto


A de ,aclo oflicer do iurs otfcer.


held to lhe sarne degee ot accorntability ,or orfrcbl acts as a

Whib &e offcid acts d a de facto fficer aro vali, and flry be bindim with regard to fnid persort3 and the puuic, $Jcfi otrcer may be lhbb fo. a[ pna]lies imposed by hw fio. rrsljrEing a urdawn ly holdir offco, or d exercisiu the functbrls therot w holn hwtul rlf or wilhod birB qualified according to law.

A de faclo oficer cannot excuso hb rspo7lsiulity lor crimes @rnmitted in

otrrcial capacity by asserting his de facto status.


A rightft.rl incumberlt can recorrs the sabry received by a de jure offcer the latte/s vrongfirl incumbercl, aren it the de facto officer occupied the offce in good lahh and undq color of tiu6. (General Manager, PPA v. Monserate, G.R. No. 1ro6f 6, Apdl 17, W,lrorro,y v. Cout ot Appeab, 20 SCBA 620 (1967); Civil ubsrtiG unirn y. ExocrrtilB secrEy, 194 scFA 317 (1$rl), A'inEo v. Taher, 498

scRA 74 (2006))

+ Power!. I,UiL& 8nd tlormr o, CdldEt d halc Offic.r3

Source ot posc.s and aulhodty o, pralc otrc6


Th6 PhilipFines is a democralb and rpubfca state. Sorrerignty rcsides in the poplo governrnent authority ernanates Alorn thern.' (Conslitrniion, Artbfe [, Secfion 1)



6rits source d publ'rc gorerrfireotal autlgty is Iourd in th6 peopb themselvs, eitht diractty or tfuough ,p.eseotatires chosen b, th6momcc nof prca.rnGd
no prosffipfron ot authdlty in the ffic. itsCt, altEr oeress or imd'x!d. h the ab6glco of a \ra[d grant, put ic offic]s ar6 dorrdd of povrr. 0mogas v. Srt*lo, tEl SCfA 49 (1969)

B. Arrthorlty ot pubfc

1. A publb oficer r(gcis6 porer, mt ,ights. As slrch, $de !r

G. Arrfhoilty


d Fffc of,lce atd DrlYli. aggtb rf! adrdttl may bo das$fid accqdng !o tht n&,rr ard effoct, irio univssal, gmrd and spsdil agercfr" Thb dasdfication cannot appv in iB entity b ths case of putlb aFnts.
ln the case ot p.ii,ats agsart+


Univsrsal authodty in any public agEnt canmt exist under orr consitutbnal goremmentThero ate publb officsrs, howevr, whose atnhodty b gerieral in its nalur, ryhile that of otheG is e)grEssly limiled and speci6l-

D. Ascertahment ot aulhorlty o,

1. h is presumed that all persoirs having occa*m to dl with a puub omcr have knowldgo d hb authaity as it b bilg craled by hw or bing a mafis of public
they mlst see to it that tho aulhqiv b slitrcient

prtfrc otltcar

record. Howffi, pe.soB shdid mt rCy on ms p.Btmpdon ol authority. lnstead, fd tho assr.rned pl,pees.

R..ricwcr on

duti6 knons such duibs and perbrrs lhem

w on Pubtc Ateio w S.lbol

Every citizen has lhe right lo as.9lrn6 lhat th pubf,c offcer charyd by bw with certain in aocordance with law.




Scopc ot power o, a pubEc o ficet 1 . Expasssy cofltettd qpon hin by lhe bw undej whici h hG been appctir ed or elecld;


ExpGssly annexd to the

to it;


by the law luhich crcded it or somo other law referring

Attacfied to the office as incirerrts ot it.

llitr,,-' t't
i j

&,-,6f,ffi*-e'n-dt! I

I ! fne swys has tle pot rs to s*I} tle turbrrtat'Dn 6 lhe porvets and functiorB of the fttcal can be ! enmstea to someone ebe- fne Otrti:s ot a puUic otrcs idude atl $co t'tli$ are lruly within hs I ;id, &,d"i to n" a@.ndtshntent d ihe main Blpce ior whbh tre office is ! t de included if it b senmne to and serve to t q

A lawyer with tho Do.I rnedico-legEl section was temporar y dnaibd to assist the fiscal, and he was given the poweB and functbns ot an assishnt trscal He s'gned the inbrmatbn in the case at bar. I The oppo.sing corrnsd fild a motim to qlash alle{ing hb hck ot authority.

;Fi^.d "[ i cr*{. ..E* ry}"


promote the accomplishment

Tq""t -15ry d lh p.incipal pupose-

-----.^;:';-.= thf Hr&'rhtE,,lnc- r. Santiagp @ SnA.g lr974D
io do so since theto
'B an e)(press

I r _ .! i The Puuic Serico Cornmission punbhed Badio @rnmunirions wilh a fine. They appealed i

Aaato Conntn&,,lficr,s of

alleging that tho RJblic Servi: Cornmis-sion has no pow,

I limitatbn in the hw exernding rado companies tom rhe jurMiction of the

tlF fttblb Sen ice Comrissirn ias m po,uer to irpce such a fn. Except for I constiMbnal otEdats who 6r tac. thi compaence to a& to lhe tu;darrEoial tarr nsef, e iuUtic I *,-. r^ i^.r. 6r-Er rfon a .E ]r.r*.rE tr6 rlBy *. *E s^t it. tt rr rl& mr I I -.,,*.- rdkd -.- tr -azr not otrcer nrust locate lh6 stahlte derch befurB he ^** lrant ot porr I ]t ue sar be exprss. may bo lmp[d tho usdiu authcity can *'-fionr ol th hr. dod w#od i ----' I 'rs*reesrsrr' !*u-.I
I ! I !
Th Cout ruhd t Et




*'--' L------|

Limited to teritory wftd law tE fiect Since authority is de.ived fiom law, sl.rch authority cannot

F, Trrlbdd irftaton



afio.ily d Drtlc


e{si in placs where the law has no erfisct. tf is [mited and coffined to that teoitory over rr/hich the law has soversign forc6.



a I a publlc officr b autho{ized by bw to pertofin drtios at a paruolhr phce, arry actlon in any otler dm ha no G!ftct Thb rut6 b applcatb to officrs who6 dnies are esseotialy l@l h naturB such as iudgB and ml ies, and ofiicets who attomF[ to let y on ard se0 brd !ftEted in distic{s dlg than those in which they
haw jurisdi:tbn.

a placo not arnhqEed by hw odnarily inyalid


Duration ot authority

neviewe, on taw on Prrui. Offi..,s Albrto C A&a, Ate;o L.w &hool



Draiion ot term
The o(ercise o, adho.ity by a publb officer is lirnited to that term during which h6 is invested by bw with tho ,idrts and dri''s ol the offcs, tle carDot e)(eacise authority granted by law brore his lenn be(ine o. afler il has tedninated-



Whse orficer chGen to acl h rBrsrsnca fo a particubr sreir{ When an officer is chGen to perbm a singb ac{ as when h6 is chosn lerm, his authdity ceas6 once lhs act B don.


a detinits

H. Construction of grant o, powas


E(prees grant of povrer are subjecled to a stict interpretation in order lo b consltued as conferdng onry those po^rels which are e)eressv imposed or necessarily implied.

Cla$lficadon of powrs and duties 1. From thek nalurr lt blhonat e otlhodto b6 prbrrEd ard not li6 o,ffice of the oficr ihat dtstingubhes a ministerial ard a discftnim y act


1. A dtrty 'E minirterial vyhen it b

There is


absolutoty cortain, ard inprethrs, involving rnerey executirn of a spoctfic drty eltl,rg llorn fi(ed and desigmted facts.

m element ot discretion

in the duty.

2. lt i9 one whl*l a persoat perfdrns m a gi\rn sdemeat .

b. 1.
Mndoza, /t53 SCRA 565 e0O5D

presctibed nnnner, in obdencs to tl6 rEndate of lgal authority, without rgard to or the e)(erciso d his ol n judgrnent upon the proprilty or impropriety of the act don. (bmb v. Phipps,23 Phils. 156 (1912[ De Guzman, Jr. v.

of facts, and in a

Discretionary Such ddies require the o(6rciso d reason in adapung fhe means b the 6nd, and dlscretbn in dete.r*rl tDw or whether the *t sllall b6 don6. lt arlrss when $6 d can b6 prlorned in rsB thdl one way, whlci lads tho performer in whi$ uray il sfioir'd bo pertbnrd.


From the standpcir*

fha oblgBlion ol fhe officerto perbrm

l*r polss and dutils

a b.



Powgs are goffilv @nsuued as rmndatfiy, 6yql it tho bnguaqp may be p6rmissiye, wtEn it is ,or the berEft of fhs plrbDc a lndvidualsDircclory p.ovisbns rBualy state the rnannef and mode on how ths official will do the ddies, and thGe which arc designed firer*y to secure otder, unitormity, s)6tem, and dbpatch in public hrsinss.




From the stand point of


relatonship ol Ure officer to hb $bordinates


Powr of



]t imples that lhe orfcer has fhe poxr fo rlanags, d.eci and go\rem, including the porver to alter and lo st alrds what a subdfinato had dono in tho perfo.rnanco of hls duies and to subiitute hb own iudgment tor that of the latter. Ar) officer with such a pol'ver can lay dot n the ru1e3 in the doing of an

[.tx on Public OtFcr. Albcrto c. Asr., AE;co bw SrJlool
Re\rirwer on

act, and it is dbcltlbnary upon him lo haw lhe act wdone if he b not folbwed' or hs ,nay dec*re to do il himselt-


Powr ot supn i1i.m povuer of mere ovensigtrt an infetb. body. An officer with supervisory pol a msety seos lo it thal all tho ruls ats folloured, but he

1. lt b


hirudf do6 nd hy dontn sucfi rules, nor dG

rnodiry or lphco fhern.

he tlave the discrBtion




Mlnasterial and dlscrsrb.raty Porers dislinguished Natwo of act a. Tho character of a drty as ministerial or discrfixlary rust be dete.mined by the nature of the act to be petf;orrled, ard not by th office ot the Prformer.



Exercise of discretion Tho key distirEtbn b vut|ihor ihe duty is ,natdaiory o. whtht tho acl complaind of involvos policy mking a judgrnent

1. An ad i,

dbcrtonary if it irwolt/s glb.r.nsn or administsatbn ot a dny at the operafbml l6d, evon if plessimd expert evaluafion is
prson who must



An act

b mhisttid if ndhing is lft to the dscretbn ot the

prform. Meaning o, dlBcrlirn '1. lt is tle ac't or th6 tibetty to decire accotdir to ths prilEiples ot illstics and ons's ideas o{ what is right and plop, under the circumstancs, withod willfulness or tavor.


h is ttle fecutty confdrsd by law upon pirblb ofice.s to acl ffiding to the diltetos of their own judgmnt ard conscisE, unconiolled by lh6 ,urnnt and corEcinco ot

others. (Lamb v. Phippot 23 Phrs. 156 fl914)

E(ercise ot


Th6 xerkBa ot dscrdion by ar otrc6 b slill llniled b $e evilent Ptxpos6 of the ai, and to what is known I a sourd and legd <fscraion, eNdufng an sOiuary, caprijotts,

dscretdr hrlt d


opprEivo prGdmB'




Lamb has been a public senrant ,or 12 years. He has accounted for all the property that came into his poGsssion. Phipps, an audtor, dd not is$e a clearancs in farior of t-amb due to a fear of suit that a thid party may fle. tamb filed a pet'tbn for mandarrxrs. Mandamus cannot compd lho iss.Enca d a deararEe lhe right to allow or disallow a claim againsl the go\remment is within lte dscrlim d the audtor- A mandamF may issu to cdnpl an ! aclion ony when, by ,eason of unnffiry ddelE h fakiu in aily &fion ai all, persons haw bean I doprived of a right and inve rb ade$ste and spedy rcmedy h lhe orlnary col,se of law. Th i mandamus cannot issue in this casa, as Lamb could appel the &cisbn d Phipps to th Gorernor General before resorting to lh couts.

L------Alb.rto C


Revhwcr on L.w on Public

r, At

n; [.w s.hool

ownors filed a petitim ,or mandenw b cornpd sait m4Or to ,opcn th6 cafeteria on th grounds that thr6 w6r3 no ddinquenc, rentals, il has compled wilh hear$ ,gulali)I|s, ard that it is ministedal on the part d fhe rqpr io alk them to opcrate. The Ciiy Charter provides that th6 mayor shall have the poyyer to grarn ald refuse mun-Eipal licenses and to ret oke the same fot violation of conditions upon whi$ they were granted or if unlawful acts ale conrmitted under such licerses, or for any oiher rBason ,or the pub[c inlerest-

A Malor closd down th6 caftferia of tle Clity Maftei due lo vlolatirB

an ordinance.

Sta I i

I t

i The i grant



pdvilege ot stall-cnlyners- rsisd on the sou]d drscretion ot tl6 mayor and ,erusal on his part to cominuanca. of the prMlcge cannot be compdted by rmndamus. The rvrit wilt not issu6 to contrd or rerrieuv tho exerdsa d ds66tirn by a public ofncer whss the law hposes upon him the right of

a a



Pursuant to .esolutbns of the provirEbl boad, Go,ernor Zulueta issrcd 2 Executive orders naming the provincial governmeni buffiE ?rwincirl Cafrtol ot llr o. and $o Enorated sessbn hafl .presirent Garch Ha[' on the lmerein as "presiOent Garda lfalr: The archited pd up a siJn provincial govemment buitding, in yiratbn or a aw ihet plohibiGd ths naming of building", : "rong ! ottrer ttring!, after living persJL Mandarnrs poceeding; lvas insrfuried to trave tne s6n removea lano

i i i

I ! ! r

1.. I



" -'*i


! I ano ue outr I

naming th6 sssbn hal t 'Presldent Garch liar was not gal, ptting up ths on tle p.ovincbt ouiuing itsr was. Alreq is. not onv duty bound b obsen e the nr, ne il-OounA O &rtrce iL Th.t3,- ho nray be i pmpdld Jo re1ove d rctfy $ ursayvtil act by ,nadam,s, at rhe ,rBterEe of tne axpiyer. t whio the 'Esrr6 lrrohrd 'Hi ori d puub rigm and the issuarEe ol a writ d rrardams t to cbriper I th6 obs.vanc6 of th6 hw, plulirnd ne6d not sllo rhat he tEs any spcH a l6gar intorst in ih6 ! rosutt of tha ptocditgt tt B srrftiott that ho is irlecsted a dtizsn-in havirg rf,e uws executed I

llan*pus lies.

The putting up _{


sign wEs patonrty


ilegd. Wtito



-- ---._

M. Bemedy to compeN ercrrise o, qdy 1. Where eh-ar duty is impcd on a public otrchl, mardarrus lbs to compd action if
unnecessary and u[easonabb dday in the e)(ercise of the drty occurs.

2. ff the duty is ministerbl, mandamus lies to compd a specmc acton. 3. lf tle duty is dkrcretionary, rEndamus lbs to rquir aclim only.
N. Delegaton of dllcrstlorBry pou'!




Ths can be no debgatbn of dircrElio,lary dnis to another.


Exception: whn the pctl er c, delatbn is dven to him.

Reti.w.r on L.w on Public Offcc,s

Alberto C. A8.a,


Aterio tiw Srhool

lTo,tav-FiDoP, PhiL/UnW


Candidates fo. upcoring ehcfiros yuerc dis$jalifed fo form pad ot lhe tlovincial Bodd ot Canvassers. Pursuant to the Elocibn Code (whir! enunerabs t l varu substitutes for po:$tiors in the Board), @MELEC appohtd subslihnes toa fha pocrfons, Howrr, some of ihe substtrrtes wero unabls to tak6 the'r appdntments on tirne on llovernber 22 and only anived on November 24.


i i i

ln the

interim, the COil,IELEC appointed two othc, subct'brt6 who

enumeration under the Election


dU not bdong to

the I

The substiirrtbn was invalid- The mernbers d th6 Board o, CarrasseB is designated by law, anO ! the enumeratiod tor lhe subsiihJtes thercof is qclusive. AppoltntrrEnts falling orrtsido tne omcers ! allowed by hw is not pe.n$ssifro even if such appointmenb ars by COMELEC itself. The ! appdntment of a substitrte mrnbs is prsonal and rsbicfed and his powe.s must be prformsd I by him diicdy ard in prson. An officer to whom dscrclim b ont usted cannot delegate it to i

another. Ths powrs

funct'rons- Thus, fhe Berd wc deernd consEbted mV at ti6 lims wtln all its me.nbers were I from lawful and valid appoinfruds br purposae of ihe start of p.bds of appeal / protest.

lhe board do not prrdy


ard they aercbe quasi-judb'nl I


Deleg0lion ol lnirfsb|*rl poyrers 1. General ruh Ddgatim d ministerbl powers b perrnirxrue, since the mechanical natura o, the acts can pasumaHy be perlumed by anpin wtren performance thereof ' has been guued by the judgment or disgefron ot the person chosen-


Exception: When delegBtbn is ery.ssty dsallotfled, or when the acts require the public ofiicer to perform thern h persoat.

Tfune to perlorrn otficial act3


Whera rp


tlne stated h statne

Th duty ml.lst be p.tormed within a rBsonable tims.



Wh6.6 tirna stated ln statute General rule. The tine prird sprossed b be corsud as directory ard rpt ,nan@by, $o natus of tla act b be psrdrnd d fhe hrEirag6 used h ih6 stahJte syirooces an iriention to [mit lhe poutr d th fficer-



Batifcouon o, rrrarllio.foad acrt 1, A dftctive e!(ercise d llp porrels of a prbfic ffice nay b6 rati6ed. a. lf the ac-t was absolutely vdd in the beginning, hsrorwant of power on ths part of th public or6ce. to perfam the *t, or tte principal himse*f could not have

b. 2. 3.

lawfully pertormed the act, the.e can be no ratification. lf the ac.t was rnerdy voidable, it can be ratified

ln th6 absnca of ratificatbn, the Stat

acits ol

b not

estopped by tfte unadhorized or illogal


&pedtor otrce's II|ay ratily acls dorE by inftrbr offcers only if tiy thenrselves ar6 empo,veied to make suci acts and conlracts.
ot ofncbl acts

B. Jrdcld revld

R.vkwer on Lw on Pl,blic Albcrto c. Arr., ft.;o b* S.tDot



Whre aet invoNs e)(ercbe o, dscrelbnary po.ret No irrdbbl i0terbrerEs br els of olficerc in the perfonmrE ot


are discretionary in nahre ol irrDlvo the exrclse of irrdgment in th abence of sho,ving of an abrEe o, dscrrtbn or an art itrary decisbn, t-6rrd a cofiuption. When tha hw girrs an oficer lDe power io determine tho existence of certain ks,

thei ddies whbh

strch officer b the sole arld



irdgs d lhe existence of tlloso facfs.


Whre act involE performarE d purdy duty Befusal to act nry bo co@efed by rmndamu$ while iniurbus acts that threaten such duty may be subj'ect o, injunction-

a. a.

3. .

WtEre act re\rinfld dono withou

th o(ecuti\re ffic6r does not haw jurisdiXion may interfere thrcugh rurdamus d injuEtbn.


d the rnatts

before him,

$e courts

Norm! ot condric-t ot Fafc 6cfab rld eorPlorccs 1, Publb ffico b a publ tust a. 'Publb offico b a puub tust. Rruic o Ecss and ernployees musi at alt lims b6 aooowrtabb to $e popb, ssve fhem with utrEd rsporx$bilty, idegrfty, loyalty, end ffic'1erEy, acl with pat'rol'rsn and jt Bfrca, and lead modest fives.' (Constihrtion, Articb X, Section 1)


d. Political neutality e- Besponsiveness to tho public f. Natbnalism and patriotism g. Conunitmo'rt fo democracy h. Simplo living 3.
Duti.)s of the Civil Senrbe

Standards 6f pe.soflal con<trct fihe Co<b of Ooodrcl and Ethi=l $andarG for public OFrchls and Emplo)res, Fepuuic Act ib- 6713, app.ovd February 20, 19*t) a- Commitment to public inte,Et b- Professionalbm c- Justnoss and sincerity


d Itree sWnffi, inciJdng (keninaEon ol itsoIlnation pIogranE atd wo.l(shops auElo idrlg rEtr ircr@ to oanpbyees who are d6md




Rosarch and xp.i'Isrtaikn on rncli\.don d lhe abo\r stanffi.

nrslrEs and raising lvets of



ives and tExrards

a. b. c. d. e. f. g, a-

Criteria in the conrerrnent of awdds: Years of set\rice Ouality and consistoncy of pedormance Obscurity o, position Larel of salary Unk a and oG.nphry qplity of achievernent Risk or temptatbn inhercnt h ttE work Any favorabls similar cicumstance

AibertoC. A6r.,

Forms of incentives and



R.viw.r on L.w on Publc

At r.o L.w

b. c. d.



Ciiatbns Dictdships in governmnt-owned or @ntrolhd coIpotatbrB ScrtohEtrip grants (local or Ioc{gn)

Pab vacdoal' Autornalic Fo.ndbn, provk ed that if lhere b no nacanl nexl higlre pcilirn, tho poo'liofl Bhafl be incfrded in th6 nod brdgEt ot tho otrca, mless lh6 crsrbn o, th poc*tlon wll rsult 'rr dbtdtbn- Whste lhs3 'B no next highr post:iion ittxnedkrtely avaflabl6, a sahry irpras6 ewiralent to th6 nen ldghr position shall b givn.


a. Compcilbn: 1. Ombdsman ' 2, Ctlairman and co-chainnen of the Civil Servico Commission 3, Chaiman of tho Comrnission on Audit
Two e) gosE nment

Commitioo on Awards

efllPq,e io be apfointed by ths Pnesireflt


FulctbrNs and rsporsibmiE of tho @rnmitte: 1. Conducl a periodc, cdltiruing ,ct ietfl of prtdrnancs in all @ortrEot$ otrce3, ard agBncils;

d offcbls

and employ66s


Establish a syste{n of. annual incenti\s ard ]6\,rads to ihe end that due rcognitbn B giv.r to officbls a.d e.npbye ol otrtstsrding rIE it on the basis of tie criteda q standards sef fdh abo\rq
Determins lha torm of rBrryar6 to be grantg4 Formulate and adod iis otxn rules to go\rern lhe conduct o, its activr'sm, which shall includ guiddircs for elralusting nomines, ar|d mechanism for recognizing th awardees in public cerernoniB, and the creali.)n of slrb-comnitte6.

3. 4.
U. Irrrtes


ln genral - Tha obtrgalron ot a publc dfic. dc nct i.Elude dd<ing incunirE dirablnEnt a. Duty to obey ftle hw until it b deicrmird as urEonstUdbnal




rbcs lor lhe Dle[c

gMng hb lib or


Duty to

1. 2.

Man@mtB rnay be invol@d fo corpd accilance by apgointed b a puuic ofice. Re$gmton do3 not dieva an ofEcs d tho dutk o, hb

eo6pt and cor irlJe h otrcs

prsoo lcled or







until a

c. d.

Duty to accept hrrden o, offico Drrty as fo diligerEe and caIe



Sfandard of care: Evqy puuic dfic6 is bolmd to us6 rEasomblo skill and diligence in rh prfamanco o, hb oIficH dlni's. Wh,t pnblb furds and poporfy for offcial use and purpG6 a hvolved, publ[c officels ar6 o(F)ct6d to aci urang the dIg.E6 ol a good faher d a fErniy.


Duths in c'r*]e ard supdviion of srrbordirates 1. Tho degrBa d care in sdc{ing $bordnates must dep.d upo.l th natuo lhe wort to be perramed and tfio cimrfiBtances of ch case-


Ra,iewer on



w orr Put lic Officc6 Agrr, At Dco t wsdrool


Elhical duties

Public officers de bound lo perform thei, dlni,s honesfiy, ,ai$fully and to lhe bsl
of their abilities.


&ny as lo odsk s rrivitirs 1. ,t i9 ttl6 duty ol pl.blc orfice.s to tetrain trom orlisiro *livides whbh itierfsB with lho proper discfiargo of fhei dlni6s,



Duty where personal ir rsl b invotued A public officr may not use his official power to ftrther his own interest-

Duty to act with civility


perftrmance ol their ofncial w h o$er peopb-

Public ofncers ard etnpq,es should e)ude ufightness not ony in the duli6 but abo in flei, petsonal and private dealings


Duf, to naka frraocial

fh.Es of ReFesentativos shdl ryoo assumptiofl of offce,

mako a fuI dscloelre of thei fmnchl and business merst 'l}6y shaf noffy lho |buse concetnd of a potefitial connbt of irtetest that may artro fro.?t tha finng of a propGed legisbtbn of which thy are authors.' (CorErtitnbn, &tide Vl, Secfion 1 2)

'All Membds of the

and l,lo

"A public or .npbye shaI, upon asflmptirn d ofico and as ofien a9 may be rcquirod by law, submit a d*laratbn unde. oath d hb asstsf lbbililis, ard ,let wth. ln the case of the Presidng th Vrce.Presire. , ihe MembB of lhe, $o CorE B, the SuFerne Cotrt, tro Constitutbnal CommlBsions and olhr corslihJtbml orfces, ard fficsas d lh tmd lorcs with general or f,ag ranlq tfle dedaralim sha[ be disd@d to the public in Ula rEnnet provired tsy bw." (Constltutkm, &tt e Xl, Sectiro 14

lSeaion 7 of Bopuulc A.i ib- 3019, rccpiirB submi*bn tirtitiues evey otirc year oy gorenm;t o6cias I, crrt'vre erflqle ! a



s-'ww4t lbnaily e-'e B E comfit

vsn s abrnrts of asssls and I I rr,YYt #lengd.


fn" Corn ,OnAO th statrrt6 as a yalk, exercise of pol'Eo po,yd with fho aim of cr.rrtailing com:ption ! and maintaining th standard of honsy in lhe got e.nrnent tlte is presenf beceus e a i public offic is not property, and due pocess will still be obser\red if and when lhe lime comes to I r6rK)ve an officor bcauso o{ a perding Givsn th6 rElitic of publb sdvb6, th oxrci86 I of polico pour{ in thb case is valir- The infusbn ol the staute into $o pri\6cy of oficiab has a I reasonable rlstim lo lhe aln of ttE statJto, ard futtg, th puub sctor b subiscn to fhs contol ot ! the stat6. lhe right against unreasonabb searcfi ard seizre Ooes rDt apply lrre, since il only ! piotects the sarrc{ity ot ltla dornicle ard cormur*utions. The slf-incriniratbn guarantee only ! cnmes into pby t yhn thq is an qistGnce of aclud cases (<ivil, crtn{nd, or adninEfrative}. Finally, ! the law goes into the wisdo.n of lh6 legisBldr, thrB, it b a poltical quo3firns lhat colrrts may not i
intrude rnrruqe

upon. upoo.

r I

Reviwer on L.w on PVbXc

Alberro c. Arr., A!.rGo



W. Spedfrc dr!U6 of pubfc otficla}3 atd e.nplqrcs 1. Acf prornBly oo letters ard raquests a. PUU-rc office.s rust respond to commu*xtiorE within 15 days from recaipt thereof.



Submit annual perfdmance rports

Annual perrdrmnce reporB ,nrst be sutrnitted bt resporuiuo offcers within ,+5 days fiom th6 erd ot the year, according to exBting ru,es ard regulalbns. Theso reports shall be open to fie public.



Process docurnents and papers expeditiorJsy These must be fled within a rsonable time and signed, as rar as practicau6, by 3 officts. Next-in ranks mry sign ior absent signatods.

Aot irnrnedhtely on the pl$[c's personaltransactirns

Make doc1rmerns



to ttt public

Acdona on !qucrts aard


rule: When an oral or wfttn tqud a petitbn can bo dsposed of promptly, the public dficer should do so irxned&rtely, in no case beyond 15 days tom receipt ol


ths request or petilion.


s motions, sent by mearu d lett6B, tdegranu, or the like, musl be acled upon by the publb dfichl or ernplqre within 15 days from receipf thereof, subiect to lhe iollrwing:
Wdtt6n requests, petitiors,


When the rcquest is within the iurisdirbn o, the publb offic* 1. Wiite a note or letter of ad(nouledgment whe.s $ ,rrEtter

b merdy rodinary or th6 actbn dsid may be acted Lpon in the o.&ury course of businss, spcifying tle de whar Ure matter will be dsposed ol and tle narne of tha oficial d ernployee h cfidgo tlrsd.
Wher6 lhs n6r b nqFroutilary or lhe issuqg irrrolyd arB not dmpta or ordflary, w'ile I rpte a lstt6 d dmo$rodgrnstr irhnnhg fhe intorcstd party, pstitbne, q cqre3pordoot of tlo dion to be lakGn a rutEn $rch rcqre8ts, potilions, or rnclbns can be afrd upoat, dd p.Ecribe th tinr6, ]rEnne. ard


place ot subrftsbn ot #tbrd inffiirt, if necsy. lf a[ the requlqnents d]a tu]fillod, $6 puub ofFcer slErid inbm fhe htsrBted party ot the ac-tbn to be taken and whn srrcfi shall ocqr.


lvhen the requesl is outsue the Msdi:tion of the public officr: '1. R6fer the request to the p.oper ffice I 4usy.

2. 3.

Acknowle@e the communi:atbn by lett6r, atlaching the letter of refenal to the proper agency.

Agnc, rcbned to r rst tako aclio.t in accordancs with the lettei, within 15 days tom roceid o, ihe oo.nmuni:atbn by tho agncy conce.nd.

Processlng o, papeE and documcrts 53

Revicwer on L.v, on Pubtc Albcno C Atr., Ater;o law S<rlool


All papers and docurE tts rust be pocessed and cornpbted wilhin a reasonable time ftom lh preparatim lhereot, suDiect to ttle tollorying n {es:

a. b.

When the law specifies a perbd


io. the action to be taten, th6 same shall


3. 4. 5. 6.

Wheo th6 law stales m period, the agncy concerned slEl issJe rules prescribing reasonabl time, taking ir o accoum fls folb,,iu facnas: Nahro of the sJbiecl mattet 2. Adequacy ot th6 requlements necessary L3ck o, rcsourEss caused by circumstances beyond lhs contol o, th6 orfce Leg6l constrainB that prBwnl actixl Fault or neglecl ofthe pany concerned Force maletlrs


Signtotg ot any acdoo de.ido.r 1. As far as practk5bb, any uilten aclioo or decigon



oontain not inore lhan 3 initials

or signatur6.


Iilrhon th6 duly authdized silnatsies arc abser , tlE offcld nexl-in-rank or offcerjncharge shall sign basod m the fmgoirg nJes: f there is or{y one offEbl nod-in-rantq he srlall artomaticalv b fhe sbnatory lf the.e are two o. mqe fficials nst in ranlq tho appropride ollber shall p(esc'ibe the order o, p.iority; It no offichl nerd-in-rank is available, thc office shal &signat an officer-in-charge from arnong the lower ranked public otficeas in the organizalbnal rrnit

a. b. c-

AA Pubtc disclosure o{ statsnmts ot asseb and Ed ities 1- Who files: All publb otrchls and empbyees, exccFt thoso srho se re in an honorary capacity, laborer ard erq.ral a temporary u,orl(ers


What must b file&


1. 2. ContsrB: a- Roal proprty, ils inpovernents,


S'tatemont of t trbmier and !{et Wbdt ard a txqcberrs of tlEirs spouses and unmanied ciil&dl undea lS ysars dd lMng w h theflr f both spouses ars puub ffice.s, they may frb d[rer sepcddy orioetuy.



b. c. Oths asssB f-o. st@kq bon&, imresfitotg, 6tcJ d Financial liabiltiB, loqg and short te[m
eAll business interesB and financial connec,tions

fai rlEftot vdue Fer$ml p.operty and thdr acqrisitbn costs

cctq as66d

lralus and


Written authodty in ta\ror of the Ombudsnnn to ouain ftom all appropriaie governrnent agencies documents lhat rry stlow Ul6a asssts, liabilitis, stc., including lrorn )rears slncs llEy ffi assurned pubfic ofEce.


Irvhen to


Wthin 30 (h)rs after assumFtbn

office, reckond

ot his first dary

h office

b. c-

On or before April 30 of evfy year thereafter Within 30 days trom separation ftorn


Rdiewer on t.y oo Public Ofncers Albrto C. At.., Ate.'eo Lrr S.lDol

wh| to file:

a. hesirent yrGPresidefit Cofistixnirral

Snators, Mombers
SecrElaris o, thef houses Suprsrne Cofi Justbs - Court


i,latbnal Omce



of ttle llorrse oa Rep,E6niarives - with lhe


Adninitffia c. d. O$er national exEulirr6 dficss, headg d go\re.nrnet -otrld or cortrolled corpo.ations - with th offica d fhe President e. Rsgioml / local offieiab, elective ard appolntiE, other offciab of govemmentowned or controlled coryorations - with th Deprty Ombudsrnan h their regiors f. Officers of the AFP with rank of t{aval Caprain or Amy Colonel and above - Oftice ot lho President g. Otrcers of the Arned Fac3 of the PhilipFines with rank below Naval Captain or


- Deputy Ombudsman Other public dficiab - Civil Servic. CoIIIDbsnofi

Army Colcnel


ldentificafro.r ard drscbsul of rlatiyes

lt b tl6 duly of ev.y puub ffiGi.f io g,pbyE to irgfify afil dscbs6, to the best of hb knfluldgs and ir*odnatioc his ,hivs h fho ggrrtxnefit up to ths fourth cMl degre o, datiorBhips, eithr of consanguLx'ty a atr ity, incbding bilas, inso,
and balas.

Accessibility of docrrne.ts To be mads arrailable fur inspc'tbn at rcasonable hows



To be made a\railablo for copying afrer 10 wo.king days Aom the limo they are filed Pe.sons rcquesting ]r|ay be rquircd io pay a ree for rcp.oductbn, crtifi=tbn and rna ing thereol


da 3bb ft. a prbd of 10 years aflor rccoapt o, such staBnent to be desEo)red d Ule eod d sucfi pdioq unlss nseded fc an mgoing
Atry statement shall bo rnade



Oflhrds.nan rnay abo ilrspd ptrsrrant btho rguid wrine.r antEdty excuted by fhe prrblb office.


Prchbitd acls
lt is


l.nhlrt l to obtah or uso ary ot fia abor $a!arn$E ,oc Any puipose contrary to rncals or puHb potcy
Any commercial puposes other than by nervs for disseminalion to the general




Rwi:w of complbnce


Tho following rnay delermine wheths or not th stats.nonls ar g.operly

t. Congttse - by tho designated conmittes, srq6f to $e app.oi'al by the malo.ity ot the Houss cficnrd 2. Executivo - by the heads of the departrE rts conceine4 sut ect to tho approval
of the Scretary of Justice - Chiel Justbe of the Sup.eme Corrt


Rryiewer on trw on Putf,c Offfccrs Albrto C. Atr., Acdco t Sdlool

4. b.

Const dional CorEniiCons by their tespective chainnen and memberc lhereot,

ln case ot the Office ol lhe OmbuGnlan, the Ombudsman.

The olficials abore can Ioder opilims intdp.sting the provbions on ihe review and comdiance procedras in tho flhg of the statemenB lf tha staternent is nd fild conecfl)r, fhcy stlal inform the reporttng public officr and tak6 coreclive aclbn



Basis in monitoring incorn and lifestyle of governmeri offrcials The SSAL srt es as basis d tha govr nent and ttl6 people h rnonitoring th6 ircome and libsty4e d dfidab ard ernployecs h the governrnerlt in complhnc with the constittrtbnal poliry to promte lransparency ir government to eradicate co(ruptbn ard ensure fhat they ld iust and modest lives.

BB, Transparnc, ol

1. lt b ttlo tesporr*Utity o, ipads d

|rarEcllorE and !G6s. to hiomlgtloo depf,lmenis, ofics ard agsncis to establish rneasursr ard standards that vyi, rBur transpdE ry o, puuic fansactions in lheir respectiw ffices (-e., birltfngs erd aI o0lr Ilratte,s irrrohr'nrg BrUb interGsf)
infonnatbn, oxcept

2. lt is abo rhe responsitility


of every deparfrnent offce, or agency io p.ovide official


c. Rivileg6d irfonnation d. Th6 infomatbn @.nprises ffits d de*idrs, odersr ruling atd policy.decis'pns 6. lf it is such a pqsonal that a d.scbglre would coGsliMe a vblation of on's right to p.ivacy f. ]t would dirdco invesligBbry roo.ds cofifibd tu hw oflbrce.neflt plrpo fo
the oxtent thd it mdd: lnierfere with enftrcernent procsedfirgs a persori of a Obdce the irormu d coofder ial Unju$ifiably dsdose imnstige$ve tecrrdqFs

ln the intorst of natirnal defe.lse a sedirity tr the conduct of ,olebn affairs, such inforrEtbn should be kpt secrn if th6 [b and safety o, an irdivifual is in immined danger

g. 3.

1. 2. Mr 3. 4.

ProBrahre dscbsrr

srdanger $abiity of finarlchl insl;hnir.l3

ligltbaft*tid $r,c. as wouH nkdy ld to spalati\rs

firandat spoculafions

a '

Evry head of department, office, and agerEy shol{d abo 6tablish iniormation EEtenB to iniorm O. pr6fi" about rules, progaut, ;epofis, and all other documents chssified as public iniornation.
Every head of depadxnent, offce, or agncy shal co.xhlct vahre derrebpmefil prograrns for its officiats and empbyes in o.dd io suenglhn eo.nmifnGnt to publb seryica and to promfr pdrmcy ol publc ir erEt ffi pe.sonal inte.est an tlo perfo.manco of their duties. Such prograrns shall inchrde tlg rolbwhg:

OaBebrms on pubtrc a.hil&nrstv systerns


a. b. c.

Ethical and rpral values Bights, dnies and rsponsibiEti6 Natiomlism and patridism

public sewants

Rstiw.r on t2w on Public offc.ri Alberb C. Asr., At ncb LwS.hool


e. l. g. 2. 3.
4. 5.


Justice and human rEhts Democracy in a fieo and ilEt society Philippino histd't , crtltue, and tradtbn areas

Socio-cono8$c co{ldlims pwailing in the country, espccialy in the dopassd

anab/6s of its

Evay departntent, offco, and agerEy should abo condrcl oo.thuing shJdis and wdk systems ard procedirs to impro\re ddivry o, priblic servbs.

They shall abo derrdop and rcgularly available to th6 tran-saciing Bjblic-

u@te a srvice guire which should b6 made

They shall also corBult the puHb fo. ihdr feedbacks, sugEEstbns ot ths efficienqy and eflectiveness of servi:es.

Tl|gy shall also ooafiinue to ddrcl rEseddr and expe]irneafiatbn on mea! n'3 and adopt inno\raliy p.ogrrns ,or mdh/ati p{lb$c dfidab ard erployes in obs*ving
public service ethical


6. ftsy

shall abo, h co.Ledtalion wilh fhe Offce of $6 Ombudsrnan, appdnt or dsignate a resident Orbudsrnan sr'ro srralt ac't on lHIjests tor public assistance ,sfsrEd to him by the Ombudsmn ard his D6pdiesGovernmefit officialg shal also make with their staft


therEely6 open ror corlsultat'ofls and diabgues

Riqhts alrd ln gpneral

priuleq of

Publ'tc Orfcers





Tho righB incuent b e ffico { oofihnd arld rnaslld by tho Constit tion or by law' or botr, uderlrt*, th publb offcs rvas ehcned or appoiflted

lrddiltto pblc fr


BighB a! e cfiIlrrr a. Protection fiorn pubication cofimglling on hb ftnss ard ti6 f*e a By tEson of fho BS0c crlaractr of hts omplqme.t, a publb officg b not er il,d to ths sarne ri(its aocordsd to an or&l{y citize.L E(ampla ar fh6 Fotect'bn tom pt{icalbru 6nrrs irg oo hb fihess and fhe prohiHfon on
eng8ging in cedain pofidcal or business aciivities.


En9a9in9 in certain poliiical and business activities


Public employs may be rcquied to suspend or rfraln fiom engoging in certain politbal or bL6hess aclivilbs when srEh aclivitbs are reasonably demed incondstefit wilh thei pubtc status and duties.


Right to CornperEatlon



Power ot CotErsss
Power primarily


b lL cofiDcnlalist hn not exdudvdy legiststi\re in characler Ths powt lo fx compensatbn of BiUb officers is not inherentty and
exclusively a legisiatiE furrtion-

Ra/icwcr or L.w or Puui. of6dB Alberto C Atra, At ,rEo t w School



Powe nay be delegated subirt to staMory lirdtalbns 1- &rtr powcr flry be delegated ro other bodes unh$ prohibited by the Consf Uirn ard it must be Bithin ttE statutory fmiHiorB impGed by Congcss. Sucfi o(rcise ol dbcrfim is ,roi ordnarily Bviwrable by the cotrts
Compemation is not hdspensabh to puub otfico brrt b merely an incidern thereto, and attaches to ths omce itsc*f, not to ih6 cfficer-

Cornpotaatloq rEt

a. a.


aLrnclti o, publG of6c.

Forms o, compeosalion deeEd and dslirgubhed Compensatbn 1. ]t b paid for doing al thal ,my be reeid whe ler it !r in th6 brm of a fxed salary d wagEs, pr diems, tues, cornmissions, or perquisites o, whate rer character.


Tabhn$ s88 SCRA 727 @@|l

tt b dstirguiBhod Arom honaaiurL 6 honorirrn b givofr nof as a rn:ttt, o, obIE6don b.n h app.Eialion ,or se.ri:es rndelec a wluntary donation in conetlsdirn ol ssvic6s $,hirt affi of rp snpsrsaton in rnony. Fison v.




lt is g.lfaly a fxed annual of pe.irdcal paynent depending on the tirne and nc[ ttlo amunt of serybsh is distinguished from wages, as wages is given to offcers of lesser rank and
paid p6r day or yyek.

2. c1. 2.

P6r diem

lt is a daily alburance ghren ror each day an dficer is away trom his home by reason of his offcial duties. lt b usrdly reirnbrrsernert br o(tra o(perls6.
lt will rDt bo consir.d pr dm if it b




in the of cornpec8auon nor

3- lt b atso not d6rrEd a sdaay h ,htion lo lha corBfihrfDoal provisbn ttlat no chattgg h lhe compeosafion ot fficss sH aftci lhe salry ot any officer
d.rirE hb eo6iUEm-



1. lt r,fc'13 to $e prdts 2.

arbing fior,l tlg ffica, ard tllat whi$ b rehred as compensation fua srvicss or whbi is annexed to lh offic as salary, tees or perquisitos and indudes tho6e which, by latfl, the offcer is entiued to receive.

Allorirancos 0.a, representatbn and t'arEportatbn, housing, etc.) ar included in the term 'erplumefits'.



Basl' ol ridn to comp.nsaton

Crcatbn ot law



trust to b6 exsrcised ta the b6nft ot tto puuic. A puuic officefs right io compqtsatgt e)dsB soldy as the crathn of ka\i-

b not ,garded as a @rltract or a vsted proprty ,ight but

rether es a public

Albcrto C

w on Public Orffccrs

&r., Atedo

1rw S.hool


Srvices rerdeted


The tigtrt to mmponsatbn g,ows out ol lhe ,endition ot sewices. However' in the absnc d a $arute lo ths corirary, a pdrlb olfcer b noi entitled to compnsston fut swi:es readered unde, an urEonstitutional statute or provision.

2. c.


is pai, orry br serice


or corEhrctivdy rende.e4

follouring ths 'rD wdk, no pay' pnnciple.

Compensation fixsd by law lf no compnsatbn b fxed or attached by bw, the public officer is Prsumed to hare accepted $e offico to sen e gratuilot,sly. (AcGta v. Coun of Appeals, 381



LogEl titlo to offica


Genrally, one withorrl a lgal fid to orncs eiiltr by apPdntment or eleclion is not entitled to rccaivs sahry 6 conperlsar'Dn dtacfied ro the offc6.

Amoljnt of comperEatixr 1. Ths nahre otan fficbl's pcili,n srprfd b6lhe dsteflrtniu iacitq in lhs fixing of hb or her salry. Thus, fhe hti, emdqs 'grader as ihe determinant of salary, wh'Eh depends upo.r ttp tEtute d on6's positbn, irludittg the level of dimcuty, responsibilities, and qualification lequirct Pnts ttla eoI retaliw to that of another positlon. 2. law fxes ths otfdaFs grade- (Etirry v- Sandg8nbayan, 316 SCRA 65 (19S9)
Ex oficio position



An ex oficio pasilion is pad d the pinCpa ofiice- Theteforo, the oflEial concerned has m ,igm fo receive addtiond compensalbn for servbes in an ex ofcio pcition becaus ths6 ssvices ar6 atready pak ior ad covercd by th comprrsation attachd to the ptucipal otrco- (Bitonio, Jr. v. Commissbn on Audit, /t25 SCRA 7 e0O4); Civil Selrbe Co.nrdssbn v. De b Cruz, 7 SCRA 40oem4)

RccoYry d compilaaton a- An action to rmvcr tle compensdim dtacflod !o a puHb offico blongs to ths psson who has th tue lide to the ffice, nd meety a colonUe tif thsrdo.


F o,n tho


go\rsnrnri Gn*aly, $e d6 orEcer cannot r@s lhat whicfi has bsr poid lo a de lacto offcr unld:s ths got sffiEr* co(llirues to pay 6ren afis ha\rlng rccshred notioe ofan adjudcatim ln fayo. of the de iurs.
ln cases where there is no de iur officer, a (b raclo officer is legElly ernitbd to the ernolumenB of the office it he is: 1. ln good taith 2. Has possession ol the offco 3. Has discharge ot t'le duti6 of said office After ths ndic. d adirdbalioo in fa\rs ot lhe dc jurE officer, the de lacto ofncea is not entitled fo keep s'hat has been peid for services rendeted.



F om th de facio o,ffcer


R.viewcr on lrw on PuMc Orffclrt Albcrlo C. Aar., Atanco L.w Sdool


Also, wlrcre the lenure or lhe de faclo was wrong ul, the salary received by
such rnay be rcc(nrfed.



From th

htn der d ulr"npr An inlruder oa usurpa has no dght to fhe salary

He bcornes nau6

b tle




otrcet in an acton

dnoirments of Ule ofnc. br mofly he had

I AoaAgue v. Tan (91


Bodriguez chirrc that Tan usurpd the otfico ot being a Senatoi from 1947 to 19219.

I srvice. I

Th6 Supreme cou.t ruled that Tan did was a de faclo ofhcer. One who had been proctaimed and had assumed office but was her dlsbd becalso d an dclion gotest was a de facto offcer who b 6ntid6d to compensation. The enrolwnenG mrd go to ftre person who actuaEy trderd the

I i I

I Monroy y. Couft ot 4PF,s @



d2' ItCn



I Monrorr u,as the inc'umbe.n Mayor when he filed his certificate of candi&cy as Bepresenetive. he withdreri, said ce.tiEcate. @MELEC approveoitre wittrdawat. tne ! fnree lays afler said filing, -oi"mo," ttl" Mayor. The Court d Fisl lnslance'held rhat iroffry coasd to !vi"*U"i-t "i ""tlt ffiat*- ur; become Mayor upon the fiting d $ certificate- tt abo hetd tt t-ili;;;;

salaries to which the Vrce-Mayd was enlided as mayor. Ths Court ol Appeals affirfitd ths ruling of lhe Coud of Flst lnstance.

! !

i i

I rst I I I by the htt6r clJring tha tins of hb wrongfrt te . euln thqlgh he Gnbrd irto lte dlce in gpod I ! faitn anO unaer cda of tiue. Wtse a Uryor witrOew hb Cslificate d Csftrucy, he do6 not I ! resume his pct as MA|a fTrnftre tre cinmt Ua'ent'OeO b lho coflperEation aiicteO to saH I I !"f8";I -"'--' I

The Vrce-M4ror was efililled to lhs saHes sincs hs iook ]*e oati of dfica as Mryoa. The gEarial rule is that lh rirrtftrl inc[lfr$o,It ol an office rley sr from a & ,acto fficer tle saEy rurvd



Sahry not srSiGGt to gilnfi*md a. Gambhrnem b a kind of athJlment ,or reacrfng credits belonging to lhs iudgrnent debtd owing to him tom a sbanger fo fifigstion. (EnqineefiU Construction, lnc. v. Natbnal Porrer Corporalior! 16(l SCAA I (19880


The salary of a public cfficsa may

payrnefit ol his


be srtbje{ of gdnishment attachmnt,

orde, of e)(eclnbn, nor bc seized before being pok to

deffi ior the tolbr irg l@nsr stii

hir! ard appaop.iated

for the


While the rnoney ls

in lhe hards ot rtE

dsbusirB dficer, it bebngs to the


aartcw.r on bwon Pubfc

Public poliqy


srrch pracibe since it worrld be fatat fo

$e puuic stvice,

Alberto c. Atra, Aten&) trw s.hool


The gatnbhrnern or attacftrner o, an officeds salary b rantamount to a suit agEitst tho $alo h ils oyrn oorrt, whi.n b prchibtd., xceB with its cflsent. (Dic'to. o{ Co.ffrElco ard lndLElry v. C.dlcepcbn, 43 Ph'lt 38rf (1942))




gayn not only to emutEralion o, servites bul abo lo enabls the giw to dllo atte. im to hb offdtl dd'Es ard to Ptfiilm lhem betterincumbent &ry agreemrt respecfing sudl dnPensatbn is invalid if it tends to pervett such compensatbn to purposo othet lhan ttut fa what it was intended. This rule specifcally refers to unperformed servir:es and the salati:s atiadld lheteto and to

]l|! at eclbo conp.n ato.l

ermprBaticn is

thoso akeady perforrnd whbh lhe offcet can valirty disbuse as he rnay see flt.


Tte following agroments ar irv?lil: 1 . Agrsnnt to accepi, or acce@nco ol tsss or dlr than legal compnsation 2. Salo, assignrneG or ba.t6a d sai, cdnpstsauort 3. Diyiding compensalion with othrs it it atrDtttts lo an ar icipauy agrellE]rt public otrlcets,

& Prohtrrltbnagahdffidtondr*ry a. Congrss has abof,rto potrrar lo fr( a altr the cornptlsdbn d
e)(cpt as


by lhe Constilution.

The Gonstitutbn prohbits Congress lroflr rdudng the salaty of the follouring constitJtioml offcers duriarg thei term d te r in oader lo scilre their


President and Vrce-ftes:dent

"The President shall have an ffichl rc:id*ca- Th salaries d tl6 Prresident and Vice-President shall be determined by law and stlal nd bo decrased duhg thef tenurs. i,lo increase in saft, compensatbn shall take efiect udil der ths dI*aliqr of ffie tfin of th6 incrrlbefit ftrirE which

$rch incraso rvas approved ftoy sfE[ nd r@jE dring lh* bnure an odtg rnolument tofii th6 Gorernmeflt or any dth6 sorca' (Oo.rSt io4 Arricb Vtl' Se.iion O

salary of th

Cltid Jnstica, Assocnile Jrdi:es o, th6 S4crne Oorrt, and judg6 of bwr corrts
lh6 Associate Justices

of lowor @utts shall bs f:(ed by *aw. During tEir continuanco h office, thet sahry shall not b6 decreased.' (Consfildi{xi, Micle Vlll, Sectim 10)


the grprerne Court, and

decreased duing

Chainnen and ,nefl$c,s of lhe Const

diylal Oo.nris!}brls

"The salary of the Chahmn and the Cocrris*rnss shall bo fxd by hw and sfiall not be thei terxira' (CorEttrJtbn, Artiie X-A Section 3)

Revi.wer on Lw on Public Offi..rt Albrto c. Atra, At ;Eo t ws.rml


&nbudsman and



The Ombudsrnan ard hb Depdi tp rar* of c,laiman ard tvbmbers, respctively, of the ConstituliorEl Co.nmissiorls, and tEy $a[ rccehre fie sarB saky, which shall not be decreased duing thei term ot offce.' C,Ilsnr,tion, Arlide X, Sctbn 10)

b. 9.

take effect until a,lter

Congress may also indase the sabries of ths mertioned officers but it shall not ti6 erQiation of their full terrn

PttohDilbn agaiEt lcceiyirg addtlonal, douHq oa ffict compensation

"No olclive or appoirtivs pljblc otrce a empbyoa stral ruive add'tkmal, double, or irdfact compensatiqr, unhss speincaly auulaid by hyr, na epf uilho.n irl6 conseni of th Congrsq any Plse. , ernohument, dcq, d titb of any kird iom arry rorailn g0r.nrrenl
Perisions or gratuitis shall not be corEidecd as additkmal, dorrblq or lrdirct compensation." (constitutim, Adide tx-B, sctbn 8)


The prohibition does not appty in tle bllowing cases: 1- The law, in certain irEtances, spdfically authorias payment where it appears just and necessary


Additional co.npensatim E rcceived mt from governmed

arry of its entities

3. h case of doubb appointrrF ts whet Ude ar6 2 distinct offices, the public
offcer mry &aw

tlo saby

spcifically authorizes him.

dtactled fo

$o 2P pocilbn only when


1O Fec volntary !.n ba b fn goyGrrmqtt e F o yoluntary gvico to $6 golrgnmont tdtr to sd\,lces rsrdorBd by pGrsons wto aE in go\rrnment urffioL( pey a co.nperBston


1. 2. 3.



fiee rolurUry savi:e

lssJanco of an appdntmort dGrnont Fitness and suitaulity for fhe duties and responsibititios of the particular position Compliance with the rub on nepotism


Functions or sewices ItEt votrnteers can perform:

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Advisory Consultancy or counseling B@mrnendatory

tto{essional ser\rkB
Statr wort such as planning



Appli=ble laws and rules


Raiewer on Lrw on h,Uic omcers Albertoc. Aff., Atc i liw SdEot


The Code o, Coduct and Ethical Sfiardards lor Publb Otficials ard Employees (Bepublb Ac.t m. 6'l1E and ths lmplernenring Rules on:

a. 8e\ ads and 'mceftlives b. l.lorrB of condwt ad st cal standards c. Dl,ti:s and obl'Eafio(lr d puDfic offes ard ernplqrees d. Prohibitbns ard sanclro.B nurrprated in lie knpl:menting e. Civil and crimiml llatilily e.


Those who rerder

a. Filing ot sHctnents of assets and lhbilities ard net worth, and financial disclosues b. Requirernent of divesirnert c. Eligitility requits,Ilgrts d. Secuity d tenl.Io
be provtled in l,le tqms ol Utet desEnatiorB, volunters

fee yduntary sen ice are e)GtrPted torn the followlng:


Prohibitions 1. l,rnless ofh.!

p.ohbiiod a. Exercisilg grpervisay tnctidrE


b. Exercising furtctiorts d podtqB irwotving natimal secttity c. l-laving access to @ffidential or dassifed informatbn unless authorized by Foper authodtha d. Occupying regda, pEilAla pGitions e- HavitE such seavicB ctdited I golrtnrnent se!.be and a\ailing thernselves of rctierrEflt beaE ils f. Using feiliEes and rsol,ces of the office for partisan political putposs g. Reciving any pecunixy bone,fit slrch as honoraria, allo ances, and otier
perquisites of otrrce. 0mplrnenting Rules, Rule )01, Sction 1)

ors porsoond


Other righfs 1. Rlgftt3 urider lhc Com{ftrlion


Bight lo sef-orgariza0on

Tho rigtrt to sdf-o.gsnizatir X-8, Sctbn 2(50


nd be doniod fo go\rsnrHt




'Tho rigtrt

the popb, indtrdng

associations or societies &ticl lll, section 8)

,a plrpces

$e qIW

h $e puub ard p,iyate sctoB, to brm uni(xtg, not contract to bw shalt not be abridged." (Constitdion,

"x x x h slnll guaEntee th6 rigftts ot all worte,s to sef-organi:ation, aolec-tive bdgaining and negotiatiorB, and peaceful concetud dhritirq fuduOrg t|e dgtrt lo snikg in wilh law. x x x" (ConstiMbn, ArtiJe Xll, Secrirn 3, pfl'a 4

lrw on Public Albcrto C Agr.,At rEo t2vi s{tEol
Revicwcr on


Tho ,ight inchrdos the right to colecf ive negptislion.

t6m bbor


un'rons and lha ,ight


2. 3.

lt excludg t le ,ilht


gah @llectively with the got emment or to engag in


ed activilirsabsohnery prohibited since lho

Iho rigrn lo sUI(e is

terns and cotditions ol

go\rernmdrt srnplq|,IE rt ar6 rD(ed by law'

The right to

potecton d temporary etnployees To.nporary e.nphy6 d the qpvetnmeflt shall be given such p.otection as may be esiablished by law hn ihey do not enpy secudty ot tenure.





tom arrest

and from being qustioned

"A Senator s M6ntr d trle HoB. ot Bop.6srta6res shal, h aI ofrrlss put*thabb by tld ,not ihan 6 yas imp,isonnEnt, be privihgpd trm anEn wftib Congrcss b b soss*rn. No mernber snal be qusstiond nor be heE [able h any dlc' paaca ior afly spei 6 ffiale in tho Congr6ss or in


Vl, Sec{bn

1. d.

luembers oI Congrss enFy pdiarnentary

imi rniti6.

the right mt to be rcnrot ed d suspendod except for caus6 pro\rided by law '1. Tho odstnce ol a ch 9s, due inaring ard firdirE c guilt by the propr authonv is impfied in the constitutbnal prohibitbn against remot al or
suspsnsirn excapt ba causo.

@%.I,bqic@tscnA6P@ tt warned ge
! Jsbsios

to fuly d*tra t*r drtiec ino aas ot tasciriersrrss.

a CorBressrnan, dsdte hir conyiction fior statutory

golrsrrrEm iE snFci b hw and Jatoqos' rhortestttp in Cmgr6ss dog3 !t,f-^g*llry not qomFt tlin frorn strh.i6 and rd6 wt*:h apdy to va[dy incaacraEd prso(B. lmmurrv ,rom !

i arrBt of i in a rdictivs s.rls6. lt cannot bo i i qtsded Trnb"p -d CoogB 16 drsys beo granted belrsd ils diEy t Eirg. Encrgoncy q co polin0 te,nporary lErs fio.n i i
! I ! !
imprisonmer alr allrxed to alt pinrrs" at the discretbn c{ tho autho,lt cs or upon eotn ordds I but what Jalosioc seel(s is not of an snergency naturB. Afr|ing him io attord congessional I sessions and committee .rEetius. fa 5 days or mo. in a week wrl virtually rmke him a tee man I
with all the privileges apprrrenant to his


Partlcinfon h prchAlt3d *l}uity or tn6s action 'Prohibild concdted e{ivity o nass aclbn' rE e.1s to any collective activity undertaken by gorre.nrEnt empb:,ees fih. by in.n$n es d thror8h ttei empb!/egs' otgarizalbrB, with Ulo ent of dftcting wd( sfoppegB oa dlsnntion in oad, lo realize $ek demands a foroe omc*sbns, economic s othrwise, fiom ttdr rcspective agerrcies or the governmeftt.

Rcvirwd on Lw on hrblic

Alberb c. Agr.,

At nc;

u S.ltool


Conceated actrviiy or mass aciion donc outside government of6ce aflorred provn ed it *odd tpl tesult in cfsrudbn o, wuk

hous may be


Goyr ngtt wqkers can bfin eoctfidB for prrpGs not cotntaty to hw but ihis rigftt rdu&s lho ,bht to bdrgEfn corctivdy w h rhe gpvemment, or to engag in corEsbd ac'tivilies. Th tiri to stike b absolutdy prohititd sinc Ul6 terrB and conditbns of their etnpbyment dE fxed by hYv.
Governrnert o.nployees wtlo irin, pdtiipate, or take part in prohibited concerted activity or mass aclbn resulting h disruption of work or service shall b held admhislratively lhbb br tho offense of corduct pteiud'lcial to the best interest of the




e,rlployc of tto saIIE agslcy apply td l6a!/ simu]&aneously or alnEt at ltta sa.rE limo l.rdt duInsErcs Yidncing cdlusirn or common

Govsnment agencies shal not appao\re'mass lee\re

absnces"' which occuts


or molE

dedgr !o padicipah in a proh r'led rmss scftrl-' Otrcft{s who aPptovs ltEss lsave app{catioB fo irn rrass efixrs $ra[ 8tso bo s.&i.!cf to drir*slratfue sarrcfion.


Government srployes have t lo rigttt !o 'cotlelive negot aton", which is the process of rgsohriE dbputes or a potofltl one beh*een ernployer and employees.

RighB utrdGr ltE Ciul Scfrica


d lhe new



Tho ,ight to prefe,ence in promotbt 1. Among the rules fo. tll rectuirnelt ard


When \lacarEy oocrrs in a pcrlkm in 1' lercl of folkrxing stlal be consideGd fa prcrnotiolf,

sde1ioo ot stnploys are as follo\fls: Career Servbe, the



Empt yees in ths departtnent who occ py tho ne,d lowr positions in rhe occupational group unde. whidl the vacant pocition b chssified / thoso in other tunclboally rdated ooatpstional gro.rPg Tho6e who uo conrplent, quaffied ard with tto apptoPtitts civil ss\rica eligiuEty.

Whn yeanc, oocrl's in a podlion h tl6 2'{ bvel of Carset Srvic, lhe ruhs tor vency in 1'l6rel podfprB abo Qply.

c. f d.

nirdetento , 6 ,smdoynEnt


b nd fllod f, p.ofltdbrt fit lhe vncy by transfs,

pssoru spcatd ttt ot gh rductlon


foac6, or appointmeat Rig[rt to appal of qualified ne]ft-in-rank


Who may appeal:


Qualilied nsd-in-rank employee who b not satisfid with the written special reason given ry apporr ing authority fs appctinfnnt in fa\ror of ano$er empbyee


"Oualifiednod-in-ranf Thb retets to an e4plcye6 appdnted on a pmranefit basis to a pc*tion previously detsmird io b6 next-in-rank io the vacancy poposed to be filled and Yvio flEts tho tequMes tor appdntmenl thddo as p.wioudy detennind by appoirtittg autttsity aod app.sved by the Civil Sewi:8 Co.nmis-sion. 65

seviewer on r.w on fub$c offic.rE C. Agr.. At n ot w Sd|ool


a. 1r - to lhe Sdfa.ies /

Lareb ot appal

c. d. 4!' 4.


heaG oa ags{rcies, }rsturnentslities, gorrernrpfit-owned of cofitolled cdporarions wilh original cfianers Zi-tot|a Mdt q|st6rn Protecfion B@rd 3d - to the Ciyil Sen ice Coflrrnissim (b/ trded quesliooing tho appoinE ent)
Judicial Iari6r, first

to tle Court of Appoatsi thefl to th6

Suprme Court

The partbipatbn ot ihe appdnling authority in the p.otest filed with tho Civil Servb6 Commission is indispensablc inasmrch as tho actbn of the

protstant 'B really against the dtermination made


the appointing


The rEtn to present cofllphinb dtd grievE ps Comphints shouH ba rsohrd at the lo\rr6t agsnct/.



levl in tha doprttnent

2. f. g.

tl L tefiabE un esolvd aft4 odlausting dl avaibble rsotedest the partie-s rnay joiruy refei tho dbpub to ltle Puuic Sectd [abo. Managernent Council
consttuned under tha Admhistative Codo


The dght not to b suseenOea or ds.nissed ercept for cause as po\rided by law and afier dua p.ocess
Bight to organize


Go\rernrnern emplo),ees shall noi bs dsginfnated ag6i]rst employrnent by reason c their mmbership or participatbn
0196nization& Employrnent sfiorld not be subl,c.t to the oofttirbn slEll relincpish merobership h lhs org8nizafrm-

in ]espect of in employees'


tlat $c, shal not join or

GotrsnnE t authoritis shall not i!ffirc fhough acts deeiFad o,ganizalixB under co.rd d lto goygrlllsn authoritias.



