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Name Of Drug

Dose, Route, Freque ncy Dose: 1ampule Route: IV Frequency: Over 20 minutes.

Mechanism of Action Calcium Gluconate acts like digitalis on the heart, increasing cardiac muscle tone and force of systolic contractions (positive inotropic effect) Rapidly and effectively restores serum calcium levels in acute hypocalcemia of various origins; also effective as a cardiac stabilizer under conditions of hyperkalemia or resuscitation.



Adverse Reaction

Nursing Responsibility

Generic Name: Calcium Gluconate Brand Name: Calgonate Classification: Electrolyte and Water Balance

Negative calcium balance (As in neonatal tetany, hypoparathyroidism, vitamin D deficiency, alkalosis). Also to overcome cardiac toxicity of hyperkalemia, for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, to prevent hypocalcemia during transfusion of citrated blood. Also as antidote for magnesium sulfate, for acute symptoms of lead colic, to decrease capillary permeability in sensitivity reactions, and to relieve muscle cramps from insect bites or stings. Oral calcium may be used to maintain normal calcium balance during pregnancy, lactation, and childhood growth and to prevent primary osteoporosis. Also an osteoporosis, osteomalacia, chronic hypoparathyroidism, rickets, and as adjunct in treatment of myasthenia gravis and EatonLambert syndrome.

Ventricular fibrillation, metastatic bone disease, injection into myocardium; renal calculi, hypercalcemia, predisposition to hypercalcemia (hyperparathyroidis m, certain malignancies); digitalis toxicity.

Body as a Whole: tingling sensation. With rapid IV, sensations of heat waves (peripheral vasodilation), fainting. GI: PO preparation: constipation, increased gastric acid secretion. CV: (with rapid infusion) hypotension, bradycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, cardiac arrest. Skin: pain and burning at IV site, severe Vegas thrombosis, necrosis and sloughing (with extravasation).

Assess for cutaneous burning sensations and peripheral vasodilation, with moderate fall in BP, during direct IV injection. Monitor ECG during IV administration to detect evidence of hypercalcemia: decreased QT interval associated with inverted T-wave. Lab tests: determine levels of calcium and phosphorus and magnesium frequently, during sustained therapy. Deficiencies and other ions, particularly magnesium, frequently coexist with calcium ion depletion

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