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TCNICAS DE LEITURA As tcnicas de leitura, como o prprio nome diz, vo nos ajudar a ler um texto. Existem tcnicas variadas, mas veremos as mais utilizadas. Ao ler um texto em Ingls, lembre-se de usar as tcnicas aprendidas, elas vo ajud-lo. O uso da gramtica vai ajudar tambm. As principais tcnicas so: a identificao de cognatos, de palavras repetidas e de pistas tipogrficas. Ao lermos um texto vamos,ainda, apurar a idia geral do texto (general comprehension) e utilizar duas outras tcnicas bastante teis: skimming e scanning. a) Cognatos Os cognatos so palavras muito parecidas com as palavras do Portugus. So as chamadas palavras transparentes. Existem tambm os falsos cognatos, que so palavras que achamos que tal coisa, mas no ; os falsos cognatos so em menor nmero, estes ns veremos adiante. Como cognatos podemos citar: school (escola), telephone (telefone), car (carro), question (questo, pergunta), activity (atividade), training (treinamento)... Voc mesmo poder criar sua prpria lista de cognatos! b) Palavras repetidas As palavras repetidas em um texto possuem um valor muito importante. Um autor no repete as palavras em vo. Se elas so repetidas, porque so importantes dentro de texto. Muitas vezes para no repetir o mesmo termo, o autor utiliza sinnimos das mesmas palavras para no tornar o texto cansativo. c) Pistas tipogrficas As pistas tipogrficas so elementos visuais que nos auxiliam na compreenso do texto. Ateno com datas, nmeros, tabelas, grficas, figuras... So informaes tambm contidas no texto. Os recursos de escrita tambm so pistas tipogrficas. Por exemplo:

... (trs pontos) indicam a continuao de uma idia que no est ali exposta; negrito d destaque a algum termo ou palavra; itlico tambm destaca um termo, menos importante que o negrito; (aspas) salientam a importncia de alguma palavra; ( ) (parnteses) introduzem uma idia complementar ao texto.

d) General Comprehension A idia geral de um texto obtida com o emprego das tcnicas anteriores. Selecionandose criteriosamente algumas palavras, termos e expresses no texto, poderemos chegar idia geral do texto. Por exemplo, vamos ler o trecho abaixo e tentar obter a general comprehension deste pargrafo: Distance education takes place when a teacher and students are separated by physical distance, and technology (i.e., voice, video and data), often in concert with face-to-face communication, is used to bridge the instructional gap. A partir das palavras cognatas do texto (em negrito) podemos ter um a idia geral do que se trata; vamos enumerar as palavras conhecidas (pelo menos as que so semelhantes ao Portugus):

distance education = educao a distancia students = estudantes, alunos separeted = separado physical distance = distncia fsica technology = tecnologia voice, video, data = voz, vdeo e dados (ateno: data no data) face-to-face communication = comunicao face-a-face used = usado (a) instructional = instrucional

Ento voc poderia dizer que o texto trata sobre educao a distncia; que esta ocorre quando os alunos esto separados fisicamente do professor; a tecnologia (voz, vdeo, dados) podem ser usados de forma instrucional. Voc poderia ter esta concluso sobre o texto mesmo sem ter muito conhecimento de Ingls. claro que medida que voc for aprendendo, a sua percepo sobre o texto tambm aumentar. H muitas informaes que no so to bvias assim. e) Skimming skim em ingls deslizar superfcie, desnatar (da skimmed milk = leite desnatado), passar os olhos por. A tcnica de skimming nos leva a ler um texto superfic ialmente. Utilizar esta tcnica significa que precisamos ler cada sentena, mas sim passarmos os olhos por sobre o texto, lendo algumas frases aqui e ali, procurando reconhecer certas palavras e expresses que sirvam como dicas na obteno de informaes sobre o texto. s vezes no necessrio ler o texto em detalhes. Para usar esta tcnica, precisamos nos valer dos nossos conhecimentos de Ingls tambm. Observe este trecho: Using this integrated approach, the educators task is to carefully select amo ng the technological options. The goal is to build a mix of instructional media, meeting the needs of the learner in a manner that is instructionally effective and economically prudent. Selecionando algumas expresses teremos:

integrated integrada






educators task = tarefa (task = tarefa) do educador s significa posse = do tecnological options = opes tecnolgicas (tecnological adjetivo) goal = objetivo a mix instrucional media = uma mistura de mdia instrucional.

Com a tcnica do skimming podemos dizer que este trecho afirma que a tarefa do educador selecionar as opes tecnolgicas; o objetivo ter uma mistura de mdias instrucionais de uma maneira instrucionalmente efetiva e economicamente prudente. f) Scanning Scan em Ingls quer dizer examinar, sondar, explorar. O que faz um scanner? Uma varredura, no ?! Logo, com a tcnica de scanning voc ir fazer uma varredura do texto, procurando detalhes e idias objetivas. Aqui importante que voc utilize os

