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2007 B ISO9000 CE RoHS Ozone Generator company is a profe ssional ozo ne tec h nolog y re sea rch an d d e ve lopm en t co mp a ny and oz one pro duc ts p rod uci ng c o mpany, w e o wne d th e o zon e g raduate school, an d h ave ac hiev ed ma n y o zon e s cien c e res e arc h r esu lts, we hav e in tro duc ed the world mos t ad vanced oz one tec hno log y a nd m an ufa ctur ing equ ipm en ts, we have be e n the most p owe rfu l sc ien c e t ype ozo ne com pa n y i n Chine se in th e o zone in d us try, we ha ve a chi eve d more tha n 50 ozone te c hn olog y p a te nts and we ha ve own ed com ple tely ind e pe nde nt inte llec tua l as set , our pr odu c ts hav e g otte n C E an d Rohs app rov al. Adva n ced de sig n, e xce llen t q uali ty a nd we-kno wn ser vic e , T h e b ran d o zone p rod ucts ar e widel y us ed in fa mil y, of fic e, traffi c, r esta ura n t, w at er c lean ing , pu blic an d so on to k ill b acte ria l an d elim ina te v irus a nd remove od or and purify. We have ma rke ted mu lti func tion o zon e ge ne rato r se ries , ozone ai r purifie r s erie s , c a r u s e ioni c ai r purifi e r s erie s , o zone b ath pro duc t se rie s , p roje c t ozo ne g en era tor, hote l and res tau rant sp eci al b ig veg etab le was h in g o zon e pr odu c t, wa te r food br eed ing wa ter pur ifier, se a sh ell wate r f ood pu rifie r, a nd w e a lso sup pl y se rie s ozone ge nera tor s fo r home ele c tr ic a nd o the r ozone fa c tor ies, an ion gene ra tors an d ai r pu mp and so on key par ts, and a ls o OE M p rod uci ng f or t hem . We us e ISO9001 int ern atio nal qua lity ma nag i ng sys tem, chase ma rke t wi th q uali ty, d ev elop self with i nno vati on, s up por t and s erve the en viro nment p rotec tion care er. Espec iall y, w e hav e develope d a se ries of wa ter foo d b ree ding pu rifi ers wit h inter nat iona l ad vanced an d fa s hi on d e sig n c o nc ept b as ed our technol ogy acc umulat ing in t hes e ye a rs . We ar e the e a rlie s t ozone c omp any in Chi na to sta rt the wa ter food br eed ing w at er s upp ly p urif ying bi g sc ope tes t, a nd hav e ac hie ved obv ious sc ience r ese a rch res ults , now w e h ave st arte d to ma rke t

2007 2006 2004

*********************************************************** Custo m-built develo pment ---------------------- 01 Profe ssion Recommendat ion --------- ----------- 0 2 Ozone Generator
FQ - 10 0 --- - --- - --- - --- - --- - --- - ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- - 0 3 FQ - 15 0 - -- -- ---- --- - --- - --- - ---- --- --- - --- - --- - - 0 4 FQ - 30 0 --- ---- ---- -- -- -- -- -- - - -- - ---- ---- ---- --- 0 5 FQ - 30 1 - ---- --- - --- - ---- ---- -- -- -- - ---- ---- ---- - 0 6 FQ B -10 0 --- -- - --- -- ---- -- --- ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- ---- -- - 07 FQ B -50 0 - ---- -- --- - -- -- -- --- --- - ---- -- --- - -- -- -- ---- - 0 8 FQ B -70 0 - ---- -- --- - -- -- -- --- --- - ---- -- --- - -- -- -- ---- - 0 9 FQ T- 100 -- -- ---- -- -- -- - --- -- ---- --- - --- -- ---- -- 1 0

Ozone Generator
FQ M -5 0 0 - - ---- -- -- - - -- - - ---- ---- ----- -- -- -- -- - - 11 FQ M -70 0 -- -- ---- ---- -- ---- -- -- -- --- ---- ---- -- -- 1 2 FQM-800 -------------------------------------- 13 FQM-P100/ P 300/P1000 ------- ------------ 14 F QM-P3500/P 70 00 -------------- ------------ 15 F QM -B 0 3 -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- - ---- -- -- -- - - -- 1 6 F Q M-B 0 5 -- -- ---- -- - - -- -- -- -- --- - - -- -- -- -- -- 1 7

Ozone Fitter
QB -B/Q BF - B - - --- -- -- -- - --- - --- -- -- -- - -- -- - --- - --- -- -- -- - --- - -- 1 8 QB -E/Q BF - E --- ---- - --- - - -- - - -- - - -- -- --- - - -- - - -- - - -- -- ---- ---- - 19 MP D -2 4A - --- - --- ---- -- -- -- -- -- ---- - --- - -- -- -- - --- - -- 2 0 HH-S ------- -------------- ------- -------- --------- 21 DF-X 5/X6 ------- -------- -------------- ----------------------------- -- 22 + + ------ -------- -------------- -- 23

OEM Ozonator
FM-30 0/300S ------------------------------------------------------- 24 F M -5 0 0 /5 01 -- -- -- -- --- -- -- ---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ---- -- -- -- ---- --- -- ---- - 25

GQ-M10 -------- -------------------------- ------------------------- -- 26 GQ-M20 --- ------------------- -------------------- ------------------- 27 GQW-40/80 ----------------------------------------- ---------------- 28

*********************************************************** ----------------------------------------------- 29 --- ---- --------- ---- ---- ----- ---- --------- ---- ----- - 3 0

