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Name Student Number Faculty & Class : Mario Reinzini : 0806 455 326 : Electrical Engineering & A.104

1. Title of the article : Is Pop Culture Dumbing Us Down or Smartening Us Up? (2)

2. Author

: Steven Johnson

3. Explain in two or three sentences why you have chosen this article: I think the title have attracted me a lot, the title sounds a little contradict with public opinion. I also want to know, if it is possible, how pop culture can smartening us up. Through this article I hope that it can tell me enough reasons to believe which is pop culture dumbing or smartening us.

4. Explain briefly in four or five sentences what the article is about Many people still believe that reading a book is the only way to develop their intelligence / I.Q. But fortunately there still another way to become smart. With pop culture, like playing video games, we also can develop the collateral learning, which is no less important. Video games and books represent two very different kinds of learning, when reading a book we already have the content of what we read but the value from video games is in how it makes you think. The article wants to say that with pop culture we can improve our intelligence too, giving our minds a rigorous workout.

5. What is the writers message or purpose in writing this article? The writer want to tell us that pop culture give a different intelligence from what we get if we read or doing the homework. Pop culture will give a freedom to our minds to explore, to free imagine. When playing video games, we act as we are the main actor, we have to explore, make our own hypotheses, decide where we go next, etc. The writer just want to underline that we can learn something different and not less important from pop

culture, not every pop culture will dumbing us down. It is only have its own way to smarting us.

6. Personal comment on the article as a conclusion of my article review I think that I agree with the writer, who argued that book and video game represent two different kinds of learning. Pop culture gives us, as the subject, to see intelligence from a different side. I think most people argued that pop culture dumbing us down because oftenly we found that pop culture as a something fun, something that only can entertain us. I think it is depend on our self again, to maintain how far we could use or we could take advantages from this pop culture. I believe everything in this world has its own benefit and loss, depends on how we manage it.

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