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Anatomy of legs viens The venous system of the leg is formed of superficial and deep systems according to the

relation to the deep fascia & perforators communication both.

"The superficial system" *Long saphenous : -From upward contiuation of the medial marginal vien of foot. -In the medial side of the leg. -posteromedial to the medial condyle. -Join the femoral vien at the saphenous opening 4 cm below and lateral to pubic tubercle. -It accompanies the saphenous nerve in the leg "might be injured during stripping operation .....anesthesia or hypersthesia in the medial side of leg. *Short Saphenous :

-From lateral part of venous arch. -Behind lateral malleolus. -Posterior to popliteal fossa. -Join popliteal vien in the middle of popliteal fossa "saphenopopliteal junction is variable , as short saphenous may open in femoral or long saphenous vien". -It accompanies sural nerve.

#Tributaries of long saphenous : 1-Superficial circumflex iliac. 2-superficial epigastric. 3-superficial external pudendal. #Less common tributaries : 1-Anterolateral ; from the thigh . 2-posteromedial :from the thigh. 3-vien of Leonardo Davinci ;from the calf. 4-Anterior &posterior arch viens "in leg" NB : pressure in superficial viens of legs during standing 80 mmHg "The Deep System" ^It starts by :

1-venae comittant with the anterior & posterior tibial artery. 2-peroneal viens. 3-soleal venous plexus. ^which together from the popliteal vien ....then the femoral vien.

"The Perforators" *They provided by valves allow the passage of the blood from superficial system to deep system of the legs. *They are variable in number and site. *The most fixed distribution : ^Above knee perforator "hunter" : -Bteween the lower third & middle of the thigh. -It is called Hunter perforator because it is present near Hunter canal. ^Belw knee perforator "Body's" : -Just below the knee. ^Ankle perforators "Cockette" : -2'4'6 inches above the medial malleolus.

^Lateral perforator : -Between the lower and middle third of the leg. -Is the only one from the short saphenous vien. ##Factors that help venous return from lower limb : *The muscle pump "soleus act as peripheral heart" *The uni-directional valves. *Negative intra-thoracic pressure. *Transmitted arterial pulsations to venae commitans.

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