conhecimentos de Ingls; por isso, ns vamos ver detalhadamente alguns itens gramaticais no ser Estudo da Lngua Inglesa. Olhe este trecho: Teaching and learning at a distance is demanding. However, learning will be more meaningful and deeper for distant students, if students and their instructor share responsibility for developing learning goals: actively interacting with class members; promoting reflection on experience; relating new information to examples that make sense to learners. This is the challenge and the opportunity provided by distance education. Poderamos perguntar qual o referente do pronome their em negrito no trecho? Utilizando a tcnica de skimming, seria necessrio retornar ao texto e entender a sentena na qual o pronome est sendo empregado. Their um pronome possessivo ( e como tal, sempre vem acompanhado de um substantivo) da terceira pessoa do plural ( o seu referente um substantivo no plural). A traduo de their instructor seria seu instrutor . Seu de quem? Lendo um pouco para trs, vemos que h students; logo conclumos que their refere -se a students, ou seja, instrutor dos alunos. X-X-X-X-XX-X-X REDAO COMERCIAL EM INGLS As cartas comerciais em ingls seguem determinados modelos ou referem-se a situaes recorrentes. Conforme utilizamos as estruturas e as expresses idiomticas com frequncia, adquirimos gradativamente um vocabulrio amplo, aumentando nossas habilidades no uso do idioma para as questes de negcios. A carta comercial em ingls segue esta estrutura: 1. Cabealho (letterhead) Normalmente o cabealho j est impresso no papel de carta ou, trabalhando-se com computador, encontra-se arquivado no programa de texto (formulrio da carta). O cabealho em ingls deve conter nome, endereo, nmero de telefone e fax. Caso a empresa tenha e-mail e website estes devem ser mencionados. 2. Referncia (reference line) A referncia consiste normalmente das iniciais da pessoa que ditou a carta e daquela que a escreveu. s vezes a linha de referncia contm a abreviatura do departamento, que especialmente em rgos pblicos ou grandes empresas com vrios departamentos - deve ser mencionada na resposta. 3. Data (date) H diversas formas modernas de escrever a data, por exemplo: 10 September 2010 September 10 2010 September 10, 2010 September 10th 2010 September 10th, 2010 Mesmo considerando a forma diferente adotada pelos norte-americanos, deve-se evitar escrever apenas nmeros, como por exemplo: 2010-9-10 Esta forma de se referir ao dia 10 de setembro de 2010 bem comum nos Estados Unidos, mas pode confundir. Por isso, o nome do ms deve ser escrito e, especialmente em nomes de meses extensos, citados de forma abreviada, por exemplo: 10 Sept 2010

4. Endereo do destinatrio (inside address) Exemplos: Mr P.R. Johnson Mrs A J Howard Ms Rita Fullhan Miss Jaqueline Howard Messrs Hooton & Brown A forma de tratamento em correspondncia para pessoas ou empresas , via de regra, como mostrada no exemplo. "Messrs" usa-se em organizaes apenas diante dos nomes de pessoas, todavia, no uma forma utilizada quando a organizao tem outro nome que no o nome de pessoas, como The Whitehall Exhibition Centre The Brighton Golf Club Se a carta endereada a uma sociedade de capital, que em ingls geralmente termina em "Ltd." ou "Plc", nos Estados Unidos frequentemente em "Inc", na frica do Sul em "Pty", etc., escreve-se apenas o nome da empresa, por exemplo: The Boston Rubber Company Inc. Dexter & Partners Ltd MacGraw & Hudson Plc 5. Destinatrio individual - aos cuidados de (attention line - for the attention of) Se, por motivo de competncia, a carta deve ser dirigida a determinada pessoa, aconselhvel que se use para isso uma linha separada. Naturalmente, a pessoa em questo pode ser mencionada j no endereo do destinatrio. Todavia, a desvantagem que uma carta destinada a determinada pessoa s pode ser aberta por ela. Caso se trate de correspondncia comercial, melhor, portanto, envi-la "aos cuidados de ...". Assim, poder ser aberta se a pessoa competente estiver ausente, de modo que o colega que estiver presente tome as devidas providncias. 6. Saudao (salutation) O tratamento a uma pessoa ou empresa depende muitas vezes do tratamento utilizado no endereamento ou na linha de "aos cuidados de...". O tratamento para "Mr A J Howard" seria, por exemplo: Dear Sir ou Dear Mr Howard ou, como bastante comum no ingls, por meio do nome: Dear Adam No caso das senhoras vale o mesmo. "Ms Jane Fielding" poderia receber os seguintes tratamentos: Dear Madam Dear Ms Fielding Dear Jane A abreviao "Ms" dos Estados Unidos, onde as mulheres preferiram no usar nem "Mrs" nem "Miss" diante dos seus nomes, mas indicar simplesmente por "Ms" de que se trata de pessoas do sexo feminino. "Mrs" e "Miss" evidentemente tambm so usadas. As abreviaes "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Ms." frequentemente levam um ponto na correspondncia norte-americana, mas muito raramente em cartas comerciais britnicas. Se a correspondncia dirigida a uma empresa em que no se conhea ningum pelo nome, utiliza-se: "Dear Sirs", "Dear Sir ou Madam" ou tambm "Dear Madam, dear Sir". Se dirigida a