Our c ompan y eng ages in research an d dev elopm ent of ozone produ cts for more than 1 0 years.Now we ha ve obt ained lots of exp erienc e and can pr ovide innova tive s olution s for d ifferen t prac tical applicat ion. We c an prov ide cu stom- built in tegra ted solution f or you r ozon e appl ication ,beca use of our po werfu l R&D streng th. A s to OEM ozone ge nerato r of or dinary air sou rce for home appliance, d o you bother by inc onven iently replac ing air filter and oz one pi pe? All ozone parts of our this model is composed o f high-perfor mance ozon e gener ator cell and air pu mp de velope d by o urselv es. It h as a reasonable design, which integr ates the fron t cove r and t he shell. One can replac e air fi lter an d ozone pipe by disassembli ng the front cover. 0.4m g/h 20*2 0cm 20061 00491 92.0 For o zone, it is th e mos t com prehen sive a nd be st in water tr eatme nt app licatio n.In min i wate r treat ment s olutio n, due to the effect of air-water m ixture, ozon e con centra tion can 't rea ch th e req uired 0.4m g/h in wate r.In t his s olution ,it us es th at oz one con centra tion in wate r cons tantly piles up to m eet t he req uired conce ntratio n thro ugh con tinuou s wat er cur rent c irculat ion.It is com posed of hi gh-pre ssure corro sion p roof wat er pum p, Ve nturi in jector, mixed pipe,and oz one g enera tor,wh ich are instal led on ly in sm all spa ce of 20*20 cm,an d pro vides a inno vative solution for mini water treatm ent app licatio n.Its p atent code is 2006 10049 192.0 . ZL200520014623.0 In air sterilization and purificatio n system for with ozone,noramlly there is a lready existent ventilation pipe.It is ve ry convenient to in stall this em bedded ozone generato r into it.The solution includes ozone generator, pressure difference equipment of wind power(auto switch),and contro l syste m,etc. According to requirement,there are many free as semb ly for ozone generator,it is also feasib le for controlling tim e by wall switch o r wireless. Patent code is ZL200520014623.0 . During conti nuous low-co ncen tration sterili zation appli cation with o zone In water curre nt, the optimal so lution is to dissolv e ozo ne in water. For e xamp le in the sm all aqua rium o r fishp ond , contin uous water flow off er con venien ce for ozone application.In this solutio n, it p roduc es ozo ne by elect rolyzin g wa ter, wh ich d irectly dissolves in to wate r, and almos t no ozone overb rims. Meanw hile, it doe s n't n eed p ure w ater a nd elect rolyte , and effect ively improv e app lied r ange and reliab ility. I t is very sa fe unde rlow-v oltage powe r. In ozo ne ap plicatio ns, th ere ar e defin ite req uirem ent for the pr essur e of oz one so urce. Es pecially for a eratio n ston e, the less h ole dia meter, the b etter e ffect, so doe s the e ffect of ozone disso lving into th e wate r. Bec ause increa sed o utput resistance n eed b igger ou tput p ressu re for the a ir pum p. Th is mo del us es ax ial mo veme nt, wh ich gr eatly im proves the li fe time of the air pu mp un der th e big p ressur e situa tion.


We have o ver ten exper ience i n ozon e prod ucts.Now our produ cts app lies to many i ndustries,and we ca n offer the be st prod ucts a nd des ign so lution.

80% This modelapplies to m edical equip ment. Eespecially for gyn aecic therapy equipmen t, its market sha re is over 80% in China. Advantage : Stable runn ing, low elec tromagnetic interfere, hig h ozone output,and low nitrogen oxide

This model can meet d ifferent requ irement from sanitation product ma nufacturers, and extensively applies to various bathtu b and sauna equipment. Advantage : Stable running, low electromagnetic interfere,an d high ozone output

This mode l applies to washing ma chine, whic h has highe r requirement in contin uous running and stable ozon e output. Advantage : Stable running, low electromagnetic interfere, st able ozone o utput, high a ir Pressure, a nd very popular in OEM market. This model is OEM prod ucts for man y water purif ier manufact urers. Advantage : Stable run ning, low electromagnet ic interfere, stable ozone output, and low nitrogen ox ide.


This model applies to to p-ranking Ve getable and Fruit Steriliz ers. Advantage : Stable running, low electromagnetic interfere, st able ozone o utput, low Nitrogen oxide , and int egrated air-w ater mixing design solution. This ozone generator very popularly applies to c abinet and s hoe cabinet. Even its run ning at night, it c auses very l ow noise, su ch no disturbing people w ork and slee p. Advantage : Stable run ning, low el ectromagnet ic interfere, stable ozon e output, and low nosie desig n. Special ozo ne generato r technology, which differ entiates with traditiona c eramic elect rode products: meet stable o zone output under long-time running , long life time for electr ode, double-layer box desig n. Advantage : Stable running, and sta ble ozone ou tput . It applies t o air purific ation for ref rigeratory and food man ufacturing w orkshop. O zone purification technology has a very pr ominent effe ct,and many practice app lication. Advantage : Stable running, and sta ble ozone ou tput .


This model applies to aquarium and fishpond for purifying water, and prevent fish illness. Advantage: Stabl e running, sta ble ozone output , and low nosie desig n

85% 0.4~1mg/L It combines patented oz one generat or and patented air-water mixing tec hnology wit h a reasonable d esign and e asy mainten ance. Air-w a ter mixing e fficiency can reach to o ver 85%, and wi th high ozone concentra tion of 0.4~1 mg/L.Now i t popularly a pplies to w a ter purification in breed aquatics industr y and living w ater treatme nt. Advantage: High ozone output and air-water mixing effect, r easonable d esign,and easy maintenance


M odelFQ-100 Dime nsion121 8545m m VoltageAC22 0V/ 110V/24V Power8W Ozone O utput801 00m g/h Pum p O utput3 4L /mi n Pump Pre ssure12KPa Noise 40d B M ounting Size152 37. 5mm

ZL97218861.4ZL99251012.0 Patent No.:ZL972 18861.4 ZL99251012.0 Adopt the newest "high frequency discharge along surface of the ceramic" technology, stable and high oz one output, With low noise ,low electromagnetic interfere . It is c ompo sed of generating circuits, generating flakes and bubble pump. After plugging in, ozone originated from air with some p ressure will be expelled from the exit. Compared with other products of its class, its advantages: co mpact construction, suitable design, fitting for different Type products; low noise, low temperature growth , stable quantity of ozon e gen erating .

