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3(preserved in the National Library, Singapore)
Series A Penang, Singapore and Malacca Consultations, 180630.
B Penang Despatches to London, 180530.
C London Letters to Penang, 181-g.
D Penang Despatches to India, 1800-26.
E India Letters to Penang, I 804-3 I.
F Letters from Native Rulers to Governor, 1817-37, 1865-74.
G Governor's Letters to Native Rulers, 1817-31,1841-5,1850-73.
H Penang : Letters and Orders in Council, 1817-25.
I Penang : Miscellaneous Letters, 1806-30.
J Penang : Old Indices to Records, 1806-30.
K Penang : Miscellaneous, I 805-9.
L Raffles's Administration, 1814--23.
JM Singapore: Letters to and from Bengal, 1823-61.
N Singapore : Resident's Diary, I 827-9.
0 Malacca: Resident's Diary, 1826-9.
P Commissioner Young's Land Records, 1837-9.
Q Singapore : Miscellaneous, 1826-73.
R Governor's despatches to Bengal, 1831-67.
S Bengal Letters to Governor, 1830-66.

- T Governor's Letters to and from Madras, 1847-63.

U Governor's Letters to Resident Councillors, 183147.
V Miscellaneous Letters from the Governor, 1824-67.
W Miscellaneous Letters to the Governor, 1830-66.
X Governor's Diary, 185246.

- Y Government House : Miscellaneous, I 860-7.

Z Governor's Letters to Singapore, 1827-64.

WAA Letters from the Resident Councillor Singapore to Governor,

BB Singapore: Miscellaneous In, 1823-66.
CC Singapore: Miscellaneous Out, 182547.
DD Letters from Resident Councillor of Penang to Governor,
EE Letters from Resident Councillor of Malacca to Governor,
I 830-66.
FF Straits Settlements: Miscellaneous, I 855-74.
Series R, S, U,V, W and X are the best preserved. Many volumes in the
other series are missing or in poor condition.
Series COD Colonial Office Despatches to Governor, 1867 onwards.
COD/C Colonial Office Despatches (Confidential) to Governor,

- 1867 onwards.
GD Governor's Despatches to Colonial Office, 1867 onwards.
,GD/C Governor's Despatches (Confidential) to Colonial Office,
1867 onwards.


(preserved in the India Office Library, London)
Directors' Despatches to Bengal, 1820-33.
Directors' Despatches to India and Bengal, 1834-58.

- Board's Collections, I 824-58.

Letters received from Indii and Bengal, 1834-58.
India Public Proceedings, 1830-67.

- India Political Proceedings, 1830-67.

India Political and Foreign Proceedings, 1830-67.
India Secret Proceedings, 1830-67.
India Financial Consultations, 1830-67.
India Home Consultations, 1830-67.
- Secret Correspondence, I 8I 9-67.
Board's Drafts of Secret Letters and Despatches to India.
Secret Letters received from Bengal.
-Enclosures to Secret Letters received from Bengal and India.
Personal Records, I 794-1841.
Miscellaneous Letters, Judicial Department, 1837-79.
Papen relating to Kedah, 1836-57.
Political Despatches to India.
Collections to Political Despatches to India.
Judicial and Legislative Despatches to India.
Collections to Judicial Despatches to India.
Judicial Letters from India.
Financial Despatches to India.
Collections to Financial Despatches to India.
Financial Letters and Enclosures received from India.
Letters to India on Finances.


-$ (preserved in the Archives of West Bengal, Calcutta)
Bengal Public Proceedings.
- Bengal Political Proceedings.
- Bengal Secret and Political Proceedings.

(preserved in the National Archives of India, New Delhi)
Home Department Consultations (Public).
Home Department Consultations (Judicial).
Home Department Consultations (Education).
Foreign Department Consultations.
Malacca Proceedings, 1852-60.
Marine Consultations.
Narratives of Proceedings of the Straits Government, 1851-9.
Secret Consultations.

