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ENCOUNTERS 11/24/05 The path ahead was long and harsh.

After endless miles, I encountered a vision of President Lincoln, And I bowed to mean respect. I pleaded and asked from Him: Why did the Hostility not end? He showed only tears in His eyes. Much later, the day turned into a cold night, I saw Him appeared as in a dream, He was Sensei Funakoshi, And I questioned again in despair: Why do we smear the Dojo Kun? He opened his empty fist, And a most beautiful butterfly appeared. The path did not reach ever an end. Very close to a deep abyss, I kneeled to the apparition of Christ, Our King. Why are we deaf to the sounds of Universal Harmony? I only saw blood stains appear in my hands. And the words resonated in my mind: Caminante no hay Camino, El Camino se hace al andar (by J. Serrat, Spaniard songwriter).

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