uma organizao constituda apenas de mulheres, usa-se tambm nos Estados Unidos "Ladies". Porm, nem no ingls britnico nem no ingls norte-americano existe um tratamento que englobe a todos, correspondente em portugus a "Prezados Senhores e Senhoras". Nos exemplos das cartas, para simplificar, foi utilizado o tratamento no singular "Dear Sir ou Madam". Caso se utilize em seguida a pontuao, no ingls britnico coloca-se uma vrgula, no norte-americano, dois pontos. Com os recursos da informtica, tanto no endereamento quanto no tratamento no se utiliza muito a pontuao. No corpo da carta, obviamente, continua tendo a maior importncia. Em cartas norte-americanas encontra-se frequentemente a pontuao tanto no tratamento quanto no final dele (uma vrgula). 7. Assunto (subject line) Nas diversas organizaes da Unio Europia, no existe unanimidade quanto necessidade de se referir ao assunto. Enquanto no Brasil a tendncia ainda de considerar a referncia ao assunto como parte integrante da carta, ela j no obrigatria na Gr-Bretanha. Embora no ingls a referncia deva estar aps a saudao, e no antes, como em portugus, tambm aqui existem divergncias. 8. Corpo da carta (body of the letter) Mesmo em uma carta comercial breve, existe unanimidade quanto necessidade de haver trs partes: introduo, a razo da carta e uma frase final. 9. Cumprimento final (complimentary close) Aqui h diferenas no ingls britnico e no norte-americano. Enquanto o britnico muito reservado, tenha tratado a pessoa pelo nome ou no, o americano mais aberto. Se os britnicos se dirigem a uma pessoa pelo nome, por exemplo: Dear Roger Dr Jones Dear Mr Parker, costumam usar no cumprimento final "Yours sincerely". Mas, se escrevem Dear Sir Dear Madam Dear Sirs, a frase final ser "Yours faithfully". Se se conhece muito bem uma pessoa, podem ser acrescidas algumas palavras cordiais, como With best wishes Kind regards Nos Estados Unidos encontra-se frequentemente Sincerely yours, ou Yours (very) truly, no importando como a pessoa foi tratada no incio. 10. Nome e assinatura (name and signature) Na Gr-Bretanha e nos Estados Unidos a carta geralmente assinada pela pessoa que a ditou ou a escreveu. Como assinaturas geralmente no ilegveis, torna-se cada vez mais comum escrever o nome da pessoa embaixo. A fim de informar o destinatrio sobre o cargo da pessoa com a qual se corresponde, muitas vezes se encontra tal indicao tambm sob o nome, por exemplo:

P R Land Mary Peterson Purchase Manager Chief Accountant 11. Anexos (enclosures) Se for anexado um documento carta, isso deve ser mencionado no seu final, o que normalmente se faz pela abreviao "Encl(s)" ou "Enc(s)". 12. Cpias (cc - carbon copy) Muitas vezes o remetente deseja que determinada pessoa ou organizao/departamento (interno ou externo) receba uma cpia da carta, para sua informao. A fim de que o destinatrio tambm saiba disso, coloca-se uma observao no rodap da carta. Muitas vezes se informam ao mesmo tempo vrias pessoas e organizaes/departamentos. 13. Post scriptum (postscript - P.S.) Assim como no Brasil, serve para colocar ao final da carta algo que se tenha esquecido. Mas hoje o P.S. se tornou bastante raro, pois em cartas escritas no computador pode-se facilmente inserir algo no texto. O post scriptum fica aps a assinatura ou aps a indicao de anexo.

Expresses da rea postal e de transportes (1) Correios attn (for the attention of) a/c (aos cuidados de) By airmail por via area By courier por mensageiro By registered mail por carta registrada c/o (care of) a/c (aos cuidados de) Confidential confidencial Express Delivery Entrega rpida If undelivered, please return devolver ao remetente se no entregue P.O. Box caixa postal Poste restante / to be called for posta-restante / por retirar Printed matter impresso Printed matter reduced rate impresso com taxa reduzida Private particular Private and confidential altamente confidencial To be forwarded / Please forward remeter ao novo endereo Urgent urgente (2) Transportes Botton este lado para baixo Do not store in a damp place teme umidade / estoque em local seco Do not remove protective cardboard no remova papelo protetor Do not drop no deixe cair Fragile frgil Handle with care manuseie com cuidado

Lift here erga por aqui Lift with chains not with hooks erga com corrente, no com ganchos Keep dry teme umidade Keep upright mantenha em p

Open here abra aqui To be rolled, not tipped no incline, role Top este lado para cima Weight, net, legal, gross, tare peso, lquido, legal, bruto, tara

WHAT MAKES A GOOD TELEPHONE CALL? Before the call Prepare well before you call. Plan what you want to say. Prepare answers to possible questions. Send an e-mail before the call, if necessary. Have all information available. Beginning the call Make a greeting and identify yourself clearly. Ask for connection to the person you want to speak to. After connection, greet the person. Give a reason for the call. During the call Create a positive atmosphere. Communicate your objective clearly. Listen - make sure you understand. Check - make sure the other person understands you. Ending the call Confirm the result of the call. End politely and positively

AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Situation Mario Herculano of Portuguese Foods calls Sandra Black at the Eurofood Import Agency in Boston to acknowledge receipt of her proposal. He tells her he will be studying it very carefully - and will be in touch again as soon as he has it.

---- Message original---From: To: Date: 10/28/05 Subject: Proposal Dear Mr. Herculano Thank you for your inquiry about our company. We would be pleased to represent your range of food products in the US and enclose an outline proposal for you to consider. We also enclose some background on our company to give you a clearer picture of our operation. Please let us know if you would like to take things further. Yours Sincerely, Sandra Black (Mrs.)