(preserved at the Public Record Office, London)
CO 273 Series. Straits Settlements, Original Correspondence.
CO I@ Series. Labuan, Original Correspondence.
Volumes 14/16 to 1 4 / 2 0 relate to the Straits Settlements
prior to 1862.

(preserved at the Public Record Office, London)
FO 12 Series. Borneo, 1842-75.
FO 37 Series. Holland and the Netherlands, 181674.

(preserved at the Public Record Office, London) I
WO 33 Series. Volumes 33/15 to 33/32 cover the period 1865-78 and
contain material relating to the Straits Settlements.

Hansard's Parliamentary Debates.
Accounts and Papers:
1861, XI11 (H. of C.) 423, pp. 69-373 (Report of Committee on
Colonial Military expenditure).
1862, XL (H. of C.) 259, pp. 583-662 (Straits Transfer).
1863~,XL11I~-(H.of C.) 541, p. 299 (Trengganu bombardment).
1866, LII
' C[$7-. 88jZ74 s -7.-
British Sessional Papers:
Straits Transfer Bill (H. of C.), 1866, V, p. 327.

ings of the Legislative Council of
Proceedings of the Legislative Council of India (2nd ser.) from 1862.

Executive Council Minutes, Series I N. From 1867.
Legislative Council Proceedings, Series I1 N. From 1867.

CARD W E L L PAPERS Housed in the Public Record Office, London, in
the series PRO 30148.
Semi-official papers of Edward Cardwell, who was Secretary of State for
the Colonies 1864-6 during part of the Straits transfer negotiations.
i Vol. 4.0 (Box 6) : Cardwell's correspondence with Lord Carnarvon (the
succeeding Colonial Secretary), in 1866.
Vol. 45 (Box 7) : Colonial Miscellaneous papers, 1864-6.
7CARNARVON PAPERS Housed in the Public Record Office, London, in
the series PRO 3016.
Semi-official papers of Henry Howard Molyneux Herbert, fourth earl of
Carnamon, Secretary of State for the Colonies, June 1866 to December
1868. Most of the Carnamon Papers refer to Carnarvon's public life after
1867, but additional items 132-40, deposited in the Public Record Office
in 1959, relate to his period as Colonial Secretary 1866-8.
CAVENAGH PAPERS In the possession of Major Orfeur Cavenagh of
Victoria, British Columbia.
Four volumes of personal diaries kept by Colonel (later Major General)
Orfeur Cavenagh during his term of office as Governor of the Straits
Settlements, 1859-67.
DYCE,CHARLESUnpublished manuscript about the Straits Settlements,
written about 1846, attached to folio of pictures in Singapore Art Museum.
ELGINPAPERS Housed in the India Office Library, London, in the
series MS Eur. F 83.
Semi-official papers of James Bruce, eighth Earl of Elgin, relating to the
period when he was Governor General of India, 1862-3. The papers
relevant to the Straits Settlements are:
F 83117. Governor General to miscellaneous correspondents.
F 83/24. Miscellaneous correspondents to Governor General.
F 83/25. Sarawak Papers.
GLADSTONE PAPERS Housed in the British Museum.
Semi-official papers of W. E. Gladstone, Chancellor of the Exchequer
1859-65 and Leader of the House of Commons, 1865-6, during the Straits
transfer negotiations. The volumes containing references to the Straits
Settlements are:
44096-7 XI, XI1 Correspondencewith G. Arbuthnot, Treasury, 1853-
44107 XVII Correspondence with Sir Frederic Rogers, 1840-89.
441 18 XXXIII Correspondencewith Sir Edward Cardwell, 1845-68.
44184 XCIX Correspondence with Sir Charles Wood, 1839-69.
44192 CVII Correspondence with G. A. Hamilton, Treasury,
44224-5 CXXXIX-CXLIV Correspondence with Lord Kimberley,
HALIFAXPAPERS Housed in the India Office Library, London.
(i)Twenty-two bound volumes of official and semi-official letters written
by Charles Wood, first Viscount Halifax, relating to the period June 1859
to February 1866 when Wood was Secretary of State for India.
(ii) Wood-Cavenagh correspondence. Letters written by Cavenagh to
Wood, 1864-6.
LAWRENCE PAPERS Housed in the India Office Library, London.
Semi-official papers of Sir John Lawrence relating to the period when he
was Governor General of India, 1863-9. References to the Straits Settle-
ments appear in the first series, vols. 4, 6, 8, 15, 18.