Range of usage
For household electronic productsl: washing machine, dishwasher, sterilization cabinet, refrigerato r, water & air purifier, dryer ma chine, Vege table and Fruit Sterilizer, etc. For ozone equipment: medical machine, hairdres sing machine, public water purifier m achine. For sanitation pro ducts : bath room, surf-bathtub, toilet bout, SPA


3D Plot

cov er ozo ne dri ve circ uit


ozo ne tub e pum p air outlet bas e


Package Info
Inn er Box Size: 1709 050 mm Car ton Si ze: 53 36 20 cm QTY per I nner B ox: 1 PCS QTY per Carton : 40 PCS QTY per 2 0'/40' : 3250 0/7000 0 PCS GW/NW o f Inne r Box: 0.38/0 .35 KG S GW/NW o f Carton: 17/14 KG S

Other Info
DF-X 5

fix feet

64 mm PVC O utput p ipe sh ould b e 6X4m m Me dical P VC ru bber pi pe Air stone shoul d be m ade o f carb orundu m No n-retu rning check value Model No. DF-X5 Re comm ended


M odelFQ-150 Dime nsion907 030mm VoltageAC22 0V/ 110V/24V Power8W Ozone O utput100 150mg/ h Pum p O utput2L/min Pump Pre ssure12KPa Noise 40d B M ounting Size804 0mm

ZL97 2188 61.4ZL992 51012 .0 , , , . P atent No.: ZL 9721 8861.4 ZL9 92510 12.0 A dopt t he new est di scharg e alon g surf ace & by air gap te chnolo gy, st able a nd hig h ozon e outp ut, wit h low n oise , low e lectro magne tic interfere and lo w nitro gen oxide. I ntegra te the ozone circui t and o zone tube, w ith reasonab le des ign an d com pact s tructure, it is the sm alles t volum e a mong the oz one g enerat or mod ule pr oducts that h ave s ame ozone o utput. O nly co nnect rubbe r pipe with th e inlet, and c onnec t power wire , then it will s tart operatin g, and easy to inst all, an d use a nd ma intain

Range of usage
For household electronic products: washing machine, dishwasher, sterilization c abine t, refrigerator, water & air purifier, dryer ma chine, Vege table and Fruit Sterilizer, etc. For ozone equipment: medical machine, hairdres sing machine, public water purifier m achine. For sanitation pro ducts : bath room, surf-bathtub, toilet bout, SPA

30 90 80

3D Plot
ozone tube cov er pum p ozo ne dri ve circ uit

air outlet


fix feet

Other Info
6 4 mm PVC DF-X 5 Output pipe s hould be 6X4mm M edica l PVC rubbe r pipe Air ston e sho uld be made of car borun dum Non-re turnin g chec k valu e Mod el No. DF-X5 recom mend ed


M odelFQ-300 Dime nsion141 9846m m VoltageAC22 0V/ 110V/24V Power10W Ozone O utput200 400mg/ h Pum p O utput3 4L /mi n Pump Pre ssure12KPa Noise 45d B M ounting Size160 40m m

ZL99251012.0ZL00203290.2ZL01222527.4ZL200420009506.0 Patent No.:ZL992 51012.0ZL00203290.2 ZL01222527.4 ZL200420009506.0 Adopt the newest "discharge along s urface & by air gap" techn ology, stabl e and high oz one o utput, with low noise ,low electromagnetic i nterfere . It is c ompo sed of generating circuits, generating flakes and bubble pump. After plugging in, ozone originated from air Under some pressure will be expelled from the exit. Compared with other products of its class, its advantages: co mpact construction, suitable design, fitting for different type produc ts; low noise, low temperature growth , stable qua ntity of ozone generating with high efficienc y.

Range of usage
For household electronic productl: washin g machine, dishwasher, sterilization cabinet, refrigerator, wate r & air purifier, dryer ma chine, Vege table and Fruit Sterilizer, etc. For ozone equipment: medical machine, hairdres sing machine, public water purifier m achine. For sanitation pro ducts : bath room, surf-bathtub, toilet bout, SPA


3D Plot

cov er ozo ne dri ve circ uit

14 2

pum p

ozo ne tub e air outlet bas e


Package Info
Inn er Box Size: 1651 035 3 mm Car ton Si ze: 56 34 23 cm QTY per I nner B ox: 1 PCS QTY per Carton : 40 PCS QTY per 2 0'/40' : 2750 0/6900 0 PCS GW/NW o f Inne r Box: 0.51/0 .48 KG S GW/NW o f Carton: 22/19 KG S

Other Info

fix feet

6 4mm PVC Output pipe shou ld be 6X4mm Medi cal PV C rubber pip e Air s tone should b e made of carboru ndum Non-returning ch eck value Model No. DF-X5 Recommended


M odelFQ-301 Dime nsion151 8044m m VoltageAC22 0V/ 110V/24V Power10W Ozone O utput200 400mg/ h Pum p O utput3 4L /mi n Pump Pre ssure12KPa Noise 45d B M ounting Size160 40m m

ZL99251012.0ZL00203290.2ZL01222527.4ZL200420009506.0 Patent No.:ZL992 51012.0ZL00203290.2 ZL01222527.4 ZL200420009506.0 Adopt the newest "discharge along s urface & by air gap" techn ology, stabl e and high oz one o utput, with low noise ,low electromagnetic i nterfere . It is c ompo sed of generating circuits, generating flakes and bubble pump. After plugging in, ozone originated from air Under some pressure will be expelle d from the e xit. Compared with other products of its class, its advantages: co mpact construction, suitable design, fitting for different type produc ts; low noise, low temperature growth , stable qua ntity of ozone generating with high efficienc y.