REGISTRATION FORM (FICHA DE REGISTRO) Green Park Hotel Last name__________________First name:__________________Middle initial:_____ Arrival date:______________________________Number of nights:_______________ Room type: [ ] single [ ] double [ ] other:________________________________ Home address:__________________________________________________________ City:____________________________________Country of origin:________________ Passport or IC number:____________________Telephone number:______________ Reason of trip:__________________________________________________________ Car registration number:__________________________________________________ Marital status:______________________________Family members:______________ Special requirements: ________________________________________________________________________ Room number:_______________________________ Date of departure:____________ Payment method: [ ] cash [ ] check [ ] credit card [ ] company account Signature:_______________________________________________________________

NO RESTAURANT A RESERVA Por telefone ou pessoalmente, voc pode usar as seguintes frases: Do you take bookings / reservations? = Vocs aceitam reservas? Id like to make a reservation for this evening, please. Por favor, eu gostaria de / quero reservar uma mesa para esta noite. Can I book a table for tomorrow evening for eight people? Posso reservar uma mesa para oito pessoas, para amanh noite? Do you have a table free for Saturday night, around 8 oclock? Vocs teriam / tm uma mesa livre para sbado noite, por volta das 8 horas? CHEGANDO AO RESTAURANTE Tendo ou no reservado mesa, comece sempre perguntando se est disponvel. We have a reservation in the name of Stewart. = Temos uma reserva em nome de Stewart.

Ive booked a table for six (people) for 7.30. = Reservei uma mesa para seis (pessoas), para as 19h30. Do you have a non-smoking section? = Vocs tm rea de no-fumantes? How long will we have to wait for a table? = Quanto tempo teremos de esperar por uma mesa? Could we have a high-chair, please? = Poderia nos arrumar um cadeiro, por favor? O PEDIDO May I have the menu, please? = Posso ver o cardpio, por favor? Could we have the menu, please? = Poderia trazer o cardpio, por favor? Could I see the wine list, please? = Por favor, posso ver a carta de vinhos? Do you have any specials on today? = Qual o prato do dia? Do you serve wine by the glass? = Vocs servem taa de vinho? A bottle of the house red, please. = Uma garrafa de vinho tinto da casa, por favor. Can we have a bottle of sparkling mineral water, please? = Poderia trazer uma garrafa de gua mineral com gs, por favor? Id like the tomato soup to start followed by the fried chicken. Eu gostaria de / quero uma sopa de tomate como entrada e, depois, um frango frito. Im not having a starter. = No quero entrada, obrigado/a. Im just having a main course.= S quero o prato principal. Can we see the dessert menu, please? = Podemos ver o cardpio de sobremesas, por favor? What flavours of ice cream / sorbet do you have?= Quais os sabores dos sorvetes / sorbets? Can I have it rare / medium / well-done, please? = Por favor, pode fazer o meu mal-passado / ao ponto / bem-passado? PROFISSES THE HOTEL STAFF / OS FUNCIONRIOS DO HOTEL Veja no quadro abaixo algumas profisses que ocorrem num hotel. Para saber qual a profisso de uma pessoa, voc pode usar uma das expresses abaixo: Whats your job? (Qual o seu trabalho?) Whats your profession? (Qual a sua profisso?) Resposta: Im a .....(Eu sou...) Exemplos: Whats your job? (Qual o seu trabalho?) Im a telephone operator (Eu sou telefonista.) Whats her profession? (Qual a profisso dela?) She is a chambermaid. (Ela camareira). Quando no quiser dar respostas completas, voc poder responder com respostas curtas, dizendo apenas Yes (sim) ou no(no) mais o verb to be. Exemplos: Are you a receptionist? = Yes, I am. Ou No, Im not. - Is Peter a porter? = Yes, he is. Ou No, He isnt. (porteiro) - Is Mary a housekeeper? = Yes, she is. Ou No, she isnt. (governanta) - Are they managers? = Yes, they are. Ou No, they arent. (gerente/gestor) - Are you a telephone operator? = No, Im not. - Whats your profession? = Im a doorman. And you? Are you a doorman, too? (eu sou um porteiro. E voc? um porteiro tambm?) No, Im not. Im a ... = No, eu no sou. Eu sou um ...) TRANSFERRING PHONE CALLS = TRANSFERINDO LIGAES Quando se recebem ou se transferem ligaes, as expresses mais comuns so: III put you through. (Vou transferir a ligao.) Hold on, please. (Aguarde, por favor.) I will try to find him. (Vou tentar ach-lo.)

Mr.Hill is not in his room at the moment. (O Sr. Hill no est em sua sala no momento.) Mrs. Green went out. ( A Sra. Green saiu.) Could you leave a message, please? (Poderia deixar um recado, por favor?) There is no answer. (No h resposta.) The room line is busy. Could you hold on for a moment? (A linha do quarto est ocupada. Poderia esperar um momento?)

COMMUNICATION IN BUSINESS What would you say in the following situations? You dont hear someones name when you are introduced to them. You have to refuse an invitation to dinner with a supplier. You are offered food which you hate. You want to end a conversation in a diplomatic way. You have to greet a visitor. You have to introduce two people to each other at work. You have to introduce two people to each other at a party. You have to propose a toast. You colleagues been made redundant. You arrive half an hour late for a business lunch.

TELEPHONING Is it difficult to talk on the phone in a foreign language? Why? People mumble, whisper People speak too fast, too slow People use too much technical jargon People have strong accent (native or non-native speakers) How can you make it easier? Be calm Ask the person to spell the names you dont understand Focus on the most important parts of the conversation Practice your listening!!! Remember: your personality and manner will leave the person on the other side of the line with a good or bad impression of you and your company. But and if you really dont understand? Sorry, I - missed that. Could you say it again? - didnt catch that. Could you slow down a bit? - dont understand. Could you explain what you mean? -m not with you. Could you go over that again? - dont follow you. Could you run through that again? - dont quite see what you mean. Could you be a bit more specific?

