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Manamu Leda Ragam: Hamir Kalyani (65th Mela janyam) ARO: S R2 G3 M2 P D2 N3 S || AVA: S N3D2 P M2 G3 M1 (M#) G3 P M2 R2 S || Talam: Adi Composer:

Tyagaraja Version: Semmangudi Srinivasa Iyer Pallavi: Manamu Leda? Tanavadani Abhi- (maanamu) Anupallavi: Kanamura Ni Vale NirMohini Ganaruchi Deliyu Kusa Lava Janaka! Charanam: Ni Samukhaana Ravi Tanayudu Ninnu Basalu Balkaga Rosamuto Simhasanadhipati Jesina Niku Dasudaina Tyagaraja Kararcchita MEANING: (From T.K. Govinda Rao's Book) Have you lost ("leda") all sense of shame ("manamu"), and honour ("abhimanamu")? Or else have you no affection or love for your own people ("tanavadani")? Are you not the Parent ("janaka") of LAVA and KUSA who revel profoundly in music and enjoy ("theliyu") the melody ("gaana ruchi"). We have nowhere come across ("kanamura") any one who has lost all sense of consideration ("nirmohini") for others like you ("nee vale"). When SUGRIVA the son ("tanayudu") of the Sun ("ravi") flattered you ("ninnu") and praised ("basalu balkaga") your valour ("nee samukhaana"), with determination ("rosamuto") you caused ("jesina") him to ascend the throne ("simhasana-adhipati") of KISHKINDA. Yet when TYAGARAJA ("daasudaina tyagaraja") worships you constantly with dedication ("karaarchita"), you ("neeku") seem to have no love lost for him! Why this inexplicable bliss? Pallavi: Manamu Leda? Tanavadani Abhi- (maanamu) Have you lost ("leda") all sense of shame ("manamu"), and honour ("abhimanamu")? # ppM Ma-# ppM Ma-# ppM Ma-;P - na ;P - na ;S - na ,P, -mu,P, -mu,n dpP -- mu# pmM Le-GP Le-# | M,g -# gMg --rs S da?-# gMg --;; -rs S da?-; ; -|| || ||

| pmG P , m ---# # pm Pdp | pmM ,g gMg rs S Le-- - --- - - da?--

Or else have you no ("leda") affection or love ("abhimanamu") for your own people ("tanavadani")? S S Tana # ppM Ma-S S Tana SR va; gs - na SR vaS; -,n dpP -- muS; -P; da; pm - A# # pm Pdp | pmM ,g gMg Le-- - --- - - P; da|P; ni ; pm - A|P; ni DP bhiRS da?-dnsn bhipmmd - - -; ; -dp P - - -|| || ||

# ppM Ma-S S Tana # ppM Ma--

; gs - na SR va;P - na

,n dpP -- muS; -,P, -mu-

# # pm Pdp | pmM ,g gMg R S Le-- - --- - - da?-P; da# gMg Le-|P; ni | gPm -; pm - A# gMg --dnsr bhi# gpmg da?--

; ; -ssnd - - -R; --

|| ||

|| rrss ; ; -----

Anupallavi: Kanamura Ni Vale NirMohini Ganaruchi Deliyu Kusa Lava Janaka! We have nowhere come across ("kanamura") any one who has lost all sense of consideration ("nirmohini") for others like you ("nee vale"). P; Ka P; Ka S N Vale P; Ka S N Vale ,m - D - - na ,m - D - - na S rg Nir-,m - D - - na S rg Nir-,dP - mu,dP - murs S --,dP - murs S --S; ra S; ra ;; -SN ra srsr -| SN -| ;; -| snD Mo-S; -;; -;N - hi S; NiS; NidpP ni -S; NidpP ni -;; -;D -;; -;D -;; -|| || || || ||

| DN S; -- -| snD Mo-;N - hi

Are you not the Parent ("janaka") of LAVA and KUSA who revel profoundly in music and enjoy ("theliyu") the melody ("gaana ruchi"). # pmM Ga-nR- s Ku-sa ;P - na S- sd - La;P - ru dN , vaPD chiPD Ja|DP De| PD naN; li [SS] snsn ka! S; yuND -;; -pm D -|| ||

Charanam: Ni Samukhaana Ravi Tanayudu Ninnu Basalu Balkaga Rosamuto Simhasanadhipati Jesina Niku Dasudaina Tyagaraja Kararcchita When SUGRIVA the son ("tanayudu") of the Sun ("ravi") flattered you ("ninnu") and praised ("basalu balkaga") your valour ("nee samukhaana"), ... # pmM ; P ,P, P; |;; ;; Pdn dpP || Ni-- Sa -mukhaa --na---# pmM ; P ,P, P; |;; ;; Mdp MP || Ni-- Sa -mukhaa --na---# pmM ; P ,P, P; |;; ;; Pdn dpP || Ni-- Sa -mukhaa --na----

D,p Ra vi # pmM Ni-D,p Ra vi

;S -Ta ;P - Sa ;S -Ta

,N, - na ,P, -mu,N, - na

dpP yu-P; khaa dpP yu--

# # # | pm Pdp pm- M M,g gPm du - - - - - Ni nnu- - - |;; -Pdn na-# # # | pm Pdp pm- M M,g du - - - - - Ni nnu;; -dpP --R ; || ---

|| ||

... with determination ("rosamuto") you caused ("jesina") him to ascend the throne ("simhasanaadhipati") of KISHKINDA. # # # # M; ;-P , -P , ppM | M ; ; pm R; S ; || Ba- sa - lu Bal-- kaga- -# ppM ;P ,P, Pdp |PD S ,n dp P ; ,m || Ro-- sa - mu to-------# ## # ppM ; - gs n -P , pm Pdp | pmM ; pm R; S ; || Ba- sa - lu Bal-- kaga- -# ppM ;P ,P, Pdp |PD S ,n dp P ; ,m || Ro-- sa - mu to---Sim--PD haa;; -PD haaN; JePD haaN; Je;N - sa ;; -P- N - sa ; nr - siP- N - sa ; nr - si,S, -naa ;; -,S, -naa ,sS - na,S, -naa ,sS - na,sS - na;; -;; -;; -sn D Nee;; -sn D Neesn D Nee| S; dhi|;; -| S; dhi,d N S; - - pa - ti ;; -dnrs --;; -||

snD - P || - - - Sim ;; -; P - Sim ;; -DP Sim;; -|| || || ||

,d N S; - - pa - ti -

| pd nrS nd - N dpP ; - - - - - - - ku- | SR dhiD- N ,S - - pa - - ti -

| pd nrS nd - N dpP ; - - - - - - - ku- | pd nrS nd - N dpP ; - - - - - - - ku- -

[finish] N; ; nr Je- si-


Yet when TYAGARAJA ("daasudaina tyagaraja") worships you constantly with dedication ("karaarchita"), you ("neeku") seem to have no love lost for him! Why this inexplicable bliss? # ppM ;P ,P, PD |DP PS S; ;; || Da-- su -dai- na Tyaga-sn rsS ra - ;S - ja DN KaPD ra|PD -NS rcchiND ta PD - ||

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