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Ms. Schimels Syllabus for 6th grade Earth Space Science

This course covers Earth and Space sciences while introducing concepts in chemistry, physics, and life sciences. Our text book is Earth Space, published by Glencoe/McGraw Hill. We will use other resources to supplement the information in the textbook.

Course Outline: 1st Semester The Nature of Science Measurement Matter Properties and Change Structure of the Earth: Chapter 1 and 6 Earthquakes & Volcanoes: Chapter 7 and 8 Rocks and Minerals: Chapter 2 and 3 Weathering and Soils: Chapter 4 and 5 2nd Semester Geological Time: Chapter 9 and 10 Hydrosphere & Oceans: Chapter 14 and 15 Atmosphere: Chapter 11 Weather & Climate: Chapter 12 and 13 The Solar System: Chapters 17, 18,19, and 20

Class Expectations: Every student should come to class with a positive attitude and be ready to learn. All work should be done neatly and completed on time. The Beginning of Every Class: Walk in, sit down, and be prepared to work. Write down the homework in your agenda and begin the daily warm-up. You will be considered tardy if you are not in your seat and working when the bell rings. Required Materials: Pen (blue or black) or pencil (mechanical preferred). 1 inch 3 ring binder or a 3 prong folder. Binders work best! Notebooks will be used as an interactive student portfolio. Table of contents, class papers, notes, quizzes and tests will be kept in a systematic order. Optional- colored pencils, flash drive, grading pen of any color, headphones, highlighter, ruler, and a small pencil sharpener.

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There are due dates and there are deadlines. Sometimes a due date and a deadline may be the same date. If work is turned in after the due date, but before the deadline, the work will be accepted and may be given a reduced grade. If work is turned in after the deadline, the work will be considered as missing. Grading:
Your grade will come from the following areas: class work, homework, summative and formative tests, quizzes, projects, planner checks. Every grade counts; do your best on every assignment.

Grades Your grade will be calculated as follows: Classwork: 35%

What to expect Classwork will include warm ups, planner checks, vocabulary, cooperative group assignments, worksheets, etc. Each unit will end with a test. Questions are drawn from assignments, labs, and notes. Quizzes will be given as short assessments throughout each unit. Students will be required to maintain a notebook containing class notes, homework, handouts, etc. Notebooks will periodically be checked and graded. Each nine weeks, students will be required to complete a project. The first semester projects will be the science fair projects. Homework is designed to reinforce concepts taught in the classroom, and will be assigned often.









Page |3 Grading Scale:

A = 90100 87 89 80 86 77 79 70 76 67 69 60 66 00 59 = Outstanding

Online Resources:
Connect -Ed: Discovery Education: Edmodo: FCAT Explorer: Sunshine State Standards:

B+ =

Above Average

C+ =

Cheating and Plagiarism Policy:

= Average

D+ =

Lowest Acceptable

Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Students who copy anothers work OR students who allow their work to be copied will receive a zero on that assignment or test and will receive an automatic After School Detention (ASD). Plagiarism is also considered cheating. Plagiarism is using someones words or ideas as your own without crediting the source. A tutorial on plagiarism can be found at .

= Failure

Bring Your Own Technology: WCDs (Wireless Communication Devices)

Students may use WCDs in this classroom for appropriate instructional activities; however, students must first seek permission from the classroom teacher before using the device. At all other times, the device must be turned off. See Code of Student Conduct for further information about appropriate use of WCDs. Failure to comply with appropriate use policies will result in loss of privilege to use WCDs.

Make up Work:
Work assigned prior to the students absence will be due the day the student returns. Missed tests and quizzes will be made up upon the date the student returns to class unless otherwise coordinated with the teacher.

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Classroom Procedures:
Make up Work Procedure:
1. Check your agenda or my website for what assignments you have missed. 2. Advocate for yourself. Ask Ms. Schimel, Ms. Mason, or a trusted classmate before or after class. If you missed or are going to miss a test or quiz you must schedule a make up in a timely manner. 3. If you do not see me about your makeup work, I will assume that you understand what you are expected to do. It is the students responsibility to complete make-up work in a timely manner.

Name Date

Heading your Papers Procedure:

1. All papers must have a proper heading. No name = no credit! Please make sure your heading is on each and every paper you submit. 2. Heading: When a paper is turned in, you should have the following heading in the upper right hand corner of your paper.

Assignment Title


Leaving the Classroom during Class Procedures

1. 2. 3. 4. You may not leave class during direct or whole group instruction. Leaving class during the first or last 10 minutes of class is not permitted. Hall passes are located in planner. Student must sign in and out on log at door.

How to contact Ms. Schimel or Ms. Mason:

Emails regarding questions or concerns with regard to the class are always welcome; however, please allow 24-48 hours for a response. Ms. Mason and Ms. Schimel teach approximately 150 students. Therefore, please identify yourself in the subject line. Put the initial of your first name and complete last name in the subject line, along with a short phrase to help us determine your question/concern.

Terri Schimel Karen Mason Website: & through Ft. Clarkes web page .

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1st homework assignment:

Please review syllabus, sign, and return page to Ms. Schimel and/or Ms. Mason during science class by August 23, 2013.

Student Name:

Student Signature:

Parent(s) or Legal Guardian Name:

Parent (s) or Legal Guardian Signature:

Any additional information that Ms. Schimel and/or Ms. Mason should know about your child:

____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________

Class Donations: We would greatly appreciate these supplies.
dry erase markers hand sanitizer paper towels sticky notes erasers pens and pencils small pencil sharpeners tissues

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