'1, Next-FBank na.

tlot a mandebiy rqlimnt 1. The nlGin-rank nb appli8 qtv h cB6 ot pmmoton. lt neltler granE a vstd Tight to the tDlder no. impo a ministe.ial drty on the appoirfing authority to promote such person to the next higher pGiiions- The person nextin-rank is only given a prefelenthl conslderation for pronrotbn to a va@nt
positionReason for the rule



Th6 preferenca ghren to old a perElanent employes is bcauso th6y ar6 assumd to ha\ro gaind not onv $psbr ddls hn abo gfEtd dedication to tho public service, provldqd tllat ttE ac,ts d rhe app<intirg poyuer are lor tie best inlrest of the pubfb ssvica ard fhe pdson chosen has the rcquircd qua,ifrcalirns. Oorio v. Civil Sarice Co.nmissbn, 2G) SCRA 677 (1592); Cabagnot v. Civil Sdvice Cornrniss{o{L 223 SCRA 59 (li,SD 66

Rariewer on t w on,tublic OfficGE Alb.rto C Asia, AtcrEo taw Sdrool

Oiscretbn o, appointing adhority 1- The next-in-rank ruls b nol aboMe and reasms rrEdokrol n to ttE nerd-iFfank


may be dstegarded for sound

2. fto appdnlirlg

aulhority b given wire discrtbn to fifi ihe vaqancy amoog lhs sevral sttrnalives pro\rired ,or by law sLEh as fBorrgh transEr, ritutatemsnt,
rrnployrrEnt, and apptintnent eligiUlity.

d ortsirss

with appropriate civil sgvbe


O\rerdding factor


Th6 o!/eniding ,actor ,or lhe nextin-rank rule is to ,ostet a morE service-

efficiet public

i Meam


EHin (ril *AA ZB lrgln

E*alin was appdnted a8 AdminfsHivo Otr@r V in the BtrEu of Forest Oareloerteflt aftfrorrglt she was I or 10 salary rarEEg bebu, lreram, who wa tlextjr}ranlc Mrern appald to the Merit Systems Board uhi$ found (tog$s wnh tha Chfl Ssvha Corrnbsix) lhd Efalin wa rbl noxt$e wife of in-ranlc &n bcarrso C a taitr-pstitbn b the Pl.*brn wtss she ir;iilird hrssf E ren Edralin ol llocos Ndto, the ffice ol fhe Pre.ide.n odered hd appdntmcfit.

I ! !

nor peremptory requnsnnt that persons ,Extjn-rank re ernided fo prefgtEe in agpointrneflts, the very purpose ot fhe CMI Servtce law dctates lhat persorB who aro qrElifd atd next-in-rank should be givn preferedbl consid*atim whsl fling up a Ecsted position tlrough prornotion.

Edralin is not an erlplqre nextjn-rank fo ttle yacafed podtbn, ard attilough there is

m ,nandatory

! !

Appointments under the CMI Service taw strorld be based on rnerit and fitness and strorH never be uaied on ho,v intimate a tlerd or how clGCy rdated an appointes is to tlE pot ss that b6. And granting that frralin pGsesss tho quafficatidrs rcqiird br th contstsd pGiton, it cannof be denied that Meram eqratty peessca rhe same qrtccations, it ",tdto th p<iltion and nportantly, srr6 sh6 b nld-in-rani nerd-in-r;d( to tr6 impodantty, |tr6 yac&d r|ac&d pGilbn ano tfuB dese.\rB to bs appffied disputed isputed ilern.


t,. d;;;"b";ffi#;'il





PcrEooneNaciolE 'Potsoond actirn' rd6r8 io any ac on dondilg ]Irolrrnsil 6 pnogrBs ot pssonnd in the civil sgvbe whlch must bo h accordance u,fth tlio nI or stendsds

prorulsatd by tha Civil Ssvhe Cormissbn-


aclims lndude th6




Appointmenttirrough cerlification a. Appointment ttrough certincafion b issued lo a person selec{ed fiom a list of qualiffed peasons ceatified by fhe Civil Se.vbe Cormissbn trom an

approprials register

examinatbns) and who rneeB all


Decree No. g)7, Sec{ion 24(4)

or eligiues 0ist ot thce u,ho passd competiN tlo oth, rcquirslfir s of the podtbn



lt refeIs lo advancerrEnt trorn one pG bn fo anothea wilh an incrErE in duties and responsitiliiies as aulhaized by hw atrd tElJa[y @.np6oied by an increaso in pay. The mo\rernent may b tom one department or agency

Reviewer on Law on Public OrffccR Alberto C. ABre, Atendo taw khool

to anolher, or rrom one cganizalion unil to another in lhe same department or agency. (Presirernd Decre No. 807, Seetbn 24(bD


lncreaso h sahry E rnerdy irrrdefltal ard nd dete,minative ot whother there was a prcrnolbn. An ugflad vslil ,rlol erngli d fhe npbye's rank or msition b nercay. (Phit TelegrEph & Telephone Oorporation v. Coun of Appals,412 SCRA 263 @filD


An employeo cannot be compelled to accept

to refuss.

a paornotion because pornotion is in the nature of a gin or reuard whk,l the employee has a right

3. Trarsfer

a. b.

lt lsfeas to morrefilent fiom on6 pcitbn to anolt|r of oqui\ralent rank, level, or salary without brek in selics imrofunu bsance of appoir ment.


lt b not ccrsldered dscirin y whfi ,rde h the inEsl of prrblic servica, In wt*rl case, fhe employEo sbal be in onned d lh resom therdor. f ortpbrco bdiovos that ttp. b .E lrsffrcauon fur tlE lranster, hs rnay appal ths matts !o the Civil Sadce Csrrnissin Trarsbr nny ba from one dpdlrEnt a agencf/ to another (detaiD, or fom one organizational unit to ano$es within tle sarne qpncy tr department (a6signrrEfl0. Mowmot fioan norrcarer sn bo io carr service shall not be consirered a t'ansfur. (Plssiredial Decre l,b. 807, Sction 24(c))
Temporary tanster




permlsibb 6\,en without the

2. 3.

employe's consent, er(cepfi in cases whers ths transfer is: 1. A prdiminary step to rmoval A schsne to lrlr6 th empblrse away from perranent pocftbn De.$$ed to indircdy te.minate servbe3 / fur6 r.*Inalion (Befljamin v. Col.|rt of Appals, A]9 SCRA 644 (igg)

a, lt rfers rEstordbn to a stab ol condtbn tom which one has been

rwnored or separated



v- nffio.ld l-aba Behtirns Cornmis-<bn,

SCRA557 eo(xI))

b. c. d.

Who auy be reinstatad: arlf pdsn who has bdt pdmarEfity appointed to I pGt:tirn in the cars sdvbe and who has, Uroreh no detnqt ncy or mlscondEt, ben unh/vfrr[y eepardted lhrnornTh Civil Service Cornmission may oder reinstaternent of an employee who has been unhwfully demoted or dbmissed (Gayabo v. Civil Service

Commission,2l0 SCRA 18it


Fceipt by an employee o, separatbn and trmand la\re pay are not fatal to allow appeal ,s rinstatemert whm acceptanca of the benofiE was dictated mo,e by @,tofiiic necossiU mUrer ttnn by a dxri to l6aw go\rrnrnefli omployrnent @ytiaco v- Civil Scrvbo Oomrnissbn, 211 SCBA
88 (1s2D Award of b*kwages is lirnifed to a rnaxiflxJm of S yea'3

R.viewe, on

or Art!fic Alb.rto C. Agr., Atlr*o by S<rlool




Mandamus is avaihbb where Einsiatemer involves the exercise o, discrefion by fhe appdrnirlg pourer- foregoza y. Civil Sewice Commission,
211 SCRA 230 (1sr2)


Persorts who havo been appohied po.rnanenf, io carer pd*tions and separated as a .sult d ih6 rodlclbn in wdt( ft.ce ard / or rcorganization may be r.mplryed (R'esire.rtial Osee No. ef, Secrion 2 {e)) lt refers to the rno\reflEnt of an emplqrGe tom on6 department or agency to anothef without th's$rance of appdntment




b. lt b allowed ony ,u a limited perbd

in case o, employees occupying

plohssbnal / tecinbal / sdentifc positbrls

c. f the erndoye

bdirrG that tle B b no Xlstificdbn lor lhe detail, he may appal his cass to fle Chril Ssvhs Corunixi<xr hn tho decisbn to dail ths emplo!,o srl8! b6 o@drb.y pgldm appdl unle$ $ Civil Servics Comrnissiro dd6rs ofierwire. (Pr6ldenlid D6cca No- 807, Sction 24(0)
An employgo rnay be rcasqlned fio.n one org izatimal unit to another in tte same departreot hn $.En rac{itifrfirent sharl not itlvolye a rduction in ranlq status or salary. Otllrwbe, fne rsassigmsrt dtslitlJts conslnrtirre removal wh'lch b vbhlirre ol tho rigftt to secrdty o, tenure- (Presidential Decye No. 807, Section 24 (gD; Bertain v. @ud ot Appab, 209 SCBA 644





b. 8.

Beassignment dos not rBqui the lsguancs of an appcintment-


Dernoton tt lefrs to movrn&t fioan one podtbn to anotls involv'mg the is$ance ot an appdntnent with Cr*ltdim b dfirs, ,spolIlib frs, status, gede or rank whirt may or may not itrrohre lr(irc{bn h saky. pnrribus Bules lmplenlentm Book V d t le Adrtnisbative Code of 1987, hrb Vft, Seclion


The a$ignrnflt ol an

rate d comporEaton b ffirInmt to rE noval cause is strcwn fo. it (Domiuo v. Caague,456 SCBA 4S0 e(nq) seryice with


erpbpe to e lB irnpdtaril po.rtim in t,lo

sama if no


Rig[rts urder lfie Bevtsed Gov6nlmeot Sen

Co\rered emplo)res:


bs|lrancG Act

1. All govrnnEnt

2. Barangay and sanggunian offclab wlp rccdw 3. Elecli\,e offichb duing ttle, fefln
Excludd lrom compulsory

ernplq/ees upon assrrnptbn appointnent / electbn ard @th of ofhcs

ol olfic6 pursuant to a
/ salary


basJic pay


Unibfirlod mernb.s Natbnal Polbe

tlimb*flip in tho GSIS d tle Arrned F@ of the phihdr|e3

and the phitippine

Rdiewer on tiw oo hrbli. Offi.?B Alberto C. Atra, Aiercb t wsdlool



Those not recaMng basic pay


salary (e.9. only per diems, honoraria,

All co\rered efltployoes ar rnardsted to psy contihnions, except rnembrs of the j'rdickvy and fho ConstiMional Commerionss.
Coverod ornploFos


de entitlod to th6 tollowing benefits:

Retiremer bnfits


Availaue to a mmber who:


. Has at least 5 years of seryice 2. ls at least 60 yers of age 3. E not receiving a rnonlhly pension benefit trom permanem btal
Retirrnent b cornputsory at ags d 6!i with at least 15 years of sqvice. ll omplryee has hss than 15 )rears ot seryic, he shall be alloued to continue in th6 ssvire to corpbto iho 15 !,8s. (k6iffi'E l Decree l,lo. 11t16,





Separalim benfiB

a. lt is in tle form d

a cash payrneri equivalr to 100% of his averag yar of servba ho pai, @trtributions but not l6ss than P12,0qL0O pryaus upon rcactting d) years of age upon separadon, wilchcver oo]IE Her, d casi palnent equivaleit to 18 times th6 basb mor hly pmion at th6 ffiE ot rsigrlatbn or separation ard a lib pnsbn d start of age 60 to be given io those separated ,rorn sw'rc6 with at least 15 years serybs and ars bdon m years of age. (Pr6idential
rnonthly cornpnsatbn ior eacfi Dcree No. 11/16, Sec-tion 11)



Unemplo!/ment or h\rolunrtary sparadion benetrts h is pqr&16 to ono wtlo b:


2. b. 4.

A permnent ernelqres hvolurttarily separaled tsn the sen bB drs rco4afiizalion, merge, a Finalizalion; and Has paid fre sllpt Hed 12 rnontt y hteorated co.ttrbutions


pqrnc*s (piralglt to 5(I)6 d lh6 asagg ,nonthty oornp,Eatir.r Duralion dr the Hfgth of sen ics rangB trom 2 to 6 inonthe. ( nthl DecrB I\b. 11,t5, Sdbn 12)
lt b in tho ftfln of monttly Conditions for anailmnt



Dleat lity bencfits

ol prrnarst totd or pstial dsabifv


1. 2. ls sparatd fiom lhe serybe and ttas pau at least 36 rnonthly

efiective {rorn the dde ol disaulitf Employeo b in the service at the time ot disabilitf or

contrbutbns wlthin tho $year p.iod imrnedkrtety prccding ths disabi[ty or has paH a iotal o, at lea$ 180 ,nont y contibutiorB prior to fi dfrabifiy. (Presi<lertbt Deoee No. 1146, Sections 15-14

b. A rnember who suffers tmpdary total dlsability fd

raasong not drj6 to grr re mE@ndlcl, notorbus negsgqrco, tet*tral intoxie[i:n or willful ir ottion fo kill hirrlsdf tr another may b6 e,n ed to berEfits il h6: 1. ls in lhc sen ice at ttle tin of disatilily and has exhaustd hb sick law ctdts; or

Reriewd on taw on Publk Oficere

Alhertoc ASr., Atcnco

w Sdtool


lf septrale4 has rendeed at hasl 3 years o'f servico ard has paid at basf .6 ,nonfhly cor rih.rt'rons h fh6 l2{Drrth period immediately precedlrg tle drsabfity- (Re.tirent'Bl Decree No. 1146, Sclion 18)

5. &rryrlorsrrip bo.fts


Avaihbb fo the befific!ry wtlo t a ,nernbr

Srrvivorsilip peosixrs shal consisl

a p'Irirns di6"



Basic auvivorship pension

whi,l b


50% ot tho basic monthly pension;


Dep6rdenfs peRsion no exceedlng 50% of th6 ba{iic monthly pensbn(Presidential Decree i,lo- 1146, Scfio.r 201


Funral be.rfits

The a]Ipullt of tuncal berElit shall bo deremind by

ard ,gdsliru hn shall nor be

n8.0q).m Ssr 5

separated m6rnbet, pensbtrer, and retiro. (Rside{tlhl Oecreo No. 1146,

Seclron 2|:o 7. Life insurance benetrts


$an Pl2,(m.00 lo be incrEased to upoo tho ds6tr of a qrafrfied acliv6_ mmbe..



GSIS in th6 rules


All emdo,es shall be compubody cordd with lite insurdrco, oxcept rnembss of tho Aflned Fo.6 o, ths Philipfinos ard ttls Philipdno National Police, and to autormti:ally lake efct as tdlore;



Fd thdB ernpbyed afte the efisctivtty of R^" tlo. 82e1, shall taks sffect on the date of fleir snpbymrrt

thei insrrarce


For those whce insurarEe will nlatJr6 afler the effectivity of the Act, insuranco shall be dee.rFd.rEtrsd on ltlo day fo cwing tho rnaturity o. exdry dat6 o, thet insuancq ard Fa thoae withod any liE irBrrarE as of tln doc,tivity ol ths Act, thi Llgtato sd fak6 ffi dr dle dry folowirE sai, sfct vity. (Prsidential DEee l,lo. 1146, Sectbn 24)





gtorgnmm h @aBUrdbt d ser\ri:es rnderd, milibry. (U.A v- lial t]8 U-s'

rgdr &xancB

@ b an indvild


6 h r@gn

or g.urp of irdividuals by th bn of mslt, civil or

& llatlrE alrd p.rDoc d p.nCqr a. lt b not a grafffy but rauer a, lum of defad cofirps.Balbn fur sqvirxs perfortned- Ifre dght rrests upon entry into the rtiuytart sl/slorn and bcorns an
eniorceable obligation in court upon tulfillrned ot all condiliqE tor its paynent.


Empbyees ha'\re a yested rlrt in tha pensbn t ,her ttle poGfun b part ol th terms of omployflre. and enployea paricrpeton in th6 prElon plan b mandatory. As srch, pensrirn rbhB mry not b6 lal(n aurry wiulo(n dl6 p.ocoss of hw. (GSIS v. Monteschros, 43/t SCBA 4,t1 Pm4l) naturo of tetained wages' and rexdd b. Cving fhe bct yrs of emptcyes' lii/6 h the ssvice ot their county. F6nsbn ssvos the purpos6 ot 1. Enticing or encouragiE faithful and cofipetent crnpbyeos lo sflEr or ramain in the service; and


ft is in lho

8e,,iewer on

lrw ar tuUic Om.!r3

Alb.rro c' Agr., AEo.o



2. 9.

Alowing the employees w'lo havo bcomo incapacilated by lllness or accident to mninue discharging his dirlis to teli'e forn tha servk,s witi a telative fnandal seurity.

Parldoo and Srrhrll, dstingulshd

A donadon and act of pure liberality on the part

An acl of justica emanating

p(ovire adequat @mpensation for services


a. a.

GSIS benefts are not gratuities but ate


conkac'tual obligations.

1(,. Constructtoo ot rett6ment

Belirornent laws or statutes creafing petBirrB slEl b bs liberaty corEtn ed and appfid o(l farror ol the pe.sons interded b be bcnfitd by them. All douus as to ihe inteni of the law stpirld be ,esohrd h fau cf the ]etife so lhai ths efficiency, socurity, ard lrrol being of got e,nrsn ernplqroes rray be enhanced. Retiremont benef,its, gratuity and separation pay ate invriably comPuled on the basis ot the highBt sahry, emolumentq and allof,ancs tEceived.


b. c.

Th doctine of libral consEuctbn of rciienrent hws cannot be apdid where clar ir ent ol applicable laws and rules are demorEtrabt agBinst retiree's cbim.

! SenAagp v. @rnmiss,*vt

I I ^-^*--^Pslitbner was a


Att&t (rg, SCAA 1%



CICA State Arditd who was detaled to MIAA arld subsequenty de{$g.Eted as MI'VI:r rauur rg rE s.:rrar [ \irEr lt an ]ll.,lEgir 1(, rnE irE drJ rarrllrx HecotlGctsdditrsnttal !ffi,ifr'icifril#,i&;#tamserrrFirnnc.ardA.tnhtrbarionI pGilion. under saky thb Whgl ho raid, rcunptrtaion ber'tefiB was deniql on d hb tslirsnofit i grcund the th6t tlo ad.ttbnal he salary as AclinS AssHaIIt dnpe.Eatbo rEiud {dilCre.rtial i t Oena"d frhnagt, wa nEely an honorarirxn ard thst h ms not appoirfed bd rne.ry dosanated. I Ereltive ffi6. No. 966 stdtes lhat relirns benffs s trfribd to rtE l*lhst salay reb acfudv ! rceirred as fted by bw or irdbatd ln a tuty awr'irod appdnffi, arl(t flat hooorEia aB not I conslderad in the corndJtatixl ! I Sabty o^,-. ditreeflttat *--*^ shonld be irclldcd. Bdirement beridt shorrLl bo liberally constusd. Ah ]ro.loratium is defined as sornethirg gi}E.r not as a matE o, oblgalion hn in apprH*rlbn I se.\rices r"nde@ a volunEy (bnatiim in cofisireratbn d se.vics which admit of no compensation in money. The adcf,tional comperBation given to th6 petitioner was in th6 naturo of a sahry be6uso h leceived it as a matter of righl in rufirpnse for sewb renderd by him as Acting ns.61"* Uoeral ManagE for Fmance and Adminisffibrl

sxerdsa the furlcliorls c, a d\reo ffics, dcE$gnatioq on Ut6 dh6 IEnd, @nmtes meroly the ! imposlt'lon of additbnal dufrs, rBuaty by bq upon a p,son atdy ln th6 puuic soryic6 by vitue I earlier appointrnrt / ddbn. of ot an earlief adbn. A person nEy ftry abo be b. dcqlrEted in an acling capacity, I when he is calld upon to fill a vacancy pndhg the seleclim ot a pemlanrit appdntee thorfo, o. rlor tJsUalV, tho retum o, the lgLdar incwrbe.t lt b sai, tlat appdntmoflt is sssornhly executi\r i ln ,hte wh e deshnation is leoislatiye in ,raturo. lv

SUicrty speaking, whil6 appdnunent ls lhe seleclim by ihe p.oper aulhodty of an individual who is

to !




bw on hrblc Orfic?rs Alberbc Atra, At r|.o t.u Sdrcol



r------ffie. !
tn E<ecutive

No. 966, hol evet, th tetm 'aPpointmenf was used in a general sensa to


! Suorenre Court thinks that ttb b to bo Uro rrEre reasonabls inte.pretalion, especiafly considering ! ffraf tne prosim includes in the hilH sabry rate 'compensalim for substidionaty services ot in

an aaing capacityr.

F---.--==:,-=1:-----;=:-: W ltsx tission on Adft A,frt elascaA Ailarde arde v. Corn, Co,ntfrrtiss,bn l II$XD erAscAA zu iA i
! ,",n,on"r'"

for incl*ion ol the rnonthly a1owance he had been receMng from the i was assbnd as MTC iudg' in the computatbn of rctircment bnefi6 was I where he municipalp i i O"niea Uy'ttr" Commissibn oniArdt on Ure- grouna that tho a$owances contemplated by the I ! ,air"roi t"* "r. transportatbn, livittgt and represefitation dlorales i I b..T*f inclrded ard sttotry nd be mur*:haity shotdd rceived ftom ! instead. e I honorarium. lnasrnrrcfi as lhe bw ffi t5e computatiotl o( the luttp $m of 5 yeds' gratujty to the I ! ^*"r,"o ! "frigtt"sf monthly sahry plus t?lg hEh6t ,IDrthy aggegEte of itansportatbn, lMry' i is Irepresentation allowances fhat U;g pdgo was receiving on tho date ot his relire.nent', it i I i understood that other allorrances 46 tduded. i t-etter ot lnsiruction No. t418 whi:h arttldizes locd g(,vtnrstts to Pay additbnal alowanc to t t jrdqes ot the co.rtts vvithin lhek teritdi. iuisdictbn, limits th armun of such albtrance and does ! not provire that it shall be rreated as pdt of the iudge's remunsation h computing his retitement ! uenslii". The word "may' s(fifies that the allowance my not bo deman& as a matter of right but ! is entirBty dependenr on the wii o, tho municiPdily consnd lt should bo treated as an ! honorarium, an amdlnt that is gilion not as a matteJ of obligEtbn bd h apprechtion for sewices $'h'xn admit of no comPensaiion in I rendereO; a \roluntary donat'ron in coGiideration fur sewi:es I monY.


v. Cid*rfta Gorrf'tbsbn W SCAA179 I Gowramcnt Smfte rnarr rca h the I i aeu seveo fulFtinE I VreGorcrnc m hold-ovr capecrly and luiwd @rn9glsatbn /I thao saEie3 fiorn pf wm made fa contbufioos fcm O Oere How6vs, m dedrcliorE GSIS i


i pqdienr.

I ** '*JJrg p* diem as compensat'o;. p- ot" l" -r"pensarrcn creditable il ;;iililil a I iic. ffiil;'inilrnr'i*.#L-l bnstr or ser,lci. a per dbm -rn tislttfJlly ue corsioered the I
! An !
can avail ot




benclms notwithslanding faitug lo ,mle oonfibdions to GSIS I

per derls rceived by Blo during !compensation or remuneration attacfid to an office- The i perioo ttrat sh6 acted in holdors capao'ty ob\rbtFty ws in tho naturo of compsnsation d i i i remunration for her saryics as yrce Gorctnor of tho ftovinco Cafr, rather than as a I I a reimbursemerd br incide.tal xpiEe urEred wtile awry forn ts honE

ir i fne


b seobe to the go\eflment. wtrile GSIS ls partly I i dependent on cornrbutbng of nrrrbes, rfte fact tH tlrese ;onEilxxions aa mininal when I ;rrt-tt tolents act ary recefrred slrows that srch conttib'nbns, ! l".itp"Jt rt" ;;;; while necessaV, are not absolutdy deie(rntrathr in &arring t4 critah for tlloce who would quaw
UaSs tor tne prwision on retirerner* benefits

l.3atrgEEl'Egg"gtrEgg!."r9.98g}-Revie\^,6 on btd on,Public Orfi..rg

-----J 73

Alberto C

Ag., Atenco L.w S.llool


is vituary a contrac't .r I to involuntarily accede to the dodtciims made fio.n thek oltern lE nEagd salaries. f i choico but I I tn. eSS Oi t not dedrct, it was by its own choi:o- Faihre to deducr b not lhe futt Teby*1 I i Uoreorrer, the soutca of GSIS berlfits is nol in essnce merel, co.ttactuat rdlr, it b a socbl a i teglrhfion. Ths situatlm can be tectilied by dedicling a reesonable amdnfi co{rosponding to ttE I cortributions whbh should have been dedlcld dnrirg the petbd fom the amolr of Tetirmenl

benefrts accruing to them, Ouaison, dissentins:

a sero", tre contrac't ,nad6 bet\rreen ille Gs]s and the gove.nmeot

erplqee !r done m

! ;ebv* ,;




I Th. OS|S S not obligated to grarn redremern benefts to

ilercmtums payable by tll menrb's ss ttE lifeblood d tha tfre.nnt schsrla h worrld bo uniust I

irs rnembrs" Such obligation the SIS and lhe govtnment of ffa or retirement insurarEe betureen is a contraa there

eists where I employes. i

i tor een to cornpd GSN; !o grart het ,tiflsrt bendtg wlEn sho nevs ,E nitted lhe omployefs I I and her shtrs o{ coofibutions fur lhe priod. To countenancB such atgurner wouH result in an I I equitable sibrdion whss Ure GSE b DSG.d to a risl wi0lon the berleft of reiving any I i JmriO,rti* or pr.mium. Th GSIS was rr\re, interded to be a chatitaUo lrliMion tc governrnent I I ! ;I**. n L oriV t"r ura tn. C'ss t" -,tiu"a to ure pqrnEnt of p.miurB as soon as it-is exposed i. i'nJa'"i iil*Ji 6"i',ii','friil*r, be a rifeorannuiy i ! ..1 I f ne nrcs liberal applicatbn that can b6 given to lhe rulirE of th GSIS wiBt ,Bp6f b service8 Paid i i on per diern basis is to limit it to casai n'ttere Ule retie has pai, lhs drespording retirement i I I premiums during said pe.iods"

i"suar'.e.''""-"- ---

tlThe Commirsbn on Ardit dirallolod the prelbe d SSS crndoFes d avaling r'frerrEnt boofits I


--,-r-"8-eE-sdar-E-rr-6---- -------1

I under Republic Act No. 660 and claird,ng rhe tuarx*J beo# granEd under SSS Beolrtbn nb. 56 I I eqrivalsnt to the ditrgnc b**sr wtrat a rctie vrorld trave rsctrlwO rrder RoptJblic 'Arxn Act No. I saia tna I ! t dt O, tess wna ne was stitlod b under RepubfE Acr No. 66(L The Corrnicabn on I ! f,e practice rrsulb h fh incr@ d bdxfils l,eyoIld whaf b alorrcd by rslirlglt tslfls and th ttre sSs ;";ili;p.t""r or the rEtrs ot a srpptqrsrtry peistrr r retsn,rt phn. ;;hffi;r i ! prrpos. ! I ffr" nn"r*", aslristancs psclgo may hays bcn instiMed ,o. nobb, afmUic i Nwertheless, it is beyond dsprJte that ths packagB constilutes a supplqrentaty tstiBmnt dan. i SSS had no authodty to maintain and implernern sucfi Itiiremort phn, panbubdy in tl6 ,ac of the I statuldy prohibition. Tha SSS canmt in the $ise of nje-rmking, lsgislate a amtd bws or worsa, I I rBnder lhem nugEtory.

I Brion w *uU Phtf{,,r,6


arnount as I ! Brion is a member of the Sei nth Day Ad\rentist. when he retircd, ho r@iyed a rbnthly -Uenefit *as I ! ,air"r*t benofit. When h lyas excommuni=led, however, lh6 rnofithly rstimot !

lreeqD 1l

lffitr Mn




Ibt M

Chwdt @7

*RA tg7 |

ki:seEse..fieviewer on t w on Publk Oficc]s Albcrto C Aga, At nco LnSdlool


! Ari*

iilff#:ffi".fi"Til;il:-G'fr t-;Hffi ii#;t-fijiifiiilirinl-i,U,.ry-!;i igq,p'tyElntp:riT:_.a1ryF-*1-?,gg:mgT:":Tg:':i q*T.b. FkT algJ,-? Tryjg_ig:Fbn, ttis not o"ins'! inn" ql*. tlitrElt P,EL I i Orr*rnd tor temindbn of rotite.ner bofitg undet lh6

is enfill"d to his benefiB.

Ihe corxlitims of eligbility ior rAinEnt must be met at the time of I ll



11. Biglrt to reftnbunternettt and idemnity a \rv}n a public officer, in lt)e dlE petfdmance of h'rs dftes, has been exptessly or impliedl0, required by hM, to incrr expens6 on the prlbtc account, not coveted by trid sataiy or cornmissirn a]d nd attributable to lrb n neglec-t or default' the rcasonable and propr atnount tlereof bttrB a legititlate charge agafrst the public
for whk$ he should ba reimbused


Th6 ofEcet is efllitled to be ixfa,il*fiod by tt6 public agafigt $e consequoncs ot acts which ho hG been expf.sstt a inpf,ady t$iEd to perrorm upon the publb

accornt, and whbh ats


td i[egd attd lrlfin ho dos not know to be


Bt rt to ad ba.* sdary a- RdrEtatenst ard bel $lary or rages te

ifiegally dsmlssed official or employes.


dstinct tlieF given to an


Whr remorral


c s.Epoarsiro h*ful An oficet rifio tB bdr btvfuly $pilatsd a s,sporded troflt his dce !s not efltided b competlsalixr ,oa tle d.rilg ttifcfi ho v,as so suspetrded or searate4 evon if it be srbeeqrcndy deternaned tiat lhe ceus. ta which he was suspordod wai iar$ffident
The reasm fa $is is tttd saEy and pqliiibs tB lhe rward d er9ress d impliod strrrtces and thsglqs cannot bebng to (rE uAo @Ldd not hwfufiy
pertorm sJcrr sr



Denial of salary to an ernployee dl'ing fh6 petbd d his suspension, if he shqrld later be tound guitty, b proper because he had git en grornd for his suspension.

\rvhers lemoral or

$Epensbn unlawful to fixed annual sabry was unhwfully removed or suspended and was pllnrntsd ,or a firte by no ,aufi of ,ib otttl fro.n ptfo.ming the dutes of flo ofnce, it was heU that hs ,nlgr r@v8, and lhat lhs arnount that h6 had aIIEd h otler etnpbyment dring hB unbtrJfrrl irnoral shodd not be deducted to.n lis 6pai, salary.
Where an office erititled

Rcviewd on 1., on hrblk Offic.t: Alberto C As,r:, At nco tzuschool


He ntay recover even it the sahry vacancy unhwf uly created

hG been paid lo another appoir ed to fll th

The'no work, m paf p.irxtde does not apply wtrcro it has been sufficiently shown that a publb offcid was uno.tgfully prevented fiom entering offcs and
carrying orn his



tt is immate.ial if ths appo'ntunent b ternporary becausa what is firaterial is th6

act of wrongrft, deprivation of office, and nd the natue of ths appointmnt.

The offic chiming back hb otrca pendency ot th6 casa

b rnt enlitled lo the salary during


d. Where suspended mployee h6 fourd hnocnt 1. To detry an innocent empb)/e d hb bclorages duing his suspension would be tantamou* io prrnbhirg him aft. hb exondatbn from lhe chargEs which caused hb dsrnissd liorn tho se be. 2. Bfore a publb ol[i*{ q lr|ploy yyho has been Ginslated is efititled to paynEit of sakl63 wiihhel4 il $ordd be shown thet tlE sr.Bpensbn or rrnoval was unjustifisd fi lgd or tftat he was inn@t 6 acquitled of tho chargB


preleid agairEt hinL A patty's claim br backwages may be ttle appropri.lte subject of an ordinary
civil aclion, not nrandamtE

Where empblree not cofiElbtdy exdErated

einsHernent not the result of

exoneration 1. tf the ernployee is nd comdetely exdErated of ttle chalges, srrch as when th penalty of dismissal b reduced lo mere suspension or to afrn6, he would not be ' entitled to the payrEr dhb back sahri:s. (Casbo v. Glorb,3&t SCRA 417

Whre another appoirted


Where a rguhr goE

havs lcff his ffica lhr+ rb ncw spp.fttnnt b rd present irrcumbmfs ct4E tcy 6 tenre b tempoasy.

legally spaking; hb posilbn

b pcilin d ilogaly ds.nissed a glsprdd employee rne.t efl"byoa was ifgE[y srspa.rded a (fisnrlsse4
bcamo vacant ard he

valkt At

b co.Birrd nd to
,noet, Ule


gven assrmlE tha pasont hombslrs biturB yyas pgrtranfit and Hl under tho protsctbn of fh Consiit tidt, ttB IrrEvd !o girr uray !o chirmnFs suprbr rlght may be consirerd as rsnoval ftr carrse.

s. Dl,ty of plaintiff seeking rcinstaternent to pro\re hb dgtlt to the offico 1- Wher6 a plaintiff seks reinstaterner( he must prore hb righi to offico, failing which will cause faiM of the action even if appointment of the successd ls first in issue. (Oleg6rb y. Lacson,97 Phil. 75 (19560
h. Right to ,sirEtatemert to forner


c at least conrparable pocitbn A pqson susprdd a dsnrtssed fiom p.lbfic c'trco tfuough no lault of hECn n is entitled to b6 rirlstated to his forner pGitbn or at least to a cornparable positbn. f rD bngs teaebla, ih6 susp.dgd or dismissed person shall be entitled to back salarils. 0 (1 gS7)) "ganapan v- nseOillo, 1 54 SCRA 3fa

Duty to act with reconaue dlifrence h asseding rigtt to reinslatemefit

Rcvlewer o. taw on ?ublk Offic..r Albrto c. Aara, AterEo l,.w Sdoot


A puuic olficsr or erPbyee who has been Ternoved frotn his Positidl must act with ,asdEble dilbence to havs himself rinstated. His rEht to reiBtateflrent rnay bo lGt by ur5@nabb dehy h sserrirE his tighB which may b validly
consldead as a waiver or


2. 3.

filled withh

Pdfioo br qlo ryananto and mardarus affecling fibs ro p.tblic orfco mtB1 b I lroar fiiom tho datre the petilboC iB otlsted tofir his poc*tiott
Claim for back salatis and damags is abo sut{ect to

a 1 year prescdPtive



Where pardon odended !o convicted employee 1. A p6rdon, unless expressly growded on lhe persont innocence or unless the dght to puuic olfice 'rs exp.essly restfied by it, does not ipso lacto tstors a convicted fdon to pllbfc otrcc. lt nE eU tsto.s his eligiulity for apPointment to tlEt omco.

brs pddon itnpliB guft 13 BigDb to propert , ffi3 urd inEnliotB a. frtb to public crfico cdrbn witt it the tigflt ro the irx$glia
ard brEfits




parlbn carnor bo er itled to teceivo beclpay lor



and p.opetty rhereof

tt inqmbenq d tE office..

b, .

WhetlEr the public oryns thc rccords, dscdreties, inveotions, devices, data ard tle likq made or prepdd by an officer whib occlpying the ffice shall be deletmind


bllorE: tf inditpensaue in the p.oper cordrcl of lhe omco, the officer may mt take thern as his own proprty eyen if he p.epard the.n on his own time and paid for
them with hls orrn funds-

2. lf d6\ri:s B nd rqsrid by hx, Ilgt nrBryensab&e

th6 offica, and pip6d by fie dcer apart fiorn his acquire th6 trope.ty upon leaving fho offce.

in fhe prcper cooduct ot

otrcu dnie+




A gotrsnrror* drlpqre shal n dffircr 116 ,rry concdrre and perlbc{ ewn when h6 cr*d riem dlitlg the prtumrance ol UE dl66 of his ffica, unlB he tus meety podreO tlEt st*:t h6 was rndoyd to iftst, ff hs ms .ndqrd to uso hb inwntivo hculhs ioa lhe golrannEfifs bendt

14. Rlgttt to tocovr rffid ior periofindrco ol dutt a. Gene!-al rul: n b tlE (lrty d a pubffc 6cer io e)(ecd6 tho tunctions of his offic. Thus, unless exp.ssly aullprized by law, he will rpt be p.mitted to tcover a revvard ofEred by lhe public ,or th6 performnce of an ac-t wtrk*r was part of his official duty to perbfirL


Excsptions: Secfion 281 of fh l,latiorlal |rternd Rarenue Code grants an info.meds award, undea cstain conditbnq to instuflEfital in fhe discovery and
seizure of smuggled goods.

'For viohbn of the

Rerewe. on t w on Pub$ Olfi..rt Albcrto c. ABra, Aten; [2* Sd5ol

an internal 77

olhe, pubnc ofiic'}al, ot hb relalive within tho 6t @res o, consanguinity, ti'ho vdurnariv gives dfinitB ard sworn irlormalim, not yet in the possesdon c, tho Bureau o, lnterml Bevonue leadm to fho dscovry d ,rauds upon the irnernal ranenue larvs or virations ot arry of the provisions tlE qof, rsrlting h th reco\rety d revnues, s.rchatgs aad ,es and / or tho conviciion ot lhe gulty party atrd / d rhe inposition ot any fin or pendty, srtan be retYarded in a sum equivalGnt lo fifteen per cer rrn d tho terenues, surchages oa Ees ,colrred and / d filo or penafry impoGsd and collscted. Ths sarE arnorrn of Gward shall also bo givctl to an lnforTg wnere th6 btretder has otr6.d to cornpror{se fhe viohfion d law @rntnittsd by him and his offer has been accepted by the CommbsiorEr and in such case, l]re fifleen per centum revvard tixed herein shall b6 based on the arDunt aqeed upor, in the comProtniss atd collecled from the ofiendr: Prwided, That shodd no rarenue, surcharges, o|' tees bo ac'tually rccoyered or collecled' such person shall not be efititled to a tet ,atd: Provided, fr.Ftier, That th6 information mentioned herein shall nol refe. to a case aleady pa,diqg or pre\riously iruestigsted or o@mined by tho Commissbner or aJry d ttis deptnies, agents Prorired, finaly, Thai rhe ,'lrrdd p.ovired herein shall be paid undoa rguhtl)m issred by the Comtnissi,rer ot lnte.nal Bevenue wilh the appno\ral of the off'cEl or



d stnuggled goods. - To encouag th publc and hw-onforcernefit ,(brd full oooperaix in eratfcafilg srmggilirg' a cch tsxr d c.pivalent to f ten per centum of the faf martet vahl6 of $e goods sfl[lggted ard coflfiscatod g@ds sha[ b given to peBons insfumental in th6 discovety ard seizurs of such smuggled goods.' (National lntemal Revenue Codq Sec{on 281)
For discovory ard soia.rB

Part 6. IIlsabiilis and lnhDitirns oa h&fc Orficers

Under tho Constitltiori

1. Dhabfrd6 oI Prelidenf, Vice-Presidc!& Ittefl&els ot Cabh.t and iheir [lcpr*fes arid A3slltar r a. Dudng lhcli ten q thy no $tilci to th ,olorving prohibffirs 3. Thy shal nor hoH, utiess clrrtwbe p.ovided h lho Constldbn itsdf, atry
olher office or


4. 5.

ltly shall rDt p.actcs

They shall Thy sha[

oth6 proiossorE
in any

mt pdticipsio, d[E ny or ird'rEty, nd

be ftnarxialy


or any subdivision, agerEy or insrurnentality tlrereof including any gorernment-owned ot controlled corporatim or thei subsiriarieq and or in any ft-anchise
spcial priyilegE granted by lho governmnt

irte!ste4 <[recdy


any comract with


They shall

strictt avd, connix of irneres.t

in the condrr-t

their office


Tho President b p.ohbited his tonus fom appointiru hb spot se and rclati\res by coruanguinily 6 affnity withh t|e ,li ctrA degae lo any of the pc*tbrB rstbned. (Conslitdim, Artide Vll, Sectbn 13)

The pupoe ol the p.ohihlirn i9 the ensuB lhal tho offchb wil dovoto their full timo and att6r bn to fheir omck{ dnis, p.evnt them forn extendirg spcial favoE

Saie$er on L:w oo hrbl Officcrs C. Atr., At rEo Lys.hool

to their own p.iale hrsiness and assue the public rhar $ey will be faithful and
dedi:ated in the pedonmnce ot their furEtbns.


Db.bfr6c. ot tlqtlbcrs ot Cdtgre3t Figitt o, rE r$rs d CongrEss fo hold any dhr office or empbytneni hold arry olher 3. No S6rEtor d liilornb, d tho ibrB6 ot nepr6entadi'r6s 'Ilay agttcy, d offcs or empl_oynrert in llp GoermpnL 6 arry subdivision,
irEEufileotulity therof, inctjdng govsnmert-owned d contolled ccpo.ations or lheir subskliaties, dnir tis term without forfeiEng hb seat (Constitution,
Neither stlall he be appointed to atu offico whi.$ may haw been created or the emolurnefits theteof increased drri ths term tror whiJt he was elected;

&ticle vl, sectiofl 13)




vl, Sectiil





fo engago h certah *fivilirs No Serlato, d Mernber of tlo tbrrso d Beprs.rtativa may petsonaly appar as cou.Ed bfore any cqrt d i.rstice o. berhto ihe Becldd Trbmats, o. quasijudhld and othe adrinisHiw bodss; @rlslihnfm, Artcb Vl, Article 14) Neithr shall he, dircdy a indircty, be irhresled nnanciafy in any contract with, or in any lranchise or spcial pivilooe granted by fhe Govetntnen , or any subdivlgion, agenc,, a irEtstnnefitality thereof, includng arry goremmntowned ff contrlolled co.po.atirf a ib subsuiry, drling hb ttm ol office. Ho shall not intervene in any fl,rvlg b6bre any ffice of tho Ciovernrnetrt for his pecuniary benefit o, whera he may be called upon to acl on account of his
office; (Constitrrtion, Articb Vl, Arricb 14) Ho shall not inteavene in any cause or rnerit bebIe any ofibo of the go\remrnnt for hb pc1jniary bndt d s'hr he ,rEy bo cated upon to accour ot hb offce or to giw hb vote as a ,rE nbs of erongrss, (Const'hfron, A,t'rcb VL Anbb 14)




Dkara[frcatolBto hold ary dE]dlc. or GltFlot,lnc|lt hrOle A membr of Congrss b dsqdfied b hold 2 chss6 of orffca, narn4r: 3. lncompatbboffe a Tlis inchdss any tdid of otrce o. anpby(tEirl h lho govE mlr& or arry sr$(f,\ri8bn, age,rcy, d itstunefitalv ttEeof, idudng gormmed-ornd or contotd corpoaafio.B d lhi s.bffaris dring hb ta.m.


'Any othr office or onploymfit' incIJdB any podlbn h the govsnmeflt

ollt.side CorEress indudng ex-offtio ,nombs$ip ot arry mn-con$qrsionel boq, committee, d conrmlss'bn, unlss tlle secoard office or emplo}rmenl ls connected with or in aid of le{islatiw dnies-


The prohibition's ratbnab b th6 need for members of CongrBss to de\rots their iirn6 and attentbn to fhe disclE,gs d fhir lislati\re respolrsibilitis.
ReprEsr alitre wtlo sany olhr dfic6 the govemmern duing hb temr forieils his seat.

A Senaro.

ernployment in

Forbidden offics

Rrriewe. on won ?t Uic Officeri Atberto C ABr., AteDo Lrf s.rEol


This rftrs !o any office creatd or the ernolurnents ot which have been increased dring tho teIm td which he was elected, rDt merBly drring his

perbd of aclual incurnbency.

b. IIe

period ot ineligblity does not end untll afrr the merrbr shalt have lett his offico by $o termination of hB terrn (nd te Thrs, ar6n if a rrember of Coqgrese rlrgns or losses hb sest bslbre tle end of hb term, ho shall remah indigibb fff appoinhEnt to sucfi ofnca.



The purpce of tho disqualiti:atbn is to pre\rent membrs of Congress from being tempted to deate offioe or lncrease their emolumenB for personal gain.



agaH fnancil hEresf

befor fho Elec{ord lr$unab

Appearance as courBd barors arry coutt otjustice, etc. A mrnbe. of Oongrss sha[ nol appea, personalt as

3, 4,

of iusfico or

adminisffiire bodEs,

or qlla#iudiclrl and other

couEd bBfore any court

The plrpca of the protit b to rerno\re any pGbfrty d lT uence upon tho jud96s of tlEso couts a heads of mernbe.s o, tlse bodts nrho mlght be swayed in thei decbbns by ttek hops tu tutus appdntmnts to high{ po!*tiorB. Th sarna b tu6 tor tle profriEtion to appea, before the Electoral Tribunalq as tirel as fhe inconsislelcy of a rrember,s pq$6m in representing a perty who may nd be ertided to be a mernbr ot fhe body to wftich ho bebngs.


4. 5. 6.

Financial i terst in any coartract with the go\rernmeflt He shall not <ftecdy in<&ecty, be interested fmancla$y

the govrnmr fuing tft teIm of o,ffico, wtptlcr as an indivklual or as a ,nember of a p{tlcrship or as an ofEcer o, a corporafton.

any contract with

Th6 scopo of irdrect fnancird inffi idudes th6 spouso, bd not th6 sotl o, bro0lr o, a memrber of Coqress, unless Llsed as a d.rnrny or th6 manbr lg
pect niarily imersted h the


The pohibitbn seelc b palrcrrt fho use of urhate\rer hfr.le tc ard prcssure in ths aurard ol govgllmrt dltr&ts.

any cor*ract tfus b irffi inyoilirg frrrancbl d whir! a ,nernbr of Ooqre b to derio pofit or gdr (lg- slrb.rlpdoo b UE caplal stod( ot a gorernms,t cadiafiorD. Bonowing mone, fiom a gotrernnE rt-owned c confoleO b6nk iroeg ;t invofue financial irneslment fom wfiich the borrffyer xpects to oblain proft.

'Financiil irieref

budness orn

c. d.

Financial ir*rest in arry spocial p.Mlege by fhe qe\refilment


special privilegB grdrted by the govcrnment during hb term.

He shall not, directy or hdrec,ty, be interegted tmncially

any fanchiso or


lnidvedion in cartsin ,rlatbr He sltall nd inlsnne in cdtah ,ndfe, bror any office o, the govrnmot to, hi9 peojniary bcacfit or where he rlay bo cald upon fo acf on acount of hb offc oa to giv6 hb rrols a rneanbr of Congress.

w on ?ublic Alberto C, Agra, Atlrl.o L.w School

Revi.wer on



The p.ohiulton seelB to insure that his every \tote oo any pendng legislative ,nesslro shall ba dk ated only ftr cotxideratiotls o, pt6tc good-

a. Ths dsabtitres upon Mernbers d 3. 4.

5Be.ridefit natneb[


Consitulional Cormb.tbtt's during their conthuance in dfica are simiat lo ihoe inpossd oo the hosi'ent and Vice'
No nrenrb* of a C.onstitdkmat Commiseirrr shan, d.rlng hb tnuE hdd any othe. office or employment (Consiihrtbn' Article lX-A Seciim 2)

o, ilcmber3 ot Cqrstihrlional Commls.Co{ri

Neiher shall he engage in the praclbo d any profes.s'r:n or in ths aclive tnanagetnent or contol- of .ny br.sircss whiir h arry u/ay mry be atfected by th functbns ot his office. (CorEfiurtbn, &Hs lX-A, Sedion 2) llor shatl hs bo finatrcially intercsted, drectty or ,xfrcty' h any conract with, or in arry franchbe or ptivilegB granted by tho Gov,nrsrt, any ol its subdivis#q aqetrcis! or irEt lrrHltani6' tlclJdng goveilrEnt-owned ot controlle<t corporafrons d thek srbsltiaties- (Co{uffinbn' Attid6 X-A Sction 2l

Prohibtdon agElEt deaignatloo ol

mr|be'' ol ruddary to




any agency performi;rg qua".'-i.'tbirl

Section 12)


bY til shai nc' be Oeslgnal* (Con.iihrtbn, Micle Vlll, frrnctirms.' a&ninis6ive

a. The Preddetil b prohbfted nom de.&mlittg membe.s of the Sup.e,ns Court and . outer cowts eiabEhed by bw to *ry alrct F.bmi]tg qlaE+idi:fttl and / or
adminislraliw fu nctkms.




tortho p,ohibifql:
and secd'rve

StEh desidalbn



the docafi8 ot sepffitoo of pows b6ttd'n th branclB ot tho golrfitne,t

5. 7.

h may comprofifso lh hdeP.deE of ssflbqs in the,rEnce of their judi:bl tuttc{ions; attd
h \rrill result

h furfle delay in the d'Epciton ot cases penclr in couft' (tl'S' De Lsn, Philippine Consiitutional frw: ftinciples and CASES (Vol- 2)' pp' 556-557


Prohiblso.! aSEtrst e'lgEgarrg

h padsan poEtcd

actit itl6s or

indle{Y, h

atry elE-tioneedng or

partisan politicat campaign.' (Consfil'n'lon, Artcle D(-8, Sedbn 2(4)

Lw oq Pubfic Alberto C. ABr., Atcnco
Revi.v/er on

t r Slool

'Profes$onalism in the anned ioGs and adeqrrate redxrnraton and berlelits of its members shall bs a p.ime conce.n ot rho $ate. The armed lorces $all be irsuHsd fiorn panisan politics. No m6mb6r of the militay stla[ engage drectly or ind]ctly h ary partisan political aclivity, except to voto.' {Corctihjtbn, Artide )Orl, Sec{idr 5(30

'Partisan politiod activity and ebcfionern or paflsan political campaign" refer to acts designed to have a candidate dec{ed or not, c to Fomote the candidacy of a person / s to a publb office. b. Elective officiab and membeB ol Ule Cabint who are holding politi:al offices are not ernbrrced h the prohiutim. (Santos v. Yatoo, lOO Phil. 754 (1Sg))

ltDe Venecia b guilty of electioneerhg. T}? diribitllnixl
Oe Venecia b a civil sswi.:s ornpby p.Gecutd 6r etetio.rering becausa he distnbrned hraflets I supporting a candidate-

I I I |

I ot leaflcls openly supporting a cardk at6 was I I undoubledty "aidng' such card&te. h wG not me.ely fls$oning the candidate whom he I ! ! supported or a mere ergression of hb opinim on cNtrrent potittat proOterns. I" I L----------------J


Prohibilioo agahct

apohtnent ol electiye ot6c*ifs

"No dectiyo offcial shal be elgbb offce or position durlng hb terrtr.


appdnunent or


in any capacity io any public

Unlss othrwisa all ed by hw or by ltle prinnry functiors of lir pocitirn, no appointivo olRcial shall hold any ottq 6r q ilpbymsrt in fhs GdrrrI'E a any $bdhdslrn, agc[lcy or insbumefitality thseot, i EfrdE gDvsilne.rt-o$nod a contoled corporafrons of th, subsidiaies-' (Con$iMbn, &tiars X-4, Sectbn A


Any elec{i ofEc* b

or positbn ddng his tenwe in resigns tom hb seat

disqudiH fd appohtmeri


or designation to arry pLDtrc offics He ,rEy be appointed p.ovided he fiIst


Prohbition ag6iEi holtrg molr



o.E poslton by apDohn a orfcirb

official shall hold any ofier

subsidiaries." (Constitdbn, Artde D(-8, Sectbo

instumofitality thereot, inctxftU go\re.nmefit-owned

ffico a gnplolrment

by ttle li.nctbru of his pcition, no appdntiw in the Gorrcrwnent or any subdivisbn, epncy or


conboled corporstioos



onrobli. Orfic..s Alb.rto C Atra, Ateno taw khool
Revlew.r on Law


Appdr ive orficbb rlay hoH any otircr dfE6 or empbymenl or*y wtren aloired by bw tnay be Ua[y un e@ a reqried by the p.ittEy frtE1inE ol hb position (when lhs tunctio.B us rh4-

10, Prohbilion agEillst accepiaoce ot at!, Dae3eri, etc, trorlt atty



"No elective or appddivg puub offce. d ernpbye shall x x x accept withotn the @nsent of Congress, any proser , emohlnre]lt dco, a titlo d arry kird fiom any foreign govemment." (Constitution, tutbb lX-B, Sectbn 8)


The prohibftim againsi

@pla,r d any plsenf, erndunera, ot official titlo of any

gdsnmet* b ,ourded on a llet iralousy of alien

kind tro.n any lorsign stato o. irffrrerta in dort!stb dals.

A pdvate or pe.sdraf g'n to an oftft{ by the kitrg c hesd of a gorernrnenr is albwd. vt hat is proaritiH b a prent ofE&illy ofierd by ihe gwsnmont of the
foreign state.

cdngc.Edon addtooal doublG, orffi 'tc.rvho "No elective or appoinri/e puub ofEcer a ernplqFo stBll r@irrs addtirnal, dolu or indirecl compensation, unless specincaly adhorized by law x x x11. Prohibition


Pensions or graruitils shall nd ba consri,o.d as (Constitution, Alti:le X-8, Secf'ron 8)

addil'pEl double a indi ct corPensatim."

12 Mrltidon AFfEt ilDohtrEot


molnbeo 6a Urc arrrod loac.t to catiah

"No membr ol the ,m6at frc6 in tte actvo sn bc slE[, d aiy finro, ba appoinbd or dsigftatod in any capacity to a chrlan pdilioo h lhe Gosrman inauCng govo.msttdmd or controllod co.poratiors or anyof thei soHdeies.' (Cor$ll|i:n, Artbb XVl, Scuon s(,lD


This nJe is an


dp.essim c, the doctine of dvitran $p.enracy o\r. tis military and in respeci of tho p.incipl that tha soldei"s lob b to figitt a r.Ya, and not to run a

hotlritton agaftst gralrt of tEl, gu-ant, or otter lortn ot


"ND loan, guaraniy', or

granted, directty

olier ,rrn of ftarci{ eoonmodatbo br ary h"uil6ss pltpGo tnay be indnedly, by any gorrdnrner -dmsd or cdfiolled bsnk ot fimtEial instiMbn to ttn Mer$et1s of the CatinL the*.r on taw 06 Public Offi..r3 Albcrb C A8ra, Atlneo faw Scnool

fhe CorEt dbnal Corrmbs$orls, the Ombulsman, or to any fim d ent'rty in which they have cornroilirg hte.est dl,ilg ttEi lenlrs.' (Consi l.ltion, Article Xl, Scfk n O


The paohb irn seob to prdrnl dficiab rne.rlkxEd fiom nEkilg use infllrorEe to socrro srrch loaG eic., to bonef,t fhrn
Th prohibitbn


3. f ths ban b made not fa a business prxpGe (e,9., honsing loan); 4. Loan 19 mad6 after bnure; or 5. lt is given to aftm \ here h has no confofling interest

do nd

apply in Ule following instances:


Under exlsfng

l Jr




lon ba fficrs or.mpbyeer

Politbd activity

"No offcer or emplq/eo h tha CiYl Sgvbo irdudng rE nbss d flo Arrned, shall engage directly or indirEtly in any pel}san pofitcd dhrity or taks part in a4, obcliIl excGpt fo \ote nor shall he use hls offidal aulhaiy or hftrcncs to coc'e ttE political dlivity of any olh6 prson o. body. tlothing herdn pi{n ited shal be rders*ood to pre\rern any offcsr a empbyee ,rom expressing his yialws on cl'rcalt polili:al pllobaeans or issus, a fiom mnfirning the nams of candidales nor p$[c ctrcs whodr h6 s{.rpporG: Rurided, That public dficers and employEs holding politi:al ofics nry take part in politild ard etectoral rcfn i)s blrt it shall be mlawful trot them to solicit contrihrtkxB from thei subadnats r subis:t them to any of ftr6 acts involving subordinat p.ohibited in ihe Electon Code.' Greddrmal Oecree f.lo. t[)7, Secrion 45)


Chrl sryice fficss / rnpbt/G ars prolib'H tonr erBqing h partisan poltbal actyt/ty, o@eil i, il is to t ote- He rnry orgrss hb views on cuneot pofitf5 problerls c lssrst dd eyen Ul6 ,Eyns d the canddate h6 is bln ho ca ld use t*s office to ir uence or ooace cthds, lik6 sl.lbordirabs, !o srEE hb yilw.



a (bubb cofirpsrBatirn

'I{o oletive or appohthre prble erpbyee addtond dorrbb compensatbn sp*'ficaly auttDdzed by hy, na aEpf wilhod tle cons.n of lllo prask ent ',ll63s any pr6s6rrt, erlplument, offica, or t'tb of arry kind fiom arry ftreign sfab.' (prre.rdEntial Decree No.

dics c

std lui,o





TtB p.ohftftbn appl6 to both electi\re and appointiro

ffictrb, o(cepi if th6 hw aulhdizs the compoaEatirL l,leittE, can tlica 6ciab accopt any liite, ernolurEfit or Fesent toor arry lo.eign state unless the preCdent consents thqto.

Reviewer on

Lirnitaitbn on ernpbyment

d hbaer

Lw on AbIc Officc6 Albrto C Aar., At rt.o l SdEol

drrties,' (Ptesirenlbl Dectee


shall nof be a-ssigned



p]rorm cledcal

8(rr, Sec{ion


Piohbitbo on ddal or leas{lyvnent

(o rbtt0ts
(Presidential DecIe l,lo. 807, Se.iion 48)

before any eleclion'"



gorerrments orin,Y or in any 9ratthj1 p.wiitcirt, city atd mfibipd golrenments p.oviitcbt, lnade h favor-of a odpq.afDtrs, go*mrnsril-6ynod or cootolled instrume'niatity rtreroO, inc6i1g dl otrEe, or ot ths brreau ltre drief d d. ol rhs arinority, ralative ol ttE-appdnting or persons e)(clEisitu in nedato{on ors hfif ts llgeby ptohfuted-

ard rnernbers of the family reilaled to a tlrosa related A3 used in rhis sect'Dn, tre word "ehlive' o. of amnitywithin the third degre eith. ol corEanguinily
exern@d torn U|o oPeratirn cf ths rubs on nepotis.n:- (1) prso'ls *tPtqe- jl gi teacirs, O ptrysi:Ans' and (4) rE nbets d tle Amed Forces of fie ,irpacity, i confidential phitippines: prdided,-froriver, nat iri iicti pa icular instance tull tspo.t ol $ch aPpoirnmet sha1 be madeto lhG Commission.
(b) The follou/ing are

The tstriclion mentimd in subeclixt (4 shall not be apdi=bb to $e case of a membr of any tamily who, aflr h'ts or her appointrrnr'to any pc$tbn in an ofics tr hreau' corrads tn4tiage witn'somsone in tre sams dho a hrart in itdcrt eynt tho snp|ot,mt d' rstention tHoin ot both husbard and wib may bo al(,r,d.

giw imrndhs a6ect io rtps6 p.oYtfdrs' GasB of p.viors app<rntnents whlch do in confaventixr iErearf shat ba cofided by tarE e., dd pett&tg $cfi lransfer, no p{omdim or salary incrw stE[ bo al(ixd in laror ol ti rclsutm or l#ves who w*e appohted in vi'aton d theso pro\ri{o.!s' (Prsir,tlid DsE }|G A}Z Seclion a9
(c) ln otdei to


The ptohit itbn oar nepotism ildudes aI aPPdntsnents in lio gol,snrneId' including gov;nment-owned or contsolled oorpratbru, nrade in favor d a relath'e of the




appointing autho.its

c. d. 2. 2 a.

The recommending autto.l'ty; The c-hief of tho brreau or office; Persons e)Grctring lmmsdiats suprvision over


'ReHives" inchrdo thG6 dated within the 3P <legree


fnp@d on local gpvet rctrt offcialu Prohbited business and pec{nkuy interest

Review.r o. Lrw oo Artlic Omcc.t Atbrro C Asr., A!.rEo r.r Scltool


'Engage h any br.Einoss transaclbn with the local gp\retnrnrit unil in which ho holds offca o. has pofe' d supsvisbn, or with its boads, officiaB ag6ats or anqnryq wtreby tndlry s ary vahjabb considrat'xxl ts pai, o( transfrred orrt d lh6 odE s o, the locd SorfiirEnt unit to sudl pGon a firn;

4. 5.

tbld interesi h a coclsit o. gatns lbersed

by lho local gsr,rnrErn uniB

Purchaso real estato d forfeited prope'ty in favc cn $ bcal government unit for unpak taxes d assssrne. , tr hgd Focess at the in-stance of the said local


Be a surety tor anyone oonfactirlg with the local go\rernlnent unit ror whk
surety is rcquied;


Do acts

rse publc


ot U|e bcal gevetrrneot unit lor p. /ato


purpoees; and


arB protdbibd in other


Pracfice o, p.ofes{on

'(a) ell govemors, city and rruni:lat nEyors :ns forn pracf'lcing thet Professbn or enqaging in any oeupatbn otttet ttBn the exercbo d their fi.n(iims as local chief o(soJtivesSanggunian membets may preiice ttel proresskvts, engage in any ocdrPatbn' or t@ch in schoolsexcept auring sssbn houts: Plolride4 That sarEgmian mmbeas wtlo are also rnembers d


the Bar shall


wtle dn a (1) Appear colrn-sd btd any cd.rt in any chrl b rhe advs56 partE offioe. Aency, or instumentalty cr lhe




go\re.nmern unit

or any

(2) Appat as colrnsel in any

go\remrnent is accused of an


crirdnd ce u,tEin an fficr oa .npb!/eo of the nadoml or local comrdtred h ,GHion to hb fficc.