WHAT DO YOU SAY? - Would you like something to eat? - Thank you, but no. Im not hungry. - Can I take your coat? - Yes, thank you. - Shall I call a taxi? - No, thank you. Id rather walk. - Hello, Im Mary Cavallier. Pleased to meet you. - Pleased to meet you, too. - Could I ask you to sign the visitors book please? - Yes, of course. - Would you like to take a seat? - No thank you, Ive been sitting all day. - Can I bring you something to drink? - Yes, please, a coffee would be most welcome.

Words to know Equipment A phone The receiver A mobile / a celular (phone) The display A handset Hands-free kit Teleconference facilities Battery People Caller Subscriber Switchboard Operator Numbers Local National International code Extension Work number Home number Calls A national call An international call A local call A conference call A long distance call

Tones Dialling tone Engaged / busy tone Number unobtainable

Services Directory enquiries Mail box

FRASES _ Could you please attend / answer the telephone? _ Could you please send us a recipe/ receipt for the good we have purchased? _ This is a very sensitive / sensible problem, so please dont discuss it with people outside the company _ In order to save costs, you are asked to be economic / economical with photocopying. _ This company is going to give us advice / advise on marketing abroad

EXEMPLOS DE CARTAS EMPRESARIAIS EM INGLS 26 Windmill Road Bristol BS2 6DP 2 May 2007 Ms Kate Roberts Human Resources Manager Business Solutions International Ambassador House Marcham Way LONDON WC2 9TP Dear Ms Roberts Vacancy for Business Analyst I am writing in reply to your advert for the above post, which was advertised in The Guardian on Tuesday 30 April 2007, and I enclose my CV in application. I am currently in the final year of a BA (Hons) course in Business Economics at City University, Bristol, and expect to graduate in June 2007. I have always wanted to pursue a career as an economist within an international environment and have been able to tailor my studies to that end. I have obtained A grades in the Economic Data Analysis, International Economics, and Economics of Business Strategy modules, and am currently completing a dissertation on the growth of e-commerce in the European Union. I am fluent in spoken and written Spanish, having built on my A-level proficiency in that subject when working in Spain and Mexico. In addition to the qualifications and abilities outlined above, I have kept my IT skills fully up to date (including MS Excel and Access) and am competent in a wide range of business data analysis operations. The post also requires someone with good communications skills who is able to negotiate with corporate clients: I enjoy making new contacts and establishing relationships with a wide range of people, and have successfully liaised with Spanish companies when arranging student activities while I was a Teaching Assistant in Seville. I feel that the position offered would be ideal in giving me the opportunity to use my education and skills to provide a high level of service for the international client profile you describe. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely Sara Green

Swindon SN2 4MR 12 May 2008 The Recruitment Officer Partington Borough Council Partington Manchester M31 4FY Dear Sir or Madam Vacancy for Social Worker (Childrens Services), Partington Borough Council I am writing in reply to your advert for the above post, which appeared in The Guardian on 9 May 2008, and I attach my CV for your attention. As you will see from my CV, I am currently studying for a BA (Hons) in Social Work at Thames University, Swindon, and will be graduating in June 2008. Successful completion of this degree will give me fully qualified social worker status with the GSCC. As an experienced primary school teacher I have a real enthusiasm and flair for working with children and wish to transfer the interpersonal, communication, and motivational skills that I gained in my teaching posts to a new career in social work. In addition, I have a long-standing interest in developing childrens potential with regard to sporting activities, and am currently the manager of an under 11s football team. I feel that as a social worker, I can make a real difference to the lives of the children and families of your area; I would also welcome the chance to work for a local authority such as your own, where I would be part of a small and committed team. One of my work placements during my degree course was with a local authority of a similar size, so I am familiar with working in this type of environment. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future. Yours faithfully Charles Morton

478 Barton Avenue Coventry CV6 2LK 12 September 2007 Mr T R Fowler Head of Graduate Recruitment Human Resources Department The Library of Political Science LONDON WC1 4HY Dear Mr Fowler Vacancies for Librarians I am writing to enquire if you have any vacancies for librarians at graduate entry level and enclose my CV in application. As you will see from my CV, I have just completed an MA in Library and Information Studies at City University, London, and I also hold a BA (Hons) in Politics from Oxford Brookes University. I am now keen to combine my knowledge of Politics with a career in librarianship: your organization has a high reputation as one of the worlds leading specialist subject libraries and I believe that I could make a real contribution to managing its collections and promoting their use. My MA, which is recognized by the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, has equipped me with an in-depth knowledge of modern information services and I would welcome the opportunity to be involved in the management and development of your collections of e-journals and other electronic publications. I am conscientious, hardworking, and a good communicator and am particularly interested in enhancing my skills as a librarian in an institution which encourages very high standards of personal development. I would be happy to attend for interview at your convenience and would be able to start work from early October onwards. If you do not have any suitable openings at present, I would be grateful if you would keep my CV on file should any future vacancies arise. Yours sincerely Jenny Harrison

Sara Anne Green Address (college): 26 Windmill Road Bristol, BS2 6DP Telephone (mobile): 0778 6050912