Range of usage
For household electronic products: washing machine, dishwasher, sterilization c abine t, refrigerator, water & air purifier, dryer ma chine, Vege table and Fruit Sterilizer, etc. For ozone equipment: medical machine, hairdres sing machine, public water purifier m achine. For sanitation pro ducts : bath room, surf-bathtub, toilet bout, SPA


3D Plot

cov er ozo ne dri ve circ uit pum p ozo ne tub e air outlet

15 1 160

bas e fix feet

Package Info
Inn er Box Size: 1759 350 mm Car ton Si ze: 53 36 20 cm QTY per I nner B ox: 1 PCS QTY per Carton : 40 PCS QTY per 2 0'/40' : 3000 0/6500 0 PCS GW/NW o f Inne r Box: 0.42/0 .39 KG S GW/NW o f Carton: 18.5/15.5 KGS

Other Info
64m m PVC DF-X 5 Ou tput p ipe should be 6X4m m Me dical P VC ru bber p ipe Air stone shoul d be m ade of carbo rundu m No n-retu rning check value M odel No. DF -X5 Recom mende d


M odelFQB-100 Dime nsion VoltageAC22 0V/ 110V/24V Power8W Ozone O utput501 00m g/h Pum p O utput2 3L /mi n Pump Pre ssure12KPa Noise 40d B M ounting Size152 37. 5mm

ZL97218861.4ZL99251012.0 Patent No.: ZL972 18861.4ZL99251012.0 Adopt the newes t discharge along surface & by a ir gap technology, stable and high oz one output, with low noise ,low electromagnetic interfe re. The product is composed of ge nerating circuits, g enerating flakes and bubble pump. After plugging in, oz one originated from air under some pressure will be expelled from the exit. Compared with other products of its class, its advantages: co mpact construction, suitable design, fitting for different type products; low noise, low temperature growth, stab le quantity of ozone generating with high efficienc y.

Range of usage
For household electronic products: washing machine, dishwasher, sterilization c abine t, refrigerator, water & air purifier, dryer ma chine, Vege table and Fruit Sterilizer, etc. For ozone equipment: medical machine, hairdres sing machine, public water purifier m achine. For sanitation pro ducts : bath room, surf-bathtub, toilet bout, SPA

95 65

Other Info
6 4mm PVC D F-X5 Outpu t pipe should be 6X 4mm Medic al PVC rubbe r pipe


Air sto ne should b e made of ca rboru ndum Non-r eturnin g che ck val ue Model No. DF-X 5 Recom mend ed

61 70


M odelFQB-500 Dime nsion121 8545m m VoltageAC22 0V/ 110V/24V Power12W Ozone O utput200 300mg/ h Pum p O utput3 4L /mi n Pump Pre ssure12KPa Noise 40d B M ounting Size152 37. 5mm

ZL97218861.4ZL99251012.0 Patent No.: ZL972 18861.4ZL99251012.0 Adopt the newes t discharge along surface & by a ir gap technology, stable and high oz one output, with low noise ,low electromagnetic interfe re and low nitrogen oxide . The product is composed of ge nerating circuits, g enerating flakes and bubble pump. After plugging in, oz one originated from air under some pressure will be expelled from the exit. Compared with other products of its class, its advantages: co mpact construction, suitable design, fitting for different type products; low noise, low temperature growth, stab le quantity of ozone generating with high efficienc y.

Range of usage
For household electronic productl: washin g machine, dishwasher, sterilization cabinet, refrigerator, wate r & air purifier, dryer ma chine, Vege table and Fruit Sterilizer, etc. For ozone equipment: medical machine, hairdres sing machine, public water purifier m achine. For sanitation pro ducts : bath room, surf-bathtub, toilet bout, SPA

84 75

GL - 500


QB - B F G- 5 00
65 95

Other Info
6 4mm PVC O utput pipe sh ould b e 6X4 mm Medical PVC rubber pipe Air s tone s hould be mad e of c arboru ndum DF-X5 Non -retur ning c heck v alue M odel N o. DF -X5 re comm ended


M odelFQB-700 Dime nsion121 8545m m VoltageAC22 0V/ 110V/24V Power8W Ozone O utput200 400mg/ h Pum p O utput3 4L /mi n Pump Pre ssure12KPa Noise 40d B M ounting Size152 37. 5mm

ZL97218861.4ZL99251012.0 Patent No.: ZL972 18861.4ZL99251012.0 Adopt the newes t discharge along surface & by a ir gap technology, stable and high oz one output, with low noise ,low electromagnetic interfe re and low nitrogen oxide . It is c ompo sed of generating circuits, generating flakes and bubble pump. After plugging in, ozone originated from air under some pressure will be expelle d from the e xit. Compared with other products of its class, its advantages: co mpact construction, suitable design, fitting for different type products; low noise, low temperature growth, stab le quantity of ozone generating with high efficienc y.

Range of usage
For household electronic products: washin g machine, dishwasher, sterilization cabinet, refrigerator, wate r & air purifier, dryer ma chine, Vege table and Fruit Sterilizer, etc. For ozone equipment: medical machine, hairdres sing machine, public water purifier m achine. For sanitation pro ducts : bath room, surf-bathtub, toilet bout, SPA


84 75

GL- 700


Q B- B FG- 700
65 95

Other Info

6 4mm PVC

O utput pipe should be 6X4mm M edica l PVC rubber pipe Air stone should be made of carborund um

Non-returni ng che ck val ue Mo del No. DF-X5 recommended


M ode lFQ T-100 Di mension 164 5336m m Vol tage AC 220V/110V/DC12V Power 5 6W O zon e Output100 150m g/h Air I nputAi r or Oxygen Cooling a ir flow Operati ng Condition-20+40 0 70%R H M oun ting Size 75 40mm