Cdle{ any iee fur txrir a9paatce in unit cf wh'rch ho is an ofnchB ard


p.ocaadngs involt ilg tho local govdnment

(4) Use property and peBomel d the golrsnmglt ls dolending th6 intcrst ot th6 gorernrs*.


wilen ttla sanggunian rErnber concqned

(c) Doctors



of medicine rnay pr&tice thei ptofes-sim aren dudng ofncbl hous of work oflly on ernsrgerlc)r Pro\ride4 That t|e ofhchls concetned (b rd derive lnonetary

compeflsatim th6ifrom." (Repubfic Act

7160, Secfbn 90)

3. 4.

Go\reroors and meyds de prohiubd local ctfd oxm,ltvs th6ir furE'fE



Prac{bing lhei pdessirn othd than

SarEguimn rndnbrs nray onlinre praaicing their prolessbn ot occupstion' except dutitlg sessbat holrrs. tlotit t, Sanggpinan ,netnbers who at also
members of the Bar cannot

Rcliewer on t.lx on ?ublk Offf(lri Alberto C. Agr., At rEo t y Sd|ool

Appea, as counsel betore amy oorrt in arry civil caso where tho local got/ernfislt unit b ti adverse pad)';
Appoar I courBd in a criminel ca*, wherE ar officor or employee of the natbnal or local gp\rsnrEnt b accusd of an ofierxn oommitted h relation


c. d.

Colbct any ioe for lheir appearanca in adminisHivo proceedings inolving

his local gpvernment uniu Us property or personnel of the govetnmerL except when ho is defending the interest of the govemrnent.

Doctds d medilne may practbe their pr*sdon evn (hlring ofnco hours if it is an sneagncy drd trEy (b rpt receive cofliponsalim for



ParfBan pofidcal activlty

lhe caecr civil se.vice shat erEag|e &cty a incftctly in any pdf h arry ebction, iniliativ' rftrerdlJln, plebiscite, ol rocall, except to vot6, nor shafl he us6 l$ offcbl authqity or influrEa io calsa the perfonnance d any political activity by any prson or body. H6 may, hovueyer, lis vbws on cqtent lrsrs, o. mentbn the names of certain candddes fu. public offce whom he srpporis. Ebcfive locd ofncirtE may take pa in partisan pofilbd -d ebctCal actirrities, hn it sfiall bo unl ful fur th6m to so[cit c.ortributions fiom thei suffi a sutlject liese suborftratee to any d the prohibitod acts

"No local official


partisan political ac{ivity or tako

under the Omnibus Eleclion Code.' (Replruic Act No- 7160,

SElirr 9q


Gater locd omci s a srnplol/es are rpt ald,d b otEage in padltan pofucd cltvity, xceptlo yde. lb rrEy oxprss hb ofr*rs on pcffticd bsrG d ttane

th canddate he $!ppo.ts.


Eleclirrs lGl dfcl0b nrry iake pdt in pdtsf,l pofiEcd 4rMU3 brrt thay cannd sotrdt oflfibulionsfioflr Arcr$bo.ffi,

3. P!'olfildqr.agaH D.rclEao,cGrbh

Dalpc.f,d p.rblc erctbn

'Th6 following petsons cannot acguiB by purchase, erren at a publc pe6on or through tho medialion o, anolhec

iudcial auction, eitter in

The guardian, lhe propsty

tho p.son ci persons who nny be unde. his guadkrnship;

(2) Agents, ths poprty whc adnirlstrdbn or sale consent of the principal has been gi'rn;


havE been entusted to thrG unls the

(3) Execdors and adrdnisirators, t le prcp.ty ol the state und. (4) Public officIs and empbyes, fho


poperty ol fhe State d ot an, sl$dyision thrEof, or of any co.rtolbd cdDaatbn- d institljtirn- fh adnhisHion d which has bn

Reviewe. on



Lw on Publi Ofiicc.! A8r., Aten o Lrw School

intrusted to lhem:


whatsovr, taka pa,t in the sale;

Fo\rision shall apply to ,udgs and gorrerme. expcrts who, in any rnanner

(5) Justi:s, judges, prcocding attdneys, cJerks d and irfskr cowts, and olher officers and empb)le connected with lh6 adni$sffibn of il,stbe, lhe property ard rights in litigation or lvied upon an executbn befioro fh6 coul willin wlrcs irtsdi:tbn a tnitoay fhey o(ercise theit respecliv tunclions; Uris p.ohbitbn irdudes tl6 act ot acqddng by asggilnnf ard shall appty to lawyers, with the ploperty and dgtrB wtrlch may b6 the obiect o, any litigation in which they /nay taka part by virtn6 of thei profession(6) Any others specially disqualified by


(Civil Code, Article 1,191)

The pohibitibns in th tv,o p.codiu lidss ar appXcatrlo to sahs in lgal redemptim,

compromiss and renunciatirE


(gtyf Code,

&ti:ls 14SA

The CMI Code of

even at a public or arrclbn, s'hethr in person Public officeB and ernpbyes:

oa through another iuffil 1. a- Property d ftle State, locd goYe.nrneot uniL d governmer -owned or

tle Phifppiles


tle iotlo ing pe.sons fom


control,ed, fhe adrninisiration f wrfcfi has been entusted to them, incllding judgs a any gwernmert oflicer who took part in the sale.


prHrting atromGyst cle*s d court, employees connected with the administration of iusficr a- The prDperty ard rifts in miptim tr taken by vilue of a writ of execution befors the coud where they exeft*se thek fim&rL
Jusfices, irjdges,

b. The prohiulioal



through assignme.

,demptioA comp.o.nlis ard rnunciatbn-





For the prohabiton to opsde, tE sab d qsdgnrnfit must lake placs during the prderEy ot fi6 lilbsfton 'rilolyi|g tfD ploperty. f il b borrght aft. the deciBbo becarne fi.81, the proHtilim ilt ldEE applie& (tvtacadoh

Asuncim, 114 SCRA





frolilbnloos hrposed ot tle Goycrltor

ad persorne* of lhe Gentral Bank Outside interest of th6 Gorernor and FulFtimo Monelary B@rd

"orrtsr& rnlerests of ltr @ve/,w and ile fi*tine tu,e,,dgs d t rc of tho - The Bangko sentral ard tho full-tims flEmbe]s of tle Brd srlall fuIxt rhei professional activitis to those pertaining dicdy to thdr pc$tixls with tE Bangko Se.rH. AocodngNy, thy rfi4, rd accogt any othej employment wheiher puub a pairalo, rcrnrnrasd a ad rrdlo e/rr, w h fho oception of positions in ele6.ncynary, ciyb, clitral q rd'{* s organLafior}s or wtsr6rer, by dsignation d ths President, tho Go\rernor a the tll-lhe nrember b taC(ed to tie interst of th Govemmer or oth6 gosiltnent agendB in matters connectad wifr dr affecting the economy or the finaocial syste.n of the country.' (Rpuub Act No 2663, as amE de4 S6tion 20)

Revi.wer on Lw on Puuic Orficert Albrto C Atr., AterEo L.w S.r|ool

'ln addton to lho ptohbitbtts lound Seriral arc hereby prohbiled fiom:

h Reouub Acf llog. fl)19 atd 6713,

petsonnel of the Bangko

(a) bing an dficet, dicfor, buryt oa 4e.G sttpbreo, consrltant a lt6ldoldr, ditec,tly or indirecty, ol any institutbn suqild fo $ptrri!$n or @rdnalio.l by tho Bangko, except non-smif savinls and ban assocl*inu and providat fr'lds orga' bd exclusively ,or emdoyees of th6 Bangko Sentral, and exced as otherwbe PaoYided in th'ts Act;
receivitlg any gifr, Feser or pecunhry or rnate.ial belelt f.or (b) directly or indirectly requesting irimself or another, fiom any hs rnion suqi;gt to superyidon oa emmi1qilon by th Bangko Sntral;

d t|o cout, the Congress or any golrernment ofiice ot ,Sency authotized by hur, or under grcft concttills ss may bo Pasctibd by tho Monetary
(c) re\realing in any mannet, except utdea oaders

rBlating to lhe corxf,lixt or busiloss clf any irlst'lufro.r- Thb ptohibitbn sflafl not to ih giying o, infoondioal !o the UorlsEy Bodd 6 lh Govsnd d Ule Banglo b held to apply p.son or to arry aurho.ized by *thet ol t rern, h ur:titg, !o twivo grch informaiiofi and Sentral,



Mnirdixl by th Bengko Snfal shdl dsdGod to the Monciary Boat4 and shall ba subieci to sJcfi further niGs and t6guffins e3 $lG lton#y Board may p.escdbo: Providd, howerrer, That personnd d rhe srpn isitg and eEnining depart rEnts ara prohibited from bonowing frorn a b6nk urdcr ftck $pervi3im d mrrffiiorL' (Bepublb Act No. 7653'
(d) borowing trom arry ioib'hrtbn e&iect b $prvidon o. Oe protriOiteO unless sakl bofloui.tgs ats *qLEtdy s1rd, fully




The Nerv Cental Bank Act prtrvi&s rhat the GorrIDr of rhe Bangko Settt'al ng PiliFrinas ard Ule.fu!{iIne ,nernbe.s cf the fronffy B@rd shal not mpt atry ofher etnplqrnrt (pubnc a prn a!e), tcmmddion a ad honorefif excep,ts


EleerncyEry, cfuf, cdtrd, ltEioru o,garizaiEotu

D{iionated by fha PlBidont !o ,ept3ent tho hbtd ot ti6 govetnmeflt or ag.Liss h rratEs *cihg the dtofliy dftElc*al sys qn

4. c.

Bangko SonFal

Pdsonna, nd



fficer, drocba, sfockholdt, e.nploy* d atry ilBlitulion suuct to lhe supenisbn or exarination of $6 Bangko Sentral ng mifinas, except nonstock savings and loan assocaitons ard ptovident funds o,ganized o<clusively
B an
for the Bangko


ng Pilipinas;

4. 5.

B6quest or rccehra any gifi, ptsent,

another fiom any or ornination;

a peo.rnlrry benfit ior hinsetf or for ln*IlJtirn sutriect to BanSko SeoEd ng Pi[Finas supervisim

Reveal iniormatho rhtirg to rhe dxftbn ol any instihrtioo sut iec{ to Bangko Sntral ng Pflifrnd supeiylrim, cxcF if odeIBd by the coutt or Congss' or under con<litim prcscribed by the Monefy


R.viewe. oo t.w on Public Ahcno C ABr., AtcrEo lrw 5.r,ool


Borrow torn irEtfunio.B subiect to Bangko Sen{ral ng Pilipinas supervbion, exccpt d tE toan b *qpaely secured and fully discloced to the Monstary Bad. PersooneN in lhe exaninlq or supervisnng depdtmonb ar absohnev


tsn bomrxfu tom banks





e 'x x




D officers

ad ornplolrs

manutacturer or producer, or confider id inbrrplion regarding the brrsiness of any taxpayer, knowl@e ol whidl was acqtired by him h ltre discharyb of his officid drnhs, shall upon convlction tor each act or omission, be ftled in a sum d not lss than five thousand pesc but not more than ten thousarxC psos, or impalond fa a Em of not bss tttan sh months brJt not more than five years or both.' (PresiMial Dse lb- 115& Sclio,r 26q

x any o(ficer e.nplq/o of tho Brar of lnt.nat Bercnue who diwEs to any peBon or makes known in any ottEr ]Ilarul lhan rry b6 pirovided by law hformafion .egarding tha business, income, or estate of afiy laxDly,, lh6 secrEts, opratiofl, styls or woft, or appardus of arry

a sfial bocdne hteresfod drEG-Uy d indrccily, h th ,namfactute, salq or importatbn d any atiJe sutiecl to h llder Titlo lV (now Vl) of thb Code a in the manuiacturc or reFl a sah of any de tur ttE priming, a rIaking d slamps, or labls sha[, upon convictbn ,or cft act 6 o is!*m, bo fnd h a $m of nd less than five thousand psog bd not rnore than ien thousand psog, a irnprisdEd &r a lerm od not loss fnan fuo yers and one day but not rnore than ,ow years, d botl' (Prsitootial Decre6 No. 1158, Seclioo 270)
"Any inlernal rireouo offioer


The Naticml lntemal Re\renue Code impqses the pemtly botr, upon conviclirn on:

fine, imprisonrnent,


Ary Bweau of lntqml Fer,Errp ffic* or srnplolrE who dyulgEs to any perso.t or make lmown h aqf . t. rlalnE tt6t rtay bo provired by hw irdoflnation rcgarding the rollolrirg rl*$ h acSliEd h tho dtsdldge of his offctrl duties:

a Budns, incomc, a estah d any toeayet b. Scrsts, op*ato.l, $yle of urorlq a appaftrtus d

arBr rnanulhctr.ner or


Confidefltial irformalbn rcgardng the budnss of any taxpa)rcr.

Any internal rarenue ofEcer who is or shall become inferested, directly or

indkectly in the



Manutactur, sale or inportalbn of any artire $qeci to tax undr Trtle Vl (Excbe Taxes on Cetain Goods) of the Nafional lnternal R6\ranue Cod6

Manuhctrs or repai or sab of any dye ,or th6 printing or rnatit of stamp
or lebels.


Ptohbited acitr a.rd taosacddts under Oie Anti4rall ard Corupt Prac{ces


seviewer on trw oB hrbfc Orff..rB Alb.rto C. Atr., AtlrEo Lw Sdrool


Ths follovying 3019:


o corn

B pracfbes by Public officsrs utder Bepublic Act No-


ands puub fficer io perto.m an aci constitding a violatiofl d lawM rulos a an ofiaaso ill contEctbn with the ofllc&l duties ot th6 lattet' and ybe vE sq Oldubni Cdpaalioo v. Lia$ 362 SCRA 620 e001)

plrblc otrcer to perrorm an &1 corstitrting a -Persuading, indrchg d irftrficing anofiea of rules and reguhbns duty Ho.ntlgaied by coanpeient astraity or an offtnso in connection with the offcial duties of the httet, o|, alowing hitrrsdf to be persuaded, hdrrced, or in tuenced to commit violation or ofrnse-' lBeoubfic Act No.


ScfDn 3(+ must bo p.oven frst tiat the. rules and regulat'orc a a 6 rission dan &nso-


b a Yiolation of

f 6trl( of Cottn Mterw

a i i a

.o(itl)v*.l5bor Al* lb, wflA,

Usdt 4 @

No}asco b YbHs drt p.o.nulgstsd rules on Th act o, Jrjdge uirim n ir,axiru a aamlnisrraion ot co(rri trnos rray 'nef corBiiuto a vk a6on ol Seciio.l3 (4of


BA3o19. I ____r

..r the I


Matr&{ ,nxneratiom tEt necessa.y to com.nil Sctbn 3(a} of Republic Act


I wtta vs. $n&gan!E,y,an dI

dt- (G-F,

8n&8 M U,

lW, ZB


A flWn

i fn"

""ts i;.t#;

Jirsr@ and SrEIt virHd paragraph (4 d Sctbn 3 of BA 3019 '-a"ga*ttid in<luced or uqrprandnrt TtB/ ';,6,e pdsuadod, -'-----.t! items to an drtiv ri,f*:fi wG not 6ren a $rppEsa d loc'Elcal iErls h dsregEfit ol tta Prsoideaual i i Memdamh.rm diEling lhe pro.rrE rE tt cil supdic D, go\nrnaneot oft8 should bo fiom i

f::rt Ttn:ftH-:rH:* g'gxgm ffii


and omissbrB of


I t in I

suppliss. 2.

Req.rstiltg or rcoiving any gifr a b,rdt in comection with any contract or tansac'tfon bettflen tha golremmfit ard a thid patty w'lgo tho publb offct b rcquared b intervene in hb offic*rl capaq'\[ or in cordderatirn of atry lrdp ghren tor th procurement of a lilen-se or permi$ (Pdiyirn v. PeoPl6, 362 SCRA 683

"(b) Directly or indicdy rqust'"U d ,eoehring any gin, prsent, shar6, prtnh96, or bonfit, ,or himself or ,or any oti6r peGon, in conrlclitn with ary c(xfiact (r transacltm blttfln the Governmer* and any dher part whseatr lhe puuic fficer h his offidat capacity has lo intsvdle under the law.' (Repuub Act t\&o. il)19, Seciidl 3 (b))

Rcviewer on L.w on Pubtc


Alb.rto C ABr., At



Dir6cly or indrec y reryesfiu or receiving any gin, p.esent or otlEr pcuniary or rlaterbl c la andle , trom arry person fd whom tle prruic otfcer, in any nrannea or capacity, lras secured c obfaird, or wil sdn or obtrin, any Govemrnent psmit or license, in corEld*atirn ta th hdp given d to be gi'rst, withorn p.6i'ldice to Sectim thirteen of this Act.' (RepuHic Acl No. 3019, Sction 3 O)
beDtil, ,or himsdf


Modes ol commitling Section 3 (b) ol RepuHb Acl No. 3019

tufg,,no Ys. tuqla, Hl4 PA* 4 fi7 @rn I ! Sectioo O 1q ot na 3019 pertalizes threo dstir't acis - (1) demanding or reqresting; @) recaiving; F) demandng, ,Eq.r6sting arld ,u*ving - ,q, dft, slE, perccntagp, d bndt ,or onesolt d ,tq arry othsr peason, in oonnec{irt w t any cdl'el 6 trame.tidr betlyear ltE gorrfitmer and any other party, wtlrcnn a plrur ofEcr h an otrcil capearty tlas to hte.lEne under tlle lew. Thes rnod6 of i commrtting the ffirBs dB dsthct and dfrerem tom eecfi dte . Prod d t la e)drtsrE5 ot any ot i thglr sufficG to wdrant corlvbfiul. Ihe bd( d dornard b irmareri . Afie, at, Scfim 3 (b) of RA I 3O1S uses tlr u,od or behfleen Gqresting and r@iying.

f I I ln a proeectrtion under the ,orDg(*lg proyisbn ot tho Afiiffi Law lhe rdue ol the gifl mony d ! prasent, etc. is imrmterial ntr b a delemiratiye of fno guih or innocarrcg of the accusd or th ! penalty to be imposad. Virhat b penalized b tle receipf d ary gft pl3cent, share, percentage, or
benefrl by a puuic officer in connelion with a coof'act or tzrsactinn with the Govetnrnent, wherein public officer has to intervene in his fficial capacity.


I $e


! fo Ue onr**O A vbtirbn ol Suin 3@l ot BA C}lq a3 anrendo4 the prGecution has the brrdon i ! ! ! o, p.@ing tl bllowtlg sle.ndrtr Ol tri6mnOr i' a puUf mce6 e, ritro mcpeteO s rcceiveA a l ! sin, a nn"uenf " snae a pqcenudi c a bcn4 pf in betpf U tri-ffindr c arry otre psson; i, -rn*tiir, ,iul ; ;;,h; a raro-to,r yrirr-de gorarrrE rB 61 h wtich ttta prruoc mce, rn I [O ! arry o,mcial capacity under the law, le tho rigrn to interlrne. i I a lt is very clear tom Section 3(b) that the rcqusiing c receiving o, any gifL present, share, i I I percentage, or benerfit must be in connc{ion with 'a c.o,ttracl or trarBaclion' wherein lhe public i I ofrrcer in hb official capacity urder rhe taw. To establk$ the existence d ths ourur aernent the i I ! rdation of th fact d rcresling andfi rEMrtg, ard ltlat of the tansactim innolvsd -"--- must "-- be - t ! clearty shorn.


;EilE;EE;-tc?-67#,itu-trffi .. B.r6-1#71rrb.4uDt



llodes dconm nng Sctbn 3


of Rprub A.t I{o. 3019

ncrriewc. on taw onrut ic Orfi.!.t Alb.rto C. Aara, Ate.t o t..ri Sdrool


ll/,an*a-Oq I !
! S*fiS 1"1 .f

va. Sancgranvat



ttO. t;Fcmre8,,

Ut g,-m) - - - - - -------l


! t

ne 3019 applies mgale3s ol wh$rer the girt.s vatrre is rnanifeCty o<ceSro or not, ana regard[ss o rre oeiiim. ttfrat ir rnpoant ue l" or t" ovlri by- the pubfc vafro o{ rho Cf, b not meofrond at al as an essential dement of the ofiensB chargod unde. Sclbn (c) and tlte appeas no rEGd to rqliE Ale nroseo:tkm to spectfy srlch \ralue in o.der to cornply with ihe roqJiernerns of sho\rJing a p.irra lacie

it*o* tr.lmE'r*irJ


{tu*: I.



i i i

| t I


Havirg a family ,nernbr be empbyed in a p.ivate enterprise which has pending transactbrB with hb offce-

has pending offcial

hsiss wft

hin dr'ng the perdency thereof or within one y@r af,er its

terminatbn.' (B6public Act No. fl)19, Secrbn 3 @



!S".tion 4 oI RA 3019 states ttat fis Em 'fafiiv rcHim, irtu<,e rhe sporrss, o. rHi\rs by i consanguinity or amnily in th6 thtud civl deg.E rlene, tho word 'famiy., as used urxrer Sec- 3(d) i of the same law, is nd limited to th sportso or ciiklefl under 18 years of age of the acc-used but

may also include his bmthe.-i,}.law.


idlry b any pady irEfrdng tho gorenrnerlt d gMnS any p.itab p{ty u rarrrbd brioit a adt antago in lhe d*$lrdge of t{s ffidd func0oB thregh rgrlhst pertality, evirflt bad fanh or goss lrEcusable neglignce; Foncs de Lsn y. Sardiganbayan, 186 SCFA 7.15 (19$); M4+ Jr. v. S.ndilatbsyaA 218 SCRA 21S (rSeI Prklo v- Call,q. 2,t2 SCBA 315
Cauuhg ary undr|e 0eesD

-(e) Glusing any undue injury to any party. lndding th Go,mment or givirig arry trhrate prty any unwananted bnafts, advanlago or preforsnco in the discfraqo ol his oftdal adminisfeuve orjudidal funciions lhrough man est paniany, evirtent bad fa h or gross inexcusabb negl[enco. This provisbn

shall appty b ofrcs's a.xt emp*ryes ot ofrces or govemalr corporati:ns charged with the grant of licenses or permits or other conc6sbns.' (Repuu'rc Act No. 3019, Sec{ion 3 (e)


An acdrsod can be


goilty unde. both modes h vbhsng Sectirn 3 (c)

Rviewe. on Law oa Public Ofhc.r3 Alb.rto C A9,., Atcnco ].w ScrEol

I ! violation of S*tion 3(e) of RA 3019. I orovileottprein

I ayktuia,rovs-Ft{Pre,(G.3-rtu rnz2-2+rloAnw4@ tlHiein, the aocused was fourd to ha\re 6used undue injuy ard give unwananiod bnofrts in I
tlencs it is possible to yiohte said
prorris&Jn through bot modes





Manhg o, ,nanifes{ parthliv, evi,efi bad ,aith, and gro8


I thre (3) dininct rno&s by whbh Sc. 3(e) of BA 3019 ,nay be conrmitted. Fist is ! which is synorryrnB w fi 'bias' wlxi,l 'excitos a clspGitbn to so and report matters as i I they are wbhed tor rattle ttlan as thet ara.' Ssnd b bad failh, which dc nd simdy connotb I i I bad iudgrtfi| a neg&crEo bui impuE a dsrlonst pupoee r so,ne rnoral oblhuity and I I corEcklrs dcing d a u,roq$ a brach o{ s\ o.n ([lty rrroqgh sonE rndi\re (x ialtett or ill will; il I I panakes d the natu d frad- Tt*d b a grc ,regtgnca, wt*rr b ngIgEnce charactedzed by I ! tho yyant of errn dight car, e.fhg a drfining to *l h a sftualidl ti,'s lhs b a duly to 8c1, not ! ! lnaa,ertenty u,rr *n-n ffy ano frrcrt'uraty withi conscfus indfiercnco to conseguncd in so far as ! other peBons rnay bo arede(L lt b tle omissbn o, ttrat care *rhd-*6= i""tt*ti\,e ! "^O thoughtless men neirr iat b take on trei own proprty. fte us6 d th thlee rnodss in the same I qrtr (tr (,r tho pro\rided uy by i information rllrl,rrr implis fhat urar (,rn fi, rrrlr may aEtv lE\r6 t nitted ttrough rlr(,ugtr alry any ol ux, flr(rJrrat rnodes lnqvrri oElsa boen cor ttrrrllltrr I rrn(JrrrdrKrn I i the taw Out not tnat the indidrnent crEgEs rhree F) cf$irEt a

et. aL r,ndci', -" -- ys- s ldigdrrD6,y t'-'--'''






6 (rcgl



r" ,r" lfn partiality,



c- Mn
im of wdue iniEy


lLro",t&ys. sn4gd*yan,@Prf


I 'Undre iniury' mens 'etEl dnmge.' thdro hd ben dffEd as 'molB than necessay, not I ! p.oper, or ittegat;' and iiury as 'any urorlg or Oailage done to anolhr, eithe. h his peGon, rights, I !ieputaion d-pr;prty; frai a, ue- irrasim * arry legafy pJobcrd irtdoet of anortrer.' Actual I I ! od.rg., in tfri cdrtd of tresi dfftninrs, b atdn io ttat in irvt hrr- Howvr, rntike h acrions ior torts, irnOw inpry O. p*.-"O brn mu* be p\ren c one dtho elsnents d ih6 crirne.


prjb[c offce]s on subodnates

i kias

Conspiacy and dbnce

vs. SanddganD/ya,,, @R'


DacemDer rq,

,S, ,e SCRA gp,


! dpartrnt head to b6 liabl ts conqiacy, gmrnds offler than his ,Is signature or I apprwal appearing on a xxtclB ,IIJsl bo established. Al hads d otr6 hars to rly to a ! reasonabl odent on lfieir $bodr&s and on fhe good Afih or ttGe who prBpare bids, purchase I supplies, o. ents into negdirlirB llerrce, an examimti:n in delail of the votEller by the head ol ! I omce is mt requireO unb& fiere ia an aOOtinnal reasoo to do so. I
ln order for a

Rcviewer on L.w on ,uuic OtR.!.r Albcrto C At ., ArcrEo L.rr, ScrEol

.bnudy * No., o,git s..@, rbarra r\ (G;A. r,3 .E SarchE n4gFrrrgar..r, DtegarrrE tlr I .*t ! ffacsuc, 1e..4. w


.-, d 24O wh 9CRA lq !

Fof consdrac, to 8ist, it is ess.dial that ltE rrrsi be a conscious dssign to cornmil an ofiense. I has I rddss lrrrPru(Ell(jrr, imprudsnco' rrri., act oI o, rEGIIs, it lB nq Dy by an acl pdrson-may as a co-FlrEpd held liab|e lbble a3 co-Ptinarpd r tnay be so hdd But a prson b.olht abolt the cornmisdon of cri',le, wihotd whi.rt il have been anpllthed When' however, I that infraclion consists in the rdiarEe h gpod faiu! abit miryld, by a M of odfce on a I subo(dinate upon f,'hom the pdnrary tespo.Eitilty ,6|t3, a coarspitacy chargE and convic{on shall I not be sustained unless such b



Nglect or refrsat to acl o.l mtmrs pending befote his office peuniary falror agaiEt the lnitsted pcty.



&ne on any nnrcr pendip b,b.a ,fm br [re Frpocs cf oblai*R. <It.ily or irditec0y' persoo inle6;16d in Uro rra[er sone p6arnh.y 61, r;piaatl bdr6;1 q, di.entaga, or forlho trom any purpose df hrcring his own intresl or glying undra adrantagg in tator ot or disctimi6ling against any othar inletested party.' (Rept Ub A.l 1,1o.3019, Secfoo 3 (f)


t--'-"--i ,* ,"-"* , t*.

CorutE,dovs. Sanalsarbyat

1,4 *a G Ogrl) ' 'J-'e'-''-"



de the rolb/itrg: a) The trnder-'s a nrub omca; $ Tfre saia ! to act wflhod sutrcirtt jusiifcatbn after due domand or i or has retused has neglected ! otficer Tho rcdnde firE has ebpsed fiom sucfi demand or request i on hiflE c) has b1 ,nada rcquest i i wlt'trogt Ure pugb dfcr having acted dt lho m Er psrclng bcfora hfurU ard O Such failuts to so t in tho matE I i act is 'tUr ure pl,poae of oeairing dtctly a hdnacqr, fiom any person irdetsted pilty' dscriminatng oa farq an intorstsd I pecmlvy h d bendt d advanqp ot tnateaial i some
3(t) ot RA 3019

|-! fo ,,"**

t6t rh I cq.1virbn ior a vb6ion c, Sectbn 30, d i't"rot"ai" ffi n o ot*"lnits d;;h, * i,e"Jr, ! [J#;';';," *; ffia "rv ".r, patty a (b) ! ! te mater some pecrrnbi a ,nsffi lenem a aargrtagp in faw of an hE66d I ! Oisoininatlrg aeaiEr {ldte hE ed fty. lt b not fiqrgft lhat an advantagp h {at or d me i I i party, as against amtis, lruould.Bdt fiom 0.16 s negbci d rEfi.EaL
RA g)19, it tnust bo 6tablishd

.ndt*r. "s"i,""i





on bdulf ot tho go\rernmett, irto any contr&t or transaction nnnifestly or gresly dsadlrantag ous to tho government, whether or not paoft will accru to hi]$

Tgi En6ring, on behalf A Ue eorcnment inb ry cmtrac't d lransacibn tmnifesty ?nd StoP[ b lh6 sa]IE, uhltEr or nol the nrHic ofic6r profitsd or r!i!
Re{bwcr on trs oq Publc Albcrtoc. Atr., At neo t


(Republic Act l.lo. 3019, Scl'Dn 3 (gD

--' !-oE,ia-fi;b;&-sF,a7'gpr-Fgl | ----

I .t i s*. e G) of RA 31019, patiorgrty ttle ptrae 'manihsily and grGsly disadvanta0eous to th6 I
go\rernrnent', is not vagG. Thb b because tho Gsailed prcvisirn arEwers the basic query 'What is the viohtion?' Anything dse is eviffiiary matters whi*r the law itself cannot possible discloso in viii, of the uniperEss c 6t ry case. Abo, fns hl b ir erded to be flodble in order to allow th6 ludge certain latitude in determining if $e dsadranlags to the governrnent occasbned by the ac-t ol a public officer in entering into a parficular conEact is, iadeeq grqqs and rnanifest. Note lhat the act plohiHted undr Se- 3(g) is in tlg tg.txe ol a ndrm pohi&ttm lhus, it is th6 commission of the offenc6, not th6 crBacter d efiect ts6d, ltEt determines wHher th6 prolrisbn has ben Yblated or mt



. Y-.-!-,vZE*--,*-s'1ffia-ffi5cEA-EAE6- 1._,' |
One of the reasons wtry herein accrced rxas


I it was not sfown lhat ho was preseri when the s$ecf I I with respect to the demnt d beirg 'maniftsuy ard grGly dsadvantageous to th6 gorernment,' I I tha amount per sa is insriffioi:. to Fo\ro tt*r ddnslt Tll e rnust be a stardard by which the same I ! is weighed and measurd Atso, c tler fiactds must bs tabr into consirerarion, sucfr as ttl6 anrount I I ! in confacfs covering propediss wi0fn the virrity o, fhe s|l.6i-{ Fernises. I

nc coiviied unde

Sec. 3(g| ol RA SOtg was becauso agreement rxas adhorized ard approvd.

r b-r-----


i-rifi 7--EEi,fi EEdil?-*-ff ff

lru6,r8r9g&rarnu4,W4ry rl

-tffi 27tu-ffi-EEilc-;:;EAT

! fft" "t"n*rt" of Sc" qO d RA,19 d the rotorhg: 0) fiat fie sccrsed b a public offcC p) ! rre entJ imo -rrarrs".t".r or rerur ol ilr gffinnr E ano p1 t*rt suar coarjci I I rra " "fr"d or transactbn b grossly ard manahaity Gadattag6ous b ItE gp\,nrllrt I Th6 lact ot orrerpd:ing b ernboddsd in ri l'lid cririnat t6.rEnt d Sc,tion 3(g) of RA No. 3019. lf I th6 evidenca usd to prws iib derl b th COA'S finding d overpicing, the items on which tha Linding was based on must b6 identical fo th6 allegd oye.picd itemI


Having fnanchl or pemia,y intersri h arry buiness or trarEac{bn which he is p.ohflriled by fto Co.tdinnbn fto.n havlu any interEst

in connctbn with

wiich he inb 6at6 or trl(g6

y inbrst h any hrrCnss, @nhad oa I in ilie oafci{ caBo'lv- or in whidr h6 b

fle!b$,.r on L.\, 04 hlblic Offic...
Albcrb c. Agr., AGnco

w Sdrool

by tho CrnstilufroD or by any law trorn havirp any interesl. (Repruic Act lto. 3019. Section 3 (hD

lM?,AfrE-,"-iF,;A;,V-s-ffi so@

- ------'t

I with his iudicial office. The business of sal, corporarion is not that kind where respondem intervenes I or tat<es part in his capeity I .irdg6 d tle Courf f lnstance. As was held in one case ! intewolving the applitbn d Adicjs aO a Ure nen lseO PerEl Code wfticfi has a similar prolribition ! on puUic itcers against drsc y or indiurty becomip ir ersted in arry contract or business in it i" drry t" fu,",re 'O ic;d enousn ro be a pubft oii*d io be antfect io tiis ! il J ;.;;;""ry-;tt"i ,.*",, d tis fficq he tEs to tri6n ene in said contracts or tlho rewens in dfiacts s tran*ions which have no It"""li"trt*; ,-rC tr-.*i, i relation to his office cannot coflIyul Db crinr.' (Papb vs. iilsnesE, C.A.40 O.G. 116 Supp. 164, ! citd by Jusrkr Rarnon c. A4lno: ReviEed Feml code, p- 1174, voL 11 n9761).

p agrdpat Qecaus Judgs qarnrrr cannot l,l, be.ryU ,rrrl tEr,f, Dgbb gnder uE arq_=Ial? atoftat{.p1.grpl Uecause I nri'prr&Dnl rrurlgt !"3"n9r"q1 JrIlqE ttE ! I part'ripated showing that respondent inten oa e.Ed in hb official capaciy in the business or i i t transactlons of lhe Traders Manulbcturing and Frshing lndrsties, lrE. ln tJl case at the br, ths I I businsss of the corporalion in wtich respondent paiicipded has owbusly no relation d connection I

I lr no I mero nr ttrere

ilfi I;..!


il ilitrdd

I I ! I


BecomirE int sbd tur pe.soral gEin h a frarEactio.l rEqrtoing app.oval ot a cornmitlee c board of xri:h he b a rnsnber erren it he wtes ag8irEt oi does not participde in lh acfbn ol said boerq

or itdirscfly becoming in any transaclion tr acl leguirir8 lhg appfoyal of a board, pend or gronp ot whicrr he b a msmb6r, and whicfi exercises discrelion in srch apgoval eren if h votes against ths same or dos noi pardcipate in the action of lho boad. corntdtloe. pand or gtutplnteresl fior prsood gain 6hd b6 prsrrnd ag,ilsf OGo pu'r fficers rcpomiuo fu. the approval ol manifsty udayvful, ineqitat e, o. krc$I* tsansadion of acls by Ule b@r(t. pand or group to which th6y bebng.' (R6uUicA.l 1,b. $19. Sectbn 3ti))


c graaling fcslse, pfirlsgp o. pemii in farff of any poason horvn to him lo bo not qrafffed d lesalty fititld to srch. @puub Act No. 3019,
Sction 3)

or benett in travor of any person not 0) Knowingly approving or g'anting any fcsnso. permil, qualifiod tor or not legally 6nliH to srdt ticeose, frermit p.ivihgo or ad\rantag, or of a mere reprasontalivo or dummy of ono who is not so qudifisd oa entiled- (Reptrblc Aci tlo. 3019, Sodion


10. Divulging ot cordidenthl iobnrBtbrL

Reviewer on L.w oq tub$c Alberto C 48r., ALr.o l.w Scl|ool


lis offce or bv him on Divdgilg valuauo inb(nlalbo oa a d his frdd po<$lbn fo unafiodzed petsotls, or ,l csing srd! hforwElbn in adt an@ o, its aulhodzod ,dse date. (Roprrblic Ad No. e)19, Sedioo 3(k))


Penalti6: impisonrnent, petpetual dixpalificalio.t ftom offica, confiscation,

forfeituro. (Bepuuic Act
|,1o. 3()19,

Section 9)

Suspensbn trom offce is tneted to an ir$mbent puuic officer whose cdminal prosecrrion under Replruic Act No. 3019 or any dtensa inwMng fraud upon ths governnEnt is potdin$ (Republic Act No. 3019, Sstion 13; Miranda v.
Sandiganbaya& 461 SCRA 165 e@O) d. Tho te.m

'dEo' applies to any offca uhi$ ttE pr&lb ofice b holding duing tho penercy o, rhe crirnilal casa Thrts, if x wlas crsgpd utd6a Bep{lbfc Act }lf, 3019 fd acts o.nrlittd whfi h uG $il rryor at Uro fino s'tlen hs wss atteady governd wil stii bo srspendcd fiom tEt otrea. (DelGo v- Sandiganbayan, 173 SCRA 409 (1989); Bayoi v. SndbanbayarL 128 SCnA 3fit (1984)
Bepublb Act


}l9 applks to bolh publb officers and plivdo persons

Merre$s Feqre (rSitSCBAABlrgZD rr-;a-,E;EF,E-se


f of of. th6 law law Jllakes makes c ded th6 legashriye inteotifi b rlaka appfication of ttre staute extenO I s*rion 1 ! Soctlon publb and pri'rate persons. to both i I I lhe policy ot tr PlilDItrE gDrrrnrnert, in Ine with rhs prirxipb rhat a public offics is a p$llc tust I ls to rprEs cslain acts of puU'E ofrcars ard paiyde pssons al (e whidr corBtiMe g|afr oa ! I ! conuption practi:es or utriO niay ta Urecto,



One mry bo crrdged with vfrldrg under the Rqrired Psrd Code f,oa

s.oseqrcndy. ln thb cas6,

lo a idory a.r, dthe. cornlnsttly or lhd wil be no dolDb i:opady.

30'19 in addlion


Regefc Act lb.

sarne defictual

i lf in a deed of sale, tho rcal


I oonspiratoB to conceal the dret gEirB ard doornenfy $drlp taxes dle on the sal6 causing I I Iniury to tho gor6rnme.rt, the oftnders thereby cormit o crines- F) fak*fication of public I docunent defined in paragraph 4, Arfich 171 o{ rhe Revised Ped Code; and (b) viratlon d Seclion l3 (e) of FIA 3019, a spoctd perEl hrv. The indrs cil| rEbimy to tho gorrdnnrort as th6 g party otfenOeO fd v-biatbn (e) A S*ti", d RA 3(}19. hn not ,or tabhcarim ot prOti: Oocumem I I ,no"r p"[!rapn I, A,t"t 1 or Ur" R.ri".o p"*t

property corered

underpricod by

a publb otfcer and his co- I




Rflbwe. on t w on Public c. Aare,At rEot wsdrcd

! ftercncilo ns. ,facp&, (CLF. ,Uoc, ,ltirc7n, ANi, 13,4Xr7, I ! fn ,iofai"r of Soctbn 3 (b) c, RA 3019 is ner'ltrer 'xrentical txr ,tecossarfy indusive of dircci ! OriU*y. Wtrit $y }Iavo corrnm etcdslts, not at lhe ossenlhl oltnet s of on oflens6 ar ! IrrctuOeO arnong or ,o7m part o, tlo6a Grllrnred h fho otts- The rss ,Egus d dstrEnd o, a i gitt, presstt, srtat, pecan@E d bomfit b emugh lo co.Eiihrb a vt &atbn ot Seclio.l 3 (D of BA


s, acceptance of a promise or cffet

eceipt of a


or pa6ent'ts rqriled in dhoct bribery.

t Although the trvo charlps stemtned fom the same t atBaclion, t,|e sarne a6{ gave rise to tvt'o betvreen ! vadanca betvreen thera was a vadancs doubb'teoDatrt, I separare saoarate and disiinc{ disiinct otrenses. No doubb ieopatdy attaM since thfa prolectbn against aqEin$ double Ut'tonal rn'lonal The oorlst oorct iaoparov offense charged. chatged. iaopatdy of the elernerrt rhs ebm6trt ! $; ! I proceeds a scond ce*vrl rr"Ee.rrlir'r t y tl|a arrtE .lfrerLiF. i ftr orc. difret.t oaprGecrnbn fs not lor a difretart ofiense, n tho sams trom a ^- oo,la f,..-

'-- l.'-----t- -- --- --g.

- --/f (a) of RePUUb Act 1{o- 3X}19



unhwfrl br eny psson haring tamily or c-losa hrdivid"*. publb or o0gloit or take advadago of suci lam y of to c4itaIrc p.sonal rdaBon with arry offcit o. lcegng any p.sant' gift or mateiial q. rc.fr6sting persooa diecty tr in*ecty by ;gaU ttoue

pecuniary advanlagB from atry otls harirg sorne brtsinsq transaclbn, aPPlistion, requst or c,ontract with lhe governrprn, in wfti$ such pdrlc ofncid has to hEn erE. Family,latbn shal include the spouso d relatives by cd|sauui*ty d arfinity in $ ir*d civf egres- The wod 'dos6 personal rlation. shall include clcs prsonal tirdship, socn ard tratetnal connecfions, and professional employment all gtving rise to intinacy which as$rcs tB access to such public officef.' (Fepublic Act No. 3019, Sectim 4(aD


ln;oollatbtrd llprtrelds


hrc- v.

-..-.------.--.-.-.t A ,@*AAfll (lgND

pxpose Uut r ! !* "*** by rspon&rt to Prsirrt Gflt$ cadd lrd bln bo tu any othqcase Clsly, dl i i irnrance him ttrcrrgh pc.sorDl cmrl4torB to rllako an Nooptbn h Pt'liors's into I prlbl'E po$cy. efitftd A&y a$smom bo dechrd c aginst i agreement to tf(e sliect shdiH grrppoad pcty iflitlnco to lE+ itg{oitB him the ! itltlqlca whl$ dJrd a i bsuso of Ulo i aamfrisf"tir. c eNecrnivo odlls h the ds.fiarlp of ttei-d[diec' urfiar cot*ernpms the ule of I rsthe-ttpa eny apped'to tp lruognetn a fr fficer on I i p";""*t haue,t* ano p*or,"r "*cieauon |

iffi;;#';-{'.;uJ'*dt..,t'-ybpuHhpotcy: r-!


iCon""q,trrtry, it is our consire.ed opinim thai the agreemenr bavuaen respondent Um "nO I ,]eryTqbl3. Pef!I9: ! qq ip.titLrn* is nufi and wxt fq being agE nsi ptrbtc p.rt y,puub poliit justice. that Republic ALt No- 3019' I givo fnp.lrnatl, to $ch h wEs io siatuto.y i Court of 1960. on Argusl 17, sras enacted ano Practices AGt tne anti G"at Corupt i j




Sctim 4 (b) d Hepuuic Act No. 3019 99

R.vlew6 on bw on Publi. Offi.lrs Albcrro c. Aa.., at rEo Lw school


'(b) lt shall be unbwfrt ,or any person knowingly to irdrce a cause arry public otrEial to commit any in Secibn 3 herEot ' (Republic Act lb. 3019, Section 4 F)) tle ofienses



Scfbn 5 ot BePr6[c Act ].lo.3019

'Ptohibition on @tPin ,eHi}ts. h stEI be unhrrfr.l tr lhe spocse or for any rehive, by a afttty, withh fte tlfrd dvi degrq d fho PIddont d lho Philippines, ttte V{cePresident of ttr Ph ippines, fhe PresiJeat d the S6oate, a the Speaks of the fbuse of Represantatives, to intervene, &reclty or irfroclfy, in aqf htsirEss, tansaclbn, oontact or application with th6 GoEnment Ftovide4 That this scctim stBtl nd apply to any prson who, prior to the assumption of ffics o{ any of lh6 abore ffii.ib to wto.n he b rehe4 has been already dealing with th6 Goreflynent along fto same he oa bus*ress, nor to afiy transaction, contract of appli:ation already exlsling or pencfng at lh6 fino d srrch assursirn d pblic omce, nor to any applbalion fled by him ths approval of wii$ ls not dscrEfirEry on tle part of tlle official o. ofiiliab mncdnd hn (,eperrds upon coilplance wilh rEqrilx'E prwidd by law, or rules or tgulatlo.B lsud puslrant b hr, n6 b gry act brrfray prbrTrEd h an ffidal capacity 6 in th6 uercbe of a proftssinr' (Rpubf,c Act l,lo. txng, Sodbn g


anazr\turc.Y-P{iifiptrfurlr,Ar@fl5t t l_ t I By petiiioners's own adrds!*rt, at tho tino of tle qEdbn d tho lllanagIfpnt Coflhct, pciidon.


I E. Bazon, lnc. x x x uzts contoled by Alfiedo 'B*. Rolrilddez, brother-in-hry U Oepeea i I Ptesidern Marco6. Urder Secli:n 5 of Ola Arrtff and Co.ruB practi:es Act (R.A No. 9019) | I Bomualdez, by roason d hb rEHimship with the tlEn prBlrent f ih philippines,'was prohibited ! from inten ening, dircty or indic{y, in any tansaclion or Uusiness with tn lovemment Thus the ! Managernent Contact, ente.d inb by E Bazon, 1rn", oeleruiHy wned by petitbne. Enrhue Razon, ! but in fact contrdld by Alfredo Rorrrratdez as 50lt6 e$ity ownq ttEred, is rult and voii and of no ! effect, being ooe rrrlrE eprcssly (pr. [4 Art l/O9, Fry p.otrib'bd b!, law lau urr.lrf,arL t.n^r, Civit t ryrl u@aoIIn Code ot the philippinss) rntfippmas, : [r(r[.rt*r.l.ry i



r-----___ __--_-_--_.t ralfu.vs.s,,dgartuya\ IG.R' fh t%,.rrtt 4 @ IRotn r-l | ^.. is suffily ans,vred bv Sectbn S of RA fl)19- as fro ows: i The queslion 'What is the viobtbn?'
Reviewei on L.w on c' As..,

At .tco t

,uhIc Otnccri
w Sd|ool

t. ffr. of-,O". is a spous o. any rdaliv6 by consanguiniry oraffirity wittin lhe third 6ivil degree o, u Presirerlt o, the Philirf*res, rho \rie-l&* d the Pttlipd;;e-i'ELr"r,t-#rtr- ! I Senste, a ih6 Speaktr of ttE lhlso of ReplsilaivB; and I



irnewend diEcty

application wilh the

I or irdfcily in any busi*s+ trdlsaclbn, contracl or I go\re.nrneflt. I


! I as to petnirnefs chim thal lhe


t I

lem htetrrene b vague, tl*s Corrt agrees with lhe Offbe ol the ! wdd can easily bo urdetst@d lryough simpb statulory constuction. x x x : .rrErruvglrEnrEg..wr@s-v.,vr*'----"-'-^^^l Soliitor Gsneral thal the

is to 'to orn ! me term intenone shouH thereiorc b urderstood in its ordiEry acceptalirn, wfrich ! RA 301$any a lhe cl 5 of lbble b anyone cowed in e.xrrEatbn Seciim bBtween.' Olminalt i i person who lilgvns in arry nranne in arry btl.cln6, tglsaclio(L conuacn a applbatbn wfih rhe I I go{rernrnoL As wo have o(p&aiEd, il b itpo{iu6 ftr fhs hlr b ptovUe h adrance detaiB of how I I such acb of lntrventbn coutd be performed &n tha couts r'lay pB r.pon lhGe delaib once tial I



conch.ded. j.

--------Sectio.| 7 - Hting

Saternants ol Assets and Lhbfib3 ard l,let Worth (SAL|9

'$afmort ot assers ad ri irirbn Eye.y puub otficer, withh thity days after th approval of thb Act or after as$ming office, ard within tie mordt of Janusy ot e\rsy other year theratter, as well as upon th6 expiration of his term d offico, or upon hb ,s{igrltion d seprafioa fom office, shall prepara and fib with the office o, Ale coflspondng t sportne.rt l{a4 a in th caso d a tl6ad of Departmert or chief of an indeperdont offie, with lhe Ofroe of llle Presttent, or in the caso ot membe.s of fio Congrss and tho cffcbls ard snCqr6 tle eof, wil,l fi Offica of the Seoetary of th cdrspordi?g HotEa, a tuedsta ad ard sdfl staterrEr of css.3ard iaufiir* inctrlng a statemfit of th6 arrbunts and so(rc6 c, l*r ircoma, fho alln,lig of l& pssorul ard famtly expnsEs and tlte aarbunt ol irEoE ta(s psil hr tF rExt p.c.dng calerdt y6 ProyiH, TtH public c,fficers ass.Jnnllg o,trco lc6s rhan lrc moa lrr ba#sr t|o rd d tho calrda, yer, rEy filo their ststsnnB ln th loilowir flio.nhc ot .rilny-' Fapublc A.t ].1o. t 19, Seto.r 4




iffi 7ffi ffi7il-ffe-ta{---------'rI


ssrrbe. 'Une)(phind' I I corruption ard rnaintaining a standard af lrcnsEy h trro I normally .ssults ltom 'nardscloslrB' or concealrnent d vftal lbcB. SAU{, h'hich aI pubtb ofichb I ! and employ* ar rEndBted to fib, a the ,rEnB b a.rfe\rs tho poli:,y of accountability of all ! ! nrbla orr6ers and enPbyees in th. goecnxnorrt ry $e SArx, $ pr6rc se abb to ironita I I ! mor".ent in tho fdtune & a puUt offid+ it b a vafd cfiecft ard bdance mectnnism to vetify f I

t q* t above, speaks d u,hrttut aoSu6abn of wllh, tle wf sougftt to oe supnressed and ! avcided, and Sestbn 7, whi$ ]rlandales n disdcurs o, wEllh h the SALN, is a mearE of i preventing said evil ard b aimed partinbdy at cr'tsilng ard minimizing the opportunitios for official i publc mattsr


R.viewet on

- ''l


bw oq PubIc Om.rt 4s.., At rco Lw Scrlool

lCrr"U* "Uir" tH the comp&ahr agaird ilin irvohrs a vblatkn o, Sec-tbn tO, Ra 6213, or rhe I f,rhi$ enritles him to ba i iGoci d Cc,rt/f, d Ethid Sffis tu A,& OM ad @p,
I inforned bbtBhard ot his ombsbn md !o td@

tt xxr





allows for corective measunes, Carabeo is charges not only vbhbn o{ Berrised Perd Co@ BA 1379, and BA 3019, as amerxCed, specmcafiy Sectbns 7 and I thereotl.I

Whil6 Soction 10

with viohtion

BA 6713


RA 67'13, but also with

I Siignificantly, Carabeo faild to show any ]qrri.tEnt mder RA tIr19 that p.ior notice of th nonI cornpldon d lh6 SAIJ.I and lts corctio.t Fecedethe fiE ot cflargB tor ybHiro of hs Fc^risiorF. ! Neiths are thse ,rEsures needed tr tlo ctarg6 d dshondu and grays misconduct, which ! Carabeo prsseflUy faces,

! fo. g,ross misconduct to odst, lhrE must b6 relable eyirence showiE thai the acts complaineO ot i ! were mmrpt or inspid by an ir enti{rn to vhHo the law, d we.s in-prslstent disrOa; ol well- I rnown teoJr rures. I ! I I

tpilry4r',s.-Frvpd6@E1W-ffiffi ri '

-------1 -


! clear from the ,olegoing legd def,nitivB d grB mrrco(xtrr and dstpnes y is that intention is an FE Etbnc/s candd dnbsixt d hir srlatcoolngs in proprly and I completely filirB od his SAt-lrl, hb endeavs lo cEiry l,t6 gltbs $erin ard provide all o$et : necs&sary infurnatbn, and frb subnisdoo ot s+porfng d@rn.19 as b th6 ac$riliton of $o rEl : proeeltia h hb sd hb wibl rEnos, negffi rty htsniqi on tis prt io concod hkr i F rttsnpra, in virr d thb Colrfs ffiig3 lE tnce popeai= rhl hntully acquircd, itld ts i trnndy ,to Jurftficdon 6r pffiors to lt'de tsn lftshg trro *Gs{U derrHlt of Ute intent to t commit a wnon$ lhb Cdrt dos ,ld Oeam pemiooer guf,ty d glc ristd.Et ard dbtEneify.

I lmportant elefllnt in bdfi.

i rub I

vs. tutla, A"M.

@A P, ,b, Ct-rU?, @2




t The offico ot the coud AdninasHd abo ft{rd |,lat she had ben recivirg rental payments fiom one Rodolfo Lray br th6 use of tlE rrEte star. That rspofftent had a srar in the market was undoubtodv e busi Ess hterssl wht$ sfiodd haw bon rgorted h ls srorn sfiatenent of A3s6 and Liabiliti6s. He.lailurB to do so expces lEr fo adnirasHive sanclirn.

Rcvicwer on lzw on hrblc Offfccrs

her brEiness interesl yvhich she hersetf :





Agr., AtErEo



lt"i--n-"o-r"T*ai,EFli"t-r"? lu.*rrt L-------

aear-vioaru-o nepuuric aa-r5.-6zrs.


I I fVofg n"up-am t ra ft},nowd hun ffi b. t d bt noo.dbdcrr of ,rr Duslness rinteresf, stre I w* rcnov(,d trotn dfrca fq cftl,E,r}'fy h r@iying *ti;xr bott fru,n tb mr/n,ci4 Swemwt e}ird I I


of Bepublc Acr No.3019

'Asrrissd due to ura).pbtu d wddl. ll in aocordai'Ee with tho provistons of Fepublic Act Numl)ercd One thousand fhree hLrdrcd severty-nine, a puub offrial has been foutd to harre acquired during his incumbency, wh$s in tls mrne a in t }6 mme d other peGons, an arnount of prcprty ancyo( money rnanifeaiy od d p.oportbo to hb salary ard b tis ottEr hwful inoo.n6, that fact shall be a grotrd fur dbn*ssal or ,flloreL Proprries in the narE d lhe spouso and unrnaried children of such publb official rray bs takn hto corxideralbo, s'lEn tlei acqdsition throrrgh legitimate means carypl be satisfacbfy shiln Bal* deposns shal be taken into consileration in the eflbrcernent ot thb s6c{bn, nohnihstandru dry p.ovHo.r o{ htx lo the corrary.' (Repblic Act No. 3019, Sclirn 8)



Tho only conclusbn pG-sible 'E that Sec{bn I ot t|e Ar i-Gr:rfr Law b btended to amend Sec{iofl 2 the disclosure ot hnk ot Bepublic Act tio. 1405 by provlling addnbna, exceplbn to lhe rub aoEinst -


Cas ol unerehind vvealth rrB sirdbi b caies ot brfrry or de.liclion s6on Wtty theso two cas6a cannd b. Gfice*d frorn U|o nie ,rlaldu bad( depcsib confdnthl. Th6 i poflc, as b ono cdrmt bo dft'lnt fiull the porlc, as to t,lo cfir. Iflit pofcy expe*s th6 rnotion t fhat a poblb otfc6 b a prrblc tust and gly persoo rirno ertrs rpon its dbclwgE does so with the I full knoldbdgE lhat his llh, so tu c rCeyart io hb drv, b opon to pltfc scruily. I

t I I I d drty and ,lo ,"a"on i3 I



w olt fublic Of6ccri

AlbcrrD c. Aar..

Atln.o L.w Sclool

Ut th.i in $rsfbn, and would rnake a\ralable to p.sons in gor-n.-o,t ! -;J,rg"f pr"p-ty "t Irf,rgrl, an e6sy ard ,rr"d ir";Ai.; foot-poof ; I "h. _""q,fr" ";J utim; all tlq havE pb". rcdd io do mdd bo to sinply"p..ty h dI nrose i name .!lr .pgssssigt i of persors ottEr than thei spouss and rnmanies ctnlben. This b an abswdity rhat we will not i i i ascribe to the hwnalas. i





ffre prwlsiors


spou;and ,",r,arried iiilE-n-ril?ra-t"o-if,tE"-r'srr-tJ



Section 12 - Prohbitbn agaiEf resiglation or rerirement pending an inrrestigation or ptosecution ,oi vioHion of Bpublic Act No. 3019 or lhe Bribery provision of the He\rised Penat Code

'Teminatioa d o,frc,.. 1,lo plrbfE ornc6r shal to lsign d ,Efirs pendng an criminal or adnhtsHi\ro, or pendng a pr@.dbo agEtoIst hnn, ta any ftise urder this Act or under the provbbrB oftho Rarisod F6nal Code on botry.' @epubfic Acf ]lo. 3019, Sction 1a

m. Section




and lGs of


the rneantime admhisffiivs proceodings lEw been filed ag8itst

Sectim 13)

'SrrSparr.srm a/rd ross of De.rfls Any pljbfc ffice. agEH urhom any criniri* gcecutim l,lOer a valid irfdmatbn under thb Ac{ a lrdr t ro provbbu d t,lo B6,irod psnat Code on bibry b pendng in cou]t, srtall be suspe.dd fiofl! ffico. Sftordd h6 b6 coryi:ted by final iudgmeflt, ho shall los6 all ttir6rnnt or $'duity bdnofls unde, ary law' hn if he b ac(|.lire4 he shall be entitled to reinstatetnent and lo the salaries and benefits rirhi$ hB failed to tecdye dring suspensbn, unless in


(Rpub[c Act No. 3019,

-@sf;e^ffiifi feotaUg;-serrds r!
.+fg^ ot | administrative dscidi i
Alberto C A8r., Ar.nco



pre\,.rtive suspetxibn
tf the

uaElE-lgurrsy-dffi lgLtP-E:g s!gg#ggl!3-rE9gi9E-Ees ll'gsefsrtri

R.darcr on Lu onrublc Offi(.rs

b txls coevat wfrh ths poriod pescribd tor OecidinO c-"o b dedded befqe ninety days, ttlen tie suspension will ! t

w Sdtool

! suspens'ron rxrs't be up to ninety da)6 only. Siimibrty, as appl'ted lo criminal Fosecdions under ! prevenlive suspension wil lad ta bgs than ninety days onty if the case is ! nenuUtt lct m.. 3D19, i perb4 dtctwtts, it wil continue tor niBty days. within fhat decided ! i tl ! fn Orratl* d .tfive arspenslm wi[, tMrs, \rary to the odeni that il b corningent on tho I i tinre it tares te @rrt lo d4iro tho cas6 but ,lot on accdml d any disctdbn lodgEd in the coutt' t i tafing imo accoqrt th. p.obau[ty ttat the accused may use hb c,ffice to hamper his proseonion. !

I 80, 70, or 60 days, as ptitioner asserts, it would lie in ils pofler mt to suspe;d lhc accused at all- r ! Tnat, ot couEe, would be conttary to the command o, Se. 13 cf Republ'E Act No. 3019i I

illndeed, wera rhe Sardiganbqpn given tho dscrtion to impcs a shorter petiod of suspension, say, I


I ! en p*ttt, if fie adr*rbra6y3 cce fles agail* p61irs ttas ben tormimtod abo in his fa\or sir.m. ia o n n" N". sots *[lar pbvioes= trJ ! 6-i"*ir. ! SfC. ,4. Su"*rr"* and lcs ol berpfts. - Any itlcumbenr pug6 otrct again-si whom arv crimind I Acl or undt Tltle 7, Bod( lt ol the F$ised Penal I i prosecutir:n un&r a ya[d inlormatim under lhis goue.nment or prrgic funds or poperty whether as a I upot1 involiring trald tor oferse or arry boae i i simpte or as a cornplex dbnseand in whatwer stags of exscrrftdt ann mode o, partbipatbn, ! | i oendino in canrt st;3lt bs susoendeO forn office. Shorrld he b6 conyi:ted by final ludgment, hc shal I i E;;il';*,n;; s*rtti6"*fi" under any law, hn ir b acauitied: he shaliba entifled to !


"i illlli* l*ii*u,iltl J'i.r''ii Effi H"'#"#'i iiJtl#

in tho meardime

adrilrdsltatr6 soceeclqs haE bctr





convicted otncer, who may ha\re alady bsl separated tom tfre service , ! grcfl urs gorrernment. IE rrtlJi, lhbb to tt ]rsturuul' rcstituta te sam to lh ,le srlrll shall b6 received srcfi flllsLs benefits he Yv'er'trrtvrrt I aheady lEcelve(l t has areagy I nas I and rmoersoriU $ppfied) i Gmptrasis r 13 of R-A- I\b. fXnS, as I i n fto u"*t bns sd0e, howort, ard it bds r e.afDn fhat Soctbn ;SA tum dncs' I pLblc b. 6ca i "*p*,ed I while +'o m-.rrrirn ir: r ir .'rrt rrra n,u rn nn rffi f, .*iinc ana c*eoontca. ! caegmrcal' anO pndng mattr b spcific plGoclrudt ruh dl tho h drt TtE b crimirnl -xia the -i-i-t 'eryrn l6urq lro twm l(I fnEPaBElrf,rl. lrrto lrl, tf,, rE .r.l rrlr;t ! "_'"- -': I dlscrlion nor duy b deteirJne vfiettg' prrreoliys sJse6,Bion b ,rqiid to PtElrsrt tho acqrsed i .E cornmitting aqlltrurulg I fiorn using hts offico io inlinidab witst$3 or hEltab fal prosadon or codi [p HErnlEasance in ofFce. BoBfig v. Sandgfl$ayan so I ln the vent that


il;"d, ;d;"trffi 6G't., t. *""o


Hil##ffi;"rffi;'#; ffii;t"il;.[



;i;; c


;EEriETlEd-rtToF&-ffi?'{ffi lfii;d"Z-aaia-ffi i _
i ttre preventive suspension d lh accused i finding that th6 info.matbn is valir.




