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5 endangered Species

By: Sumaiyah Zaidi

The Black Rhino

An extinct species of rhino that lived in Mongolia was the largest land mammal of all time This species probably died out because of climate change. The main threat facing all these rhino, and particularly the black rhino, is man. Poachers kill rhino, not for meat or for food, but to get the horns which they sell. To save the black rhino species, they are trying to stop the illegal international trade in rhino horn, and even harsher penalties for people caught poaching and dealing in the rhino horn. people are being persuaded to stop using rhino horn for medicines and cultural purposes.

Siberian Tigers

Siberian (or Amur) tigers are the world's largest cats. They live mainly in eastern Russia hunting and forest destruction have reduced overall tiger populations. Tigers are hunted as titles and also for body parts that are used in traditional Chinese medicine. There are only about 400-500 Siberian tigers left in the world. Many countries, including the United States, have created laws that outlaw the importation and selling of tiger parts. There are also breeding programs to help sustain the tiger population.

the Liben lark is known only from a small area of southern Ethiopia, located south of the town of Negele in what was once known as the Sidamo Province. This bird is known for having a small population, only small numbers of these birds have been sighted since 1994. there are no protected areas which makes the Liben lark highly vulnerable to any threats. Currently, the greatest threat looks to be the loss of its habitat. As human populations in rises, more land is converted to permanent agriculture , destroying the grassland required by the lark. Some people destroy lands and homes of other creature for usless reasons, which as a result causes the libern lark to reduce even more. In 2009, they rechecked the the birds status and it highly possible for them to be extinct.

Liben Lark

The Riverine Rabbit

Riverine rabbits are widespread to South Africa and are Africa's only digging rabbit. Riverine rabbits are not adventurous eaters, with 90% of their diet including of Karoo shrubs. This specialized diet is because of limited habitats, none of which is protected. The reduction of these rabbits is because of riverbank degradation, riverine habitat destruction, overgrazing which leads to soil erosion, habitat fragmentation which prevents populations from breeding and illegal hunting have all lead to the riverine rabbit's critically The only way to let the rabbits live longer is to protect its natural habitat. Some Karoo farmers have stated their farms Natural Heritage Sites to protect the riverine habitat and rabbit.


The leopard can be found in all of subSaharan Africa and west of the Kalahari Desert, and it is also found in the Middle East (Iran, Pakistan) and Asia (China, India, Indonesia, and Nepal) Leopard hunting for its fur was once very popular causing a significant decline in the 1960s and 70s. There are only an estimated 20-30 leopards left in the wild. It is the most endangered of all the big cats. The main factor in the decline of Amur population is the loss of territory. some of it is because of trapping and poisoning by farmers who consider the leopard a nuisance to their livestock, habitat loss, commercial hunting, and decline in prey populations You can encourage people not to buy or wear fur coats. You can also support efforts to address the people about the leopards and how they are endangered.

Endangered Species
A lot of these species main problem is caused because of us, people. We build houses or destroy places without even thinking about what or who lives there. Species like the tigers or the black rhino have been used for the peoples selfish reason. They dont think that were using animals for our own good. These organizations help the animals a lot, and theres proof that we are making progress, but for some other species things arent looking that good for them and might even be extinct in a couple of years.

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