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Exit Slip 1

10 Points

Directions: - Answer questions 1-3 using bullet points (minimum 4 bullets per question) - If you like you may write in paragraph form. - Please copy the question down

1. What is your definition or what do you expect from a good teacher? 2. What can I do to best help you in this class? 3. What do you agree to do to be a successful student this semester? 4. Who motivates you? 5. What do they do that motivates you? 6. How do they motivate you? or What do they motivate you do to? 7. What has been your experience working with math so far? 8. Do you like math? Why or why not? 9. What is your Favorite: a. Math Assignment/Project b. Subject 10. Two questions you have for me? Extra Credit: 4 points Have you used EdModo before? How?/What kinds of activities would you or your teacher/s do on it? Did you like it? Why or Why not?

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