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Teacher Expectations
Below is a list of expectations for all students in Room 303. I expect each student to 1. Be courteous 2. Be prepared 3. Be willing to learn 4. Follow all policies and procedures

Below is a list of consequences for students disrupting the learning environment. 1st verbal warning 2nd parent contacted, action recorded 3rd parent teacher consequence, action recorded 4th referral to administration, parent contacted, action recorded SEVERE DISRUPTIONS Any student that causes a severe disruption will be sent immediately to the main office. These disruptions are classified as disruptive to the teaching and learning environment and/or unsafe for any person in the classroom. Severe disruptions include but are not limited to fighting, bullying, offensive and vulgar language, and etc.

Getting Your Attention Procedures I will raise my hand high in front of the class I will wait for all students to stop talking and focus their attention on me When all students are quiet and focused I will began to speak

Dismissal Procedures Place all items to take home on your desk Pick up any trash around your area When your group is called, quietly go the locker and retrieve your items Pack your book bag quietly and quickly When your group is called, line up quietly and quickly

Collaborative Group Work Procedures Use low speaking voice within groups Work together on ALL assigned problems If assistance is needed, please consult group members and use teacher as final option Be ready to present material covered in your groups Note any students not participating fully Arrival Procedures Enter the room quietly Take materials out of your book bag and place them in your desk Eat your breakfast quietly Dump milk, throw away breakfast, and place items in the locker when your group is called Sit at your desk quietly with materials ready for class Individual Work/ Assessment Procedures No talking for ANY reason Work on task individually Raise your hand if you need assistance

Whole Group Instruction Procedures ALL students take ALL notes presented on the board No talking to your classmates Participate in guided examples If assistance is needed, please wait until all examples have been presented before raising your hand

Absence/Tardy Procedures Absent Bring a note from your parent Check the while you were out bin Get the missing notes from a classmate Tardy Place tardy slip on teachers desk Give the teacher the purple attendance folder Put your items in the locker quickly and quietly Join the rest of the class quietly

Library Check In/Check Out Procedures You must have permission to visit the library Check in/check out will be at the end of the day Do not let other students see your book Make sure your selection matches your Lexile and is AR appropriate

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