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‘Studies in Contemporary German Social Thought (partial listing) ‘Thomas MeCarthy, general editor wn mn rn pi ry fine Smee cates as en nrg ae ee a a Ra Eee See erate a See en pace ie et (ees Rae Santer fees me ee eee ene eth ete argon Habermas, Poplar! Poe, SS eae eae ame EE eee gee aa wecoan sides (peta ichomae ga ae te eer ene Je cance is Otqur a Poo ce Sage Cra See he, sete Ph ne Ngee, ke fs Seta : Tee Aw can name am et et rcs Ente Sjs Renin vor Habermas en te Unfit [peg pp erage ‘Ricans Feige Ey and Eu ome rece Natere of Madi ‘ete He yearned ft On the Pragmatics of Communication Firgen Habermas edited by Maeve Cooke “The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts ©1098 Nasachets aie of Teta Prete tin Re endosteal eh ne cn ‘Sees | igh reser Nop hs ok aye proce any orm ty ay seco acca mene Grading poscopingrecorig cornu Stove and reel) hea pron wring en be pase hgh was tin erie y Metin eps nda ne an ond itary of Congres Cathiginglo Plein Dat a SPE comm fmt ene re cee demain Inches titographiea references and index, Prgms 1 Cook Mv, Tide. th Sre Contents Editor's Acknowledgments Introduction Marve Cooke 1 What Is Universal Pragmatics? (1976) 2 Social Action, Purposive Activity, and Communication (asst) ‘3 Communicative Rationality and the Theories of Meaning and Acton (1986) 4 Actions, Speech Acts, Linguistially Mediated Interactions, and the Lifeworld (1988) '5 Comments on John Searle's “Meaning, Communication, ‘and Representation” (1988) 6 Toward a Critique of the Theory of Meaning (1988) 7 Some Further Clasfications of the Concept of Communicative Rationality (1996) 8 Richard Rorty’s Pragmatic Turn (1996) 9 On the Distinction between Poetic and Communicative ‘Uses of Language (1985) a 105 183 a5 257 a7 307 33 383 Contents 10 Questions and Counterquestions (1985) 403 Selected Bibliography and Further Reading 435 Index a Editor’s Acknowledgments | would like to thank Thomas McCarthy for initiating this undertak- ing, fr fulfilling the role of series editor in an exemplary manne, snd for considerable help over and above his editorial duties with regard to tanslaion dificulies. My thanks are also due to Jargen Habermas for encouraging the project, for replying prompAly to my many queries, and for his unfailing cordial. Ronald Bohne helped, with the proofreading, with financial assistance from the Depart: ment of German, University College Dublin, and he also compiled the index. Here, too, Iam very grateful. Thanks, finally to Marin ‘Sauter not just for hie painstaking help in checking translations but, for his love and support over the many years it took to put this book, together "The translations of many of the chapters have been based on. catler published translations, as follows: ‘A translation of chapter 1 by Thomas MeCarthy was published Jorgen Habermas, Cammunicaton and the Feotution of Soi, ©1979 by Beacon Press, Boston ‘A translation of ehapter 2 by Thomas MeCarthy was published in Jigen Habermas, The Theory of Communicative Action, vol. 1, ©1984 by Beacon Press, Boston, [A translation of chapter 3 by Jeremy Gaines and Doris L, Jones was fist published in Communicative Action: Bxeys on Jirgen Hatermas’s The Theory of Communicative Action, edited by Axel Honneth and Hans Joa, ©1991 by Polity Pres, Cambridge, UK.

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