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UEM Bacharelado em Traduo Texto Tcnico e Cientfico Profa. Ms.

Ms. Gleimara Zniga Exerccios tirados do livro Vocabulando de Isa Mara Lando, 2008. FALSOS COGNATOS 1) Traduza: ACTUAL - ACTUALLY a) MaryAnn is not my actual name, just an artistic name. b) Do you follow current events? c) This animal is actually a colony of several distinct individuals. d) She described it so well, it made me feel like I was actually there. e) How did you meet your current boyfriend? f) Shes American, but she currently lives in Brazil. g) Qual a causa principal dos atuais conflitos no Oriente Mdio? h) muito difcil diagnosticar o problema verdadeiro/real. i) Atualmente ensino ingls para crianas e adolescentes. j) No tenho o texto completo; na verdade, este s um fragmento. AGENDA a) These activities are part of our Youth Opportunity Agenda. b) This is a very important meeting, and the representatives are deeply divided over the agenda. c) Some politicians see natural disasters as opportunities to fill their won pockets, to satisfy their own agendas. d) I was just a nave girl and I thought he sincerely wanted to help me. I didnt realize he had his own agenda going too. e) Quando podemos nos encontrar? S um momento, vou pegar minha agenda. f) Estamos cansados de polticos egostas, com seus interesses ocultos que so to prejudiciais ao nosso pas. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) a) b) c) d) ALUMNUS, ALUMNI COLLEGE - FACULTY Below is a list of our students, alumni and faculty. The President is a Harvard alumnus. Prezados alunos e ex-alunos Sejam bem-vindos! We are looking for college graduates with good public speaking skills. So, how do you like college life, now that you are a freshman? Universidades do mundo inteiro esto dando seus cursos em ingls. Ns comeamos a namorar no colgio quando ainda ramos adolescentes. Some people claim to have the faculty of communicating with the dead. The school will add faculty to the Math Departament. Eu participo de um comit de professores, funcionrios e alunos. Nossa faculdade tem 300 professores. COMPLETE AS FRASES COM (alumnus, alumni college faculty) e traduza-as: Our state needs ten thousand new ........................... just to replace retiring professors. I heard hes a . graduate from Harvard, Yale or another Ivy League school. Those who once studied in this university never forget if. We are proud of the great loyalty and affection that our .. demonstrate to their alma mater. My boyfriend is a nice guy. The problem is, hes just a high school graduate and never went to . .

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