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In Partnership ... PEER Servants currertly partners with microfinance agencies in: Brazil Hatt ia Mexico | Moisors SEP ‘Nigeria Peru Philipines South Airica Siania igan Zambia ‘Our Programs Consulting Training Networeng Funding Marketing Mentoring Capacity Building Spirtual Encoursgement Contact Us We'd love to hear from you! PEER Servants P.O. Box 258 Woburn, MA 01801 Phone: 781-692-4333 Fax 270-818-2449 www peerservants org info@peerservants org Pee) PEER Servants Partrering for Eoonomic Empowerment and Renee! PEER Servants Transforming Lives through Economic Opportunity What is Microfinance? obs in seme pats ofthe word are bimeat non-existent, ac the only way Many people can provide or ther ‘ames ste slat e smal business @ mico-eniemprise Suiberks dont typically end othe poor, who dont ave sumigent soleteral Digiiasions ke PEER servants andinerpatnes nave cove aang feisneecoerstenees Miep-loans (meofinance! even as ‘smailas $50 0°3100 can help a famiy on the read fom aoverty'o selfsuficency.dignty anc hope fora brighter fture. ‘Transformed Lives... FerrendsinSriLanks mak crocs, rigs “Shdbuushes from cosona teers Whe Bushess loan re excandedand row dieesterne oscucs to 10 vias. He renployed youve tat ty oe cai > fingenslayra ans uy saasl sles Transforming Lives Through Economic Opportunity in Peru and Sri Lanka Hardworking people in Peru and SiLanka lack access to the resources they need to achieve theirdream of providing for their families. They are til ofideas, but dant have the money needed o ture their hopes and dreams irto realty. AmicroJoan can help see dreams realized Asma amount ofloan capital can help start a business that villprovice income to feet, Gothe and educate family. A gift through Alternative Gifts Intemational helps change lives! + $25 - Buys one share of a micro-loan to halp a family and a communty + Upto$300- Providesjobs and creates opportunity with micro-loan for budding entrepreneurs ‘Transformed Lives. esti, single netnerr Claes Pau Sige cevrassas avcsuickel Srecougrt Seuingmachnewin = $200 leentosir an recy Shas ‘Ate esgyng eis lean, she Bowoved again tomar pone nausea (Geock. She i now athe tc cata re? Rome ana tes cnicren Who We Are + PEER Servants isa faith-based sania a weno ote seman cong ae tnd communis ranafomed + PEER Servants pariners with arganizetions nthe developing world to provide microdoansand baie busineea training that allow Dpenple to star sma businesses wai peerservans.o9

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