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April 2013 (Summer drive) Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) Semester 5 BC0054 Software project Management & Quality

ty Assurance4 Credits
(Book ID: B0958)

(60 Marks)

Attempt all the questions: [60 Marks]

1. Describe the responsibilities of team leader and product manager? [ 8 marks] 2. What is conflict management? Explain various causes for conflict. [10 marks] 3. What is COCOMO? Explain COCOMO model in detail. [10 marks] 4. What is risk prioritization? Explain risk prioritization technique. [10 marks] 5. Explain change control. Write down the steps followed for change control. [8 marks]

6. Explain the concept of Baselines with reference to software configuration management. 7. Explain different project closure reports. [8 marks] [6 Marks]

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