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Summary of Course Evaluation Data for Prof.

Judi Laprade
Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Physical Education & Kinesiology University of Toronto Summary of Questions: Statements about the instructor
Course ANA126 Year 20122013
Total Course Enrolment Completed Eval Forms

Q1 4.71

Q2 4.14

Q3 4.41

Q4 4.58

Q5 4.67

Q6 4.52

Q7 3.9

Q8 4.24

Q9 4.41

Q10 4.47

Q11 4.41



Evaluation Descriptors ( Scale: 1-5) 1 = Very Poor 2 = Below Average 3 = Average 4 = Good 5 = Excellent

Statements about the instructor

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Ability to challenge the intellectual capacity of students: Ability to foster teacher-student discussion and invite students to express their viewpoints: Ability to present material in a clear and logical manner: Ability to communicate with enthusiasm and interest in the course material: The instructor's depth of knowledge, use of current research and developments in the field is: Ability to present material in a manner that links theoretical and practical issues to enhance learning: The manner in which the methods of evaluation (e.g. papers, assignments, tests) reflects the subject matter and provides a fair evaluation of student learning: Ability to respond to students' questions and answer them clearly and effectively: Ability to foster critical thinking, problem solving and intellectual development: The instructor's availability for individual consultation either by appointment or the stated office hours is: All things considered, compared to other University of Toronto instructors, this instructor performs in a manner that is:

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