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What is extremism I think the only thing to say about extremism, is not whether to say who or who is not

an extremist, as for example, a billionaire would be an extremist in any normal course of events, but rather to admit that we all are and just work out how we are extremists. A person might be extremely loving, extremely kind, extremely intelligent, extremely poor, extremely nasty, extremely passionate about something, extremely religious and so on. The thing to say then, is not to ask the question of who is and who is not extreme, let's be honest, our very Queen is extreme, extremely royal, but to understand that we all have extremes in ourselves. If we want to bring God into the fray, then, 'he' doesn't discriminate against extremes. Rather, we are all extremists in one way or another and that is how people get to be good at things. You have to be an extremist to be at the top of anything, any sport, the music industry, in fact, any industry, any academic discipline and so on. If you weren't an extremist, you would never be any good. So, in a society where everyone is an extremist, even if they are just extremely chavy, then, we have to understand that there are consequences for the consciousness of the world as a consequence. Extremism promotes extremes of lack as well as prosperity and indeed, one pays for the other and this is the world we have got. In technical terms, this is what Evil is.

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