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Pterygota alata R. Brown. (Order: Sterculiaceae).

Pterygota derived from a Greek work referring to the winged nature of the seed. Alata refers to the tallness of the species. Description: A tall deciduous tree with a straight trunk and smooth ashen bark; young parts covered with a dense, golden, stellate pubescence. Leaves crowded towards the ends of the branches, 4-11 in, by 3-8 in., ovate cordate, acute or shortly acuminate, glabrous, 3-7 nerved; petioles 2-4 in. long, round, slightly hairy. Flowers about 1 in. across in few-flowered racemes, of males and females, arising in the old axils below the present leaves; pedicels short, densely hairy; calyx of 5 or 6 (sometimes 7) thick, fleshy, linear-lanceolate lobes, externally coated with dense rusty-coloured, stellate down, lobes streaked with red and yellow veins. Male fls. staminal column with the anthers at the top; female fls. with urn-shaped ovary surmounted by 3-5 stigmas. Fruit a large follicle, sub-globose, 5 in. in diameter, hard and woody; seeds about 40 furnished with a large wing, 3 by l.5in. Distribution: Silhet, Chittagong, Pegu and the Andamans; rare in Kanara. Planted in many gardens. Gardening: Propagated by seed. An handsome tree. Uses: The seeds are eaten in Burma.

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