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To create the text manipulation with scientific notation.

STEP 1: To open a document, click Office button in the menu bar and select New. A New page will appear. STEP 2: Type a paragraph of text in the new opened document. STEP 3: To make some text as bold, underline, italic select the text and click the Bold icon, Underline icon, italic icon in the font toolbar. STEP 4: To align the text to left, center, right and justify, select the text and go for paragraph Toolbar and click Align left, Center, Align right and Justify icon. STEP 5: To give line spacing as 1.5 for the whole text, select the whole text and go to the paragraph toolbar in that click line spacing icon. STEP 6: To give the specified Font, select the text and go to the font toolbar and click the font style. STEP 7: To add bullets or numbering to the text, select the text and go to the paragraph toolbar in that click bullet icon. STEP 8: To give subscript and superscript to the equation, select the particular text and click Subscript and superscript icon in the font toolbar. STEP 9: To save the document click File and click Save.

STEP 2: A flowchart can be defined as the pictorial representation of a process, which describes the sequence and flow of the control and information in a process. The flow of information is represented in a flowchart in a step-by-step form. STEP 3: START A flowchart can be defined as the pictorial representation of a process, which

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