-r of RA No. 3019 is mandatory upon a I

I t

i-r i S*ti*


a of Re No. 3019


,4. Suspen$m arid bcs of benens - Alry PUbIc dfcr againsl whom-any criminat ! ! *r* posecution under a wlkt infonnafbn under thb act d, under the provisions o, the Bevbd Penal I ! gEga slB']. Lile sggs-l"JetgstsEr4r.+5ltr



Rdicscr on Lw

on, Public Olficcr3

&r., AEno L.w Sdlool

I the acflsed rrEy use his offica to htimirate witrEss, or tlrsaate hlB prcecution, or continuo ! committing malfoasarlco. Ihe prErnplim is that tf,rless the accused is suspndad, h6 may ! frustrate hb prosecutbn or commit turtEr acls ot malfasarEe or do both.



Pmhibited ac'ls {d lransaclio.Lr rlader |tp Cod. of Condrcf ard E8fcal Standards DefinitiorB unds t lo Co& d Condici ard Et*:al Sladards (Bepuu'p Act No.


a Elc'tiye ard appoiirtive G'ffichls ard e*npb)/ees inctding those in go\rgnrnent-o!,EEd or cortoled cdpo.albru and lhsf cr$sklkrbs; b. Perrnanent a temporary; c. Career a no}career sgviccf d. lncluding rdlitary and pofico pd$rmd e. Whethr or nd rcceivirB compensalixt
"Gitr refrs to a thing a a rigm dsp@d ol grabitously or any act of librality in fa\or of amth. who acce$ if and shal lrduds a sirxJhied sale or an ostansibly o.rror]9 dbpcrilion llr']eof- lt sl|all noil frcbde unsolicited gifi of nominal or i[signiicant yalue rDt ghren in anticipatbn of or eNc]langs tor, a fa\ror iom a public offichl or erployee. (t{aberi v. Baga, /l{)f SCRA 525 emOD
"Rceiving any

'Publb dfdds' irdudos;



fio.n a person
even on the

d $o

gin' inctudes the act d accedin$ &cty o. indicily, a gn dler lhan a msnber o, l$s tarrrly a reHive as dfnod in th Act,
of a hmily lobaetbn or rdiood lBtivity liko Clrisfnas, b neil,ler na[d ru irE*Inifcari, or ttre gift b given in

of the \raluo

d, o( h



6. '[.Gn' b.


covqs bofi s*npb loan ard enmoddrn as riyot as gurantas, araqerrnts or a@rImodatiol!3 hbndad b ensub approvaL

Under Repubtc Act

transactirns and 16 dedard unlawful:


6713, tho blovring oonstrhno p.ohibitad acts and



Financial and mate.ial intdest

F,ublb offciak3 and ernpbt/ees shall not, dictty or indirecuy, have any
financial or matsial interst in arry lranss:ton rcquiring th appro.l,al of thek



Outslle erpbyrnent ard oul activities dafed fherefo a. PuHb ffioiats ard einpb/s dring thei ircl nboncy and br 1 y6ar dt6r rGignatbn, rfirernenl d sefatirn fiorn plrub dfico shaD not:

B\/icw.r on t w on Frblic Aheno c. Atra, AtErco t w Sdlool

Own, coniol, mamger or accept as employrnerf as orllcer, empbyee, consultant, couns6l, brok*, ag6r , trusfeo or nominee in arry private


agficy reguhed,


l'r:efBed by ttleir oflica, unlss

exPressly allryed by law;


Engage in lhe p.ivate pradice of thek prof4gon, unhs aulhdized by tho Consihnim d hw' and pwided that srrlr pracrbe wii not confli:t or tend lo cooffct with lhr, dcld furlctbls-

a. Tho

prolb*sbn aeparstiofi trom offic. Howe\rer, he camot practrco his prohssbn in connec-tion with any matter before ths offics he usd to b with fot a pe.iod of 1 year ater said retiernert, rsignalion, or separatbn fom or6ce.
engErgo immediatety afler

pIofiessional coocorned

hb rsignston, ,lirE{IEnt


rn hb


Becomrnend any person

has a ,egular or perding

to ary pciftion in a priyato entsrpriso which offciil trarEelbn with their offica


Disdcuro ard / or mbus otcofifdordid htdrnalidr Rrblic offchb and enplotss shal ld lBo or divulge confdental or dassifod inbrnlatbn ffichty kn n to lhern by rcasan d tlrir cffice and not rrads avaihHe to the publc !o: 1. Further thet private inE est a 2. Give undue advantage to an)/orE; or


Preiudice the public intersL


Solicitslim or acceptance of ging a. Public offcers and enpb)/s shat nd, diecty or indiecuy, solicit or accept arry gifr, gratdly, fatr, eniertainrrEnt, lran or aDrltling of monetary


1. 2. 3. ln conn6ctbn \rilh any trarBacfion

functions of their offce.

value from any peason: ln the couse of $dr official dJtieq o. ln coDn*tbn t ith any operalbn being Iegulded by thei, offce;

vyhich rnay be

afefed by the


Corcrss rrrJst cdlse. b &e lo[owi]rg gin3 or gErts liom faign gwemmea s: 1. The acce&rlce ard rsbflfbn by a prblc offctil or mpbyEe of a gift o, norninal 118116 ts{drcd, and lc6hrd as a sq,n ta tr trE t of courEslr;



accSnca by a puu'c didd ernpqle d a gift in a scholar*tip or trBllci,vdilp gtant d m.f,cd tatmsrt


naure o,

3. ihe

acceg*ance by

experEes f6 trarl taking phco enticly olltsk,6 fhe Ptiliplins of mo.e than no.ninal vale, i, sucfi acce@nca is consiste{rt with lhe intersts of the Philiptines and pflrittsd b, the herd cf office, brarEh or agency to which he bdong&

a publb official

ernployeo of trat

l gllants

a lt refiers to the Fansfer d lilb or dspGd


ot interst

p.oprty by volunidit,

completely, and actualy depdviu or dsposssdng on6c{t of his dght or titlo to tt in far,or of a person a persons dpr lhan lis and relatira. The terrn 'rdstiv6' refers to arry and all prsorB ,eHed lo a puuic offichl or ernpbyos within the 46 civil @ree of consanguinity a affinily, irrcfuding bilas, trso, and balae-

Rdi.wcr on tiw oe &rblic Orficcrs
C. A8ra,


w School


Whenevct a conflicl o, ir atise, a Public official d emplo),eo shall resign from his pcitim in arry pivafo busitless etrterpbs within 30 days trom hts assump bn ot

om& and / or divest h&lsdt ol hb sharrDklngs o, ltersd wilhin 60 days frorn

srlan bo ,rl8n&toty if lho conditions for conffict of such assumptbn. 7e.*nd ioan hb pooilirn in any p.ivate businss vcn if ho has still conerr ir srsst






do nd apdy !o:

Ttloss who sele ihe goveanmeflt in an ttonorary capacity Lrborers and casual temporary urdl(ers

loon/#fg,ew-OnOt1d6ttpn,d-aLG.F-l,o. r76rn,Jan
Tho charge
commands lhat 'pub[e officirds atd



pt esci<rrEn, inbmgdlce ard ddt.' Said p.ovbbn msrely an ir6l nam d cofid16t to be o6rvd by pubfc set\rarts, in i eniurriates I aOOitirn to cornn*tnent b putfic hb,E+ itlstless and dncdity, pofdcd tafiality, rsporui\,gness I to the Dubfic, natiorEtk rn and paaiotsnU cormitsrErn to <Emq*f and siryb liyingt Folbwing ! Uti" p,*sp*ri*, Rule V ol the inflefislting tules ol R.A. hlo. 6113 a@ted bY the Civil SeNice ! Commissbn lmr@tEs th grant d ilcanivs and nrrards lo oficials and emPlqes who ! demonstrate exemphry sewics ild condEr based on rffi oben ance d the nsrrs of @n(}-E't laH I down in Section 4- ln other wdds, utder lhe ,mndatad irE iv6 dd rewards system, offciab and i employees comply with lhe hirh stan&rd set by htx Yyodd bs rxrdded Ttpse $'llo fail io i canroi expect itn sarne favsabb talrent. Hffre\,t, lhe [rple.nerrting Bules does not ryoyld9 i ta ttpy witt traro to be sanclioned for fa1.5e to obsewo ti66 notms of conduct lndeed, Bule X of t ttre lmplenrenting Rrles afims as grounds , adnini#ivs ds.$ktsy aclion onv *ts 'dechred menmm a n*t t"rentfti,ree @) acts or i ,na*fi1 o. p-ru-uir"o by tte Code-j Bule x spedfically -actbn. o ov td ds;bx {y Fatue to "irnro "om6 or ttE niul x.. ons b not one ;,rd* L.ri.. ! -i'-r.
of excellencq nighst degre -.proftssbn*m

vbla$on o, Sectbn 4(b) ol BA t\b- 6713 dsg'Es fr,tt|e corffnent The Fo{,bion eslplqrG stral perfum atd die.rtugs lhai, dnhs with the

iil;il ;;; ,^l


I I ! I I

* dedd of dre proce fr ttis ce. The dF poe rcquiiemetil | I mandaes that cvry acc sod oI,sponde.i ba apprited ot tle tEt e and cause o, tho chargp a i against him, ard tho flirfico in sDport lhsEd be slHn 6 nrado ayailable to lim so that h can I i rEet tra ctEg6 wilh lrarssno s @&eEy 6rb,r. A dnry ta.ttg of rho comdaint- I I afficrrylt cro* not rwed Orat pet'liorg ws chrgpd w r vioHbo d Sedioo qp) d R q. Iifo. 6713 I I ufewire, en tr OffB's E radrto Eepo.t tre cfiqs nccatso ws6 ftr rmlv*ation, hEncaton, I t . ! c"n *"ii, ,"0
b ob,ybrrsry a lruN,q,rMEuEEEwruu-r".-".--l ! ,rnnern or*

a"I L-rrrrrr

g mi."oraa.






I CaraOeo clainls that the corpbint EdrA I c"d" informed bsbrehand o, t*s o.nissibn *l ! I

; c-d; ;


against him imolves

IISection l0 ol RA 6713 p.ovitss: I i tlSecrion 10. B\riew ot CompfarE PIocad.ra. - (4 Tho dosignated Corn tlitbe o, bdl Hous63 of I
I I -- Concess shall establish orocedEes tor lhe ,Brriew
-l-------rJ---Rariew.ron lrw o Publk Otfi.ers Albcrlo C At,a, Atuco t w Sdlool

viratbn of Setbn lO, RA 6713, or ths I ni, to o" b Pl brc otrc*rb ano emdqE; wnrn ! riatluE lh6 llcurtc-lr lrrllruuvE srcciiw lr..urrre{ion. "mitr." and atlu to u, td(e urr n@y |

statettstB to deternine whethr sai, !


l-sialan$E whidl traG-ueenr-suumitteo onTime, are comptal anO at in Propr ram. ln the event a ! ; In*i" t"x 1"r"r*nt b ,bt filed, tho appron ra. .9"n-it* shall so inlorm the I I d"1;;;rtolt-". him to tako the necess4y'liw ac{im. reCortine inAmnl and direct


i it


i Wtrite Setim 10 of RA 6713 indaod aflows tor carErivo meslrq Ctavso b chatged not only t i with vidakn of FA 6713, bln abo sith vblattott ol lhe Revised Penal Cod8, RA, 1379, and RA I I I OOf e, as annnOeO, speeifically Selion 7 and 8 tterEl, whicfi iac i S"..
! I


! .tr.",

i i i and swom stalement ot the atnounts and sqrrcas of hb itcomo, ttE arnqlrlB d his ptsonal and i family 6)(Pens6 and ttre arwrt ot irEorE tar6 @ ior. tle n6st calendar y6n I Provild, That prIub ofEcers ass.Inilg 6cs ls ftan t o trstttu b6io.6 lhs o.d of the calrdar I

Lft-*ti ln - u"t*" t " m*t tt oay oi april uotlrlng tln dG; d an! carenoar ! rtom ! G;;;;li;;p.,t ttn expiation ot nis term oi offca, slpon tis *rignairn or s.mration of a I the case or in prepare Head, and fle with the dcs of coflspolxfng Departnent omce, snal
HeaO Oepertmenr or chiet o, an indeperdenr office, with


Sut"orot of Assets and



e.y public officr, within thity days atter assuming !


Offics ot

tle PrBirent,

a true, detailed

i i i i

year, may fil thei frst staternenl on or berd lho fifieott Oay

d npf OfowitU fhe close

of sau

I t ! !

or m sei:toru nauidsun*lg tirrtrion a ur, ! I ue "w "r,r"r*r*it g.ot td ,or tte vasd the corlrary. The llgrliEboye coarslih"ne to circUnstancs rgilionad sfidl ! petiod ptilc t oi urnil aOministratiro suspe'rfon of th8 otrc*d conc,fld ftr an ind*dE i i t irv6tigstiil d th6 urxdained wtlh b coolphtod. I I ln Omhrdsnan v. Vabrco, tre Corrt odeirod n Utle stnncar of lh@ pruri!*rns, to wits I

!iiil's.i*t';;ffi*"#i.jd"*"ro.ntyodof ;.rilIir6;;!d#;

Sec. & Prima Facb Evidenca of and Oistnissal Due ro Unexp[ained Weanh. - f in accordance with ! th6 provisbns o, Republic Act NurterEd Orn Tharsand Tfueo Hundod SevortfNine, . a. . Public i ofiicial has been bund to ha\re acqrtd ddng hb inc1rnbsEy, nhtttler h hb mm the name i of other persons, an amount ot proprv-Tdtr npry, {'aqhsqy oln d ptoportbn to hT Tlary and i to his oths lawful, fhat fact shdl bo gound lo. dslnt sat or rrnovd. RoPettis in tho name i of tho souss and @endents o, sucfi puHic of6c& may ba talcn into consireration, when ttreir I acquisition thrcugh legitinrate means cannot be sat*sfaciot y srtowL Bank depcils in th namo ot I or manifesty excessive erperditlres incued by tfb publc ofncial, hb spouse or any of thef I deperdenB induding but not limiEd to rrivities ir aiy auO c associafin d arry ostentatious I Oispfay ot weaftn irci.roing tequent tarl aDrod on a mn-oficial ctrar*ter by any public offick l p.oportion ro Egitirmto lriorni, strat lilwiso I



! Section S abore, speal d u*aurfrI qrtsiuoo d welrr, fio ovil soqgftt to be srpprcssed anct ! I ! avoioeo, ano Seci*rr 7, whk*r nandate firf cscfoo.,o of .iefur kru SLN, b a' rr*ns of I padtularly nor official sait eyil and is aimd refrdzing, the opportrnity at cutating ard ! Oreventing liorrrotlon and rnaintaining a stilroaro of, honesty in-the puH:c serri:e. 'i.lipryrairiea' nr"tter I i normalty tsult's fro.n 'non-cfsc:brr' 6 drceatrEnt ot vital facls. SALN, wl*$ all puuic officials i i and emdoyees are mlndated to file, are fio mearB to achlevs the polqf d accountability ot all i i public officors ard employees in the gff.nrnenl By ihe SAll.l, lhe public ee abl6 to mnitor I I movement in the fdtune of a public ofEdal; it b a valid cD*t ard babnce mechanism to veliry I I i undisclosed Eoprties and weahh.


I Prelovs, I


(AA ib.,SSSruoluraDcr?3,Nlt


Reviower on lry on PuMc Officers Albcrto C Agn, Ateneo taw Schoot

----r-----+ with Section 7 o, ! ! Petilimet b clE ged with grGs rlriscondlct ard dshonsty ,or faling to comply lhs Antiraf, and ColIUpt Practi-s, and Sctbn S d the ol Code Cddllcr ard Ethical Standards ! ! !for fuOnc Omciab and Empbyeesr rquling the srrbn$ssbn o, a siaterner of assets and liabilities ! public offrcer tr e,npb/e; I by a i ,., I ! n for gto* ,ir-nducr, the a ioclhrc ir 'gross' or serbtB, imporrari, wgghty, rmrnerltorrs dfinite I I trifling[ vrhile the nom b 'rnisoondrl,' dfined as a fansg]sbn d sorne stablished and "nd I rule ot action, morc pdhhrty, unlawful bdnvir or gross negfgpnce by lhe public officer. The I word 'misconduct' implies a wrongfrJ infefiion and not a mere erxr ot j'rdgment. For gres I misconduct to exis:t, there must be rdhbb euitence shodng fhaf the acls compbined of were I conuB or inspircd by an iniention io vblate the l , or wrs in persHert disegad of welFknown



tre tcegoirg fcegoirg legd defrftiorB of gross miwl(h.ri ard defio{Esty is that irientbn b an I ! Clear tom the I important ebrnent properly and I elBment in bothboth. Fetitidrds Petitionefs .rarrlkl cardu *Hqsirrn affision rf o lic his strrrlrrrmirrrs slrrtcomings in rvtrrertu ! imoodarn completdy fillirE out lis SALN, hb sd6t a to cEif, fle ertsies lherein ard provile all othe. necessary information, ard hb $rbnixion of srpporttrg doorxlts as to lhe acquisitbn of th6 real properties in hb ard his wite's nanEs, ng8b any L e. irn on lis parf b conceal his proprtirs. Fr.rthermoE, in view of the Corrfs ftldngB that tlEse Foporlire wre bwftrfy ac$trs4 t|r ig i simply no iustification ior pa imer O lide ttun lfissnng fia essefiH ebment oI intont to commit i a wlong, tho Cou.t camot deche petiufir gulty of grG Iltis@ndlc{ and dishonestyI I I Neither can pettioner's fai[re to arE s t)e que6tbr! 'Do ]|on bave any bldness interest ard other I I financial connections includir tlos6 oI Fl.r spouse ard u rErird children tving in yotr hose I ! noff' Ue tantamount lo g,locs trisE drf a abhqtesty. On Ole fioot pagp A petit'loner,s 2OO2 I ! SaU, it is aneaay deady statEd Ord hb wib ir a bu*Eilfloma4 arO ir ian'be dgicaly deducted I


as for-Oistronesty, it is orr tted by intenliqElry rnakiE a-ialse statement in any material fact, ! Andpraeticing I or atEnpling b pr*tb6 any d6cpli,n 6 traud h sedf,ing hb a@minatbn, i or i 'E I reSffi'ron, appdntmor a prcrndqr Dbllo Esty urdrstood to irlPly a diBpositifi to [6, I cheat, d#iye, a untrlstwat defa.4 inossE of iriogrity. H I I


tn.intallbn b concEl hb hir wib! buSrE ittcrsta. TH petitim{ 8rd/a hb wife i i with intdEts. b ttus mdy apamnt on the fiacs d th. E{]t it b i'rst fist th6 missing I i parthhrs a ,nay bo sirificn of an iqiy a in b8rirl. I i

I An act done in good ffii, wffcfi cordltrbs orry an nu ol irdgrs ard tq rp ulterior mottys i I and/q plrpocs, doa rd qualry as gros mtscondd, dld b r*y sinpl6 rEgligenc.. Thus, at I ! mo$, pedt' b guflty of neglgerrco k tlavhg faibd b en*r'rEta nil SeUl was accomptished I acarm+, ild h rruadotaf lntonet, ! l-----------------J

,H itb. 7, znl *eA 4rS (rglD I !-! .obIgaton. of an empbyeo to submit a i I S*ti- I of Bepubfc Act ib- 6713 p.ovir,es rha it b the I I svorn stalemeni, as the 'pubtb has a 6trt ro loo*, tn erplq;ts assc,ts, thb it6" nct tr,orth ard ad hrdd ;6rs. Scrin t or tro dm; hr, prscribe tre oiminat and ! ilL:ry':t
I FaDe ys. frorEs, 6-N. OCA


adminisrativ6 perElty to. ybHbn of any provitiro thrEf. kagaplr O) of Sctk n 11 provues that '(b) Any violat on tle eol p.uren in a prDpr a(lnhasHirre p.ocedng shafl be surrcient caljs ; I i I for remo\.al or distnissal oI a puub offic$l or erplolEa, 6yo if m crin*rd proeecrfbn is insiitrned i



Reviewer on Lrw or Public Offic.rj Alberto C Aar., Atcnco L.w School

r------,* o"*

cas, lha ta uts. d resPoderi to disctioso hr brrsinss-iderest which she hersef n Ybhtbn c,f Republb Act I'lois ! admitted and inxc6auo and b a

I i

! ln ner exphnanrn, respo.der mahtains tE pGilion thal shs lB no btEitEss intercsl imy'bifly I i contenOlru ihat t16 e b notting io dvdg6 or dvesl toflL 43 dsa;5sd aboye, rgspondfit had a t hetsslf ol I i uusiness imve* we do not find hc|. a&nhtBffiivdy lhbb, trorwer, fur lalure to divest of businBs I genera! tiemselves puuic in to dlvsst offcets, fa i the saiO interest The rcqursnent -by I o, intetests. conflict p.ompted to attid fte need b of a upon assumption irrt"ror" i Frub;flfca i i;H;il;;;r"v ita businss irterestwitt resdi in a conf,ict ot inttst, divestment I " :"fi ! confli, of interest because an lnter|rcier lll d the Begimal Tftl Court has a stall in th6 matket. A ! court, g6neraSy, is not efigagpd in i16 regubtion o, a pu6ic marl1g{, nor do6 it concern itsetf with ! the activities throf. While rospondent nr3y nd be cornpdled fo dieest hetself of her business ! i,ii",i!i, Ji,l"nli't';"dil;H,ffi*.rdivursi,B iL





;;'p,*il.#il=*l'lfge-t::g'f .IPj::*il

Part 7.

Uabflla! ot PrSIc Ortccr

ln geocral


Doctinc qf olfitiil imlnn'ty lrora fabfities for Fbfc ofEccfs a- Public officets afld ol,doyes rcuH be utduly hamperc4, and intimidated in the discharga d tleir dJties it rhcs who ct itrPtopetly, ol evn o(ceedod tho adhority givn lhetn, wet nc pldected lo sqno ,ecslable degr6 by bing relieved lrom Pdvm |bbility. b. Rationale: Pnomtim of fearbss, vigorouq ard efiecthro administratbn of policies ol govemment Threat of suit cdltd also deter colrpetent people fom accepting
public ofrice-

Offc*al knmrnlty ard Snate lnmrrrtry

.tts purposo is to ptt


since its ptrpGe is to protecn the sotgdgn

tom to,i lhblity for darnagos eirng f'ofii discrlionary act8 or firrEftoal3 h fie



a protsctiye agit

p.iltarpalY ,sted on the tsnuota ground Utat k ng @nU do no wrorB. lt ser\rits to p.otoct iho go\rgll.nerf fiotn flaulty.


the Stat6

b rlot bourd

by the mistak, nglect, or


Offidal immunity Dd



Suit may be brortgm againsf a puuic offcer in Ure 1. Suit to erbrce lbbtity for personal tort


ing circumsances:


Mse invocation of offid{ .rsac,ter will not sumce to insulate offcsr fioflt $ab ity atrd lhbfity ld personal tdts cormined without or in sGs of authority. (Sande's v. Veridam ll, 164 SCRA 9t) (1$80
offG. ar p.otectad by ths pr$mptbn ot gpod laith. The Fotectbn afforded by the docttirp generaly apFrfis only to activities within


Acts of a


Revi.wcr on t w onrubfc Orficer! Albcrto C A6r., At nco Lew Sdtool

tho scops o{ offEe that ar? in good fa h ard ar6 not teckless' rnalicious' or cotruft Evtl mistakes ats rld actbnabb as long as it b not slDwn thal th'y urore ,notivalod by mafica or groes negllgeoco amountirE to bad faiih' (PHlirpine Baciqg Oub, lna v.' lct Ftil 23(! (1960); Llmayana v' Corrvnbsbn on Audil, 601 SC8A 163 @(B))


so,re tlg A puuic olfics tnay 'dficbl



se.vta o, plh,aio @l,,sl in an actbn fild capeity th. dalrlages sdlgtlt in the actbn, if im h his agiai,rt t (Mancni& v' Court of in tBt rsult could S;nte4 Fab{itySCnA 419


Suit to corrpel prfofinance d offcid duty or tsFain ptiomarEe of an acl As a genral nile, the Stab rry rrt bo $ed witrput its clrEent and a suit

against a public offcer fur iis officid d [t' in etftc't' a suit against tho Stata Holrrcvs, trere as stil iEiancs trrhon a publc oficer mry b sl'ed (with th Srtate conserningf e\ren in lhe ptfuflnance ot hb fficid dinhs'
E:<amples ara:


1. m66 2. 3.

d sale' the Court him to do an to compel public as such nEy be saled officr held that the act rquld by law;
a tgister of deed tetlEes to registca a died

A suit ,nay be brought to restrair a cabird ,rE nber trom sfltorcing an unconsliMlonal law;
A suit lo compd tne nafoml tsllrer lo pay damagps ftom an already

approprided assurance



5. 6.

A suit to reguLe lhe Comtnlxiont of lnterml Rsvenue lo refijrd ta( overpayrnens fom a fund alady anai$le for ths PUtposE
A lrit lo compd iudgnfitihd lte otFcs without tho gormmsrt iEolf tiat ing b do a




satrlt hirxdf

acl ag8ir]st him;

An aggrhrd pa'ty ,rl8y *6clf, inpld the gwtrrslt withan fits tiling c-hfn with the CommBlin m Ard a nanrdy rcqled, buuse lh6 &aitLl6 d Safo inm.nit, camot bo usod a an itrsltunrft fa pgpeEa6ng an inirstice-


Uabfty based Woo a.d @xElxn s Iilh n


The liability ot a public officer lo an irdivifrraf d the pubtb is basd upon and b coe)densive with h's duu to the indivuLEl or the puub.



lf the officer does not ow any duty to the itdividlal complarnilg 0.a, rhe officerb b solely lo the public), lhen ths irdivitud hc no rirlrt d *1ion against lho public officl, erren inough rhe 'rldivHual nry have ben iniud. The breach b io b6
aed]essd by p.rub



Thrc6-toH ,?rspo.ED iy d puHtB o,fficcts a. For vidation cf dny or fd yvtongful acl a dnissirn, the puub officer is utder a 3ldd lbt lity:



Raiewn on trw on Publk olfi<.u
Alberto C. Agra.

At nco t ws.i'ool

a. 2. 3.

l, the indiyk ual G damaged b!, the villalim, rho offichl shall, in sorn cass, be hdd c,vilt liable lo reimbUrse A|e injud pady.

a. a.

lf the law atfarlB a penal sanclion, ths


nray be Frnbhd crininally.



lf tie adminisffiirnS disciplinary pore b, yirbfron may load to fins, repaimand, suspension, or remo\ral lrom dlca

The issue in administ'ative cases is not whether ihe complainant has a causo o, action against the tespottded public officet or emplo)ree but whetier the latter has breacrted th6 noms and slandards of Public asvice.


An actbn for each

ca; p.&od indefirlderrtly of iho


C-rrmlnal and

cMl cas.s dffsrtot liom adnfr


flEtlart proscdbn

PurpGo is ]tBlny to p.olect fi6 publb sevbss PurpGe ctfor*nal bsssd on tho fircipb that a public ffico b a punishrnent o, cri,lls.




PresumptlorR: Public officers {e presmd to Presmption: Acosed i9 p.sumed innocent have perfomed thei duti6 regulart and s'bd within the bounds of thei authdity, unless lhe


cor rary

is s$ownNo doubb ieocrd\, (Rosecutbn in one is not a bd lo lhe oth.i No pGiudi:ial quesrk n wt|re one case b adninisratw and lhs ouestbn involvs a civl ard a crimind

Dbposidon of the crininal or eivil case dos not necesrarily golrrn th dispodtbn of th adminisHiy case and




dyil or cdminal (Preiudiclal



Evdence and procerhre

agffi FaIc 6cer8

procsedngs, sllbGtariiel
as a

1. ln admlni*mfive

acc+a as adsqrreo lo support e condGioo). ln tho ats'r d evilenca !o lhc canlrary, pnuic frcs3 atd dnpby ae p.6uned to ha,s p6r0mred tioi AfiB rgubdy erd actd


reombb rff mbtf


rqrird 0.6., sucfi

$e bounds

of t


autho.fty in good faih.


adminiBHiw proceeding+ tochnical rules d proce&rs and erridenco ars not stictly applird and dlre process is doemed sffid rf,hen the parties ats atforded fait and reasonabls opportunity to explain their side ev6n without a

triaFtype he6ring-



to be irfo.rned ol findfEs

and rcomnenffirs




oommitte 1. ln an ad nistsativo caso,

ed fo b of th findirEs ard r@mrna{datidrs of ary irrr6ligElirg commilte6 craiod as ho ie ont er itld to the ad.finislratiys d6cisirn bc6d on sr66ianlial evidence rla(b of recods, and a reGonable opportrinity lo mest ths crla gs and n/ilonce
presented against him.

trs ftspdldsrt b


Reviewer on



Otfr..'3 Atra, Abrr6 taw Sdool

oD Puhfic



Oliect of admtnisffiive proceedings 1. Tho obi:cl ol adnirfsbative preedings is rbt lhs purishnent of tho odficer of empbyee bd fhe inpro\.emcd d fhe public se.vbe and th6 preservation of th puuic faith ard oonfidence in tlE go\rernmeot
ot colrlsd b mr in@rlsaHe in'adrdnisffiive proceedinge.

d. Rigftt to counsd 1. The assistance e. Efiecrt cf deatt


The deatll of the rcspondent h an adminisbathre case does not preclude a finding o, adminisfative fEufty.


Exceptons (the dearh of the ,Bpordent necess ares ths dbmissal of ths datryifi beidhfling. factoG): @ a. Obseflrane ol respondfifs &trt to dtE preess b. Prosenc d o(ceplbnal cicurnstsG in the case on the grounds of equitablo and huntarifian rKns.

& A.MnlRHur hlty hcured hr a Redc{j(rn operales as

1. 2.

pltllrtol.l3Em buanCcc{u. o{trcial oofibndon d a pr\rtls flliscorxhlct Once rlc{ed, an elecliy fficid b rE bngd amGnable to acfninistratir/e sanctions for i.fiactilB alegdy cormitted duing the plding lsrm.

The condonatim nJe b apdild regardess ol lhe date of flirB of the acknhitsfative co.nphht 6 bE as the wrordoing b conmitted pri)r to th6
date of reelection-


Cordonatbn does nci cxtend to reapp<inted colerminous ernpBrces 1. The condo.Elbn rub b impflbbb to appoirtivo fficftb, such as reappginted coterminous Irnployee+ a lrEao iS ml sutn ersbn of the so\rereign will nor the disenhanchisemer ot the ebcnorate in the caso d appdntiye otrcbb.
Reelectbn do6 nd 6did$ crinid a civt tlD rty 1. The rcelecfion ol a pubfc ffichl fflingui*rs o.rly th. adninisffivo but not th6 criminal or dvrl lebtrty irMed by hin (lrhg hb prlrixrs term of otrce.


B" Chrf [*alv

f. B{llrftls lbr EGorrGry ddrlrgB afr trom act d pr5fc fic.r3 a lfl dde b crEto fhe qfa d en fu d drrlega ri$ng to.n acls of 'mrsy ilSlb ffiss, 2 Uirlgs rrucl coaEn 't. Damags !o htrnsdt 016 irdt irrd srfrrd sorE speci, erd peculbr iniury from th6 wrongful act comdE$ned 4 ard 2. Wtong or viratbn of the right d a party co.nmitted by the other. b. Liability is only in their officbl capacity. l,lo iudgrnent can b6 rBrdercd to make th6m
prsonally liable, unless t le s b an allegsfbn h $e corndaim l,ld such officiab ha\,6 maliciolls ard h bd faitl| a.ied ornide Ue scop6 olfheir official auihority or


Publb.ffice, stlall nd be lirbb for rrord alrd uanplry damages ior ac{s dom in ths perrormancs of olncbl dnies, lrIB tllere b a c1E stDwing of bad fuith, ,nalbe, d grGs neoligencs.

lrw on PuMc Orffc.rt Alb.rto C. Agr., At nco t.w S.hool
Seviewer on

--------'l I t WD I I I tautty start mared a horse race in $a Ana Tno iudgs, h-Y: T!"{ sarne, I the lwhich rhe Commissim o.l RG revrsed afier inesligatioai. ln-the _ialtsim, th holders- of pay i rivere aHo to encash lhcir winniEs. ne Oub not ont had ro ugct|a the winning lickets i i ry$ I i the winnrs but tlad b retum to lha holdsrs d tte lreiu tfids rnci motEy.
I mmppine ndc*rg CtuL
lnc- v-

fl@ mil

ir I

The Commission only has the powr of erpervigion, meaning tho po a to o\|ers6e and se to it that I I the subordinate offcets pertorm lheir dutiB, and nol co'lnd, whic$ b the power to alt6t, modiry' or ! nullify a subordinata s iudgrnent / act Howerrcr, since ihe @mmissim acted in its official capacity ! in the honest belist $at rhey tlad g.rch a po! ,er 6 in ?aa thcry ot*, acled ate, investigatbn' they

cannot be held liable for damages.

i The Oefinition.of "?ct" ry in offcbl.capacib.. ned not be by law to cqtol-d suPorvision, i i tnat tne,y are Oone by a, dfcd in ,8*tlbn lo rlatfs cormitted !'B ths officer 'ls ac,tillg. wtrse aultrrty to departnern under nrcre or less a connErtbn ttE I i or has i A quasi-judbhl autt dity gEEraly llas no [aHlity tfi cttoneous or trislafdt docigorts, provkled that I I sald d6cisbn / ac{ is within the scopo ol hb arrhqity, and w Etn rrltitcs d oorruptlo,rl.
I I t!

I I I parr of Davao, s the City Engineer the dealt o, Ps Dutrbo. ! a nou a tt e enO of a b.idge causd I not in 6c.uneo, and wtp accirent the tmd tre ;,th ,,"sli;;L-; not repaiing ,* !


r4SC *7It@)



qtty ftorn the C'rty ot Oavao ! Dumlao is not pesonaly lk*rle Ior danrages. Damag6 are recoveraHe I per Alticle 2189 ol the Chrt Code, wt*$ dos nct irElude rho ctty c,ffic'Eb fo3 puiposs of lhbility tor i i I I damages to persons caused by dehcfi}t pl"ofc wofs.

It I A pubfc ofEcbl is only personally fauo Ic rdraleva <homge ho causcd

--- - ---

tsy hb &t done with nnlice I ! or bad faith or beyonil ite scop6 A rra armry. Ourho-ura $ed in nlr omtfat capacity, with no I I ! ;fu"ton, ;#; ; b"d i"[h. ttele, tE rdd ]cp6i b owed to tre prrtf,c h g,t;rar, na to Ps l paients personary. ! rl r-


1ffi,1:;"4;r'A;pAEFEEfi ^-EFr,-#Ai
The Proti


I !

irrial Board abolished 30 podli(Lr.s c'tensibv ai an aGtrity measure, and 20O emptoyees lost thir jobs as a resulL Arter sonE tirre, t|owever, Ule bsd sElted trew pcxBitions and hircd 1,mO ne,yv employeeg- The emdoFes sued the b@n4 includrE the governor.

i i


A public officr who co.nmils a tort d a wrongful act bq/old tle scop of hb duty is not ptotocted by his offics ard b prsonaly lhbb thersfoa. Thero vas bed iath as the prpot'teO lsson ,or sacking ih6 2(D employees b bel'xd by fhe fBci Urat 1,mO neu emplcryees ure htet hired, conkary to the so-calld srEte?itv mqrst,"., of Ule g@rd. tf ,rust b. noted ttat lfie Bod was sued in their




on Law oo

h,lric Olfficc,t

Alb.rro c. 46r.,

At rl.o t.yscrbol


E tect o,


.Egaige'ro6 of

Pubfic offcers



b held nsporElt

hir,cd party b 'lt

Tho result cornplaitEd of wouH hayB rolouy8d notwilhstanding the otficer's misconduct 0.o., the pcition ol tho injud party wddd hav6 ben the same had nd lhe aleged miscondEt occurd} or The

2. 3,

hiued pcty


io rhe ,srJt h aoy degreo by his o$rn fauh or


tlabllity o, dre Pner*rent ror offic& actr

Civil responsibility 1, Itre cM! Iespgnstbilry_

d the ftesitent t[-qrld_ Mquce in him ?n jlevllable terdoncy to p.ote.i hirEef by blo\xing lins of least rnisiance and to temper fho ,orce d his execrrtve arm in placs and occanbrB whers ih6re is strong
opposition. The

qiminal faHlity


upon the pode.

Pnsirsrt b fhc tst ,nan o( l,re Stab. At edt upon him is an assault Al olE rs6 agEffi him b an c,ttsEeagsirBt the State.

Liaulity for danrages 1. To put th Pr.ider on tlal b fo pllt m


fhc gorernment itsefi.

M@t v. tlantut


A complaint lrras fled ater the GoIrnaenerd alegEdy sciEd arld @ffiscated 2,3ilo t4 kibs of Siam ric wtrth P26.32 pr cayan for dstiihrtion to ths pl.lbtc, ard s'ftLfi fh6 Governor{eneral and other defendantg pm.nised to pay only P1625 a cavan. Tho corlpHrn fufier slegps tlat tr acfs wer6 committed undr Act l,lo 2SB ot tE PtDippho tcabhrg ard p.rslLrf b E(ocutivE Ordsg No. 56 and 57 is$rd by fhe autluity d Ule saH Act

At iho time 0f tho aleged acfs, Slo Govrnorgtraa wB actilg in lis oficid capacity when h exvlcisd dscrUoatry potflcr Uhi$ ra Yrsbd h ,fflr ib cotn lrs drrE hld and no finsl decision will e\rq b6 ,oud lEldhg an FrEltho pasomly fiabb h de,,Egs3 ftr ti6 exscise o, disaaionary pows l'do. a br beim ft tE ben h6H mconslihrtonal. Tlido is e hgEl prsumptk fl ltEt ary ht, qEcd bt h0ilstE b v#, ard I fn Go,snor<*nral had a lgBt right to assrne thet A.t No. 2868 E yald. lt wa neithcr hb ofi.r{ protftcr nor drty to say whether the Act ws or was not constihrliofid. To hold an a(oqrthro pssordy fEbb in an acdofl ,or damagB ior tho pe.tonnance a ,looperbnrEnce cf crEcta dny, in leg8 effec! w6ulC rnak him a

judge as to when a law is or is not ooristitutirnal.

Lhbtrt, of otier oxcculiyG



Functions inlrohre e)(erciso of





Geoerel rulE Clo\remmont officialc perionnhg

lbbility tom civil darqes irsok as tteir conduct does not vlolate ctearty establlshed $atufo.y or corBlhnbnd righB- tt ths bw al tho lims ol lhe act was not clearly establkBlE4 an ofncial cannd be rBsonably expected to 116


e shiolded iom

Reriew.ron t w on Arbtc Ofr..6 Alb.rto c" At a, AEnco Ly Scllool

anticipate subseguettt lgal &veloP.nents, nor oould he be sak to know lhat the bw forbad6 condrcl ml previollsfy identified as unhwful.

2. b.

E)ception: li th bw

wc ostablistEd, iho itrmt,lity defenss would ordinariv fail'

Rsasom for imrunity 1. Th impq$fon fu

npnetai coss ,or mistat(6 whii *sB not unteasooable in tho light d all ths circr.rmstances would undoubtedly deier the most conscientiorrs decbior}'tmker fiom o@rcbing his iudgmefit independently, torcfully, atd in a rnamer bst serving tr|e bnslterm interest of lln public' q{tes-elS Hioher qfficiab ot ihe oxeculiva branch haw a !Ig?q! ryge ot an action rbk that authority, atd must den act s!fliroy anO nrnrty at tho offc6. of defend win bo tnib oa cdlstit to Yirhral abdcatbn


Acls of hoads of exrutiw departrrrts 1. All tEads ol qednive @rtnents re flss agBnts d l,re Presirent Except in cas6 wtqa lie PtssfSil is t.trtGd io e{ pssonatty bry lhe CdEtihnion ot l6w, func,tk 13 ot his omco t ptio.lned by attd tttottgh the sxffirtivs @atunerns and the acls cf secrtariB pettamed and retdeted in the togular



brginess arc, presumptivdy, acts

disapproved by


of the





Liabil'rty ot bgfislrdue ot6caab to. o,trEld acfs Priviteges accoded ,rE nbers of Congress

"A Senator cr' Membe. d tha tlqse o{ Represefitatives shall, in al ofienses punis|labl by not mole than 6 years impiso.tmrt, be p.ivflgd fiom drest while ths co.tgrese b in sssion. No Member shall bi questioned nor be held lablc in ary os|or phce fd' any speectr or debate in the Congress or in any committe theteot ' tro.tsftnbq AttHe Vl, Sectim f 1)


Oorrgrrss I tpa ody qompi tom gE teral fiaulity bt t thy at" also accorOeO spedf piaegs as follodr a eriimge tort drd wifle CofigB b h sagon for ofisnsG punisfEbl by not maattlsn 6 yss lmp.iso nor*

b. c. d. e.

E(empt fiorn liabllity ror arry specfi

committee thtof.

dbale in Congrss, or ln any

are dbriigned rDt Th656 privileges 'the

repesenulives to e)(ecarta the functions o, their ofnca without fear of prosecution, and to ensure freedom fioflt executivo or judi:iat enct@chmenteJcends legislativ bodcs). Reasons tor immunity



d.mters from Prcseqltion but to

TiE immunity

to all


of EgisHh,e acfion $.e., CorBt"s3 and local


MernboB d lgblati\re bodis se crtosen by tle coostiiuofits to uercis6 their iudgment and disctetion in ihe enactm. c,l srrch bws as are best suited to the






w oa Publk Oaficcrt ., AlrEo Lv School


ard ptosperily of the people- The perfcmanca o, duty

is owing to the

publb ard rEt lo idividuab.



m{d nd pe,torm $ei ddies tinldf if e\r.y dssatisfied prso.r wqrld b albwd !o oornpl trc.n to vin(rcate tlle wisdom of lrEi, enactrnnts in an actbn for damages.


uabfiiv ol membcfs d ltn ldcky for oficld acls a. General rulel A irdge b not Eabb fs ac{s dono h the exerdse of iudicial function. 1. No civil actbn (c ad,nhisfrative sancfbn) can be $stained against a judicial officr for fi6 roove.y of damagEs bi ons claiming to haw been injured by the




within his jurisdi:tiorl.


Th officer ts rs$rid by hw

dny to fhe indrritd to be

lo exe.ciss hb' and lh law hoHs his prffi s'hn he has xercisd it, however

erroncoug oa dsasfous il rnay seeflr


ExceDrion: Uls imn$rfty &eB not apdy fo Reasons ior immunity

*tsfhd de pt

dy mhlsterial in nature. frorn fh6


1. f

6)(erc'rso of hb

a irdiial office, is held lo be cMlly fabb


ra damge a6ing

a- lt would defed, to sorrE extert the purpGe br b. Ths estimatirn in which his office b

s'trich his offfc was cteated, because lie derense of his own irltsests would o@upy the iudg's tirne and his mird, irlsid of his pubfc drties. held wii be bvrered, and any adiudication agaiGtt a judge l6sens th6 vreight of hb subsequent dcisio{ts.

c. d.

li vrould bs an trcer ilB io dshonest ,udgmeots and muH causa him lo corBult publc ophion and trJbfE prejudcB when he ought to be wt|olt
uninfluenced by


,t rvodd consti[rts a serious obtr.rciirn to justbo by rEcssitatlng a largE

1. ltrcddmdtidynigetbrt 2. lt ogdls dlcetofidessonto\relsy e.

A preeortbo af $e irslarIa oa lh. Stal6 b a much nrd atrscfhro mfiod o, binging him b accot r than a priyft suit-

irErase in

|fi. bdcid b@uso:


Judicial ofncs yrouH rEyer be acceF*od by any rnan of standing, r@utdion, or fimrEial, if at fho peril of his fo.luns, he must justify his
judgmefits to the satisfaction of andtrer iudg.

lnsofar as a ludge acts uithin his luddal arfilaity, hb imrunity tom civil lhbility is hld not aftetd by bd faih, matico, o. coflpt rnotivos. f th6 judg is, in tacl, co.tupt tho pub6c tlas its rglrdy, brn the de6atad siitor cannot be prmittsd to obtaan rd6ss against tts iuQB by dk{ing ttEt tho ,udgment against him wB tha or EruB a ma[cilJs ,ndi!r&

Reviwr on

Uattility tur rcndeing an uriust iudgrnont


trw on Public Agr., At n o L.wsdloot


Generd rule: As a ,nattet ot public poliry, in the absence of ,raud, d'shonesty' or corruptbn, lhe acls o, a ildge h his iudicial capcity are not subject tc disciplnary aclbn, e\rn rhough sucfi acls ar? slorle(xrs.





jrdge nEy bo held c'inllalt li:tbb ,or detdirbn of drty tur Knowing|y tefldering an uniusl iudgment a intedoancy ordet A judgnerr,t b uniust if il b oonrary io law a is not supported by ths wilenco and th sarne was rnade with consciol,s and deliberato intsnt
to do an injustbe, Rend{ir a rnanilestly uniLEt iudgmert or intedocutory order by reason although be sl,o!!!1t shown that giltgggh qrltltq? lt must !e iono.ance. neqlioencs or of inxctalle inxcusable neglige.tcs lqq !!J!gst that diligenca' obsen/ failed lo he slill he actod without ,naliE, p.udorEa and care in lhe Perroflnanco of hb dity, wh'rdt llp law



Udimy fur gross ignoratEe of law sttd incomptsrrce 1. AJudge nray bo rcled wilh rhe penally o srrspe#*rn whso tiore it:

a b.

@em!{udgmeir GrGs igrbrance d tte lat,

2. 3.

A jrrdge is e)Qecled to exhibat BDre than a 4rsory acquaintance with statutes and procedural rules.

To warant a finding d gross igno.ancs of the hw' the assailed order or decisbn must not onv bs cofltrar', to erdsting law and lurisprudonoo' the etror must bo so gtGs ard pate{ as lo ptodt cs an ldernce of Enorance or bad faith or that the iudgs knowirEv rrdetd an uniuS decbk n. (Begis vPadranSa, 548 SCRA 244 (2008)


Ouantum of p.oof ncessary to srppoat


dla gos ffiiy Ths qranhJm of proof necs, b erport llr affiligHiw drdgBs tr to estaulslt grounds fior the retnot/d ol a iuddd ofEcr shodd bo moe lhan s.DstanlbL

7. L6f,ty ol qrr$dcld of,tcG[ 6. d[cld.ctt a llatl,B ot fixEli s 1. QuasFludlchd ffiss are ofichb in tlE secljtive hanch a rnertJs d bodes
wllo do rEt bdong stsic{y to a,I, d $e tradftaral brancfis d golrgllttr ard arc vested witi dbcrelion ard e.npowrsd to exercls thejr iudgmeflt ln mattets
brougm befors them-


Bssons for immunity



damagEs to trro p.ivate irdivl&.tal

hls jurisdi:tion,

ruler a quas-iudick{ otficer camot bo called upoll to rspond in td ttlo honst o(erdsa o, hb judgment within
horvBs sroneotB or miegrtded hb it dgrn$t may be. (Maclas ZB e(mD

v. Machs,6(}1 SCRA

2. c.

Except'roc Whn acling in a rinittdial capacity, a cira:,ijrdbid offtcer is liable for carelessness or neg ilence fike any ottEr tr$nistetial offEor.

Liability for miniger;al acts

Red.$.r on Leu on Poblic Otfic..s Alb.rto C Agre, At n o L.u Sdlool


when a qr.E*irrdichl otfice, acts mhisierialy, ho is liabl8 tor carelessness

neglt)ofico tke any olher


nisterbl offcer.

I I Bus operators filed an appllxtlm br ircrece in passengE fus, Petding tesohnbn, th Public I lE Se rice Commission (PSC) issucd a rsohnbn prorrbbmly hiking lranspoit rate. Dus to comphints I by commuters, an amndatory rsohnin was issued .edrcirB ihe prwis;ional tare, with th Eoviso ! that the zonal arangsnerit shat be appli:d Drp to a nrisunderstandirg, chims of overcharging
w6r leveled against sorne bus oprators. The comrdssbner crated an ilvestilEtory commitle. ln the meantirne, oppcitqs in the cGe dod(eted as 66-11{C bt increce o, transport fare Iiled a i+etitbn for- ce*tioad ryithlhs SWEme OorrL ,fa-Psc-poipoaed l*aring lhe 4ase-uEtil snar the ortchatging case filed an i resolution of the pet bn wq Ore qT.enp Coun Compaiunt inp.ocedngs h said case. actio.r agaitst the PSC @flrnerEtixle ror ersp.rdttg admhisratiys i

FMeftecloY. M&ra eSRA577I@

I Th6 Cornrnissionr

ftrse d I ! or trauourent omissim a neglct o, fficbt dny, and nd flsB f;alur" to do orc parficular thing. I I ! efter ning of rh conphint, rEspondenr issrei a stD*cau6e olrrer, condrc{ed'the first tormit .--ninm* r" inpterrp rt a new systorn aloj a r"uorir,g the complaint ! ! '--" v' ;J ;dJ I tJrs: ffith;ii!*'"s i I Howeyer, the PSC Commisdons cornnined an e.ror of idgnpnt h not proceeding wiih : of the o\rercharging case, desftiis tE pende.E, of fne pet'tixr fc cerliorariI
hearing of the olrercrla gLiU case- Thc

th PSC b

jot grdty d ,sileasEo a drdblbn

o{ dtty ,or poElpooing the nonfeas4tco or derfictkm ot drrty implies a wilful

Uabi$t, ot
General rulc Wtle s lhe hry inpGes upon a pubfic officer the psfomance of ministerhl drlies in whi$ a priyate ixhrlfud hB a specbl ard drct interst, th ofncer will be ftabb to strch indyit d 1o. any i$ry lor faflr;o d nglec{ of tho offcr to pertorm the d.rty at d, a to prio(m it paopsD.


ot[cef3 nor offcbl


'Pur*y ,rnnisisial ct or d.ltlf to one wtlirl an officea a Aibud performs in e given state ot fact$ in a pascrbed ,narns, in obednce to the mndate of U|6 lgEl authaity, wilholn rsgad b lho d hb own ildgmed upon tho propicty d ul. I rte hw irpccs a duty upo.r a puuic


offics. or uhdr Ul (tny shell bo pedonno4 sEh drty b dscrliorsy and nd minMriat

drbe d &rE and dvs i*n dre rign b decire lw

c inpfiety


Requisites tor lhbfity 1. The pli\rat6 eorhplaimnt must show that th6 folloiying concur: That he has sustained a spec& and peculiar injury and That it reglhs fiom a breach of dry whi$ tlle ofrcer orred to him-

a. b.


Lhbility wtl6 B offcr abo 6 o(ba-idi:tdly a. The rulea conbofil mhisEid dim slul go\re.n acls of who ans called lpo.t fo perrorm rir&noaial acts"



S. Khd. otl*flt, dmlistsddfficGr.


Nonhasanca: tre negaecf a rEfusal, withorn suffdaxt cause, which it was lho ofnceis legal drty to tle irdividuad to prfo.m.

to pertoim an act

Relri.w.ron trw oo

Ab..toc. Atr., At rEot

w Sdrool

b. c. d.


Misfeasance: the railure to use, in the prformanc o, a duty owing to an indivkJual,

dgaee o, car6, ski8 and dililence, ,Bsonably dern6nd.

rvhi$ the circutnstancss ot the


Mslfeasanco: lta dotrB, eithr thrcugh ''gnorance, hdf ton 6 malice, of lhal whi:h tie officor has m legd righl lo do at a[, as where hc acts without autho,tty whate\rer, or e)(ceeds, ilnores, or abusos hb po,t Eas.
Goneral rul: Good faith and absencs ol malico constitute no dfens6 in an action to


ministerial olficr lbbkt

for damages caused by his ,lor easance or


lG Liabitty ot suDorior oficor lor acts


ot subordlnates Genoft n-de Public officers, in the perfonnanca ot thek funcIlons, aro not civilty liabb io 3ts pasoos, clit|e for ttl rr*sfecance or pcifivs w'oalgs' a for the nonlsasancq, negfge,p, or ombsbns of dlny of tlk $jbotdmt6. ltcgfgalcs ot srlboadilate3 camot always be ascrbod to tlo $rpettr h tho ab6nce of Ule lattds own He is chargEd with the duty o, employing


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

/ rEtahing his subo.dinats, and he negligrnv or wilthrv ernploys / relairB unft or imp.ope. persons.
fle is chargEd wih the duty to see ulat ttEy are appointed a $rdi6ed in a p.oper narrF, ard he negligontly or willfult faib io rqri6 thetn to cofitpv wi$l

the prescribed regulauorls. H6 carelsdy or nfggitly ovdsees or conducls the businss of his offic as to fumish lhe opportunity for defaulL

fortidl, whd6 h drEied, attttlorize4 d cooprated in th6 sro.rgr



b dprdy prorridod in tho statute-




A st psio. b abo fiablo fh6 fliscoodrct d negfigrrtcc witln lie scope o, tho ernplq/,mnt of ttrce {Dfoyed by a urder him Elroffiy o. p.n atoly, and paid



11. Uabmt, ot



Same rules as fios6 apd'rcaue lo omcers of highr rank Rules applicable to officers of higher rank for ofiicial misconduc-t are the same


as those gorerning suboadinate offcers.


Where acts don6 pulsuant to ordeis


A $bo.dnate fficial who acts in good taith undet otdeB or irEbuctbns of a $perix ofEcer in pursuance b. lau, ls not pergonally
Gneral rule:

instructims of a superior

liabb in an ac'tirx ior darnag6.


Excptbn: An order d a superior is no lustificalion ror an unlawli.d act on the pad d tne subo.dnate o{ficer. He shal be civilly liaue brr wi[tu] or negligBrt acts whioh arE co rary lo law, morals, pubfic pofcy or gpod cusbrns, erren if he acted under ordeB or instuctions by h'B superiors.

on !..w on rublic Albcrto C Arr., At nco trwScllool



2 Lbb


ity tor

Acts dorle


A puuic fficer, whethet iudick4 quasFiudichl, q oGcutive, is not Porsonalty lkrble to o,t6 idtmd in conse$l|loo of an acl prbrned within the scope of orlicial adho.lty, end h lirE of officit dny.
Officers and employees of ths SBta are not immune ftom suit for their own lortuotB condEt, even where sucfi conduct b cornmitted in th course ol iheir employmetfi. lo lhe eyes of th hw, such acts ate wholly without auttro.ity-

iorbou. acts w hin scope

ot orfrial adhotity


Acts done without or in e)(cess or orficial authority


Qud,/,sing v.

I i e cocfpit was raided by lhs potlc8 on tn6 grcund that a cocjfigrt was beiru illally held that day' I i which was not a l6qal ho[day- Arirts]E and I ottss wet dra ged la virlation ol Ule Revised I ou! A|e cockfgtrt was authorized by I i Penal Code and rh-86/isd Adnirisffiiv Code- As it turnd gBAct Bad fafth; which was not duly ! b Republic tlo. i ordinancas of the city pM-,-F" trt$afit poficemn who wts sued h ttrei pivate capacitv. *"" ir-p,it Ii t I "=uurd;, i yuer6 their faithlully Obctrarging prsonalty Ifrey mer.ely lhble tor damagesInesponaents ars rwt I a: law erforcmont sflts. .Respordenb ,"r?.r*:1.e y tP t-gT1c""_9i1_l!]]l^1v i iq",, i OuimSng. lvlorsover, rspondeots wre ot the ofiniofi that desFite the aforesaid o.dinances, i cockfrghting on Thursday rvas stii iregal under the Rerised Penal Code.

Ladla e




, M*tt|o,l

Y- Pag.?,6,

flu *nA w nryD

I The hrilding prmit peykilsty gr&ted to phiniifis rms rtrol(6d m Itle ground that pert of tho 3- I ! a"or apartrient ,mos consfirilim @rpin th6 crek bd. Plainffi faild to de.mlish un uuiuing I I ! Gpai *,rrJ er"nn"o r" tli"* Dc endanB passod a ,soluton lot ure dernolition of

"G*i"* lil-;iuid,#l;i*-ti",il-o*r'"rar'"4 I i
A pl.6lb dfio. b rEt liaue

'q*d I ln thb parthrbr cce, the pl8l'nlifis Uorts.rrrs h ffif cornpldni stfrd that lho dersn&nE ara a[ |

ftr da.nagB ,or perffinirg

a duty

i I ^---,--by hw, ard absont bod faith. I


- -

a public otrrdals and


lhat they orderd the delnoffDn o[ the apanment bulding in tho dscfiagE o, I I thek ofncial funclioar. Thers rrnair}s onv rhs qustio.l as to wtEther or nd lhy actd in bad laith I I I and the answer 'rs in the neoathr.

Fesnqio v.

ftvaardo {g'Prnl 1XI18]D

Plaintifi ownd srgar bnds, part oil wtsch was useo by rsponderf decior of pubtic uroats for an in(ladional canal, withol the kno,Jiodgp ard conse l d the plahlifi. Plahtiff filed an aclbn for: damags against rcspo dol. Th6 tial court dismissd lh c8e on the gramd thel the suit is I : against th6 Srtate, to rflhbh it was not oonserted.


offfcc.3 Alb.rto C Agr., At .Eo L.w Sd|ool

Rdi.wcr on l".w on

I capacity. An oflrcer commitling the torl b personally lhble therefore, and may b6 sud as any other ! citizen and held ansurerable for whatarer iniry or darnag resu[s Aom his torluous acts.

I an otn"". who acts olnside th6 scope d hb ju.isdictbn and withon autho.ization ot taw may I i thereby rerder hirrselt amenabl b porslal [at liy in a civil sriL It he exceeds frc pow i i confetred on him by hw, he cannot shelE ftinsdt by the dea lhat h b a public {6nt acling urder i I colot ol office, and not personally. ln lhg eycs olthe la\.r, his acts are wholly withou adhodty. I

I !

Concopcion, disser ing:

y*::qry-:rv.rg,T,v i:.,:q ":*-ls ! ! -'lrqi:1-{ryr! in pfaying that the land be resrod to hi!E.dCt0!!tf_999!9 lofftcialcapaciq- Maeover, !-o d!yest!6


attegatioro ot lhe complaint, whici ernpha.izs that fhe acts complained of wera done by

gou-n;t"f-it" po""o"f,n-i


tre lnt9atlon onar. Irle gorernment ,+-t ir" tn


p"rty rn


Plaintifi filed an aclion for darnags ageiEt the go\rcrnor, fiscal, and tho provirce for instituting 2 d wt*ir ras disrnissed, and the dhr ;esulting in an acquittal. H alleged lhat the cases were filed to la6s lrim and besmhcft hb repddbn. Th6 tial court dismissd the case on lhe ground of hcl of canse of ac,tioncriminal cases against him, one

With respect to the prcvinca, there is no cause of a6{ion against deferdants. As against lhe public officials, caus6 of action exisls.

As aqainst tho city and provinco, $e p.oseutidl of crimes b mt a corporate functk n, but governrnental o. politi=l in characlr. ln tho e)Grcbo of such funcliorB, rrunicipal corpDrations ar6 I not raporunus f6 ttE acts of ttxri ofEco.s, xcept if and when, and ody fo Ulo extent thst ttBy i I hav6 actsd by auhqily o, fhB hw' ard in ca.rormity with th6 r6quEf6s fisot t

cco agafn$ $o go\rsnor ard tho fiscal bs rfilanM to tha I I lowarcorrt Plairnfi sfiould bo given tre opportrnity to pro,6 t*r alegat qls. When a puUic ofiicar I ! eoes orciOe Ure spo a Us Arty, pafculi, rfren aAng lUtior,gfy, ne i3 na entiteC to protectim I on accoum O trt ofnce, but is [aUo for hb cL m(e ary ai* frCrU,raf. I i
I fne Srprerne Court ddtred ihat ttle




X was

i i

fte successful tidder at a public auction tor the sale of junk located at the highway disfia ! engineer's (llDQ office. He hircd A as laborer to gst the iunk On a Satrday (a non-worting day), I tho drilE ot t|e payloader brcket drop@ rhe sanre on A, caustng th6 hter injEis. A irBrituted an action whi:h included G, the HDE who vras adjudgd lhbb on the grourld ttrat his emptryee, B, was using go\relnlner equipmnt and tlat O allo$rd th6


$afe. Th6 acciddrt occ1lrd on a non-worting day, and I the wort perfofirEd was not shot n to haw beon authdl2d by th6 goyernrnent /rnhor.rgh the ! I equipmerrt used UaongeO to the governrnerrt, tie liort was don6 for the benefit ot X, anO ttrsefre I

The sdt againsf B b not a suit against the

neview.r on lry oo ?ublic Otffc.,3 Albcrto C. At ., AtsrEo ter S.ho6l

----------+ to carry out ! ! the Srate b lhbb only ,or torts ciiljsed by ils spec'tal agents specially commiss'toned ! acrs complainod of oddde o, agenf's rgular duties" There beirE no proof that tho making o, I ! llthe tortuous inducement was auttuized, n he'lhe S'tale nd its tunds can be rBdo liabb fherGtor. : i Th6 'master-snrant" doctino in tdt bw dos not appty. B was nd woddng ovarlimo as a i i Sovernment emplo)/e; h. was rrE dy ]IDonfgfirlirg. A spervisc who tnerety tolrates hE i I subordinates to moonliln m a rDn-waking day h rheir olfce premlsB rmy not b6 hold lhbl ,or I I e\rerything that happens on that dE. No shorig of any gain by G, eithec it's ,nae phusibb that h I I permitted wor* on a Saturday bcauso h6 wanted the compound cleared ot the iunlq ard the best ! I ! time tor the same to be done is on a iron-workrng day.


t-l L----r-tl


I Carnon v. Ptovfirr: ot h,rrqngo

lg fit.



! The PIovincial Board agreed to cofiUhrte a speiH srrn to build a bridgo tha P wanted lo sanri:e I il P coukl aho contrbute a sp.J'nea srm. Tbe Berd then I ! tne goperty he rna *-uolrit"o ""n ur. i;r*ao r,8s conttxrtlon- Howevd, $e B@rd sroppd wct and diyoded I ! =r, OiAnce ot Ute approp.iation b ths co{Btrrctirn oa a dithreflt b.ldgo. ir-b.or$t an acfion lor




i tt I The defendants ar persornlly lhbb fc <tamags fa traving aded ilgalty, msfciously, and without
any valid reason. Whn a public

damagEs agEinst minbeB of the PDvincial


fficr 906

outsicle ttle scope o, hb

I ddy, particubrly wir6rl acliu !

t3. U.bny un&r $e Clvl Codc


Fa failure

ngloct fo p.fqrn olficid


'Any prson s'.#e.irE rnatsrial or mold becausa a publc sarE or ornplqpo or nghcfs, wilhod irst carFq to pqftnn lis deral drty ,rEy ne at dira daflqc. 'sftl3s arld rdief against tho httr wi$od p.qudce to any dsciplimry a(hnktratiw aclion that may bo takdl..



