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Part II

- How old are you? - Im.. years old. - Where is it? - Its IN/ ON/ UNDER.ex: BOX, TREE, ROCK, DESK,CHAIR, ETC. Youre hungry? Yes I am / No, Im not! Do you like.FOOD VOCABULARY? Yes,I do / No, I dont.

- What is this? - This is aNEW WORDS.

- Whats in the basket? - Its a. - What day is today? - Today is.. Exemple Propozitii: The car is white. The elephant is big. The octopus is small.

This is a queen. This is a heart. New lessons: House- consolidare, imbogatire vocabulary Food & drinks Utensils- spoon, fork, glass, cup, table, chair Seasons, months Places Opposites Body Parts

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