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Parallel Curriculum Model Template Tomlinson et al

Developed by Dr. Marty Laster

UAS ED 638

Ecosystems PCM Template Jon Dykstra ED 639

Topic: Science Concepts: Ecosystem, biome, habitat
Discipline: Life Science

Generalizations: All organisms live in an ecosystem that provides them with things necessary for survival, i.e. energy, stable living conditions and water. The ultimate source of energy (for most ecosystems) is the sun. The ultimate fate of energy in ecosystems is for it to be lost as heat. Energy and nutrients are passed from organism to organism through the food chain as one organism eats another. Decomposers remove the last energy from the remains of organisms. Skills: A student should understand and be able to apply the concepts, models, theories, facts, evidence, systems, and processes of life science.

Standard(s): Science Performance Standards (Grade Level Expectations) Grade 8 C1Concepts of Life Science SC2 Students develop an understanding of the structure, function, behavior, development, life cycles, and diversity of living organisms. SC3 Students develop an understanding that all organisms are linked to each other and their physical environments through the transfer and transformation of matter and energy. SC3.1 stating that energy flows and that matter cycles but is conserved within an ecosystem SC3.2 organizing a food web that shows the cycling of matter

Key Facts: Biotic Abiotic Autotrophs Heterotrophs Population Community Photosynthesis Food Chain Herbivore Carnivore Ominvore Detrivores Producer Primary Consumer Secondary Consumer Ecology Biomass Biome Niche

Tomlinson et al 2009

Adapted by Dr. Marty Laster UAS

Parallel Curriculum Model Template Tomlinson et al Content

Core Curriculum content is addressed through Alaska GLEs for Science and the Prentice Hall Environmental Science text.

Developed by Dr. Marty Laster Teaching Strategies

Whole group direct instruction to begin unit. Independent and group reading, group discussion. Independent and collaborative inquiry based learning with teacher coaching. Peer and self-review of final products through rubric (Curriculums of Practice and Identity).

UAS ED 638

Students will be preassessed with introductory activities. Summative assessment will be one of the products below showing how each of the science standards above (SC 2-SC 3.2) are displayed in four different ecosystems, two of which must be Alaskan (i.e. Resurrection Bay, Arctic Tundra). This addresses the Curriculum of Connections relating to the students local ecosystems.

Introductory and Closure Activities

Introductory activity will be a brainstorm for prior knowledge about ecosystems. After this, students will take a walk in the nature trails behind the schools and make sketches of what they perceive are the living and nonliving elements in that ecosystem. Closure activity will be presenting final product to the rest of the class (Curriculum of Practice).

Learning Activities
Reading and discussion of the Environmental Science text. Independent research in the library, including self-selected Discovery Streaming videos/podcasts and traditional books. Construction of final product based on student interest and skills (Curriculums of Practice and Identity).

Grouping Strategies
Whole group initial instruction of book material, with small paired discussions. Individual work on final products with guidance from teacher and peers.

Website, Comic Life presentation, Powerpoint, oral presentation, digital movie, or written research paper.

ADF&G website, Weebly website builder, Powerpoint, Comic Life, iMovie, school library, Prentice Hall Science Explorer series textbooks.

Extension Activities
Students can interview a local wildlife biologist about Alaska ecosystems. Field trip to Campbell Creek Science Center. Further study of career opportunities for ecologists-biologists.

Modifications for AID

Length, scope, and depth of final product can be modified based on learner needs. Peer tutors can be utilized. Consultation with SPED department.

Tomlinson et al 2009

Adapted by Dr. Marty Laster UAS

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