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Cleverness For some people, they have fixed, rigid concepts about what cleverness is.

Einstein clever, Newton clever and so on. This however does not tell the full story. In actual fact, nobody is cleverer than anybody else. A person may have a particular skill or ability which makes them look clever, but, we all have those. There have been stories of head in the cloud professors who can't tie their own shoelaces. To make this clear as to why it is a mistake to think of one person as cleverer than another is the simple fact that 99% of human 'cleverness' relates to subconscious bodily processes which we all have. Heart beats, hormone regulation, body balancing, blood cleaning, all these things. Still feel stupid? Never forget, Einstein type cleverness is just tinkering at the edges in his specific area. Usually, geniuses have some pretty major shortcomings too.

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