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Ding Dong Bell Rhyme

"Ding Dong Bell" Nursery Rhyme & History

"Ding Dong Bell" a poem with a moral theme

The origins of this nursery rhyme date back to the 16th century and the era of
Shakespeare who used the phrase "Ding Dong Bell" in several plays. The original
lyrics of "Ding Dong Bell" actually ended with the cat being left to drown! These
words were modified and the cat was saved by 'Little Tommy Stout' to encourage
children to understand that it was unacceptable and cruel to harm any animal 'who
ne'er did any harm'. The latter version taught morality at an early age. "Ding Dong
Bell" also introduces a child to onomatopoeia ( a word that sounds like its meaning)
In this nursery rhyme the lyrics and words "ding dong" when pronounced convey
the actual sounds!

The Shakespeare Connection!

The phrase " Ding Dong Bell" was used by William Shakespeare - but given the
original drafts of Shakespeare plays were in Quarto text and the majority were not
published until 1623 in the First Folio (7 years after his death) could the phrase
actually be the writer's original instructions for sound effects?

The Tempest, Act I, Scene II:

"Sea nymphs hourly ring his knell:
Hark! Now I hear them - Ding, dong, bell."

The Merchant of Venice, Act III, Scene II:

"Let us all ring fancy's bell;
I'll begin it - Ding, dong, bell."

For a comprehensive Shakespeare website we recommend a visit to
Ding dong bell poem
Ding dong bell
Pussy's in the well
Who put her in?
Little Johnny Flynn
Who pulled her out?
Little Tommy Stout
What a naughty boy was that
Try to drown poor Pussycat,
Who ne'er did any harm
But killed all the mice
In the Farmer's barn!

The picture depicts a scene from William Shakespeare Play ' The Tempest’

Ding dong bell poem

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