With the exception of the Prince of Wales Island Gazette, 1806-27, of which
the India Office Library has a complete holding, and the Singapore Chronicle,
of which the British Museum has copies for the years 1827-33 and the
India Office Library for the years 1827-35, the only known surviving copies
of Straits Settlements newspapers prior to 1867 are to be found in the
National Library, Singapore. Many of these are in bad condition, and no
series is complete.
Penang Gazette. Penang, from 1838.
Prince of Wales Island Gazette. Penang, I 806-27.
Prince of Wales Island Gazette. Penang, 1833-8.
Renamed the Penang Gazette in 1838.
.L Singapore Chronicle. Singapore, 1824-37..
-Singapore Free Press. I st ser. Singapore, 1835-69.
A weekly newspaper with a monthly overland summary.
-- Straits Times. Singapore, from 1845.
Bi-weekly from 1847 and daily from 1858, with a monthly overland


Acts, Ordinances and Institutions Concerning Land in the Straits Settlmnts.

-- Singapore, I 893.
Annual Reports on the Administration of the Straits Settlements. Singapore, 1857-67.
Annual Reports of the Singapore Institution Free School. Singapore, 1836-64.
Correspondence of the Rajah of Johore and the G o v m Concerning the Jurisdiction
over Tanjong Putri. Singapore, 1865.
Correspondence Relating to the Land Revenue System of the Straits Settlements, 1837-
1844. Singapore, I 883.
Pnpers and Correspondence Relating to the Land Revenue Administration of the Straits
Settlements, I 823-37. Singapore, I 884.
Proceedings of an Investigation Ma& by the Governor into Charges against the
Penang Police, October 1859. Singapore, 1859.
Report of the Commissioners Appointed to Enquire into the Penang Riots of 1867.

- Penang, 1868.
R e w t on the Progress of the Straits Settlements from 1859-60 to 1866-7 [by
Governor Cavenagh] Singapore, 1867.
Review of the Progress of the Straits Settlements since April 1867 [by Governor Ord].
Singapore, 1873.
Selected Correspondenceof Lettersfrom and to the Commissioner of Tenassmmm,1825-6
to 1842-3. Rangoon, 1928.
Straits Settlements Commerce and Shipping. Singapore, I 844-58, I 863-6.
Straits Settlements Government Gazette. Singapore, from I 858.
Straits Settlements General Orders. Singapore, I 867-72.
Tabular Statements of the Commerce of Singapore during the rears 1823-4 tO 1839-40
inclusive. Singapme, I 842.
Tabular Statement of Commerce and Shipping of Singapore during the Tears 1840-4.
Singapore, I 845.
Treaties and Engagements Entered into or Aficting the Native States of the Malay
Peninsula. Singapore, I 889.
. . . .
W A R D ,T M and J P G R A N T , OBciOl Pa@s on the Medical Statistics and
Topography of Malacca and Prince of Wales Island, and on the Prevailing
Diseases of the Temsserim Coast (Penang, I 830).
r B R I T I S HG O V E R N M E N T

r' Correspon~erespecting the Policy of the Netherlands Government in the Eastern Seas
as Aficting British Commerce, 1824-6, (London, 1869).


