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1. Dangerous Ideas Threaten Our Kids: How Can We Help Them?

By: Ken Ham Many of our children spend up to seven hours a day at school and sometimes more than 2-3 hours a week at church learning about things that could potentially sway their faith in Gods teachings. Not all preachers of the Word are devout to what it means and have fallen victim to the scientific/evolutionary way of interpreting the Bible. Those that should be teaching our youth are actually leading them astray because of the general acceptance of not taking the good word at face value. The emphasis about what to teach children is on evolution and shielding them from the truth of creation. It is only through ministry and faith in God and the Bible that we can teach our children how right God is and sway them from listening to or believing what those who would destroy Gods will want them to believe. 2. Soft Tissue in Fossils: Evidence from Science That Confirm a Young Earth By: Dr. David Menton Dinosaurs supposedly lived and died off millions of years ago, however, scientists have discovered within fossils, well-preserved soft tissues which could not possibly have survived that many years. In recent findings, archaeologists have found bone marrow blood cells and red blood cells with nuclei. Flexible tissue was found in the marrow as well as protein collagen which cannot be made from bacteria which is what evolutionary scientists claim produced these cells. Studies of mummies have confirmed that these types of cells could be preserved in the timeframe consistent with creation and the concept that earth is only several thousand years old but could not have survived the several million years scientists insist these fossils were formed. 3. God Created Things to Look Old: Arguments Christians Shouldnt Use By: Dr. Tommy Mitchell The question of how the earth looks in terms of age cannot be answered because nobody existed before Adam and Eve to say what and old earth looks like. The answer is to suggest that God created the earth to look old. So the argument ensues about how to describe the earth and the conclusion is to discuss it in terms of old and mature. God created the earth in a mature state, that is, everything was at peak maturity and bearing fruit when He put Adam and Eve in the garden. All things were capable of reproduction so were not created old, but functional. The concept that earth looks old comes from the indoctrination of the mans ideas about dating (as in time). God did not create the earth to look old, He created it to be functional. 4. The Gospel Message Written in the Stars? By Danny Faulkner Can the Gospel be understood by reading the stars? One theory that has sprouted up is that the constellations are a representation of the Gospel and His plan for salvation was purposefully spelled out in the constellations and stars. Over time, ungodly men changed the meanings of the constellations adding mythology and astrology. Frances Rolleston concluded that she could tie the names of the constellations and stars to Hebrew, which is assumed to be the language of Adam, by studying and finding similarities in other languages. Her translations, however, turned

out to be very poor and off kilter, therefore rendering her findings moot. Furthermore, the biblical texts are a mystery and will be revealed to us. If it was written in the stars, it could not be mystery then, could it? The constellations can, however, be used as examples, to show parallels in teaching much like Jesus did when he told parables so people could relate to what he was telling them. 5. Antarctica Dinosaurs on Ice: Clues to Extreme Change By: Buddy Davis Antarctica is a barren, icy landscape. How could it have ever supported life? It couldnt, but dinosaur fossils have been found there. The biggest question is how did they get there? Among the findings, archaeologists also found evidence of spores, ferns, pines, moss and cycads all grown in more temperate climates. Creationists believe that the Great Flood is the answer. Because the same types of fossils were found across continents, the evidence points to flood deposit. During the time of the flood, the earth went through some amazing changes that allowed these deposits to travel long distances and be deposited in even the remotest of places. It also seems likely that the layers were formed while Antarctica was on the move and it seems this continent was likely once connected to Australia. 6. Old-Earth Creationism Is it a Sin to Be Wrong? By: Terry Mortenson How do we determine the right and wrong of what we teach other people and is it sinful to teach wrong intentionally or even unintentionally? What are the consequences of this on a spiritual level? If we have been opened up to the message of God and believe that we have led others astray, then we should repent and praise God that we have learned from our mistakes. We take a vow to teach the truth, henceforth. By accepting the concepts of evolutionists views and teaching them to others without thought as to what that does to our and others relationship to God, we are doing ourselves, our children, and others a disservice and need to recognize our error, repent before God and go forth to publicly correct the wrong that we have committed. It is by God that we receive the grace to make things right. 7. Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? By: Bodie Hodge Common analysis of the Great Pyramid dates it to have been constructed around 2550 BC. According to biblical records, the great flood occurred around 2350 BC. How could the pyramids have withstood such an onslaught that literally wiped the face of the earth clean and radically changed its landscape? The evidence shows that the pyramids do not show any water damage and is actually built on rock layers consistent with what would have been deposited post flood. It also seems that Egypt translated is Mizraim which was Noahs grandson who was born after the flood. So how did the pyramids get their date? The records of pharaohs and their reigns were recorded as consecutive reigns when they were really overlapping and sometimes as many as three pharaohs ruled at the same time in different kingdoms. The recorded records would have elongated the timeline by several hundred years clearly proving that the pyramids were definitely built post-flood.

8. Variety Within Created Kinds By: Georgia Purdom God created every living creature according to its kind on days three, five and six of the creation week. Kind indicates the boundary of a class of animal or plant and includes every animal within the species. Offspring are the same kind as their parents even with noticeable variations. Diversity among kinds are prevalent but they all remain in the same class. This diversity and variety among kinds can be attributed to the Fall as well as genetic mutations and natural selection. God gave the ability to create variety between us, after all, not two of us are exactly the same, but we all remain within the same kind of species and that is what Noah brought on the Ark with him, two of every kind. 9. RATE Strikes at the heart of Evolution By: Mike Riddle The RATE (Radioisotope and the Age of The Earth) team have assembled research to disprove the old earth theory and reinforces the concepts of a young-earth as supported by a direct interpretation of the Bible. It seems empirical science cannot demonstrate for a fact that the earth is as old as (billions of years), evolutionary scientists would have us believe. Unfortunately, many in the world and in our churches are not adamant in teaching creation as it is laid out in the Bible (Six days of Creation with one day of rest for our Lord). They believe what the scientists have taught us because they have so called evidence to support their theory of a billion year old earth. The RATE teams mission is to disprove those theories and spread the word about creation as it was written, and to uphold the trustworthiness of the Bible as the true source of knowledge. It seems the battle to be fought is between mans ideas about the past and the Bibles history. God created all including the laws of science and His Word is infallible. Its mans belief about the origins of earth that creates conflict and RATE is doing everything it can to set the record straight.

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