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Bullying in School An Honors ThesisInquiry Project by Katherine M. Placke PDS Intern, Grade Three, Houserville Elementary kmp236@psu.

edu April 24, 2006 Student Survey I found several trends as a result of my analysis ofthe studentsurvey. In nine weeks, fourteen students(those with complete surveys at both administrations)reported that:

e victim of a bully (or bullies)

item four, otherstudents made fun of me, and it accounted for 26% of

itemslegitimizing aggression, and

the first to the second administrations. Student Interview I interviewed nine students overseveralschool days. I chose the nine students based upon their responsesto the survey at the first administration and theirresponses

during class meetings. Ifound the following trends:

dealt with a bully,

bullies and sharing offeelings.

About 10 percent to 15 percent of children say they are regularly bullied. Bullying takes place most frequently in school. At school, bullying occurs most often where there is little or no adult supervision--on the playground, in the hallways and cafeteria, and in the classroom before lessons begin. Most bullying is verbal rather than physical. Bullying begins in elementary school, peaks in middle school, and falls off in high school. It does not, however, disappear altogether. Boys bully both boys and girls. Girls tend to bully girls.

Although boys are more often the perpetrators and victims of bullying, girls tend to bully in more indirect ways, manipulating friendships, ostracizing classmates, and spreading malicious rumors. Both bullies and onlookers tend to blame the victims for the treatment they receive. Although most victims don't look very different from their classmates, they are taunted most often because of their physical appearance. Boys who are chronically victimized tend to be more passive and physically weaker than their tormentors. In middle school, girls who mature early are commonly victims of harassment.

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