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OET Preparation Course Letter Writing - Radiography Useful expressions Introduction I am writing to explain the reason for my actions

on I am writing in response to your letter concerning . Thanks you for your letter regarding Mr Xs X-ray. I have included a copy of for your information. I have enclosed my own memo concerning this patient for your reference. Presentation Mr/Ms (first) attended me last year three weeks ago (not before) on (date) in (month) with (illness/problem) suffering from (suspected) (illness) complaining of (symptoms eg shortness of breath, chest pain, numbness on the left side, etc.) for a routine (procedure eg check up) following (an accident, a fall, a fight, etc.)

Observations On examination, Mr/Ms was seen to have/to be suffering from On examination, was noticed/was detected/was found There was (no) noticeable/there was (no) obvious deterioration of/damage to/abnormality in

Past medical history Mr/Mrs Xs medical history includes She/he has a (past) medical history of Mr/Mrs has a (long) history of Mr/Mrs suffers from Mr/Mrs is a (heavy smoker/non-insulin dependent diabetic/etc) The patients history includes a past episode of (2 years ago, etc.)

Recent procedures/treatment Use the present perfect when the ACTION is more important/relevant to the current situation than the TIME. He/She has had his/her (gall bladder) (removed). His/Her (sutures) have been (removed). He/She has recovered from the procedure.
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Use the past simple when TIME and ACTION are BOTH important/relevant to the current situation. He/She had his/her sutures removed 7 days ago. His/Her sutures were removed yesterday.

Progress was successfully treated/has been successfully treated has resolved well/has fully resolved is continuing to improve/is making good progress Mrs Smiths condition had deteriorated There was/is no apparent improvement in my patients condition.

Explaining previous discussions with the patient/other professionals I have notified about this. I have explained the situation to I have discussed this with

Future procedures to be performed by you He/She is to have his/her (sutures) (removed) tomorrow. He/She is due for a follow-up appointment in 14 days.

Refutation of complaint Unfortunately, However, Furthermore, In addition,

Exceptions Other than Apart from Except for is otherwise OK/stable/intact He/She is allergic to/cannot tolerate

Cause/Effect words be due to (the fact that)/be caused by (the fact that)/result from (the fact that) lead to/result in

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Prioritising conditions Mr/Ms Smiths most serious complaint is, so I would like to deal with this first. The priority at the moment is controlling/treating/managing Once this is under control, I would then like to focus on

Tests tests/x-rays (have) confirmed showed were inconclusive are required to confirm whether were taken/were performed

Diagnosis Mr/Msappears to be/have/seems to be/have My tentative diagnosis is, but I would appreciate your opinion on/confirmation of this. I believe that my patient has Requirements The patient requires immediate Further tests are needed to confirm this diagnosis.

Making requests I would be grateful/I would appreciate it if you could,,, assess give me your opinion as to whether advise as to whether provide ongoing treatment confirm my diagnosis and provide ongoing management of the patients condition.

Conclusion I hope this information is helpful in your investigation of the patients complaints. I trust you find this information useful.

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