ABDULLAH B I N A B D U L K A D I R , M U N S H I , l?u Hikayat Abdullah (Singa-
pore, 1849) ; annotated translation b y A. H. Hill in JMBRAS, xuviii, no.
3 ( 1 9 5 5 )reprinted
~ as The Hikayat Abdullah (Kuala Lurnpur, 1970).
.-, 'Concerning the T a n T a e Hoey in Singapore', trans. T . Braddell, JIA,
vi (18521, 545-55.
- The Voyage of Abdullah, trans. A. E. Coope (Singapore, 1949).
A D D E R L E Y , C . B., Letter to the Right Honourable Benjamin Disraeli, M.P. on
the Present Relation of England with the Colonies (London, 1861).
- Review of 'The Colonial Policy of Lord John Russell's Administration' by Earl
Grey, 1853, and of Subsequent Colonial History (London, 1869).
A N D E R Bo N , J ., Political and Commer~ialC~m~derations Relative to the Malayan
Peninsula and the British Settlements in the Straits of Malacca (Penang, 1824);
reprinted i n JIA, viii (1854),134-57, 266-84, 365-72, and as JMBRAS,
xxxv, no. 4 (1962).
ANDERSON, J ., A c h and the Ports on the North and East Cwsts of Sumatra
(London, I 840, reprinted Kuala Lumpur, 197 1 ) .
-, ' O n the Administration o fJustice in the British Settlements in the Straits
o f Malacca, and the Government o f Penang, Singapore and Malacca',
Asiatic Journal, xxxi (1840), 175-84, 249-58, h i , 132--9.
A N S O N , A., About Others and Myself, 1745-1920 (London, 1920).
[ A S I A T I C J O U R N A L ] , 'Sir John Claridge's Presentment t o the Grand Jury
o f Singapore, 16 February 182gY,AsiaticJournal, xxviii ( 1 8 2 9 )355-7.~
-, ' T h e Recorder's Court at Penang', Asiatic Journal, n.s. vii ( 1 8 3 2 )73- ~
B A L E S T I E R , J .,'View o f the State o f Agriculture i n the British Possessioll~
i n the State o f Malacca', JIA, ii (1848), 13950.
B A U M G A R T E N , F . L., 'Agriculture in Malacca', JIA, iii ( 1 8 4 9 ) 707-23.
-, 'Genealogy o f the Temenggong o f Muar', JIA, v (185I ) , 66-8.
B E G B I E , P . J . , The Malayan Peninsula (Madras, 1834, reprinted Kuala
Lumpur, I 967).
B E I G H T O N , T . , 'Penang: Description o f the Island, its Population etc.',
Chinese Repository, iii ( I 834), 22 1-30.
B E L C H E R , E . , Narrative of the Voyage of H.M.S. 'Samarang' during the Years
1843-6, 2 vols. (London, 1848).
' B E N G A L C I V I L I A N ' , De <iekeReiziger: or Rambles inJava and thestraits in
1852 (London and Calcutta, 1853).
B E N N E T T , G , Wanderings in New South Wales, Batavia, Pedir Coast, Singapore
and China, 1832-4, 2 vols. (London, 1834).
B E R N C A S T L E , J., A Voyage to Chinu, 2 vols. (London, 1850).
B I C K M O R E , A. s , Travels in the East Indian Archipelago (London, I 868).
B L U N D E L L , E . A., 'Notices o f the History and Present Condition o f
Malacca', JIA, ii (1848),726-54.
B O R I E , P . H . D., An Accountof theAboriginesoftheMalayPminsulaandof thc
Other Tribes at Present Inhabiting It (Singapore, 1863).
B O U C H E R , P., The Indian Archipelago (London, 1857).
B o W R I N G , J . , The Kingdom and People of Siam, 2 vols. (London, 1857,
reprinted Kuala Lumpur, 1970).