Zl20 04100 79317 .5Z L0120 9151.0ZL2 00620 10325 3.2 P atent No.:Z L2004 10079 317.5 ZL01 20915 1.0Z L200 62010 3253.2 A dopt the ne west d ischarge alo ng sur face & by air gap t echno logy, s table a nd hig h ozo ne out put, wi th low noise ,low e lectro magn etic int erfere and lo w nitro gen o xide. I ntegra te the ozone circui t and o zone tube,with re asona ble de sign an d com pact s tructu re, it is the sm alles t volum e a mong the oz one g enerat or mod ule product s that h ave s ame o zone o utput. O nly co nnect rubbe r pipe with th e inlet , and c onnec t powe r wire , then it will s tart op eratio n, and easy to install, use and m ainta in

Range of usage
For h ouseh old electronic products : washing machine, dishwasher, sterilization cabine t, refrigerator, water & air purifier, dry er ma chine, Vege table and Fruit Sterilizer, etc. For o zone equipment: medical mach ine, hairdressing machine, public water purifier machine. For s anitati on pro ducts: bath room, surf-bathtub, toilet bout, SPA


3D Plot
cov er ozo ne dri ve circ uit air inlet ozo ne tub e air outlet fix hole


40 53

pow er wire

Other Info
6 4mm PVC O utput pipe s hould be 6X4mm M edica l PVC rubbe r pipe Air stone shou ld be m ade o f carb orund um DF-X5 Non-return ing ch eck va lue Mo del No. DF- X5 rec omme nded QB-B Air pump Model No . QB-B recommended


M odelFQM-500 Dime nsion845 336mm VoltageAC22 0V/ 110V/24V Power8W Ozone O utput200 300mg/ h Air InputAir or Oxy gen Cooling air fl ow Operating Con dition-20+40 070%R H M ounting Size754 0mm

ZL99251012.0ZL00203290.2ZL01222527.4ZL200420009506.0 Patent No.:ZL992 51012.0ZL00203290.2 ZL01222527.4 ZL200420009506.0 Adopt the newes t " disc harge along surfac e & by air gap"tech nology, stab le and high ozone output, with l ow noise ,low electromagnetic i nterfere and low nitrogen oxide. It is c ompo sed of generating circuits, generating flakes and bubble pump. After plugging in, ozone originated from air Under some pressure will be expell ed from the exit. Compared with other products of its class, its advantages: co mpact construction, suitable design, fitting for different Type products; low noise, low temperature growth , stable quantity of ozon e generatin g with high e fficien cy.

Range of usage
For household electronic products: washing machine, dishwasher, sterilization c abine t, refrigerator, water & air purifier, dryer ma chine, Vege table and Fruit Sterilizer, etc. For ozone equipment: medical machine, hairdres sing machine, public water purifier m achine. For sanitation pro ducts : bath room, surf-bathtub, toilet bout, SPA

84 75

3D Plot

ozone dri ve circuit

GL-5 00

fix feet bas e ozone tube air outlet

3 0

FG- 5 00

Other Info
6 4mm PV C

O utput pipe should b e 6X4 mm Medical PVC rubber pipe Air s tone s hould be made of c arbor undum Non-ret urning check value Mode l No. D F-X5 recommended DF -X5 QB-B Air pump Mode l No. Q B-B recommende d


M odelFQM-700 Dime nsion845 336mm VoltageAC22 0V/ 110V/24V Power8W Ozone O utput200 400mg/ h Air InputAir or Oxy gen Cooling air flow Operating Con dition-20+40 070%R H M ounting Size754 0mm

ZL99251012.0 ZL00203290.2ZL01222527.4ZL200420009506.0 Patent No.:ZL992 51012.0ZL00203290.2 ZL01222527.4 ZL200420009506.0 Adopt the newes t discharge along surface & by a ir gap technology, stable and high oz one output, with low noise ,low electromagnetic i nterfere and low nitrogen oxide. Integrate the ozo ne circuit and ozon e tube ,with reasonable design and compact structure, it is the smallest volume among the o zone genera tor module p roducts that have same o zone output. Only connect rub ber pipe with the in let, and connect power wire, then it will start operation, and easy to install, use

Range of usage
For household electronic products: washing machine, dishwasher, sterilization c abine t, refrigerator, water & air purifier, dryer ma chine, Vege table and Fruit Sterilizer, etc. For ozone equipment: medical machine, hairdres sing machine, public water purifier m achine. For sanitation pro ducts : bath room, surf-bathtub, toilet bout, SPA

84 75

3D Plot
ozone dri ve circuit

GL-7 00

bas e fix feet pow er wire ozo ne tub e air outlet

3 0

FG- 700

Other Info
6 4mm PVC Ou tput p ipe sh ould be 6X4m m Me dical PVC ru bber p ipe Air s tone should be mad e of c arboru ndum DF-X5 Non-returning c heck v alue M odel No. DF -X5 r ecomm ende d


M odelFQM-800 Dime nsion845 336mm VoltageAC22 0V/ 110V/24V Power8W Ozone O utput200 400mg/ h Air InputAir or Oxy gen Cooling air flow Operating Con dition-20+40 070%R H M ounting Size754 0mm

ZL99251012.0ZL00203290.2ZL01222527.4ZL200420009506.0 Patent No.:ZL992 51012.0ZL00203290.2 ZL01222527.4 ZL200420009506.0 Adopt the newes t discharge along surface & by a ir gap technology, stable and high oz one output, with low noise ,low electromagnetic interfere and low nitrogen ox ide. It is c ompo sed of generating circuits,and generating turbs. Compared with other products of its class, its advantages: co mpact construction, suitable design, fitting for different type products; low noise, l ow temperature growth , stable quantity of o zone genera ting with high efficiency.

Range of usage
For household electronic products: washing machine, dishwasher, sterilization cabinet, refrigerato r, water & air purifier, dryer ma chine, Vege table and Fruit Sterilizer, etc. For ozone equipment: medical machine, hairdres sing machine, public water purifier m achine.

