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What are the advantages and disadvantages of bulletin board???

Advantages: anyone (registered) can make comments/answers - and these are visible to every (registered) user immediately (unless moderation is required first). This can result in a very fast response to a question compared with a formal supportprocess/helpline. I feel like such a moron when i look at some of the answer you people put. Have some sense when you are going to put something on the internet. Answer: Notices give employees a sense of knowldge of what is going on. So they are not clueless. they give them updates of how the organisation is going and what they might need to do, and can help them with telling other people what to do. When they read the notices they will be passed around and everyone will know what they need to do or if what they have to do is super important. It shows all of the important things that you need to know. Disadvantages: anyone can make comments/answers - they could be wrong. Because there's no formal support process, answers may be slow/non-existant as you rely on the community instead of paid support personnel. For commercial organisations, formal support should be used if time-critical. For less urgent issues, and where an incorrect answer will not cause any problems (ie answers can be tested first) a BBS is fine. For general discussion on topics (ie not a q+a BBS like this) they can be very useful and interesting. However, if unmoderated, people may clash and have flame-wars, which detracts from the main discussion.

The Disadvantages of Bulletin Boards Consider whether bulletin boards are right for your classroom. Bulletin boards are classroom resources where teachers post information, hang student achievements and develop homeroom themes. One of the main advantages of having bulletin boards is that they allow teachers to take advantage of functional wall space. However, before posting a bulletin board in the classroom, consider the disadvantages they pose to determine whether or not the bulletin board is right for your students. 1. Distraction o Bulletin boards can be distracting to students. When teachers post stimulating information on the boards, students may become more interested in paying attention to what's on the board than listening to the teacher. Colorful bulletin boards are especially distracting to students with attention problems, according to Dr. Stanley Greenspan. To avoid such distractions to the classroom environment, some teachers do away with bulletin boards or keep them in the back of the classroom, out of obvious sight. Student Fairness o Some teachers use bulletin boards as a means of displaying students' achievements and good work. However, this can work as a disadvantage for those students whose work never makes it onto the board. Using a bulletin board for this purpose leaves certain students out and can hurt their feelings. If your goal is to be neutral and fair, post every student's work or none at all.

Clutter and Confusion o A cluttered bulletin board that is full of information can become confusing to students. If the bulletin board is where you post the emergency evacuation procedure, the lunch schedule, the information for the school play and the classroom chores lineup, your students may have a difficult time deciphering the information. Instead of using a bulletin board for this purpose, you can spread out the information on different parts of the wall, where the information becomes clearer for students.

Sharp Objects o Bulletin boards use tacks or pins to hold up the information being posted. Such sharp objects can become a safety hazard for students in the classroom. Loose pins that fall to the floor or scrape against students can cause injuries.

Not Very Green o During this environmentally-conscious age, the concept of printing paper and posting it on bulletin boards is not very green. As a teacher, think about alternative ways to provide the information you need to for the students that doesn't involve using up as much paper and ink.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of a memo? Advantages: It's a written record. You can always refer to it to see exactly what was said. Disadvantage: It eliminates valuable, non-verbal communication, and the writer does not receive instant feedback.

The appropriate use of memos, reports, bulletins and newsletters Communication is very important in workplaces. Businesses and offices can't survive and succeed without any good forms of communication. There are different kinds of ways to communicate in workplaces and unfortunately, not a lot of people, especially those in the lower ranks, know these types and when is the appropriate time to use them. Four of the most common types of workplace communication are: [1] memos, [2] reports, [3] bulletins, and [4] newsletters. These four types differ from each other and serve different purposes. Read on and find out how these types differ from each other. 1.) Memos - Memorandums or memos for short are very formal notices or types of workplace communication. Memos normally contain instructions, announcements, and is sometimes used as a way to reprimand or give sanctions to a worker or personnel. Memos are handed out by higher ranking officials to lower ranking ones. Memorandums are not limited to business or work related issues only.

Memos are also handed out to give out interoffice announcements such as parties, meetings, and other activities. 2.) Reports - Reports is purely a work or business related form of communication. Reports contain relevant data needed in businesses or investments. Reports normally include a certain person or a department's performance in a certain period of time, normally being made weekly, monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and annually. Inside the workplace, a lower ranking personnel normally submits a report to the higher ranking official. In such way, reports give the higher ranking official an idea of how good or bad did the group do. Without reports, the business or workplace is going to be like a ship without a compass, it doesn't know where it is going. 3.) Bulletins - Bulletins normally serve as announcement boards. Bulletins are more informal in their nature as it may contain personal information. Activities such as team building, employees and personnels' birthday, sports events, and other non-work and business related can be posted in bulletin boards. Ideally, everybody is allowed to post in bulletin boards but since a workplace follows a certain hierarchy, either the high ranking official or the designated personnel are the only ones who are allowed to post in bulletin boards. 4.) Newsletters - Newsletters contain everything from business related data and events down to the personnel and employees activities and events. Newsletters are like newspapers, they contain everything that has happened over a certain period of time. Normally, companies and businesses give out newsletters every month covering every detail as possible what happened to the previous month. Newsletters make everything the company or business does transparent. Every employee or personnel are given newsletters which makes them see everything that has been happening. This is very important and useful for huge companies that have different branches. It makes all employees see what is happening to their other branches. Knowing the importance and purpose of these types of interworkplace communication is very important. Normally, high ranking officials know what these types are for. It is also very important for low ranking personnel to know these types so they can use it effectively and in the right way. How to use these types is a lost art and most people undermine its importance and impact. Knowing on how and when to use such types is one way of showing professionalism.

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