B R A D D E L L , T . , 'Gambling and Opium Smoking i n the Straits o f Malacca',
JIA, n.s. i (1857),66-83.
- ' M a p o f Malacca, with Notes', JIA, n.s. i ( 1 8 5 6 )296-8.~
- 'Notes o f a Trip to the Interior from Malacca', JIA, vii (1853),73-104.
-, 'Notes on Malacca', JIA, n.s. i (1856),43-65.
-, 'Notes o n Nanisg, with a Brief Notice on the Naning War', JIA, n.s. i
(18561, 194-232.
-, 'Notes on the Chinese i n the Straits', JIA, ix (1855),109-24.
-, 'Notices o f Penang', JIA, i v (1850), 629-44, 645-63, v (1851), 1-14,
93-1 19, 155-72, 189-210, 292-3059 354-66, 4-29, vi (1852), 18-32,
8333,143-72,2 18-38,~sI-&, 618-35, n.s. ii (1857-8),182-203.
-, Notices o f Singapore', JIA, vii ( 1 8 5 3 ) ~325-57, viii ( 1 8 5 4 ) 97-111,
329-48, 403-192 ix ( 1 8 5 5 ) 53-65,
~ 42-82.
-, Singapore and the Straits Settlements Described (Penang, I 858).
-, Statistics of the British Possessions in the Straits of Malma (Penang, 1861).
-, ' T h e Sultan o f Johore', JIA, n.s. ii (185749, .46*-67.
- (trans.), 'Concerning the Tan T a e Hoey in Singapore', JIA, vi (18523,
B U R N E Y , H., Burney Pape*s, 5 vols. (Bangkok, 1910-24).
[CA-LCUTTAR E V I E W ] , 'Addiscombe', Calcutta Review, ii, no. 3 ( 1 8 4 ) ~
C A M E R O N , J., OW Tr@ical Possessions in Malayan India (London, 1865,
reprinted Kuala Lumpur, 1965).
-1C A V E N A G H , o., Reminiscences of an Indian Ojicial (London, 1884).
, A R I D G E , J . T . , A Statement Relating to the Amintment of Sir John Thomas
' C LClaridge to the Recordership o f Prince o f Wales Island, Singapore and Malacca
(London, I 835).
c R A N E , T . o., 'Remarks on the Cultivation o f Cotton in Singapore', JIA,
v ( 1 8 5 1 ) 120-4.
C R A W F U R D , J . , 'Agriculture o f Singapore', JIA, iii (1849), 508-1 I ,
reprinted from Singapore Chronicle, 1824.
-, A Descriptive Dictionary of the Indian Islands and Adjacent Countries (London,
I 856).
-, History of the Indian Archipelago, 2 voB. (Edinburgh, 1820).
-, Journal of an Embassy from the Governor General of India to the Courts of Siam
and Cochin China, 2 vols. (London, 1828, reprinted Kuala Lumpur, 1967).
-, Notes on the Proposal of Annexing the Settlements in the Straits of Malacca to the
Colonial Administration of the Crown (London, I 858).
- On the Proposed Imposition of Stamp Duties in the Colonies of the Straits of
Malacca (London, I 862).
-, Suggestionsfor the Future Administration of the British Colonies in the Straits of
Malacca (London, I 86 I ) .
C R O O K E W I T , H . , ' T h e T i g Mines o f Malacca', JIA, viii ( 1 8 5 4 ) I~12-33.
D ' A L M E I D A , S I R J O Z * , 'Gutta Percha', JIA, i (1847)' 78.
D A N A , a., Letters of 'Extinguisher' and Chronicles of St George (Singapore,
D A V I D s o N , G F ., Trade and Travel in the Far East (London, I 846).
D I C K I N S O N , J .,India :its Government under a Bureaucracy (London, I 853).
D U N C A N , w. s., Singapore Sixty Years Ago (Singapore, 1883).
E A R L , G . w., The Eastern Seas (London, 1837, reprinted Kuala Lumpur,
- 'Narrative o f a Voyage from Singapore to the West Coast o f Borneo i n
