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Mr. Bill Ding Building 23 Building Row Dear Mr.

Bill Ding, I am writing to inform you about which rock type should be used as regards to the new town statue. From the rocks that I was given, the one to make the statue out of would be granite because it is not affected by chemical weathering. I will go on to explain the following things: How we carried out an experiment to see which types of rock were affected by chemical weathering Which rock would be the most affected by chemical weathering

Which rock would be least affected by chemical weathering

Which rock is going to be used to used for the statue and why.

At the laboratory, we conducted an experiment on chalk, limestone, granite and sandstone. We did to see this to see the affects of chemical weathering on the different rock types. We would take the rock type; put it on a watch glass and drop 3- 4 drops of weakly diluted hydrochloric acid onto the rock type, and observe the reaction. We did this because this would have the same affect on the rock as acid rain (chemical weathering.) Here are our results: Chalk (Sedementary)

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