Address (home):

47 Gerrard Street Manchester, M20 4LZ Telephone: 0121 423170 Email: A well-organized and outgoing Business Economics student graduating in June 2007 with good communication and analytical skills, looking to develop a career as an economist within an international business environment. Fluent Spanish speaker experienced in the use of spreadsheets, databases, and similar business software. Education and qualifications: September 2004 to present: BA (Hons) in Business Economics City University, Bristol (graduating in June 2007) September 1996-June 2003 Manchester School 4 A Levels: Economics (A), Information and Communication Technology (A), English (A), Spanish (B) 9 GCSEs (including A* grades in Economics, Spanish, English, Mathematics, ICT, and German)

Employment history: July-September 2006 Administrative Assistant MKL Smith & Co (Accountants), Manchester Duties included: using spreadsheets to sort and chart financial information administering client database assisting PA with routine admin tasks July-September 2005 English Language Teaching Assistant EFL International, Seville, Spain Duties included: assisting teachers in preparing lessons administering student database liaising with local companies to organize student activities Various jobs (including voluntary and hotel work) and travel in Spain and Latin America, gaining a valuable insight into the and spoken language of those countries. Advanced Certificate in MS Word, MS Excel, and MS Access (evening course, September-July 2006) Full driving licence Netball, travel, swimming

July 2003-August 2004 culture Other qualifications and skills:



Dr Thomas Clark Senior Lecturer in Business and Management Department of Business Organization and Strategy City University Bristol BS1 2ER Ms Susan Hunter Senior Partner MKL Smith & Co (Accountants) 231 Parker Street, Manchester M20 6QR

Name: Address:

Charles Peter Morton 12 Clover Way Swindon SW2 4MR Telephone: 01876 321114 (home); 0777 967543 (mobile) Email: An experienced and confident primary school teacher now looking to pursue a new career in social work. A first-class communicator and motivator with excellent interpersonal skills looking forward to transferring these abilities to the context of social services work with children and families. Employment history: November 1999-May 2005 Year 1/2 Teacher, Swindon Primary School Duties and responsibilities: teaching national curriculum to Key Stage 1 pupils (4-7years) reaching attainment targets and improving learning performance leading extra-curricular sports programme September 1989-July 1999 Year 1/2 Teacher, Reading Primary School Duties and responsibilities: teaching national curriculum to Key Stage 1 pupils (4-7 years) reaching attainment targets and improving learning performance developing extra-curricular sporting activities Education and qualifications: Current studies: September 2005 to present

BA (Hons) in Social Work (graduating in June 2008) Thames University, Swindon

Higher Education: September 1986-June 1989

BA (Hons) Primary Teacher Education City University, Bristol

Secondary Education: Reading School September 1978-June 1986 3 A Levels: English (A), History (A), Geography (B) 8 GCSEs Other skills and achievements: Level 1 certificate in football coaching Clean driving licence Interests: References: Manager, under 11s football team; cinema; jazz Dr Peter Clark Senior Lecturer in Social Work Thames University Swindon SN1 5JB Mrs Louise Smith Head Teacher Swindon Primary School SN1 6LT

EXPRESSES TEIS O objetivo desta seo apresentar frases e expresses que podem ser utilizadas no dia a dia da sala de aula e que, aos poucos, servirem de estmulo para o uso efetivo da lngua inglesa nas situaes educativas. 1) ) As I said before... "Como eu disse antes" 2) In a sec. (=In a second.) "(Aguarde) s um segundo. 3) How can I say... in English? "Como se diz... em ingls?" 4) Could you say that again? "Voc poderia repetir (o que acabou de dizer)?" 5) Are there any questions? "Alguma pergunta?" 6) In other words... "Isto ..." / "Ou seja..." 7) By the way... "A propsito..." 8) I would like you to... "Eu queria que voc/s...". (Embora a expresso seja utilizada para pedir algo, possvel o uso para expressar desejo: "I would like to...".) 9) I'm with you. / I agree with you. "Concordo com voc." 10) The main point is... "A questo principal que..." 11) It's up to you. "Fica a seu critrio." / "Voc que sabe." 12) By now... "At agora..." ou "At aqui... (tempo)" 13) Turn the lights on, please. "Acenda as luzes, por favor." A forma contrria da expresso seria "Turn the lights off please". 14) It's not clear. "Isso no ficou claro." 15) I didn't get a copy. "Eu no recebi uma cpia." 16) May I come in? Eu posso entrar? 17) Come in! "Entre!" ou "Pode entrar." 18) For the time being "Por enquanto,..." 19) ... and so on. "... e assim por diante" 20) See you tomorrow. Equivale a "At amanh" ou "A gente se v amanh". Por vezes a expresso se reduz a "See you!". 21) See you next week. "A gente se v semana que vem.";At a semana que vem 22) Anyway... "De qualquer forma..." / "De qualquer maneira..." / "Seja como for..." 23) Good job! "Muito bem!" 24) That is... "Isto ," 25) Count on me! "Conte comigo." 26) Go into details. D mais detalhes. 27) Don't take for granted that... "No tenha certeza que..." 28) Could you spell you name? "Voc poderia soletrar seu nome?" 29) Even so... "Mesmo assim, ..."

30) Since the very beggining ... "Desde o 'comecinho', ..." (O "very" pode ser usado para enfatizar algo.)