(CMl CodE,

Artilo 24


One purposo of this articb is



retusal or omissim of the public omcial negligence.

bibeD,: it presupposes that the b atfibulable lo rnalice or inocusable

Fd vbla.ting rithts and [b{tirs of prtyate indiviruals '1. "Any public officer d emplqeo, or any privale irdividral, who dlsctt or fidiecdy obsh.,cls, dreats, virHes or h any manrs trnpdes or inpqits any ot th6 follolxing 4rt3 and libertios of another persoo shall bo tbbb to the latter f6 &m8gs: (1) F eedo,n d rdigion; (2) F Bedorn of speech; (3) Frcedom lo rwite fs the press or to rnaintain a peniodi:al publicatbn; 124 Reviewer on tau on Puhlhofff.!.e AlbcrlD C Aga, Ar.nco l Schol


(4) F edo.n trom arbitrary or illegEl detefilion;

o (5) a



T?rs rigtrt again$ depi\,at'lon ol property

withod due process of law; Th6 right to a iust compnsatim when ptivato propetry is taken lor public

(8) Th6 rigm fo th6 oqud p.otectbn of th6 hv; (e) Ifle right io be seclre in one's person, housq papers, and efiec1s ag8inst



and seizures;

(l0) Th6 liberty of abodo and of charEing the sarn! (11)The pdvacy o, communi=tion and correspondence; (12)Tho tigtrt to become a tnember ot assockrtbns or societis for purposes nol
contrary to


03) The righr to tako patt in q!999?-b.!e

rdaseg of grielrancss; Iho ,igfn b be Aee foln \roluntary servittde in atry fo.m; 4) 0 0 q lfr6 rigttt d tr6 acdJsad agEinst excessive bal;


06)Th6 tight o, tlo mrsed to b6 hrd by hitnsolt and co,nsel, to be ottho natt o ard causo o, the acqlsalbn agaiaEt htlt and to have a spedy and publb tial, b tncdt witnesses iac6 to iEcs, aad no have compubo.y proc8s b sdno the atisndance d witsless h hb berlali (17) Frcedom ftom being @rnpelled to b a witness against one's self, or lrom beinq rorcd to confess guilt, or trom bdng indJcsd by a promis ot irununity or twatd to rEke $ch coflfassbn, e,(ceft whfl the prson
confess{ng becomes a Stat6
(18) Fredom nom o(cessive


finq or ctud and unusual punishrEG unlss the same is impoeed ot inflk ed with a statutes which has not ben iudicially
declard unconstihiional; and


9) Frdom of accsss to the

courts." (Civil Codq Attcb 3e)

,orcgoing, whether or not the dsEndant's act ot omission crimid derre, the aggrieved party has a ltrt to colrunerpe an fitr*y spartB and dsiincf civil etirn ior danagE3 ard lor otlr rdi, tl'hk l shall proceod indpondrily d any crinird prGGnioIL and tnay b piorn by fponderanca of evirencs.

ln any ot tl6
corEtihJtas a

3. Tho itdemr8y slra|


EE al danages. ExompEy ddnags may also bo




(1@ Prf,.

# I,SD

Z filed an action ,or damages against the provincial fBcal tor not prooclning lhe gorrernor- The fiscal apparentty conducted an irwestigatbn of a complaint ,or libd fled by Z against the governor,
and concluded thal there edsted a prima facie case against said go\remor.

facie case*-' I '-"'"

The present ac-tbn b based on Articie 27, whk;h conternplales a ,sfrls rl or tNeglect withort lust I cause, by a publb s6,rra1tt to porto,fin lis officbl duty. Zs corplaint agahst tls fucal dos rtot I siirt* a caus6 ol aciion. Tha fucal hes fho hAFl drty to p.ceio crirnes wha.s tis ie mugh I eviJenc lo IrJstify sucfi action. But it b equaly his duty not to prosscrn whn, after an ! investigation, he has b@me convinced th oyirenco ayaiNable is nd suffici.x to establistt a pdma

t I

tl 'iJEELgt$
Rev,ewer on taw




Atr., Atcn o L:w School

GEiT-O-rr-t!lEa;-"-*i"E:f&;'ffi-"rr-1"-fr-a,frTi6aron-o-atlerm-i;-*hel-l'er therj1-J iniomatlm, ano lnvirB comot ol th prosecdbn ol a : sJ}iJ;;#-r. iGilv tL ntng ol the dk ation from the ffied party i criminal cas6, tho fiscal cannot be subiected to I i



For faihre to ,erder

ai, or prdclbn to a perBon

'When a ,nember oI a city or municipal polic6 force retuses or fails to render aid or protection to any person in case of darEe. to life or poperty, such peace cfficet sha[ bo p.l narit liable tor damages, and the city or municipality shall be subsidiadly responslble thetsfor. The cMl aclion herein recognized shall be tdepnder of any crimiml proceedings, and a pr@onderance of e\rilence


ede, Articha)


I ZuttEbY. rli(uta6(rGzPhtl9{6

it !z



tteO an actk n ,or demgs

! ana condruoeo inat there


agaiH rhe p.wincial fEcal br not posdning ths gpvernor. The I uv z ioai'"t the sovemor' I existed a plina facb cas6 agEinst sai, gpvernor.

Th6 preseri action 'E basd m Arficb 27, lli'hiir conternpHes a t,ftEal or neglect, v{ilf'od iust I cause, by a public servant to perfo.m his ofnchl drty. Zs complaint against Ur fiscal doss nd i p.osecrne (rrrr(5 is r, enough rurgrr I caus]e o, ro Focec-ute crires wIlr whte , there rrle e r:' Srar' stala a cause of aclion. acron. Th6 |ng fiscal nsEat na:r has the urg legEt legal orJry dury fo I I evk enca to iustify such action. Bl,t il is equaly hb dufy not to p.osecute when, afiei an I I invesftdion, hs has become corwirEed lhe eyirencs available b not siJffci.xil to establbh a p.ima I I I tacb case.

I Amarc


! A was assaulted and sfiot He weot !o rh. polico ctier, who rfilsod to aist him, hn instad ! "trarasseO and terraizod' him. As a rsrlt- lheof, he gEyB up l{s ,i(Dt and interest in ttre i pooantio clf t,lo crirne. Dlre lo tho intgros$dr of Ule Malra, fne Gity attorny letr fibd an i ittiocnatbn egEirEt t|e assailarlts- tho polce cfiif oontin d harasdng A and was ebod to i tlemand tH the latE qln an ffidsvil ox.nding tho polce fiom derfarion ot dny. A fbd a srit i against th6 po[ca chir# under Artffi 21 6 Atll& 27 oJ tt I{6, Chd Code. The aial court dbrdssad

&rrr,ngt F




I the case. I

I The facts set oln conslitrrtd an actbnaHe de,elictirn m the police chiefs pan in figtn o{ Anicle 27. The claim for rclief vvas not basd m harassrEnt o. lerodzatbn, but on lhe polic6's unjustified ,Brusal to rerdt .esisr'nce, whbh yyas tis duty as an otfcer of fhs bw. Ths fact that A has the racourse d fifing his cornplair d,cw with tho dty atto.ney or by lodging adminlsHive chargps
agairst the defendant


not plclude an


tor darnages under Artide 27.


l- - -- ---ncviewer on t y on,Arblk Omcc'r Albcrb C &r., AtdEo w S.lDol



!-pEili#ifrF"-"il-ooirr-in-nE-ofuTr7,rd-pds#Z-pacity-fd-#-o;t-inGA'-retusal to lastot I ; hi= ;"tdi ; sdto or the tinat and executory J*bb" ; the civil service ! ;6;d;


!ffi;b"til#rffffirwponoenrttranster/""ni,n"no*ii,-rr"norn"iir.--'--! ! pr,,t-er h personally lhblo for th6 award of ,noral and e)Gmplay darnages for commitiing an

I aa'onaue wrong by uniu$iftsbly rfrrshg o. neglecting to pet Em an oilfic!il drty. Under futcb 27, I in relatlr:n to Anides 2217 xd 2219 o, ttl6 CMI Code, a prblh offcer may b lhble ls moral I damagB for as long as thosa suffered by privale respordefit wel the poxitnale result of I petitioner's wongful ac{ or omission, i.d., re,lusal to perfu'rm a publn duty or neglect in tha I oerformance thereol.

i i

I I respon.Cufty. I I I Th6 allog3liorls deady show thal petilir.rc was sud both h hs officl{ and privale capaci[es- I I ! Thus, she b persomlly liable to rspofiter[

!{rT!9i tI I i having lar$ tated ro to (xlsef\re observe Ine th rqfxl rquirEd degte ol accountatility and i effects d ptitioneis Pemoners navmg I ercfs tusl
Thd the agprhred party

lhey ar.e..publb reminded a public c fica is a pr.6lic


yvalrF boud to adhere ,aithtult 'E

to the conslihrtio*! also a public otrchl dos not mitigslo lhe



Liabirty on


coltrads Gx6,ted h behalt ot lhe govelflrEtt rule: A public olficer acting within the scopc cf hb auttority and in his official capacity ls not prsonalty liable on contracts e)(ecuted in bfialf of tto
govemment Exception: One who gr(eites an unambiguous personal undertaking which rEkes


no rylention of th publb agency he sews, or does not irdi:ate that it E executd in an ofFdrl cap*ity, lrEy nca 6cap6 liaulity by chin'ng Urat tn6 plDlic agency was tfte resl principal"

*.qr Yayor, I.lstra{ ol tl6 mrnb'pality, erterd hto a conracq wiicfr was f*e ainea ! ! by ttl6 m,mi*,d councl tiroogh a r&tdio.L Horever, th6 oonf.d uas h. dedard \,oU duo lo i i the abance d a approprisum, as rqutad by Secton m7 dthe Bet isad A.tnhffivo Code I

1ff";"'"ifr;ffi-"fiA;tri6'nfr-d-nlfr- ---------'rI
Bivera does not ha\re a valid claim agairEt the muniipelity. Bsforc a contracl rnay be emered into by a munbipality, the law rcquirEs that llle sflould b an appropriation of municipal tunds to m6t ttre oUtigat on, vi[dly passd and appro,ed by th6


t-! t--------



--------r-J 15. Uabfity for unexplahed realth Reprrt ic Acl No. 3179 dedares lorieiturB in fa\ror cf the State d any property tound to ha\rs becn unhurft.rly accpid b,y any public ffict{ d ompbyeo.

Revicw.r on tru oll Puuic Albe.tD c. &r., At nco l.:w Scllool

or eando/ee


hb incumbency an



property which ls manibstly oul o, propotfion to his salary alt a public offcer d etnplo)ree and to his other bn rul irrome and th6 incoane fom legitimatev quired p.ope.ty,sau proPetty shall be presurned p.irm lhci to hav been untswfully acquired. Tho Solirlo. Generd, upon complairt by any taxpayr to th6 civ ( prot irrcial f6cal wtlo shall cordl,ct a previans simtrar to preliminary investigdions h crfnhal czxr6s ard shal cerfify io the Solcitor Gonral lhat thre has ben committed a viralbn ot Ble Act and fle rspondent [] ptobaby gdry rhsat, shal fle, in tho narne and on betEf of ths Be$t[c of lhe, in the lBgio{al Trial Cor,tl of ths city or province whero sau public officer or {nployee aslres or hoHs offico, a potitbn for a writ comrnanding said officer or srnpbyoe lo slrow causa why fho popaty aforsak , or any pari rhereof, shouH ndt be declared proprty of ths S:tate." (Reprjbfic Acl N,o. 1 379, Section 2)

I Riveaw M*lang
Same as

O SCAA$,ngf!il)


auoe tut


the ac]thn is ag6in$ fho Ma)ror. .

t I

Corrt ruled thal lh Mayq b p6r${ra[y liabb. secrbo qF q q!- B*i""d I Sun lrt* "-" Adminlrtstiyo stats tlal th6 dfc6 rtaldng a oonFact thal b vdd rnder s61bn 607 shall be cod i
liable for lhe damage caused io p.i\rate parti.F. Ths ir entbn of the law is to in$te that public I public lunds I a officials efiterirE into transactbns with private indrvituals calling tor tho exprditure of government virin ol not be a -advised or I ohserva high dgrss o[ so that tho rrEy a cautim t I I rnrprudert action of those assuming to repaesent it-



lt crcates a jtrb tantum again$ fh Brblc oficer q emplo,yee who acquirss poperty grossly disprDportbnate to his incorn6 Ge., thaf the property vras unbwfully acqu'[Ed)- Tho prsurnptbn nry be rcbutEd by s]lol ring to the salisfaction of the court lhat his acqubitbn of ths p.operty was lawful.
The courts ara rDt


bolrd by the statGrE rt ot e* and ll$0itie3 filod by th public omcer or efirphra, as lis lattr is affodad \rty opporhmily to o(plain trdx he ttad acquird the proprty in question.

3. b.

Fafe ure p,ocdttgs tial b nd .quisd.

aclirE h .cm atd r civ h netr..

A full-bloiYn

Repuub Act 3019 penafize certain actt of pubfic

whhh const'hne grsfr


corrupt practics or wtlc*r tney

hd flrIs.

ard p.n ab prsons alika

"]f in acc.ordance wilh the ot @ublb Act Numbered One ttlousand th.e seventy-nine, a public officinl has been iound to have acquired during his in@mbetEy, whether in his name or in the naflE cf other prsonq an allrounl of property andor money mnifestly out of proportim to hb saEy and to his dhcr lari'lirl incorne, that fact shall be a gomd lor disrnissal or remo\ral. fuoperliEs iir the name ot th6 sporrss and mrnanid cfiildran ol srrch puHic dfidal nry b taken into consirralbo, whoo flxir acqjis bn tlrough hgnirnaie ,rEarB cannot be gdirfactorily shown. Bank deposits shall be takori into consialeration in tho snbaEaneri of this section,
notwfistandirq any gwi.sion of hw ro the contary,' (Rpublic Act i,lo. 3019, Section 8)

Rcti.*cr on on ftrui. Otfc!6 Alb.rto C Agr., At trw S.rrool


! ,rrO- tor fo.feitui was amended to include nw itams o, allegod unhwtul acqubitions. ! i Pstitionrs oblrted to the amendrEnt, saying that Repuuic Ad nh. 1379 is penal h substance and I i efEct hettce the presentation o, the amended pelilbn withon $e benefit of a previus peliminary i

i tt I A sludy of the puisbns ol Republic Acr No. 1379 radily dscloes tha the proceeding for I
Lorreitur ir3 civil in natuo and not criminal. Tha p.oeecfng unds the e{ does not terminate in th6 I ! lmpositbn ot a penatty, bd nErely in the forfeiilre of illegalty acquild propertirs in favor of the ! ! Site. ne O-.iOr.e ieaOlng to lo.teit re b lhat provided tor in a civt ac{ion- Bules on amendment
in ordinary actions are

irwest6ation cannol be




t--- -----


! e.titi-". rclusd to bo srvorn as witrless and to tal6 $a wihess stard bforB a prasidentid I i c.mmltteo investigatiE ctla g3 d rrtxplaind we[h agailgt 1*n. I I 'B i Fo.feitut partaks d lh6 natur of a penalty or punishrnert snlc6 aimed d restraining the I commission of an offenso atd aiding in fhe priveatbn d srcfr IfE rigLht against self-incriminatbn is available because ,orteihro pocecdings, in substatr, ds c,iaytinal in ,latna ]t is nc,t to establish, recorrer, re(tess a ffivata or civil ri* , hn to ry io pt flbh persoos ciEgod with a public ofbnse.
The Almeda docm-ne reters only to the procedural aspec{ and is not o\rertumd.


i-ffi e-;-s;ffi ;Ef-,:-.r1E-ieE?Aa-fi fi #E?e-AATEffi

fl t
! Feqpond3n,s'r'rdn



,rr- in b an aclbn in m rcr4 aiaar tl6 $ilg ;t-r ilsGf instead d agEi tS tho perso.t. ! 4atud .l.a.l.lI A fodeitur poceeding 'in ctraraZrer, il leqrils no nrore trar a pigonorance cr ! selng dr q evidonce is rnant thd th 6vide.E as a whob &rcd by me side b suprid i i I i lo that of $o o,tl* E rge Uro tact d trrdngs d Slo 6l.rt h a p.wir.B decii$n wil, I a i I oonso$.rnca, neithr #ct rDr do awey with the rcq*orsri ot lEving to provo h6 $rilt bet/ond i I rasonable doubt in th6 cr'miml cas6 agsinsn hr. I



* ,


(G.R. Jtb,

I Garda vs. SaDcrrgarrboy&" et

I Under R.A" No. 82/l{1, th Sand(ranba),an is \rested wiih excluivo odghal ,urisdiction in alt cases I ! involving viradorB of R-A. No. 1479, and Chapter ll, Sec. 2, Tite Vll, Bookl of tl Rwisd penal t I Code, where one o nor of tho ac@sed are oltcirf occtrpyirg th6 folbring po.dlixu wtraher in a I ! permanent, acting or capacity, at th6 tirne ol tho com.nissioo of tfie-#ense: (1) Otftinls of I I ! itre executirre oraictr oco4ytrg'ttr6 poc*tions of regbml &ector and higtrr, othduis. classireo as I U"rq 'T Td.Eh*, of ihe doflpensation ald Poqttisr Ctadfcaibn Act of 9&t ( No. 6Z58I i inct dng: G) Prcvincial got .nors, $ce-gCIrillo.q mrnbers of lhe sangguniang i specifically i panlalawispn, and provinci feaglrcrs, assessorq engineexs, and ottle o'ty <tepztnnnt lreaOs; (U) a i



.Irm 2,

ievhw.r on L.w on Public OmceB

,--menuE-trle-=IpPllgEJ3tg1tr4:.glEes-f s9Ei

ABr., Ateneo taw School

engineers, ard ottEr city deparlmert tlaadq (c) OffEials of the dipbmatic service occuPying tho : !-"iir-idEl?'fi-offi"6-o-"pEt-r&-trfifEl-dEii-o-t'E'Ein-,ii"-L-#-*.-,B]itfi1i'l !

! position of consul and higlG (O PhilippiE anny and aL ,orce colonels, naval caPtains, and all I a.o phtrprrne mion"r poriJ',"nil;ffi;ffi"&r,;;;; I ! 5#H'"ir'f,i]"tliirJi#.J" o( hislter,-(0 C,ty- ano supe.hte.tdettt on'ribi*; holdirg " rho lho rank d sedo. supe.htendenr ffi citv I provinciat dirxror and ttDs6 h.tdiu i p.cc1rlors f,r of 1F th .rn I h tho rrli, vlrl(r, Offco or provincial p.losecurxs p.oseculors ano assbfatts, ano a'd oIIElaB orlichts arrl ard prcecuors and mer their assBIgIBr i pKrunclal On rudsman and special plGoculoc O Proddoflis' dit*lors a ru$eq d manag.s ot I gorernrnsnt-owned or contoned cryporstidB. stato uniEsities ot educatisEl instihrtions tr | foundalions: (2) MernbeB of Coflgtess and officials ther8of ctassiH as Grade '27' and up under the I Componsation and Positbn Cfas-*ncatlon Act of 198q e) Memb6 ot the iudiciary without I projudice to the prov'rsion of the Constihrt'ton; (4) Chahen ard members ot Corstittttional : Commission, without preiudica to rhe povisiorB of the Conslihjt'lon; ard (5) All oiher national and I k cal officials classmed as Grade '2' and higher under the Compensation and Positbn Classitication I


naturB of an action br forfeituto yr8 firsl tBcognized h Republic v. Sandganbayan, thus is sdtld that torGitwe procoedfin$9 fl aclions h ,em and, lherefae, dYil in neturo.' rule i 'The ttren, enrOa, Sr. v. Pe'Z, Sollo$d, holdhg fhat l'lo p.o@edngs under R-A- 1'lo. 1379 do not i I terminate in the imposition of a penatty bln nrtdy h tho forisitrne ot the propertiB in fa\ror o, th ! $af. I noted that lhe ploce(ir otruined in lhe hw ladIE to ,othitutB is that pro\rk ed fot in a

i Th6 civii

I-"'--'-'' L-------


! I t I I I


Otq et at vs. Sandfgenbyan, d.


(G.R f,o.


Sepi.n bei la,


------'i I

The attacks against the constitutionality of RA 1379 becaus6 it is vague, viohs the presumption of ! innocence and th6 rigld against sdf-insininatirn, and bGachos the autho.ity and plrogative of the !

Supreme Court ,lghts, ars


to promulgats rules concerning tle proteclbn and er orcement of constitdbnal

The law is not vaguo 6 it defins with sumcierlt padodarity rn{awfrily acqrird p.opedy cf a puuic officer or empb)ree as lhat 'whidr b rmnibsily our o{ proporfion to his salary as $dr publb officer or emplo),86 and to hb ottler hwful irconE ard lhe ilcorE fom bgitimately Eoeety-' lt also pro\rire a dsfinition of wH is lgitfunaddy acqrid property. gased on lhess prarrEters, ftte public is givn fair notlco of what acls s p.Gcribd- Tho hvu, thdetdq do6 rEt ofiond th6 basic corrpt of ,ainss and ths dr procs of lhe Oo.B&nirn-


t !


Nc*ther b th6 prsrrmBixr ot hnocrEe darBe vbhd by S*. 2 ot RA 1379 u,tdcfi stats f}at i property acqrird by a plrblE fficor dndoyB dring hb incrmbmcy in an arrEont whbh 'ts manifestly olrt of propo.tion to his sahy as sucfi prlbfic otrcer of .nploy and to hb othd hwful income and the incorne trom bgitnEiey acquid poperty shall be presumed p3trla facb to hav been unlawfully acquircd. As elaborated by Fr. Joaquin Be,rEs, under ths p.irciplo of prsumption I of innocenc, ir is meraly rcquired ot lh.State io establish a prima tucie cas6, after which the I buden of orool shifts to the accused-


I fletilt of Grogor$ L&ar6 u= Sarr@ra r6rf/a4 t al

I I I The lnstant ol action tor lor lhe Estate/Heirs reconvyanoa, Eonvyanoa, rst dbn, dir.r, a and accou*ing impleads lttn I ! erauio Licaros tor previous acts committed by ttle dece<tent dui-ng his liHkn6, nrore partbularly I : tor consoirino with the main delendants io orciudce the Reoublb- An action io rmvf, ilFootten _J
------r--r----- ------


Revie\rer on

[.w onrublic Offfclrs



Atr., Atenco Lt, School

J-wElttr-t outsoe-tne pnlevr of tre orfirnry ruE--.-pescripUq as-co-nrrlneO ! Civil -"- Codo. ---- Sclion 15 o, AIliro X d Olo 1AS7 Conslitxirn itares:






$e-f I

Sato b rE\,cr Fopdli6 unlantu[y aoqrrd.iy nrUrc ofr]al1 or | *1* I -the thc, nornirE o. empbyes, fiorn ttlem a torn lransterB, shal ]tof bo borred by e.scriplion, i i



laches or



I Th6 intendme.n ot rhe dgoirg drslirtb.lC provHim - exompling slb.}s io recover ill-.gotten I I wealth lrom the operatirn of tle gE sd ru|es of Prescriplirr - prsurmbly li:s ln the spechl I I I atlendant siteDdant circurnstaDces circurEtances ard fhs lha primordal uimordal stde stale i htered iDvohrEd ir h cases o, ot $Jch srrch natusnatl,sered imrohrd

t6. Liablity o, accolrttaDL b


frte posesdm / clgbdy ol gorstflrnent $ert!!d and 6. fia saH(6opir trereof

Bond lqdrmort

1. 2.

OfrcsB uitloce

limds / p.oprty

conftfiity ri'ih

&fi6 pailrif , rqia sH be @l,rltabfr


Accorrtaue otftor shafi be poperly borded ln accadanca witi hw.

The head ol g)y agEncy
for all govsn ndn funds



Pimary and s@odary rBporBeiity

a gNrnrlg b prhaily atd irrrrecfab rtsponsible / Foperty perta'nirg b l*s agE tcy.


Persors enunsfed with lhe pcse6sbn d custody ot tlle fl.ids d Property under lhe agsncl hd siaf bo ondrily fabb 0ffnedatery rcsponsiblo to tho head d fie agE rcy), wilho.n preirdce to the liabny d eltle pafiy to the


Gnral nabfiiy

1. EQeidrhr6

lb rrlhrltd eenerE of gffiilrEtr tnG h vi:Iation of *aw 6 rguHoars slE[ bo a pcsom, hD*ty of $e dcid c erpbyeo <fccrfy rcsponsfif thedu.

f,h$rd lamyd 6una.Db&ceB 1. Evory ffiormwffifugpygrrrsrtd Fop6rtysha! Da bbbior ils monry valrq bcaeo, &.negE, dsBbddt odrEd b'/ tto ,!egtiggt6, in keoping
or uting $o gpr,rr,rer* p.Dpcrty-

2. e.

Every otrs oounBb fu gowrnnent t.r|6 shat fro.n t,le lrlhrfi, epocft, usq d applcafbn fie.oL


b6 lbl6 for loeses

Uabi[ty tor acls dorE by drccfbn of s.rpcri.x o,trcer No mumabb ofncer shal bo di]rEd fisn liattifity by tGo.t of

hb having

acted undr rhe diBcrbn ol a soprior crficc, in payfl0 ont, applying, or disposirE ol the tun<ls c propcty t wtr* ha b clEgEbls, ur{ess, prior to ac,ing, tlE e@u.]irabb omcer rEtfied fie $perior of the UegElily,


The ofncer dlrctirg illGgal payrrsn 6 dsCcilbn The accountable cfioer wtto fak io servo .rdica b

b pfirsily lbbi6ld the loss. sendaiv lhbb.

Revie\der oD

w oD Puuic Olfi(tr3

Alb.rto c.

&r., AErlo



l. eto,t v- Gangon

@3 *RA@3




Cornrioi* on Audit bud petifbEr, then preddent of NHMFC, llrble for th amour covoring ttte paymenl of th loan p.oceods br lho h acquitd by AtiAKO, wfti:lr was dsalowd on audil

i ,s"n

eaitioner is not persona[y fiable for te slrbject a]nout h lho abeenca of any ftding that ho has I i knouingt parti:ipaied in th allegsd lrautubm fatlsaclions. Ttl s b no e\ridonao to shol thai I I petitionr had knor ldg@ d ths fauddflt schetno perpetrated by sdne NHFMC employes- ln I I fact, he immedhtely filed a complaint with the Ombudsntan against tho subotdinate employeB who I I ! appeared to bs responsible. I I I is he public rnean that dos nd necessarily is the head of an agency mere taa that a ofiicer Trere ! I

! I I

A person who signs doormonts in tho d transit throtEh stan&td operating p.ocdws does not autoflistically becoan a cocspir.ilor in a crifiE wltich transpbed al a stag6 whre lle had no partbipstion. Kmuddge o, rho corlspi'ey ard *fing ard knowittg pdtbDatirn must bo provcn by
oositfue evidence.



! UnOe, S*tion 1O3 of Presile.rtial Decre 1.f45, an cffr:ial or employee $all be pasonally liable tor ! unauthorized exp6ndhlles of th bllouilg .eqrisits at6 pEsstt (1) expndibre / use of ! govemment turds / p.opertf (a experdihtes in vinlatirn o, brv o egphir4 F) otrckrl is found i dircclty responsible lhrefor.



C-dmiml faHEty

ThB mere lact that an ofncer'rs hcting in an official capacity will
relie\re him from

criminal liautily.

b. tublb

officeB nryDt be held crilnhely fabb la E re !o pe.Iofln a &ty commanded by latfl when, tur causs bolpnd tt6, conEol pedonnance is impGdH. tlowsrrs, the abence of ecnryt htcat b nd a d6rl3a to an action aSaiNf an fficar fo. miro.rdud, a for uu lful failte d rfi.Bal to p.fio.m a rnandalry rninistsial tuty.
The mers dpitstirn of his ierm of ffice wil d pr\r.rt the prcantiot and punistrmorf of th6 pub$c ffic. fa misde.rEano3 cornmatt6d in ofnc, nol dos reelction adinguish the criminal liatifty inctned by him dring his pre\rioB term of offce. (Condrcto v. Monzon, 291 SCBA 619 (f998); lngEo y. Sarche4 21 SCBA 1292 (1964; Luciano v. The Provincial Gorernd, 28 SCBA 517 (1969)


G-Ians pcculir to certah public officers He\rbed Pnal Cod6


2. 3. 4. 5.
ncvi.wer on

'1. Mafoasane

ard risE6ancs Fra.ds and iflegal exactions and transacitims

Malwrsdkrn lnfidelity ol public omcers Other ofinses a.d i?egularities, including dsobdienc, rfusal o, asslstance, rnaltreatmnt of prisoners, arnicipation, prclongEtion ard abndoiment of

ol( hrblic Otficc.s C. Aar., Atnco Lrlr Sdloo,


drnies and pourrs



public office, usupation

ot powers, and


Th6 budget ofHs only parti.ipatiro h tho allgpd consfraracy was to obligato and allot funds. i i Just becaus a psson in a ctBin of peescnng fficets lEppcns lo sign a voucher do6 not i I I necessarily mean that he b@rnes a pdt d a corEFiacy h an tlgal cri[B-

Antiraft and Compt Practi:es Act '1. Secibn 3 dedds rr awful crtain acls consilituring corrupt practi:ss of any
public olficer


Section 6 prohibiB rrE r$ers of CorAmss to acquire peorniary [rterest in any

business enterpaise benefited by hw autlorcd by him.

I E/sg.m. in 1973 was acwicd by lll3 goyernrner at PS0lsclrIL h 1978 rnrougft negofiated I purchaso. I ! natUmers shonld not be co.rvittd h conneclbn witrt o,Aridng the bnds pudased by the ! O"',r*nn-tt The court wonld be sdtng a bd it a n"a ffoe. dhgued Oy alt too i corwmn p.ouefiu ir suddenv s pf iilo co(B!.ey coflrecfidrs sfnpry becaBe he dd rlot ertmnly ialline- *? 1tgb lri"f irxrdrEd h.a-t ansactb.l b*.r ffinrg Hs signature as finel i appio\ring vvr ru 6{ru arrthdilylrr ry. ilee l't r, ulrrErrrr, dgntre r.r q{rsvia E p c appvd b aErrtElqn iE ffiddt r0 to p.ove cocspiacy. . Actsl injLry (frr I appr o\rtpricing of the bnd goEn borght by tb rE rD rn.Bi be ElablsfiGdar rr".f,'or omce ir"irj i i rely, to a reasorNaue erder on good ttei srboftBlatos ard on $o faiut of rhoso who prp6r Uds, a , I I purcfiase supplies, or eflter irto negotiatbns. I I I Grifio-Aquino, dissenting:


I ftwe S consplacy of silen n-t*t eo*.h.nt !


and imction vrhere chie6 ot offi@ should ha\re been vbihr,6 to I





Code ol Conduci and Elhi:al S:tarxrards

Rcviewr on


whtrt d

not he holds o{fice or ernolo^rment in a

w on Pubf,c Oficers C Agr., Atenco t w Sdlool


casual, temporary, hoEover, pennanet or regular capacity, committing any vbhtion ot this Act shall bc punished with a fine mt o(coeding the equivalent ot six @ months' salary ot suspnsbn not exceeding ono (1) year, (r rcrno\ral depettding m the g['avity of tho dbnse after due noticr and haring by the appiop.i:tia body d agpncy. f the violatiofl is puoistrable by a tEvkx penatty under another hw, he sha[ ba ptcec1risd undea U|e bltet statuta. \fiolafiotls d Sciix]s 7, I or 9 ol this Act shall b punistEbl wili imp,iso.mern ,!ot exceding fivo F) years, or a fine nd o(oocdttg flE thousand pesos (P5,00q, a bo$, an4 h $e discretion of th corxi of competont iurisdit'lon,

disqualiMion to hob public ofEce.

prowr in a pto9e' administrative Proceeding shall be sufficient cause for removal or dbmissal of a public offic'1al q employee, 6ven if no ctiminal prosecution ie instittnsd against him.
(b) Any violation hereof

(c) Private indivk uals wtto partf:ipate in corEpiracy as oG'principals, accomplioes or accessorieq with publh offciab or ernpb!,Gs, in vioHbn of f hB Act, shall be sublld to rha petEl lhbilities as the public otficiab or empby6 ard srEll be tied iointy i,ith thern.
(O Th6 offEial or emplcye concerned may bring an action ag6insi any p.son who obfiairB d uses a report tu any purpos prohflt'ld by Secrbn (D) ot this Act. The Cdrt tn which srch aclion i8

h afiy amorrnt not to exceed iwnty-five thousand psos (F25,000. lf andtrer sanc{ion hercunder or under arry othd law is havier, th latter shall apply." (Bepublic Ac.t No. 6f 3, Sectim 11)
brought may ase&s agairEt $rcfi prson a penatty


Forfeiture of Unexplaind Wahh Act

date ol lhb Act, transfr or convy arry 'Any public oficer or mplcye who shaI, after the unlawfully acquired property $an bs ,epressed with imprisoritrE lt for a term not e)(ceeding five yearq or a fin not qceding ten thollsard p6c, or both sufi impafsontnefit and fne. Th same reEessbn shall be impGod upon any person who shal knowirigLly acce$ such talEler d conveyarEe." (Feputtlic Act No. 137s, Seclion 12)

1. The Act provldes ior tt|,e

prccedno !o dede6 ffiited any poperty lolnd to haw bon mhflfrrlly acqird by a Blblb oficr.

It punlshs wilh imprisnmern tor a tetm not 8cedm 5 yeds d a frte not exceodqg Flo,om oa bofi sucfi impiorunent a fitE, any pubic o,frcr d employee udlo stlall transfe. d conve), ary unhwfiliy acquircd fperty.


Civil Servico Decree

'Whoever makes any appolrttrEnt or mploys any ptson in viohion of any proviriion of this Decre or th6 rules rBde thereunder or rutioe\rr commits fraud, deceii or lntcntbnal migrEpjesntalbn of material facts coflcsoirE oolr civil seavic8 fllattrs, or whoelrer ybbis, rcfirsss d ]tegbc,tts io comply with any oI such porrb,one a ru1e3, shall upo.r convixbn be punishd by a fine not exceeding.on thousand pso6 a by impisonmsfli not xcadng six (6) mornhs, or both such fine and imprisonmnt in the discr{im of fie cout" (Prcsird*bl Ddoe No. d)7, Sectbn 55)




t{ onArblic 48r., AtcrEo t wsd|ool


Go\rernmeflt Audfing Code

8!), iO6, and 108 d lnb Code or any regulaton issued uy ure commtslon impternernirB theso seclit ts, shdl bo Prhithed b, a fine Ilol o(ceding on tho;sand psc 6 by fnp.ironrnettf not excsffE ltix (q lnofifts, s bolh sljch fino and imprisonmert i; $o dsctdion ot lhe cor,]t' (PtesidetnH Dectee No. 1445' Sedbn ,28)



Section 67 (waarants artd checks receirrables fur ta,\es or other indebtedness or

lhe govemrnenD

3. 4. 5.

S*tion 89 (limitatbn on cash admnces) Section 'l 06 0hHny 6r *ts done by dtEctior of $prior offict) Sction 108 (prohibiairn agains pacmiry ffissi

Local Governmeart Co(b

.Any loca, ofthl and any person a p*sons dealirg with him who viotab rha p.ohiHfons provided in Sectotr 89 of Book I heteof, shal be punbhed wfd,| imp.isorrtrt rot six ,rbntl|S atd one day to six years, or a fin of mt lss tlan Ttus thorsand pds (Ps,mo.Cp) na rnor than Ten thousand pesos (ptO,OOo.OO), or both sridt impdsonnE lt ard fno at the dbcttiion c,f th colrt-' (Republic Act No. 7160, Sclion 514)


Natkxlal lnternal Re\renip Cod6

ryiohtiorts corflnitbd ty gorrnrrErt erfdcsmer officrs - E rcry ffichl, agptlt oa etnplq/a the Brnoau ot lnt, nal B\r6t o 6 arry oUEr agurcy of rho gffintneflt chagpd wfth fhe eflfo.csmor of th6 paoubfrals oI tls Code, who b gulty d any of the c,fferE6 hercin bdow speciH, shall upon oonvirion fa eacfi acl o. o.nEsixr, b. ftd h a slm d not less lhen ffus thoGand ps b.n dmqcrh ffty ttnEatd psc 6 inprb d br a tsrn of noa bss then one
yer but not rrE itrdl too yeds,
1. Those gufity

thrulgh rho tBe


ff wtlftl opPlEtun

hb ofncq

2. Ttloss who loowingly dcrrEnd ottler

fe6, compensatlon

or reward, expept as by law prsctibed, for the perbrrance of arry duty;

grater srrrB lhan


hr d

reohre any

3. Thc who wiltfully rEglect to 9irr6 receiptq as by hw rcqid]4 lc any sums collected in the perfomEnce of duty or who wiltftrty neglec{ to perto m arry other dt.lti)s enidned by hw;
4. Thos6 who corlsptr or coltdo with andrcr or othss io dstraud the rwruos or othrwis violato ths provbims of th'rs Code; 5. Tho6e who by n91ct or

detgn pflrit the vblatirr o, th bx, by any ottler person;



who made

dgn arry iatsa erfiy


any b@ks, or make

sign arry false

Bniew.r on lrw o!


o,ffeB c. AAr., ALro trw Sdlool

7. Ttss who albw, or consple or collude wlth arpther to allofl lhe unauthorized ,eirieval,

withdawal or recall of retum, statemeflt or declaration aner ltle same has been otficially received by tho Butau of lntetnal Rarenue;
8. Ttrcoe who, having knovvledgs or iniorrratim of a

virbtkn of lhb Code s ot any fraud committed on th6 rwenues colleclibls by tho Br,Eu ot lntetnd Rentt, fail io report such knowbdg ot informdion to their supedd orficer or to repod as otherwiso ,quitd by law; and

9. Those who, without th3 authdity of law' demand or or atternPl to collect, directly o, indirectly, as payment or othetwis atry sum ol ,rDn,y or olrEr lhing ot vahle tor the compromiso, a justment or settement of any charge or comphirt fd any vidation or alleged violation of this i,lo. 1l58rs6etioB26q

d re\r6nue hw nfutcr3 in brciness. - Any intertEl levenu officer who is of beofiE intdcd diclty or indiectty, h ttE manuiacir8, sale, or impoitdbn of any artij $.6irct to tax under Title lV (now VD ol thb Code ot h ltl6 ,rEnufactrB ot rPak or sab d any dis for the pintng, c mkhg of stamp, or labels sha;, upon convirion br each act or omission, bo fined in a sum of ,ld bss lhan fi\re thousand pesos brn not rnor than ten thotrsand pesos, o(
'Unlawful idercst
imprisond ,or a r6fm of not lss than tm yars ard one day but not more than four years, or both. (Presidential Decree No. 1'158, Scfioo 270)

'Unlawtul dlvulgnce of tade secrts. - &cept as provired in Seclion 74 (now 64) of this Cod and Sec'tbn 26 ot RefruUic Act Numberd 6388, any office. a ernployeo of the Bt.reau of lnternal B6\ron is who divulges to any person d ,nakes known in atry olh. ,rBnner than may b6 ptovided by law inbnnation rsgardhg the blxrilrss, i'rrne, oa offi o, any largqyer, lhe secret9, op*atitn, stylo d wulq s apparatus of arry manuhc-turs o. plodrot, ir confi<htttial iltfdmation tegardng the business ot any taxpayer, kndledgp of s,ti$ was qJid b, him h the <Sschargo of his official dl,tk s, sha[ upon cowi:lion 6r cfi act a ornbsbr] be frl6d in a $nn ot not less fran fi\ ttlollsand pes(B hn not rse lian ten lhousard pesos, or ifiprbncd frr e term o, not less than ltix nrofillls bui not rnss than fv6 ye s 6 bolft. (Pveklentd Oae l,lo. 1158, S*tbn mg)

offc* or mpbyee of th6 go\remment 'Vrolation of wtthholding tax provi!$m. Bepublic of the Philippines or any of its agericies and irEfurnefltalitiE, iis po[tical subdivisions, as well as go\rernrner -owned or cortrolled coporation includng the Central Bank who, under th prcvisions of tiis Cod6 or reguhbns promulgated theornda, b chargd with the duty to dduct ard withhold any idernal rwenus ta)( ad to remit lhs samo in accodanca with the pro&ions of tfs Codo and other laus is guilty of any offense hereinbel specified shall upcn coruicton lor each act or omissbn, be find in a $m ot rrct less than fi\rs thol.lsard pso but not mors than ffiy thousand pesoc oa imp.isoned for a tejrn of not less lian dx mo. B ard ono dey but not mo than
two yeaE, or bothr
1. Those who fail or cause the failure lo dedr.Et arld withhotd any interml njvenue tax under arry of the wihholding tax hws and implemenling;

Rai.'*cron t e oh Publh Offcrr
Albcrb c. Agr., At nco

w School

2- Those wlto fat o, &usa fle tailre lo rernit taxes deducted and withheld within lhe time p.escribed by bur, and irpbtneofing ,$fatbtE and
Thosa urho fail or carBe lhs le r b fib tettn or stdemet[ wiffi the li]ns pescribed, or render or fumisfi a lalse d, traudlent rtr n d. slatGrrEnt rcqu ed under fhe wilhholdirB tax hws and reguh'bns.' FeBk ential DecrE ilo' 1158, Sectonzn)



Onnibus Eleclion Code


Eleclion ofitEes cotnrflted by public ofncets

de prnbhable under the Code-

! gstrada vs. Sanolpn Mfl\ eL * 977 *RA *B @lt I I r|o *r,ng lhe lacr thd nr6"plrnder ol an enlie nalixr rsdling h rEtriat oamaSe to ue ! i " ocomm}| b na& rry d a ootdox ard rEr'b6 tgrEt of critrB- ln the crim of a naional ! prrpe. ln lhe case d bar, te ! drnOer, thersb.e, ditretttt pdtica mry be rtibd by a a comrrEoany ac{s llavo - to helP lhe fotrner Ptsident I rhe, differBtti ctir*ld acorseO atd bmerent i (a} lo (O in tha Atnrded I il{oilan waffL SrFparagrePtu i amass, accumulala or acqrl co.Ep"acyThe gravarren of I patia1elr h rhe of eac @rsed Afdrznt attegpd 1;re lnto"mition i Jhrg., urercioq b noi rha eacrr ansod eleerl ro tuirc ptoreatrDn money tom I i tt ta* nsr eactr aoarseo I ,erip-prl"luo . portim o nre tobm i " "on"pira"y rec,ejrre conrnbsions trom t and srrc d Bdb cotporarion sss !




x*e iE;ig;b[,il'thai-,;; . ;".rt* ;"g;l ,h;'i#i'; *i.-*[ orut"o tti*=ettum corlrnhdorrx tft=; kbkb".k"; ratre, it r I I #;;;;ilt;h by thei indiviruat acts' agd b pa@e, dtcdy or indircctly, in the I ectr of them, ttrat ! LsbzrJa- i atd aagubiuoo d iIAotten rvelfr ol ailq tut ts W aGrrnulatbfl amasslng, I






&cbafbn h Rt 1{o. TEO9 Ud pfrde b e lr5not.B ffi.Ee irrpI6 that it is a " "O"ntt h se. Fa ulst $a * Flt*thdl se i*Eflt, irmral c inhersdy urongL utcy dB tnda i rnhrm it does not ,nattd lhat suctr acis aa p.n*shod h a sPodal teq spcbfy sirce h lrlB caso ard i in s6 I of pxme the p.dicai. crims rs rffiy mda in s6. Itd6a4 It uolff bo abqnd to tteat I proeecdbm tur ptuixler as tlE rgh ti6y {r flss p.@cutinB lbr eb*d,ofis o,1fi6 Bouncitu Check ,a a ot an olIIrE r qf*r*iat'ran&p, wiElod igad to rh inhsqrt u,tot'lgrEs of I l*-9I. (trc the dur:r, acts- "tn. I i

! *, *n has been racked by scardab of conuptitn atd obcstr pofgacy * officiats in h'rSh ! y.y l become I graft and odruFlon has Decqne cdruBbn nas of gran rhe amtomy anatomy or shaken ils its yay foundalixl. fi'ali(xl. The whicn have shakefi ! flaces daces which i more 1 rrore ard popl conEivs ttntlesst mor6 elaborats in lho coIddOB of fittE a wuctlrptibtB ingenious rnralt to bilk ii sfie{s oi th? gorEmrnefiL Drastic atd radcal masrEs ate imperative to I fight the increasingly sophisticated, exlrasrllnaily tn*hodtcal and econor*:atly Gffiophb boting I (rf the national tas ry. grdl b ttE Plunder l- , especielly (h*gned to dlsofltangl thoee ghasdy I tissues of gran+scab co.ruFbn, whi*r, i! lefr uncn&feo,-win spr"aO tite a nafignant rutnor' and ! t^d i^.|-dl ia.l a is icdeed' Punder Lalfl, ultimatery consume tt rnoral and iBstitttidral fiber of out rlatbrL The ttL.6.rd ihG-#G tttl'Jrrg.;; tesiarnent to the will or the legis&atr to uttimately living | - '---'- ! "*O-r" agaiost the avarice ard oths veflalitieE in pubfic otrEa I
fl.viewcr on t w on'tuhf,c Offfc.B Alberto C Asr., AtEr.o t s S.rtool

Oe a slrowing that the evirerEe d guilt against a prson cfiargod with a capitat oflense is not strong io. Uro court to grant him bat, Itrrs, upofl an apdi:aflon br bail by th6 prson cfiaQEd I with a capitd ofhnse, a hding lhron ,rust be condrrled, whre ths p,ccution must b6 I accorded an opportunity io discharge its buden ot porring ttEt th arirenca ot guilt agEinst an ! accused is storB- Thc prcecdim shall be accorded the opporhrnity to present atl the er\ridence it I may deem n@ssary tor this greose. When it is satisfactodly demdsfated that the evidence of I guilt is sforE, it is the court's duty to deny lhe appli:ation for bail llowver, when the evidence of : guilt is not strong, bail becomes a matler of right

! fnere muS

Pan 8. Tonrttadon o, Orn

ld ReHdl'



a. b. c. d.

Modr. of terninifion ot officad rcrairons Expiatbn of tsm d tenus of office Bmhing ths ag6 limit (rstirEnt)
Ddth or penmnfit disability


Acceptance of an incompqtible office f. Abardonment of office s. Prescriptbn of righl to office h. Renroval i. lmpeachrnent i. Abolition of offic6 k. Convinbn of a dimG t. Hcell

B. l,latrral calse.



ocelsdoll ol o, ofila. Upon eryfafion d tho fficeds trIIL his rigrn+ dutes ard authaity must ipeo ,acto


b. 2

Tm" ordinarily mans a fi(ed ard dfinib time p.escrbed by hrt, or Consthnion by wibh an officer may hold an offrce. lt does not apply to appolnti\re offics held
at the pleasure of the appointing power.

a. To 'remw" an oficer 'ts to oust him trom ofEce beiors the expiration of his term. b. Wh.I fie t6m b not fi,(ed by hlr, and the indr.r$ont is rI\r6d by th appointing
arthority, fhe hgal ftct is the same as if the term had ben fixd by CongrBss itslf. Thsa is no rermrral.

BGmoval and explradoo ot term



When an appoirtment is lor a delinite and leni able periJd, non-renorral thereof does not involve dismissal by an exdration ot term.

R.viewer on Law on9ublic Alberto C Agr., AtsEo t w S6ool


Term and tenure distingubhed

. . .

'Ierm Th6 tirna cllling wh'lch ttle ollicet may chirn to hoH tha offEe as of 4)ht Fxed and definite petiod ot tine to hold office lt is not atrected by holdingF.o\ret d tte incumberf after er$iralbn of the term br
wh'rch he was aDooinled

. .

BepresenE tho period during which iho

irlcunbert ac{ually holds otrtce lhan tho tetm h may be



Y. At,g.efs


P',,il- 16


I Nueno chlms 4lm b otrce Iot benB unabb to serve ,or lhe fun te.In dre to the Japanesa I occuoai:n. t ! Nueno is not eniiud to hold over nohrnMrdng rne erQiretbn o, hb term- The tefm of otfico is






ern"n oy

rcaxn orwat

! ttre taw provides that the Vtce.lralror shal hold orEca at ltle yB Mrya. l.-atet, lhe M designaled JA as i appcrnted as

----------_l lfr;iEL;if.BEEle-FEA-r-.----I pleane d

-_ rhe PtesidenL VA was

il i nre nesiOern coutd legalv rcphce VA sr lEut carsa. fho teturs o, Ul appoime is depsndent I
tl L------rrrrrrrrrrJ


Vlc&'Mayor in Place of


i i

i upon the plera ot the President lhus, ffie tpfacerntrt of VA b not rmovEl hjt an exdration ot I i t L tenmi Wfran b ifirchred lse b rrre crethn & m oftserxt tE brrrB of s|ich ffiGo, t rhich has I t i ;;;"d" ;rq**t o.p-ro.rt ,+or, tr. plere olfir he*tenr.

i I The termination of Cadefite's servi-s is ,rot rellnral or disnissaL His poctition b confidential -,....-l in i i

tt"t lfo p."lt""'*-pi"t

*y oonfi<bnrial lr


nature- The tenure of otficktb holdtu

Uecause their te,m involves no

i i



p.inEiv cilfidettthl pcitidE efds upotl loss of conffience i cf office lasts only as lgtg as co{fide.E in ltem endrs- Such cessation t


icIfi t'r-"ffi Et-ri-sEn--tEnctzi

Cristobel, a private secretay in fhe Otfice

the PrBsirent,



Reviewd on Lrw on Pirbfc O6c.fs Alberto C Age, AtErGo 1.., Sdrool

----------+ was no eviOen-ce to-lnoca66a EEoUa-tt pc-nion-*aic"nf,Oentiat in natrre ano rtrus I pleasuro pou,er. to ot fh6 appcinting ln tact, lhe comperLsalbn attached and ! ! subjtpf rwnoval by lh6 oesid'rtonil;dirb 6rurr-*se*r frb p,:lav br a reast ,*inry hb








Commencsrpnt ot femls ol o{fc. a. ThB dale for comrnn@flpfit of the term b ordinarily tb(ed ,or sorne apprecbble
period after the electiori o. appoinnnnt.


Where no time is fxed, ih6 term will genrally bgin on the dat of election or



Whers the term runs

'from' a crtain.dde, the date of the date b e)(cfuded in the


Forer ol Gongr3sr b ft, slloftq or Lngilhon tGrm a yvhere term fxed by ttle Co(rglthJIton


lqrfl d a civil offc, it is byqrd tlr powsr of CorQress to afrct tlo te,x.[o oI scft offico. Cong.Bss ernot abridgp or extend the tiIIre so pro\rirod t6- Ths term of offico can be shctened or
Whn lho Corlstitltion fixd frlo

lengthened pmspecfrrely by tha vota of the pGople ratrrying a corBtiMional



Where term not fixod by tho

@nstitiion .1, Congress may fr( lhe temrs and limit the duratr'on of tio te.m of offic in arry way it deerns fn ofle than fhco Foyided tor in ltle Constitulion f lh terms are povided by hw, tho bghnirp and e)(Piratbn of trIIB of offcss cannot b6 left to lh discietbn df lhs p6.son holdiE the ffic, or of Ul body having the
appoirning pourer.

2, 3.

pr.lblb ornce lt\rhoo Congra3s crEt6 stEi omc6 in rhs puHb hterg.

it has rho por ,

,nod y iha



@ngBs, h tho oxrdse ol its hidgciry aulttqity,

tdm ol lbed by lgkrHivo to m6af payroll Eguisments.



has no p(,fisr to sho.ton a by rdrrling io appropftte turds ]recGssry


ors ett*.rDHon of tarn a- 'llol+o\,r' mearB liat th cffic.'s tsrn holding his dfca until hb successor b

has oetd hn h6 shodd conthue appointed or cfiosen and quatfied.

(Mendoza v. Ouiermbing, 186 SCRA 110 (1990); Topacio NrEno v. Angples, 76 Phil, 12 (1e460 Whe| holding o\rer prorrlred by hw When officers are d*ted or appointed for a fred ie.m, the omce do not



bocome vacant upon expiration of the term but the p.sont irurmbot wilt hoH offce until his succsssor b elecld and qudin6d b assum iL



Whtre holdirE otrr.|.t providod by hw

Unless such holding ovq ba xgssly d impliedly prchibited, the incumbent may contin$ to hold unlil someone ebe b elcted and qualiried

to assumo ofiico..
lrw 04 Prblic O,ficcr5 Albe^o C Asr., At ..o L.w Scn ol
Rcviewe. on

Where Co.lst ulbn linits term

Wheta Uro Con$ndbn ilselt limits lhe lerm d a poblb offcr without pro\ridng $d he can co.rtilrlo h ofnce ans tha qpiratlon d his official ttm untl hb succossd b duly qualifie4 holdng over b ,rd permiftod.

Appli.:atbn ot


hdGors prorrbbn

Tho prwt$on

holdlngiorcr apples only wher" a fuod fe.m 'rs annexed to an ofncs. lt is not apdbat e whse ttle term is of an indefinite duraion, (o.9., duing good b*ravir c at the pledrB of lho appohting poweo.


Purpose of holcFover provbion

a. 6.

The main purpose o, the holdover prni:ion b to pavent hiatus in the governrneafi pGnding tlls liIIE wheo a $r@ssor may bo ctloserl.

a- A publb oficer wtlo holds ora b


Status of

hol+orE ofrcer

org; othswis,

h6 b a do facio o{6oe..

a da oficer it hrv adhaizes hb



i i

T*drytrtf try .co.meneO into Octjdental lrindoro, -tldge RarE,^r. r{qo- I 1* Cgm ol I First lnstanc of the diqnd pry'vir d ldindoro, wtr@ sah b locabd h Orirrital Min&ro, i*sued
oder affecting a hnd in Occirental




t! The



I iudge acted withh ths scops d ttr irt$iii)n- to the abEence ol any Furision to fh6 cofitrary, I I the judge of Cotrt d Fist iEta'r (flld & Registe. of Dsds) d lhe Priritce d Mindoio continued I I ! mer its Oivisirn to be tlo i4E bdr of Ocnlrental and orientd Min<bo. I I




acccDfrhlst ol s lDccific act ild lhe ofioefir arBlo ily ceasa3 wilh the accornplbhmert of fn pr,pce wtich ca[6d f hb behe (ag; ome lhe Bocd of &rrBss tully perbrms its ilfy. wih tle pochrdoo of lhe can Lhq tp bocd b deemed for fh.
Th6 cf6co tendnsbs



Byrr.ctSg dag. hral

Wh6o a publb ffic* racfic fhe agB rstiremenl of lhe puHic o ncer.
Under lhe Consthnbn:

lmf, if rEorts h corpdsory

and autornatic



Membets d ltlo Supreme Court ard irdges of hre, coufs hold office during good b*talrbr or unlfl lhry rEtr 70 yea:) or becofiE incapocitatod to dischargs lhe dnies o, $6 cfnce


fuUlc oficers atd eflpbyees ae dsefild cffrpdsody rcitd wheo they lach
65 years of aga

By doa0i or

perflElErt dsaD.ty

Reviewer on


on Put*c





A6r., Atenc;



A public orficbl ceass to hold ofrbo upon hb death ard all his right3 and duties
and obligations are extingu'lshed.


Fenftannt disatitdry co\reF boltt physical and

deterrftstioat of the fact



nc6saty to make any determinalion

,nqfal dat)ility' A


Acfs or nsglgct ol o,tficer f. By r{tignation a. A irUf offce, has the tight to resign One who gains an elec{ive or appointive offi@ is not legally committed to finish tho te.rn


Th riqht to redgn, howe\rq;-b not unqualified. An ofic-e..cann9t e9 ]e!.d-.ql]f the Public Poliry requires that tmnnet This is requited so ,nds ,osticted in a ,Ill.rch th right shall be dclad
rhat puuic interests will suffer no !($1jto tre hws.


for the want ot PtDtrc servants to


Reaignatim stloold not bs LEd as an escapo

administsattve liaulity. Ono who has not bn



!ry way out to


appdrned to a pub[c dfce cannot rosign, or it deted or appdnted cannd rcsign until the time ha anired when he is ertitld by law to pos.sss tha sam.

ebcH d


Mcarf{tg ot rsigneton "Recrignabn- is t ro tunml renunciatbn or rclinquishment d a poblic office' lt inplies an e)(p.ssion by ule imrmbant in some form, exgss or implied' of the irlt;dbn to sunerder, renorIrce, ard rdtrquish hb ,igftt to th8 offce and itts



compsteit ard

sCni t ngeti Ortii v. Co.nmis$on

iingrn,SS SCBA361 e00q)



adho.ity. (Ganboa v- Gout of APpeab, 108 El4tbns, 162 SCRA 812 (1988); Bepublic v.

Form ot rrCg[Elbn a Whtr lhe hw rc(trris ,signa$oo

!o bo lneda in any forrll, lhat b.m must


$bstarfiaty co,npM with.


yVhro no $rch brln b prsibed, * pirn"f, mode if rt<;tld but ttE tsslgnaton may bo mad6 by any Edlod indbaffve of ltle prpca- lt need not bo in witiru, unhss so rcquid.


tIuhat corBfftn reslgnation a. An iriention to relinquish a p3n of tha term, b. Accompanied by th act ot relinquishrnorit, a]d An acceptan6 by the proper authority


j iianzabs .- '--.-- w lffiz | !

e *RA


,--..-^l nE i by the resign ollJr! p, .r, rt was (rrr1lar odeted to Finance. llB lle w.l!t d- me the Lrepa]I]IErtI of DepqrtnEnt or rlnanqB Gonzales was attomey-agffi anorny-agiem ()I ! i uonzales I gdity. Civil Servbs who-foury him t lCommissioner .Ii"^Y:" AT ! appo{itment in tlp q$S.-Ihoj g.g:-EE..u3rygE

I !


9i3E-94.!?strsJ, 'rary --------


R.view6 on l..w o. hrbtrc Otficrft Albcrto C Arr., Ab,lo Lw s.hool




clear inbntion oo Go.rzales' part to relirquisn




rtfit lo be rd.Eizted Tfrcq ms m ! his posilion by fling a cofl(trlix|al ,Bigndim. To corBthrb a complde ard oprativo act of i resignation, th6 offcer or emplqree must sfiolf, a cleer inienfron b l[ftpish or srender his i position ard there must be an a@@nce by a dfiptcri ard hruftl arrtrodfy. I
Gonzales has the


OrlA v. C$tmisF,to,, on Elef,,ioos lr@

was the Commissioner

*AA $2


I I Ortiz

@MEI-EC with a terrn


1992. ln 1986, when Aquino became th6 I

i A courtesy

ie{rgnation cannot bo propert inEpreied as


submission to the will of the poni, arttD.ily and rho appdnlirlg poss. Pdidoner, thercfots, t should be deerned to haye cdndbd hb tenlr' Th drtaturst ot hb brm mt bir attributabls to I any volunlary ac't on ttE p6ri o{ pfifins, eqiy and iuslice (bmrd ttEl he stpuld b deemed to tated h hb appoirnrEr appoirnlrEr papet I have completed his lerm albeii rntch alid d tfie date $abd

necessarily a refreclirn of a put

rB*Iatbn in lhe legd stls ,or it sis not b crfcbfs intnlirn to $rEodor l&r pc'lirr BatEr, il rmnifesis

----------@*RAt@WrD OU gsraOa reslon as Plsirefifll

ada % Desinlo


tl I



nerigrn"ti* can bo ord or wkt ! tr irTfd- Affrqrgh Esiada dd not write any I tgmar cti3. prb., edrilanpo.aneoos and postotur facts ana ! circumstantial of ,"o9r"6.r, Ut evirenco shoty Ol.t tE hded Hs st*$ deddes trat he b umble to ! rsigrrd. i powers ot hilr oftrao enot rtegE[e the rccb[eD ot i exerciss th. i


elty ;





To whoor

Gsneraly, rBigrErbn sholrH be isrdgrod io lho 6c*rl de.*Iar6d by statuts. ln th6 abGnce oI statuiory di.arioG a FIb$c office, shou5 terder h'rs rcs'rgnation to th offics or body having atnhority to appdnt hir suocessa or to can an election to ti,l the office. A rignaHon terdered to an inproper person is a nullity.


epdnle can be elsd t4on as io acceptanca or reiEfion orily by lho Pl.s{*reot Oodo.o y. wrnes, lm Phil. 1251 0Jnrep. 19s4
Bsignation o, a prBsidntbl

The Supremo Court cannd accept tle rsigtaDon d a judgE because such acceptance is the p.soga$r ot lh6 PrGilenl bln Bray co.dder an ening ir.tdg6 rri.d with dl and benefits ard gratdties lorleited (Office ot fhe Court Adr 'nisrata v- [.&sang; 186 SCAA il6 (19$))

ncviewer on Li* on Public O,f..r3 Alb.rto c. Ag.a, Atnco L.w Sdlool

Accoptance by fhe Depen nenl Secreiary ot the resonation b deemed to be the act of the Presirent. Orisie, Jr. v. Macaraeg, Jr., 175 SCBA 284 (1989))

Legaqp, v. Eqpe,6




l-egas6i was ,ouri, gEi[y o, the chagEs ol oppressirn dd serixrs miscondrt h dfice and was I suspnded. During his slrsperEion, he fled, a certificals of cardiracy for the posifon of I Conqressman but bst in tho elctbn.

! The pemrn nt ard automatic loss of ofnc by

whsn he filed, he can no bnger sed( reinstaterne.rt to such positim-

arry dec.tiye ofFtcer who runs tor an

offce other than !


Necailty ot

accaplaE d Edgnstoo

AbaffbnrrEnt mlarrlirl bfrrB accBdtcg


Acceptance is necessary, and any pubfE olEcer who, betds accptanc6 of his resignatbn, slEI abardon his oflice to th6 defdrner ot the puuic se^,ica shall
be penalized unde, fne Bevised Penal Code (arresto mayoo_ Hower,f, e\rn if th6 rBsiJnalim is not valil fa abseflce of an acceptanca, a publ'rc official may be deerned to hav relinguished his office du6 to his voluntary abandonment ot hb positbn.