84 75 150

3D Plot

ozon e drive circu it

() 200


bas e fix feet pow er wire ozo ne tub e air outlet


Other Info
6 4mm PVC Ou tput p ipe sh ould be 6X4m m Me dical PVC ru bber p ipe Air s tone should be mad e of c arboru ndum DF-X5 Non-returning c heck v alue M odel No. DF -X5 r ecomm ende d


M odelFQM-P100 Dime nsion845 336mm VoltageAC22 0V/ 110V/24V Power8W Ozone O utput200 400mg/ h Air InputAir or Oxy gen Cooling air flow Operating Con dition-20+40 070%R H M ounting Size754 0mm

ZL97218861.4ZL99251012.0 Patent No.:ZL972 18861.4 ZL99251012.0 Adopt the newes t " high frequency discharge along surface of the c eramic " tech nolog y, stable and high ozone output, with low noise ,low electromagnetic interfere . It is c ompo sed of generating circuits, generating flakes and bubble pump. After plugging in, ozone originated from air Under some pressure will be expelle d from the e xit. Compared with other products of its class, its advantages: co mpact construction, suitable design, fitting for different Type products; low noise, low temperature growth , stable quantity of ozon e gen erating with high efficiency.

Range of usage
For household electronic productsl: washing machine, dishwasher, sterilization cabinet, refrigerato r, water & air purifier, dryer ma chine, Vege table and Fruit Sterilizer, etc. For ozone equipment: medical machine, hairdres sing machine, public water purifier m achine. For sanitation pro ducts : bath room, surf-bathtub, toilet bout, SPA


3D Plot
o zone flake

(PL-100) (PL-300)

ozo ne dri ve circ uit

power wire
61 70 4-? 3.2


bas e fix feet

Other Info


M odelFQM-P7000 Dime nsion160 7048m m VoltageAC22 0V/ 110V/24V Power90W Ozone O utput7000mg/ h Air InputAir or Oxy gen Cooling air flow Operating Con dition-20+40 070%R H M ounting Size754 0mm

ZL97218861.4ZL99251012.0 Patent No.: ZL972 18861.4ZL99251012.0 Adopt the newest " high frequency discharge along surface of the ceramic " tech nology, stable and high o zone o utput, with low noise ,low elec tromagnetic interfere . It is c ompo sed of generating circuits, and g enerating flakes. After plugging in, ozone originated fro m air under some pres sure will be expelled from the exit. Elec trode s urface on the ozone generator slice is the sintering Nano -ceramic,wh ich greatly entends life time. And electrode design effectively prevent firing phenomenon. The atttached coo ling fin has e xcellent heat-dissipation effet.And the superhea ter will switch off power when fa n is destroyed or the slice is over-heate d.It eje cts the ozone and dispel the heat from the c ooling fin directly with axial flow fan.

Range of usage
Parts for medium-sized ozone generator equipme nt For o zone air purifier, ozone generator, etc.


3D Plot
powe r outp uts ozone driv e circuit power wi re





bas e fix f eet ozone In Tablets


Model: FQ M-B03 O zone unit Si ze: 134 84.565.5mm Cir cuit Si ze: 148 6556.5mm Mounting S ize: Voltage: AC 220V/11 0V/24V Power: 70W Oz one Output: 300 0mg/hr A ir Input: Air or Oxygen

Disc harge by plane gap, high ozone quantity, stable ru nning, excell ent reliability. The pure gas source rec ommendate d. Ozonizer radiation fan recomm endated. No e asy-broken p arts e nhanc e the service life

Range of usage
Parts for m ini or medium-sized ozone gen erator equipment for mini swimming pool, e tc. Parts for o zone air purifier e quipm ent, an d so on.


3D Plot
air inlet cov er ozone drive circu it pow er out puts




ozone unit


air out let

fix feet

Other Info
8 6mm PVC Output pi pe sho uld be 86mm M edical PVC rubber pipe DF-X6 Non- returni ng che ck val ue Mo del No . DF-X6 recommended


Model: FQ M-B05 O zone unit Si ze: 150 100 72m m Cir cuit Si ze: 175 6556.5mm Mounting S ize: Voltage: AC 220V/11 0V/24V Power: 90W Oz one Output: 500 0mg/hr A ir Input: Air or Oxygen

Disc harge by plane gap, high ozone quantity, stable ru nning, excell ent reliability. The pure gas source rec ommendate d. Ozonizer radiation fan recomm endated. No e asy-broken p arts e nhanc e the service life

Range of usage
Parts for m ini or medium-sized ozone gen erator equipment for mini swimming pool, e tc. Parts for ozone air purifier eq uipme nt, and so on.

a ir inlet

3D Plot
ozon e unit oz one d rive circuit power o utputs

air outlet

fix feet

Other Info
8 6mm PVC Output pi pe sho uld be 86mm M edical PVC rubber pipe DF-X6 Non- returni ng che ck val ue Mo del No . DF-X6 recommended


M odelBQ-B/BQF-B Dime nsion954 839mm VoltageAC22 0V/ 110V/24V Power3W Pum p O utput2~3L/min Pump Pre ssure12KPa Noise 40d B M ounting Size655 8mm

ZL99251012.0ZL98219174.X Patent No.: ZL99 25101 2.0ZL98219174.X Compact c onstruction, small size , more compatible with different type products , high performance pump with specially low noise Patent tech nolog y for magnet ic loop ensures of low temperature gro wth and stable qua ntity of generating ozone Degree of v acuum accesses to 0.017MPa , and can be used as vac uum pump

Range of usage
For mini ozone generator Sterilization purifier, Vegetable and Fruit Steriliz er, ozone air purifier, ozone generator Medical applianc e, gas sampling


3D Plot

95 65

A ir outlet

cove r

Air in let

Other Info
6 4mm PVC D F-X5 Output pipe shoul d be 6X4mm Medic al PVC rubb er pipe Air sto ne sh ould b e mad e of ca rboru ndum Non-returni ng che ck val ue Mo del No . DF-X 5 Recom mend ed Special screws fix feet

b ase po wer wire


M odelBQ-E/BQF-E Dime nsion1126848mm VoltageAC22 0V/ 110V/24V Power8W Pum p O utput8~12L/min Pump Pre ssure30KPa Noise 50d B M ounting Size715 0mm

200420073479.3200410054810.1200420073478.9200410054809.9 0.03M Pa Patent No.:2004200734 79.3 200410054810.1 200420073 478.9 200410054809.9 Compact c onstruction, small size , more compatible with different t ype pr oducts, high performance pump with specially low noise Degree of v acuum access to 0.03MPa ,can be used as vacuum pum p.