31) I beg your pardon? Como? (Quando no se compreendeu bem o que a outra pessoa disse. bem mais polido que "What?").

AS 500 PALAVRAS MAIS USADAS EM INGLS 1. the 2. of 3. to 4. and 5. a 6. in 7. is 8. it 9. you 10. that 11. he 12. was 13. for 14. on 15. are 16. with 17. as 18. I 19. his 20. they 21. be 22. at 23. one 24. have 25. this 26. from 27. or 28. had 29. by 30. hot 31. but 32. some 33. what 34. there 35. we 36. can 37. out 38. other 39. were 40. all 41. your 42. when 43. up 44. use 45. word 46. how 47. said 48. an 49. each 50. she 51. which 52. do 53. their 54. time 55. if 56. will 57. way 58. about 59. many 60. then 61. them 62. would 63. write 64. like 65. so 66. these 67. her 68. long 69. make 70. thing 71. see 72. him 73. two 74. has 75. look 76. more 77. day 78. could 79. go 80. come 81. did 82. my 83. sound 84. no 85. most 86. number 87. who 88. over 89. know 90. water 91. than 92. call 93. first 94. people 95. may 96. down 97. side 98. been 99. now 100. find 101. take 102. get 103. place 104. made 105. live 106. where 107. after 108. back 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. little only work man year came show every good me give our new name very through just form much great think say help low line before turn cause same mean differ move right boy old too does tell sentence set three want air well also play small end put home read hand port large

163. 164. 165. 166. 167. 168. 169. 170. 171. 172. 173. 174. 175. 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 181. 182. 183. 184. 185. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222.

spell add even land here must big high such follow act why ask men change went light kind off need house picture try us again animal point mother world near build self earth father head stand own page should country found answer school grow study still learn plant cover food sun four thought let keep eye never last door between

223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282.

city tree cross since hard start might story saw far sea draw left late run don't while press close night real life few stop open seem together next white children begin got walk example ease paper often always music those both mark book letter until mile river car feet care second group carry took rain eat room friend began idea

283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 305. 306. 307. 308. 309. 310. 311. 312. 313. 314. 315. 316. 317. 318. 319. 320. 321. 322. 323. 324. 325. 326. 327. 328. 329. 330. 331. 332. 333. 334. 335. 336. 337. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342.

fish mountain north once base hear horse cut sure watch color face wood main enough plain girl usual young ready above ever red list though feel talk bird soon body dog family direct pose leave song measure state product black short numeral class wind question happen complete ship area half rock order fire south problem piece told knew pass farm

343. 344. 345. 346. 347. 348. 349. 350. 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. 381. 382. 383. 384. 385. 386. 387. 388. 389. 390. 391. 392. 393. 394. 395. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402.

top whole king size heard best hour better TRUE during hundred am remember step early hold west ground interest reach fast five sing listen six table travel less morning ten simple several vowel toward war lay against pattern slow center love person money serve appear road map science rule govern pull cold notice voice fall power town fine certain fly

403. 404. 405. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462.

unit lead cry dark machine note wait plan figure star box noun field rest correct able pound done beauty drive stood contain front teach week final gave green oh quick develop sleep warm free minute strong special mind behind clear tail produce fact street inch lot nothing course stay wheel full force blue object decide surface deep moon island foot

463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500.

yet busy test record boat common gold possible plane age dry wonder laugh thousand ago ran check game shape yes hot miss brought heat snow bed bring sit perhaps fill east weight language among part any under round

LISTA DE VERBOS IRREGULARES Present tense awake -be -beat -become -begin bid -bite -blow -break -bring -build -burn burst -buy -catch -choose -come -cost -cut -do -draw -dream -drink -drive -eat -fall feed -feel -fight -find -fly -forbid -forget -forgive -freeze -get -give -go -grow -hang -have -hear -hide -hit -hold -hurt -keep -know -lay -lead -learn Simple past awoke was beat became began bade bit blew broke brought built burnt burst bought caught chose came cost cut did drew dreamt drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found flew forbade forgot forgave froze got gave went grew hung had heard hid hit held hurt kept knew laid led learnt Past Participle Awoke; awaked Been beaten become begun bidden Bit ;bitten blown broken brought built burnt burst bougth caught chosen come cost cut done drawn dreamt Drunk;drunken driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found flown forbidden forgotten forgiven frozen got given gone grown hung had heard Hidden; hid Hit Held Hurt Kept Known Laid Led Learnt acordar; despertar-se ser; estar; existir bater; espancar; superar; vibrar; palpitar tornar-se; transformar-se; ser digno de; assentar Comear oferecer; convidar; ordenar; desejar; leiloar morder; engolir a isca soprar, encher; ventar; assobiar; estourar; fazer soar quebrar; romper; violar; interromper; cancelar; falir trazer; servir; causar; executar; induzir construir, edificar; fabricar queimar; incendiar; carbonizar arrebentar; explodir; brotar; exclamar Comprar pegar; capturar; adquirir (uma doena); surpreender; complicar-se escolher, selecionar, preferir vir; chegar; consentir; suceder; custar; importar em cortar; partir; reduzir; recortar; castrar fazer; funcionar; cuidar de ; parar; mostrar; jogar; enganar desenhar ;puxar; tirar; extrair;descrever; traar; adiantar-se; atrair Sonhar Beber dirigir; viajar; levar; conduzir; guiar; compelir; excitar comer; destruir; devorar; mastigar cair; descer; abaixar-se; diminuir; ceder; abandonar alimentar; nutrir; abastecer; satisfazer; manter sentir; perceber; experimentar; apalpar lutar, disputar; batalhar, combater, guerrear achar; encontrar; descobrir; julgar; fornecer, abastecer; perceber, voar; viajar (area); fazer voar; fugir; pilotar; flutuar; saltar; lanar-se proibir; impedir; evitar; vetar Esquecer perdoar; desculpar, absolver; abrir mo congelar; refrigerar; gelar receber; conseguir; obter; adquirir; pegar (doena); entender; chegar; dar; entregar, conceder; render-se; premiar; pagar; enfraquecer-se ir; viajar; chegar; partir; caminhar; marchar; mover-se crescer; vegetar; cultivar; brotar; desenvolver-se; progredir; tornar-se enforcar; ser enforcado; (informtica) travar, parar de funcionar ter; possuir; receber; pegar; necessitar; causar escutar, ouvir Esconder; ocultar bater, ferir; atingir, alcanar segurar; alimentar; guardar; pensar; acreditar; organizar; preparar ferir; machucar; doer; magoar; estragar; danificar guardar; cumprir; sustentar; deixar; continuar; dirigir; criar; possuir saber; conhecer; entender; perceber; ter conhecimento deitar; descansar; estar deitado; encostar-se; repousar; estar situado conduzir, guiar, comandar, pilotar, levar, dirigir; governar; dominar-se aprender; estudar; descobrir; informar-se; decorar Traduo

