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DCI John Luther

Tv drama/soap - Tv Drama Genre of tv drama/soap Crime thriller Actor/actress name Idris Elba Character name DCI John luther Ages of character and actor Late 30s Mid 40s Ethnicity Black, English Male Regional identity Hackney, London Costume usually includes A grey shirt and jacket, red tie Sum up lifestyle in 5 words Dangerous, Mystery, Eventful, Tedious, Emotional Friends include Justin Ripley, Alice Morgan, Zoe Luther Interests

Interest in cars and case solving Motivation in most situations Luther is very indulgent in his work, and most storys the series is involved in revolves around his work, Luther is driven by his passion for justice. Love life Alice morgan Problems in life Depression after the death of his wife and best friend Key moment in drama series / soap The death of the people around him, the Russian roulette scenes Prediction for future narratives(storylines) Teaming up with Alice Morgan How is the audience supposed to react to them? Explain view Life and work have merged into one for Luther and he relegates all other aspects of his life to afterthoughts, including his wife, a humanitarian lawyer, Zoe is intelligence is unparalled in the force and it is referenced on more than one occasion that he is well-read with an interest in literature and philosophy, much to the disappointment of his father, for whom sports and the military were paramount. John is intuitive and instinctive but always with the support of logical reasoning. His problemsolving prowess and particularly high capabilities in deduction and inference often allow him to outwit suspects, and even his fellow officers. Perhaps the most powerful attribute is his

tenacity and almost obsessive commitment to work - a commitment that costs him dearly. An audience would interpret him as a work loving man that would stop at nothing to source justice, he is a very dynamic character layering his talents with episodes and can often be sorted as a Bad Hero

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