Range of usage
For mini ozone generator Sterilization purifier, Vegetable and Fruit Steriliz er, ozone air purifier, ozone generator Medical applianc e, gas sampling, m assage appliance, etc.


3D Plot


C over Air outlet


Other Info
8 6m m PVC DF-X5 Non-return ing ch eck va lue M odel No. DF- X5 rec omme nded Outp ut pipe shou ld be 86mm Medical PVC rubber pipe S hock A bsorb ers

Air inl et B ase


M odelM PD-24A Dime nsion 27X 62m m VoltageD C12 V/6V Power2W Pum p O utput2L/min Pump Pre ssure50KPa Noise 45d B M ounting Size

0 .03MPa Compact c onstruction, small size and low noise. Drived by brushless direct current motor, suitable for the situation o f direc t current. Excellent rubber articles ensure of continuous running and long life of the pump. Degree of v acuum accesses to 0.03MPa ,can be used as vacuum p ump.

Range of usage
For mini ozone generator. Medical applianc e, gas sampling, oz one sterilizing purifier, ozone a ir purifier, ozone g enerator.

Medical appliance, gas sampling.


3D Plot

Air outlet E nclos ures


Air inle t

Other Info
64 mm PVC DF-X 5 No n-retu rning check value Model No. DF-X5 recomm ende d O utput p ipe sh ould b e 6 4mm Medic al PVC rubb er pipe Motor


, , PVDF( ) -C TEFION KEI- F 06 0 PH 511 25cm 4m m Special m ixed a ir spac e des igh, st rong water c urrent and air mixtu re, en sure o f mixi ng rou nd equ ally and Co mplete ly,and prod ucing much fine bu bble. Comp act con struct ion,lo w pow er con sumpt ion,lon g life, easy Ins tallatio n,ope ration and m ainten ance. Hig h quality ozo ne-pr oof PV DF m ateria l ensur es of long life. No n-returning v alve i nside: antico rrosiv e nick el alloy -C spring, F l rubbe r gask et, TEFION ball, K EI-F b ase Oz one input:co ntrolle d by m easur ement valve at the entran ce acc ording to wa ter current p ressur e and flux. No te:wat er tem peratu re bet ween 06 0,an d wat er PH value b etwee n 511,it is non-f lamma ble liq uid. Th e leng th Of impuri ty in w ater ca n't ex ceed 25cm and the dia meter m ust b e less than 4 mm.

Range of usage
Fo r ozon e gene rating equip ment f or wat er trea tment . Various a ir and water mixed loop for wate r trea tment

3D Plot



Other Info


M odelDF-X5/X6 Dimension 17X28mm (x5) 14X53mm (x6) Air outlet6mm MaterialPC +PTFE Start0.6KPa Close 0.2KPa Reverse tolerant40KPa

PC PC Material,valve material is ozone-proof PTFE, ensure of long life.

Range of usage
For mini ozone generator. Various mini air a nd water mixed loo p for water treatment


3D Plot
Ai r outle t E nclosu res

Sp ool
Ai r inlet

Other Info
86 mm PVC 8 6 mm M edical Flexib le PVC pipe recom mende d


Hose Products FJ-JG Model 6X4mm Dimension 8X6mm Material PVC Silica gel

P VC Small oz one g enerator acc essori es M edical grade PVC, food-g rade s ilicone mate rials, n ontox ic and safe A variety of col orsd iamet er,and wall t hickne ss

Aeration Stone Products FJ-BQ Model Cylindrica l2030mm Dimension Spherical30 30m m Material

, S mall o zone g enera tor acc essor ies N ontoxic and safe m ateria l

Specifications filters Products

Model AD-X6 Dimension 14 X53 mm PS+ Material


Products Ozone Generator Model FM-300 Volta ge AC220V/110V Power 12W Pump Out put 2~3L/min Ozone Out put 200~300mg/h Time 6/18/30min Dimension 143x98x46 Q TY per Cart on 20Pcs / GW/NW of Carton 12.5/19KG

Products Ozone Generator Model FM-300S Volta ge AC220V/110V Power 10W Pump Out put 2~3L/min Ozone Out put 200~300mg/h Time ON/ OFF Dimension 143x98x46 Q TY per Cart on 20Pcs / GW/NW of Carton 11/1 7.5 KGS

ZL99251012.0 ZL00202690.2 ZL01222527.4 ( )

Three patents No.: ZL99251012.0 , ZL00202690.2 , ZL01222527.4 Ozone is one kind of effective d isinfectant with the features of quick-act, broad-spectrum, no pollution, and can fill the whole place evenly Ozone gene rator for water and air can be utilized easily, applied to many aspects Paten t tech nology that ozone is produced by disc hargin g by air gap in a pipe, with long life and a lowoxynitride Add a interference unit, low magnetic radiation, no interruption to oth er ele ctronic appliances and their circuits

Main function
S terilizi ng fruit and v egeta ble, ke eping food f resh Water tr eatme nt A ir purif ication

