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\AAyNT STATE UNIVERSTry Cou-rcr or enucnrroN

Service -Learning Log

Location Date




TED 2250 {Craie} and TED



Experience Observed morning meeting, bell work (assisted minimally with Analysis Students were completing

rd Hours




work, moving about freely,

addition/subtraction review), a nd writing workshop. Also, observed teacher lecture on social studies (Michigan Unit). I introduced
myself and lead a discussion about experiences that the students and I have in common {attending Berkley schools, the music program, etc.) Observed Math (Decimal Review, assisted minimally). Observed reading workshop. Students selected books from the appropriate genre. Students were permitted to read alone or in small groups of 2 or 3. They sat at desks, tables, floor space, on bean bags or in the hall. Books are labeled to distinguish the different levels so students can pick book that are appropriate for their own readins level. During morning meeting the students share briefly with the class similar to a "show and tell." One student has a job to record the "goings on" 'rn the classroom. Another student acknowledges good deeds reported by students in the classroom. Lastly, students that are out for various reasons are acknowledged and an

following schedules, etc. Teacher discussed classroom management techniques and school-wide approach. [t was interesting to see how the
students went about doing
classroom assigned'Jobs"

Students logged independent assessments of their completed books on the computer, which generates a report for the


teacher to evaluate reading comprehension, level, etc. Since reading is instrumental in all areas of academics, this information is very valuable in the classroom.

,$ 'l


This form of morning

communication every day is an exercise in cornmunity building that is healthy and necessary to model appropriate ways to
express feelings, share information, etc. Learned about grading procedures, end of card marking, notices to parents and how the teacher

appropriate "we miss you" note is left for the student on their desk.
Social studies was next and the

communicates with the families either by weekly Friday form or online.


students continued their Michigan Unit. Students began a new unit in Geometry. Review of lines, rays and line sesments. Durins

Use of straws and twist ties as

math manipulatives is an inexpensive wav to create a


\lAvrur, SrArE
UNIVERSIry Cou-rcr or roucnnoN
Service -Learning Log





TED 2250 {Craie)



reading workshop students used graphic web type organizers to map main ideas and supporting ideas. Helped students, answered questions, redirected, etc.

sor Jill visual image of geometric shapes, makes evaluating


Graded geometry work, assisted with Morning Meeting, assisted with social studies work {small group in hall). Socialstudies involved economies in early Michigan (1850's * 1900). Began

writing workshop working on

essays. Step by step process that began with writing just some possible topics. Helped students
go through their writing journals

students simple {can they make the shape) and gives a clear way to demonstrate the information. ln working with small groups, I found that posing questions about the reading could get them to go back and re-read the sections that contained the answers to their worksheets. Some of the students began to look back even before I asked a question. lt was highly





to find aporopriate topics. Afternoon began with a math/geometry review. Students have been exhibiting disturbing behaviors (all third grade classes) so the principal held an assembly to squelch the problems before they gotout of hand. Some students were writing love notes, making inflammatory statements about whether or not certain students were "couples" or not,

Worked again with small groups in Math, found that it was more important that the student could show how to do the problem appropriately, rather than just getting the right answer. Having the principal meet with the students had a great impact on the individuals involved in the incidents, as well as the other students that are now watching out for the problems. Certainly, it was easy to see the classroom management issues that arise when there is an alternate teacher in the room. While the substitute had effective strategies for getting the students to follow directions, it was clearly not the
same. Also, I learned that as a



Working with substitute teacher, observing how to follow lesson plans left by the teacher.
Observed and assisted with social studies and geometry lessons. Students participated in their afternoon reading workshops. Provided substitute with

information about how certain



class are organized

when the teacher was there in the

classroom to facilitate consistency for the students. Assisted

teacher it is extremely important to write substitute teaching plans that are detailed
and easy to follow, if the

\4AvNr, SrArE UNIVERSIry Colmcr or rnucnrnN

Service -Learning Log

Student iennifer
Location Burton

Swain Elementarv School/Berk


TED 2250 {Craisl and TED

2251 fBaker}

students with symmetry project

using noodles glued to construction paper forming a

JillMal students are to obtain the required material as intended.

symmetrical pattern.



Morning Meeting, CLAM (bellwork), Scholastic News, etc. and electronic assessments were given early in the day. Use of a "CPS" remote responding system was utilized by the students. I designed and provided direct instruction for a community partnership project that benefited children at Children's Hospital of Michigan. The project was to make hand made Valentine's Days cards that were distributed to children that could not be home for the holiday. ln partnership with a local store in the school district, I provided materials and instruction to the students, and cards were made and given to the project coordinator. Students were glad to have the opportunity to reach out to the children in the hospital. Students completed social studies and handout and continued a unit on Michigan. Assisted students with decimals using manipulatives and drawing polyhedrons. Students participated in a reading workshop and did independent
readine. Assisted stude ntsla nswe red

I learned a great deal about


how an integrated remote

response system can be a useful tool in a classroom. The "CPS" system provides the

teacher with instant feedback as well as recording answers to questions from students and calculating scores. Student
grades and progress are

automatically entered into the online grades reporting program for the school which also provides parents and others with valuable information about student progress. The teacher is able to design test questions immediately following a lesson and administer an assessment.

