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Anatomy of Human Brain. In the human brain, as shown in Fig 10.

1; amygdala is an almond shaped cluster of interconnected structures, perched above the brain stem near the limbic ring. Over million of years of evolution, the brain has grown from the bottom up with the higher centres developing as elaborations of lower, more ancient parts. From the most primitive root, the brainstem emerged the emotional centres that have two amygdalas, which are the storehouses of all emotional memory. Above this, is the great bulb of convoluted tissues that make up the top layers, our thinking brain called the neo-cortex the rational and emotional parts of the brain depend on each other. In evolutionary terms, our emotional faculty is more ancient, having existed in the primitive brain stem well before the thinking part the neo-cortex started developing above it. In the brain, amygdala is poised like an alarm. On sensing emergency, it sends urgent messages to every part of the brain. It triggers the reaction of bodys fight or flight hormones. It mobilizes the centres of movement and activates the cardio vascular system, the muscles and the gut. It puts the brain and the body in a state of high alert, while the neo-cortex part of the brain analyses all the inputs for rational thinking. The more intense the feeling, the more dominant; the emotional mind becomes over the rational thinking.

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