Range of usage
St eriliza tion, d isinfec tion, e limina ting odors in living -room, meeting-roo m, lav atory, classroom, w ard, am usem ent pl aces, h otel g uest-r oom a nd so o n. Di sassem bling hormo ne an d antibiotic i n mea t foods tuff in the kit chen o r the r estau rants; Water purific ation; he alth c are an d facia l clean ing


Pro ducts Oz one Generat or M odel FM-500 Voltage AC22 0V/110V Power 10W Pum p O utput 2~3L/min Ozone O utput 200~300m g/h Tim e O N/0 30 min Dime nsion 280 190 67 mm QTY per Carton 12Pcs /GW/NW of Carton 16.4/ 18 KGS

Pro ducts Oz one Generat or M odel FM-501 Voltage AC22 0V/110V Power 12W Pum p O utput 2~3L/min Ozone O utput 200~300m g/h Tim e O N/0 30 min Dime nsion 280 190 70 mm QTY per Carton 12Pcs /GW/NW of Carton 21.8/ 23.1 KGS

ZL99 25101 2.0 ZL002 02690 .2 ZL012 22527 .4 ( )

Thre e pate nts us ed: ZL 99251 012.0 , ZL00 20269 0.2 , Z L01222527 .4 Ozo ne is o ne kin d of effective disinf ectant with t he fea tures o f quick -act, b road- spectr um, no pollu tion, a nd can fill the who le pla ce eve nly Ozo ne gen erator for wa ter an d air c an be utilized easil y, app lied to many aspects Pate nt tec hnolog y that ozone is pro duced by discharg ing by air ga p in a pipe, with lon g life a nd a lo woxy nitride Add a inter ferenc e unit , low m agnet ic radi ation, no inte rruptio n to o ther ho me el ectron ic app liance s and t heir circ uits

Main function
St eriliza tion of fruit a nd veg etable , keep ing food fres h Water treatment Air purifi cation

Range of usage
St eriliza tion, d isinfec tion, e limina ting odors in living -room, meeting-roo m, lav atory, classroom, w ard, am usem ent pl aces, h otel g uest-r oom a nd so o n. Di sassem bling hormo ne an d antibiotic i n mea t foods tuff in the kit chen o r the r estau rants; Water purific ation; he alth c are an d facia l clean ing


M ode l Di mension Vol tage Power O zon e Output Air I nput Cooling
O perat ing Co nditio n

M oun ting Size

Zl20 04100 79317 .5ZL01209151.0 ZL2 00620 10325 3.2 P atent No.:ZL2004 10079 317.5 ZL01 20915 1.0Z L200620103253.2 A doptin g new est su rface g ap dis charg e tech nology,stabl e and h igh oz one o utput, with lo w nois e and low e lectro magn etic int erfere and lo w nitro gen o xide. I ntegra te ozo ne circuit an d ozon e cylin der, reasonable de sign a nd com pact structure. O nly need to conne ct rubb er pip e with the inlet, and conn ect po wer wi re, the n it wil l start operating, an d eas y to in stall a nd us e, mai ntain.

Purify water Kill bacteria

Co oling fan Time Kn ob


cov er Ele ctrica l Inpu t NO /OFF ozo ne tub e ozo ne driv e circuit air outlet Air pump

18 0

36 0

M ode l Di mension Vol tage Power O zon e Output Air I nput Cooling Operati ng Condition M oun ting Size

U nique desig n of th e ozon e gen erator, ozone gene rating of high effici ency, s table runnin g, long life e lectrod e, lon g life t ime. C ompa red with ordinary c eramic gene rators , it ove rcome s their following disadva ntages: ozon e output de crease due t o long time w ork of electrode, a nd uns table runnin g, etc. S tainle ss ste el shell with strong antiox idant and do uble-b arrel b ox de sign, r educin g des troying the interna l c ompo nents cause d by th e leak ed oz one. I t is compose d of th e circ uit, oz one tubes, f ilters, axial f an, control compon ents, with ad vanta ges of integr ated d esign , comp act st ructure and e asy m ainten ance.

Purify air Kill bacteria

Fi lter Time Kn ob


cov er Ele ctrica l Inpu t NO /OFF

2 10

Cooling fan ozo ne tub e ozo ne driv e circuit 420 Tuy ere

M ode l Dime nsion Voltage Power O zon e O utput Air Input Cooling Wate r volum e Operat ing Con dition M oun ting Size

ZL200620139757 .X ZL200 41007 9317.5 Gas -water mixtu re Pat ent Te chnolo gy (Pa tent N o.: ZL 20062 01397 57.X), greatl y redu ces daily op erating cost, investment cost and m ainten ance cost, a nd ach ieves the best results of water and ai r mixing. Key components adopt the pa tent in ventio n (ZL200410079317.5)-- discharge al ong th e wall in ozo ne tube , wh ich improve efficiency and reduce oper ating c osts. O r ceramic d ielectr ic tube (Pate nt No. : ZL) instead . Integrated design of oz one generator and water- air mi xture e quipm ent,ea sy ins tallation and maint enanc e.

Range of usage
Wat er puri ficatio n in b reed a quatic s industry o r in sw immin g pool Wat er puri ficatio n of fo od and medcine manufactu ring p rocess Drin k water purif ication Poll uted water cused b y plati ng and medical tr eatme nt

3D Plot
Outlet pipe Mix ing tube cover

Radiat or

/ Gas in put process ing Pump i nlet

Other Info

M ixing tu be Pump

O 3 30 00

R N A , RN A


R 3 N H2 S CH 3 SH R 3 N+O 3 = R 3 N -O+O 2 H 2 S+O 3 = S+H 2 O+O 2 or. = SO 2 + H 2 O C H 3 SH +O 3 = [CH 3-S -S-CH 3] = C H 3 -SO 3H+O2

C 2 H4 H 2C-C H 2+O 2 = CO 3 +H2 O C 2 H 2 O

O O H O OH H2 SO 4CO 2N 2

1. 2. O 30 O 2 3. 4. GMP

w ww.c n o3.c n


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