The teacher sometimes is able to use time during independent


reading to accomplish other

tasks. lt is important to use time wisely throughout the day to get everything done as efficiently as possible.


questions during essay writing, as well as working with students in the hall in small groups. Students were using a graphic organizer to write out the 5 paragraphs of the essay and were in the final stages before Woine out or writins the

the curriculum expanded in this school, two of the third

grade teachers decided to switch classes for social studies and science, so that each


teacher would only be

responsible for one of the subiects. They first eive

\4Avrur, SrArE UNIVERSIry Cou-rcn or enucmroN

Service -Learning Log





TED 2250 (Craie) and TED

2251 (Baker)

essay in a final copy. Observed a

different class that came into Ms. Maliepaard's room for social studies. Was able to observe how a paraprofessional works with autistic students in this class. Gave the spelling pre-test to students and eraded tests.
Students began discussing different hurnorous book series that they had familiarity with. Then they each selected a new book to read in the humor Eenre and began independent reading. Created paper 3-dimensional
shapes to illustrate for students different geometric shapes and

instruction to their own class for one unit then switch classes and teach the same unit to the other class. I can see this being an effective way to expand the
experiences in specific subjects.

Learned about how the reading curriculum works, the assessment systern (Fountas and Pinnell) used in the school


their attributes. Students could hold the shapes, count the vertices, determine parallel sides, see what kind of base, etc. During class science switch, followed class to assist and observe a new classroom. Assisted with a moon project helping students to find details in their reading material, transfer them to small paper "moons" and place them on a classroom moon modelto be posted in the hallway.
During recess, assisted keeping

with computerized eval uation system that measures student comprehension. I feel that students should be qncouraged to read what ever material they are interested in reading, but knowing what level they can read is valuable so that their
reading is proqressins. During this switch, the teacher was unexpectedly absent, but had this lesson pre-planned. lt was a simple lesson that a substitute could easily do with a class. Having some prepared lessons in case of unscheduled absences is a great idea for teachers. Also, having supplies on hand and ready for these kinds of proiects is essential. Reviewed what I hoped to gain from this experience with co2.75



track of time students "owed" for rule infractions {part of classroom management techniques). As students were finishing their math lesson, I was able to work with students on math review questions that were causing difficulties for specific students.

operating teacher. Offered to be of assistance in any capacity, looking forward to new opportunities. We made plans

for having me do some lessons with the students. I expressed my desire to continue volunteering even after my service learning was complete, and decided that the principal

\IAYNE STATE UNIVERSIry Cou-rcr or ruucnroN

Service -Learning Log





TED 2250 (Craie) and TED



may have be able to find some opportunities for me.


Created a presentation ofthe students' Black History month work for the classroom "exhibiting" space in the hallway. Gave the spelling pretest to students and graded the tests. During class switch for science, assisted students doing a math conversion of their earth tumps" to how high their jump would be on the moon. Recorded the

Learned a method to get students attention during read aloud, by stopping reading midsentence and having students collectively say the next word in the sentence. These tips are useful for me as a new teacher. During switch, teacher also explained that sometimes when she needs to accomplish a task that involves working with individual students, She can put on a lesson related video and pull students aside to work with


jumps for the teacher.


Students gave demonstrations and speeches for writing workshop. Teacher has begun to read aloud the book, "Oogie


Coode/'as part ofthe Humor unit. Discussed how humor can be used as a coverup. Students are reading in pairs. Worked with students checking their work individually to complete a "phases of the moon" project using Oreo cookies. Scored timed math guiz on multiplication facts.

them on brief individual task. Using a game that the students have a great interest in is also a great way to facilitate learning. Today students learned about parenthesis in Math by equating multiplication problems to a basketball game.
During moon phases project,



Administered spelling pre-test to students. Gave lesson on Math Explorations in a "math centers"

format. Provided direct

instruction and was able to oversee the students completing the tasks at two of the three math

the students finished at different times, so the teacher marked each completed page and students could move on to partner reading. This is a good way to keep students active, not waiting idly for other students to finish work. When utilizing centers, I found that the initial instructions were not sufficient to get each group started at a station. I had to find strategies to get them started on the exploration, then they were

\4Avrur SrArE UNIVERSIry Cou-rcn or roucnnoN

Service -Learning Log

Student Jennifer Swain



TED 2250 {Crais) and TED

2251 {Baker)

stations. Teacher helped students at the third station. This would be challenging with three stations running all at once and only one teacher.
Students worked on Bell work, answered questions. Teacher and I discussed classroom tips, utilizing prep time most effectively, organization, etc. during class gym time. Students worked individually on their

sor better able to continue working as a group. Without any

direction, they were fooling around with manipulatives, distracted and not working on the tasks. As students complete their writing workshop projects, they must show them to the teacher for final check. This gives the teacher the opportunity to



writing workshop conti nui ng projects. ln science, students beean a unit on the sun. After lunch during read aloud, assisted one student completing morning work. Assisted with math unit test. Students read independently, finishing their partner reading in humor.

offer suggestions to each individual student for corrections or improvements before writing their final draft.
For my final day of service learning, shared a treat with


the students. I feel very grateful for having had this experience and look forward to many more classroom learning opportunities. Total Hours

Supervisor/Site Contact Signature Student Signature

mpletion Date



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