the schooner Stamford i n the Year 1834'~JRAS, iii ( 1 8 3 6 ) 1-24. ~
- ' O n the Culture o f Cotton i n the Straits Settlements', JIA, i v (1850)~
720-7, V (185119 69-73.
-, 'Steam Routes through the Indian Archipelago', JIA, v ( 1 8 5 1 )441-50, ~
489-97, 613-24,671-6-
-, Topography and Itinerary of Province WellcJlcy (Penang, I 86 I ) .
EARL G , .w., 'The Trading Ports of the Indian Archipelago',JZA, iv ( I850),
238-519380-99, 483-95, 53-51. r
FAVRE, P., An Account of the Wild Tribes Inhabiting the Malayan Peninsula,
Sumatra and a Few Xeighbouring Zslandc (Paris, 1865), comprising:
-, 'An Account of the Wild Tribes Inhabiting the Malayan Peninsula,
Sumatra and a Few Neighbouring Islands', JZA, ii (1848), 237-82.
-, 'A Journey in Johore', JZA, iii (184g), 50-64.
-, 'A Journey in the Menangkabau States of the Malay Peninsula', JZA,
iii (1849), 153-61.
F O N T A N I E R , v., Voyage hns 1'Archipcl Indim (Paris, 1852).
G R A Y , c., 'Journal of a Route Overland from Malacca to Pahang across
the Malayan Peninsula', JZA, vi (1852), 369-75, reprinted from Malmca
Observer, 27 February 1827.
GUTHRIE, A*, et al., Statement Presented to His Grace the Duke o f Newcastle
Regarding the British Possessions in the Straits of Malacca (London, 1861).
G U T Z L A F F , c., 'On the Secret Triad Society of China', JRAS, viii (1846).
HARRIS, T ., The Complete Journal of Townsend Harris, ed. M. Cosenza (New
York, 1930).
J A c KS o N, I.. ,'Census for Singapore for November-December I 84g', JIA,
iv (1850)~107.
J AME a, H ., CifG of Commander Hemy James, R.N., ed. E. G. Festing (London,
[ J O U R N A L O F T H E I N D I A N A R C H I P E L A G O ] , 'Annual Remittances by
Chinese Immigrants to their Families in China', JZA, i (r847), 35-7.
-, 'Destruction of the Fleet of the Sarebas and Sakarran Pirates by the
Expedition from Sarawak on the Night of 3I July I 84g9,JZA, iii ( I84g),
-, Journal Kept on Board a Cruiser in the Indian Archipelago I 846', JZA,
viii (18541, '75-99.
-, 'Trip to Mount Ophir', JZA, vi (1852), 638.
K A Y E, J w ., The Administration of the East India Company (London, I 853).
9 64 6.3 .
K E P P E L, H , The Expedition to Borneo of H.M.S. 'Dido' for t h Suppression of
W )' Piracy, 2 vols. (London, 1845), 3rd edn (London, 1847).
4 I -, A Sailor's Life under Four Sovereigns, 3 "01s. (London, I 899). CO-)
-, A Visit to the Indian Archipelago in H.M.S. 'Moconder', 2 vols. (London,
1846). DS&(
LAY, G. T., Notes de during the Voyage of the 'Himmuleh' in the Malayan
Archipelago (New York, I 839).
-, 'Notices of the City of Borneo and its Inhabitants made during the
Voyage of the American BrigHimmaleh in the Indian Archipelago in 1837'~
Chinese Repositmy, vii (1838), 12136, 177-93.
LITTLE, R., 'Diseases of the Nutmeg Tree', JZA, iii (r849), 678-81.
-, 'An Essay on the Coral Reefs as the Cause of Blakan Mati Fever', JZA,
ii (1848), 449-94, 571-602, iii (1849), 413-44.
-, 'On the Habitual Use of Opium in Singapore', JIA, ii (184.8)~1-79.
-, 'Opium Smoking', JIA, iii (1849)~454-7.