'1. Withod fhe aocgtancs

Resignation re\rocable before acceptance by fhe prope. adhority, th tender or der to rsign is r8vocabb unless c{lparise prwided. The resirnation b rpt corplete Ird ths ofncer rmaiB in ofica


The acts d an ffieer bforB Itre otrdal not'fication of accep mo o, his redgnatim aa de fecno. (Gan$oa v. Court of Applq .lO8 SCfiA-1 (1991))



Gfrctiys at fho plosro o, th6 uenooza renoereo ne ris6natior ryrn ! I as Gorrernor (noie: undea the '1973 constiMbn, a mernber ot tho cat na ,,,rtro s etecGo proulrittr I Gove.nor and who is thereafter appcinbd as mr6er ol the Batasang pambansa, ls mt prohibited i
I to Etain his pGition). I

h*r rsigrEton as Gomrnc o{ parrpange I**1 PrTd*,t tatr, he u,as appointed as Mirfste. d JLdice.

can reassurne the go!ntorshh o, pampanga afr6r having tendered his resignatioo. The i ! i I"*e ! f-*e ! Preddont did rnt acc.r, hic rpei;iri^n t{ic ir 1.^ I rnt-?Tpt hb r,es*gnatbn. xS tenic & resignat oo vyas pteasu, erfediw a tt; -,-^..- of ^. ! ry"{d"rt 9id ^--rn$ i ue PrB{rdent obrybirsly, Obryio.rsly, it was nO no ,nearlt to ue Ue efrcrive efrcfive imndatsM accepilarle accepilan; was stitt still I i tt6 eraooent I i necessarr. rnere was no inpreo accepance ei[rer as *rio.t n don *o tieu in aieyance. i



Fo]m ol acoeptdtca

ncviw.r pt| taw on Public Offf..r! C. A8l.. Ateneo taw School




rray be nEnirested either by a fnnal decbratbn or by the aPpointrnent o, a sLEcessd.

& W'lth&awal


Besbtlalioo msy bo with&ativ be.e accoBanca Thb b tru whther the ;esignadon b rrslorinatad as iflrrldatoly c,ffscfhre or stractive at a t tl,o dat6'

dt dgElbn


a. Whn tlgnatiofi b transnitted withod ttE offceds consent b. When rsignalioar b p.oaned by naud or durcss; c. When r6ignatim E given as an altetnatiYe to ha\re crtatgs filed ageinst-,q"-!ybl9 oil10. Eficct ot dr8 ottrrd a. Whto lhe appmp,h alrhority lras Are bgd ailsily to BmiEte the o'ffcer, atd tle ofEc. b crtdsad wiur mbcondud, the rcs$gtlatbn by such officer is not corr*lmd c lm,ip b6.t gicst undc drE
11. By accep,tarcs of an hconpanibb or p.oh-lbd oalb. a. tl fle orfico accepls atdher offica itl@IlTatbb wth $o f'st' he ipso iacto vacates ths ffi otnco. The nrb holG regtdess $.rtle rn6 scaond ffice in inh'ior to lhe frst ercri whn lide to tlB wd d.8 fails I vrtEre lhe electon ws rok| nor when anottler pc.son lB beett appdnled s elected

Re$datqt ol rdgndon 0nsBtctsl


When ltl6 hw or Constihn'pn Prohibls tho office. other ihan thd shi$ hc holds, ho does not 6rfe* app<rntnent b wid

tom accepfing atlotle' office tis didnal offic6. the second

12 When otncas bcorFsEfl uilh edl o,ts drne ffices; + Thero is cofiffct h rho dtrlte8 and firdiotls gti b d fo ns $pervbory porvs; ottter ard b. Ons b srboftSlablotE


Tho Co.r$iunidr


hw itsef &clats the ircompatblity.

f3. ErcGodontb


$6 ffi dfca btl f*r I acf' Wotl tlo paincipb Wtrse the o,tncc. car rt ve pelflrfi3d to do lrcredtt rhd lD cdld nd (b frcty' a when tlet he wil rlot be the krr rccnrfs aPp.o\d d the provfrcil bosd bsb a mlr*Jpd officer can
rsign; Gr.S- v.



Nri,12 Pm. fl) flg@

b. c. d,

Wht the frsi o{fica the secord:

b held under a difietent gowrnment fiool thd



Wher6 th ofnct b exprssly authotized by law io accofl andher office; and Whre ths second offca is temporary.

14, By abando.Incnf o, orncG

a. A puub ofEco may becorne Yacant

bso Iacio by tDn-uset d .rc(piescanc6' Abandonrner o, an otrEe may bo indcaled by lho dirl ol the incumbent in volunttity $'retderhq it to ano|,te urdet a mistaksn beliet $d the latts has been elsc{od as hb d(rtffrl successor, a even by acqdesdrE h his own rcrno\ral' L45

Re,rievrer on


t w onrut k Ofrc.r3 Aar., At rro Lrw SdEol


A slatute ]Iray declare thal tlte mere ,iling ot a certiliule ot candidacy ,or a second office by lhe hokler o, one cffico operales dt an abandonmeniAbarxbnrnent rnry aho any daim to lhe offioe.


rsIt fiom fn6

intefldonal and completed relinquishment of

15. Meanip ot abandorment a. "Abandonrneflt' rsrers to tho vduntary relinquishrnert of an otfica by the holder of all rigtrt, title, or chim thereto with ihe inientbn ot noi reclaiming it, or terminating
his pdsses.qion ard

confd fnsof

1A lruten therc b &andormori o, otnce a. Clear intenlion lo abardon offics 1. ln order to coGlit to an abandonrnent d otrce, the sarns must b lotal and abcoldq ard mlrsl bo urder $rch citrnrlstanc8 as clearly to indicd an absolutr rIn(t**msft fhercof. The 6ce shodd rnanifBt a dar htentbn to voluntarily abendon fhe crffica and ib dinix, ard llrcfi intenrion nloy be inferred fom condrct

' 2. Abandonment camot be lighty infred or legd, presumed from crtain equivocal acts, a. Mere faluE to ,port lor work or ab6nc6 eugn afi6r mtic6 to rstr.rn withot t
p.oof d a dsbrato and unFstified l*Ed m the porl of the empby66 to resurno hb eoployrnent withod arry irtentbn d retumirE, b not $rffcieflt.




Two ossenlial elernenB of abandonment: An intenlbn to abardon

An owrt or 'exte.nal' acl by whbh th6 ktontion is card(S into effsct. (Canonizado v. Aguire, 351 SCRA ffig e(xn)


AccoptEnce ot


dfuctivo and

of ffioe by ,ason ot accagfanca of anoftpr, in oad{ lo be Hrdiu, dlotlld sprim torn ard be @nlpani'd by ddibration atd t6dom d cfiobe, iur* to kdp Ule old ofEce or rslounce it fd arDther. (Joqe v. Mayor, 10 SCAA &n 096l} Tv6 y. Srndlongl 81 Phil. 658 (1948))



ConcrrrarE of


orgt a.nB dd htantirn Thsg ,lllst be @nclrrrEa ot inbnooq a.i!d d irrPute4 b sberdon ard some o\rcrt a.i3 ftom whl$ it rns, b6 lnHd lhd tto Brblic ofFcds corcsfled have no mdo intsst (People's Secr.[ily, lnc" v- ],lstional labor Rehfions
Commbsbn, ?26 SCBA 146 (19SlD


Failure to discharge duties of office, or to chim d rcslrne it This rEb.s to ndr-{rse. oa a nglei to use a right tr privilege or to oxncise an




Failura to go lhe d.rlirs of an ffico orr any pdiorb, prlod ot tirna, a to claim or rsun6 it afE a prid h wiri:h perbrnnncs o, its functions b@tno impcJrHq cc,ndihn aberdqlrnelrt a volurtary relinquishment of the


on Lrw onPuuic Orfi.E Albcrto c. Aara, At no SclEol



3. e.

Tho prixjptes olr abordonmsnt shdrH not be too sttiry applied to cases occu*U duriu t,9ar or wheas such nonpedofinance lesults lrom temporary dsabifty or tom invduntary laihre to perlotm.

Acqubscence by tle otfcer 1. An ofics who b uongftfD dsdl*gd bd who has urltGomuy ddryed in takhg stope lo virdi=le hb ri,lts rEy bs deemed to ha\rs abandond hb

I Canonbdov.,g,uit E($,


the posilion d lnspectd Gersal of the PNP hetml Affairs Division (tAD). DuinS tho interim, hovirelrer, he had filed su to deda UE hrx stlk,l made hin learre hb MPOLICOM pcition unconstitutir:nal. fb clahls ritsilatonrent io lhs MFOLmM podlivL

during rh pendency ol

chin !o rBiEiatdrsrt when ho accepfed tho fAD hspclorship. Ttat ! he had no intofil to abandon hb offico b se.n b, rne facl that tE qleslidEd ttE h which made I him la\6 his NAPOLCCTM pcrfbo by fli $* bcft.e fie Supretno Cout. H h6d fi6 dght to fiva :


not wai\r hir


That the said 2 otrces 0IAPCL@II| and lA[t ars ktco.npalibb b ncl qustbned However, we I cannol apply ihe doctrine that ths acceptarE d an irEorrpat'blo ofhe (lAtD ipso facio vacaf8 tho i first ofnc6 MPOLCOI4 sirce CamtiEado neYr die.rEged fhe dni]s o, bout o,fEc* I simultaneousv. He had alrady been iorced dn d NAPOLCOITI Hor he accepted the IAD I po-sitlon. I I




Rsbnalion and &n&Irst ,B indnpalibb ard confadictory- ilovuevs, abandonmer nlay be considered a specir of .G{Inalionoffice can

ad redgnston dslilgl*lrcd

Tho 6ect

d bdh trdgren artd aban&nnr b Urat Ure ftmrer hdder of an rc bqge legaly mpre or ltcbin L Bdl ar vdunEy acls-

AbandoooEnt in ,In(illfurnf trongft ,u}.use, (nghd b lBe a p.iyllgp d a ;i{r or to '(dcbo an Bnsi lo an fficd. ADandomqrt'urTSG nol}r.g hn non-usd dG not ol hsef conslfu*e atkdonmerlt absent an hbrfion to rclhqrislt lhe offce.
Rqsbnation is a ,ormal 18. lnstances of


and b not a rcquisite to abandonment.

aberdofltiefit A iustbs of peac6 who rE{irses to go back to Hs old pct and hb subsquent acceptarr d othr snplq,flgrts w hqn any p.etense tlEt he simultaneousv continud to pdIofln $e fimciins of hb olfica constihlt6 abarxbnrnent. ( v. Quetulb, 82 Pht 126 091E)
A iusfbe of


tle p@ who wo.fted h fh Surdns Prcpety Conmission as skilld a.d chrk-typsf ard slrbsequently cashe+in his GSB polciB musl be

Rviewer on t w oD Prrbl Oaffc..3 Albcrto C Agr., At rEo L.w S.lrcol

consi(hred as having abardoned hb office as iustice o, 8il Phit. 929 (19490


peace. (Arge v. Vebso,

Justie of fhe p6ec6 left hb office by a mistaken order d the iudgs of the Coutt ol FiBt |rEnanca and does ,tot tato the nocessary stepo to tevd the samo fot some 3 ysaB, hn p.6sents hinsdf as a canddate d ,fl,licipd plsi,ern in ih meantime. (Ortiz v. De Gumn, 49 Pnil. 371 (19O
A cadastral judgs accepted an ad interim appointlnnt as iudgo-at-large 'B deemd to have abandooed hb iorner position as cadasfrd ,udgs and the relectbn by the Comm' bn on Ap'froinfnenrs of his Dew appointtnorn dH not give him the right to reoccrpy his tormr positio0 (Sumnrer v. Ozaeta, 8'l Plil. 754 (1948)

--e. t. g. .

Where petffiner who wai remo,rea irivn offrce as actingl crtief ot polic without any lawful causa accepted another po.sition in th go\rsnmed sevice. (Agapuyan vbdesma, 101 Phfl. 1S 0Jrnep- '195D

Whs a puub officar ecsp s and 6nFys hie rrirnent benefits. o-opez v. Natbnal Markoting Corp, 101 Phil.349 (1957)
Whers a public

offcs ,a mors ihan 5 ),ears dd not taka any step lo cont6t the lElity ot his rermval. (Madril v. Andior Gneral, 108 PhI- 578 (196q)

cf Butuan who was deta ed ior signment in the Depdtnnt of Finane dd nd obiect to the designation ot anotl|r as actirB City Trea$rer, a rracarEy vvas created in ihe offico d lh6 City Treas rer of Butuan which could be filled pennaneotty or iernporarily by ih6 Prresirent (Calo v- Magno, 7 scRA 380 (1963D
Whr th6 Caty TrBasurr
The continued and absolute rftrsal or neglct to qualify at an and lo ents upon the discturgs of hi:r duths must oprde, so far as th6 ddiquont himselt is ooncarned,

i. i. k


hb iith



Vfierc tre fficer ,filsB a nglects to exercisa fh6 furrdoalg of th6 offica fur so bng e pcriod as to rEso.BHy waflant th6 p.asJrnp0drlH he doa nd d6ire or intord fo prrorm fh. ctut63 ofihe cffce at all he w b.hdb lEva abardoosd lL

Whs a prDlb dc. hotlqg sn dfics under the gqqnns.G rbets agairst fhe gordnrnent atd sftks d ait its ovrtiuorr.
Whers a publ'rc officr has been ibsent


absence was unoelained (1se3)

wit|od bave fur serrral rnonths and such ard unaulhtrizd. Oadeo v. Dqui4 24 SCRA 656

19, By prscrfpdon o, dgm b orncc a Prescripfive p.ird for fi[ng patition ior qt'x) wamnlo 1. A porson who chims th6 right to hold an offce occrlpi.rd by another may fifr a ctrro li/arrarto actbn. Thb p.scrib4 lxrure\rea, 1 yer affer his lgrnolral oa separation fiom the of6ce. Petilioner must pao\ro Ulat h6 E efititled to the pGrition which h6 alleges rhe r6pon&nt u$,rps or unhrrfury hol&. (Adarne v. Dagpen, 96 Phil. 789 (1950)


Rationale for th one.year period

Rdiewr on tay on hrblic Offfccr3 Alb.rto C Aara, Atenco L.w School


'l-itlr lo public offrce should nof be suDiected to unstainties brrt should be

d{eflrfned as speedily as

pcsit a


ilo.}.appficdbn ol p.scriiirB p.iod 1. ExceptkxEl citrrrlstancGs ,nay iustit tne noo-apptrcation ot th prescriptive p.lod in !o grant relf tlat wil sen s ttE erids ot ilslbe. Failura to file qlo wananio proceedrEs dor nd adt elE*y op.efs agairlst a dbmisssd gorernlnent earplotee vrhere it wc tlc rcpealed asslrarrss of responsible governmnt ffictrb lrrhi$ contsibuted to fhe deby on th6 filing of the complaint fd reinstate.n.i. ()istobal v. Mdcfior, 70 SCBA 175 flgf4)


Acts of tho


or tho pcopb

may atso be@me vacant

tho ssvice under a varbty of dunrEtancas.




b arbit"ary o. for

b. a,

Bernoyal Aom

questbn ean

o.dhdty ieo6 sasb

ffice ru:,

be orgiessed


d inplod. WherB it b exprossly rnado, purpce a trct.

Meaning ot rrmovd "Bernoyal" entaib lhs ouste o, an ina-rrnbent be or tlo e)elatbn of his implies that the olfice ql*s sffer t re ol.Ebr. Synoryrnous to .ds{nissal'-

lerm- ll

What const'tut.3 rernoEt

Appdntment of anorls ofEcsr


appdntrnont of ottE in hb phco cofislihrles removal. hlowever, th6 incumbent must be rEliH of lhs action b!f,oae $e llnotral is considered sfftctir/s.

Whera an officea nrry be rerno\,d at lhe superiC officeds pleasure, the mere


TraFlrlo anotlg ffico 1. unconsented trarEiE tom qF ffice no anottl6, whdrer it rsutts in promolron a drnodo4 drarrcsneot oa redlcfon h saEy, b equivalent to his i[gEl rernoral a sepcdoo Ao.[ $a ffi ffica 0-@o v. Bonrero, ga phit 740 (194Sr Gd v. td'lq 1(IB phf. 116 (tSOx Dept of Ettrcarior, crrtue ard Spdts v. Ooui ot Appo*r tg3 SCAA SOS (19OI Gtoft v. Court d Appeb,3r!BSCAAse00q)


203 (20CtD

A fansfer ]g]lis a prior appolntmdrt dd rylarE h orde, to cornpleto the anpointrnent l,lo pe.manont trarut* can tato placa ualess ths officer or employee is first remored fiodr tle poduoo hU, and tlen appoirted to anoth6r positbn. (Sta Mah v- LopA A1 SCRA 632 (1970); Divinagracia, Jr. v. Slo. Tomas, 2,14 SCFIC SgS (lSS); Garces v. Court of Appeats, 2S9 SCBA 99 (1996); Phil. Tdegraph &Tdeplrme Corporarion v. Corrr 6inppeae, 412 SCRA


ba.ffi oa cig'Infit b pm*rsbb ewn ufthdrt th employee,g prbr consent iloureug, it carnof be done wl*n t p transftr S a pr*minary sEp towsds hb ,rtolrd, a b a scrte n6 to trB hin a ay fiom his pflrEnerrt podtioIl Fosates, &- v. Miires, lq SCne SSA e@fD
A ternpora.y

Redewer on bw on P,rblic Orff..6 Alberto C. AAra, At nco Law Sdtool



Appointnents rnay be aIo\ryd io podtions withouf sPeciMbn ot any parrbub, ofrrca a statbo (e.g, apprintments lo th6 statt ot the civil service Commissbn ,e trci appointmenB to a spcified public orfice hn ta$r appdr rrEr sto pedl lar pctitons or ranks). lt rdets to more,IHrt trom or|e pdlifioal to anoths lm,olving the issuan@ ot an




appoirtmern with drinution in dnies, lEPonsibiliu, sfatus a rank which may or may not involy tdlEtbn h salary. (Fetnando v. Sto. Tomas, 234 SCBA 546 compensation is also equivabnt to remoral if no Demotion to a brvr rate ql]lae is !tlo!,n ror t tryIa! E qolfq4 of C4y qgqPliEty action. (Fldssca v. Ongpin, 182 SCRA 6@ (19900


d [


Beassignmefll 1. ]t rei6.s to

rbyc.nsfi o, an tnpbye to.n oqarSzatkn unit io amlhtr in tho &panntent or 4sry wni$ dos rpt ilwotva I rdlctiorl in rank, statB, o[ sahry and do6 not rspf6 fie issuarre oI an sppdrfinert. @mpdd to dotndbn wtrirr irvolve the issuarrce of Jt apPdtttneno Padolina vFernandez, 340 SCRA 442 emp,ll
Reassignmflt n6ds tro prior consent don in gpod faittr

2. 6.

ard is conslre.ed vali, as long as it is

Constn cti\rs removel or dismissal

1. tl refers !o qrlilg because continued

ernptofnent 's rendered impossible, unreasonable, tr unfikely, when the. is de.mlion in rank d of pay. lt exists when an act ot de, disctiminatim, irsenitility c dMain by an eEployer (or supert, beconE unbearabl to sle ernpbyee, leaving him no o@n but to folglo hb continrod mpbyrner . (tlorl(b Tradng ComPany, lm- v. oft o' 544 scRA279 efi'80

2. 3.

A transfer d tEssEfErslt wilh oo dfuiit6 psiod a dlratbn 16rts in a t&rcrbn ''n ranL sahry, ol stauE is, h frct, a constrLEtive disnirsaL tt b tantstmu to a fodrE dgmlfit that r6tdt3 h dirlindbo tn rank.
Rasdgrmfit stli$ Iqlb\r6 trom B5{c dfic.s pol[. ol supd\riltbn oror 41 .npby66 urho pdt of hd sta{f atd subo(dnalB rcsulls in a dnfndion of he statE 6vn ir lh. asdgn nont b tompq'aty. Ghla v. Cor,t cn Appels' 338



Beassignment to vatious ciltrces lastlng narv 10 yea,s should be considered remoral withoti cause. @stor v. City of Pasig, G.R. i,lo. 1116873, May 07' 20@)

. 4.


Legfislatve rgidaton

d ]cmovd
tBtsict and tmit lh porer of rernoal as it dema b8t fd lho

Where office created by $afuie

1. Congra rry

public inbrsi.


Wh6r Constildbn p.esctibs ,nefhod ot and cause for tBflioval 1- Whe.s ttre Cotrsl urio.l prescribs lh mthod d rerno\ral and lho causes ior wh'rch puu'rc ofrce's tnay be ternoved, the method and grounds established bry

8*iewer on L,w on
C. Asra,






exc-lLE vB. and

il b bryond the po\rct ol Congress to retno\r6 incumbnts

in any olher nrant)6r, of


any other carrse-

as hciden[

Whq tsm of


T}e appolniiq polruet lloHs the porrer to dboiss tho o,fficea urhera lhe tdm or tenurB of a pl.lDtc ffier b not fr(d by law, ard tlo rfiEval b not govsnd by a conslihrtis.d or smrbry providon. Ttso E no rmo/al hrolwd but extingulthmea d the (!t of an offcer fo hold oftrco by exPiation ot hl9 term.

d dghf ol appohfment ffics rEt 6(d by htx


Whre irm of olfice h(ed by law 1. Wher8 th6 erdeti of ths tetm c, orfce b fued by tls stat is, the dfcer can be rernoved prio. to U|g nd gt t*i-letnlgdy fcr causq This !L tru9-e'v-9! for temporary appointrlefits as bng as tie appcintmentl term b fued.


Wrds holdlng d position at pbase supdrrning 6vst

apPo,n6ttg por ea or sutiec{




lf tho statub does not d6ignato $E terrn ol tha cfica, fhe appointe will hoH orfy Ci.t'{q the ple'6 ol lhe appdtlilg parrr, atd rry bo trno\rd al ploosrro at any line wilhour no(ba d hedingL whar a intDird ls an oxfiralim

tsm and rlot tfliorrd.


E(erc.hs of

th. poEotrcltpvd

The poryer of rflDrd ,rlatl be absofute or edrfitional-


AbsoMe whsr it b lrstod h the unlimitd dscttbn ot the retmving oficer to be exercisd e[ such time and tor such tEotrs as lho Htr rry dem Proper
and suffident


Conditimal wlEn lhe tnq t le mamer, or the .Eon it p&aced bqrond fhe m6r drscrstion oI lho removhg offcer. (Pangitmn v- Magkya,225 SCRA511 (1993)


RJrDvats stlal q.Iy


b. fta. spciH @nse c ior carse. Whss fhe catserb b spdned, it enrounts to a prolSbition to a rerno\ral ior a diftrflt calse rEt afrctirg fio fuEuons d fia ffics.
caus6 b !o speifie4 ir mlst rcst h lh. dbcnnbn of the o@rtirra, $DFcf b tla rir* ot Ote carrts to etrino I to As xisfence, to dctEflfne rrH crEs srrd be rtffidslt.

2. Wtre m pctol

Power ot rcnoval ottrs Mnr a. The Constiirrbn does not exp.esdy rrst lhe PIesire'|t vrith ths porret to ternove oGcrnive otficials but h'E porve. is impli.)d frorn arry ol lhe iolouing: 1. F omhispol G( to appoht;

2. 3. 4.

Frc,,n th6 tlattfe uE 'F;ecrrtirrs porxer" exerdtd power to remoye being exetJtive in mtrri
From th6

by the PrBidefi, the


's dtty to er(ectne the burs;

Frofl! ths Prssirenfs contol of dl depadments, brlallg, and offEes;


onfirblc Albrto C, Atr., At rEo LuSdlool
Reviewer on w


From iho prorisbn lhal "no ofiicer or ornployee in the Civ Seryic shall b rernord or susperded except br cause provided by hw".

& HGl of tl. Pr6lddants porrer o, rtnoyal a Foa no.Icae. offc.s o(ercigng pr,ly e,(crnive
fr(od by hw, the PrsidBfit rnay rcnovo llnrn cannot rsslrict lhb poyuer.

w h or withdrt

furrtroos whosB tenurB b not causo ard Coogrs3

b. Fa quad-legislative c qua$-judichl offceG, they may be rqnovd only on grounds provided by law to protect their independenc in the dischargE of their duti:s.

c. For consthJbonal otncers rerno\rable mly by inpeacfimer! ard judges ot lower coqtq theygg llqlqugci-lg_rhg_rcrngB! fgryg-q of ths President
d. Fc civil servbe fficers, the


rr}ay rflx)\,6 thm only f;or cat s6 proridd by

6. Fof ternporry, p.oyirbmt, or ac-ling appointrrEtts, tfts, may ba rernovd Et ltl6 phest 6 ol th Prsir.n, with{rilhdit cause.


For oficrs holdng public

offic6 created by hw which authorizes the President to remore ttrcrn at pbasur, lhy may bs remved only br caus6 if thy blong to the civil swba lt fie law p.o{rides thal they hold office at tho pb$r of the Presidefit, their replacernent b not a rerlDyal an sxpiratbn of term.

g. Where appdntment b bsed not on ueial lest

meiit and fitness, their tenure is

co-terminous with that of th appointirg aulhority or subiecf to hb pbasure.


h. With rspect to bcal eleclive officbls, lhe Praske t cannot remors tiem because he only sxscises sJpewisory poyyeB ovr tr{n lnsted, t}rcy rnay be ,eflro,ed by ths sangguian.

!flytD. ofiGcrs and 6mploll.s ttttd.d b s.csrrty d btur 'Sanity of teours' mears lhai an dfcer a dnplqFe in fho civil sewb6 shal mt
be stBprdsd or

dimissed e)(cSt tor caEe as provited by law and only after du

rocess b accordsd.


&orirdlc$spor|sbn orrrmryal 1, The CorrgtlufDn r([ri appdrfinor6 h i,ro

sqvhe rtnl be made only erspersim d a civil service oficer or employee sllall be f6 cause p.ovided by hw.

acoo.*rg io lnn't ard fitless and tfiat rsnovd


Subgtantive aspecl


Tllo phrasd "ror cause prorired by hrv" mans reasons which th6 law and sound p.rblic policy lcognizs as sufEc'tent grourd lor rsnoval or sjspnsion or demotbn ard afrer du6 txocess b riccoadod b fhe ffice. or e pblre.
rnaGly eauis mrBiders sufficbnt-

2. tt ,nne lgal cause and rld 3.

whki the appdntirp


Causa musl, as a general rule, rdate to th funclions o, th6 offce which the offcer holds or be connected with ths perbflmnca of hb ofhcial dnios.

w on fubf,c Olficcri Albcrto C AAr.. At neot wSdt@l

Reli.wcr on



Procsdral aspecl 1, The $Erantee d procedral due p'6ess requires mlice and opportunity to be hatd bcrore one b dscblned. Cornplair agairEt a clvl sen ico officer or empb)/ m,.Et be h w iE ard subcsibed and swdn lo by tll comPlainarn if' it is to bs given dre courBe.

lO. GrErtrba


o.tcrdr b bdr troc. ln catsr ard nor-c Eer PosilbaB Pe'gorB in t le mlrtate. sc.vbe ato so designatef @tJso the natt E of their work ard qualificatbns at6 tld subi,cl to classificatioh.

Tho constitjtimal and statutory guarantee ot seartly of leoure odonds to all permaDent dficers ard ernpbyees in fhs dvil serb6, teg dless o, thei status,
whether careef or noF.carer. Persons h the non-cateer setrrba are prctected trom retmval o, prDced.rd due paocess. irrsl cause and noaloben


suspension without

G.l*al rule: Tho const'brttxrd p.ovisf,r corgiMilg polqfdeiaminlng' painariv mnlidentid and highly bdmicd a excptitB to $6 nie roqifirg appoir m6fit3 lo bo b6d on flsit ard fiElcss dos d ex6.rfr srh pGtliorB fiotn iha nd6 ihat no officer or ernplqEe in the Civt Se.vbe shall bo suspe.ded or remo\rd e)(cpt tor cause as pBvided ior hw.
Excepfim: a person tFl*lg a pcilion at the pleasure d lho apP(*rting power, who is r6rno,d $'hn $is pleGr'e trns fo*o digpbasrq or when thdo is loss of confidence, is not rsmovd fur lhe pnrposas d thb tuls. Hb team nsly xPirs.
'11. Grounds

for rcrnovd


rrldd ItB CoaBtn don

Mmbers o{ Congrss

'Each House nry deterrfns $e ndes ot iB PlcGGdhgB, pr.tni$ ils lilefl$ss fur behavior, an4 wift lio 6E rsrce ot two-tids ot aI iB llontbss, srEpnd a o9d a lrsnbor. A pnalty ot susp.rIion, wtEn inpoce4 srd rDt elaeed $dy days.' (CaEfturuon, A,ticle Vl, Section

b. The Presirsr! ttE

\rlca-Prcadst, ltte tl.nb's

lil.nbors of fh Cooslihfiofid Cormisctims, and ihe

d rh. S.p.sne Cotri, the muGrnan

"The President, ths \fEPres:dert the tlembers ot tp Suprem Cotrt $e Metnbots ot $6 Constitut'ronal Coanmissions, and fhe Orntxxb[IE r mry ba ]emored fiom otrce on ilrpechlnefit for, and convictbn of, cdpabL yirHi,l ot lrB Co.rst'hni4 Gaso.t, bntcry, gr$ and cdruption, other high crimes, tr @ of pubfc trrst AI c,0E pl.rub oficers and e.nplqps I'ry be ]emorred ftom office as pro\rided by laq hrf rd b, ;rfeac,xm<t' fodrslilrnixL Adiiie )0, Secfion 2)


irrnbers of

lt6 irdc*ry

Reviewer on t w onrublic Olficc.r Alberto c- Agr., At neo L.w School

Members of iho Suprerne Court ard judges o, lo\rver courts shall hold otrc6 duting good behavior until they reach the age d ssverny years o, becomG iocapacitatd io disdta go $e ddios of lheir ofnce. The Strp{.ne Court en Dslrc shafl have the powcr to disciplino rudgB of lower courts, or ordr thek dismissal by a vote of a maixity of th Members who drally look port h St deliberatiorB oo th i.ssus in th6 casa and \roled thereon ' (CbostihltbrL &lide Vlll, Sacfirn 1 1)



Civil service offcers or ernployees

"No ofticr (x e{nployoe

d the civil sewice shall be removed or susperded '(cffinffi cTxr-Esetbriz(3D'

qcept br



AppointmenB, assign rents, reassignrnents, and traE ar in |tlo Carcer Exe.rnhro Sowlco GEq rp based oo rank- Sarily ot tetuo in the CES is acqrired with rcspef to Ulo rank and not to tis pciion. I'Vihh $s CES, persoflnol can be sfiiftd tom ono office or position to another without Yiolat'on of thoir rigtn to socurity d lnurs because thei, status ard salatbs are basd on th6ir ranks ard rEt on thei Fbs- (Cuevas v. Bacal, 347 SCRA $8 eom)


TeEninadon of


tempor y Apotrneflts An appoinfnnt, whicfi b tsnporary in nature, may be tetminated st the pleasure of the appointing povrer, withorrt notice and regErdlss cf th6 grourds 6 reasoats '1.

rule: A tefiporary

appointee has .no lenlre

ofics; so stictly

speaking, ther is no remo\ral in his fermination-


Appdntee withqrt rq.n$te 1. A psson $,to dos noi hav tia rEqJisib qualifical'DrB frr a poafton cannot bo

lo lhe rule, rry b6 appomed to it abencs ot$e dubl6. The appointnnt oxbnded to him cannot b6 rgardod s pemlflrs e\rn if it may
appdntod to it or, or*y
bo so

dy in an acrting capadty ln the



de{$ffated. F.fiocGo v. f/lac ai$ 195 SCBA 236 (lgnD


Fsmer incumbent tlgsIy lgno\,d


Whe't an incunbr[ b illgalt ].no\r6d d sJspende4 ]*r positon nart bec&nes vacaG hnce lfi,era b no lracancy to rvtiarr ano$6 coldd b pdmanently appoi 6d- The occrrpancy or incxmbency ot an dlg so appointed is temporary and dos not come within the corLstihrtional paohbition against remo\ral ot siuspensim excpt for cause.



Te.m of appoinffi lor a defnite perbd fixsd by law '1. Whers the tdm ot the appolntmr 'rs ior a definib porird 6(ed by law, rhe teIm protects fi6 ,ight fhe appointee from being rclrbr d fio(r-l ofnc6 without

cause. 13. Grorrldt ror



oder ot the propr colrt. The Resk ent has no potver ot rrnoval o\rr electivo

d!.{pltrary actoo tndcr tlE Local G@Grnr nt Codc of an elc{ive local offchl on any o, the tollowing grounds must be by

Revietie. on taw on Public Ol6c.r3 C. A6ra, Atcnco Lw ScrEol

matters irn olving iisciplimry actbn ag6insf offceB atrd efipf,yees urdet thm' Dbloyalty to rhe Bpt bsc ol the Philipdnes


2. 3.

Culpabla vblaliotl ot the OonstiMbo

Dbhonosty, oppressioo, miscondEt in crfice and tloglet of dttiy

Commissbn ol atry offense invoh,nrg ,n(il"al turfihds or an offense punishable

bY at least Ptisbn ma)ror

Abuse ol authodty

7. 8.

sangguimitE bsyan ard sanggubng bdanqay

an immt rant


of lhe sattgguniang PanhhniFn, sangguimng parElungsod'

another country

Appli6tfrn !or, d acquisiton of' fiorigl citizs6tip a rsl'sloo or lho status of

Sucfi oths grcrrn& as


be ProYited in the Code and otler laws'

14. Grounds ,or

dsclplrEy aclion urdet $e C|YI Stric6 |,.fl a- No oftrcer or etnPlqree h tte Civf Swics slEf bo $Epsded d dbmissed except on th6 folowing grot nds tor whbt) disrid[Bry aciioo ttlay be inpeee



2. 3.

Oppressbn Negleclol duty

4. Misconduct 5. Dtsgracsful ard knrnoral conducl 6. Bdrg undsiraue 7. Dtscourtosy htho cous. ol otfid dni,s
S. lnffidenc,
ard inco.n@erE hthe pe.rfinance

d.fidd dni6


Receiving fur persomt use a fee' gift or other Yaluabb thiIp in the course of official duties or in connection thteuith wtpn srcfi fre, gift, or other valuablo o' thing is gi\rn bry any person Lr rhs hope a e)Aecraton ol receiving a acts petso.B' 'avo' or committing other trat acco.dd Oetter treatneit tlan
Punistlablo undet fh6

anti-grd htf,s

10. Convictioo of a ctirn6 irvolvirlg tnoral 11.



employes and by te&hets or schoo{ otic&rb from scfiool ciildren

12. Violation of existing CMI Servico taw ard rules
Revicwer on

d t lautlbriad






rasomble orfce regulations 155

w oo Pubfic

Albertoc. Agr.,

at ncot

B Sdrool

13. Fabiication ot offichl docurnents 14. Fr$rrt unaut lo ized ab8nc or irr[IEs in reportiE tq ddy, loafing or trequent unadho.Led ebcficos li'om drty durlng agul ffico horjrs 15. tlabilrEl dunkenness 16. Gambling pohibited by law 17. Befusal to perform ofncbl duty

rerder orertime sen ica

8. Disgraceful. imrpral or disrlonest conduct



rhe servbe -.


19. Ptrysklal

rnotal ircapcfty

dsabf,ity duo to inrnoral or


s habits

20. Bonowing monoy by sperir sriboadinstes io suprbr fficts

olfices forn slbot$naies or lending

21. Lendrg rnony at usurbljs interst rats

22. Wiffin failure gqreanm6fit

to pay jrlsl debb or w ]fu| falrre to

pay ta(es due



23. Contracting losns of money

of th6 employe


has hlsinss relations

6 oth6 Eoprty trom perso.u ryith whom

th6 ofnce

24. Pursuit of p.ivate hlsiness, vocatbn d proression withod the permission requiEd by CMI Sen ic6 n{es and regdatbns 25. hsubordnation 26. Engeging, drectly or hdrc4f, h pdlban political activiti8 by one holdng rcnpolitbal offfce 27. Condrrct pfttudc&{ to the bst 28. t obqrtns

inffi c,f ths ssvbo ior personal ite,sl (r gein legidstrre hals ard ffice3


aufrodty 29. Prornoting the sal6 of tickets in bcfialf of privat er erp.iss thd arc not intended tor charitaHo or public wslhrs prposes even in the latter cases if
thef ls no pdor authority

30. Ne@ism


ComphinB must b6 in writing ard subcribd and swo.n to by fi6 oomphinant, unlas inltated by the dlxiphtng autrorfry.
PenaltkB wtliclr ray be irpooed: 1. Ramyd to,n selice




Demotion in rank 156

nct hwer on trw oa Put ic Offfc.rt C AAr.. Al! l.o lrw S(hool

45. 6.

S.tspensirn ld not rrloro than 1 )rear without pay Fire ir lhe anEunt not o(ceedirE 6 months' salary


15. MlrcoDdrcl h orfice a. Definitione


'Miscondrcf b a tailsglssrirn of sorrE edabf$Ed and dofinite rule of action rrcrs pattiorlarly, unhwful Htavic or groes negligence by the pubfic officer- lt is improper atd wo.lg conducl ard implies wongfrrl inteol and mt rnere enor of iudgmen! conupf or insfrred by an inte[tion io viohe the law or a prsistent
disregard of wdl-known legEl rule$


"Miscorducl in office' b o.B that afiec{s lhe offceds Performanco ot his dutlg!
as an officer

ard nct ofit as affecls hb character as a p.ivate individual-


BelaH to, atd dnectsd wilh, pct ofinattca d ffidd dJlis 1. To uarant ,slElrd from o,mca of an dfr,' q e.nplqp' ti6 miscodtEt, mistesance, a rlalbasarioe rII.Et (as a gne.d nib) have a dirocl rdatlon to and bo co.Llcct6d wilh th6 pattdtrlatp of fficld &t'ts, amounting silhd to mab&tiaisfatiorl ot witrftrl, intsniinal nebct and tailuta to discharge the duties d the office. (Sariguimba v. Pasolq 155 SCRA (1984)


An ofienso is deemed to be oofllEitted h re}albn ro the accused's oflice wllen ihe ofietlso cannot exlst withorn ff|e cfficea. Wher tho ,nrnicipd ,nayo. vB cltatgpd with ainir|g a gun at and threstening to kitr a coutEibr dning a PuHb hesing, after fie lattr had render6d a privilege spcech critbal to th fdmcl,s adminisffiion, the cdrne chargd b oonnected with lhe dsc*la ge d hb offidll tunction-s. (,Alarilla v'
SandiganbatrarL 367 SCBA 67,



Tho act o, Ule Cle.*

d $s Coutt U appeb in toQitS ilu sigtdur. of lhe cofltpbirEf on t@irt$ to aw!i, ls contretud oblgalirl wa hold to b6 an o,fieas corstutng conrl..Et preiuCcH to tho bst intert of fie s6ndce, nd misoon&ct oldltno v. Ro)(as, AM. lb. CA{X2-1+P, July 31'


&chl}Ey dixl, n(e dshondy and condrc:t preidcial to Othd grounG the bst hffi d lhe salha un& UE Ovil Sarics Law may not be connetd w htte pcrfrflfiatr of ffid diiesa lssuing a bdrEirlg c$ed< consbluEs nisconducL 0-* v.llangda$n, 5a8 .scRA241 e@)
b.. f ths
ac{ is a crirne int ohring moral fuqrtudg convkfion by final iudgment is rcquitd before a publb officet o. emdoyee rny be proceeded against



Cornmitted during a paior lenn General rulq The tBbc{im of an fficer arnounB lo condorEtion of prwiotts miscondicL Remwal cannot xtond bqpnd th teIm &ring h'hlcfi the allgd misconduct ocallId, the undedyirg treory 'E that each term b separate fiom othet terns"





Reviewer on w on Public OrF.ers C. Ag,r., Atno Lrw khool


Criminal case pe.ding against rB elected official (Aguinaldo v. Santos, 212 scRA 768 (1990 Declsion ;e,mving offichl was srved on him b ote relection, particularly


period. He is thls


had final for ,ailure


Eleclions, 254 SCRA 514 (199q)

to appl w hin th6 regletnsntary disqualified. Fq/s v- Cornmissbn on


Not worl telated or committed h the o, perbnnanc ot duty '1. The causes which warlant the disnbsal of a civl sewant need not necessarily be wo*-rehted oi conmitted in the course o, lhe perfornsncc of duty by tho prson chargd. (Bernado v. CMI Seryice Commis!$on, 429 SCBA 285 (20040


lf a government offcer or ernplo)ree b dishonest d b guiity of oppression or gra\6 miscondJcf, 6r{ if sall debc'ts of ctErac'tet are not connec-ted with his otrcs, tlrcy #ct hb rirn !o continue h ofioe. Tho privato life of an etnployee cannot b segrgEted fiorn hb public fia DftrlDnesfy lEuitaby rBfiecls on tho litngss of tho officer d ernplqo to continue in ffica and ttl dscipline and ,norah of ifio sr\rica. (Rrnolam v. CMI Servbe Co.nrission, 362 SCRA 3O4 (2001, citing tlr6 v. Garia 106 Phit 1001 (19600


or empbyee b dschlin4 Ure obiecl sought is nol the punishrner d snci ofFcer or e.nplsyee hn ihe improvemcnt of ihe public servic6 and lhe pse^/albn ot fie pub$Ca taih and cofifidenca in the
When an ofnoor
go\rernmerd- (Badista v. lr@ado, rOB Phil. 283 (1960))

Proved by substantial erridncs ln an adninistrathre case ,or misconduct, ths qlsnium of proof required is only substanual evirence. TIle B must be clear and corDinc! prod thaf th6 public officor or emplo!/6 was ,notivated UV wongfr, intent, connnitted unlawful befs,rix in rehln to hb ofrco, 6lransgrssod sdne stableH and deffrit ruls of actim. $labruo v. Zarnra,311 SCBA224 (ISSSD


Condut unbecorning of e polce omcer 1. 'Unb@tring'condtEi nEarB lmp,op6r' priffinencs. lt app to a broadr retEE cf traregr&si6B ol ruhs mt mly oI sodal blEvbr hut of sthlcal pracibo or logical p.odrr d p.escribd ,rEffiod a A pdice officer Bry be surlnrarily dbr ssed urder Sectim 42 of R-A- No. 6'975 (Philipplne Narional Polb6 Act) wrtsn the ,spo.dflt b grdlv of ' oordrct unbecoming a police officer.

b- A police offcer $ilty of hxity and inefficierEy

in tho prfomance of his duties is guitty of conduct unbecoming of a polic officer. (Zacarias v. Natbnal Police Commis.ion, 414 SCRA 387 eqXD)

II lylV-




eay..*.r"- charged with several counts d acis of leivinrsrrcss. Cornptainants asked Fortich ior an administrativs h,estilFtion for the purpoa ot inynedkndy srrspending I | loyernq I Palma. Palma was preventivty srEpcnded ard codends that ttE crims charged did not consliMe i i


R.viewer on t ti onArblk Omc.rr Alb.rb C AtI., At"rEo t w S.hool

r------fh. c'inro


l i


plt rd"

"tlarged #; fliin"*'rg""o -d '];



oonsilihrle misconduct in office. therB are 2 grounds lor suspension of

the crim inrctving

L------i i

I admlnisratvo

duties as an ofrber and noi mly as afhcts his chracter as a p.ivale

l;t*d to offici{ drty, lind conviriofl b a corditbn o."""o"ttt t" ! action Mbcorduci b defined as sucfi whi,l affecls an offfis prformanco of hb i


trci dtue, P) thce nd

so related.

li.'Ei^iJif.E;trrf#Ee-#7-frrl e, a Oeputy sneritt, enforced a writ c{ pdinfnary inlunctbn by a Makati iudge in Ozamis. He then i
--+hrmedttFp@ssionoverr6{r.plaintltfsshipped the properties tak6 unde. ttle w'it to hirnsdf upon ,BCRlst of the Plaintitrs aftet he alroady

----::::::::::::::i ------l


il i p's

-- - -t

ttre ptaintifg by shipfrng ihe plope.lies in his mrne dter pcsession had aleady bsrl tumod ovr. I This b an un&e 'odra sewica'.

acts constitut6d miscord]El h offica As an oficer oa Ule @urt, he shodd llaw kltown that the ! ! ,,,rit rr"s only enfdcsabb within the rgirn unde, fh issr.rirg courts jurisdictron. tle shouH have ! cbared tha writs enbrceaurty wilh tha Ozanis cqrt frst tlo sttt out of hb way to unduly favor

lx-"E7iiF,iiBErfr1&t-nw r in a go\rernment hoGpital and rc Hera was a

c,tert< i i oanization. Ha was

dr*ged $i!h keeping tha tunds ot its emdqres' i chargd crirninally $th ,nahrersatixr. On rh6 bsb of said charg6, an I I adminisfafiw case fd dishoiEsty and rfscorduc-t uB filed ard he was preveft6vefy suspended I He assails this on the ground tM the crimes clla ged wre nd raHed to the perbfirEnce of hie I offrcial dutiesp.eveot v suspension was tegd. lt b,iot a perElly, thB, it b not improper in srrgen<Ing a person pendi hb ir*restiptbn and bclrore lhe F te b hedd, yt }ren a persoo b nBety charged if r,l,E rrl]rr rwrq.h nqbct the sarrE must be h 11ui, lhs pcrbrmnca hb rllr.r.r..rI dud6r hn r ho b uragq.r clEgEd wilh l'rur dG*tonsiy FrrrrrErir,u d rrE I with miicondEt, and fiso nd hau6 rD ruion to t*r otrcii $ar6 i



l!Ths Suplrne

I iBponsibl only to the corMrrnily ltrat eboed Hm ThE, ho may not be sumaiy suspeoOeO I I unles his coadrcl tB sdne co.nectbo wft hb ffice. he lus a rdativdy sm paiod in offico, I snce ysneryo win efiacd\rtt shdbn ,is period, il stbuld na be imieed unless o nrwent ! 1r|d I
damaSo to tne

&ty. Cor't dfrrailtsted appohtYe rd elediyo dcld. Ect yB c fcftlb , puuic.

i i

fracty I




tl I O's acls did not valirly oive rbe to sai, dnirisHiva cfidoes" The ac:i d sbor*ro hb wile and kil I
-lJ---rR6ricw.r oo Lr{ on,Pub[c O{6c.rt Albrto C Agr., Ateneo trx Sd|ool

I phnicd hjrrils i., shring hb wite and daushter hside fie !9, ry.$g-, -l^ nd ry:vqed.olsfS]tt wG.t.rUE crldged with ilegal coclfiglrtng ard rsBti'E ared. He r8 I imunicipal 9u]Hip i i also adfit'nbHivly crla ged wilh mbcondrjci h offce for lhe same ls. The ftovincial Gol/emtr i I suspended him and ho now frr adnhisHhre cturgEs aJd hb suspen$oft I


! was obviously personal in nature ard dos mt affect his offiaial drties. Wh-le-n-a rr"e-trat-he-w-asl ! corvirfed, lhe crirne diJ not involvo rnoral t4itude. The charges o, galltbhu and rcsitfing am$ ! .rtr;; ;dins him cannor be th basis !;ilh convbtim. Th allgd miscondlct mlsi be drctv rehtd to ard conne&d with the perbriranca i to rn Fadnhisffiton or wi[ftJ, intentbftd oegteci and fafluro to i il .9rtP. "n!"niirg_ I dischargs th6 ddies of an offce.





1The CMI Servics Decree prohibits all appoirtmefiE in ths national and local

16, Nepotlsrn Situations covered


go/emme#-r-any-WinstumentaliSf+hera indudngFt,cnmeBt-owned or corbolled co,porations, rnade in favor of a rehive d the:


Appoirning auttqibr;

c. Chi.f o, the btreu c offce; or d. Person exelcil*rg imrnedate supervision

b. Recomrnendirg auttbrity;





consanguinity or afi nity. PersorB

'Behtive' refers to ,rEmbers o, the tumily within ihe gd @rea o, eithr

1. Persons ernplqred in a confdential capacity; 2. Teachers; 3. Physicians; 4, Members ol Ule Amed Forces of ttle philippine$ 5, Membr of any famty who, after his / her appointrnerd to any posifi,on in an



offica or burau, contracis nnniago with someone io th6 saans officg a buteau. The employment or rstent'En therein of both hrrsbard and wib may be alored.


Designatbn hcruded in prohbifbn 1. Th6 prohilriuon incfds (bignstion becalso wt|at cannot bo done dhectly cannot be done hdrc y- lt co\rers aI kin& of appd nEnts bo thy original,

promtiomt tar*r

Cicdc ib-


reernplryE 'rggfldess 38 (lgeD, part Vtl, par. 2gD


of statE"



Purpose of p.ohib.tidl


The pupee of tla prohibilbn b to ensrre that al appointm$B ard dEr pe{sonnd ac:toIB in fhe chrfl seli:s sfiould bo based oo rnril and fitnss ,ind should ne\ref depnd o.r holf, clos or intimato an appoirte b to the appointing

17. Grounds ,or dceipfinary acUon uIlder

tre Code o, Condrct a]rd Ethlcal Standardg Th6 ,ollowing corEtihris gtounds tor admhisHiye dixirhdy acton unde. the Cods and without piirdba to criminal and civil liabinies, rBgardless ol whother fhe offcial or dndoyee hdds omca 6 ernploymflt h a casral, temporary, hold-o\rs,
permaner ar$rbrcapoly: 1. DtEtly or indirscty hsving fiftanchl ard rnatsk intsst in any transacnion requirirE th app.oval of hb office- .Financial and matrial interst. is dafind as a pecuniary or p.op.ietary intercst by whi$ a persoat will gEin or los

nti..wc' on

w on

hblic Orfic..s


Albcrto c. Agra, Ateneo

w School


Ourniog confoling, ,mmging tr accepting empb)/rnent as otficr, employee, oorEultanl @unsd, btoter, agent, tustee, or nor*ree an aty privsle enterpdse teguhted, supervi!*d a li:ensed by hb offEe, unkss apesdy atbred by law;
Eng6ging in fhe private prac{be ot hle prolbssfrn unllxr .auttlorbd by the Constihnion, hw a rguHbn, prorrired thal srrh prac,frce will nd conffcl or tend to conflict with hls orncH tunctbrE;


Recommending to any pGition in a pdvate enterprise which has a


5. 6.

-agreements, DisclooirE or mi$dng coofidernid d chssified inturnatir:n offcierlly known to him by rason of hb ofics and rld ,n* ayaflabb to Ule prrblb, to finffir hb private interests or fiw advanfagE to arDDne, a io FEiudbe ihe pubtic intersq

recommsndatbn or n erral is man&ted by (1) b,\r, or (2) internat'tonal commitnentllcd obligafion, 6 as part cf the functions of his officl:


perding orficftl transactbn with

hb offre,

unless such



acceprhg; &ecuy

entortairlneflt, loan or anything ot nroJltary vafre whicfi h fhe course ot his offlcial drties or in @nnclirn with any operatbn being ,eguhed by, or arry transaction vrhbh rry be atEcted by the furEfions ol hB omce. The following


ir&rectty, arry


gratuity, favor,


ar not included unde, tho p.ftiblir.l:

Unsolicitsd gift d nornind d in-si$ilicant valu mt given in antbipation of, or in o(change br, a iarra fo.rl a publb dfi* of ernpbyee or girren aftr

the transaction is cornpleted, or service

b rendered.

A gm ftoan a rnernber o, has family or rhiv6 as d6nd in the Cod on the occasion of a family celebration, ard withon any expcauon of pcunhry gain or bnefit


tOrninat donalbrls from persqB with no roguhr, pnding, or cpcEd tansactiorB.with tho depaftnstt, otrce o. agqcy with whici the offichl or employee is conncte( and without ary eryecdton of pcun! y gain or bondrt.
Donetions cofllrrg fiom

d. .

ar co]l3irer6d atd accfed as trjmanitflhn 8rd arbuHb ln purpose and mission.

piwrc ogmizato.u wlretrr locd

or foreen, whbtr


DonatioB tom gorrnment to goreanmefit ntlti,s.

Gifts or granB from foreip g,overnrnents, and Congress consents thereto in any of the fionowing cases: 1. The acceptane ard ,tefltion by a puub offcbl a employee of a gm of nominal valuo terdeaed and teceived as a sou,\rnt or maft ol cojrtesy.

f. .


a scholarship or hllo$/ship grant

The acceptarce by a public ffici.d a empb)pe d a a ,nedbal teat nant


in th6 natur of

The acceptanca by a pubfic olfcial or ernplc)ree clf tra\r6l grani or xpsrses tor lrawl taking dace entiov outside the pliilippines (such as albwances, transportatbn, tood and l@ing) of more than nominal lue if
fieviewer on tiw on h,uic Alberto C. Aar., At ..o ].w Scltool




srlch aooeptance is approp.iate or consislent with th interests of the PhilippnEs, and permitted by the had ol orfice, branch, o, agency to which
ha belongs.

9. OHaining or ulSrB arry staternefit filod under tl6 Code for any $rpose comrary !o ,mrab d puuic pdiry d any coflrnsrirl purpoGe ofher than by netlrs and commrni:atbns medb ftr disseminabn fo fhe gerEral publicUnlair discrimindbn in rendering public servics due Feference.


party afiiliation or

Disloyalty to th6 Republic o, the PhilMnos ard to the Filipino people.

lc l.

faiiure ro aa

bn rCuesr withii- ts Oavs -lenss-and otherwisa provired in the lmplemer hs Rrtes.


tonr receipt,

Failurs to process docrrnleflts and cortPlste aciion ofl doairnants and papers withh a tcsdlabl,e lime frorn prepdaton threof, except as othswirG p.ovired in tl6 lnplerne.nirB Ruhs.
Failure to attend to anyone who wants io avail hirnself d the services of the offic; or io act plomBv and expediliousty on uHb personal transactions.

m- Failure to fl6 swom statemenB of assets, f$itties and net wdth, and
disclosure of buSness interesE and ftiancbl corrEctions-


Failure io resi,n from his position in tfle pri\.ate business enterprise within 30 days from Gsrmptim of public ofrice $'hg| conflict of irterest. arises, and / c failurE to dvsd hirnsetf of hb sharElbldirgs tr interests in pri\rate business enterprise within 60 dalrs torn srlcfi assumptbn of office when confl'lct

d intsd



Tl|e turEgdng acts $a[ oonthue to be rrohbitad ,or a p.iod ot 'l )ltr sfier rBignation, retisno,t a scprdion tom publb offics, er(copt item nunber 3 abo\re. tlor 6yd, tho p.dassbnal,nd carnd pr&tice hb profss{on in connc{bn with any ndE btrtr' the omce h us6d fo ba with within 1 year affet srrch rErignatbn, nilsnqlt, a soparafinr Vlolslim d fhB rule stlall b6 a g[ound ior adrninlrtatiw dsciptrry dbn rpoo rentry io th goE rmnt sn ile.

t& AffiiffirE



Form ard filing ot




CGcffv locd offictCs cornptaints

Averified cornphint shal be prepared as blbws: a- Complhint against any eleclivo orEcial of a province, a highty urbanized city, an independd cornponent city, or comporunt city shall be fled bsforo the
Office of the Presidenl

. b. c.

Comphint against any dc{i\re officht of a ,runichality shall b6 fild befde the SangguriarE Panlahwigan whose decisim may be appaled to ths

the Prsttent.

Comphint agaiEt any dectiv barangsy otrc&it $alt b6 filsd bsfde $ SanggunhrB PanlungEod or Sanggunhng Bayan concerned whc decisbn
shall be lhal and e)(eclrtory.

Roriewer on w on B,bfi< O{fi..s Alb.rto c. Agr., AtcrEo Ltx School



i.tolbe of hearing



7 days atf, fhe a&inisiraii\re complaint b filed, the Offic of the Prddfft d ttle sang$niil concrns4 shalt tqrira lha tespotder to submit his lre.ified anliws wiu*r f5 drys fiom receid rh.d, and coanrnencs th6 invesligatioar of lhe @ wilhh 10 daF attet receitr of such answet of
When rhe respondera b an



d*liE official d a prorrirEe a highty utbanized city, hearing atd imredigafroo shatl bc co.|ducted in the place where he renders or holds offce. For atl other local ofEcials, the venua shafl be ths place wherB th6 sanggunian corlcmod lr locaied.
within 90 days shall be held or walt immediately prior fo a,ly to the 90+y petud, it shal be deomed adomaticaly med upon the siart
oI thb perbd.


Prewntve susperxion 1- havsrtivo suspc.|i.rn

mEV be inpced Presidert br re+ondgn ehaire city, indeprdfrt ooorpo.tent dty

orfiClab of a p.!ilirlc6, hQhly urbanlzed



Go\rernor: if repon<bnt

b an electiYe dficbl of a compofrent city or




bdangry it the rBspo.derit ban dctive official of the bararay

Prevenlivo slrspcl[{on may be impoced when:

3. 4.

witnss3 or p@ a ur d io the saftfy and inte$ity c,f the l@ds ard ot lsr sviren6. Any siub p.E stEvs stEp.dott 6rtot qoead 60 &),S. ]f gst sd ca36' it carmot C,(caed g) days wiEJn a yot on tlD sanE grqlnd6) oxlstlrg and known at tho tkne of $o ffi s.Epo.rsbl. Upon qpiafut d tto prird of susponsbo, lho 6cer b d6o,rEd oinstated withon geiudlce b $s oantiluatrco of $e proceedfigF agsiEt him, which *lall be'terminded withh 1m days to{n the fomtat rFtice of the chargs agairEt him. a lf there is dehy in proceedngs due to hb fault, nglect or tquest ottEr than an appal (ftry fi]ed, srcfi delay shal nd be countd it! comPuting tho 120 days.

a The issu dE Pitd; b. Eviisnce of gult ls sturgt c. TtErs 'u a gtaf fbtility

that oortirruance in


couH hrllufice


Any abuse in the

exed$ of the poler d

prs\rentive suspension shall be

penaliz6d as abus6 cadJtrloaity.


Saky d th6 ,spondfit pnetg srrspensbn 1. The rcsporxrent offcbl $af Bceivo no sabry a compnsatbn ,or tho paiod d p.e\rentve $spel!$m, brf upon $rbcqlent o(onaation and reinstatemenl' ho shal be pai, rhe sahry a co.npetrsation atd ernoluments duo for such priod.

w oD Pubf,c OtEc.r' Alberto C. A8r., At neo l,rr School

Reviewer on

Bilrts d respondent


The rspondorn sha[ havs tuI oppodunib[ & To appa, and d*nd hinEdf in prson o. !y counsel; b. To confror and crossr(amine the wiblsses against him; c. To rqriB lhe dtsrdance d wiEl6sse3; and d. To poduce &cunentary erriderEe in his ravs lhrough conpulsory proc-ess



Form and notice

d decbion Tho h\rstigatk'n of the case shall be teminated within gO da)rs from the stan
therof. Wthin 30 days


the end of the investilation, the Office o, the

Presirent or th6 sanggLunian concornd sha render a docirio.l in writing slating clarly and di$nlc'Uy the lacG ard th reasons for such decbion. Goples_g whi$ shall b6 fumistEd fh rEpondent and all inteiested padies.



Srspa'sixr lt shouH not qce6d lhe urs[*ed porlim d tl6 tsrn of tespordnt or a perbd o16 rrrfis la axiy adminisfahro ofionso.
Rorno\rat Unlfl(o susprrsftrn, rcrnoval gfbctivly oporatse ae cajdidacy br an el6ct'n s position.
Decisims by


a bar to


Adminisffiivo appab



Offica of tre Prsirnt or sanggunian may, within 3[) da)rs



,eceif[ thror, be appealed to lhe fdlowing: Sangguniang Par{alaw'Ban: fa decbions componnt citis ard mmidpalities

of th

sanggunhn of


Omcs of tle Preek ftr decbions of the Sangguniang PanlahwigBn and of independefit component cities ard highu urtarized citis


Exeodim penckB ap@ 1. Decisbns d6 li.ld and e)(eortdy deqrito tto apped. Thua br the ov. tla rspo.deflt wirB lho ap@, lhe xe.ution cf lh decbbn wil be corlfde.d as prarntv. $upension and h6 shafl be nfi0od fo fia saEy and ornolumefits

dring th6 peiod psrfilg appel


2. 3.

d fie

Offce of the Resirent arc final atd Gxscrrbry.

Adminbffiive Ordor ib. 23 ia .Ed on Dsnber 17, 199 prscrt8 tn6 rubs and pIocedl.,s Aplicabb to a&rinisfetiw disciplinary caser fil6d aainst elecfve local officials of provinces, highly urbanhed citieq independnt componer cities, component cfies, and citkrs and munidpalitbs in Meiro


Manih. Th6 Presirert shall act upon these complaints as Disciplining Authcity and he rlay act through the Exeortive Secretary.

d tlo lntorbr and local Govermnf b dGjgnafed as lnvesnbding Authodty and h may constitute an lnvstigding Committe in f|e Dpstrnont Ior th6 prrpo6oThe Socrdary


R"vi.wr or L.w on hfiIc Offic.r5 c. Atra, AEnGo t I Sclel






Scfion 1. ColrEago. - These rules and proce(ilres shall appty to adminisFative dsciplinary cases filed against (al lhe govmoE, and membe.s of the sangguniang panlahwban; (b) the rnayo6, vic mayoF, and tnfiSors ot itl satguniang panlungsod of h''ghly urtanized cit es" independent component cities, ard component citieq ard (c) ihe rnayoB, vice rmyds, and members ot the sangguniang panfungsod or bayan of citkt3 s municipalities in MebopoFtan Manila, aic.

offEials me, irlod in ftF p.scadng Sectbn sha[ bo acted upon by the Pre.id6.t Th6 Pre.iidert, who may act fioh lh6 E)(6qnti e ScrEy, stsl lseinafler be rfered to as the Disciplining

2.TisciilfiarymE. :- Et Adlitnlcffim compEiffi-;ElyE ffi;EEiiErErive


lnvdbdrg Art sity. - Ihe Soefary o, the Ir sior ard local Goymmnt b he.6by designated as rho hr,diFling auUuity. tle may @nsfihrto an lflvstigating Committee in th Oepartrnert of lh6 lntErior and Local Go\rernment (DlLG) fotr thc prrpoe.
Sc. 3.


