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CIICP - AUTOMATION SYSTEM ABSTRACT In our college, we are maintaining the student details and other accounting details

of CIICP Cell by manually. This leads many problems and not able to access relevant data easily. To solve the problem faced by this manual process, we developed a System to automate all the process carried out through the CIICP Cell. This system maintains the student details from the enrolment form and stores the each and every course joined by the Student. The Manager can able to register new courses and fix course fee and modify the details whenever required. When a student enrolls for a particular course, the admin can generate bill for that particular student. After a successful completion of the course, he can get course completion certificate from this system. The admin can able to get up-to-date details of students, total no of students enrolled for a particular course, no of student those who paid the fee and any pending amount to be paid by the student. And he can able to know the total amounts paid for a particular course, pending amount to be collected. This system also provide better reporting for the manager, like course wise student details and day wise, course wise, year wise fee collection, expenses , completion status of students and so on.

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