-leave -lend -let -lie -light -lose -make -mean -meet -pay -put -read -ride -ring rise -run -say -see -seek -sell -send -set -shake -shine -show -shut -sing sink -sit -sleep -smell -speak speed -spell -spend -stand -steal -strike swear -swim swing -take -teach tear -tell -think -understand -wake -wear -win -write

left lent let lay lit lost made meant met paid put read rode rang rose ran said saw sought sold sent set shook shone showed shut sang sank sat slept smelt spoke sped spelt spent stood stole struck swore swam swung took taught tore told thought understood woke wore won wrote

Left Lent Let Lain Lit Lost Made Meant Met Paid Put Read Ridden Rung Risen Run Said Seen Sought Sold Sent Set Shaken Shone Shown Shut Sung Sunk Sat slept smelt spoken sped spelt spent stood stolen Struck; stricken Sworn Swum Swung Taken Taught Torn Told Thought understood Waked Worn Won Written

deixar; partir; sair; separar-se; abandonar;cessar;desistir de;renunciar a emprestar, conceder, dar, proporcionar, outorgar; doar; combinar com; deixar; permitir; dar; alugar; fretar; conceder; descobrir mentir; enganar clarear; acender; descer (do carro, etc); cair (escolha); pousar; acontecer perder; desperdiar; arruinar; gastar; escapar de-; no entender fazer; criar; causar; tornar significar; pensar; ter em vista; tencionar; pretender; querer dizer encontrar; encontrar-se; reunir-se; receber; conhecer; abastecer pagar; saldar; satisfazer colocar; pr; enfiar; sinalizar; situar; propor; oferecer ler; aprender; aconselhar; avisar; estudar; interpretar cavalgar; montar; passear; andar de tocar (sino, campainha); telefonar; envolver levantar; subir; elevar-se; erguer-se correr;executar(programa de informtica);ativar;fazer;calcular;continuar; dizer; contar; recitar; pensar; alegar; afirmar ver; entender; preocupar-se; verificar; encontrar-se; observar procurar, pedir; liberar; exigir; perseguir atrs; tentar vender; comerciar; negociar; liquidar; trapacear (gria); trair (gria) enviar; mandar; remeter; despachar; produzir; emitir;espalhar; pr, colocar; ajustar; preparar; usar; arrumar; causar; marcar; servir; sacudir; agitar; tremer; chocar; apertar (mos) brilhar, luzir, cintilar, resplandecer; lustrar (sapato); distinguir mostrar; exibir ;descobrir; provar; apresentar; mostrar-se; aparecer; fechar; cerrar; tampar; trancar; tapar; fechar-se; trancar-se cantar; murmurar; rugir; zumbir; uivar; avisar; afundar; mergulhar; afogar; regar; descer, cair, descer; falecer; sentar dormir; descansar; deitar (com algum) cheirar; feder; perfurmar; sentir cheiro; farejar; perceber; suspeitar falar; dizer; contar; expressar; discursar; lembrar a-; afirmar apressar-se; mover c/ velocidade; dirigir muito rpido; ser bem sucedido; soletrar; escrever de forma certa; ser algo que significa gastar, tirar; perceber; divertir-se, passar (tempo) pr de p; levantar-se; suster; sustentar; colocar; aguentar; honrar; roubar; furtar; infiltrar-se golpear; ferir; bater; surpreender; descobrir jurar; prestar juramento; xingar nadar; flutuar; boiar Balanar pegar; tomar; segurar; agarrar; capturar; aceitar; fotografar; tirar; ensinar; educar chorar, lacrimejar; rasgar, rachar Contar (dizer); saber; perceber; descobrir; ordenar pensar; acreditar Entender, compreender, acordar; despertar; acordar-se Usar;vestir;experimentar (roupas,etc);colocar (culos); exibir; mostrar; vencer;ganhar; conseguir; obter;alugar; convencer; ganhar o corao deescrever; anotar; compor; inscrever

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