Section 1. Graunds.
office on arry
a) Dislo,yatty

lh lollorying grornds:

- ln

lEtiv bcal official rnay be disciplined, suspended, or removed lrom

rhe BepubEc of the PhilDFi,B;

b) Culpsble

vidatbn ol the Con$tMion;

c) Dbhonety, oppressfn,

rilscondri h.fioq

gross negqlorEo,

derdi:lioo of duty;

O Cotnmi:xrim o{ any o,lblss imohing mrd tryibdo (r an diBnses p.dshabb by at p.ision nEys, wtl*l is fiun :ix @ yrs .rd qle (1) day to tsshre fla yecs imp.iemlnfit.
6) Abuse of


$ Unautfiaized abeenca lor ffn6.r (15) coawnivo yuorldng d8F h case d locd cfiiol exqrlivss and lour (4) conseqnivo sBsions h the caso d members of the sangguniang:

br, or acquisitbn or, fioreign citizenship or resirerEs ol th staius another cou[try; and
g) Application

an immigrant ot

h) Such othef go.rn6 as ]rlay be fovidad by tl6 Local Go\remrnern Code cf 1$1; Repuuic Act No. 6713; Rglub Aci No,3olq AdminisHive Cod of 1987; Revised Penal Code; and all oihor applicablo g.Eal ard special hws.




How initiated.

An adminisffiive caso nlay b innirfed by any pirvae individual o, any

w oD.tub$c Orficc'i Alb.rto C AA.a, AEnco L.w School

RNiwcr on

Oo\rernmerlt orficer or empbyeo by fililg a sl,,om witten oolnPlaint againsl arry elective local otflcial e{lumeraled urder Srec. 't, Bule I hereoL h may also bo initiated motu by the Ofiice of the PresiM or any go\remment agErrcy dttly authorLed by hw to en$ire that tocal gorernrnent units (LGt ls) ac-t withh thek prBcribed po!,ve.s ard fi.,nctiotts.

Sc. 2. Form o, cotnplaint. - Tha corplainl, @mpanied by affidavits of witstss or evirences in support of th6 ciatge, shall b addressd to the Ptesk ent" lt srtall b drawn in clear, simple' and concise hnguags and in rnlhodical rnanner as to apprise ttre rcspondem of the nature of lhe charcg against him and to emble him to p.epare hie de{ensa The patty filing the cotnPlaint shall be calld th6 complainarn, while lhe official against whom the complaint is filed sha[ be called the responder Sec. 3. Where fibd.
The cornplaint shat be filed wilh tlp Becords OffE, Offica ot the President, Lcqg_Cnce@ Mahcanans'--@!ih..,H9werg.-fol'-qSE agEinst declivo !Ecte!9

Metropolitan Manila, the co.nplaint nny be fled through tha concemed Rgimal Diclor of ths DILG, who shall transrnit the same to fhe Sectsiary ot the ard lml Gorrotntnent, withh forty-idn (48) holr3 trom recei, ltE d. ln tlis rgard, the Begbnal Diecld conc.ned shall authflticate all lho pqtinnt doc mqts prserted to htn.



Upon 7e6'tpt of $ sak dodrneni$ lhe Secr#y ol !h lntetbr ard t cal Gdrsnme.rt shall transmit tie sarne to tho Offico d $o Prerndent, wihin iorty-e(frt fq hol's fiom tceDt of the
A copy of the co.nplairt shall be fumbhed to eacn

the fiollowing:

a) ths Office of rhe Gorrernor in the case ot componnt cities;

b) the Metropolitan Manih Anhority in th6 case of cities and muni:ipalities in Miropolitan Manila: and
c) ths DILG in all cases.

4. Filing fee. - A fee d Tvuo Hunded Pesos P2m-m) shall b chsgsd fs errry comphint filcd with ttlg Offca of the Presidefit payaHo b tie 'Casfikr, Office of th6 Pnesirent'


Pauper cbrnpbirts drly cdiined as such from tho paymnt of fio fifng G6. RULE 4 ANS['I'ER

h amodarre




ColIt sha[ bo exsmptod

Section 1. Notice. - Within sarn O da)a afrer the complaint is fld, fie DbcipliniE Arthodty shall issue an order requiring the respo.dent !o submit his verfied answer within fiffeen (15) days fiom hb receipt thercof. ln lhe case ol complaints filed tlrough rhe DILG Begional O{fice, the said order shall be coursed thrcugh tne Scretary of fhe hterior and tocal Govrnment.

Sec. 2. Form of answer. - The answr, a@mpanied by affidayils of wilnssB or evirences in suppod of the defensa, shall be addrssesd !o l'le Pr6#nt and shall be drawn in dear, simple, and concise hnguage and in rEttEdi:al inanrEa as to tra\rsso th chargs.

t ed. - Ths ansreer shall be subrnitted to the Reca& Office, Of6ce ol the Ptesk ent, Manih. Hou/6rer, tor cases against decthrs orficials ol LGus concerned ouBide Metrcpolitan Manila, the ansvver rnay b6 $bmi$ed rhrough ttle concerned Ragbnal Dictor cf the DILG, who shall transrnit th sarn to the Secretary of lie lnte.iff a.d Local Go\remment, within iorty-eigfrt (ll8)
Sec. 3. Where

Rerriewet on

trw on Putlh Officlrs

Albcrto C Agr.. Atenco

w Sdlool

hours trorn receipl thereoL ln lhis regard, the Beg'lonal Dircctor concetned pertile n documents presented to hirl.

sha arnhenlicate all the

Upon rec{rd ol th abore docrflnE, the Sec'etary ol lhe lnterior and l.ocal Go\,tnmetrt shall transmit th6 same to the Office c, t|e Pre.idenr, within ,ortfeight (4O hours fiom tcoipt o, th sams.
A copy

the ansrrer shall b funished to


of ttte folloning:

a) the complainant b) th Office ot the Governor in the case of componern


iiifi,i-Uetroporitm Manita lutroity kr the cass 6i d6gs aira miini;ipatiits in Uetropotnan -Uinila;

the DILG h all cases.

sec. 4- Faihro to anawd. - u Gonabb la&rs d ispondsra !o fib his ve.iH answer within frfteen (15) dars f'orn tEeits of fhe cofl|phhi agaitlst hirn sfiall ba as waiw of his ,ight to present e\rirence in his befEf.

Seclion '1- Commencetnent. - wlthin fdty-igln 6q hot rs from rcc.rpf d tho answet, the Dbciplining Anhority shall ,fer lis complaint and ansas, toglihe, wih tteir dtachm6flts and other rel\raflt papers, to the lm,estigating Authdity who srlalt comrnerrce tie iruestigation cf the cas,e within ten (1 0) days fiom reid of th6 sarrE
Sec. 2. Faillre to oor nerBe fdiminary insfigatotl. - UntecorEbb lailuIe to commdrca the pr6liminary ir estig8tion wftnh lho p.scntd pethd by fho prson or pctolr9 assbfiFd to
investigate shall be a ground ior

affialhre dltc{tlin*y *rbn. Sc. 3. Evabaton. - yyif*l ffi, e0, {hys from receirt d tf|e corpbint ard arls^,6t, lhe lnv6stigating Artprity sh6l dsEmiE widrr t'ls b a p.irla ,ad.t ce to wl|ant the ind dion



fcedngs. podo.

Sec. 4. Dsnissal motu


facie case to period prescribd under tle p.Bcedng Sc{bn, submil its recornaE dabbn to lh6 Ditc{plining AJthodty fa the nrdtu propdo dsrnissd of the case, toge$er with the rcommended decision,
resolution, and ordea. Sc. 5. Preliminary conf.nce. tf the lmrssfigatiB Anthoity <tetermines that thete tB p.ima faci6 case to warant th6 in$ihnion ot bm|d adnhlsHiv proc.edrEs, it shal, within li6 satno period prescribed under the p.eceding sec-tioG strnrrpn tis padies to a p.e$m'nary conteaenca to considr the follo^ring:

t the hvEdgaling tuUroriry dciflr*rB fhat ths b no p.irna ftr institufnn of ftflnd a&nhisHiy p.ocee.ftgs, il shal, $tlthin th6 sarne

a) Whether th6 parlies ddrB a taIrtal im,siigation the basis of lhe e\ridence oo rccod; ard

a dB willng

to sutrnit tha case for rsolution on


the parti:s desire a ,omal iNedilation, to consk er lhe simplificatbn of issues, the possibility 167
Lw or
Public Ofnce.s

Reviewcr on

Alberto C Atr., L.w S.lpol


obtaining stipulatim

or dmissio.l of facts and ol

depeit'ron-s, lo a\rok unnGsary proor, the limitation of nurrber mattrs as flrai ak th prornpt dbposition ot the c$e.

docutn.rts, specilically afidavib and ol wilrpsses, and slrch oiher

The lnvertilalirE Atthorily shat encouragE lha Par{i:s arld lhoia cointsb to er et, at any stage ot th6 procdings, inio amltable sattlgmefiL comprcn*so and abiHon, fhe ldtli3 atd condidons of whi:tr shall be slDirl to the appro\lal of the Discipfning Artrotity.

After the p.limirEry conference, the lnvestig6ting Anhsily shall issue and Order reciting th6 mattenr takon up thereon, including lhe facts stipuHed and tha e\rirences rnatl(ed, if any- Sl.rh order shall limii the issu ,or hearirq lo lhors nd disposd o, by a0reetnfit or admission of the panis, and shs[ sctEdulo th Ismal irwestigation wilhin ten (1O) days trsn ilr issuanca, unless a later datg !iIt4'.!ary' gElj{t !![!'nl!y tllq pedqcglcerned. Sc. 6. Venue ot halirg.

placs where h6 r.ldss a hoHs offco. FlI all olhr locd elctive officiab, tho \ronue thatr be the place whers th satEgunhn co.Egned b located.

wllen ths ]Epondsttt b an el*tivs omcbl ol a pro 'vrtca a highly city, tho ptefmiEry invosligatiori a coofo,nplatod in lhb Bub shal b6 conducted in lhe

Sc. 7.


90+y brl - f\b p.nnirE y pri, to any lcl eleclion.

irpestEEtbn shal be impGd wilhin nindy (90) days

RUtf 6

to susprd. - Prerrentive srsPon-sion mry be impGed by tha Arrtllodity in cases where fha rcsponffi b an elec'tivs o,ffcial or lho blbwing tct s:
a) provincos;



b) highly urbniz8d cities; c) indeperdgr[ corrponr cftre$ and O ci6e! and nuni:ipaliti in Ufropottan Mrmih-

The go\rernor shall upoar Ule dlEct order of lhe Discidini !g futto,ity, prarcmvely $Bpnd an dcli omc* d a compoosrt dty, who B trdr formal addnhlrahrc hrve*lgElioat by tho Office of ths Proddefit

Se. 2. go-dEy ban. - lb p.lr6rtE suspsrstJn shaf b impoed withh ninty (90D dqF irffnedlatofy !o any locd olciim. f the p.\roohr6 sIsp6.rBicn has ben nngosd prior to th6 go*y p.lod Inme(Hy prcodng a local de{bn, it srlal bo d*ild artorrElislly ifiad upon
lhe start of atorsaid prfrd.
Soc. 3, Grounds. - Rerrentire srrspais'ron may be impGed ai any timo aner tha issJes aro ioined, that is, after responder[ has arBwdod the clmplaint, wtlen tho elrn f|ce of guill is st]ong and, given lho qavity o, th ofurse, ttss b a great probability that tne contirnranca in office of the rspondflt could influenco tho witnqrsB a posa a thrat to ttl safV ard inegri9 of tha rccods ard oth6r

fury ringlo p.Eventiv suspsBim of local dcti! offickrb shall mt exterd tiat, in lhe oirnt Ulat serrrel dmirieffiirre cases a? filod agEinst an el*tive offEhl, he c6n lol b6 prsenrfuety srup6rded fo. rse than nin6f, PO) dqls wilhin a
Sec. 4,


beyond sixty (60) da!E; Dro\rired

single y6ar on


sarne g.orrnd or grounds oxisting and krurvn at the time

tho fitst susprcion.

R.d.ver on


Olfic.n c. &.., At r!.o t2r School

on Publk


Sec.5. Automatic reinstaternent. - Upon o(piratbn o, iho pre\redi\re suspensbn, thB suspendd eleclive offbi:rl shall bo denred ,instaled in otfico without pteMice to the continuatioo ot ths procodrlgB against him, whidr stBll bo tcmhated withln ooo iurdred lwnty (120) days tom tha tim6 hs was fdmdv notilied d llr case aqainst him. ttouoyu, t, ths delay in the ploceedng of th case b (hro to his fault, or rcqu6t, ol}rs tran tlo apped duly fled, lhe drJratbn of srch delay shall not bo @uirtd in cornpuling lh6 |tne d Emiratbn c, fho case.

Sec. 6. Salary of rspondent pencfrg suspenslon - Tho rcspondeflt, who ls geventively suspended fom ofhce, shall recoiv no sabry or cornpensatbn duting such suspensbn; bd, uPon subsequent exoneralion ard reinstatrnon! ho shal be pau his ft l salary or compensation,
including such emolurnents accndng during sl'Eh susperEbn.



Sctlon 1. ftocdural du6 poca. - TIE rspo.xlent $aI bo aoco.ded fitl opport nity lo apPar and d*nd hirnsef in porson a by counssl, to corfrott and ctG-xarnitE tho witttossos against him, ard to require the attotdance of yitness. a,rd tho prcArdbn ot documents tlIot gh the compulsory procss d srbp6la d $jbpoI|a djc6 t6rn.

Sec, 2. Who conducts the hring. the lnvestigating Adhority.

The torrnat

admirfsHivo in esfigafbn

shan be condrcted by

S6c. 3. Failure to commence turmd irlvcig6tion - Lkusmon&b failure to comrroce the formal invest(ration within the fescribed prird in tha prelminary confe.ence order by fle petson or petsons assirnd to ir sti,ale shall be agrowd ,or adniniBHtra disciplinary acrio.r.

Sc. 4. Power to tak6 tstimofiy or rc6i\rs qridoncs. - The lrNestigating AlJthdity ie hereby autho.ized to take testinrooy a rBcsiva orriren releyart to tle adrninistrativo procdings, which authofity shall indude ft powr to adrinBter oaths, srrmrnon witrresses, and rcquirs $ production o, dodlrrE rts by srrbpoena du6a tedm pusuant lo Booh l, Chapler 9, Sec:lbn 37 of the Adminieffiivo Code ot 1987.
Anyone who, witnout lawful 6)(crEa, faI3 b appd upon sfiIrtons issud undr authottty d the plcadilg psragraph or who, appearftB bdo( Ulo LlvesEgdlng tutlority oxi*ing tho poura th6.ein dofind, rotlsas to rnaha o6tr, drc Hlmry a p.odEe doo,rEfits lor irsgectbq when lawfulv ]quid, shall be subilcl b dis<i9lhe as h cas o, cmtemd d oorl.r an4 upoo applbalio.r bV fhe hiresfigstiltg tuthaity, srEI bo dalt utth by tt6 idgo d tho propr rodond tid court in ttle mann{ provired for under Book Vll, Clnfler A Soclior! 13, in datk n fo ChaBr 1, Sectbn 2 (1), of
tha A&ninistratiYB Code of ,987.

Sec- 5. Norice ol hearing. - TfE parlhs and their wihesses shall ba mtifid by subpona of the scheduled hearing at least fiva (O days bsior the date thered, silaling the date, tirne and place ol th6 hearing.

Sec. 6. Venue of hearhg- - Whir the ,spondent b an elecii\re offbial of a prorince or hishly urbanized cily, lhe brrul inr,ostiFtion as contoflipbled in tNg Bub shall b co{dlEted h the phca where he rarxrrs (x hoHs ffico. For al ofher local ebcfn 6 ffice$, the venro st!a[ ba ths placa
where the sanggunian concerned 'ts located.

Sc. 7- Eequest tor subpoena. - f a pady desiias the altondarrca of a wfnoss or tie prodr.Etion documerB, he should rnak6 ramaly rEsresl lor lh bsoance ot the necessary subpoeha subp@na duces tecum at least lhre (3) days before the scheduted hearing.
Revi.weron Lrw on pubtic

d a



Alb.,toC Aar., Ateneo


sec. 8. Postponement. - Postponornent of invetigatbn slnll be discouraged and shall be albwed only in meritorbus cas, fike ilhess of tte parties or counseb ard ol]lr simihr cas6- No postponernent fB a petiod bngEr than ss'ren (4 drys sttal bo aioivd, and h fto casa shall th total numbr ol pctpoflements ,or ono pqrly be tnor than twsnty eq daF.

d poceedings. - Th6 bsrimony of ach witness and the ,nanifestaiion parties duting an irhresfEaton sfra[ be taken in shotthand a stenotyp. A and counsels the of transqipt of the proceedings made by the olEcial stnographef or stenotyrist and duly certified by him shall be prirna facie a corecl statement d st ch ptoceedings.
sec. 9. stenographic record
Sec. 10- Order o, hearing. - Unless otherwise direcled by the lnvestigafing Adhodty, the order of a hearing shall be as follows:
a) The complairt shall

poduce the


enca on his


b) The respondent shal lhen offet


once h glrpPoat ot h'u dcteose; and

c) Tho pstbs may thon rpc{ively dld rbuttilg vidonc, unlss the hGigating Anhdity' for g,rcd rasocs and in the furtherance of .iusti:e, penr*ts Ul6m to ofior errirstcc upon Oeir oibinal

case. Sec. 11. Order of Examinationa) Direct examination by the b) Cross omination by the

Th order in which a witspss may be e)(arnined shall be as


proponent opponent

c) R+direct exan nation by the poponent and d) Bo-cross examination by the opponeoL

Sc. 12. Termioation of fonml hEtigEtion - The famal irvestigatbn of the caso shall be terminated by the lnvdirating Artho.ity wilhh ninty (9q days from tho siart theref. Unreasonable failuro to complete tle iormal inrrestigatim der the said paiod by th petson or pcrsoarg asignd to investigate shall be a ground for dixiplin y aclid.
Sec- 13. Menroranda- - Tho lnrstEdim AJUD.ity may dlow ttE partiF to $bmit their rspctilre momoranda, togeslor with ltxrk 16p.ciiw ffi rEotrlioats and odss for corrsirseffon of the Inv6tiraring Alrsity, within fiften (19 dEF aflt lt6 iotm:natioo d lhe ffinal iftstilFtion.

Section 1. Bules of

*tn .. -

ln adminisMivo disciplinary proceedingF

4 The lnvestigating Adhortty may dmit and giw probative value to

by rEsonably prudert men in the conduct ot their affairs;

evidence commonly acceptd

b) Documentary elrilenc rry be rcceh,d in the of cofraes q e)(cepls, if the original is not gfvoar partits rendily avaihble. Upor rslet fhe sha$ bs 'orm ogportrnity to comparo tho copy with tha original. It the siginal is in the official custody of a p(luic dncer, a crlt'fied copy lhetsl may b rrcr)optd; and Authqity may take nolbs of ,rdbltlly cogrizabb tacts and ot gtteraly technhal or scientiric racts within it specialized knowledge. Ihe parties shall be tlotified arld afforded an
c) Ths lnvestigating

neviewer on Lrw o'r R Uic OfEc.fs Albcdo c. As... Ai.r.o L.w S.iool

oppodunily lo contest the facts so noli:ed.

- Al &cunentary tridncs o. e)oibits shall bo proprly marked by letter (A B' C' etc.), it p.esfitod by th6 corlpbinats, atd by rumbets (1, 2, 3, stc.), il Fesented by tho respondeot. Ihey shall be attached !o the ,co.ds or, if tolumittot s, kept h a separafe buet matked 'Folder of Exhibirts', whi$ shall aho be attacrpd to the tryd&
Sc. 2. M6tking.


sction 1. Transnission ot Flcords to DisciplinirE Antrodty. - The lrNestigatkE Anho{ity shall foruard to the Disciplining Autho.ity its fitdings and recomme{daliorq togdher with the following:
a) the drafr decision,

rBohnion and ordet: with eaafi pagp consecutivdy numbered and itttiald by ttle custodian ot

b) the complte


the records;
c) a summary ol ptocsdlrgE thsen to.n fie flhg ot l,le comPbint lo lh tratls.tittal in chrcnologbal otdet indicaling tne aclion taken on tho incidenE ilvolved; and

the rco.tb

d) a list of aI ploadings, motbns, ,nanibstatiLts, anno(es, exhbils, and othr paPers or docurnents filed by th cooteding paItils, I wdl as li6 eottspording ordets a rsoMions"

Such docutnenB shall be iorwatded to lhe Dbcipliting Aufhodty within tweflty



a) florn receipt o, the last pleading and evirence, if arry, in case the tespondent does not elecl e formal in estigation;

.b) after th6 e)$ilEtbn ot the

forml invstigatbn;

perid wihin whidr to $5mit the

sanre5 or aftet the

telllination of th

O after fhe parties havo

$bmittd thei rcspctive lremorarida if so alosred-

Iho transcfiB of the procaedngg dr.t bo pegd

tho left-hand side, and propedy


tivry and h .fionobgi=! ordet, sowed on showing tn6 page m wti$ lho bEtinEny of ecn w



S6c. 2. B6cor& claslilicarim. - Records in aclnir*fatvo dsciplful{y casss ae clasifrd as confidontial in natrrc ard any infdflrafbn as to lh chaes, accllsat'Di, or iacB add|Ged may not bs rdeesed, and such rscords may not be avaihble, except to the proper authoiitkls ard, upon requst to tho partk=-in-intercsl s lheir authorized represntatives on the 'nee+to-know' basis purslrant to Mernoandum Citrrla, tlo.78 dated August 14, 19e1, as anrendd by Memorandum Cfcuhr No. 196 dated Juty 19, 1964 prscribing rules gorrerning seafiity of chssitied mattr in
govemment officos.

Sction 1. Hnditbn ot decisbn. - W'rthin rhirty F0) days alter ,c'pf of the report of the lnvestigating Authodty and the transmittal of tmrds, lh6 D*scDIning tuttrcrity shall rend{ a decision in writing stating cleady and facts and rliorx! for such decisbn. Copios ot
fleviewer on w on Public Alberto C. Atr., Aienco t w School


sak decision shall immediately be fumbhed lhe respondent and all interested parties.
Sc. 2. Finelity o, decisbn. - Tho decisbn ol lhe DiscDlnhg Aulhqity shall bcorne inal and xecuto,y afis lhe hpse of thirty @ days fiom receipt ot a copy tlE rot by the complainant or tho respondeflL as tho case may be, unl6s a rblion for ,condderslbn b f,ed wilhin the said $rch priod. Save in qceptbnaIy car6, only ooe rnclion fur r@nsirration by any one
party shall bo anowed, which sha[ sJsperld lhe running ot the 30-day reglernentary priod. Sec. 3. Execlruon pending appeat An appal shall not pr\,ent a dectsbn trom becoming linal or executoay. The respondeni shall be cors&lered as having been placed under preventive suspension duting ths pendency ot an appeal ln lho errer the appeal results in an c!(o.reratiorL fh respondent shall ba paid his salary and sucfi ottEr einoluments aecruing during th pndency ol the appoal.



Seclbn 1. Sspension or rcmoral - A ]spondent found guilty d any d the offanses enur|efated in Rule 2 hersd may be meted fhe pnalty d $spe.r*t or rBrr|oval depending on the e\ruerce prsntBd and the aggrayating a Jitig6fing cirxlmsilanoBs lhat ray be corBirsgd by the Discidining Authdity.

- Th penafty o, $spnsbn shai not o(ceed'the unexpired term o, ths responder[, or a pe.iod of 3h (6) mmths ba we.y adminisbatiE otrense, nor shal said penatty be a ba( to the candidacy of the respondor so suspended as long I he rneets th6 qualifications reguirsd for the officeSec. 3. Bemoval. - An ebctive local official nuy be removed fio,n offce on th6 groun& enumeratd h Buh 2 lPfe{, W qU d ti proper court or the Disdplinhg Authodty whichn r first acqufes jurMbtbn to the exdt sion o, tle other.
Tha penalty or removal fiom offico as a rBdt of an adrninistsati\r imrestigation sttal b co{rsiJerd a bar to th6 carddacy d th respond6.* 6r ary leclivB pGifion. BULE 12

Sc- 2. Suspension-



Secfbn 1. Remo,af d adninistali\,8 pondtB d dsabli0os. - ln ,r-*-,* ca"*, th6 presidont may, afte hb decisioo tns beoorne ffi ad ueJtory, cofimute or rE rure adminbfatlve penaltieg and dlrabflil,es impcd l?on ebcfir,g local cficftrts h adnhlrtmtiw dbcipahary casos, suqioct b suc-h tqrrrg ard oorditiorB I he mry impoced h $o inbrst of lhe sewice.

ard application o, rEh.ant hws" Thb Adninislrarive order implernnB the - RL{es ard Local Govemrnent Code of 1991 and 3 lmplernent Be$iations aiproroO anO E adopted under Mministrative odor llo. 270 dated Fbniary 21, lssa; Bod( u, ctraptii 3, soctons 10-16 0f the Adrinistative codo of 19sq and Exsrrrivs ciuer tto. zo oatea cidob; 7, t'ss2. tn alt tnatters not Plwided in this Adnini6{rativo ord., th Bdes d cord ard rho 19s7 Admlnlstrative Code shall apply h a supptetory cheIacta.
soction_ 1. Etrcts

Soc. 2. R6pel.


Mministative Order No. tgs dafd Sepfember 10, lS9O, as amended by No. 239 dated Septe.ISr 27, I S}l , is heGby repealed.

Reviewct on t.w onpubti. Albrto C. Agr., At r.o taw Srtlool


Sc. 3- Effectivity.

otfichl Gazette.

This Mminislralive Otder shall take effecl fiffeen (1q days trom publiefton in

ptitbner bdlilerently barged into the session hall, aIEriV kij(ed the door and c+lai's and Uttercd lfuatening wods at them whls svral armed nren cirded itle area. RaspondenB clsim that fle incuent wEs an offshoot of thcit rsbtance fo a pediE hgidalivg m@slr.o srJPPo.ted by pcilt'pnd frhat th prr,vinco oh ah a Fl50 ,,ilion ln fiom Pi.lB) ard w.a htetded to hdass ihorn iTb approring ihe saH lgiBlativs measlra


The partirs

Upon instruction

d fle ftesilet& fis


reiterated their letter-complainl aglainst pefnbner who u,as ordeGd to file h'c ansvver. Aftsr granting petitionefs rcqut ,or exlerEbn to fl6 an answer, lho DILG iSomed him lhat hb faitur io s5mit his answer urould b6 co.rsidered a waiver to ptsnt qridencs ex parte. The extensbns conglnled 55 days. .Peritbner fild his ans\rver months der the norice.

ercd into a


Sdtary yrent to Nueva EdF to setde th contrwersy. peaca agreetneot bd such failed, st

The DILG Secretary issued an order dcbdng petitbner in dfau[ and havi wai\red his tighf to paesent evirence. Respordnts wers oa&ad to p|sert drklnoe e)( parte.

tho PrElidort, pladlg petitioner Lrds prtrenlirlg snsprldon ,or 60 drys pondng inir[gaton. Fetiuonr fled lo. cerriaart and pmhibfrion with $e Cout of Appeafg dta[6rlgi(tg lh6 oad* ot prev.rli\re sEp.rsion and dcfaulL Tho Corrt d Appeab &mnrsed lhe petitkn

On recommendation of the DILG Secr ary, fhs E(ednivc Secrstary issued an order, by aufhodty

denid pefnibnis mc bn to condlEt ftnrlal irrrSgdioG decEing ttEt tl6 srrbnisbo of position paprs substantbly oompls w h tle teq*arsts d procc.tral &.E FaocesE in adminisffire p.e6dng8DILG The E(eculir,o

Ssetary, by authority ol the Prosir6nt dpf6.t th6 D{LG Secrfrys ftrdng8 and rBcomntdalions ard inpGed on ptilions $e perEfy ot susporlsin of 6 rrotis withol pay.

The denial of petitione/s motion to condrct formal in estigation is enoneous. Ptitione/s right to a fomal investig6t'lon is spelled out in Administrative frea No. 23. Soction 5 threof provid6 thet at the pliminary conEfence, the inystigating authority shall $mrnon iho part'rcs to corlsuer whther they desire a formal invesiigalion The inrrstigating authcity dos nd hars the discrtion wh6$e, or not a lonnal invstigatim would bo condrcied. The rccdds show that pelitbnr fild a rnotlon for formal investigationAn efiing elctive offcial has rights alin to the co,rstitdiylal Iirhts of an acoreed. Tha ,ighfs ars essentially part d due process. [h ltas th6 rt tt to (a) apps and defend himsdf in pBon or by counseh (b) confiont and cross,cxamine ths witnesses against him; (c) co,rpdso.y attendanco ot witness and the productioo of do@mentary errideoce.

ReMcwer on

w on Public Offi.l7s


A&., Atenco law Scl'ool

I t I on ihe basb of rcitbn papers, Addnl*ralir Order tlo. 23 stai6 that the hvostbding adhority t I may rcquire the parries to submit Uleir ,spective rnernoranda hn ony after furrnal invcstigation - ana, II ! trearing.
Tho jlrisprudence cited by ihe DILG in its oder denyirE petitione/s mofion ,or tormal investigation

ltPtition/s riIil to a tdmd invstigatirn yras nol salisnsd wfpn cofi|phint against him w6 dcided

I ttrese rights are reiterareo in ths implernenting-rules-and-reg-u-ht-ions-ot the Local G-orernm;nt Code-J ! anO in naministraive Order no. 23. Petrixrer tormally ch-imd his rigm ro a iormal irwesrigaion I hls answer ad cautolam was admitted. : after r -'-- -I



to appointive officials arxl employees, Adminlstratiw disciplinry procedings against

or govemment officials not oGctly similar to thos against appcintive officials. lndeed, th6- prori6brE-appli6abb-to ttus6 z-groups ar6 separate and dBtifiet;-genralv;lhe tocat Goyernmert Cod6 tor elective offchb and the CMI Servb br appoln'rve


i i
I !

Rules on rflioval and srspens*m of ebctiw offc!ils are rnoro sbnrgE rt than thGe for appoimive officiab. Th6 ol ]eqri*rg pcifpn papers in lifl of a hearing h adninistative cases is expressly snowed with rospsf lo appoinlrve dfcial3 bd nd lo ttt@ dectedJurisd'rdio.r ot r administati\re disciplinary acl'ton against el*tiv6 offciats b lodged in 2 authodties: the disciplining autho.ity and fhe inrstigating authodty,

The disciplinir adhority b the fta;ident whethef acting by hirEdf or throlh the Executive Secretary. Adminisfaiive mer No 23 debgaies lhe pow, to int estiOate b the invesligating authority, \ hich is the DILG Secretay, who rnay act by hinEelf or constitute an invest(lating
committee, or the disciplining authority may desbnate a special


estigating committes.

This is not undre delegation bause the Pr6klent rernains the dsciplinilg arnho.ity. What is delegated is the power to invest'Uats onv.' lr,lo.over, th6 DILG'S povyer to invstigata is basd on th alter-go pdnciple or fhe docfirle d qrdified poEfrcat aqency.


tlit rpflmry ac[oo ag*lst appoffiue locd ffi

Adminisffiivs (I3chfne



1. The hvest[slioo ord


adjudicatbn adl**stralilr8 cornpbints agBinst appoimn 6 bcal omchb dd rnploygq incfrdng lhot aJspsrlsirn and ,rnoval stlal be in acoordance wi0r the Gvl Servbe hlx drd rul and filg priinGil


rEdts of tlo adrdrisHiv6


sstgdlo.u sftal b6 rporGd to th6

Civil Se.ybe Cofiunission.


Pre\rentiyesuspensbn 1. tocal chie{ o<ecutiw may prerentively srspend fur a pdod not o(ceeding 60 days ary subordinate official or employeo under his adhority pending

a. b.

invostigation n The chargo inyohrs d*rcnsty, oppression in tho pcrbrmarEo ot duty; oi

gravs ,r,iscoaduct oa neglect

b recon to believa that ,spondeot b gu ty of ths chargs which walld warar hb rInoval

Reviewer on



trw on Pyblc Offic.rr At ., AtlrEo l2wsdbol



rh6 poceedings agaiEt him.

Upon e)(piatbn ot tha prerrentive suspen-sion, the srspended official or empbyee shall be auto.nalilly reinstated without Preiudice to continudbn of
E dus to hb farlt, neglsc-r or requ6t, the timB o, h conpdlB rhe period

3. f rhe dehy in lh p.ocoditEs

rho delay shal nof be counted


Mministrative in\restigstkm


lt may be conducted by a ptso.r or committeo djly authorked by th local chief executive. Findings ard rcotffnetdatbns made dr.tst bo submitd to th local chiet e)(ecutive withh 15 days ftom the erd ol rh lErings co.ducted- A dscision shall be mad within 90 drys fiom fhe tmo the tspondent b formally notified of the cfisrges.





Th local chb, xqrhre mE imposa lhe to[ovring perlalties uPon subordinde officiab and srnpbyB nrdo. hilr iuli.tctio.u a. Removal from sen be; b. Dermtbn in ranlq G. Suspoflsbn lor not mo.E than 1 year without pay; d. Fine in an amount not o(caeding 6 .mnths' salary:


2. Jt lle penalty iflpGed

clcisbn shall be


b suspeftfun wilhorit pay ,or not


than 30 dq/s, his

3. f the penafty impoeed is tpavier e.

EGcution pnding

than suspensbn of 30 da),s, the decisbn shall be appealable to rho Ciyil Serybe Commilsbn, whk r shall decide the appeal within 3O daqrs ftorn rEceipi ttereof-

1- An

appeal shal not prarrlt fhe o(altion cf a dedgon of rernoral or sr.Epnsbn. lf the rcspan<bnt is oxon6rate4 he shan b6 rinstatsd to hb position with d tho ridts zrd pi@es app.rbnant thrcto frorn fie &n he
had bon doprivad


tE d.

4 l}llcbharylrrbrfcton a. Soop6



Ch,f SG.r,b. Comnlsshn

The Ctvil Swice Cofirnigsirr

brancheq srbdhrslorB, ilstunedafusr and aoend.,s, iitcfirding gorrrmtntowned or @ntroH Eerstions with diginal charteas. tt is the single arbiter of all controvrsies pertaining to civil service pGitions in the govemment service,
yyhether career

lB irirdcdo.t oys aX efiplolE

of gorrcrn,rEflt



lt has quasFjrrdicbl funcliong oa th6 aufho.ity io hefi ard decide adminisffihra disciplinary cases irxrtiuted dirEfu with it or brdjg[t lo it on appeal, and to en orca or ordr exeortion of ns deo$ors, reolutions oi aders. The Civil Servbe Comris*m shaf dacide upon appal all administretive discipfinary cases involving tho impo$li,n ol a penalty of suspension td mqB than A) days, or a fin in an arnount e)(cedng 30 days' salary, demotion in rank or salary or Fansfrr, rernoral or dsmissal from office-

AppelHo jurisdictbn orrer a*nirisHivo dscipli.Ery cass


Rviewer on Lalx on fublic Orffc.rg Alb.rb C. Ag.a, Atenco ta\i S.lrcol


Final orde.s oI ,esolutions ol lha Commbs'ron arE appeabble to the Court o, Appeals lhrough a petil'Dn tor revlew. (Bules of Coui, Rub 43, Sectbn 5)

Jurisdiction of tloads of degrtrneots, agpndG and h$urnentalities 1. The heads crt depa.tmertB, agnci5, ard insuurEntalitirs, provinces, citk s and municipaliti5 shal have irisdclEn to imrstigEte and dqj(re tnattets involying discip$nary action against oftrce.3 and empbpes under their jurisdi:t''on.


Their decisions shall be final in case the penatty imposed is slr.spnsion for not rnore than 30 dals 6llns in an arnount not exceedng 3P da)/s' salary.
Dqillaes_ of heads oi_efiiee.or breau_urhieh?El.apElable

lo Algcivil Servica. Commission rnay be ini$alv appealed to the department atd finally to th Commissbn. a Th d*i!*on stlal bo oxecrrb.y pIrdIlg appal exc6pt when lhe penalty b removal whi$ shall bo xertory only afr6 cotrftmetion by fho d6pattrnrt head corEerned.

Investiratbn by a rgbml directd or drdla, oficial 1. An invsfgalioar may be ontrusted to a tegbnal drector or simila, offcial who shall make the necsary report aId rccommendatbn lo the chief of bureau or offceordepartnE within the period
Executbn of decision pending appeal

1. 2.

An appeal shall not stop the decbbn

tom being exqJtory.

When the penalty is s]Bpension or rermEl, fhs ,spoldent shall be consiJercd

as having been ud. prgventive srspe sbrls during the pendency of the appal in the evert tlc wins the appel.
The CMI Ssvbe Cmvr*xton has m pow or adhoiity b @.lsider'Its deEion whi$ lra3 bcooE finat and xecutory @bxing the 'doctrine of finality of ilJdgrnffO an en it He. dsco\rss that itg iudgtnent is efionoous.

BecorEidera$on ot a ffi ald o(*l.ltory dcBt n not allotrd



lh6 corac{ rstEdy

has becom albwd.

b e. oar an ord o, ttE Cofintrsbn which ftid ard xecutory- Rsort io sutniEry p.o6dngB b not
inst'Miorrs of higha lerning

Power to terminale emplqrmont academb fredo,n


Educational instilrrlions of highor leaming harre tho academic treedom no detemine for iblf on academic grounds who may teach, what may be taugttt, how it sha[ b6 taught and ]yho may be admitted to study. This indudee the authority to delonrino who glodd be rlained in iDs rclb of plofesds and othe.

acaderib prsonnel


The Civil Sd\rica Conmissbn

t6 no authority to ldce ths U.P. to dismbs a mrnber of its iaorty nrn in the gube of erfolcing Ciivil Sqvice Rules (on le\rs). (t nitrlrty <, the Phifppires v. Civit Service Cornmis.sion, 356 SCRA 57


ncravre' on

w on tuUic 016.!13

Albcrto C Agr., AlcrEo taw ScrFol


The Commission b not a co-rnatBget or surcgate adminisfator of governmern offices and .ageoci,s I its funclbrB and authodty ate linited io approving or revlrwing apprintments to dstsmino ttreir concordanca with thc CMI Servb taw. (Char v. ChA Senhe Cornnfsirn' 191 SCRA 663 (199oD


bt "pedy advc,!.I, df.dcd byrnc dccHolf * 'App*ti wfrels afforaOle, dtal b6 ,nad6 by fhs party ad"e'sely afiectd by the is
fild for th putpos of dsciplnary acfion).

di&sirn f.e., the govtnrnent efidq/eo against whom tho adminisffiive case
'ls ln admhisttaliv6 cfEciplinary case+ a judgmtrt of exotEratlon nol appeahblo'



The Suprem6 Co.rt onirn teO prior decis'ons holding that ihe'vice law orfficers and ernployees




ln an adminislrstit cass, lhe cofrlPbirEflt is, h a rEl sonse, nwdy a witness' No pivate interst b irudved in an adninisrathro cas6 ts tho ofiefls6 b committed iglainst fho gorfituto.t the cdnplailanr, ,Pt bd,tg tho party atlrcrsdy affected by a-<tecbkm <le*aring Oe rc+onOert not guliy ot lha c,sgo' has m legal personality to irterp6e an app;al acaft where lhe respoadeIlt failed to question the aPpeal'

22 \flthdtawal ot coltplam agff respondeilt a. Desistanco of oompl*rart dos mt prect ch the taking d disciplinarY Tt!9n against an cfficer; empioyea l'leitrg aoes il watrart the dsmissal of tho adminisHivo casa agBirlst him nor dissua(b the court fiom impqsirq rho appropdat sanction. (CrLzv. Dalisay, 154 SCRA482 0984)


Oiminal and adminishati\re cases inp.ssd with puuic inrerst 1. Cas8 imrolvlng mirco[duct nofifeasanca, trisftosance, or rna]feasance in ofEcs o, office]s and oflplrlrs at imprssad with puub interssl fa the,




ulrich b a pl$0c


( v- Cafya' 2'18 SCBA 50'[



Peopb's faith and ooofidstcs h govdrmenl itnohrod f . A cornpbf* fur ttri3oo.6rL nEtbEnce 6 mE dt'too agains a puuic offcr or .ndqre dnot ilst b6 witmawn at aq, rirne by lhe complainant bduse lis b a ned b rlaintaln $e faith and confidence of tho popl in tho gtoyE nirE and iB agarEies attd iBsentrEntalide&
Truth and iustics, not



Courts look with ds,farro. upon retractions of testimooios p.A/iously given in court because ffidavils of retraction or desis{ance can easily bo securcd from poor and ignorant wiltBses fhtough intimidation or monetary consk eration' Thus, an affidavit of dcsiEtancs is not bhding ofi fho ofnce d th6 Ombudsman and th; Suprems Court win not interfs with th Ombudsman's o(ercisa of his invstiggtory ard proanory fimctbns- (l'oquks v. Offie cf the Ombudsnan' 338SCBA62 e(m)


o, wiElsss.




ln caseq tlouravr, wlse an adrninisra$w caso cannot proceed without the active cooperation of ths compbinant, ths cowt ,nay litd itsdt with h4ly" 12 alternative but to dbn$ss th complait[ (Dagsa-an v. Comg, 290 SCRA"lI



Rviewer on bw or'tublk OfEc.6 Albcrlo c. At ., AE Eo L.w


23. Cssadon ot o{trc6 of rcporxle'lt


Cssalior! lhom otfice ol respondeol becalrse d Mh, rst'gnatbn, or relirerneni nitlE wanants disrnissal of fhe compbint nor rerdersr the case moot and acadernb.

24. Proce rrr

a, Under

Decree |.1o. 8o7 (Civil Sorvica Decree) and Executi\re Order No. 2gA QMministrEtve C,ode o, 1987t Who'may comrnence adminisbative pr@eedngs


h atr&{sHhro

cases agEhst non.Pro3idenlial appo& eca





Head of departnent or offce of equivalent ranlq or head ot local or chE aemis-or rgbna}-dircto*s- again+ 'dsubo.dinate offcr or omployq or

Arry person upon srrom wdttsn comptaint- Complainarn shal subrnit sworn

statemetlE coverirE his fBno.y and Ulos6 d hb witnesses with hb &qrmentary orridsnco. 1. lf on t ls basb o, $ch papE a prim ,aci ces6 is nd found to exist, lhe dsciplining authortty shal dismiss the cse.

2. f a prirna faci oasa exisB:

nE dirciplhing au$ority shall mtify rBporde. in witing of .the chages against him, with attached co@ o, th6 complaint, swom
siatements, and other documents submitted.

b. The respondefit is allovt ed not less than 72 hours after receipt of the complaint to atsweI the ciarges h wdting under oath, togther with supporting s1trom ststoBrrlts and documents, in which he shall indicate whelher or not he elec{s a fo'r'tal insligafion if his arlgws is corEk ered unsaiisfaciory. ]f lrle arBwer b iound satisfactory, the d'Bciplining authdity sfiaI dbmiss th6 case.

A lonnal hvslbafbn shal no\rslheless be


condrted when fom alb06tbtB ot tho compbirt and answ and supporling docurn{ s, tl rne.its d the case carnot bo deddd iudcbust
withon oo.tdrc{ing

$cfi inwsligatlorl.

Tb6 iftsligstbn shall be hld neither

tl|an 10 days ftom the dfrcirfning adlDdi/s lecc*pt o,

respondent's anst,vea. The investigation shall bo finished within 30 Commissirn in meritodorlg cas6s. The ilN6tigatbn is condEted only

ql'rer than 5 daF ,Er


days tom th6 filing of th6 chargEs, unless extended by the

br iha prIposo of ascertaining the tuth without neGarlly adlring to tecfinbal ruls of proceduae- A d*bim shal be mado within 30 da)rs tom

ferminatim o, fhe fwestigeton

conclusbn of the h\rstigstion).

d subm'tssirn ot ltl ,eport ot the inrrsligator 0nvstgBfs submits report within 15 dryu from


What is fhe perbd for appeal

nevi.wr on t r onfirbfic Offic.n Albcrto C ABr., Aterco l.w Sd|ool



Appeals, yvhere albwable, stlall be mad by the party adversety affected

within 15 days from .eceiPt of the decision, unlss recorlsk sralbn h sealionabv filed.

petition for

1. hition tor Beonsueratim a. Only orE petilion d tocorBfrerafio.l

orty on lhe fulbwing grounds:

shaf bo eiledainsd and


'1. New widence has been discovsed which materblly affects the

decisbn rrdrec 2- Decision is not supported by the evilence on record; 3. Erors of hw or ineguladties ha\rs been committed pteiudicial to ihe interest of the r66pondfft



t{otice dAppal lt shall be fild with rhe disciPlhing offG6 whbh shall ,orward the rcords d the case and notic6 ot apPeal to iho appdtste autt}o.ity

withh 15 days trom rh6 fling of trc notbe

cornmeots, if any.
tt shdl spocificalv state 1. The date cf fi6 docisbn appealed fiom;

appeal with ils



r@ipt ol the deision; qounds rGlied uPon lor a(ceptilg fo.n the decbion.
DarB of


Under Executivs






cases or incirertsi Unless a diftetent pedod is fixed by a special law, all contested cases shal be decired within 3D days tom $e dale of srbmission for resolution-

br docidng


Whete the omceds ac{on b only rcornmendatory to his irrnedbi superior or head ol ffice, ho shall subm hir tecor netdafion within 20 days iom lhe date of $bmisslio,r d tho cas6 6 ittddent fot rsoftnbn.

Tho apprwiqg

ffics. shall haye 10 dqrs fo.n the submlgsirn of tho b decHe the case or inc{dflt

c. d

A caso s irEiret b derrEd submiiiod br rEsoftrftotl upon tho o(pra[ion fio ftr ffitg a, pGiuon papr, or bst pleading.

Every officor cirgEd wilh lfio rsoljt'Dn ot cass or incirenB sha[ slrbnit to his kntnedhte slperi)r wihin 10 days ,ololruing tfte erd of w6ty tnonth a Svuom $atefilert of Dsposition of Cases sHing all cases or incidrns submitted to him tor resolution and which have been decided during the prscribd psrird. OnV one ,ndion for recorlsiroratioar ls allo ed whi,l shal be decided within 15 tlrys tom sub.nissbn fur rcsolLltion. No other rnolioal is albwed e)Gept the molion td rconsideraton ard oppci$oat lo it. Cases ard imilenB ponding ,soldim upon tho effectivity o, lhe E.O. shall be decired within 30 d4/s fiom th E.O.'s efbctivity.



Rc$cwe. on L.w onPublic c. Agr., Aicnco l.w Schoo,


The salary of any officer who fails to submit th Statetnent ol Dispcition of Cases withh the pescribed ptiod slEll be held by hlt sryotir rntil th

sau cfficer complies with paragraph (d) abore, without p.siudbo to irn$ilbn c, otler app.op.& e penaltls as ptovidd by hw. dlEted fo adopt and include h


Abbrelrldbn of p.ocedngs a. All adnhist6tivo agencios ata

rospclive Ruls qf PrccedurB ti8 iolk^t ing Proceedingsr Rules encouraging panies and their corinseb to enter irno ami:abl set0ement, @mpromise and atbiHion.


2. 3. 4.
3. a.

mandatory use ol affidavits in [eu of direct te.tirloni6-aodtbp.Pfened u.e of depo.{tions whensrH+ractlEbll Rul6s adoplir


and convenieflt.

Rul6 reguiring the pert'ls io subfliB in additbn to lhs ,nrndandum position paptr or lrst plea(fim tquld, a daff d fio dedSoo tlq
seh stding clarty tho tacis and th law upon whicfi it b bosd

Bubs a\ddng postponrnfiB

d haings


ffils ard odlg


tactics which the Partes or ttpir counsels migftt emplry-


Theso ruls shall apPly to gorsmntent agencis ircludng arry depattmsr&

bureau, board, offic, comrfssior! authority or offE d the National Go\remrneot authorized by law tr o(ednive order to adiudiute cases-


Thso rules shall not appv to Congrss, rhs Judbiary, the CmstiMional Commissbng military establishments in all matters rpbring to rhe Amed Forces Peasonnol, Boatd ol PardorB a]d Parcle, and state unirieBi[es and colegEs.



System Probefbn



Boarl b coflposod of a Chainnn atd 2 tnrnbss- lt ls intnded to bo an lh6 Ch,il Sdvico CofiIlissbn, a pcl of its nrbtftd strrctro and



Fot ss and fi.rE{ions 1. tler atd decide cases hvohriu rpbrss atd emColrs d tho Civil Se.vbe Commisgofl. lts decicbn shall be finel er(cpi lhoe irlrrolviu dsmissal o. ssparafiofl ftotn the servico whl$ may be.appealed to lhe Commbsirn.


Hear ard decide cases brought befiote it by officers and employees who feel aggdved by the dete.minatbn of appointing autlprities involving petsonnel aaion and violation of rhe systetI|s. Th deci:ion of the Boaltl is fmal o(cept $ce involving divbim chierg a offcbls of higher ranlG which ,nay be apldrbd ro tne Commissbn.


Dltctly t {(e @gnizanco d co.nphints aftscting flrEtbns of tfie Cornmission, ttrose whbh ate unac'ted upon by the agetxjes, and such olhea comPlaints which rqrire dircl actbn by the Boad.

li* o; Pub[. Olfi@B Alberro c' Atre, Atl,E lrw Sdrl



Administer oa rs, issue subpoena drrces tecum, tak testirnony in any imrestigafbn or inquiry, punbh for contemB in with the same produres ard penalti,s prescribed in th Eubs r, Cotn.
Pnornulgats rub ard lqguhiorrs ro carry out tho tun riorB of lhe Board subict io tlle appro\ral of tha Commissbn-

5. c.

Appdme lurisdicdon of the Civf Service Corunisdon 1- The lurMiction of $6 Board is exclusirrs, herEe, lhe CMI S.vics Commission cannot take cognizanco of ltle cases specifed e)(ce$ fhose instancos provided ,or by law which direct), rDsts the Cornmissbn wilrr lhe pof,er to hear and declle admhi$rafn e disciplinary cases instituted direc{y with it or brought to it

.. .oo3ppL ...


Th Cornmisgon, howevcr, as tll6 fmal auter on aftt matlq conceming personnol aclion in ths gorrernrnent, b eflDo,rsaed by th hw to .eviw deds'rorc d ilp Boerd

3. lt has besn hold, horsvg,

thaf under the dsose, fn Co.nmisdo has no appollde juinictbtr oyE lho Bodd's dccirln e{onording otficas ar|d employeos iom sdminirbative chargs as tho sai, hr does not comemplato a review of the sak decisions.
Tha rigttt lo appal is a rnere siaiuto.y privtlegE ard lIEy be exercised only in tho manner and in accordanca with the pro\risbB o{ hrr. The remedy

4. 5.


appeal may be arailed o, only in a case wherc the respondefit

or ernployee is ,ound guilty of the cfiargE agai Et him.

2A Preven$ra lttsponlfon a. Kin& 1. ftarfltivo sJspo.rdon prdi inriEiigat'ron; ard



Preventirre $jgpensbn pending appal i, tho penalty itnpGed tsy the disdptirw aulhodty 'rs stEp.lslbn d dsrr|Lqsd al4 e rlvi , tho rBpondefit irt

Prarcnhn grspension po.tdhg irwdiga6oat 1. lt b irpcd it tl6 dr.Oe agahst tre ptrblb officer irNob6 dshondty, opprssion d gralrE mbcorduct or negloct in the pe.bmrence ol dny, a if thre ars rasons to bolieys lhst rsponderil b gdlty of chargEs wiici wotJld
warrant his rmoral from service.

2. 3.

Purpose of suspensbn: To prirnt the ofEce. o. ernployee from using hb position or in any wry innu$cJng poteniial wilnesses or tamper with records which may b6 yital to fhe prBecutbn of ttr cc6.
Pre\rentive suspension dos nof must still be stab$stEd-

vuatg th6 cordilutton as it b not a pnelty ard

the officer is still ntitled to tho presumptbn of hnocerco sirce his culpatrility

Revieler on

tiw oi luuic Offi..rr


Alb.rlo C A!,'1

Ar...o t

w S.itoot

,1. lf the investigatbn is ml linished and. a decision is rlof ,enM within thal p.io4 the susprxibn will b lifted and responded wil bs automatically

c. Bt n to comperBarion vrtl6ro orrplo)re


b o(onrsted

Socti)o 24 o{ the OmbudsrrBn Acl o' 1989 (Bepuuic Act No. provictos thaf preventive srspensbn slral be withon pay-




No componsation is dr6 ,or the pe.r'od of prtrer iw slrspensbn perding investigation hn onry fu fhe peritd of susperEbn pendng appeal in ths event that the employs b o(onerated. Being ,outd lbbb lor a lesser otrenco Ls not


lt is not enough that th6 ernploye is exonerated of fhe chargs against him. His sLBpensbn mrrst bo uniustifd.

Reprlub Act 1{o. 6715 o(prssly p.o!rir6 for the paymsm o{ Fiyste ernployees ot ful bact(waqs, irdrBive of allowarEos and o$q bdlffs ltom tho tirne ol stBprts'im to ranstatrmr . ln th casa of Fibfrc ofiffi, the proirbion ior paynEnt of sehrix duiry p.sveotivs suspeosbn prrD.8 invcslilFtbn has
been deleted. Under Seclbn 23 d the knplernerning Rules and Regutsfpns of Executivs Order 292 ard o*rer pertineflt civil sewice hws, firsi ofHlse tor vbHirr of reasonablo


officE rul6s

punistBbla b, rcp.irmnd, D63fife having ben mstsd



reprimand, he should be given back his salaries during hb suspension. Preventive suspendon prdilg appal Unlike $.rspsrEbn pending inYesligatbn, prarer ivo suspersbn pandng appal is punitive in natur and in etrct oonsk orcd ilogal if rspondnt E oxonsated.


Thus, llo stDuld bo

final psnafty.

ni'r*aEd with tul pay io. tlo pe.iod d susperEioo. lt b nd donerated, ilro pqiod of sJspnsioo bcorrB pdt of his


tt is bocausa llaponffi b po.rdtsEd bsd6 hb sfib.tco b confinrEd that he ghouH ba @ hb sabilx h Ule srro.t ho b o@.Ered. I rrcuH bo unirst to depdrrs him ot hb pry as e rEult d tll3 ir nedds xcuti,n ol t,le dcbim

agaiNt hin.


Under ths A(ln ristrdn e Coda d 1962 $e dci*rn d $e Depertmnt Seoetary cooftrning fi dsmissal b er(eortory s\ren pIdng appeal. SiIr th6 dismissal order remains \ralk, and effecti\re urnl modiH d set aside, the intorvening pefiod duing which an employee b pcrmittd to wort cannot b argud as amour ing to uniustfid suspaEbn.

Suspnsirn fiom crnco


Secticr 1 3 of RA l{o. 3Ol 9, mandatory

".\try public officer 60aiBt u,horn any crt rird plEoqnbo undor a yald krfu.rrEloo unddt ris A6-t ot under !h6 provis$oce d the Rwised Fenal Co<le m b.ibeay is pndi@ in co(.l,! shall ba suspndod irorn office. ShooH he b con iXed by final judgrnoflt, ha shal loss all retirsrEnt or gatuity b6n6lits under arry law, bn i( he b acquitte4 he shalt bs erfi fd to rrirsfateflEm ad fo tlo sabriB and benefits which he failed



unbss in the ,n6nlim6


R6/iewer on L.w oo Arlrlic OrfiG7s Albcrto C. Atir, Alcnco Lr* sdr@l

poceedings ha\,e ben filed against him.' (Bepublic Ad t{o. 3019, Sectbn 13}

1. Section 13

d Republc Act No. 3019 p.ot idos lhat rho accBed Public offGial sha[ b suspnded trom offica whib lt| ctfniTlat ptcecutio.t ie pendirE in cout. The ttm 'cffics' applls to any o'ffcs srhidl rhs offict charged m'lght concunfilly be holding and not necessadly the part'cular offre under which he
was charged

A law granting preventive suspnsbn is Proce&Jral, not penal. Thuq it must b

constued liberally.


The law does not tequiB

irn proceedng to dstetrnire (1) the stength clf evk e'lcs o, orlpability, e) tho gEvity ol the ofieosa cttsga O whethr or not his continuarrct in cflico tuould inf,uGtEo lho witlrssca 6 pose a tht6t to th sabty aad itnegrity d tlle recd(ls and olher c\rir.Ee belore fhe cout could
havs a valk, basds in decteing ptventve strsperEbn pnding


the $Jilt of the aocused musl be establbhd in a

tla tial of fhe

Pre-conditkrn ior ospendon

1. The impcilbn o


not autornalic ot self-oporative. A pr}'

condition, the.fio.e, is the existence ot a vam suspensbn hearing.


detemined at a pre-


The purpose of the pre-suspensim hearing is to detetmine the validity of the informstion and tl eby fumisfi lh oolrt s'frh a bads to either suspend the accused and paoced with tlts tbl on the rnsits of the case, a ,fus susponsbn ol the hter ard dismiss the case, or odrec-t any patt of thg proeding wtricfi finpais its Yak fy.

9. Duetron of $sperx$on 1. Suspenebn may not be ,or an hdfinite peiod o. fur an unteasonable length of

drne. Ths drdoo d prevcn$vs srBpo,lsbat b co-qral with the pdiod p8cribed ft. d**fng adnit*tEahr. dsclPlnily casB" f the caso b decired bfor 90 dayg fidr fhe suspens*m wfl bst 16 tlan 90 days. But ift|6 caso is rEt decidod wi0in 90 diys, tlo the slspembo nrry not Grrcod fhe maxirrum p.lod d 90 dqls.
Wt|en the adninistrativo case against tl|e officer d e.nployee under p.evsfitiw suspnsbn is not fimfiV dec-rred by ths discidinkrg authotity within the pdod


of 90 days afrsr ttts date ol suspension of rhe rcspondefit who

not a

prsidernid appointee, the respondeflt shall be artomafically reinstated in the servk*. l'loMre\rer, ttte peaiod may be intefiupted when tle dehy in the dbposiEon d the case b the respordenfs laun.


An omployee who b sonerated b not enlilrd to lhe payrned ot his salari because hb $sperxfurL beiru autho.iz6d Uy hw cannot bo uljustified

ln th6 cas6 of menrbss

fhe Phifippine Natboal Police

Lw onPublic O{ Alb.rto c. Agra, At nco bu Sdlool
ReYi.w.r on

"Upon the fifng of a comphm tr informaiion sumcierit in tdm ard $bstance against a member of th; PNP td gravs Idonies wtle E the penafry imposed by hw 'E dx (6) years ard dlo (1) dry o nore, the courl shall imrndiatdy suspend lho ac.used fro.n dlice rJrrtl the c6e is termioated. Such case shall bs subject to corthuoG tid and shall be teminated within ninty (9o) da/s from atralgnment of the accussd.' (Bepubli.: A.n No. 6975, S4tbn 44


Ftdf--i. 1.
ln the cas

The suspension fiom the oflice oI a rnembor ot lhe Philippino Naiional Polic charued with a grave offense, where th penatty is 6 lrea6 and 1 day or more' shall last until the tetmination of the cass. The sllspensi.m cannot bo liftd before the tetmination of the case atthough t* b not tetminated within the

loc.d le.tive otrtcbls

'(a) Pre,\rdive stuperEbn ,rry ba lmposed: By ilre P'sident il rire ,Bspondstn b an electi\re independnt cornponefit caty;

offci d

a p.ot ilc, a l$ghty ubanized ot an

(2) By the governor, if tho respordetf is an elective o{ficial of a cofllponent city o. municipallty; (3) By the rnayor, if tho respondent is an eleciive offcial o, the barangEy.


(b) Prevenli\re suspension may be impGd at any time afler l|te issues are joined, when the evidence of gruilt b stong, and given lhe gravity of lh6 ofense, tter6 is gtBat probability rhat the continuance in otfco of lhe respoadent 6uld in0uenco th6 witngss d, pG a treat to dl sabty and intgrity of ths tco'tts and- dEr 6\nlrence: Ptovide4 that any sfnde Fevefltilre susponsion of local sl6cth; officbls shatl not extord bqrond sixty Gq dat/st Provided, fil'ttl , That h tle s\rer[ that ss\rcraf administ'atl'rr cases ara fled agBinst an ebc,livo otrce+ he canmt be pBv8ntvsly sGpended ior npra fhan ninfty pq dA|s within a sirgb )rd on lrls sanE grouad q gtounds a<isiing ard krcwn at the tirne d ths ffi suspeosim.
(c) Upon

n Afrce wifpg1 pr6pdce b t15 co;1tia1ation ot fb proose6gs aga6 littL wt ch shal be tormhated wilhin one hundtd tHlty (12O) days from t|e Wne he was ,ofiralv ndtnd d the caso 8ga[d hhL Hdevs, if tlu dhy in the pocosdngg d fie c6e b di6to hb tadt' ngloc! or rcque* Ors than lhe appeal d*, filed, tl d.raibn of s.Ph detty srlal not be @un!6d in


ot rha prsvenlive s|lspsr|3in, lha suspended deahn cilfcirl sl|all b dostnd

compuling th6 time of terminatbn or lhe case. (O Any abuse oi me exercise of the potvr ot p.eveoii\rs suspnsion shall be penalized as abuso of autho.ity." (Bepublic Ac{ No. 7160, Section 63)


strcrtt p.iod of 60 days is p.6cribd undr Soctbn 63 ol Republic AGt No7160 as the maximum pe.iod br prn entve $,spensim for local elec{ive offciab bocauso lhe rcsPondent b olected by the peopl and such p.evefitiw suspnsion rnay only be ordered aner the isstEs do idned.

Rdi.wd o tfl on'P!,],Ic Offic.rt Alterto C Asr., ALrro lalf sdrool


ft b aEo interded to limit the petiod o, suspefB'bn that may be imposed by the ftlyo., a gp\renxx, d rhe Pr;ideG who mau be motivated by Padlsan political coistieratron ln contrast th Ornbudsman, ut|o can impose a longer period' is not lldy fo ba Cmilaty mothratod by partisen political coisideration' and othr elective

the caso d pre*rfithl appoirnees and olher eloclivo offcbls i. ' ln 1. Pr,6\rn6'rj srspGion in ttre case ot pasfrenlhl appointees

oftrials nrry raise a duo p.ocess questim if conlinued for an unreasonable

lengti oftfn.

dly ofni:er tr employe under hb o'. guilt is ths 6,idenco p.ncttg an invsugati; if it hb rrrdgrGt ,"ttroriV l1)JE 'r+iri^"! Jrn omcar c emPlq/6 irnotves ogro*sty, oPptcasbn or graw misoondlEt ot Cr. (c) tho service; trun lhe "nrrp rErDval r"orld r'6traticnarg6 pe.fotrmtr orty;'0ritre or ;;g|!gt in-uta reJponOent's iontini.rd stay in offico mry p.siudics the cass fil6d agaffi hturr

@: it

The p{Brrefiti\re susptlsion strall continue until the cass is le.minated by the Omc of.the Ombudsman b,t noi more than six @ montis, withod pay, except when lhe delay in tho disposition of the case by the offrce of th6 ombrxtsman is dus to the fault, ngtgenca or petition od'the of respondent, in'wnict case ths pe,iod of sucfi delay sfiatl not bo counted in computing the Priod 2'l) Section (Repuuic 670' Act No. suspension herin p(wided.'


