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Farid Husein Sampulawa 051.07.023 Studi Kegiatan Pemeliharaan Gedung C Kampus A Universitas Trisakti Grogol

Isi Kata Kunci Daftar Pustaka Pembimbing Co. Pembimbing

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V Bab + Lampiran + Gambar + Tabel Pemeliharaan, Gedung, Manajemen, Studi 2 Halaman Ir. Jan Agustina, MT. Ir. Darmawan Pontan, SE., MT.

Increasing age of a building can affect quality of it self. Quality of building that have been used cannot be same as a quality of early pre construction. For keep the building fixed according to the function and early spesification, then be required maintanance activities. This research have goals for giving more knowledge to the owner of the building that can understand important factors in implementation of maintenance activities in order to maintain quality of building to keep it viable function. This research discuss about study of maintenance activities in Trisakti University of building C at Grogol. Method are using qualitative methodology to dig some information from building administrator and making a checklist table of maintenance quality. Components be adapted with Pedoman Pemeliharaan dan

Perawatan Bangunan Gedung was published by Departemen Pekerjaan Umum as normative reference. As the results of maintenance activities in the building C, obtained a reliability precentage of 79,9% is categorized fair and also note the effect of this judgement based on the structure of the organizatioan that support the maintenance activities are not in accordance with the requirements of.

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