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Special Education Process AGENDAS for IEP Teams Initial Referral Meeting Agenda 1. Introductions 2.

Purpose of meeting (decide whether to accept referral for evaluation; if 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

accepted, get written consent for evaluation) Special Education Rights have parents sign Review reason for referral; discuss BBSST interventions Input from parents and other IEP Team members Go through 4 pages of referral; team signs Discuss (in broad terms) areas of exceptionality to be evaluated Notice and Consent for Initial Evaluation - complete and parent signs Discuss what comes next (testing/eligibility/IEP) Adjourn meeting

Eligibility Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions 2. Purpose of meeting (review testing/information and determine if student is eligible for special education services) 3. Review most recent testing (recorded on eligibility report) 4. Input from parents and other IEP Team members 5. Make eligibility decision determine if child meets eligibility criteria for one or more areas of exceptionality according to the AAC determine if child requires specially designed instruction 6. Complete Notice and Eligibility Decision Regarding Special Education Services-team signs (parent will be sent a copy) Write out (no abbreviations) the name of the disability Check Yes or No about lack of instruction/LEP Complete Description of Other Options Considered Check IEP Team 7. Discuss what comes next (new IEP) 8. Adjourn Meeting

Reevaluation Meeting Agenda

1. Introductions 2. Purpose of meeting (need/reason for reevaluation; decide whether new data is necessary; if new data is needed, get written consent) 3. Review most recent eligibility report/testing. All assessments used for the previous eligibility determination should be reviewed. 4. Input from parents and other IEP Team members regarding recent progress, need for additional data, any new area that need to be considered 5. Discuss (in broad terms) areas of exceptionality to be evaluated 6. Complete IEP Team Decision Regarding Reevaluation (always) team signs (parent will be sent a copy) 7. Notice and Consent for Reevaluation (if new data is needed) complete and parent signs (if parent not in attendance, make two additional attempts to secure signature). This is the only one of these reevaluation forms that can be sent home for a parent signature. 8. Discuss what comes next (testing/eligibility/IEP) 9. Adjourn meeting 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

IEP Meeting Agenda

Introductions Purpose of meeting (develop new IEP; amend existing IEP) Special Education Rights (except for initial IEP meeting) Presentation of Draft IEP copies to participants Read through profile; input from parents and other IEP Team members into profile 6. Present each page of IEP ask for input 7. Discuss and mark participation in state testing 8. Signature page Review general factors (all should be checked Yes) Discuss two LRE statements Determine LRE code Ask for any additional input before signing Signatures 9. If initial IEP meeting, complete Notice and Consent to Provide Special Education Services parent signs 10. Adjourn meeting; give copy of IEP to parent before (s)he leaves, or if agreed upon by school and parents email a copy of IEP.

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