Unds Sctbn 24 ol Republic Act i'lo. 6fro, th Ombuds.nan rnay suspend,

irvostiFtkrn and the gerrcntive susprub.t shal conthue utn tho 60 is tdmlnated by ttE Otrce of the Ofi$ud$taq but tDt rp.s than 6 lrrot hs withor* pay, &cep u,h.l ttt dlay in fh6 dpctaton of th case is dlo to tF farn, in wnfn caie, the perbd cf l,|e dehy $ra[ not b courted in compding $o prio<t lho long6. pdiod wa. rrs to maningftitly irdtnor* ih
aufhority of l,|o Ombutgtnan.
Prior nofics end

under cedain conditbns, any ofiicer or ernpblpe under his authdity pending an


hsrlng nd t(lid Prevflti g.lspnsfrn b not a pe afiy; lrme, nolice a.d heding a, not requird. lt 'rs a peliminary step in ths adnillisffiive hvestigatiln-

Membrs of CongrBss covered bY


No. 3019

proecttbn und*a valkl iniottnatim urdsthis Act or u,t# tn" Eo\rision;o, the Beirised-Per6l Cooe on bibery i5 psdhg in oout, sha! b $spdded from offica. Should he be corNicted by final ir.rdgment, he shat lco aI letitetnerf or gratuity btFfts under arry hw, but if hs b qritted; hs stratt Oe entiUeO to rolrstatmflt and to th salaries and benefns which he fa ed to rceirrc dutng susperEnm, ur{ecs in ll|o rneantime administrati\b proceedings have be8n fled agEinst him.' (Repuuic Acr ib. 3fi9, Sectbn 13)


R.ivi.w6 on Lrw on FuUi. offi.!6 AlbcrtoC A84 At nco LwS.,lool


Th6 ordef of suspensbn prescribd under Seclion 13 ot Sepublic Acl No. 3019 b distirEt lrom lh6 pourer ot Congss to disciplins ils ol|n ranks under Ssctbn 10(3), &ticle Vl ot the CorBlihJt'lon. Th suspnst n cornemplated undd the rdc ant prorrisbn d the Con$ihnim b a pur*tivs mea$r6 imposed upon

determination by
m6mbr, Th6 srsparsion

lhc Serde

tk[lse o. Bpesenlatives upon an ering

urds Section 13, Bepuuic Acl No. 3019 ls not a penally, but a preliminary, preventive measure that may be impGed for misbehavior on a

respordefit as a Member ot Congress.

2r. Bemoyd ands.Bpqnriotriisilitrgubhed


As to duralion


Tho difierence bcltflen fh6 potrrer to rrnove ard th porys to suspend is

on6 of degros. StEp6nsim b qualified xptfsbo ard it constitds eiih. iernptrary or p6rfirarEnt dseflhaocrlsefistt.
Whn the sJsprl.{on d a pub offcer b ro contiue until lhe fnal disposition of a criminal proaer$m, bams a vi tual ,rno\ral. (l-acson v. Roqu6, 92 Phit. /t56 (1952)



Aslo nature

1. Pres[ive
lhe of6cer

b rDt a penatty but a rners polective rneasur so that employe who is cfiarged may be separated fiom the scen6 of hb allegEd misfeasance while the same is being investigEted to insure poper ard impartial co.duct of an imrestigatbn. Prevernive sspen$on is distirrt frorn the adminisfatiye penalty of rcmoval fiom ofice.



As to tirne ol irnpositbo

'1. SusptEbn, not bir|g a penalry, mey b6 imposed perdirg iwstigEtion. Rmoral bcing a pqtalty, is meted upon tenninatim d $e imrestigatbn or final tminatim dtl6 c8e.
grave, l6ss

28. SclredJb


ot!ff.rMlre p.nald6 AdminisHr6 porlanhs rB chssiBsd iflto

Fsmlfr6 for ea\rs Offsnses


ltilt denss.



D*rs{ssal Ognonesty


neglect clf duty

c. Gra\re misconduct
Being notoriously urd!:irable Corwiction of a crime involving mofal turpitude t. Fabilicatioo ot offchl docurnera s. Physical or mental incapac,ly or'disability duo no vidorls hatiB h. EngagirE, diec{y or indiec0y, in panisan poliucal activities by one holding a no,Fpohi:al ofnca i. Rec6iving for pssonal usa of a fs, gift c other valuable lhirE h ihs cot so of offichl ddies wfrcn giv6n wi$ hope d dpectalio,t ol rBcMng a favor or btter treatrnerd s cornmitting acts in vbhtion cll an anti{ran lavy i- Con!"acfing loans d nroney or otha( property fiom persons with whom th6 6. ofnc of the ernployee has business relatbns


Rviewer on taw on hrbtac C Agr.,

At n


w s.hool


k l.

Soliciting or accspling, direcity or indireclty, any gift' graluity, etc. in lho


tegulated by, or any transaclion whictr

his offco Dbloyatty to rhe Bep.lblit

his orfchl duties ot in colxlectbn wil,l any operatlm bdm my b afiecled by fh funcrioN d

fho Philipfnn6 a]d ths F ipim peod6

gJspension troan 6 rnonttB and 1 day dismissal foa th secord detlse

lo 1 yeat ,or UD fitst

offense' atd

a b. c-


Disgracetul and imrDral conduct lnfficiency and incompeterE in the pertamance of otficH ddies d- Frequefit, unautho.ized absences and tadiness in rePorting ior duty, loafing or frqlnt unauthaized ab6ences tom dny dudllgieCt[a!9@tl9lIC e. Beftrsal lo perfom official duty

f. Grcs insubordi;Etion prirdickrl to iha bs{ iderst c selvbo s. Conduc't grcsly -cofifofing, rranagirg or accepting as office, h. Oxning, ernployee, consultant, couatsd, bml(et, agent, tustea, or mmina in any p.iwie efllctpriss rgtido4 supdvired, or lcorlsod by hb dfice i. Engaging in th6 pd^re practica ot profiesskm, unlese adlbdzod by the Const lltbn j. Disclosing or misusing confdential 6 dessified infiormatiotl offtcialv knorv lo him by r@son of hilt olfice and not lrlado arraihbb to the public k. Obraining d u-sing arry statstrEnt t ed undar rho Codo of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Publc Otrcbb and Empbyees br any purpose cor rary to mtrals or P.ruic PolicY

c. '

Penahies tor Less Gra\rs offerEes


Suspnsbn from 1 ,nonth ard 1 day to



the fiIst ofGos6' and

dismissal ior ths s@nd dfetEe Siimpb nogle{ of duv Siimpb mbco.dwn GrGs ditcoutsy in tho couss of otEcEd dnits Groes virlatiott of exining GivI Servhs law ard rul of e

a. b. c. sslqrs naturs d. e. lnsl6o.dndon f. lhbitualfiml(gorla g. Nepotism h. Rcorl[trsding any pssoft !o a pd*lbn ina pivae ecterpin whi,l has a i. ik

tgdar o? pendng otrci.d traGacfion with hilr otrc6, urless mandatod by law or intsnational ag.eaneats Unfai, dscriminatlon in ,endring prblic ss\rics (fuo to pefty afnftaton or
preference Failure to file Swom Statements o, AsseB and tiib itft= Failut to l$gn tom pctitioo in a pivate entepeise within 30 da)'s from assumption ol public office or failue to di\,st himsdf of his sharholdings or lnterest in privats wibin 60 days fiom lho assumPtion of publ'lc



Penatlis for Li{tht Offenses


Reprijnard ,or ttlt, filst ofhrBo, st spatuidt ot ofisriss, and dismissal ior tie fhld cfierlse a. Neqlcl of duty

day to 30 days for the second


Discourlesy in the official cowsa of


Lw d PlrMc Olfccrs Albrto C agr., At ncot \, Sdlool Rdi.wd

c. lmproper a umuthdked solicitation fiom subordinate employee or by teachB ard scfiool offck s lrorn sclrcol children d. Vrolation of ffics rules and regdatbns e. Gambliqg Fohbitd by hw t BetEal to tender ovrtiine service g. Disgracfu|, in loral, dishonssl con&rcf pdoa io acpbilion o, offico h. Borowhg money by srrpriro. dfictes fom subo.dnatB a lending money . by srjbordinates to supeaior officers i. LendirE money at usurbus interest i. Wllful failure to psy jLEt debts or taxes k. Pursuit of a p'hrate business, vocalbn s professbn withod petmission l.
requircd by th6 Gvil Sewice rules I ft pcrsoml irterpst ry gain i4 logrdtriva h.ltq en l .tffi.rQ withoul ^bbyin{, authortty Promoltng sal6 d tcl(el in behal, of privafa enterp.tses nd inteided for chadty or pllblie urslrarB Failurs io act ploflptly m letters ard rcques& wiuin 1 5 dA/6 Failure to paocess doojments and cornpleb adbo oo documents within reasonabb lime FaflurB to aterld !o anyon who wants to avail hirnsef of th6 servics d the orfic or act promFt, in publb transactions

n. o. p. .

lmpositbn and deterrinatbn of pndtis

dismissal, transfer, defiDtbn, oa fin6 mry be ir?@d iBtead of suspension for 1 rnor h and 1 day to 1 year, and fne instead of susperEion fiom 1 day to 1

For offenses under PIasd6rthl Decr6 no. 808, forced resi;nalbn irEtead of


2. 3.

For offeBes under Republic Acl t\b. 6713, only one pernlty shafi be imposed for each case-

ln the determinalion ot pnalti3 to be impcod, nmigsling and aggravalirg circumstancG nray bo cdEide.d. f rspondert is found guilty for 2 or moa charcps or counts, fie pe.Elty impGed shouH be thet cdrspondirE to the



clEge. Th6 d cdnmittd n6d

,nay bo conElddd aggtareliargt The scond or not bo lte sams ofio.Eo.


Accssory peatdtiB


Dbmissal shal cary trul t Urat d cancdhion d di$rfu, ,aieihrs of leve ctedils ard rtirEnt benfiB ard dir*IraIficatix for r-mplqrrnent !t goremmert servico-


Foced resignatbn shal carry with it forfeiture of leava credits and retiretnent beneFns and disgualifcatim tor empl))marll in ih governmer[ for a period of 1

The fact that a prblic oficer a ernpbye tras anady been administratively pemlizsd b nd a bar io hb convhiion unds gnsral poml h!vs.


Rernoval of administretilro penalties o. dsabilities

1. ln meritairs


ard upofl

Commbsbn, ihe Presirefit may commule

rcomrnendalbn of th Civil Service 6 rBrnolrs admhistratiw pnalties or




trw on Puuic Offfccrs

Alberto c. Atra, Atrnco

w S.ttool

disabilities imposd upoo o,ffoers or employees in d'Eciplinary cases, subiect io srrch terrB ard condiliorE as he may impGo in the irdetesl o, seryice. 29, The Sandganbryan a. The San<figianbalran was cteatd by Prs*rential Deoe No- 1606, as amended by Bepublb Act No. 7975 and 82.19.



. Molations of Repuuic Aet No. 301 I and 379; 2. Crimes committed by Public offcers and etnPbyees embraced

$Ueci to 'tts irrisdiction

in Tltl

vlll of the

Bevbed Peml Code (e.g., Mbery, malvetsarion ol public funds); (whther simpte or comploGd with otht Liintes) offettses-or-fdodes public crfficeis and ertpqrces in rddion to lheir offics, whero the comrnidd by -B penatty precf*O b, ht higtEr ttsl p.lsion cdrEjorEl s imprbon nent fo.



6 yars, or a fino ot PGPm.m; and 4.

Civil ard critninal cas6 fled to and in corrlcliorl with Execdiw Orde No. l, 2,'t4 and l+a trsud in 1986.

Offichls and pri\rat6 indrttals s bjecf to ils iurisdfibn 'I . Under paragrapfrs (4 and (b) ol hes*denlbl DsEe l',1o. 1 606, tho Sandigranbapn shal exercise adugve oaigilal iui*fction over lhe cass mentbned in (1I e) and (31 abo\re whrE ons a ,noa of th accused arB of[rcials occupying fho bllowitlg positions in th govsrnments

a. b.

Ofticials of the execrnive brarch occupying lhe positioo of regionat director or higher, otherwiso chssifid as Gr3de 27' or highr

Provincial goirmds, vics-goernors, membe,s of the Sanggunbng Panlalawigan, Fwind{ ta$tts, aesessots, enginrg and o$r govimial depatnot tparb
City nryor+ vico-{nayors, rsnbe.s of fh6 SarEgunemg Panhmgsod, 6ity fsasr,rr, assessas, enghds &d othr p,oritx$l d6pdtnrtr hads Officbls ol Ule



nafic sewr'ce


tho podtton of comul


e. ,.

Philippine army and high6r rank

at tucs cobnb'

rlaval ca@irls aad all dficrs


Omcers of the Philippine National Police whil6 ocupying the position o, provincial drector and tllose holding the rank of seflior superifitendent or


s. City ard Fovincial prosecdors


in the offico of Ule Orrtudstnan and special

Presidflts, dlclois or tusles or managdB of go\ren nent-owned or controlled corpc'ai'ons, slate universities or educalional inslilutions or

Reviews on Lrw or Plblic Alb.rto C ABr., AtEnco l,af, School

i. j. k. l.


ol CorBress and officials tl|reof chs-qfied as Grade "27" or

Membe6 oa fie iudict ry w hon prejudice Corctitdirn

preiudbs to the provinions ot U|e Cotlstlll

to the ptorisiorE od the

and mernbers of tho Constihnbnal Commissbn3 without bn

Allother natbnal and localofiicials chssified as Grad6'27" or higher


m. Pri\ate irdividuab chargd as co-painciPals, rdih-lhe-@ui:_sfiicrsor_cmpb6.. _.,




Jurisdic$on of odirary courts 1. Ondnery courts hayB iltisdction in cases: a Whete rlone of lh aca.Esd b occupyittg poeitims o, Grade or military a Phlipftine Natioml Police office.s

"27'or higlEr,


When ther b no atlegalion fhat lh ofhnss chatges ws onncled with lh dischargp of the ddies or functims of a puHic officer (.e., tllr6 must be a

direcl rhbn betrv6efl tho ctime and tho offco, alrd ihe oftense cannot
exist without the



Th6 Sandiganbq/an hd exclusirre appellate iurisdi:t'on over final judgments, rsotdions a odets of the @lond Trial Courts whether in the exercbe of their orEinal or appdhg Mscf'clion-

I t|g SecH ! ff""f* February 2, 1987 or upoo lrE ratificaton d tle.1987 Pnfipfine Constitution, I i erosecutor becamo a rnrE suborffi of the ornhjdsrlrarl. The ,o Er can inv6tigste and i i posecute cases onty if insrucd to do so by ttls latts. Th6 Spodal Prcecuttr has no auatodty to i i condrEt prCiminary lr\l6tlgalio.u erd b diEl tl6 fiIng ol oirlnal casa occepi upon ordeB of the I I I OnbutstnanI I

rffie-"*-$ffi;,ffi ,drscR S/(t

! I Undr the Anti-Oan Law, 'a public offcer irEludes eleciivs and appointivo officials and emplo)res, I permanent or ternporary, whether in the uncbssiH or classified or o(rnpted service receMng I
compensation, e\ren nominal, froan the


hrc Ys- Sa!@a n Eyat plA





Petitioner, an Assistant MarEgr of the Treasury Divbion and Hed of the toans Section of the ! Philippino National Constucrim Cdporatim (PllCC), itr mt a pt$lic o ncsr wi0rin th6 prrvieU of th6 Anti-Graft l3w. PN@ hB no o,idml charter and ms irrorporaied urder tl gneral law on corporations. Henca, the SandgErbayan has no ,urisdir'lon otrr him. Tho mly instanca whH1t a i p.ivats indivirual ,nay be chaged bGtora tho Sardiganbayan is whe.r her'sh is indicled as a co- | principal, acco.nplico or accBsory of a public otficer wilh a crinE cognizabla by tho Sandiganbayan. I

i i


Ra,i.,r.r on tew ori hrbfrc Ofio.ri Albcrro C Atr., AtcrEo t v Sdlool

llacsoo vs Becutirra *t?]wy, d. d. @l

*R 8 (rggB/D

Seciion 4 [of R.A No. 82,191 tequi3 that lho dfonse chatged mus bo commitred by ule ofionder in ! .elation to his office in order ,or lhe Satdganbalan lo ha\rs orer it. Th'ls iwBd'tctional I mandated I i requirement is h accordance wilh Secton 5, Ad;6b X1l of the 1973 CorBtitutbn whi$ publ'lc officrs I by tho committed cdmiral cases i ttrit tt e SandigEnbayan shall have iuisdiclbn o\rer to their I relat'ton coryorations, 'in gorcrnmern-owned or controlled incfrOng those h emdod, i anO (1984 ! na in the was reiterated mandate a"t*ri""o uv ra;.' This constitutional ;ffi.;;!;th; i Constitution when it decJared in Seclirn /t thereof that rh SanOig"nbu;i Jrfi -ttrf"* t" fritaOi ! e, lawE!t. may w be provided rE@rrB rrE, exercise its iudsdiction as n or he,eaflet and cLErul5l,,t5, l,vvlljw by i j alru I ,"O in relation to the office if it (the ofiense is I ! *" n",o ttrat an ofense is said ; har. ""-ri trrder and petpcHed wlil he was in the i I 'inti.a"rv corncled' with tls ffice cl lhe pdforrnance of hb ornc*tl functio.u- Tlis ir imaiB datim bc*ureen the ofunse cfiatged and the t I dischargs o, his ofnchl dXica 'musr be dlegd h lho intumalbn.' I I

Crisostomo gs. Sarr@dnbyan (G.R.l!,o- rsir,g', ANfl 14 crirne as defined in


ln Sanchez v. Demaiou, the @urt ruled thaf fhe pubfc otfice must be a corl.stituent elarnetrt of th

! -r*xitu"rrt I lpuofic otrrcer, tari *lrnin itre o<cttr*w and srsinat iutisdi:tion ol th Sandiganbayan? Peopte v. coutxphinl!..that a pr:orr'omcer-.:ffi(_ll prpbates to hb office fhe ofiensa while perfurming, though in improper or ingular i ,elation if h i i manner, his official turElions and he cannot cornmit lhe ofiense wilhorn hoEing hb pubfc o,trce. ln i i srch a case, ther b an inliroate conneclion bdtr ge'r rh6 ofbtEe affl $e fficB d $6 acorsed. lf I ! the information alleges th dGe oonneciion berween the dfsfls cfi4gpd and fio oftc8 of th I I accusd, the caso ,a[s wittin the irridclion of $e SandiFnbsyan. People v. Montgo is an I I ! er(cption that Sanchez v. Demfriotr iecogtiltsd

$e statuira berorB tlB SandiSanbayan could acqui ildsdhtion ovr a case. lnOeea, murder and homicide witl revet be $le main furclion of any public office- No public offce r *ifier* U"" eleme; cf m[der. When then would murder a homicide, commi$ed by a I

iilil;;.;,#.= iiil-'#[..-n"



! Th6 inforrntion aocrsd Giroioflro d mldoring a dete.tkh pdgo{t{, a crin6 that coffides drctly ! with Cri:osromo's ofnco as a iail guad who has tho drfy to tlsure tre sals orsilody of m nrmner.

I !

Glsostomo's purportsd act of Hfng a detefitbn pri$rle, wtib ircgdar atd contrary b i i qbctomo's d.Itis, tras co.nrnt'trd htlle he ras perfirrlrB his offi frmclions. i i





vs. Sandlgonbeydrr,

* il

lG,B. l,Es,-r/ta&'i'.4t,

t dd, ,r, AE)

iAn ofbnse is said to have been comnittd in rdalion to Ul6 office if the dbnse I connected' with the ofllce of li6 ofrde. a.d pqpeirated whil hs waB in tlm prfonnance of his ! I ofiicial functirns. This i.rtimate re$on bstveeen $e ofro3s chagEd a.d the dscfia,g8 of th6 I
I offiial dutk s must bo alleoed in lho inbrmatbn. THs is in accordanc wilh the rule that the tactor ! that characterizes ule char& -S E $le actd recital of tho facts ir th6 co.ndaint s into.mafion. He{tce,

i is 'intimately i


,onting h specmc facrud ayennsris to shoru the intimate I ! where the trr-"*ti", I ! rehlonsfrl/connectlon Ua*"*, the ofierEa charged and th dscfiatge d official functions, the

Lqggg3&3r3rlsgr9i-,Egiqgsgp-Eig---- ---------l 191



on Public


Alb.rlo C Atr., Atcnco L.r S.iool

I ! eam-eI, as Presiding Judge o, IITCC, Branch '1, Cabanaluan Cily, b vested with the povuer to ! recommena *re appoirtncil oI Ana May Simbarm as bookbinder. As allegpd in tre AmenaeO t petitioner as stre needd hb rccomrnrdafion. But t to ! "ppr*.h he imposed condition bfo.e extendlrg srrch recomrrErdalb.r - sh6 shouH Ue frS gktfisnd and i ? ! i must ,porl daily fo hb dce fo. a liss. Ttlere can be m doubt, lhsrde, fhd pefiuonr usd his i I otfbial pcitbn in conunitting tho acls complaind d. Whib h b tuo, as ptitioner aryueq thst I ! public offce ls not an dernert of the crirne of acts or lascivbrrsngs, nonetheless, he could not have I I committed the crirnes were il not for the fac-t that as th Prcsiring Judge, he has the authority to I !recommend her appoinUnent as booktinder- ln other words, thtcrim; atbged! committed are I intir"t"tv conn*tii with his onrcei !

iir#l*", "i"Itr'*ffii"o



t ruqpf ys. SanagrrDer/.A ea eL F,R




h is nol disputed irlat tho Sandganbayan has jurbdction olrr p.esideflE, Orecfors or tuseeO or ! mamgers of gorrdnmoat-o{,nd oa co.fidld corporatlms with sigilal charters whenoytr cfiatgs i ol graft and corruptbn ar in olvd. Howelrer, a gustbn ariB6 trtEtlEr Sl Sardggnba)Bn has i jurisdiction over the sarne officers in goverrrnent-owned or contgllod corporatiofts dgBnized and i
incorporated under the Capaati:n


The hgislature,

made the necessaV distirEtbn. Bln it di, not !t b a F+ ryinciplg of statutory-corBtsuciion tiat i when tho law does not dsthguhll, re strould not dbtngulsh- t bl l6x non disthguit nc nos

i i

go\rernment-ovr'ned or corfiolled co.poratbns' within tfp juirclclion of th6 Sandiganbalran, has consistently rehained lrorn nuking any distinctbn yrilh rspct to the rnanns of t,lef cration. The deliberate omissbn clearv reveats the intefltbn of the kagfshturg to include tho prsidents, directors or trustees, or .nanageB d both fyDos cf corporatbns within fhe jurisdirbn of the Sandiganbayan whenorer lhey are lmrohred in graff and cdruplion. Ilad it been otherwise, it couH have simpty

rnardating the ixrugon o, 'presideds, dilclorB or tustes,

rnanagets o,

t distinguss debdnG. Coroah.ily, Arude X Setoo 12 dthe 1987 Cons{itljtio.r, o.r the lwbdctbn of I lhe Ombudsman 0ro got snrnent's pr@rto.y dm agsinst persorE ctla gd with grafi ard I coruption), indud63 ofico,s and emdoyees o, t,la gp\renment-ryEd or cofilroled oo.paatbns, I likeurbe whtrout anv df inctbn-


3O fhe Ombodsnan a Polirrs, furEllrrE and dni:s


or lhe Ombudsman lnvestigate on ils olrvn, or on complaint by ary psrsorL any act or ornbsbn of any public official, employee, oltice or agency, when such act or omission appears to be illegal, unjust, improper d inefiicient;


Diect any sueh offcial, etc. to perform or expedite arry act or duty requid by law, a to stop, prqrert and co.rct any abus or impropriety in th performance
of duties;

Dict lh6 ofrEsr concernd lo lake appopriate aaion agalnst a pubtrc offEkil or empbyoe at fauh .and recoflre.d h's rr|oval, suspension, dfnolion, fine, osnsrne or prGcutbn, and complance ther6 ith; and

Rcviewcr on law on PlrHk Omc.,s Alberto C Ag.r, Atcnco t w S.lEol

4. b.

Determile the causes o, inetficisncy, ,ed taPe, misrnanagetnen! cottudion in the go\rrntnet .

faud ard

Ofnchls subiel to the dscipli.nary adho.ity of tha Ombudstftan '1. The Onbu&tnan has dririnary authaity o\rt atr eleciiw and appdrnivo

otrcials indudng tnembers of the cabirrt, local gornrnmer mhs, go,otninertowned or contolled corpdaliolrs and ius subsiriariB


a. b. c.



removable by impeachment Membets of Congtss Members of th Judichry


The Offca of th ornbudslmn is lhe only body authorized to investigate even ofiiciab rrnovaue b,y imp@hmnl

lonfudEaran"*Oamio .G.a lo.


oEfuDcr rO,


Tho clause ,illegal acl of dnission d any pubic dficial; encornpasses any crirne com.nittad by a I public official or ernploya fts reach is so vast that there b no requirernent tlat tno act or omission I b rBlated to or be connecied with tlle ptionnanca ot otrcial

i fnis po,ner ot in estigBrbn grarfid to the Ombudsrnan ... and the Ombudsntallq F nol grflusivg i I out ls strareo wi0r ohe. $mihtly authotized gpyemmsflt agencieq such as the PCGG and lidges of i i municipal tiat courts and mmicipal circuit trial courts. [As rcgads public sciool teachetsl, by virtue I i of th6 Magna Carta fa Public Sctlool Teachers, ci$nal iutisdic'fnn belongs to the school I i superintenOent. Ths iltontbn o, rhe bw, whi$ b to imposo a separat6 stafi1a6 and procedural I i reiuiranenr for arlminbrraiw cases involving public sctr6<{ teacfierg must be given consideration. I I i i1"", tt . Or"urit "* rnG vi"ro t" tt s -nmitt d the Divlsim Scnoo srpalntenoet t a ! given tu|l adnhisrarivs disq)erary .tgry:.If is the Omhrdsrndl exercise ot his drrtis, tn tne ! I ! norr- S not limitod Terey to fcdviqg, prm:*U compbints, or Icormndtrg.?*"ryo. !1"ts p.odJcton of evidoncs t I to conaua in estigarims, hold hGarings, srmIIEn witnss, and reqrire i I anO pace rc+ponoents unde. prventiw suspo'Iiorl. Ttis inctdes tio porrer to imposo the penalty a I i of ranoval suspensbn, ddncnioG fne, or censrre of a prbffc office] a Itnployea




AIfrIF,ZE. $B B?, 4e w- -' ililffiffiZffi I

i Ttrat the rehrsal, without iusf cause, of arry ofFcer to comply with such an order of th6 Ombudsman stong indbatim thaf i to penalizs an ening office. s empt )ree b a ground tut disciplinary action, is a'ls

actually rnandatory ! the Ombudsrnan's 'recommerdation' is not merely actvltory in nature hn of tho usurpation by the Ombudsman should mt be irtetpretod as the bounds ot law. This within ! d the head of ffice oI arry officer cficetned. By sHing tterefqB that ths Ornbudsman ! arnhority I ..,.--:^-.r-. .^-id ,lnuiai,rha in irl the tha tho prcvisions oficer e or o-^l^,& 6fnptoyes, .lE bo taken againsil an the action ^r:^..^ to r^.aL^. ^- ening -r;a.*Ee ! 'recommends' .L^ iii fta the inplernsrtaion or irp'olo r ue'cousea tnrousn

| the Fope. off'cr. iime FoPe.orncr.

;*il,tt" :* niil.i#o


lllt is titewise apparent thd under RA No. 6fro, the lawmafirs intenOeO to provite the Office of the i
I Ombudsman wilh sufficierfi mjsclo lo ensure that it can efiectivdy carry od its rnandat as I a orutecror ol the oeoDle aoainst ineot ard co.ruoi oovernrnent otficets and emDloYces. The Office t ----.--..193
Albcrto C

! I



on Puuic Offic..t Ateneo t2w School


fwas granted the power o punish 'orer tor contern-O-in acco-rOa-nce wi$ rtreEurcs ot Co-un, lt *r"-Sir*l tne Oscipfnary i,rtnorify a[ electiw and appointiv officials ol the g0vsnrner its ! "ni II and agpncbs (with th o""pti* *iy .t- irip*"n"uf" ;ff;;, lsub<rivisiins, ir=t ",enti,rrues, of C.d"s"rd t; Jr.rdicidy). aso, it can p,*"tt*i;,;:;;-;il;;-r#; | ;"b"* penOng ! aufiodrty an invstigEtion wh6n thc case so wanafiBi !



n rr,Oon in BA. 6Z0 takeo together reveal the manitest intent ol the lawmakers lo Uofo*, on ! of lh Omhrdsrnan full adminisfative disciplinary adhority. Thes6 the Offics cover ths t -df tdrifiEEmqudE ffi whEh enta-iF the authdi, to, -Tenfird-gainut ti AE; receiG hier fenfird-gainut I complaints' co.duct iny6tiga$ons, hold hearings in acco.danco with the rules of procsdur, I sumnpn witnBsear ard rc([lire ths plodlcfbn o, docrjrnr s, p*ace under parrntiE srqensbn ! public otrtcrs and ernpbys perding an inveslilation, deto.mino the appopdale penalty q etrptqree as wananted b, rhe 6vifnce, and, rEcesarily, ! imposaUfe ofl ning pfi"


imposo the said penalty.


! Herce, ttre tull adminisrative disciplinary auihority ot ltls O{fice of rhe Ornbudsnan, ircludng lh6

power to impGs the pemlty d rcnroval, sJspensSoat dermlion, fine, censure, or paoseorbn of a public officr or mployee found to b6 at fault, b bq/ond contestatioo-

on btxtsma,, r,'.. cottft ot


d- d. @R. l6lua, llortclftlr


ln our rcent ruling in Otrcs of the OmhrGrnan v. Corrrt of Appeab, we reit6rated teOesrna anO ,(poundd that takn togsther, fhe releyant pro\risions o, R-A" i,lo- 6-1170 v6ted petitbner with 'full irlpose the said


adnhlrtathre dtlciplinary auttuity' inctdiE fhe po$Er to 'deEmine tre appop*rte ponalU ! imposaHe on ering ptbfic oficss or rnptryees alr wananted by evirence, anO, necessetty, !

I reson to &viata fiom thH rulingg, Th3y r coll$stnt wilh orr earkr obeanraton that ! unlike tho 'classi:al mxbmdr ,rDdd' whose furElioa b msE b 'r@h,E ard gocess th i popl's comdaints against ard abltsiyg gorsrtrsrf pssonn|,' tl6 Phinppils i Ombtdsrnan - as p.d6for of fie peple, is arl6d w the porre. to prosocute fling pubflc otrcors i I and ornplq/eq giving him an a.*ive rob an tl6 enfio.cernslt of bws on 6nt{rd and co,ruB I praai:es and $Jcfi ! practics sJcfi otlg dftrses dfrnses that Ery rEy b6 co.nrdttsd co.nrnittsd by sucfi offcrs and-emplcyees. ard 6mploye63. Tln Tho I legishure has vested I him with broad powers lo enable him to inplernerlt his own actlons ! tr--:------------:J
Wo se no



! me porer to investigate and to p.oscuie ganfed by hw to tho mudsman is ptanary anO I ! ,rlqritineo. tt peranni to any acr or ombsbn & any puoir officer or employee wtren gih an *r * | I ! n.ission asr.s to * irredr, ,ri rr, ilnpr.p-, ; iffin"b,tt-.-im ut otr,:- r,uno, -.the Otrcs ot fre a6i*"t Proscutor srr*i"r Speckl rl= is nrerety- a component of ,ir lh6 6. Of[ca tu Onbudsrmn and may *t on]y th ;"t und. ;;d". qmc" of iI lhe superv'Eion. ard 9r cofitol ard upon the ar$uity ol the Ombudsrnan. .-. Supwision meqns I i i

E;"7"7diE-vFr;;'.t-tffi itr'r'EL-il;ffi Effi ldfr lt




Lqf sPgg-Ltree,g-9llglgtLgS"-glLy-rE"gEEiBgtt!9s#t"gl!Ei'j
Rcvbucron t w on,tubli. orffcB Atr.rrD c. Aar., At nco t.wSchool


rneans th6 Do\rer ol an offrlt to atler or modify or nulliy or sl :lside wnar a in the perrdmancs ot his duties and lo subslr'hrta the iudgrtent o, the ! sr.roonlinae offcer had don' rormer ta tra ot the latter.

rduties. contol


pursrarn to hb pol,rsr ol supefvision and control oyet rhe special ercecutor, I lattr to condrct adninisiralive iwGtigalbn whil6 H-A. No. 670 aoco.tb tn6 t tha I may authorize pr"=*.rtq lhe sam6 rank as that ol the Deputy Or6udgnan, Setbn 24 thereof xPrryty ! Spi"i"f i grants mly to the Ombudsrnan ard the Deputy Ombtdsnen the porve. to placc unde ry.*"ti* ! iuspensloir go\rernment otrdals ard employees under their authority pending an administative I administtative investigationl Howerrr, if lio Ombudsrnan delegates his arrhority to conduct -a;pension I or th | i and ths lattet finds lhat Prosecutor may recommend to ! puUtic-omciat or empliyee subiecr therof b waranted, the Spcial i preveatiwsuspeosiondfies eemPloye urder i

* o,n*rtan,




CaraOeo ! qraooto


(G.A ,Xo' , ns. vloura Yl,. orAppeelt Coua ot 4rtaB lv.trc

-, E, rut ...D, @'.8 Oa/DDt'4 lTaun aN 17,IxI,,

i I

is the rul that p.ior nolbe and hearing are not rcquid h lhc is.nrance a a n utentire ! suspension otder, such sjsper|lsbn noi being a Penalty bl.Jt only a prsentit e ,n$,re - a t preliminary step in an adminbtrativs investigation. lf dler such inr/esrigatim, th6 chargEs are I established and the prso.t investigsted b ,ound guitty ol acts waranling his rernoral, u|n he is I lemoyed or dbmissed. Thb is th perElty. IhtE is, thetio.E, rolhing irproper in susp6cling an I ofr'cer pending his investisstbn ard b6ote rhe chdses : ! opportunity toprove his innocence. Ttrere is nothirg in the law, esPecially Seclion 24 or RA. No. precede the and hearhg that notbe whbh rcquirs Th Act of 1989, or GnbuGman Ono ! ! prwentite suspension of an e.dng public ofFcttl. Also, whito a p.e\rtltive suspensioal order may onbid=r*n is not teguid to trmislr the rcspon6ent with a copv ol !


"** T3ffigl*9,Trgxr^il

th complaint prior to a pre\rentive suspensbn.


i UnOer Sectim Zl of RA 6fr0, tuo rcql!*Es must conar to i.ds the geve.ltire sulpenston onler I i valict Frst, th. must oe a prir deleflrinaton by th6 Ombudsrnan tH the erir*ca orl i rcspondent's guih b sfron$ Sffit4 (a) lho ofiattse clla gd'trxlsr hvotlre eEnesty, oppression' I igt"*.it*ni,rc{, * t "g-l*r in the perbfita tcs ol dtrf O the crtatge vYouH warant removd I td';;p.,d",ri'" oontinuec scy in-olil& mgy prdrdce the cass fled against I t";1h" d;;6 -! ! I



and p]osclne on its own or on I lo rv 'irwestigate ,.rw]!Ys.e ot the Ombudsman has lh6 sob porver llEs public publb or aqncy, person, any any otficer 6 etnployeo ,I office, complaint by any any ac't a orission of I i ?{::, Court has i Th improper, or ineffclxlt' such act or to be illegBl, uniust omissioo appeaB iwhen spcial i of lhe findings to interftro h dtmpprolng its refused with Ule Offco ol the Orbtdgnan i I prosecutoB, prornrrbafirg its o*n rubs of, srlrnBsily Csnisgng coanpbi]tts withort I I going tlrough preliminary iNestigatbn, lssdng orders withon gMng patriB a priot oral hering, and I I fildl cala. ol a{ nirE air City cih, p'r*Ar.rrt7va wha tosed trrq<ed th the I PrGec.rno(s who even dismissing caiminal casss f'ld ag8inst .' 'a saies ! i-^^-aio*i.1i* ^-*

fn" Om""

14?P: i

! responsibility ot conOuaing a p.diminary imrGtigstbn rccommenoltims, 'ping-por6' style,' styre,' amorq amorB others I !


Rcvicwdon t w on Puuac Alb.rto c. Atr., Acnco trw S<iool



each other with contradictory 'I




_-_-____-_+ ! The Col.rt wil lkanise retuse lo interfere in lhe irsiant cas6. The porrer to withdaw the in on ration ! ! ;;"dy fl"d t ;#" Gr.a - -nt".l*". of lho OmhdflEnt ,,*at pr,r* ro Fosorte. n is ! ! subject d calrse, to the approval of the SarKtiganbayan. As with any drer ctiminal case, once the : ! sanr ha ben fled with ths court it b that cotd, ad rto longer tio Prce6ortion, wtlk$ flas full i

L----------------J ----1 lif,,-',-, ua-"'o'ffiil7.Zlrdiltriii&-tfiy66llBasd on

d the Ombud$nan sxercbes afiafibts. mi5 Eng so,A cati t only i rstigata atd prosocde e{s or ornissbns ol th6 o{fichh/erndo}.c6 ol gove.nment ! coiroratons Thersfors, anhorgh tho gorcrnmer latsr on accind fu contoling intdsi in PAL and 'rts dfice.s/ernCtOees cot-tO ! th" I".i lgrnails lhat the Htel, dd nd haw an 'c(ind chartef prosecuted not be lmr8tigBt6d anda bylhe OmbuGrnan. I
l,A'tble X, Seclion13 (2) oI


control of lh6 case so mr.Eh so thal ihe irfdmation may not be chsmissad wffioln the appro\.d of



1987 Constitx'ron, the Offics


public ttrab-ld.em-plnrees





I Ombudsman under Artbb Xl, Sectim 13e) of lhs Constitulidl Conse$glty, the ldt ! authority to irwestigato d prosecde petilbrErs.

ltlat lho Crase'with orilrol crt{tf I !fn .f,r- l,lation?l tabo. Rolatixu Corrmissb,r, w6 nd6d i rream 'cturtered by special hw as distirlguishod tom ccpoaixs o.ganized under the i i Corporation Code.' PAI- beins oriSiully a pdvate corporation so&d by private capital and i I created under the gEnral cdporation hw, dos not fal within ths lrlsdc{irml pot ers of the I

is devoid of



3r. Ay htpeactrmeril a lmpeqchablo officiab


Office.s rornovabb W impachment a. Ptsident

b. \fice-pIsirent c. Members of fhe $ryeme Cort d. Mrnb69 cf the Corul nbrral Conrnissims
e- Ornhrdsrnan



1. CulpaHe violafion of lho Constitut'pn 2. Trason 3. &ibery 4. Grafl and co.ruption 5. other high caimes 6. Betrayal o, public tust
Powe( lo initiate and to try impechmeri cass 1. Tho hlou.qe or RepresenHives has tho sole porrr



irrDscirment wtr e


Senaio sits as e court ,or

to hitiale all casa of $e tial d irpachmeflt

r-------r yl Fran.{soo ,ldr$ I l

Albcrto c. Agr., Atenco

of Aepcsartati,r'c (4r5

*RA 4)


^ Lq=gqlEHt glsElggs]ggl
R.lic,rcr on trw onlubf,c Offi(lr3

| ---,, -^ I EsEg,.l!!p-r

1rr s<iool

!-in-nfi'Jis;i*-t-nEA;.-iffiAtft;mii are-ffin a perroo-ot o.e veat:-'rtre-term-'to inni'*-l ti;f'l'il.r *. --p"*rr*rn conphint coupleo.wirrr corprd; iaking initial actbn of the ! ! ;;; th6 H* ite.u"t'"Jni Crr." o'."o" io' ;;id;;ffi;i. Eil-i"ffils ",,a 17 oi R,b v oi provisittB l I ,nearing u,o.d $ sai, ara uncfiEtiMbnat- TIle fact thal to Ole 'b fuflino,' 6 ditbrem I i
I under Section

the firs't comphit*, is subject to j]rrbitt review. The relianc-s of the I US ,. Hx"" lr ."ra*itlrrgr. rnerc arc rulo ,mi, Aiffe.Erres belween the u.S. and the ! ! ot j'flci.a' y1i:l i: imltl-V,s:int*1o ftj u.._S_*1-1T! I I eniip6*.con"titrtion. 'F!Ii, fne tlle saEe 19 1!qt 9'tly_1{ | i power brn a duty urder th6 co]rt'g oeanded juMicton. S*ond, the U.S. CotEtiufion dld nof i i proriO" any lirnitations h ttteporE ot th6 trE r$ers of fho tbLEs of FeEsntatives in initiatinq i I i impeachment cases filing, rcql'rd rot6 to lmpach and $s mo yo, ban rule-'

t! ttre question of whethr c not tho s@rd impeachment compbir filed agEinst Chi6, Justica I
i !

3(8), Anhle X, the Cong8 b glvn lh6 pox,t lo promulgate ns orvn ru1e3 on impeachrnem does not give lrle Horrso an absotuia rulo maki]B pourer. Such poxer b limitd by th phrase 'to effclivety cary out tho pulposo olttrb



OaviOL, thres ,nonths after





Penatties ror

a. Bernoval t orn offics b. Dbqualificatbn to hold any ofiice under the Hepublic of lhe Philippines c. SuUectim ard li:tbflity fd crimiEl p.Geculir! trbl and punishment



Meaning and puIposa of impeact rne Definition: lt is a method of natbnal inquest inlo lhe conduct of public men-


b. PurpGsr ils pupose


rnalfeasarrces. ]t b p.imarily intended fd fh6 p.ofecton of tha State and not br tfie punishnErit of th6 ofierld6r. The penahies aro irx*Jernal ro $s protectbn ol tho pople.


protE:t the people

tom offcial delinquenciB oi

I Gulfirrez r:* Conrrdt ae dr Jirt{b, (60 $RA ,98, I tu the prcteclhn of tle ! 'impeachmern b p.irDarily 'c/fr-dr,-'

! I ! rul6.

punishrlem IfE *nulanas ot tL trc iry;hrrE n orrft*nte 'paiuone of Bre to House cf Rep.6rrtarfrre Cofitrnittee m Justie Aoi not vioate md




a body pd'itb, and ,Et br $a ageht t 0""

I 'The filing ol an impeachmert corlpbir b like 1fi6 ligtning d a ,rratcffiick Lhhting ih6 msdlstict ..1



matchstick reaches or tschs tho I I alone, howerre., calnot light up tho candb, unless the lQtrted I candle wick Befening the cornplaint to the proper committee 'rgnites the impoachmefit proceoding. I I Wth a simuttaneous referal of muttiple comphints filed, mo. tlan on lghted rnatchstbks light ths I ! candle at the same tirn. what is irnporlant b lhat th6re stDuH ont be one candle that b kindled in I ! a year, such that onco lhe carde sdrls luming, subsequsrt ;rrafcllsficrc can rn bnger rekindb Ule I


Meanwhile, an impeachrn$t rpresent an article cf

Constitutitn allrrts indictrneot


cotrpbint ned not aleged only on inpeachable ofGnsc- The hr multiple ,mpachment onertses prorrided lhai each chargs must i

! I 'tgS7 I

Reviercr on i.w on Publk Orff.lrs AIb.rto c. Agtr., Arrn ot wschool




Anhrily with


2. 3. 4.

poryer b aboli*t Congross mry abdisfi arry offico it crates yvilhan intingir upon the dghts fh omcaa or emCq/oe cmcsnod The Presiront pl,srrant to a yalid detgaiim of povyea Local govgnments urhen sai, pourer tlas ben ddogsisd to thern By th6 peoplo themsetves when they amend the Collstihltk n



Abditim d ffico ven dJring tefm d incumbent 1. The po^,er to abolbh mry be er(ercised at any lirne and e\ren while lhe otfce is occrpied by a duly olected or appdnted incumbefit_

2. 3.

TherB ts no deplnralirn

contr&tjal o. progrty


of $6 right of the inclrnbent because he has no

h the office. .oce ance of Ule dfice b with the

urderstandng that il mry be abdishe<t anyfime.

Temre of office 'ts mt atEcted by the co.rstiMbnal prohibitim agairEt the irnpairment of coctracts- Sedrity of tenur dG not paoioct civil srvb6 eflrphyees fioot abolifron of fhe positors heH by fiern in lie absence of any otier prwft$on a<pressty or impliedy prohibiting abolition he.eof.

What oonslfu nes abo[fron


To con$der an ofic6 abolishe4 there must ha!/e ben intentbn to do away with il wholy ard prmanendy. Thero b no abolitbn whre the pchion b th6 same one
but baring a ditrerem mrne.

Rernoval ot office and lermination by abolitbn of an office distinguished

There is an offce with an oocupant who vyould Atter abolition, there b no mof occupant ag thereby lce hb pc*tbn. tf*re is no rpre officoTfp positim $rbsists and fno hcr,mber is TfE rigm fq s*urity of tenu'r does nd odst in a merely seprated therfiomnon-odsteri offc6.

n,,ra,bry x Atti&rl,,b B1 Pril gB


non*,t m i:fg. NES.


fn" nmrnent Br.rau rne Br'Eu was abolBhed aborshed by coflgrss Coflgrss afit a National Nationat Erpbyrre Erpbyrle rt tt servrz Servfz NEg vtas I vvas ! Nfq l- aaq..oA n^ r,* poviOes , ^, I -^r,n-..^ tre traosb c, 'q.atified percorrrel' ftorn tte abolistlod Ureau ne to ,-, tfre !
I The President do.rrSrEted Quiloriam as ths ActirE Co.nmissimr d lhe Ssvba Manahng, the I director of the Placernent Buteau assailed such desiylstbn as illgal ard eqrvatert fo his rcnroval I tom oftcs witrout iust causo.

rne court ruled thd t|e abonbn of the placemrt &rau did not constiMo rtre rernoral of i ! i,lanalang withou jwr caus6. Rorno\ral irnpllss fiat an otrce endsts afier tle oGier. nirs doe not ! ! apply nontu in thls ihie cass aao bcause iror.o,* the *- ofice of nra lhe drector cased to xist ^-- I ^-ir ..-upoo . the aboftirn ot ttre entra ^--^r 4^ ^r,- rr' - *^ I


i i i

l_.. ugl! !e glssg?$igsg-$LE slglps-tt3EErg"_'gEte

neviewg on Lu oll hruic Orfi.c.t Albcrto C. Agrr, AtsrEo t r. Sdtool


G;;;,r4"-fi;6"ri-tr*fing;;t$A-by-fo;;bo-tiii-onof T" ! exceF.ror ta .* orficc a employee in lhe civit swi:e shall bo removed or suspended ! rn i DUr a suspensoll' nor retnoval a "r"a as proritA by hu/' b mt in point ror ihet has been rEither ! cause i an abott'on of Manaiangls fotrns ornca whbtr is within the porer d Congress to undertaks' i

the btreau. The constturional


I tlitbrent i lhe NES E difbrsrn n6, o'tfoa o,tfca A transfr cofflot6 rhat the os6onner. urere lo a n6' ! "ouatitso "OuaUnsO os6onney \ruould l6ve drecld the ttention of the I ffi ine nacenent Buru. Congtcss \ruould_have i qualified personnel il the NES Yuet a met enbtgmort of the Plactnent BurBau' i "rd;*;re! i' .:'.^ ..,"^ior" r,r -..x^-rr^-r- otficials or ! subordinate - - genraly padance, tho wod "personnel" b u""d i ln -* ro reler to lhe of an of6ce or enterprise, not to tne nranagrs, dlBclors ot heads ttle eof' ! "or,non I "f"ri""i ".ploy"o


Abolilbn rn st not cotlslitute ttnoral wilhoi causo a Rigm to Puuic orfico ,ld aboMe

1.'Excdpt co.uftnbnd fficss whk,l Provide ior spid imruntty as- tgaF salary and tealuts, no ono can bo sail to hav 8ny Yeded rigfn h an office or its Olat-oi Land Trde and Deeds BogbttElion AddnisFatbn v' Civil "afari'. Service Commissbn' 221 SCBA 145 flgqlD
Wherc abolitim done in bad laith



tf the abolitbn b lrok becaEo lt was dons deemd nelet to lrave ceased to hoH otnca-

bad faith, the incumber is


Requisites for valid abolitbn 1. Good faith

2.!,lotfoIpersonalorpoliticalreaso.lsorhodertocicum!/etttheincumbent's security of tetrro

3. d.

Not implemetlied in vioht'lon ot bws

lnstances of Yalid abonio.l

1. Fa rEso.l of onoory,

of th6 abolshd positbn of Munbipal Clert wse fgm and sifltpl atd codd tEdily be ab66,bed by the dld no ons wE3 appohted in hb pbce' nor walt a nsw oths sisting ffi, poci6on ctEte+ (Ars Y. trspo, 20 SCRA 71E fle67D
wtretB Ule furlctidB

2. 3.

Whda th podtio.l of ass**ant prukx*n asssoa w8 abolistEd bdus6 d a hugB ddcit md the dni,3 of thc po.ilio.l wficfi could be @eo86d wilh wsa pertsnreO Uv ottrers; Gbnto v. DirEpdo, *-, 16 SCAA 5S (1$6) whero tho tunctiorB ot the old office wero taken orer by the new ofiico created to rdacs it, srhk,l nelv offcs also took orer tlc functions of other ofiice that had been likewiso abeorbed by it. (Manahng Y- Quitoriano, 94 Phl' 9O3 (194n))

Trminatbnthrough reo.ganizatbn a 'Reorganizaton' occurs when the.e b an attcetion d the existing stuctt[o of gorslli' offc6 a uniB ttl iG incldhg lrls of coofol' audto.ity, and . responsiUfty btwn fh,n to ptotnote g6H ilFcisncr' ,.Ilove rdundancy oJ funairns, mecr econorny, rnake it ,rora ,spo.Biva to the neds d th clier la' ]t may rsult h tie loss ot pcition thtough remoral or abolitbn of ti6 cf6cs-


Based on a \.alid purpose and done in good



Relie\rer on L.w ori Public alberto C Aar.. Atlnco Lrw Sd|ool


Beorganizatirn rnay bo don6 by

authodzafk n


independently of specific constilutbnal

hn il ,n.Bt

be based on a valid prxpose and done h good taith.


lnstancs o, invafd reoqgtizalioo


Wlle e the sbolbhd otrca ard the offlces c.eatd in itg place hav !$mil4 tunctions, tia aboftirn bcks good taffi-

a Btfp,nee

u Gt

,E,fr4 Jr.

(lU Ph . 1$ FWn
in the City

1114kilf1"d'#ffu;Mffip"'-Bd,l;ff,stG;*",pieouv*one;. -!

!The Municipal Board appro\red an odinanca abolishing 15 positions

Mafois offiee and !

Ble t*,t * was im/ali, for having ben made without ltr6 aCorovat of tnef "*,n* Deparh.fl Had as rq.rid by E(Crrive Orrdr |,1o. 56. Ihe gou.ds d eco.Efity and effcittttcy i " i i on which tha Munbipal Board Ielid ,or ab.rbhiE rhe wB fabe, such lhat Ote abolitbn 1 I was a sruerfr.rgo lor lhe r,noyal ot tho irrctmbonB withorn causs. The ctdio.'r ol35 nw pctlions I I betled $o rsqrs ior the abombn and was &o in vi{rhbn d civil ssvbs hws in pr.rrsuh of I ! ! personal c politiGd resors.




By convbtion of a crimo

\ruhri th coovk bn of a crime canid with it ttre penalti:s ol ternporary or perpaual absolute / specbl diiqualilicatisr, terninalion of official relatioos resuhs because one of the efftcts cf the irrpcitirn ot sak pefiahies under Alticles 30 and 31 of the Rerrised Penal Cod6 is tle dprhration d public office or ernployrnent whlch the offender may ha\rs held.


This appli:s even if the pcif,on was con srd by popub, declion.


h necGarily vacat6 tlo otrco hdd by fh6 de.rde.. ConvetsIy, reinstetemr

shouH b[o{y acquittal.

Wv.@t*m(u*nl9tr2 l-n t^ Co,ldgna, a ptopsty cbdq yu83 acqritEd of the dtrn ot malvssathn of gorsftnont popfty. The
gro6s ne0ligence and ordered his rerno\ral trom office.

frlcal mo,d 6r a rccorddsation of tho portbn of Sp Oectlon oldehg pdifion/s rirdstemort and ths paymeflt d his saEy drdng his srrspe{rsim Tho fsl finroks<l ihe CIwil So'rrtce Commissbn's decisbn on the dmini#hre case filed against Consigm whk$ found him guiry of

Findlng $o mdion partD wot-taken, tt}3 court liminaied th6 Frt of ils doc{s'ron whbh ditcted of ! ttre payrnent of salary iuring the perlod of hb suspensbn, but ld undistubed the part yvh''ch
ordred th petition.'s The



tial corrG besite quitting Con$gna ior absolde hck ot ei,idenc6, fnd the authority to order ! hb tiGtatement Th6 decbbn o, the CMI Sdrrbr Cormbsion ir not birdng upon th6 cortts, i Whsa tho accusd was acguitted of th6 crine ot malvrsefuaf re'rBtateflrent should follovu. Had t ConsQna been convined, he would harre ben OenaO tm fuht to dnsHement. Conversely, I I I iinstatemert sfior.{d folbvy acquittal.
Rcri.\x6 on


oo Prrbfic



C Aare, Abneo trw Sdlool

r--------i -|

Oareon case ---- (citea in lhe Consigna




I |

I i i case. ln a crinriml ac,tbn fo rElvrsafioti ufirs lhe accused b acquitte4 $a tbl courl tri wilhod i i th6 power to order the prytrErt ol h'B qalary dt$ng the ptiod d his $upensfh. Tho t@son is that I i the onty bsue Fined by fhe plea ot not gutrly b whothet or nd the accrrsed committed tho crime I i cnargd in the infomEtbn. ln such a case, rhe only judgmeflt that the court is legafty authorized to I i i"nJ& is either on6 of acquittal or ot conviclioo with the indemnity to the inir.fod party and the ! I i lir**w p"r"rt* p-"uJ i* uy I

,* -rn'" poxers od6rd mly to lhe Srdng of gult c innocence of the acc1rsed ana nor me ! p"yr"nt of bsck salabs and reinslalernent beuse has ,ight to lhe sarne wes not invohrd in ths



What constiMes


The term 'convirioal" appilittg h coNriMional or staluioty povi$otrs proriding ,q the rernoval or disqualificatbn tom public officc ot an ofrcer who has been convicted, rnoains conviclion in a tsial cou[t lt conternplat6 a finding of guilt beyond reaso.Eble &ubt blou,ed by a iudgment upholdtlg and impletnenting $Eh finding.


b, A plea of guity accepted b'y the court, toge$er with a snten@ amounts to
convictioo calling for rsrbt,al of the offce.

the dischargB of the public employee.


Since cMl, adminisfative and ctirrinal cass agairEt a public oficer ats separate, distinct, and can p.osper 'ndeperder y frorn each drs, bd( or abGnce ot plod byond roasonat e douB h a crinkral case dos not rlean the absoncs of othg

evk,glce whirr rnay be deemgd

e\rirrEe) or adrdneMit 6 procedhgs 10. Effcts of pardon a- Pardon granbd

*qrato in civl cs


rca of


ftr cuuifiro

fies rhe


fto.n a[ Ul6 perultie ard

lgal disauliti,s ard rstoaEs him to aI hb dr,il nghts bln

/ or do6 mt r6tds the tigtn

to publb otrca, unl6s$

1. 2.

Exprssly rcsiord by the padon; Pardofi is grounded on tlo p6rson's innocencs.


Pardon does not ipso facto restoG a convicted febn to puub office necessarily relinquished or forfeited by reasoh of lhe conviclbn althor8h slEh pardon restores

his eligibility to appointment ,or lh6 sarne offica. disqualili:ation tom hobiu pubfic rnploymsnt


merely rernoves the

c. d.
R.riewd on

Th6 p.son patorrO rtay appty for reppointner lo tha fficp whi$ 'vyas ,orfeitod by reason of hb convbtirn and undergD lh6 usuat procsdra rqrid for a ner

Pardon dos not odirEuish trlo civil which h has ben corwicled-

fat lity d ih6

grantoo arising trorn lho crimo ot

w on hrbfic Office.s Agr., Atcn o law Scr|ool

11. By recall

lt b tha procec[re by whid an elclive otrEial ,nay be rfipved at any time duing hls tGrm b,), the vote d fho people al an declbn called fd $rch purpcB or d a geoeral eledioo.

12. Putpooo snd natBo of lha poyve of rcall a E ftctivo spsedy refiEdy fa remoral 1. Ths purpco d recall b to provids an e{fectirrB and speedy rerned tor ths remo\ral o, an ofFcbl who is not gMng satisfactory serybe to ths public and whorn the electoB do not want to rernah in otrce, re$rdless o, whethet he is discharging h'u lull duty to th6 besl of his ab ity and as his consclence d'Etates.

-+ c.

P6l iealnafule.LMfuhger(ercis6.rjudiciatirordocs-1. Th6 powr grantd to electors to rerTlovo oftce ! in politi5l ln nature and not the orercbe d a ludiial tunctbrL
Eseentially lhe potrre. cf rBnE\ral o(siBd by ltt popb tte rEhr* Slnco tlte sot[ca d t]le porver in a r$ruic b fhe people, tnaefore, thy have th3 porivea to rsno t Ei dfchlr



or local electiva officials By wtrun o(e,eised


The pos to .ull io. los oI oonfdence shal bo exercised by the registered votets ot a bcal go\rernrnent unit to whbh the lGt elcctive official suuect to
such recall b6bngs.

lnitiation of the recall prccess

1. 2.

Becall may ba initiatod by a prparatory recal assernbly or by 25% of the regBtesd vot6s of tne bcal goyenxnont unit to whl$ lho local eleclivo offci:rl subilct of the recall bebngs,
Thr shall b6 a paaparalory rcall assembry in et ery prorrrince, crly, dstsict, and muni:ipdily wlicfi shal be @mposed of rhe Hbrrig: a- Pto\rhdd 16rl - alt rreyors, vk>rlq1ors and sanggur$an mefitrs o, tha

b. c. d3.


City l\rd city

and ornporbrt slb a[ yonth b<angay and san$uriI

O baEngay

mefi$rs in tte

bgklstirr6 dsti:t lYga - h case dE tle sanolpniarE penlahwigan rnortdlr arE lelcd by ds{rfi, al d*liye muri4ral oficiali ln the diSict; and in cacs wherE sanggunlmg panMtgsod ,rsr$Grs ds dctod by tno
distict, afl dectivo bararqay offichls in th district MunbDal leryd - atl prnong barangay and sanggmiang barangay mmbers
in th6 muni:ipality

A maiority of fn p.Bparatsy recall ass.nbly mqnbe.s trtay conwne in sssion

in a prblic plac and initiate a recal Foceecnng egainst any elective officiat ln gorernmeot unit concsned. Becell ol provincbl, city or municipal ofnchb must bo iniltitsd .t}[orrgh a adop0.d by a mairity ol all 'l!'olutio.t prparatory recall assrnbF membe.s h a ses!*m caIed ftr $af purpGe.

t|e l6al


ol Ule fotal numbr o, reglBter6d voteB in concerned rtay petrtim for the initialion of tho rcall.

t|o local gpvrnmnt


Revi?wcr on


on Public


Aa.., Ar.nco L.w School


A witlen pe{itbn for reca[ mLBt ba du]y signed before the election registrar or his representath,s, in a publb place f. in lhe presenco ot th6 petitirnq / represnfatvo 2. Beprosertativa dlhe offcial sought to bo recalled

3. Filed beforo tho @MELEC 4. @MELEC or ils dry autho.izad tEpresentatiE shdl cause publi:albn of the petition in a publc atd cooq*ilous place fo. not less than 10 days but nd moro than 20 dAE ftr the plr,pos of verificatim


Upon the lapse of fha petbd, COMELEC or ils rePresentative shall annorince the acceptanoe of candidats lo the pcition and preparB the list of candidates, incruding t le nam6 o, the dficial sougtit to be recalld.


Election on recan


@MEIEC shal sst tho date of $e ebc{ion aftet tho flitB of ,esolution or petitbn ,El her than: a 30 days in rho case d ba.a,Esy, city or munidpal dfidab


45 drys in the cas6 o{ provinci:il





officl slrall bo efiecli\re aflly upon the election and proclamation of a sccessor who game.s the h(rtst number ot votes duing the election on recall. f trs ofidal sougtrt to bo recalled wins, he stlall continue
The recall crt an elective local in offce-


e. f,

Prohibition from resignalion


The elec-tive local


sougftt to be recalled shall not be to resign

while the recall pIrcess is

h progress.

LimitatiorB on recall
Any elec{irr local otrchl may bo ths subjct of a rBcaI elc'tbn only onco dudng cf corifiderDs. hE teIm d ofFcs rtr



t{o tcall shall b held

offce or 1 yea,

$lhh 1 y66 trorn tho dato d lho offdal's imneddy precsdng a ogilar locd danm.

as$mpdon o,

l&,ffii-@ffi-rcppl-scn tl
! OauOn

Pasay Clty in the

lfay 11, 19S ebcrbns. tbassrmed offico I




Olly decGd Mayor

I t I

! o*ng *" "*ord week of May 1$)9, the chaip.sons of sweral barangays h Pasay City gatiered i to discuss tfE pocsibiity of filing a pefiflon nor rcall agBirst Mayor Chudio ,or lc of confdenc6. I On uay 19, 19s, s\roral barangay cfiaiB lormed an ad hoc ornnitlee ftr the FJryce of cowing I the Preparatory Bs[ Assembly (PRA). I

Rai.weron t.\, orrPuuk Orfc.r3 Atb.rb C. At ., Atcnco l".w Sdlool

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