L O oA N , J .
. R ,'A Boat Voyage from Singapore to Penang', JZA, iv (I850)~
- 'Cinnamon Cultivation in the Straits of Malacca', JZA, v (1851)~ 650-8.
-, 'Discovery of Coal in Ligor and Kedah on the West Coast of the Malay
Peninsula', JIA, i (1847)~151-68.
-, 'Examination of the Coast of the Peninsula from P. Mutiara to Pasir
Panjang in Search of Coal Deposits in November 1847 by Captain
Congalton, Commander of the Hooghy', JIA, i ( I847).
-, 'Five Days in Naning', JZA, iii (1849), 24-41, 278*-87*, 402-12,489-
-, 'Journal of an Excursion from Singapur to Malacca and Pinang',
Journal of the Royal Geographical Society, xvi (1846)~303-31, reprinted in
Miscellaneous Papers on Indo-China, 2nd ser. i (1887)~1-20.
-, 'Journal of a Voyage to the Eastern Coast and Islands of Johore', JZA, ii
-, 'The Manners and Customs of the Malays', JZA, iii (1849)~274-84, iv
(185019 433-5.
-, 'Notes at Penang, Kedah, etc.', JZA, v (1851)~53-65.
-, 'The Orang Binha of Johore', JZA, i (1847)~295-302.
-, 'The Piracy and Slave Trade of the Indian Archipelago', JZA, iii (1849)~
581-8, 629-36, iv (1850)~45-52, 144-62, 400-10, 617-28, 734-46, v
(18511, 374-82.
-, 'Plan for a Volunteer Police in the Muda District, Province Wellesley,
Submitted to Government by the Late J. R. Logan in 1867'~JSBRAS,
no. 16 (1885)~173-202.
-, 'Preparation of Pineapple Fibres in Singapore for the Manufacture of
Piia Cloth', JZA, ii (184.8)~528.
- 'The Present Condition of the Indian Archipelago', JZA, i (1847), 1-2 I.
-, 'The Probable Effects on the Climate of Penang of the Continued
Destruction of its Hill Jungles', JZA, ii (1848)~534-6.
-, 'Pulo Aur', JIA, iv (1850)~194.
-, 'Range of the Gutta Taban Collectors and Present Amount of Imports
into Singapore', JIA, ii (1848)~529-33.
- 'Sago', JZA, iii (1849)~288*-313*.
-, 'Sketch of the Physical Geography and Geology of the Malay Peninsula',
JZA, ii (184.8)~ 83-138.
L O W , c . R., H istory of the Indian Navy, 1613-1863, 2 vols. (London, 1877).
LOW, J., 'An Account of the Origin and Progress of the British Colonies in
the Straits of MalaccaY,JZA,iii (184g), 559-617, iv (1850), I 1-26, 106-18,
-, A Dissertation on the Soil and Apicl(ltusc of the British Settlement of Pmng or
Prince of Wales Island in the Straits of Malacca, including Province Wellesley on
the Malayan Peninsula (Singapore, 1836).
--, 'Notes on the Coal Deposits which have been Discovered along the
Siamese Coast from Penang to the Vicinity &Junk Ceylon', JZA, i (1847),
-, 'Notes on the Progress of the Nutmeg Cultivation and Trade from the
'Early Part o f the Seventeenth Century to the Present Day', JIA, v ( 1 8 5 1 ) ~
LOW, J . , 'Observations on Perak', JZA, iv ( 1 8 5 0 )497-504.
M C N A I R , J . P . A., and w. D . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s , P r i s o n e r s t h W
e i ar rOawh n(Lon-
don, 1899).
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JZA, n.s. ii (185749,295-300.
M A R R Y A T , P s ., Borneo and the Indian Archipelago (London, I 848).
. .
M A X w E L L , P B , An Introduction to the Duties of Police Magistrates in the
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(18591, 26-55.
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Triad Society, b y the Late Dr Milne, Principal o f the Anglo-Chinese
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